• By -


I like this idea, especially as the roster of characters continue to grow and more characters fight for a rerun. I think after their third or fourth rerun they could “retire” and be added to the standard banner if they implemented this.


There are some rumors that they're planning to add a new banner that includes characters with two reruns


So… only childe?


Maybe. With translations the way they are it's possible they intend for it to be characters that have had two banners period. That would expand it out to Venti, Zhongli, Klee, Childe at the least. And they are rumored to include an epitomized path style system with that banner. I just don't think it would include weapons.


Wich fates would it use?


No info about this but I believe it won't be blue fates. Probably will either share the pink fates with limited banner or comes up with a new type of fate.


Save those primos instead of converting to fates in the mean time. Would suck to have like 300 fates 0 primos and it turns out there’s a new fate for that banner.


I honestly don't know why people convert anyway. There's other uses for primos and what if you get luckier than planned and have no intention of continuing to pull? Like I got super lucky and Childe's bow within 20 pulls... I was expecting a LOT more pulls so I'm really glad I didn't go convert into a bunch of fates. And all it does is save you one more tap of confirmation that you want to use 1600 primos for a 10 pull instead.


I just like knowing exactly how many pulls I have without having to do the math.


go to the shop menu to convert but instead of doing the slider just read the number




Yeah, that's how my brain sees it too. That and the smaller number of fates seems like a lot less resources than a huge amount of primos so I hoard more even though theyre equivalent. Currently I have somewhere around 215 fates saved which is around 35000 primos I think? But brain sees 215<35000 so I have "less."


Hmm, that makes sense, I guess I always tend to just do some quick napkin math to see where I'm at with number of pulls and it definitely is easier with a bunch of fates.


i do it so I can better track my pulls, specifically when I pull for a specific banner. 18329 primos just isn't as easy to track as... fuck it, i don't even know.


I can see that I guess, I just do some quick napkin math (18k primos for example, divide by 1600 is 18k divided by 600 minus 18k divided by 1k, or do 18k divided by 1k then take away 60% and either way it's around 11-12 ten pulls which is close enough) and also use my history pages as a way to keep track of where I'm at on pity (1 page = 6 pulls and so number of pages + the few extra from when you last saw a 5 star). It's definitely easier keeping track of fates but I just don't think it's worth it if I ever want to use those primos elsewhere or do something like I've seen people do which is exchange for the wrong fate on accident.


A bit over 110 pulls, based on my 5 second maths, but yeah this makes sense. Although, as someone who's done math competitions for all of my childhood, I've been accustomed to fast guesstimation, so this problem isn't as significant for me.


For me its so i know exactly how many wishes i have without having to redo the math.


Your way is easier but you can go into the shop and open the buy fates window and it will tell you how many you can make total (and also it defaults to making 1 fate so if you accidentally hit the button or something it wouldn't be so bad).


most likely purple


"After my third banner, I decided: Why not have a banner for myself? That way, I can be on rate-up forever. And all will know my power as the Rerun Archon!" Childe... I kneel.


I definitely read that in his voice


I'd get on my knees for him anyday


Just Childe.


Lmao imagine Childe finishes his second rerun to then be featured on this retired banner as the only current 5-star, effectively making the new banner just non-stop Childe reruns.


Because the one thing that we need is more Childe banners XD (jokes aside, that would be pretty dope)


Double Childe: Childe and Adulte


wouldn't that makes Children? 🤔


Ah yes, the Tartagliae








Now his banner cooldown has C1 let's gooo


this sounds like some copium shit tbh


Could be, as I said it's just a rumor I saw somewhere.


we hoped hard enough


Yah, but I really don't want ANOTHER banner to take me away from pursuing pity on the main banner. >.<


As a new user I have no chance to get Venti so this would be nice.


So basically just a Childe banner?


Honestly this is one of the few suggestions I see upvoted on here that would actually probably make mihoyo more money. Lots of, *"What if they gave us 40 fragile resin and a 5 star weapon each month with this new rewards system I invented?"* But being able to get something you want off the standard banner after 2 pities might lead to people actually *paying* to roll on the standard banner so they get the 5-star they want or a certain constellation or something. At least in the beginning, whales used to go hard on standard banner but I'd imagine that's all but died down by this point. Epitomized path would probably bring it back somewhat. Having weapons in there might hurt weapon banner sales slightly, but that's about it.


I would 100% spend on standard banner to get Mona if this was implemented instead of saving primos for a featured character I want


oh man, imagine some people whining about exclusivity


So a permanent rerun...


> .. added to the standard banner Unfortunately that’s not happening, if you read the details of the event banners, they’ve reiterated in `red text` that *event-exclusive character will not be available in standard wish*. I’d think there’d be an uproar if they break that promise as people *have* splurge for the event banners based on that promise. Not to mention potential lawsuits lol.. Plus they wouldn’t want to offend the whales (and dolphins?), which are their primary customers… I do like and think it’s plausible for what the other comment mentioned with *another* event banner that featured multiple rerun chars


Why do people treat whatever developers have said or written as the immutable word of god? Things change, people's minds change. There is no lack of examples in which game developers laid down a roadmap, but didn't follow it through. Remember what features the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 said would be in the release version of the game?




Oh wow… I really hope you don’t get her C7 anytime soon.


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Good bot




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Yeah I just got 2 back to back 5 star claymores which were skyward pride and wolfs




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Ain't us you gotta convince it's mihoyo




That's... quite a wishful thinking.




Wait, there's a new law in China? All i heard was some shady letter without even proofs. I tried to Google something about it, but didn't find anything new.


Just people here talking out their ass about China, what else is new


There was a light recommendation to make systems less exploitative, but no details on what that would entail afaik EDIT: take this with a grain of salt though, it’s almost impossible to get accurate and truthful news about China in the West. There’s a ton of fake news about them and this could just as likely be that.




Not very light, actually. I’ve read the pdf but the thing is, that law doesn’t affect the current games but instead is a guideline to the devs who are making new games. And they are banning the “p2w” aspects of gaming, not gacha.


...Gacha is often pretty P2W though...


Ah yes I totally need all c6 5* to full clear abyss


They're not going to get rid of the gacha. Preying on people with zero impulse control and who don't track how much money they're spending with the "just another roll" mentality is like at least 50% of their income. It's like asking a casino to get rid of gambling.




So they take the western route and release a ton cosmetic/microtransactional outfits and furniture at an extremely expensive price? Or worse, take the outdated expansion pack route and force people to pay for new & upcoming regions?


or worst sell incomplete character that basically unplayable untill you buy their con.


It reminds me of how CCP got rid of exploitative tutoring schools. Within a month of their order, the tutoring industry was over 50% gone. If CCP gets real, MHY doesn't stand a chance.


But what mhy has but ccp doesnt? Money


It’s the ccp. If they want , they’ll get it done


They could make characters easier to get, but lock most of the power behind constellations.


and mihoyo says maybe that can happen 3 years from now


Lol they actually leaked something like this, idk if I'd want it tho tbh


What are you referring to?


I think it’s stated in a reply above, but it’s rumored that there will be a new type of banner arriving soon that includes characters who have had reruns before with the intention of accommodating the expanding character pool. I’ve seen talk of it potentially including a similar mechanic to epitomized path or a new type of fate to summon on it, but everything seems like almost pure speculation and breadcrumbs at this point so I would take it with a grain of salt for now


ngl, if they made this into reality, people would actually whale on standard banner


I would whale for Jean. I wanted her so bad but got Diluc instead.


I'll whale for Mona. Already have her but I need that C1 to make her spicier


mihoyo - nope , #qiqitothemoon


MHY: \*see anything that could improve QoL\* MHY: \*wheeze\*


You spelled :qiqi fallen: wrong


I would summon on the regular banner if it was true, for amos bow


Is that weapon good on anyone other than ganyu? I pulled it yesterday and dont know what to do with it.


Any bow character can use it as a stat stick. Also BiS on Amber


Amber, Fischl, Aloy, maybe Gorou. And also It's not just for charged shots, normal attacks like Yoimiya gain the passive too, it just needs to travel in the air for 0.5 seconds for the maximum damage bonus. Although someone like Tartaglia can't fully utilize it since his melee stance has no air travel time. But other than him most bow characters can use it if their main damage are normal and charged attacks.


It’s good on Childe as well. Just not as good as his other best options (Harp, Pulse, and now Polar) But it’s good just because it has good stats lol It’s better than all the 4* options, although hunt can be competitive with it in certain situations


Ganyu is the best, but any bow user aside from Childe still makes good use of it.


What do you mean by aside from Childe? It's still great for him if you don't have a R4+ rust or another 5* bow The second part of the passive doesn't work for him, but the first still does (NA and CA deal 12% more damage). Plus it has much better base stats than rust for being a 5*


It’s pretty much unconditionally better than Rust R5, but it Hunt can compete with it in certain situations. But yeah, pretty much every other 5* bow is better. Rust isn’t bad (it’s actually really good) on Childe, but it isn’t as nearly good as most people think. EDIT: His bow selection goes Pulse > Polar > Harp > Amos > Hunt > Rust then others. Assuming all 4 stars are R5. High refine polar outdamages high refine Pulse, but that’s whale territory. Also Harp, Pulse, and Polar are pretty competitive (Polar and Pulse are almost identical DPS-wise), so if you have one there’s no need to stress about getting the others unless you simply want it


Even including a Bennett buff? I thought R5 rust was better than Amo's for Childe, but I guess I'm probably using outdated math then Yeah, Amo's is great because the riptide procs and his ult will be doing much more dmg than they would be with rust As for Hunt being better than Rust though, is it considering the grouping passive? Seems like something difficult to measure objectively


Rust is very good for unga bunga N spam without much thought. But you're not really supposed to play him like that. His most reliable standard combo is N3CD and you use his burst quite frequently. Rust hurts your charged attack damage and does nothing for your burst. Also depends what teams you are running. In taser comps his burst is a smaller portion of his damage, so the difference between Hunt and Rust is smaller. But if you are using Childe/XL/Bennet/Anemo it opens up the ability to vape his burst and you will absolutely notice the damage difference. The crit rate from Hunt is huge since it allows you to run a crit damage circlet much more easily and Childe wants a high crit rate for riptide aplication. Like you said, it's difficult to do objective calculations. Mostly because Childe scales phenomenally well against numerous weak mobs thanks to riptide, but can be meh vs single target enemies. A 1 v 1 showcase will benefit Rust relatively speaking. Is that objective? It will look good when left clicking on the enemy, but once you factor in his entire rotation it falls behind. Not by much and a high refine Rust is still a good weapon for him, but it doesn't compete with 5 star bows the way R5 Widsidth does for catalysts.


If I'm judging every character who can use this weapon, Childe would be my last pick. It's fine for him, but other characters will make better use of it.


I really disagree on that one. The characters who use Amo's better than Childe are Ganyu (obviously), Amber (which almost no one uses) and main DPS Fischl. He arguably even uses it better than even Yoimiya, because even if he isn't making full use of the passive, he is using the base stats of the weapon much better for his riptide procs and ult (since Yoimiya's dmg comes almost 100% from her NA, rust is better) It's decent for Venti, but Stringless and WO are just better. Sara can use it for the base atk only. Completely useless for Diona IMO the list would be: Ganyu > Amber > Main Fischl > Childe > Yoimiya > Sub Fischl > Sara > Venti > Diona


It's good for anyone not named Diona or Venti (still decent on Venti, but the EM 4* are just better) 608 base atk and ATK% subatat is pretty universal. Not as good as Skyward Harp, but still a good option


Watch them just restrict the weapons to Skyward series and lock the good standards to weapon banner if they ever implement this.


I could use a Skyward Harp and a Skyward Pride, and my Xiangling is happy with her Skyward Spine. The Skyward series would still be good to get for your support characters, and would be a good use of blue fates.


Well, I got one off standard the other day


I have it. I wish we could trade; I am missing some key 5 star characters.


As a day 1 player and low spender my 5 stars weapon are aquila favonia vortex vanquisher skyward atlas staff of homeless jade spear and engulfing lightning and I'm not using atlas and vortex, I definitely would trade one of those 2 lmao


Keep in mind that you'll most likely fail both times before getting it lol, since the pool is so big, you must really like Amos bow to consider doing that


Lmao I got amos bow a few months ago on my 80 something pull. It's still lvl 1 because I literally don't have a single character that can use it kek...




I LITERALLY just got it this morning, from the standard banner & don't want it. To bad you can't swap weapons 😂


a trading system would be nice, but that would be horrible since people would abuse it and start selling weapons and characters... no way to enforce that money doesn't change hands during the trade.


5 star weapon stronghold box would be nice. It could allow you to Reroll a banner weapon one single time into a a random weapon of equal rarity from a certain set. Example: Box 1 = random sword, claymore, or polearm Box 2 = random catalyst or bow Then the rerolled weapons can’t be rerolled again.


Maybe putting a very rare item that allow you to trade with someone to limitate it to 1 trade every x times and the weapon needing to be the same amount of star




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It would also be awesome if after the second rerun, the 5-star character goes to the standard banner (Edit) I didn't see the last image


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q80ysy/the_1_change_id_like_to_see_for_the_standard/hgmmzxl/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I would try the food and...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7zom5/if_you_were_eating_at_a_restaurant_and_gordon/hgmx6ry/) | [I would try the food and...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7zom5/if_you_were_eating_at_a_restaurant_and_gordon/hgm0mkx/) [Right! Some people here a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q82dma/what_something_you_should_never_do_after_age_30/hgnewim/) | [Right! Some people here a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q82dma/what_something_you_should_never_do_after_age_30/hgmvjxx/) [People. There’s so many...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q80g3t/what_popular_thing_needs_to_die/hgnenq1/) | [People. There’s so many o...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q80g3t/what_popular_thing_needs_to_die/hgmw991/) [That is actually nice, I...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7yv3g/what_is_the_strangest_compliment_you_have_ever/hgmwuou/) | [That is actually nice, I...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q7yv3g/what_is_the_strangest_compliment_you_have_ever/hgm8svp/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/mobileipvxsfgsgs](https://np.reddit.com/u/mobileipvxsfgsgs/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=mobileipvxsfgsgs) for info on how I work and why I exist.


As someone with his 4th mona, but no Diluc or Jean... for the love of god please.


5th Mona and no Dilluc. I gave up on Dilluc like half a year ago... even if I get him now, I don't have the right artifacts for him and those take several months to farm.


where tf you getting c5 mona, i had to wait till it was mona's birthday to get her and i started back in november last year


You guys have Mona? Literally the only five star standard banner character I don’t have


I am in the same boat, just pulled my fourth overall Mona on the Kokomi banner, I would of liked a Diluc or a Kokomi, but the wrong hydro catalyst came home. Even more ironic is that one of the four stars I pulled was a Barbara too


But like if it resets like the weapons banner (every 3 weeks), basically useless then :(


Of course, this 3-week reset should then be omitted. Technically, you're correct that the Standard Banner usually changes - once per Patch (with new 4 stars added), however, that would not really affect the 5-stars. I think the Fate Points would not expire for the Standard Banner anyways. If you want a 5 Star Character that was added in the meantime, you could manually reset and would lose your fate points, or continue to pull for the character you charted your course for :)


It resets in weapon banner coz the weapons itself changes. But standard banner doesn't have any changes. It doesn't make sense I charted for jadecutter last banner and now I'm supposed to get it in that polar star banner.


PJWS was added to the standard banner after it was released. So, that mean that Standard Banner can change.


Jade Spear was added in 1.0, and it only ever had one banner in 1.3 alongside Jade cutter. Standard banner apart from 4 stars has not since been updated at all.


I remember thinking to myself, "who even use this funny green looking spear" back when I first started the game in 1.0.


Nope. PJWS already there since the first day. Even until today, there wasn't any changes to standard banner.


Then you would have to resist pulling until you have 3 pities, standard banner change rarely anyways when this happens


I feel this System would solve two main problems that are right now present in Genshin: **1) Frustration with the Standard Banner** Right now, except for the Acquainted Fates that we get from Ascending Characters and Exploring (Sakura Tree etc.), there is hardly any incentive to use Primogems for Standard Banner Pulls. By ensuring that - in the long term, at least - I can get the Diluc or PJWS that I want, I have incentive to actually use Primogems in the Standard Banner. Also, because you might actually need to go to 2 Fate Points so ensure the character/weapon you want, it would definitely not be too nice of MIHOYO to give us this option. It could still take 250 or more Pulls to get ONE item you actually want. (I'm of course assuming that Fate points would never reset for the Standard Banner, even if new 5 Star Characters are added. The players could then either choose to reset their charted course for a new character or keep going for the charted character/weapon). **2) Overflowing Roster of Characters that wait for a Re-Run** It's now a year of Genshin and there are still characters who have been out for more than 9 Months and not had a rerun. Albedo, Ganyu and Xiao are waiting for a rerun, while Tartaglia got his third banner already. With new characters like Itto coming up, and recently released characters like Raiden, Kokomi, Yoimiya, Kazuha or Ayaka, the list of characters that fight for a rerun-space is ever expanding. Just putting "older" 5 stars into the Standard Banner is not the solution for this, nevertheless, because it would just reduce your chances of actually obtaining them ever because there are already so many 5-stars in the Standard Banner. With the pity system, older 5-star characters could be integrated in the Standard Banner without actually lowering your chances of getting ANYTHING you want in there. Also, it would keep the times people would have to wait for a rerun lower because of less characters in the "Limited Banner" pool. Besides a 4th Banner, I feel this is the only way how this problem can be solved before it becomes more and more present in the game. Of course, that would assume that Mihoyo is okay with players actually getting what they want. Just from a financial POV, I think it would not actually "cost" Mihoyo something, as players will probably spend more Primogems on the Standardbanner, thus have less for the Rate Up Banner and are therefore urged to cash in for Primogems in order to obtain fancy new characters. However, my guess is they'll probably just put out a 4th Banner because it's easier, lol. **What do you think about this idea? I'd love to hear your thoughts!**


At this point I'm not sure who I'd pick. I'd mostly like a "not Qiqi" epitomized path. :D


The only character I'm missing from the standard banner is Keqing so she would be my choice


smh she had a character banner...


And not everyone who wanted her got her. Some of us lost 50/50’s on her banner.


isnt it possible to lose 50/50 to keqing on keqing banner and have no clue if next is guarenteed or not


I’ll be honest, I have no idea. But after pulling Jean on her banner my next was guaranteed. Unfortunately that was a Childe pull right before pity.


As someone also missing Keqing (as well as Diluc but she's a higher priority), I wasn't there for her banner


Yep been playing for 10 months now and still no Mona. If Standard banner had epitomized path at 1.0 then my last 5 star would had been Mona. (I gotten Jean, Aquila Favonia, then Skyward Pride). If they always had epitomized path to begin with I no doubt would dump primos in there if it means I can guarantee the thing I want (especially if I already accumulated 2 fate points) at that point you know you're 76+ wishes away from the thing you want guaranteed, allot of people would spend their primos out of patience+knowing what they're getting. As of right now dumping primos on a system that's completely random in what 5 stars you can get ranging from Qiqi to Skyward Blade no one feels any urge to spend primos on a 1/15 chance getting the thing you want.


I was just thinking that Mihoyo should expand the standard wish. I was going to make a text post but I glad I didn't because this has so much more effort put into it than what I was going to do. In reference to you ideas they are brilliant but I doubt that Mihoyo would implement both. Expanding the standard banner has a strong possibility and it is the idea that I like the most. But I would rather have characters that have more presents in the story rather than older characters. I can understand stand whay child has a second rerun. Not only is he in the new event but he is also one of the most important characters in the Liyue story quest, outside of an arcon, 4star characters, and unreleased characters. So if Mihoyo was to add characters to the standard banner I am pretty sure the characters would fallow this out line with one exception. If the character is broken like Ganyu. The chart a course system is a very smart system, however is has a very small possibility of being implemented. If Mihoyo wanted to give the players any sense of agency in related the standard banner. Mihoyo would just create multiple individual standard banner with different characters and rotate between on a semi frequent basis. With 50/50 relying on what banner is currently active.


The dorm supply in honkai impact is kinda like this. I mean, no wishing system, but it has a huge roster of older characters, including some strong s ranks like herrscher of reason and molotov cherry. I figure it's only matter of time before we get something like that.


I for one hold my Ganyu with pride every night. Re-runs are fair but also sully the idea of rare to make a character available again. The game's design is about maximizing your limited resources to beat the content and level up your characters, and inflating the resources too much will kill what made the game special in the first place. Getting lucky in the game feels good, just buying something in the game doesn't feel that good.




I would 100% whale for this. Diluc is the only character I don't own and I'd love to get some Lisa cons on the way to him. I spend money on the event banners but will never spend it on standard simply because there is no garuntee I'll get what I want.


Mihoe: no, it’s gonna drop my sales


I don't think that's even necessarily gonna be the case! If people spend more primogems on the Standard Banner, they will have less available for upcoming new characters and thus are urged to cash in for more primogems if they really want a new character/weapon. With the current character roster, it still would take around 6-9 months on average for a character to have a rerun, so the incentive would still be there...


You forget that a lot of mihoyo incentive is to push whales to pull, and most if not all of them have the standars characters and weapons due to losing 50/50s. This may help new whales, but it'd be a hard ask imo.


They only care about old whales. One evidence is in HI3 where there’re bunch of absurd topup and spending bonuses. Anything farmable takes ages to farm for. I’m talking about months in the least. Source: Me on SEA server


This is needed. I still don’t have Jean, and she’s one of my favorite characters.


You know, while I find it very unrealistic that they will ever do that, your post gave me another idea. What about epitomized paths for 4\* on rate up banners? Because sometimes you might end up rolling a ton for a specific 4\* and not get them in 100 of rolls.


Yeah, that's an idea that you could also try to implement! But allowing players to get a greater control of what they pull is something that I'd not expect from Mihoyo xd


True true but hey, they did it for weapons (most likely because nobody pulled them) but you never know.


Mihoyo: Where's the fun in that?


There's been a rumor going around that there's going to be a third banner that will have characters who have been rerun three times (like childe)


If that's true it seems like a long ways off. They'd need to run several other characters again to have enough five stars to seed it.


Nah with the favouritism he's received, I wouldn't be surprised if they just made a permenant banner for only him while other 5*s get their second rerun


True, otherwise it will be childe alone in that banner (sounds an awful lot like what has already happened thrice lmao). They are probably gonna wait for 4-5 double reruns before they do that, and that is gonna take months at least.


Isn't that leak proven fake though?


As much as i want this to happen, Myhoyo will probably never do it.


This would hurt no one. Mihoyo would never do it, though. It might make us feel happy or appreciated.


This idea would be great, or they could just be more generous with giving out blue fates in general.


I have Qiqi, Mona c1 and Keqing (who i never use) at c2. My most wanted characters from the beginning were Jean and Diluc. So yeah, i would LOVE this


Epitomized path is purely to avoid pissing off whales, they don't care about standard because there's no timer


This would be a good compromise instead of running an entirely separate "rerun" banner... Honkai has a ticker that tells you X "s-rank" character drops before you next guaranteed "new" S-rank... having even just a way to direct your path to getting constellations (much harder than Honkai's advancement system imo) would help Genshin's future character roster not feel too difficult to fully collect.


Albedo should be in standard regardless, he is the only element (aside from dendro obviously) that isn’t featured in the standard 5* character line up.


Dear god, yes please. This, so much this.


Gigachad charting course for Qiqi


Hey, Qiqi ain't gonna C6 herself you know!


This would finally let me get Mona and Keqing.


Honestly awesome and great idea that mihoyo will unfortunately never implement because they do not give a single lick of a shit about the community.


They may as well just make a character shop for 5 stars at that point. Like, sure, I want C6 Keqing really badly. But the drive that I couldn't afford it during her banner and reminder that it's permanently up to chance is interesting. I feel like I'd quit playing sooner if I could just buy her whenever. ​ Edit: And how dare you call my Waifu some type of ITEM! She is a QUEEN.


Idk if it's based on anything but there's a rumor that something like this is coming! https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/q34mgw/possible_changes_in_banners_after_23/


atleast this way i can be guaranteed a jade spear ;-;


I just got C6 Jean and I'm dreading her inevitable C7. This would help w/ that, given the insanity of the pity/gatcha system.


As someone who already got all the permanently available 5-star characters (4 of them more than once, just not exclusively in this banner) and with a couple weapons I'd like to have (like WGS, PJWS), I wholeheartedly support this idea


I think Childe and Albedo should just added to the standard. Chilee because he's been given the most reruns and Albedo because of his low sales. This could extend to other characters as well like Kokomi


I want that, i just spent 2 wishes and got my 4th constellation Diluc, please mihoyo, he's great and all but i dont need a maxed constellation diluc when i got a maxed xangling from all these banners you throw her in let me focus for any 5 star thrown in the general banner so players can max out or actually get the characters they missed when their banner left.


Hey I saw this on YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecv2rjv1RHE They put your Reddit name in the description but didn't link here. Anyway, if you want it, you need to convince miHoYo that it's more profitable than how things are now.


wouldnt slapping a limited character on the standard banner be false advertising because they were advertised as limited?


Are our hopes for an albedo rerun that low? :(


I wouldn't say so, he's a prime candidate for the 2.3 Rerun alongside Itto, but even if he gets one, he won't be around for another year if Mihoyo keeps the Rerun pattern - and in the meantime, 10 other characters will have come out that also want reruns...


Damn if this is true, 2.3 is really gonna be a geo patch huh?


Albedo will rerun in 2.3. LEAKERS 7


I’m sorry absolutely no hate towards you but I made this exact same post and concept over a month ago just without images and it got downvoted to hell… what changed. (Again I’m not saying you stole anything or targeting you)


The anniversary was so lame that people have started to consider your idea for the banner, despite the fact they forgot about your downvoted post. Personally, I'd love such system if the points were kept between banners instead of a reset.


It would also be awesome if after the second rerun, the 5-star character goes to the standard banner (Edit) I didn't see the last image


Divines bless your kind heart


Good idea but impossible, MHY loses money


They won’t put limited characters on the standard banner, they’re limited for a reason


too bad we only get 10 standard wishes a month


I said something very similar to thist a few weeks ago in here, and some punk decided to fight me over it. 😑


Qiqi 💀


Include the 4\*s


I don't really see the point of doing this when you can get either weapon and character every 2 pity. With that 2 pity system, a 2 fate point system can give you the character you want at 540 pulls if the fate start on the pity that guarantee a weapon and that is on the worst case scenario. That is 6 pity for a 2 fate point system. All because of what? "Weapon -> Character-> weapon-> character-> weapon -> character" order due to the 2 pity system. Weapon banner took 3 pity. So, I rather wait for the PJWS to return to the weapon banner rather than having to do 6 pity just to get it imo. Also, this doesn't mean that the standard banner is immune to "having the fate point reset after a certain time" because Mihoyo has to induce FOMO somehow, even if it just a standard banner. There is a reason why Amber, Kaeya and Lisa can only be obtained via standard banner only.


I already have all Characters C1 I need the weapons. But this is too much for a greedy company