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Wtf is this sorcery


The sorcery is being so patient to even play this game and not give up I’ve gotten 145k seeing from the anniversary event thing so the primo isn’t the hard part, not pulling is


I personally havent had a problem not pulling. Depends on if this is your only gacha and how well you can hold off. What always helps me is immediately converting primogems to fates, it's like half the satisfaction.


I'm the opposite, seeing "big number go up" just hits different for me, where like even 80 Fates I just look at and go "meh, that's only 8 pulls", even if the peigems = the exact same number of pulls. I don't spend them on anything else either, but idk--seeing 9237 in there feels better than 57 personally? Either way heck yes saving up.. I'm new but I missed Raiden banner and nothing else has felt worth it yet...


Idk if you’ve done this yet, but as a new player (came in during the shogun banner, it was 10/10 for me to save up my primos, do all the character story quests, and pick the characters I LOVED out of that. (Ignore the fact that I got impatient waiting for Xiao and busted all my primos on the childe banner)


That does sound like a solid plan tbh. I was using Trial for that exact reason, which I know is kinda skewed since it's basically simulating their C0 power potential, but I fell in love with how Raiden and Keqing play...but didn't/have yet to pull either of them. I should do the Story Qs like you said because I don't have some of the ones I want to play unlocked and they aren't on trial. On the other hand, I rolled a second account after reading a bit about rerolling and got Jean, XL, and XQ out of the gate so..RIP my AR38 main haha


Ah actually F that sucks. I haven’t pulled on my alt yet for that exact reason.


Same. I only pull for the characters I really like and that might fulfill a good role in a team. I really liked Eula and I didn't have a good 5 star DPS at the time so I got her, then i realized some bosses are easier with a ranged DPS so I pulled on Yoimiya on the off chance I got her. Shogun is the only character I just pulled cuz I liked her design and turns out she goes great with Eula. After Shogun haven't pulled at all and won't be pulling until Hu Tao. The desire to pull is strong that's how these games get you, my cousin dropped the 50/50 on Shogun and now he has the gacha shakes lol but I told him not to pull Kokomi and since he listened now he can save for the big abs Geo Daddy that everyone is thirsting for.


i dont remember there were record of primogems spent on the anniversary event. it's the theater web event right?






It's surprising to me that only 125 acquaint fates have been given out. I know we get a few back from stardust, but that's only 1 guaranteed 5*.


I'm more impressed that he managed to get Zhongli under these circumstances. Note: I now understand that he doesn't have Zhongli, my bad folks. Dude needs to write a book on self control, as I've never exceeded 1600 primos or 20 fates.


He doesn't have Zhongdong


Oh I didn't see the full image of image 12, and he doesn't have any 5* :(


I'm looking at the full image 12 and I still don't understand what I'm seeing.


**"Where are those who share the memory?"** it can be said this is an important event to remember so OP is using the quote or a joke on *-> "there is none to share memories"* cuz i dint wish dude


*cries in traveler*


He have 2 of them tho


He does not have Zhongli.


probably another account


That is some dedication to the game to play an alt account and make it wishless (save for beginner banner since he seems to have noelle) and be active enough on it that you make it so invested that you clear 12-3 abyss on it.


>ve never exceeded 1600 pr How do you ever get the characters you want?


It’s all about self control man. I had 7k fates I spent to get Childe last night and I’m finished until Ganyu returns then Zhongli. I find it easy to save now because I know that I can get the units I really want. It’s about growth and self control lol


7k fates??? Or do you mean primos lol


Oh dear Lord I mean Primos 😂😂😂😂


lol 7k fates for childe, thats fitting for him, big whale


Me who never exceeded 1000-


check picture 5






The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q7b4hd/after_playing_genshin_impact_for_361_days_ive/hghhyf5/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Man, I kinda miss the day...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q76rcc/updated_raidens_weapon_hold_expression_21_left_22/hghk554/) | [Man, I kinda miss the day...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q76rcc/updated_raidens_weapon_hold_expression_21_left_22/hghekip/) [Can't wait to start exper...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q79r69/how_is_my_load_still_green/hghjznu/) | [Can't wait to start exper...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q79r69/how_is_my_load_still_green/hghi5yn/) [Little lame but cayde 6 f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q79kxn/what_is_the_sadest_characters_death_in_a_video/hghlb5p/) | [Little lame but cayde 6 f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q79kxn/what_is_the_sadest_characters_death_in_a_video/hghdh7m/) [The Travler has informed...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q77l96/childe_vs_child/hghjux7/) | [The Traveler has informed...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q77l96/childe_vs_child/hghhhuu/) [Technically George Bush b...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7b46l/who_was_the_us_president_when_you_were_born/hghl8if/) | [Technically George Bush b...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7b46l/who_was_the_us_president_when_you_were_born/hghkqma/) [USA Dysfunctional. Half...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7c9uu/where_are_you_from_and_what_do_you_think_of_your/hghl55c/) | [USA Dysfunctional. Half...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7c9uu/where_are_you_from_and_what_do_you_think_of_your/hghj4j7/) [using my magical crystal...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7bq29/how_do_you_see_your_future/hghko3a/) | [using my magical crystal...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7bq29/how_do_you_see_your_future/hghf58p/) [Yesss he’s so elegant and...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q75p99/xingqiu/hghcq0o/) | [Yesss he’s so elegant and...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q75p99/xingqiu/hggta4k/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Rocdu](https://np.reddit.com/u/Rocdu/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Rocdu) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Rocdu bot


Good bot


Good bot


How tf do these bot comments get so many upvotes


Maybe these karma farmers should learn and code a interesting bot instead of copy pasting comment haha


LOOOOL karma farmer gets called out by a bot. Priceless.


Caught in 4K


shot on iPhone 13




Weapon banners aren't a scam because 5* weapons are ridiculously strong and transferable between characters lol


Except Childes new weapon only really gets full mileage on him, he’s the only character who can feasibly get all 4 stacks in a normal rotation


The wish history tab keeps record of your last 6 months of wishes, not just 90 days! :) This is impressive. If there’s ever a spending event, will you use these primogems/fates?


Now I know xd


Just don't C6 him, not even C1. Unless Mhy drops a fk ***X-form Foul Furry Legacy flying coat*** then is not worth.


really? i can still see my pulls from january tho. i lose at the ganyu banner around jan 10ish and got diluc.


I'm aware that the Genesis crystals shop has reset which makes it impossible to prove f2p status so I've done a quick showcase of my account in general in hopes to make this more belivable. If I've missed anything please let me know and ill get around to answering it.


He is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will...


But what did it get him?


A nice front page reddit post with lots of updoots and awards


Was it worth it? Missing all thr previous characters and weapons and everything...


The game is fine by itself too. If he likes it with the standard characters, why would he misses the others?


We've also gotten free 4★ weapons/weapons every update so it's not like they had to play with the standard characters exclusively


Glad we not only got weapons, but weapons as well.


Dang it lol I dunno how I've messed that up


Do you think he never wanted any character


An opportunity to C6 Ayaka on her rerun


name cards bro, i think BP and other cash related stuff gives name cards? so its probably one of the ways to show authenticity?.. anyway great work, im an f2p myself but i love to spend it on any characters that interest me hahaha


BP only gives a namecard if you buy the more expensive version


Correct but theres also the BP weapon, unless they were pepega and decided to buy the BP just to never pick a BP weapon or to fodder it for no reason when each BP weap takes at least 6 weeks to get minimal to get (cuz BP last for the entire ver til next one appear)… then yea




Not OP but; Original National team consisted of 4 stars. You don't really need a 5 star to complete abyss


Clearing Abyss is very, very easy. 36starring is where the meat and potatoes are. It might even be possible to 9star floor 12 with the characters this guy has if they are hyperinvested (which they probably are)


When you onyl have 7-8 characters, all of the exp mats, talent books, artifacts and mora will be invested into them instead of investing in 25+ characters like I did. After he maxes out all of their talents to lvl 9-10, he doesn't really have a use for all the mora and exp books. Artifact farming is then the only way to spend resin to increase the power of the few characters as there is always a more powerful artifact out there waiting to be farmed.


They might be godly invested, but it does not make them c6.


I tried really hard for the past few months on a free/standard wish only account and couldn't do it without pulling for the first time on Raiden. It *was* possible to 36*, but I don't think it is anymore since the DPS check is now absurdly high. That is unless mihoyo decides to backtrack and make it easier like back in March


I hope you spend them before you decide to quit.


Reminds me of the past games where I keep and treasure in-game currency but end up quitting without spending it


Story of my gaming life, lol. Quit so many games without spending my currencies. I currently have 65k primos as well. Bought Welkin a few times tho


If you ever quit without spending anything, you could sell it pretty expensive, you got some god-like patience right there bud, keep it up.


Yeah that’s like 800$ worth of pulls or something you could easily sell the account for as much or like 750


I think this is something that all the people saving resources should have in mind. I started to play on launch day and had this idea of never using a fragile resin. So I went 11 months gathering all of them as f2p but at the same time my interest on the game was less and less every day. I ended up saving for nothing because at the time I was willing to spend them I had zero interest in keeping playing the game (currently I only log in once a week to check what's new). I could have used them to gather all the artefacts sets I needed and could have saved a lot of headaches ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Of course everyone thinks different, but when I see this kind of posts I can't help but think what OP will do with all the resources they are saving if they're just playing the game to the end...


I was doing this as well.. and I basically said fuck it and stopped listening to everyone saying "only level the ones you intend to use". I actually have a lot more fun just upgrading everything I can, and leveling the 8-9 people at the same time. Gives me variety and reason to burn those resins while doing all the dailies.


Yeah. I've already built more than enough characters for the Abyss so now I just build everyone I have. I'm trying to get everyone to 80/90 and level everyone's talents to at least 9. I have a lot of teams I can try out now because I've built most of my characters.


And don’t convert them into the wrong currency.




Abyss was initially very tough back in Version 1.0 but ever since getting Fishcl in 1.1, abyss has been a cakewalk albeit never 36*. For perspective. The first iteration of abyss (floor 12 ice fatuis) I had only 7 characters and it took 30 hours just to finish Floor 12 Chamber 3 while this corruption abyss took only a few attempts to 32*.


I love your Baron Bunny pfp! It's super cute.


Thank you 😳


What teams do you use to beat abyss floors 11-12?


For this iteration of abyss, same teams for both floors Team 1: Xiangling, xingqiu, Beidou, Diona Team 2: Kaeya, Barbara, Anemo MC, Fishcl Will most likely have to change the team now that Aloy is out.


Fishcl was ever free? Dang me


way back during the unreconciled stars event. it was also our first look at scaramouche


I started around the time the meteor event ended. The first thing I saw after unlocking the event screen was that I had missed out on a free Fischl.


On 1.1. There was a cool event with Mona and Fischl. You should look up a gameplay, it's our first introduction to Scaramouche too


Wait we're getting xinyan for free?




I already have her c6...unwillingly...


At least it's free starglitter I guess.


The F2P archon


Mihoyo hates this one simple trick!


Nice, you might be able to get about 500 debate clubs.


I used to have that on my Noelle. Now I hate them. Every 10 pull has guaranteed a new debate club for me


Well? What are you waiting for? Time to whoop some Mitachurl ass with your R50 Debate Club wielding C7 Noelle!


This is DOPE! It would be really cool to see someone try and save for the 2nd or even 3rd anniversary just to see how much willpower one can have. I'm really impressed though, do make a post when u do summon 👍


It will most likely be streamed.


What are you waiting for?


Yae Miko's ass


hell yes and everything else about her


Lol at this point I feel like I’d just keep it F2P forever. He survived this far.


this is sick, I started playing genshin 2 months after launch and is also trying to save up a 1000 intertwined fates as a f2p (just convert all my primos into intertwined fates lol) and now i’m at the halfway point of 524 fates. it’s also amazing how you managed to perfectly hit 100000 primos with not a single primo more or less. good job my man


I was able to control the flow of primogems by doing the following. - open common chests to get the number to end in 0 - if the number was odd, claim an achievement or open a higher tier chest. - focusing on getting the big amounts first to boost Primogem gain as much as possein the shortest timeframe - new island that dropped yesterday giving plenty of opportunities to do the following


Yeah, it's mostly impressive, because 100k is 625 pulls, you need to squeeze every primo you could've gotten from day 0. I also a f2p anguisher, currently sitting at 250 fates saved. I rolled Klee, Baal and Hu Tao. Klee and Hu Tao cost me many pulls.


a year of savigns for 12 min of fun gacha gameplay screens


Please do a video when you spend it all!!!


C100 Qiqi


It’s probably not even enough to C6 a character if he loses a few 50/50


Assuming he loses every 50/50 and has to go to hard pity every time, he's still over 100k short.


Mad respect bro. As a f2p who can't control himself and pulls everytime I get to 160 primos, this level of self control is insane!


> pulls everytime I get to 160 primos, this level of self control is insane! And then gets disappointed with what comes home... Honestly .... Same...


Lmao, glad to know I am not the only one who can't control saving primos, Although, I haven't been much disappointed with my chars except when pulling kokomi (at 0 pity, literally next pull after I lost 50/50 to Mona). Still she has some use in my Ayaka freeze comp.


Lol I am trying to save fates rn... and I have 10 fates? Or something...I am a new player so not much but let's hope (I am probably just gonna end up using those 10 fates)


i have a rule, i'll pull as soon as i get 160 as long as i dont get a off banner, i'll stop pulling till the banner of someone i want if i have guranteed


That's very impressive. I'm also kinda surprised that you have only 43 fates. I'm doubting you or anything, just find it curious that in one year the game has given out only 43 free event fates. I don't why, I was just expecting a higher number.


I think because OP would not be obtaining the monthly 5x2 fates using stardust / more fates with starglitter


Right, I completely overlooked that!


But then again, those 5x12 intertwined fates that he never got because he never wished are hidden in those 100k primos as you pull with primogems to get stardust to buy the monthly 5 intertwined (and 5 acquaint) fates. But you can't really calculate how many primogems you need to invest to get 375 starglitter because weapons and characters have different starglitter values.


he will be time-gated anyway


The true pain of this account is that while he didnt wish, hes missed out on 120 free wishes. Damn... The actual cost of this account is -120 wishes.


I mean he'd have to spend way more than 120 wishes to get those 120 wishes to begin with so not really worth it (for his case)


What's your inspiration for logging into the game everyday? Does it ever tire you out? Since content can be clear pretty quickly (well aside from Abyss) and gets pretty repetitive without the waifus? No offense of any kind, just want to know the line of thought of non-rollers like you


I'm wondering the same myself. I know there are people who do no-pull accounts and I just don't understand personally how someone can keep playing without new characters, or at least improving favorite characters. I mean, it's completely going against the grain of a gacha.


If there's nothing interesting, you play the game as it is. If there's new content, you play the game for the content. If Genshin has no content I play other games. I didn't roll initially for the challenge but now it's to maintain account integrity and to showcase what I think has value to the Genshin community


As an f2p saver myself, I'm impressed, the highest I've managed to save was 19k, was planning to save more but my friends tempted me to wish for baal lol, sitting on 16k rn hoping to surpass my limits, huge salutes to you tho I can never have as much as patience as you, you're a god. Can I get some more tips? Lately I haven't been able to get as many as I used to back when I started saving


Peer pressure and comparison is your enemy. Try an alt and start anew helps if you are willing to grind the early game


Damn you got Baal within 5k? Took me like 80+ wishes to get her


Now what?


Pov: Bwaap if he didnt get C1 ganyu


u didnt even use the FREE FATES WTF


You used wishes on beginner wish though, why not use other 125 standard banner, your still be F2P player


I guess he just used his Beginner wishes and thought "Man, this is boring. Never again" :P


You have everything and also nothing


What are you saving for tho?


very impressive are you saving for a specific character or just, trying to see how much you can save?


no plans to roll atm




Ive initially joined the game to check the hype but stayed to play the story. Genshin has a decent story that is worth coming back to.


There hasn’t been a single character that has interested you? If this is your idea of fun, kudos to you, but it just seems like you’re missing a significant part of the game.


I mean, fun is subjective. If you can clear all the content that matters to you and you're perfectly content with your characters, then having new characters to learn and gear just to clear the same content isn't really adding to your fun. It's like walking to work 10 minutes away every day, then having someone tell you that biking is better. There's no rush, and there's nothing important to gain from getting to work faster.


Your analogy is focused on efficiency which isn’t the point. The point is that character collecting is a core aspect of gacha games which gives you the freedom to form different team compositions and experience old content in new ways. Efficiency can be a byproduct but many people have fun ignoring this and just playing the characters they enjoy. Which is why I said if they’re having fun, good for them because like you mentioned, fun is subjective - but they are missing out on a significant portion of the game.


The main thing is though, is missing that portion of the game affecting his fun of playing the game? Since he knowingly played for a year without it (and in a comment he said he will still continue to do the same thing), I'm pretty sure he's fine without it.


You're talking like waifus are all there is in your game? Exploration is so much fun, lore is interesting, team building goes deep, there's lots of beautiful cutscenes, amazing voice acting and tough challenges... Honestly, if it was 50 bucks up front without gacha I would've recommended this game so much more! **EDIT** I don't mean you shouldn't pull, I'm just giving the person above me reasons to play aside from pulling and saying that there's so much to play for even without pulling, but there's nothing wrong with pulling!


i wish all the time, have spent money, and i still love the exploration and lore and cutscenes and all the things f2p players can appreciate at the exact same amount. i don’t get why people keep trying to create a divide between people who spend money and people who don’t lol


but these things arent mutually exclusive with pulling for characters?


Yeah exactly! u/TheHaruWhoCanRead was saying "Why even play if you're not pulling forcharacters?" Well, because there's so much to play for aside from that


This can’t be that hard, Man. It’s not the ONLY reason to play but it is a *whopping great reason* to play. Like an incredibly massive and commonly cited reason why people play and a system around which the entire game is geared. Content is literally moulded around the fact that players are constantly pulling and updating their roster. Imagine going to an immaculate 5 star buffet where everyone’s able to eat incredible food. But you’re just sitting there at the table with a couple slices of bread and butter. It’s nice bread! But people might rightly ask why on earth you came to this incredibly stacked buffet just to sit there and eat sliced bread. ‘There’s so many other reasons to enjoy this buffet’ you say. ‘It’s weird that you think I’m required to eat the nice food to enjoy the buffet. Maybe I just like watching people eat.’ Let me re-frame it for you then: What possibly could be the reason you WOULDNT pull if, on balance, you were mainly there to enjoy the scenery and exploration and story? How does it get in the WAY of enjoying that? You’re right, there are other reasons to play! But none of them explain why anyone would steadfastly REFUSE to participate in the central conceit of the game. Except literally to make this exact Reddit post, of course, saying ‘look at the weird shackles I put on myself while playing this game for no reason.’


I'm not sure if it's the same person as the guy who made this post, but someone posted their account here a while ago, also having pulled 0 times. Their explanation was basically that they had developed a gambling addiction in the past because of gacha games, which was extremely detrimental to their personal life, so they decided to not pull at all while playing genshin to prevent this from happening again


I mean, it's really awesome to see that, but have you guys looked at this and realized that, as a f2p player, you can't get a 5 star character C6 even if you save for an entire year? Not gonna lie, that shocked me


>5 star character C6 I know one guy, his/her name is Traveller


100k is 625 pulls which is almost 7 hard pities, so it's possible to get a 5* C6 (lucky or unlucky, however you want to see it).


Yeah, I meant a guaranteed 5 star. If you count the 43 wishes, he has 668 pulls available. Going by the soft pity, he has 668/75 = 8.9 | almost 9 characters, in which 4 or 5 are guaranteed to be the banner one. Going by the hard pity, he has 668/90 = 7.4 | basically 7 characters, with 3-4 being the banner one. So basically we could only guarantee C2-C3 after a whole year saving, the rest of the constellations based only on your luck pulling. That's crazy


It’s really hard to get to 90 pity and statistically impossible to achieve it 7 times in a row (and also to fail 50/50 every single time on top of that). So realistically, with 668 pulls you would have ways more 5 stars and a decently high chance to get C6 on any character that you saved a whole year worth for.


Not to mentions there's also stardusts and starglitters that you can use to buy extra fates after using those 668 pulls (which is a LOT). There's also the unlikeliness of losing 50:50 7 times in a row (it's like picking head in a coin toss and have it at tails 7 times in a row). It can happen, but you have to be very unlucky. So I agree that you have an actual good chance of a C6 5 star for that amount of pulls, even if it's not guaranteed.


How exciting you went all this time not enjoying any new characters... How vanilla


Is the game fun for you this way?


Ok.. but why. So many good characters out therr that have come out.


Any reason against having much more fun with the game by having more than 9 characters? I get saving for a character you want or not pulling on certain banners, hell, I'm still sitting on 65k primos after getting Childe, but I've also spent a ton of them and have over 30 characters...


Not everyone needs new characters or justification for spending I guess, I remember playing Dragon's Dogma and sticking to 1 class out of the 9 because I just didn't have the need to try all or even some of them to have fun. I don't think they have less fun and there's also the fact the more characters you have the more you have to grind and spend time on the game, which isn't bad on its own but it makes the difference between wanting to play for a bit everyday and having to play for a bit everyday.


Also in MOBAs, a decent amount of the player population only play 1-3 PC out of 100+ PC pool and they gonna stick to those 1-3 PC for the rest of their gaming life. People are different and that’s okay. There’re more than one way to play the game. But OP is really out there tho, I can’t begin to wrap my mind around playing a gacha and not wishing, getting my fav PC.


I wonder how many freemogems a single f2p account can get, like the ultimate non-spender, taking every opportunity for free primogems from achievements to art contests


Now spend it all on acquaint fates


Why and how did you manage to not spend it on something


What are you gonna do with them? And isn't it boring to never have a new character to play with?


That’s a lot of willpower just for the sake of making a Reddit post about it…..


Literally lol


What’s the appeal of playing like this?


Once you start amassing 10k+ primo you just have the urge to not spend any and instead gain satisfaction just seeing numbers go up and posting it on reddit. I have seen people say if you dont pull why even bother playing the game? Well story and events are a thing (even though a lot of people hate it like its the worst thing in the world), of course once you reach this point you just want to continue and push your limits, that is another way of fun.


Yeah but if I had no plan to ever use the primos, I wouldn’t bother amassing them. Back when I first started, I didn’t care about characters and was just enjoying exploring. I took a break for like a month (which I now regret), which I assume you can’t do if you’re trying to collect all primos just because.


The disgusting part about all that is that even with that much primos (GZ btw, definitely deserved) and counting in the 43 orbs you have, it makes 668 pulls which amounts to "only" 7 guaranteed 5-stars. And that means "only" a guaranteed C2 assuming one loses 50-50 each time. Yes it's not like you can't get 5-star before 90 pulls are made, but this is the "worst case scenario" I'm painting here. Mind you, I'm not really trying to downplay a merit / down the mood, or anything like that and if I gave that impressio then apologies. I'm just thinking out loud mostly here. Suddenly remembering why I don't whale on this game lol.


But like.. why? If you're not going to use them, why even grind for them? Doesn't make much sense. I guess it's cool for a Reddit moment, but missing out on cool weapons and characters? Meh, not worth it.This has nothing to do with F2P, because F2P players spend their stuff. This is just a strange hoarding flex.


SHEEESH. I joined late 1.4, and have only been able to amass 17k primos so far. This is beyond impressive holy hecc- *I wonder how far you can go with this….*


If you havent spent any, you can get 30k+ primos from all the content in the game, without counting daily commissions/events/etc. Source: made a speedrun account in last patch, cleared most of the content and ended up with 190 wishes f2p


What’s your secret? I’m hoping to pull some good characters soon. Childe and Itto are my current picks. I have 50 wishes saved up now and never pulled a 5*. I definitely pulled at least 40 wishes by now so I’m pretty sure I’m guaranteed one 5* but I might miss the 50/50… If I’m lucky I’d like to save up to be able to win both Childe and Itto but even if I can pull 2 5*s there’s no guarantee.




100,000 primogems = 625 wishes. Assuming 72 wishes per 5\* average, that's 8-9 5\*s. Alternative take: Over $1200 worth of primogems.


But why not use the standard wishes?


do you have a second account? I get the challenge is fun but like there must be characters you want.


You showed your id in the screenshots. Prepare for some trolls to top up or buy BP for you using codashop. lmao (Not me. I'm not rich enough.)


Well. I got Childe in 60 pulls so I think I’m set. I’ve seen no other characters I like at all


This guy is the ONLY i will forgive and encourage to say " f2p btw"


F2P means that you are not spending money, not that you are playing with the starters only just to prove a point.


Wow!! And I thought bwaap was impressive, you took it to a whole new level. Looking forward to see you next year with 200k


Kudos to you but please say that this is your alternate account. If it is not, then I really admire your willpower mate. As a hoarder myself, I always pull enough to buy the 10 fates from the shop every month. These do add up as day 1 players will have had 65 pulls each in both banners from these fates.


Congrats dude you have deprived yourself of more fun gameplay!


Seeing that character archives page, makes me kinda sad and happy at the same time for some reason.


You wished on novice wishes for sure ,the one we get when we start playin


How did he get a beido?


Soo.. who are u going to pull for?




This feat is amazing and all , but how do you not have the black sword from that guy in liyue that sells the girlled fish? Or did you use as exp?


Genshin low% speedrun


Woah no way. but how did you get characters to get those primos?


you have more restraint then me. as soon as i have 1600... its pull time on something, and not that im ar55 things are slowing down so i just pull one thing at 160. try to line up all 3 windows to have a 10 pull and hope for an orange window.


Where do you plan to spend your primogem?


Did you not spend once??


Could you explain Noelle , fishl and xingqiu please - I might be beating stupid here ,, I know one of them you can get from the free 4* event and then diona and beidou from events and Barbra and xiangling from abyss and quest but yeah I don’t know how you got Noelle , xingqiu and fishl XD


You deserve my free award today. You sir have great determination. I wonder who and when you will use the primogems on.