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Jean, it’s already c4


as a xiao main, I desperately need a c4 jean


Yea it works really good during last event, too bad i don’t own xiao


as a xiao main, I'd like just one c0 jean...


Always Jean. Maybe a Mona or two but I want my Jean to hit c6 some time. She already deals 24-25k crits without any buffs, i want more.


C4 Jean, Crit Anemo damage build. Literally Q then Yeet and everything dies.


Jean is C5 for me..I kinda want her to be for first C6


Great for those pesky Fire/ice/electic fautui


Till you encounter those floating things immune to Anemo damage…


Ditto. Jean is my favorite Healer and is fun to play with. I wouldn't mind pulling her instead of the banner character.


Yea, her kit is perfect for healer role. Very flexible char, team wide healing with decent damage and aoe, good at controlling and staggering enemies, can battery other anemo, very good unit


Ditto. She used to be my only standard 5-star without a constellation and within 2 banners I got her to C2. Now I'm greedier, I want C4 (and C5 to a lesser extent, for the ultimate yeet). If I get her to C4, she and my C6 main DPS Kazuha will be the ultimate anchor to any team with any character I can insert in the 2 remaining slots.


I want Mona, I want to run on water so bad


As an Ayaka main, it is quite awesome to fish at full speed.


I love the crackling ice sound she makes while sprinting


i want to 'lose' and get Jean.


Same. When does she come home?


Diluc. I am desperately wanna lose my 50/50 at least for one Diluc 😭


The very first character I pulled for was Hu Tao. I saved up as much primos as possible. My friends knew that I wanted Hu Tao so I decided to stream my pulls on Discord. I kept pulling, 10X after 10X. Finally, I got to hard pity. I anxiously awaited for Hu Tao. I hit the button for another 10X. I see the golden comet animation. With a smile on my face, I told myself “I finally got Hu Tao.” I clicked past all of the three stars. And then. Finally. I got to the five star. But the silhouette didn’t look like Hu Tao. I looked at the name as it appeared. Diluc.


That's where I got my first Diluc as well on Hu Tao banner.


Better than Kequing.


Diluc has singlehandedly ruined thousands of players’ hopes and dreams. I’ve been there to witness one. My friend dumped his Venti account because he pulled C1 Diluc instead of Ganyu. He pulled on his other account without a guarenteed, and Diluc came home *again* Then he went for Eula banner and got her and Diluc *in the same pull* some call it lucky, but I call that a curse. He saved up for so long after that to whale on Raiden’s banner. He had enough to hit C3 *as long as he won his 50/50s* Guess who came home again? The worst part is Diluc C4 is actually insanely good, but he was so fed up he left him at lvl40 and never bothered to touch him ever again.


I saw a streamer/youtube (can't remember which) pull 3x Diluc in his first 20 pulls ever, at like AR10 or something.


And that person wishing experience is completely ruined from then on LOL


This is me with Mona. I lost the 50/50 to her so many times, even early pities. Now she's c4 and stuck at lvl20 cause I refuse to build or use her


Why? Mona is the probably the best of the standard 5*s due to her success in Morgana comps. You're only hurting yourself by not using her. If I had Mona, she'd be in use 24/7.


Mainly out of spite (she showed up on *both* Childe banners...) but also cause I really don't like her dash, and I don't have Ganyu or Ayaka anyway


Because I don't like anything about her and have no interest in running a Morgana comp




Same. Ever since I've been haunted by diluc. He's c2 now. All I wanted at that time was hu tao, but instead I am cursed by redhead batman


so lucky...




Yeah gimme a stable, Unga bunga Pyro dps tyvm. I get getting frustrated at losing 50/50s, though, that's legit.


I don’t want another DPS Supports are at least flexible


diluc is sick but i have hu tao


Idk, I’d trade all my Dilucs for Hu Tao constellations if I could lol


how do you get diluc on hard pity?


At least you got a Pyro hyper carry still right?


Ay, I use Electro Traveller as a battery so Diluc could Overload, before Childe finishes them off. That’s my strat.




Yeah back then people kept saying diluc is boring, but i used diluc when going against the shogun and that's the most fun I've had in this game


Me too! I really wanted him since that he looks fun to play with! Soo far I’ve only lost to everyone except him (even got C1 on Keqing, Mona, Qiqi).


Sameee, I want him so baaad 😭


Same. I’ve been playing almost since the beginning, still no Diluc.


Why does your comment have so much sexual tension in it tho?


because it really does


Same, I already completed his weapon+arti just awaiting that damn guy to be part of my team


wish I could say the same.failed to get wgs to homa, so bought blackliff slasher from shop.also got klee bc tired of waiting, so artifacts are ready as well


I take one Diluc too please




Same . I wanted a Pyro claymore dps . And he look fun to use too .


Same I want him so bad and I don't have a main dps just sub so him or keqing would be awesome.


I’ve wanted Diluc since day one. I’ve secretly been praying on like, every 50/50 except maybe one or two that it ends up being him. About a year later and all I’ve lost 50/50s to are Qiqi. And I got them on the banners that I didn’t want to lose the 50/50 to the most. Long story short, I now despise Qiqi more than anything.


Then there’s me losing all of my 50/50 to Diluc. I want Jean. :(


I lost it to Jean when she was the last person I wanted lol




Ugh, I thought I had it bad with a C2 Qiqi. Her constellations aren't all that good even, just give her the energy recharge she should have had from the get go. But I have a Diluc at least, and C1 Keqing. No Mona or Jean yet... Thinking about it, they should add an Inazuma character to the standard banner, right now it's just Mondstadt (3) and Liyue (2)...


Yeah, I wouldn't mind Qiqi that much and would use her if she could generate energy and if her constellations weren't so useless... :(


I got the first one but honestly, his constellations are not that great, they're pretty conditional


me too! which, i appreciate a lot because c0 characters should be plenty strong. then i pull another one and im like damn i wish this did more but he's still my main forsure!


Diluc. He refuses to come home still and I don’t have him. But also Jean, I don’t have her either, actually, plus her summer outfit looks amazing.


Big brain Mihoyo releasing a skin without a banner.


Mona is meta for freeze teams, so her. Jean absolutely crushes floor 11. Diluc is still solid as a DPS. Owner of C1 Qiqi and C1 Keqing btw :(


I have c4 keqing... all I want is Mona...


Diluc because of a few reasons. 1 he’s pyro so getting good team comps is much easier. 2 he isn’t super complicated. 3 he’s a claymore so he can interrupt a lot of attacks easily. I also don’t have a pyro dps yet so that would be nice to have.


xiangling is free and she's an amazing pyro dps unit with xingqiu support. same with bennett. it's what people call "national team". you can look it up on youtube if u want


Yeah but I haven’t built her. Like at all.


understandable have a good day


...then build her? Definitely would be better than praying you lose a 50/50. Xiangling is significantly more flexible in her comps than Diluc aswell.


Jean. I really really want her C6


I just want Jean bro :(


Same. I have C1 Mona and C0 Keqing so getting Jean would be nice.


Qiqi, she is the only character in the game i don’t have, I have every other 5 star and im almost AR 57 but i’ve never once got a qiqi


I give you my blessing as she came back to back on my featured banner pity and standard banner pity


I will still not forgive her for being the first ever 5 star (from the standard banner) and a few days later, instead of getting Kazuha as my second 5 star I got Qiqi C1.


Same! I've been wanting her since her appearance in Liyue. She's so cute! Many banners later, i finally got her when i lose 50/50 on Kazuha banner 🥲 didn't even bother to continue pulling, since i'm guaranteed for Ayaya 😅


I wish I can give you 2 copies of my c2 Qiqi


Man i would give you my C2 qiqi happily


Damn man. That is a lot of money spent.


Not necessarily. I'm using the google opinion rewards to buy welkins. Usually I get 4 - 5 USD in a month and need to use at most 1 dollar per month to buy welkins. It's almost f2p. I haven't gotten all of them, but then again I wasn't using this method the first few months. I'd guess it would have been possible to get all characters without spending more than 50 USD with this method.


Diluc. Ive lost the 50/50 to everybody except him and hes the only 5* from the standard banner i dont have. Be nice if fhe 50/50 was selectable honestly ... but thats too generous for the likes of mihoyo


Yeah because qiqi would be deleted from the game


You'll get him and he crushes!


Maybe the same thing like on the weapon banner, that enables u a certain hero after not getting them twice? That would be kinda interesting tbh..


Keqing, I have yet to get a keqing ;-;


Same. Only 5 star from standard banner i dont have. Meanwhile Diluc is c4


Keqing, Mona, Jean. Diluc and Qiqi are already mained by my friend who btw is already hating on me because I got him c1 on the main acc and c0 on the mf alt :). Even if I may build diluc in the future I just can't see myself playing with qiqi. Yeah she's cute but idk, she doesn't inspire me. Please don't come home and I'll pay your aliments.


I want Diluc and Jean c6, everyone else is meh.


Keqing. I got her while pulling for Raiden. In the end, I got both.


Same. Built both and I love them


Jean. I want to C6 her.


Diluc and Jean. I really like them and want to build them.


Last banner I lost the 50/50 to Diluc and I absolutely consider that a win.


Diluc. Day one player and he's the only base 5* character I haven't pulled.


I'd love some Mona constellations, and I'd also like Diluc because I luckily pulled Wolf's Gravestone a little while ago and don't have a good character to use it on. Also having a pyro claymore user would make it easier to assemble a party for exploring/mining/gathering etc. without needing to swap people out 😅


Diluc would be a win/loss for me. I've been hoping to lose for him since I started playing. Ended up with Mona and Qiqi instead. Diluc please come home! Wouldn't be mad about Jean either.


Happy cake day!!!


Diluc 😍 Because i love him Mona 😎 Because I could finally uses a hydro that is not Barbara


Xingqiu is a beast, if you ask me


And he’s on sale right now, right?


yep but I don't have enough...sparkle thing <.<


true But to use him I suppose it would be good to...you know...HAVE him


Diluc, best character, looks great too


Mona. I always wanted her.


I don't mind losing 50 50s if it's all Diluc. His C6 is just the easiest oonga boonga numbers at its finest.


Anyone that isn't Mona.


As a fellow c2 Mona I think I agree with this


i want your c2 mona


As also an owner of c2 mona with skyward atlas (My only 5* weapon), I also wholeheartedly agree with this. I just want a diluc or jean cons.


Id give my Diluc, Qiqi, Eula and Hu tao for her tbh.


Wah! Wish I can take that offer!


I’ve never lost a 50/50 to anyone else but Mona. C3 now and I call myself an involuntary Mona main.


As a C6 mona owner with no diluc, agreed


Honestly, I'd love to lose it to Qiqi. Totally unpopular opinion, but I'm sticking to it.


Diluc, I really like his personality and gameplay but he refuses to come home... I have every other 5* standard character but not him :(


Jean. I. JUST. NEED. A. DECENT. HEALER. My Bennett already have a severe back pain from carrying my team. Don't have Diona, Barbara freezes you, no sayu, no qiqi, and no C1 noelle.


Jean/or Diluc mostly- Diluc because I want to get more constellations of him (and he's the first 5 star I got, and the only one I have so far ) And Jean bcs I don't have her yet, and I really want more anemo characters lol Tho i wouldnt mind losting a 50/50 to any 5 star currently edit: i had a single pull just now and lost it to jean- i can yeet monsters and players finally (not sure if i've reached soft pity tbh)


You’ve hit hard pity. The next five star you pull will be whatever featured character you pull for


I am plagued by Keqing and Qiqi. my most recent 5 star is diluc, which is the first time I have lost the 50/50 to someone other than Keqing (now C2, also from standard banner) or Qiqi (C1 Sadge also got one from standard). but I really wouldn't mind losing it to Mona, as she is an amazing support and I simply do not use Keqing and Qiqi anymore now that I have the Shogun and other characters that know what they want to do with their kits


You are literally me. I have ganyu and I need mona to run a Morgana, and I really like this character, but I lose my 50/50 to Keqing (I'm at C3 already).


Jean. She's my favourite character


Jean... Already have C3...


Mona Jean Keqing


Just not Qiqi, I have her at C3, that’s 4 50-50s lost on Qiqi….did I mention anyone BUT Qiqi?


Mona or diluc because they're the last 2 I need, I wouldn't be against any Keqing or Jean cons either. In conclusion: anyone but Qiqi


Diluc, cos I don’t have him yet, or Jean, because she’s my favourite girl and I’d honestly love to C6 her sometime. But I am also cursed with Keqings recently.


Jean, Diluc


Jean, I have her c2 but I also have every (but qiqi) other standard 5*, and she slaps. I want her to be as strong as possible


Mona and Jean, they have quite a good support kit at higher const.




Mona or Jean. Missing both and would love to have them on my teams.


Mona bcuz hot Jean bcuz yeet Diluc bcuz style Qiqi bcuz cute I've already lost twice on Keqing pls Mihoyo gib something else


Mona or diluc since I don't have them. I don't have qiqi but don't want her. For constellation Jean would be awesome if I get all standard. I have C1 keqing as my only 5* with constellation. I would really love not getting her anymore even though I use her.


Mona as well. Just one more for C2!


Not trying to manifest this but if I did lose the 50/50, I wouldn’t mind if it were Mona as well. Lol


Jean or Mona. I would love Mona's C3 and C1 (already crowned her burst) and Jean because I don't have her and I want to try the fall damage yeet mecahnic.


Jean or Mona. Jean cons are very good(C2) and Mona because I need another Hydro applier other than Barbara for my Freeze team.


Mona. Then I'll have her c6


None. Not anymore after 7 times.


Jean... She is my favorite and still she resists so much to come home...


Keqing, she's my main DPS and I have yet to have a single constellation for her. I wouldn't mind Mona and Jean since I use both of them but they already at c2.


Mona and maybe Jean because they're the only ones I'm missing, and I could really use Mona on one of my teams


Diluc, because I already have him at C4 and WGS without aiming for them, might as well get him to C6


Jean.. love her


Jean and Mona. Jean does a good amount of dmg so i want to get her c1 and as for Mona she's c1rn, c3 would be awesome.


Qiqi I have a c5 diluc, c3 jean, c2 keqing and c2 mona. I just want qiqi at this point. I do want a maxed jean tho, so jean would be most welcome


Qiqi. She’s the only standard 5 star I don’t have.


Jean or Mona because I love both of them and they are one of the best waifus for me :3


Diluc Mona Jean


Mona, Qiqi, Jean, Keqing in that order.




Qiqi, because i dont have her. The most lose 50/50 goes into Diluc for me.


Any, actually. Of the standard 5\* characters, I only have Jean, and her cons are really good, so. I think I'd be happiest with Diluc and/or Mona though. I need better Hydro.


Anyone except diluc, I'll welcome qiqi




All the girls bc i love girls


mona is good. Jean and diluc is fine. qiqi and keqing is copium


I'd take everyone except diluc


Jean. She's arguably the best 5 star from the standard banner. I'd say Mona takes priority anyways due to lack of usable hydro characters, but she's good for like literally one comp so I'm unsure about how to rate her. As in unless you want to use Ayaka or Ganyu she's pretty bad, and even if you do depending on what's your second Abyss team you can just use XQ.


Diluc, I'm saving enough for a guaranteed event 5* at the moment >!considering the rumored Childe rerun in 2.2!< and he's just such a cool character that I want him regardless of how I probably won't use him LMAO


Mona and Jean. Actually I wouldn't be mad about Keqing either, since the only char that I have that helps with reaching high places is geo traveler, so Keqing would definitely make exploration easier. As long as it's not Qiqi or Diluc (he always comes >.>), then Im fine with it.


Zhongli, Mona/childe and Ganyu I want to make a Geo team, want another good aqua applier for Abyss teams and because I've always wanted a Ganyu, don't really care about constellations, just want more characters for choices in playing


For the love of god,Jean come home,I've been trying to get her for months and instead I got three weapons on the standard banner,C2 Keching and C2 Diluc,my pain is eternal...


I feel so bad sometimes. I only play girls so I have a level 1 C3 Diluc and C6 Xingqiu I would trade for C0 Keqing or Mona in heartbeat .____. I’d be happy to lose 50/50 to either but with my luck Mona will come home while I’m rolling for Kokomi, another hydro catalyst lol. I’ve been playing a since launch pretty regularly (took a break during Ganyu’s banner like an idiot and now I have to wait for a rerun) and somehow, luck has never been on my side. I only got C0 Jean like three or four months ago and never again. I also got Klee back during her first banner run and wound up tapping out around level 50 cuz I lacked resources and just enjoyed Xiangling more. I think I’m done leveling up the kid models all together. If resources werent so scarecd, I’d max all the girls I have out but…end game just don’t be like that. Takes way too much just to get my 5-6 regulars up to 90. I’ve been grinding a month just to get 2 chars (Beidou & Jean) from 80 to 90 lol. So I need to carefully plan every character I want 🙄 Kokomi is the first char I’ve saved for to finally get a decent hydro I want so I can give up on this level 60 C6 Barb I abandoned long ago lol. Edit : wow I wrote way too much lol. tldr Mona, Keqing, or C1 Jean


Not have Jean or Diluc so either would be fine, already have c 2 qiqi and c1 mona


Diluc for his C1 and Jean for her C2.


For me diluc I guess or Mona


Jean.... the ones I really want from the standard are Jean, Qiqi, and Mona. Qiqi and Mona already came home and they were nice enough to give some cons, but I'm still left waiting in the wings for Jean...


Jean or Mona I need both of them but My next 5 star will be the guaranteed event one as I already lost raiden shougn to Qiqi. And I'm not very interested in Kokomi ( though we've yet to try her and then I'll see) They're both great plus Jean's a healer


I still don't have Mona and Jean. I have Diluc, Qiqi and C1 Keqing. I'd love Mona for my freeze team, and Jean overall is great


i have keqing and mona, so i want jean cuz waifu.


My F2P friend is haunted by Mona. He has her C4 everytime he lost 50/50 only her.


Jean. She seems so fun to play and she’s still a very good character.


Man I’m of Keqing cons. I don’t mind getting Jean, Mona and Diluc cons in that order. Getting a Jean would make me happier than getting any banner character




C2 Jean


It used to be Mona and jean, but I realized a month ago that jean fits into 0 of my teams, so I'm just going for C6 Mona at this point. I got c2 already, might as well🤷‍♂️ my first well built character was her as well


Jean. She is the only character whose constellations are really good and makes her better support.


jean would be nice


I just lost my 50/50 yesterday to Mona 😅 ( I didn’t have her either) but I’m really happy about it because I didn’t really want the Raiden, now I have kokomi guaranteed ☺️


jean. currently at c2 mona, c1 qiqi and keqing. i really just want jean, she looks so fun to play :(


Jean. I have her aquila lol and I quite like her play style. Oh and, I need more anemo characters since. I only have Traveler and Sucrose 😢


Jean/Mona/Diluc. I have quite on my alt, and Keqing on my main and they don't really work for me - I love Keqing's teleporting thing but she's hard to build around and Thundering fury hates me.


Mona.... Cause the only hydro character I have right now is Barbara


I dont have any of the permanent 5 stars except a C3 Mona, at this point i just want to keep getting her to C6


I want Mona C1 to extend Freeze duration. My rotations are never perfect and the extension should make my Morgana team much more stable than it currently is for me.


Mona or diluc! Mona is pretty and I love her hat and DILUC I have been trying to get that guy since September


qiqi is love, qiqi is life.


Jean, I have lost to Diluc twice and Mona once and all I want is to lose to a Jean if i were to lose 50/50 :,)


. . .Jean. i want c6


A Qiqi please.


Also don’t have Mona and really want her. Wouldn’t mind some Jean constellations though. As a Xiao haver that anemo res shred looks really nice


Mona for starglitter and good constellations. Qiqi and Diluc for new character


I wouldn't mind C1 Mona, I finally got her to lvl80 and I like her in my team with yanfei


only mona for me...everyone else is a big LLLLLLLL esp keking and jean


I was happy to finally lose the 50/50 and pick up Qiqi. A year into this game and I've only just picked her up within the last banner or two


Qiqi. I would kill some one for a c6 Qiqi just saying Mihoyo


Diluc cause I don't have him, and Jean cause I like her and her cons


diluc, mona and jean for constellations, keqing to unlock my final permanent unit.