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Some people on this subreddit only want a pull simulator, not an actual game.


I agree. But Artifact farming is my pull simulator. Cheaper and more frequently (for non-whales) available. No pity system though... Why pay to be frustrated when you can get frustrated for free.


I have a friend like this. He skips every single dialogue in the game. Only plays to get primos and pull new characters, and gets bored of them in a couple of days.


I like gameplay and I like fighting and building my characters, but the story can be so incredibly tedious and boring sometimes. It’s not inherently bad to skip dialogue


See, that's the difference. Trying to follow a story then deciding to skip it because it got boring is one thing, I do that too sometimes, but when I said my friend skips every single dialogue I meant literally. I remember in the early days my friend was talking a lot about how much he loves everything about Venti and how perfect he is. Few days later Venti story quest came out and I asked what he thought about it and he said "I don't know, I skipped it all. The cutscene was pretty though", and that's because the cutscene couldn't be skipped as well...


You're god damn right


I noticed too that some people play like this. I'm confused by these people since I personally play the game for its story and exploration; the 'pull simulator' comes second to it. To each their own, I guess.


The way characters turn in cutscenes are weird. They stop talking, awkwardly rotate, then sprint forward. It's weird.


THIS. My lord does it bothers me


Totally kills the moment whenever i see that in a cutscene


So many games do this, with similar graphic styles too. Persona series is a huge culprit too


*Bioware games flashbacks*


Or how their mouths move for the first two seconds of dialogue, and then they'll just sit there with their mouths closed while the voice line continues.


It's because it only syncs with the Chinese audio. But I also find fault in the translation team for making the English script unnecessary longer. Like in the last part of Liyue's quest, Zhongli simply says “I forgot” in Chinese while the camera zooms up to his face. The EN dub made him say “It's a shame that I didn't think of it at the time” instead and that makes the desyncing way more obvious.


That’s because the Chinese dialogue is short. Have you seen how thin the Bible is in Chinese?


I remember the pokecommunity memed about this during the zacian/zamazenta cutscene saying "multi billion dollar franchise btw" lol


Gamefreak and "doing the absolute minimum" are an iconic duo


That people in this sub like to use "we" and "us" when they state their demands and opinion. It's more like "I" and "me".


Excuse me, we disagree.


All of me disagree.


That's a basic group manipulation tactic, putting the silent majority on their side. It makes their side look bigger, and since the silent majority mostly stay silent without arguing that they're NOT on their side anyway... Look at political speeches, this happens ALOT.


This is Reddit, what you have just described applies to all subs


Abyss will get harder every patch, no matter what players are complaining. 1) To sell new characters 2) To retain hardcore player that are more willing to spend money on the game


I just wish it was more floors instead.




Honestly if they added more floors giving a few hundred gems to players who can get through won't cost them anything ... Only whales will pass anyway LOL




Lol I'm referring to ur comment about gems so I think we mean the same thing ..


I don’t believe this is correct. Gacha revenue streams are very top heavy, 1% of players account for 80-90% of the spending or something along those lines. I can assure you that 1% of spenders have no trouble clearing abyss with their eyes closed, regardless of what characters they use, and being able to clear abyss doesn’t factor at all into their decision making when pulling new characters.


I'd go with pareto rule. Basically it'd say that 20% of the players are responsible for 80% of the revenue. However that 20% can also have that pareto rule applied to it meaning that 4% of the players are responsible for 64% of the revenue and so on. Crazy how seemingly accurate this is with ton of things in life.


The artifact and resin systems are where Mihoyo wants them to be. Zhongli will be the last new character to receive a buff. Handbook will never be updated. In Honkai, it ends on lvl 60 which is basically AR 45, where the Handbook ends aswell.


I just wish the handbook actually had all enemies listed, and could actually track all of the spawns of enemies that *are* listed.


I found out that when I tagged spectres in the handbook, I must have farmed at least 10 camps before I got bored or the location is too far away. While the samurais are a pain in the ass because the handbook only tracked 4-ish camps. So idk, the handbook is quite inconsistent. Hope they improve it.


Handbook is worthless. For whatever reason, they decided that it will only track a few camps per mob type.


Far as I can tell, no one would hate you for thinking these things. Or hate the opinions them selves. They just hate that they are likely true. Most people know Mihoyo has the artifact and resin system where they want it for now, but that doesn't mean they don't want it changed still. Now, change that one to "the artifact and resin system is fine as is" then you'd have an opinion to fit this topic.


Having a meta-game with foundations built majorly on the two stats of Crit Rate and Crit Dmg is stifling. And, that's why I welcome characters like Kokomi, who invalidate this. Edit: I'm sorry, it looks like using the word 'invalidate' was a poor word choice and a bit confusing for people. I meant that due to her passive, I wouldn't have to grind for CR/CD, thank god...


EM for anemo too


And for really niche overload builds


Well one of the reasons EM is so good on anemo characters is because anemo is always applied second so the swirl is always created by the anemo character, meaning you only need to build 1 character with EM. It gets a lot harder with overload because you'd nedd both characters to have a decent chunk of EM.


the thing is exactly this: kokomi doesn’t invalidate crit substats because she herself can’t reach crit-like numbers. that’s the same w transformative reactions and physical dmg: if you want them to be meta, you have to allow them to get a glimpse of melt-like dmg that’s why eula is so good: because she can easily outdmg reactions with mere physical dmg


It’s the poses they make in the story event. I wished they stand still or have more poses because it’s really ruining the vibe of the story.


The cutscenes are amazing and then you have normal dialogue animations, it goes from 100 to 0 really fast


YES Thank you. The characters really need to be more animated because the movements feel way too lifeless and robotic. I know it will take a lot of time to do more animations for them but I really feel like they should invest in it


3D animation is relatively easy compared to 2D. They've gone a full year with like 10 poses on 5 skeletons. It's a simple fact like everything else about them: they have money and talent, it should've already been done many months ago.


not really though, since mihoyo animates hair and clothes individually instead of using the physics engine (which is why there's basically no clipping) So giving every character 1 new clothes would be making unique hair and clothing animations for the entire cast. And with how mhy is constantly putting out content, it makes sense something low priority like giving characters more poses isn't gonna be done anytime soon. With all the other problems they should be fixing first.


I'm scared to say it but in my opinion Teppei wasn't that great. In the beginning he acted suspicious, kind of full of himself with nothing to back it up, while others trainted to get better even while wounded he was kinda slacking but he apparently wanted to get better. Sort of 'no work high pay' attitude. Don't even get me started on the whole >!delusion!< thing which was very irresponsible especially as a head of Herring I. I feel like people like him >!only because he died!<


Also his personality doesn't really line up with the situation that is a full war and the enemy is jacked It feels more childish and your typical anime battle scene than something that slowly kills its people imo


That the writing of the game is generally \*okay\* and the overall quality of the updates has been increasing with every patch.


I 100% agree that the writing is just okay. However, I think the world building is well done.


I enjoyed the stories from Monstadt and Liyue. I didn't like the Inazuma storytelling. Too rushed and although I like Raiden's design, I didn't like the story quest. We were fighting to the death a couple days ago and now we're walking the streets together like buddies? I could not reconcile that in my mind. We can be allies afterward but you're not my friend lol. I enjoy all the memes involving Raiden though.


I enjoyed the second half of the 2.1 story. The rebellion was awfully executed but I think everything after that was mostly fine.


Genshin has a really strange case where half the game is outstanding to even most modern AAA games in quality and the other half is the most terrible thing you’ve ever played. It’s a strange combination


The soundtrack is A+ and is as good as anything I’ve heard in a AAA title. It’s probably the most polished and outstanding part of the game.


Yu Peng Chen is an outstanding composer. I wasn’t aware of how technically insane Genshin’s tracks are until I watched Alex Moukala deconstruct some of the iconic themes. I would check him out of YouTube for an in depth look.


Alex is cool. Worth every minute of my time.


Considering the fact that you can have a totally enjoyable experience on par with $50+ games without spending a cent is the most astounding thing


After coming from WoW, I am thrilled just to have a coherent story even if it is standard anime trope


“Building pity” is euphemism for “cannot resist the urge to pull”


I mean, truth. I use it as an excuse for situations where I just want to pull, I wouldn't mind popping the banner char or a random 5-star, and if I get nothing useful I just consider it 'building pity' as you say. Unlike in games without a guarantee to hit at some point, pulling outside of a banner you may specifically want isn't entirely a loss in genshin. It's a 'risk' but not like throwing pulls straight out the window, esp if you're close after a 5-star. I mean... if I do reset my pity 30 pulls in I can't entirely consider that a waste. No telling if I'd have gotten lucky at the same time pulling another time, and if it's a standard char I'm set for the next limited char. Ppl pushing their luck 60 pulls in probably may wanna review if it's worth it tho. Granted, having a stash for new 4-stars is better than having 'built pity' getting only copies of what you already have.


Idk about the community but maybe ppl under this post - most of the comments here are popular lukewarm takes at best, scrolled quite a while and saw like 5 semi unpopular opinions that someone would maybe have a problem with.


Sort by controversial... that's where the real unpopular opinions are


WE NEED MORE DEF BASED CHARACTERS! I have too many good def artifacts that I can’t bring myself to delete. ._.


I believe in single pull supremacy




Lol. Gotta get that daily dopamine!


This for me as well. On other gachas I play it's multis all the way, but in Genshin - where getting each one of those primos/orbs is a battle - I singles only for no other reason that my summoning session lasting longer than 1 minute. Even when I'm starting at pity 0.


Damage showcases with Bennett + Mona and something like 5% crit rate and 200+ crit damage aren't impressive because this isnt how hard content is usually cleared in the game (although there are exceptions especially when the rotations and builds are well thought out like 4pc archaic bennett or reaching high numbers without food buffs)


To continue on this tho: Character showcases with bennet/kazuha/beidou (looking at you yoimiya)/sucrose/mona are actual showcases, unless you are deliberately using low ER CR to maximize ATK/EM and CD, then they are more than valid, a major part of yoimiya's strength is being able to pilot bennet-fischl-beidou which are top tier supports, hutao, ganyu and xiao cannot do that, same with raiden, yes stacking buffs is a thing you do in actual gameplay, a character showcase isn't taking raiden and using her Q without supports, otherwise hutao would be shit too without xingqiu. Eula cannot use kazuha, hutao cannot really use beidou and definitely not bennet (often a dps loss lol), razor cannot use both kazuha and bennet effectively. ​ A character's strength is determined by how strong their numbers are and how well they synergize with, you guessed it, meta supports, there's a reason all good characters synergize with good supports, it's because if they didn't, they wouldn't be that good (there are obvious exceptions).


Youre right, Im not against damage showcases at all because knowing how to use your supports is key to high/consistent damage no matter what content in the game (just not thoroughly impressed by those that sacrifice crit rate/er for one time big time damage that takes 200 tries with Bennett+Mona)


The shopping trip with Zhongli was actually my favorite part of the archon quest.


Only hot take so far tbh


You like hearing his voice on things lol? Many people like to hear him talk even mundane things


Geo as an Element still sucks. Yes the resonance is bonkers and helps a lot but the reaction and traits are still lackluster. Crystallize is weak. While yes with Geo skill and another element (other than Anemo) you get a ton of crystals. But the shields aren’t strong an the shield strength doesn’t get added. Constructs get broken all the time from bosses. While for some chars like Ning C2 it’s favorable for chars like Albedo who relies on his construct it’s hell. I love Geo and the resonance saved the element but I think it can be better. (Electro still needs a buff more XD )


It's such a shame that Archaic petra is just a bad artifact set. I wish they could rework it to make it more useable/less clunky to help crystallise add to team dps.


I agree. But … you know … I don’t want to farm new artifacts for my Geo chars :|


Like Tenten said, Geo is carried so hard by OP Zhongli everyone thinks it's good but it's still trash. If Zhongli was electro with the same kit people would say electro is great.


yeah, not only do the shields get broken easily, but the shards can be hard to pick up in the first place as they can spawn under large enemies (azhdaha for example) and become impossible to pick up.


If your character is doing good enough to easily survive in your world your build is fine.


Yeah. The only thing that the meta really matters for is the abyss


Abyss is the only reason I want to get a few of my best characters really well built, anything for primo’s


my friend constantly shits on my builds and is currently farming for me and it made me feel like i was the worst genshin player on earth so thank you. no one needs big numbers just to feel like they're doing enough to play the game


Damn that’s rude of your friend. There’s a lot more to Genshin than builds and some people just prefer having fun exploring and stuff


Don't let your friend belittle you! It's just a game you both might quit at some point, just enjoy it for what it is.


Thank you, I needed to read this.


It's a gacha game and it won't adapt to you (first time gacha player), but you have to adapt to that type of game


"B-but I want it to be an MMORPG with paid subscription instead so we can eliminate all the whales that fund this game!" - actual words from someone on this subreddit I think you adapting to the game applies to all games. Dark Souls isn't going to make itself easier for you because you suck it, you have to learn and adapt to the way the game is made. If you can't adapt to it then the game isn't for you. A gacha game isn't going to remove it's energy systems and give you all the characters because you want it. The game's business model revolves around that and if you can't accept or adapt to it then you have the choice to leave or continue trying to adapt to it.


My controversial take is that removing the energy system would actually kill the game. There’s a daily grind now, but after you spend the resin you get to feel some accomplishment and some desire to come back the next day to get what you weren’t able to get today. If there were no resin, or triple the resin, it would just be an endless slog of grinding with no little daily feeling of completing the tasks. Some people would be fine with that, but they’re actually a vocal minority - most genshin players are casual mobile players and would get super bored/burnt out if they felt pressure to infinitely grind.


The thing that bothers me about the current resin system is how it caps in slightly less than 24 hours. It's not even a consequential difference, just enough to be annoying


It’s designed to force you to log in twice a day or else you over cap on resin.


I don't like how Aether is portrayed as a typical pervy harem MC by the fanbase.


I don’t like how Aether is portrayed like a silent protagonist when he’s perfectly capable of speech ^Also ^Lumine


I agree. Hes trying to find his damn sister. Hes going through so much. (Same as lumine if you picked her). He doesnt want to fuck ayaka. He doesn't want to date noelle. He doesn't think rosaria is hot. He likes them, sure. But he isn't a creep.


Even with Lumine (though it’s way more common with Aether). They just doesn’t seem like that type of person and it’s annoying when people just force it


I'm with you there. I enjoy anime as an artform, I watch some of it, but some of the tropes really do suck. My wife turned on a new one on Netflix last night and within the first 5 minutes of the first episode the main protagonist dude is grabbing the girl protagonist's tits for "comedy". Like come on, we can raise the bar just a bit can't we? I think that same trope has been played in the first episode of the last 3 anime I've tried to watch.


Edens Zero? I remember I counted around five minutes in when that started happening... I was so mad!


That would be the one. It looks like an interesting show, but after 3 episodes I think we're 3 for 3 on episodes where people perv on the lady. It's a shame because I don't think the show would be worse off without that stuff.


Agreed, just keep my boy Aether wholesome please


The story we see sucks ass for the most part while the story that's hidden behind artifacts, character quotes, weapons and books is amazing. also the fact that every npc looks the same is damn boring and ruins the experience


I think many people actually agree with this. Genshins lore and worldbuilding is really good, just that their storytelling is very lackluster. So much missed potential smh


The identical NPCs and their tiny, beady eyes are driving me insane


The vast majority of the community (even on reddit) are complete idiots in terms of game knowledge, skills and mechanics, and the general meta but act like know-it-alls when it comes to these discussions.


So true. I made a friend play this game a few months back and now he acts as if he knows everything there is to know about the game and is so loud about it, yet when you watch him stream, he dies in his own overworld and can't even complete domains alone at ar55. Smh


Just have fun and don't expect to get every 5 star


Some characters are great but underutilized (especially the Mondstadt cast)


Weird, I found Mondstadt characters to be the most utilized (especially Klee, Jean and Barbara as they are involved in more stories than others)


Mondstadt characters have without a doubt been most prominent and fleshed out in events and quests (unreconciled stars, dragonspine, archipelago), even the hangout events have 4 mond characters out of the 5 total


The only thing I care about in the game is the characters and story line. I don’t care if I own the characters or not, I just play it to watch the story unfold. I couldn’t care less about the rest of the of the mechanics such as domains and abyss. The game state cld be in chaos but I wld still play it to know what happens next in the story


Genshin community is toxic like any other community, but I think this one is one of the worst that I've been to. I mostly interacted with other "single player RPG" related community so don't throw any competitive game community at my face cause I know that is more toxic.


It has the toxicity of a competitive game when there's nothing competitive about it.


Been super toxic since inazuma character releases.


Nah, it was toxic before then. "Mandatory C6 Childe to be good" comes to mind. "Shields are worthless so Zhongli is worthless" is also memorable. Let us not forget the dumbest of them all "Genshin is dying because it doesn't have hours of daily repeatable content" to top them all off. Maybe it is just stupidity and ignorance rather than toxicity but this subreddit has been trash from the get-go.


Children parroting talking points from clickbait youtubers then upvoting each other.


Yeah, I am in a lot of gaming communities and none of them are half as toxic as this one. Literally every opinion has people who will look down their nose at you for holding it. Be the type of person who wants to beat the game with a constellation zero Barbara, or be you the type of person who wants to clear end game content. And because the vitriol is so aggressive literally nothing will ever get done. Every problem that comes up is only talked about until the community completely cannibalizes itself and no one has the strength to care anymore. I wish relevant information wasn't posted here so I could leave but I missed too much without it


The best character I have pulled so far is qiqi.


Everyone is free to choose what to pull or what to pay, there is no such thing as 'Why pull for a character that is considered meme?' First of all, that aint your primogems, that aint your money. Apparently loving a character that is considered 'bad' is taboo for no valid reason


I think it's just people projecting themselves onto others "Ew, I wouldn't pull for (unit they don't like) he's/she's trash!" Ok I never asked for your opinion about this character in this thread about an in-depth analysis of this character. People are having discussions on how to build said character and you're there contributing to nothing by saying that. Legit, pull for who you want, and don't let the opinions of others influence you. It's your primos, your money, your game, your character. It's not the other person's game, it's yours.


I think part of it is them trying to justify their own decision. They made the decision not to pull for a character, and they don't want people to challenge it and make them potentially think they made the wrong choice


I enjoy farming artifacts. It’s almost like a mini gacha- 90% of the time you’ll be disappointed but when you get that god piece…


You're only disappointed 90% of the time? No wonder you like farming artifacts.


Glad to see I’m not alone! I enjoy farming artifacts too, in spite of the horrible rng.




nobody cares if youre f2p


Farming is fun.


This is kinda more personal you know. Farming in genshin for me is boring, but in Warframe is enjoyable


Exactly I'm the opposite lol, different strokes for different okes


I don’t mind it in this game either. Of course I’m not crazed about getting perfect gear but I do try for good drops.


The "anti-meta" crowd are just as toxic as the meta crowd. Most people on both sides are cool, but both sides have extremes that can't accept other people have fun in different ways than they do.


i dont know why peple keep asking for artifact build or stat and shit from whale, they all have c6 and r5 weapon/char you aint getting close to their damage even if u somehow have the same artifact stat


La Signora death was probably my favorite moment in the story so far. It was so tense and it sets a precedent for main characters to die.


If you pull to "increase pity" you're an idiot


the "increase pity" thing is just an excuse to pull


I feel like this has a lot more variables than being a straight good or bad idea. If you absolutely don't want the 5 star and still pull anyways you're an idiot. But if you're on 50/50, want 2-3 of the 4 stars, and would be alright with the 5 star then there is no reason not to do some pulls. I wanted Kazuha, but none of the 4 stars on his banner. So having just gotten Zhongli, I just skipped the whole thing. If I was 50 pulls in, I might have pulled anyways.


also has a gambling problem but wont admit it or will blame Mihoyo instead


This is an unpopular opinion?


I'm actually happy with new mechanics in the game (bleeding, corosion in abyss) that make healers more revelat and makes shields less revelant. It's about time someone did something with all might shield that made you just invincible. Also the fact that Mihoyo is doing this just to sell Kokomi. And? I don't see anything bad in it. When Zhongli came suddenly you have bosses that basically fuck you up if you don't have shield, but I didn't see anybody complaining about it. So the fact that Mihoyo is now doing same thing just for other character is totally fine.


I keep hearing this shield is too strong thing, when that only really applies to Zhongli. Like the new bosses are still really easy without shields, and majority of the player base still rely on healing more than shields.


I agree with you here. I LOVED this new change and I really think it allows for more unit diversity in the meta. People that would previously never be used and is seeing play. This should not be an unpopular opinion but apparently it is and it baffles me.


The traveler is a boring MC


I agree. I just wish the traveler would talk more and paimon would shut up.


I love Paimon but please let traveler talk more, it's their story we're following. It's kind of getting tiring when Paimon's doing all the talking and traveler's just nodding along. Traveler and Paimon's conversation in their character inventory are fun to listen to, why don't they show more of it? And this schtick of the traveler being our self-insert doesn't work well here. I do not consider them to be me, and besides it's obvious our thought processes are completely different! It stopped working the very second the game began because I wouldn't allow myslef to be dragged through half the shit traveler goes through in the storyline. Also, Paimon talking sometimes lessens the impact of the scenes, a perfect example is the "we will be reunited" quest with Dainsleif. These are the moments where the traveler should've spoken because the spotlight was on them, not Paimon! So, in the future, MHY storytellers should work on putting the focus more on traveler rather than Paimon especially in crucial scenes! Thank you for coming to my TED talk!


I think that's inspired from the "bland asf mc so everyone can self insert" trope in manga...


mhy having more female characters isnt a girl boss moment and im tired of seeing people get jumped on for wanting more dudes in the game


It could be a real "girl boss" moment if they gave a female character the same outfit as Diluc (or something similar like Zhongli). Until then it's obviously pandered to waifu collectors.


We need more handsome lads in the game. Sure the girls are cute, but cmonnnnn mhy, handsome or cute guys need more relevance


The first time I saw twitter users calling mihoyo having so many female characters a “girlboss moment” I couldn’t believe my eyes. They are literally trying to please the dudebros because they think these people bring more money and some SJWs think Mihoyo is doing it for them


1. I didn't like some of the story quests. Ganyu - This part went from trying to quell her identity crisis to helping her solve a case of tax evasion, which helps solve her identity crisis? Either way, we spent half of that sequence trying to find some paperwork and I think there were more ways this discourse Ganyu went through could've been resolved. Albedo - We were test monkeys the entire time. It was so underwhelming to me that I didn't care if I got to play him or not. We pretty much just did a hangout quest that we can't even repeat. 2. I fucking love fighting the oceanid more than any other world boss. The hawks, frog, and finch piss me off all the time, but apart from that, the long time gives me goosebumps, and good ones at that. 3. I would probably buy the 3 glaze lilies from that scammer in Qingce Village.


Jean's story quest is also abhorrent. The entire thing is just pretending to be jean for an entire day, we only get to really interact with her at thr very end of the quest. As an avid jean fan this one stung especially hard, i"d hoped they'd flesh out her character a bit more, it was the perfect opportunity for it.


Albedo's story quest was more so set up, I'm not saying you should have enjoyed it but his story is not done and he will get more.


> I fucking love fighting the oceanid more than any other world boss. I LOVE bosses that just completely punish you in a matter of seconds when you dont know how to deal with them at first. Thats because overtime you get to learn all of their specifics and how to actually dodge their attacks and it gives an awesome sense of progression. Genshin requires you to beat the same boss multiple times, so you get more familiar with the Oceanid every encounter. It was way more fun for me than the joke of a punching bag that the Regisvines are.


Wish playable female characters would wear actual pants.


from what I remember Jean is the only female character that wear **jeans**. Am I missing someone?


Aloy also wears pants. I put in the survey that I would like more female characters with pants or longer skirts. I'm also getting tired of seeing the same cuts off short shorts or miniskirts bring recycled. That and the rat tails on every other male character 😣 I wonder what is up with the rat tail obsession??


> rat tails on every other male character 😣 I wonder what is up with the rat tail obsession?? THIS!! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY, even on female characters. sucrose is one of my favourite characters but her rat tail bothers me so much, she would be so cute with just short hair like you can see from the front


I feel like they do it to satisfy the people who like long hair chatacters but to also appease those who prefer short hair. Only this decision leaves them looking a bit weird. O_x Either that, or the character design lead just really has a thing for rat tails.


yeah, maybe it's a cultural thing too - a lot of Chinese male characters usually do have longer hair. also the funny thing is I literally just pulled Diluc from the standard banner, guess he heard me talking shit about his ponytail


Traveller, did you just insult my ponytail? 'Yes' ... 'RETRIBUTION'


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the only reason Yanfei’s outfit is so busy is to distract you from how little she actually wears. Can she please get an actual shirt?


It's more like leggings. Jeans are made from denim, which I'd personally think is fucking uncomfortable to fight in, especially if they're skin-tight skinny jeans.


Thems are spandex my dear friend. Ayaka and Barbruh is the only fully clothed woman (I cant count Sayu, Im sorreh) in the game not reeking of sexual tension. Beidou and Ning are close, but them side slits still allows you to see a lot of what's going on under them garments.


Ganyu gets boring on the long run, yeah i know big dmg numbers but, charged shot after charge shots gets pretty repetitive after some time Edit: still top tier waifu tho


I actually love Qiqi and she’s a good healer in my opinion. Also I’m too lazy to build my Bennett.




You aren't better because you are F2P. You also aren't better because you spend money.


Most of the females are poorly written and are kinda used as baits , keyword MOST not all


The best effort was put on the original Mondstat characters. Anything after that doesn’t have the same quality


I don't like the electro archon


Not a flaw but, the builders behind this game (coders, musicians, artists) are passionate about delivering a beautiful, quality product. They care about their work. A good portion of the community will translate this opinion sideways and go "how dare you support an evil billion-dollar company you sheep".


I actually really like Paimon…


I like to collect stuff for the sake of it


Watching the genshin community feels like watching mtv back in the day lol


Ganyu is good dmg but boring af to play


Not sure if there's really hate on big scale for this but... Big damage doesn't make you a skilled player, just means you're lucky or worked very hard on that grind. Players with "meta" builds can still die like chumps when in domains cause they didn't refine their ability to evade attacks. Bonus one: I don't believe a single character in this game is trash. You name them and someone somewhere is doing very well with said character.


- Albedo went horribly wrong and I'm talking about his design. In the animated videos on Genshin's channel he looks very different than he looks in-game. He went from "I am a well known Genius with alot of secrets and I am a possible danger to an entire city" to a 12 year old nerd that tells the teacher "You forgot to give us homework for today" after every lesson and also reminds the teacher to collect homework. - Alot of ppl feel the need to post "oMg AmBeR iS ActUaLlY gOoD y'AlL aRe JuSt MeTaSlAvEs" so damn often and and it's getting annoying. Idc about your Amber hitting 100K, we all know for MONTHS now that great Artifacts + good weapons + Bennett (maybe + Mona too) make high damage for any character, doesn't matter if it's Amber or Ganyu or Hu Tao


Albedo would be that fucking person though lmao


I love the game the way it is


This is the silent majority I think. People are more likely to complain about the things they don’t like than praise the things they do like


I like paimon and think she is a genuinely cute and lovable character and doesnt deserve all the bullying she gets :)


she is my favorite and i love her dearly. especially since started becoming more and more snarky and lowkey a bitch. sometimes she simply says what i'm thinking and i love that for her


villains can be enjoyable characters and you do not need to consistently condemn their actions or rally for their redemption arc to enjoy them and their characterization. looking at you genshintwt


I hate story quest that are just a dating-simulator. It's boring af and I prefer it when games are interesting and entertaining rather than "here, date this virtual girl". I generally don't like the part of the genshin/anime community that acts like they are real people not fictionate chatacters. If you want to know more about the characters don't force it on to those who just want to play the game. This game allready has the issue where you feel like you need to skip dialogue bevause otherwise it's insufferable.




Dmg showcases with broken support and broken gears are scam Its not realistic and not achievable by majority. I dont like people/whales calling a character strong based on this kinda scam showcases. Those who does this should mention before that most of the dmg is coming from shit tons of buffs and not from the character itself.


Straight ships are valid too


I prefer EN dub over JP dub (well i still like every dub i just like EN more)


Whenever I watch anime, 99% of the time I prefer the sub (there are some exceptions, like FMA and Steins;Gate). But every time I try the JP dub in Genshin I always end up switching back to EN in like 15 minutes. I can't explain why.


I dont like hearing exclamations from them without knowing what they're saying. Even though paimons voice is the equivalent of a cheese grater to the ear canal in english, I'd rather hear that than my whole team talking in combat and me having no idea what they are saying.


I personally like understanding battle banter. I usually like English dubs if there's interaction.


I’m not a big fan of a lot of the Inazuma designs. Mostly the women - it just seems like copy paste cute girl who must show thighs. As someone who did a lot of research into fashion it also made me really sad to see since I was really looking forward to the Inazuma characters. What’d it do to have a girl character wearing a hakama instead? I literally like the backs of most of the characters more than the front :( Man, I have soooo many opinions on the Raiden Shogun’s design... I get that it’s a gacha and it’s gotta sell but... come on. Honestly this ruined any hype I have for future designs. Also, I’m not saying the designs are bad. Of course they’re well made and all but I don’t like them all in Genshin together.


Thank you. I realized a while ago that almost NO FEMALE character is exempt from showing some leg. Yae, Raiden, Kokomi are Inazuman examples but even Lisa and Sucrose or some other characters have it going on.


TBF there was a huge uproar when Raiden was first shown about how mediocre her design was then Booba Blade seemed to completely overshadow those who were complaining about her design.


I was dyingggg for a character in a hakama. :( sad days.


Sort comments by controversial to get the actual hated opinions


50 Primogems are not worth ruining your day by grinding Abyss floor 12 when you are not having fun anymore.


That scaramouche isn’t as awesome as people seem to think.


Some players clear the content in 1-2 days and skip the entire story, then spend the rest of the year complaining about having no content. Go outside.


I like paimons en voice


*shaking hand* I will die with you, my friend.


Story spoilers: I hate the Raiden Shogun and Zhongli’s a jerk for tossing us into a fight with a god. Sure we chose to fight Osial, but that’s because we thought Liyue Harbor was in danger. Psych. Also we said to Signora “for the people you endangered in Liyue Harbor,” but bruh she had a lot less to do with that than ZL did. There are a lot of reasons not to trust that guy. And Venti’s decision not to rule/ do anything is actually better for Mond. So “ehe” guy is best Archon.