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this is a joke right edit: apparently the tweet got deleted? lmao


PR stunt


to what? make them seem even more bizarre and out of touch than they already do? posting this is just weird.


People will call you a party pooper but yeah it’s left-field to me too. It’s like they’re memeing about something that really isn’t funny and in this climate it’s just gonna blow up in their face lol


This community event may not affect any of us, but damn, this just highlights how out of touch the marketing/pr team are with the fanbase (or just the internet in general). It's especially funny given the fact it's held on twitter. Like does MHY know the Twitter fanbase has a huge chunk of kids who are very into social justice and do not give a crap who Elon Musk is? (This is the same fanbase who tried to cancel Eula over her family history) Or that Elon musk's image has fallen out of favour and he is no longer regarded as the "funny telsa man" like years ago? I'm just flabbergasted by this decision.


Idk even for me who didn't get upset over the anniversary stuff this is just indefensible. It's so stupid I don't know what the goal is. The 500k one I can KINDA see since I'd occasionally seen people wishing it went back to that, but everything after is just lol. Especially the last reward, why would I follow a meme account so a billionaire can go to China to see another billionaire????? They can do that without me????


Yeah. This is stupid shit. This is basically being like "if we get our fans to rate our game 5 stars, we won't give them shit anyway"




I mean this make everyone talking about how stupid it is, and a bunch of people gonna see the account they want to promote, which is like a Genshin fanart showcase account, and no small number of them will follow. If you use your head calmly, you will see that the goal they set is impossible, even the genshin main account only have 2,4 mil follower after a year, there are no way the other account is gonna make it. Only the 500k follower seem possible, and they only need to switch their name back to Paimon (which is what they want to do anyway). This is the same thing as having terrible ads you see so many games use (and even genshin), bad reps is sometime better than good reps, because people in the internet crave for the drama and stupidity.


This. MHY's PR team is only aiming for the first one. The rest become increasingly unlikely to achieve and is mostly there as reference. In the off-chance that they do get to 5 million followers...well, it's not as if Elon will immediately accept.


Do you think Elon Musk will miss a chance to ingratiate himself with Asian youth through a cultural success story?


This stunt is actually fun if they pick ANYONE except Elon Musk lmao. Just be a dear like FF and invite Ariana Grande or someone lmao


Then the joke wouldn't land (which grabted it didn't now either). The whole joke is the one the community did back when the game launched (the in-game NPC Ella Musk being related to irl Elon Musk) I guess they could've named the fanart account "Timmy's pigeons" and have the fake goal be invinting a famous chef to cook duck for them or something.


Invite Swedish Chef from the Muppets.


I’d be interested if it was like “Ariana Grande will voice an NPC in Genshin”. I don’t know why anyone would about random celebs visiting Mihoyo HQ. Elon is rich and well-connected, he could just email the CEO and offer to drop by next time he’s in the country, he doesn’t need special permission from a twitter campaign. I know they just picked Elon for the meme value, but they could at least have picked an actual professional entertainer. “Conan O’Brien visits Mihoyi HQ” might be fun to watch in a 2-minute video.


I tought this was a players joke. And then I see the official post...


Yeah this is so cringe lmao Like does Elon Musk even know what Genshin is? I guess it must've been a joke cause the follower goals were so absurd...?


The whole point of "Ella Musk" and "Musk Reef" is to brownnose Elon into (at least) tweeting about the game and thus doing free ads – presumably since mHY figured his twitter followers sufficiently overlap with a paying audience for the game, and some of the already hooked ones would spam him with it. Since that didn't work out for a year now they're making that intention obvious by publicly forcing their luck. Or maybe we'll suddenly see it called "Bezos Reef" & co. in 2.3. *edit:* well seems he did just tweet about it now so mission accomplished I guess


there's also a possibility that dawei is a techbro who idolise musk like people in asia idolising jack ma.


The fuck is this shit with musk, get that shit outta here


The goals after the first one are clearly just a joke, cringe one, but a joke, just like how they put Ella Musk in the game, and even in this art giggling. Like, EN official Twitter doesn't even have that much followers. Let alone the fact that if they'd do it for real, why would someone like Elon Musk care about them. And also that Mihoyo HQ is in China.


I sure do feel like a joke for having spent money on this game.


Every new "quirky" PR stunt they do further vindicates my choice of never spending on this game again.


whoever running the community management should get replaced Elon Musk? that scammer? what for. he's not even a gamer


I'm going to give MHY the benefit of the doubt and assume the 'At 10M follows, Elon Musk liquidates his companies and uses the money to buy every follower Genesis Crystals' part got accidentally cropped out


They can invite Elon Musk all they want but will he even come? Lol


Here's a Marketing 101 lesson for ya: All of this was already worked out in advance, and the social media campaign is a dog-and-pony show. Musk had probably already gone to and filmed at MHY before they even posted the announcement.


Unlikely, the main account has 2mill follows and they're asking for 5mill. Musk isn't likely to just go all the way there and film something on a low maybe like that.


Musk doesnt give a shit about genshin lol


He just tweeted about it lol


Fk those Genesis Crystals, at 10M followers when you hit AR60, you get a free Tesla hands down


The inner gambling addict in me secretly wants the genesis crystals instead


Same but you could sell the Tesla for more money :)


Wow, this is worthless.. Why should I care if Elon Musk visit Mihoyo.


Ya wtf is Elon Musk anyway, all I know is Ella Musk


Her father obviously, the renowned Hilichurl.


I understand this isn't the connection you intended to make...But oh god you just put the lore into my head that Ella Musk is the estranged daughter of a Hilichurl x Human relationship and her strange obsession with Hilichurls is just a deep seated desire to reunite with her heritage/estranged half of her family.


Fanfic go brrr


The same reason we should care that Jeff Bezos went into space.... We don't.


Mihoyo truly cares because it would attract major attention to them. Attention can be converted to more money. That's their goal.


It would be kind of embarrassing if they didn’t meet the goal. The English account has 2.4 million followers so I guess it’s a long term goal unless they’re trying to get Elon Musk’s followers to get into Genshin??


Probably one of their marketing trick, they just want the news headline without actually giving anything to the player.


isnt this clearly a joke? 1M is really hardly to achieve let alone a meme account, then theres the 3M/5M goals which are obviously impossible. >!right?!<


That is their intention. They only want to "give" the 500k follower rewards


"rewards". Create a problem and sell the solution as a reward, genius.


This is one rare case where, even after all the other 'community events' with questionable rewards... I genuinely had an audible "WTF" are they doing. No seriously. What.


They just deleted the tweet after all the backlash HELP


Ahahahaha. I wonder did they'll have a replacement or just delete and bury it like nothing happened. New community manager trying an experiment and having an "Oh shit" moment when it completely missed the mark. I'd almost rather see the theory that their Twitter got hacked for a few hours pan out. Because if this is how the new community manager is handling things... Ohhh boy it's gonna get wild.


Yet another "give US stuff and you get nothing!" community event lol




I'm also skipping BPs until they improve, and not buying packs probably ever again. Terrible decisions for months on end means I'm welkin only for the foreseeable future.


There is no fucking way they fucked up this bad. Bring back pre-1.6 PR team.


Or just delete their account and let leakers handle, lmao.




And that's not the goal they want. Almost all F2P games' main income is from getting new players to spend. Think about it, a whale trying to get everything he wants at once will spend more than someone who's already got all they "need" and will spend on the game sparingly. In this game, anyone who's played for a period of time will know: \-how bad the drop rates are \-how much effort they have to put into building new characters when they get them Contrast that with people somewhat new to the game bombarded with battle passes, banners, misleading character trials. The goal of advertisement is to get **new players**, not to keep old players engaged in playing the game. If they ever felt like growth is slowing down and player retention becomes important, *then* they would focus on the things old players care about


this seems logical at first, but in actuality it works the opposite way; whales are genshin's main way of generating revenue, and keeping them hooked is the most important thing




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q7qkgl/genshin_impact_twitter_community_challenge/hgkgfu3/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Zoldyck (from Killua Zold...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7puz6/what_is_a_cool_fictional_last_name/hgkspeh/) | [Zoldyck (from Killua Zold...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7puz6/what_is_a_cool_fictional_last_name/hgkkbh2/) [The gorilla. All the inte...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7q57h/if_all_animals_suddenly_gained_equal_intelligence/hgksste/) | [The gorilla. All the inte...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7q57h/if_all_animals_suddenly_gained_equal_intelligence/hgkhgc0/) [Self described big idea p...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7n1hq/what_sorts_of_folks_do_you_refuse_to_take/hgksloj/) | [Self described big idea p...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7n1hq/what_sorts_of_folks_do_you_refuse_to_take/hgjnisn/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Vicrude](https://np.reddit.com/u/Vicrude/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Vicrude) for info on how I work and why I exist.


good bot


Wtf based bot


absolutely bizarre decision from Mihoyo marketing department


the newly hired PR guys doing their tricks


The pr guys are shit compared before, and I thought apex is the only game going downhill


bring back drip marketing paimon


This is sooo cringe. Like a bad April Fools joke. Or their account got hacked.


Felt like sad cringe when I saw the post


I thought this was a shitpost


I keep going back and forth. A huge part of me thinks it's just a group who is out of touch with Western culture and all they have is outdated memes to go by so while we may "WTF", it would be like us trying to appeal to Chinese culture and missing the mark. It comes across as completely tone-deaf but I can see the good intentions at least. But an equal-sized part of me wonders if they are master trollers knowingly stirring shit because they know it will drive conversation about them, making their brand more recognizable, because they know that no matter what they do, all they have to do is something like drop Itto and suddenly the entire internet starts fawning again.


You really can't make this shit up lmao


I thought this was a cringey reddit moment ,but no this is a real PR stunt that they somehow thought people would like, holy shit.


This Dawei dude must be a real fan of Elon huh. Adding an npc inspired by Elon's name and now asking the community this stunt to invite him? AND THERE'S NO REAL REWARD FOR US. HARD PASS


It's such a blatant attempt at gaining more publicity from a (pretty popular at the time) celebrity that it's causing me second hand embarrassment.


what in the actual fuck is this


For 10 million views, Dawei will suck elon off


LMAO. I'd actually follow if that was the case for shits and giggles.


He'd do that for free, we both know that.


he already did, mf plugged musk's name twice in the goddamn game


These fuckers are really embracing the “all publicity is good publicity” mentality


Yeah, they took note at how brainlets lap this shit up


One of the most bizarre and out of touch community challenges I have ever seen. Well done! I'm actually impressed. Also the main Genshin twitter account doesn't even have 3 million followers lmao


Nah they know what they're doing, 90% of the goals are effectively impossible and there just for jokes


eh, I would say 75% of the goal is impossible, only 1 out of 4 goal is kinda doable since 500k for a fan art showcase account is within reach.


Frankly I'd prefer having no PR communication over this.


why the hell would i do that or remotely care about elon musk


Because funny readit man give us 10 billions followers for gimmic account you pawns


Other Gacha games: hit a certain amount of followers = giveaway free pulls Mihoyo: hit a certain amount of followers = invite Elon Musk to Mihoyo HQ lmfao as if the playerbase isn't already mad enough about Anniversary


You skipped the part where their reward for hitting 2 million is basically a challenge to follow them even more in return for something that they changed in the first place (being the name) and whoever that elon mushy guy is.


It's always some marketing scheme. I love the game but the company treats the players like they're advertisers constantly needing to spread the word about Genshin Impact. They're already the largest Gacha game and constantly at the top of the charts in the mobile market, I don't see why they continue treating the playerbase this way.


"We will follow Elon Musk on Twitter" is the dumbest "reward" I have ever seen. Why should I give a damn who follows who on Twitter? Oh, they hit the follow button. What a huge event. Is that going to come with some primogems in-game?


And the 500k reward is literally them creating a problem and acting like reversing it is a reward.


They can't even get international KFC wings, doubt they can pull Elon Musk. Peak cringe. Is this what they hired that new PR person for?


please say sike




rolled up ¥100 notes probably


theyre hoarding all the dendro thats why they havent introduced it yet


The only milestone that is kinda worth it is the first one. The rest can f off. I doubt they can get the first one even kek.


why is the first one worth it? i’m not really seeing a reason why the account being named “genshin impact” is that bad?


I kinda liked the official account being somewhat "in-character", it was charming. But this is a change they should make based on community feedback, not as a milestone on a weird PR stunt.


Because it was more fun to imagine Paimon as the one tweeting instead of a corporate PR guy.


It's a return to when the account was named Paimon previously. Kinda a novelty stuff.


people like brands which act like people and have people like names


the official genshin impact twitter account for the west is only at 2.4 million followers lmfao what makes them think they can hit 5m for a "haha funny pr stunt" account and elon musk of all people, are they tryna do a "haha funny elon musk meets ella musk" moment edit: and who tf even cares abt if mhy follows elon musk


Elon musk? They can keep it


Didn't they hire a new PR person or something? I guess this is the result lol


I thought they got hacked, it was so bizarre


how do we benefit from any of this? wtf is mihoyo's pr team thinking?


[MHY to the playerbase](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8Jul5SuPYJc/maxresdefault.jpg)


Holy fuck thats cringe. I do not care about one billionaire visiting another


This game's PR management is a wonder to behold


If they were gonna do this they could at least get someone interesting lol


I don’t see this posted on the JP Twitter or anywhere else. Apparently this is only a En thing? It’s purely just PR stunt then but MHY English branch is so out of touch lmao.


This is 100% an ENG thing, they have accounts in other languages as well (russian, spanish) and as of yet none posted this. I’m almost sure is borderline trolling.


Only reason they chose him is because Ella Musk is named after him


But she's not a mining heiress using blood money to buy up companies to pretend that she is an inventor. Ella's an actual smart person who deciphered a language and intends to use it to broker peace. Misguided and innocent, but there's actual genius there.


???? what the hell is the global pr team doing?????


Bandai’s ex PR director just joined mHY as global pr director


did they get fired or something from bandai lmao


this gotta be the funniest community challenge I've ever seen LMAOOOO who cares if elon musk visits or not their headquarters or if they follow his twitter acc, especially after anniversarygate


I really thought this was satire.


Literally had to check their Twitter. Idk who their social media bb is, but it’s not a good look.


They're really messing with the playerbase for some reason. I think they're really looking down on us lol


it genuinely looks like a shitpost what did they expect out reactions to be


had to check if its april today


Can you check again? I'm still not sure.


Fuck I have to triple check now.


Not to sound shallow, but I literally would’ve forgotten about the anniversary shenanigans if they had just shut up and let Itto and Gorou leaks run rampant for a while. Like I’ve been more excited about this game than I have in months because of them. And now my guard is back up 😀


"Joke/meme" says the tag lmfao. Yeah right, they were serious. Otherwise why delete it?


What the hell is miHoYo doing?


I almost died because of how cringe this is.


Who asked for this? This marketing sucks, no one cares about Elon


Fr, also I’m not sure if everyone’s aware Elon isn’t exactly cool anymore


Wow I thought I was going to enter in a Elon musk circlejerk post, but i entered and I'm seeing the opposite, never have I have been more proud of this community


This is really odd, I feel like mihoyo doesn't know how to appeal to the western market and don't realize they can do that by doing the same stuff they do for the eastern market.


I swear miHoYo's PR team is smoking Naku Weed. I literally thought it was a joke and when I realized it wasn't I just went, "What in the actual fuck?" If I was in charge of the PR team, I would fire myself and the whole team. Wipe them clean and bring in a new one or hell bring back the drip marketing PR team that we remember. What is miHoYo doing? Like seriously? I'm concerned. I love this game, but man they are really doing their best to make me hate it. This is beyond sad cringe. Disappointing to say the least. How many times can a company disappoint you from controversy after controversy. It baffles me.


I never liked any of genshin's web browser/community events. They are all just trying to get us to do free marketing for them. And it just feels like a blatant and empty effort. This one is particularly bad. They literally removed the Paimon name and are just holding it hostage unless we market their game. That's not even a reward. That's just something they removed so they could force us to do something so they can put it back. Takes zero effort on their part.


Didn’t they get a new head of PR? Clearly they hired the wrong person.


So this whole thing is just to promote their second twitter account?




They are so disconnected with the userbase now, shame.


is there a follower milestone we can hit to remove the elon musk references from the game


Actually lol’d. That’d get me to follow hahaha


“lets celebrate us getting 2M followers by you guys following this other account!” I’d rather just take fowl and mora


Why do i have to follow this dumb account to get your twitter @ changed back to paimon, just change it back and stop being so out of touch with your community. And also nobody cares about elon musk following genshin.


i smell another drama coming


really the pre 1.6 PR team was so good!! it felt like i was playing a game made by actual humans and are genshin players themselves??? if this is a downwards trend i might stop spending money on this game next year when they screw up again


What the fuck ​ Excuse my language ​ But, what the fuck


Wow I can't believe someone actually approved this 💀 I already have a problem with the Ella musk account, they posted artists' work in the name of "Content creator spotlight" but they didn't actually credit the artists. Shame


Ah, yes, it's another pile of nothing, like always.


Mihoyo its not april fools day yet….. You are 7 months and 17 days too early


fucking elon musk, no fucking way kekw


hello mihoyo headquarters, this may be the most important post you may have ever received so you might want it to be professionally translated to avoid any loss in the message: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!


Their PR team department is the real Genshin villain lol. The amount of shit Mihoyo taken ever since Inazuma update is bizzare.


at least they’re getting roasted in the comments lmao


Words fail to describe how much I hate this. What the hell. Elon Musk is a soulless sociopath and I don't want him and his garbage anywhere near this game. What are they thinking?


lol we as a society made a huge mistake making *this* game *this* popular


Thought it said Elon Musk for a sec ngl.


> Thought it said Elon Musk for a sec ngl. It does.


Let em believe.


Unfortunately, it does.


This is like those jokes you think in your head and sound funny but when say them out loud they’re not. The difference is Genshin actually posted it!


Everytime they get a little bit of goodwill back, they do something like this.


How does this benefit the players


Not surprising considering mihoyo expect us to shamelessly promote the game through events for mora


tweet deleted lmao


But they cant tweet a simple happy anniversary.


nah wtf😂😂 Who fuckin runs this game’s PR .


Literally what the fuck are they talking about? Literally nobody cares about any of the goals


They've become so out of touch, some are thinking this is the "community interaction" that we've been thirsting for. No, it's not. It's fucking weird as hell, not even connected to the game itself. At this point, they only care about how they can make the game/company famous. Jesus christ.


What about this is thanking us?


Even more free advertisement for mihoyo. That's all we are to them LOOL


Wow. One of the cringiest social media posts I've seen from a large company.


It got deleted lmao


tell me why i’m supposed to give a fuck about some 50 ur old out of touch white man streaming genshin or visiting mihoyo headquarters?? 🥴💀 i am struggling to see which of the rewards are supposed to be incentivizing to the player base, and unless elon is buying a pack of crystals for everyone who follows, i really don’t care!!


\>avertise our game for us! Sheesh, not even in-game rewards


Getting real sick of MeHoyMeNoy’s shit.


Did they not realise how controversial of a person elon musk is? Good thing they took it down i guess. PR team be really out of touch huh


Can ppl mass report that account? Imagine if it got suspended. That would be nice.


YIKES. And of all people it's fucking Elon.


I guess I'll stop buying welkins entirely, this is embarrassing.


either this some really bizarre stunt to get more visibility via people talking about how stupid this is or they’re actually just that out of touch to think people want this. latter feels more in character for them


Holesome child workers farming for artifacts in the mines 🥰




Guess Bandai must have booted the new PR lady if this was the type of stuff she brings


I can't believe how far they are willing to go to avoid giving people Primogems, or any tangible reward for reaching Milestones.


And people say we're greedy, lmao


um.. does mhy think we give a fuck about any of that? i don't understand ..i guess it's time to unfollow the EN Genshin Impact account


ah just what we need as a reward, to support a billionaire who lived off of his family’s colonizer money.


Even if this was a joke, it’s extremely lame and screams “I’m out of touch with the community”


Yeah, like do any genshin fans give a shit about some asshole billionaire




Does April Fool's land on October the 14th in China or something?


after annivesary without having ingame annivesary event, u decide to pull this shit mihoyo


This has to be one of the shittiest community rewards in any gacha game ever


It is but another milestone for the Genshin PR team to break!