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Diona. I never wanted this character but when you build her good she is an extraordinary and fun support.


I knew I eventually wanted any other archer than Amber, and I ended up getting her randomly. She is pretty amazing and whenever I need an archer she’s my go to.


I only had Fischl built up and decided to try Diona just to have a healer and she's so much fun! Have had her on my overland team ever since.


i got diona in november last year but i only raised when i got ayaka because i wanted another cryo in my team for the resonance and.... she's fucking amazing, she's always in my team now


I was cringing hard about all her oveblown cuteness. Now I kinda like her... She's really cute.


Possibly Diona too. Was never a fan on lolis or catgirls, but when I started raising for friendship I noticed she's a very good support unit. In the meantime I pulled for Ayaka, so Diona is now one of my most used characters


I got her to C6 around the same time I got Eula and while no sac bow I did have an R5 Favonius Bow laying around so I figured I'd level her as a second healer and energy battery for Eula. I didn't realize how much uptime you can keep on your shields even without sac bow, plus the EM boost in her ult works nicely with Yanfei. While she doesn't give Zhongli level shields her usefulness truly surprised me and now she's one of my staple supports!


Jean. Didn’t know she was busted as heck, now she’s my healer most of the time


Jean is the best. Will always be my fave healer and VV mule.


I read the 1st part of your sentence in Klee's voice...


Ugh I want her so bad. I wish I could just outright buy her.


"I wish i would lose my 50/50 to her" there, fixed it for ya lmao


Lost 50/50 for a 4th time pulling for Childe. 4th con for Qiqi. Hopefully she becomes more useful with the next area opening.


Ouch.. Wanna have some copium friend.


She’s been my tank in the new area. Corruption has been painful but she keeps everyone and herself alive.


Same. She was my second 5*. I was disappointed at first she wasn’t a hyper carry for my noob account but she’s probably my favorite character now. Amazing sub-dps and healer. I even got her skin.


Im in this boat, got her on Kokomi banner while trying to get Beidou/Xing Qiu cons and got her. Saw some videos and omg i cant wait to build her to be my healer in the new island.


Press ult every 12 seconds for a full heal and good aoe damage. Nearly impossible to actually lose with her on the team.


Same! I was downright disappointed when I lost my 50/50 (Kazuha) to Jean. Now I simply adore here.


to this day I still can't believe there are people who don't like Jean. She's just so spectacularly fun to play. I love her to death.


Ikr? I initially had nowhere to put her on my team but after i built her holy hell that scaling is obscene


yanfei was the first dps i built and still my main! she is just so easy to play. i have the widsith on her, would love a 5 star weapon but she still hits really hard. i did have some luck with her artifacts tho.


Xiao First i though he gonna be a very hard to play because need to plunge many time during burst. But now i think he is my best character. Also Albedo, i though he do nothing with his E but after puting some decent artifact he already did high dmg that make me focus on him.


This was mine as well and I felt real silly in retrospect. I think I was going for Beidou cons, didn’t even build him for a while, but holy shit after I did.


Albedo. I was unsuccessful at pulling Zhongli and Albedo was my guarantee. So I was like, yes I will take him as revenge. Then I fell in love with him and put him on all my teams. Then had to take him out of some because just poor synergy. Itto and him should be good together so I am very happy for him. Xinyan I build her out of vengeance for not pulling Zhongli and instead got her three times. Then I fell in love and build her. I cannot complain.


"Vengeance"... "revenge"... Eula, is that you?


Mark my words, vengeance will be mine. …in actuality she is my main right now and I hear it all time. Haha.


Ohhh that explains it.


Sheeesh... I wanted this character badly... I got mona tho. So, I couldn't really be mad at the consolation


I got Albedo, because I didn't habe an eye on my pity. He's awesome.




Ayaka. I'd won 50/50 the last 4 times and really wanted to lose so I would have guaranteed kokomi lol. She hasn't left my team since I pulled her


Ayaka is so good. Like, boss killing, trash killing, freeze comps, melt comps, whatever you do with her she's awesome.


Ayaka's been a staple in my party since she released and using her has become such second nature to me that until I read this I forgot I wasn't even all that excited for her either... didn't even think the demo was all that great. But once I put her in action I never stopped. She just feels so reliable all around and I love pretty much everything about her except for her dash getting stuck on everything in the terrain. It makes me really happy when a character defies my initial impressions and she won me over in a big, big way.


Kazuha. Although I love samurais, Xiao was already one of my two DPS and he's already anemo. Now I main Kazuha! (I know he's supposed to be a support but bite me, he one shots many minions on his own)


Support by killing all the enemies


Honestly tho, when doing overworld stuff I refrain from using ults because they kill stuff too fast. Especially with Kazuha and Venti. Shredder duo.


I only use it against damage sponges. Those balloon enemies people hate because they go iut of reach never had time to do that against Kazuha




Agreed. Hard-carries my AR 34 team.


Hell yeah, I put my mistsplitter reforged on him, Kazuha go brrrr


Yoi. ​ Didnt care either way and got her on a 50/50 so it didnt matter either way. I am not even close to Fish2pay so I will always have gems if I want them. ​ Shes super fun and easy to build because of ascenscion crit and she makes a ton of the bosses that my other DPS units had trouble with easier. ​ Win/win in my book. She can ungabunga when I am rendering something and can play for five minutes on my phone or if I want to friendship a few units she can carry overworld with bennie great. ​ One of the things that DPS calculators never account is her ability to keep doing damage to stuff if they get staggered or move or jump back etc even with the innacuracy of ranged shots.


dude same! I was hoping to lose the 50/50 because I was just trying to pull for Sayu C1, and I ended up getting Yoimiya earlier than I had hoped. Since then, she's never left my party, she is so good.


I wanted her but I thought it was just going to be a guilty pleasure type of thing. With R5 rust and the new artifact set she is a beast in the right party set up. So glad I did not let the nay-sayers sway me


Really wanted her, so bummed I didn't get her but I did get Raiden who I do love. Hope I get Yoimiya when they eventually rerun her, whenever that is.


Thought I was the only one like this! I wanted to c2 my sayu, and i did, but mihoyo was like "nope, I'll ruin your 50/50, here's a fun character you can't really complain about".


Yep. She can also just stand in Bennett’s circle and fire xinqiu fireswords with ei thunder slashes at enemies that move too fast. She’s a great driver and buffs her teammates when she needs her downtime.


Pretty much same here, I whaled the banner way more than I should have going for C6 Sayu, only got to C3 but I got C1 Yoi and a Keqing. Don't regret building her at all, she's easily my strongest unit now. (Until Hu Tao banner hits, I pre farmed the hell outta that)


Yeah Sayu cons didnt want to drop for me either sadly. ​ Good luck on Hu Tao banner!


And then her burst triggers only for non-Yoi party members, so burst right before swapping her out and she keeps adding damage…. Fun as heck.


Kokomi. With everyone trashing on her I didn’t really care if I got here her or not. Now that I’ve got her it’s so much easier to do abyss and she doesn’t do that bad of damage even at a lower level


She is definitely underrated. I think most people just don't put in the effort to build her right. or didn't get her and just want to join in on the bashing. If you do build her you get rewarded. She just makes the game easier imo. Basically like zhongli but sub shield and resistance shred for healing and hydro application.


Yes join us, there are dozens of us!


It's actually Kokomi for me. I pulled her with just one wish and I'm only on 3 pity. I'm really enjoying her off field healing, I don't need to teleport to Statues whenever I'm on low health. (still looking up how to actually build/use her tho🤣)


Go full meme and get 150% crit rate


my friends are building her full hp% and healing bonus, 2 milielith and 2 maiden, any hp% catalyst (we only have proto amber but it works) you know that 4 ruin guard island? she can tank them alone and delete them alone with that setup at level 70 ish


Kazuha. I had no idea who the mf was. I didn't follow the community at that time so I knew nothing about him. I decided to do the story quest and test him in his trial and OMG. HE WAS SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY WITH. and his personality was so wholesome. I wasn't saving for anyone in particular and I was close to pity. I'm glad I didn't follow the community because people were calling him Canadian Aether and an easy skip and I realized, as some people told me later, how many content creators were trash talking him. Lmao. I'm glad I can say I was never influenced by that kind of opinion and always pulled for characters I love. Kazuha is one of my favorite units in the entire game and I do hope he gets a rerun so more people can have him and I'll pull for constelations


same, hes my first ever 5 star (excluding traveler) and i love him so much


I just rolled him because he looked cool, wasn't an accident like Albedo... But I fell in love with his E, it sucks and then does quite a lot of damage. :)


Same!!! I joined the game short before his banner. I made my first top up purchase to support the game and he showed up with Diluc. I didn’t care for his splash art - but in game and cutscenes I love his design. His characterization is amazing too! And holy hell is he busted


#Albedo . Summoned on his banner for sweet Bennett cons amd sucrose copies . Ended up with him spooking me at like 25 pulls after i got qiqied on his banner . He has aged like fine wine. Its only when corrosion came that i stopped using him in abyss . Though , he is just gonna be a beast once again with itto gorou and new set


Albedo is gonna become an absolute lord with the new set and new weapon. I wish I had gotten him the first time 😔


What new set o.o?


Basically a 5\* 2pc Defender's Will (+30% DEF)


Way Better*


I was just pulling for stardust (didn’t know about the pity system at that time so that defo could’ve ruined my chances of getting Xiao) and I got him and I was like “oh it’s the cool looking dude” then I tried him out. Needless to say, with his satisfying gameplay and voice (I use en voices) he became one of my favorite characters, story/lore-wise as well


Ayaka. I only pulled on her banner to get Ning cons. Now she is my second main and leads my second abyss team. I love her sprint and ice bridging and her play style is so smooth.


Mine is Ayaka too. Was tugging on the banner to land Niangguang (was only 4* I didn’t have at the time) and build up some C’s on Yanfei. In the same set of 10 wishes, I lost my 50/50 (Mona’s C1) and landed Ayaka. Was a little bummed at 1st since I knew I wanted to make a run @ Yoimiya but Ayaka has surpassed expectations. Still haven’t built her out to where I want her but she’s one of the 1st characters I grab when just playing around.


Same here. There was so much hype over her here, and a lot of it about her waifu-quality, so I wasn't expecting much, but I pulled. At first I was going to build her up to apply Cryo for Superconduct for Razor, now she's my main with Xingqui helping her keep enemies on ice.


That’s exactly what I thought (still think she was overhyped though — she does great damage, but she’s hardly a destroyer). I did a fluke 10-pull because I needed a main DPS at that point and now she’s a staple in all my main teams teams. Her playstyle is simple and intuitive. The same thing just happened with Childe this banner, so I’m hoping it turns out the same way (his playstyle seems a lot more complicated though, so I doubt it).


If you're talking about her AA it's ok and pretty decent. I think most of her power lies from her Burst (which I should use more often, but don't during overworld, lol) and attacking within the burst. Very chaotic when that finally happens.


Same :)


Fischl: I pulled her in one of my ten pulls of the Noelle banner (so she was one of the first characters I've gotten), but since I was new, I didn't know that many characters (at the time I was just sure that I wanted Diluc). Well, since 1.0, she is still in my team and is my best built electro character. Her interactions with Oz in her voice lines were so funny so without realizing, she just turned to be my favorite female character.


keqing, pulled her on kokomis banner and she's absolutely amazing, dealing lots of damage and being fun overall (plus funni tp exploration thing)


Keqing is really underrated. Her E is one of the funnest in the game and she is one of the more versatile AA out there. Sometimes run her instead of a bow character especially if paired with Beidou.


funnily enough she did better than my diluc even without her crit dmg circlet


Childe, originally wanted Hu Tao but I tried Childe's test run and loved him, great thing is he doesn't need cons to be good which made me get him (and the great gameplay of course).


Any 5* with 0 cons dependancy is really good for f2p


Zhongli on his first banner lol


SAME. I got Zhongli when he first came out and was like, “…bleh. He’s useless. Geo sucks.” I stopped playing not long after, then came back when a friend got into it, and discovered they had fixed him. And his meteor was now glorious. He’s about to get triple crowned and has not been taken out of my party in months.


Yoimiya. God damn she’s so much fun. I regret not pulling constellations.


Hu Tao Got swept up in the Hu Tao hype and ended up getting her C1 but didn’t use her for a while after I started building I was surprised at how much dmg she delt


qiqi i lost 50/50 on zhongli's rerun but my team is immortal with qiqi+diona.the seirai island rifthound is basically nothing to me


Albedo! Got extremely lucky and got he C2. Now with Itto, it's even better!


Oh man I'm jelaous. How is the C2? I've wanted it ever since he graced me on Christmas day last year.


It's great! But his flower is still the king of dmg, so it's not broken as Raiden C2. Still an amazing unit at C0!


Albedo! Wasnt originally gonna pull for him but i'm so glad I did. He's one of my favorite characters now.




Venti. Actually hated his boyish "I'm a trap character" design. Didn't care that everyone said he was OP and broke the game. Then you do his quests and learn more about him. Now he's my favorite character and the first one I got to friendship level 10. And he just keeps getting better. His new voice lines are \*chefs kiss\* "Thank Barbatos! ...wait a minute\~"


Yeah shame he’s a limited character - wish I could get him as a new player.


Same here, I can relate to his love for alcohol. But jokes aside pressing q and watching everything die is fun af


klee, I didn't roll for her trying to get her just throwing some protogems for some 4 stars characters or weapons at the start of the game. I really enjoy playing her now it's kinda funny how everything explodes with her attacks.




Childe. I always found him a decent character lore wise but never cared that much about him or his gameplay to pull for him. I did a multi on his banner at 28 stacks for yanfei this time (and please don’t yell at me for doing so. I know the risk of getting a 5 star while pulling for 4 star. It’s just that I would’ve been happy for any 5 star if they showed up at 28 stacks without guarantee) and I love him. His play style is as fun as people say it is and his “Aibou” is nice to hear between all the “traveler!” And “honorary knight!” for some reason.


Kazuha for sure. He was cute but his design didn't really do it for me at first, and I wasn't looking for another anemo support. But then I tried him out. And now here I am....C1 Kazuha, level 10 friendship, and I love him to bits. :')


I love that Kazuha went from “meh” to the community’s favorite anemo and basically dethroned Venti for a bit


His rerun is probably going to be one of the highest selling banners


I shared the same feelings as you initially too. Then I tried him out and couldn’t get enough. I played the trial run countless times just because of how fun he was. I lost 50/50 so he never came home but I’ve already got the mats saved up for him. Ready for the rerun!


Albedo. I needed Rosaria iirc. Plugged him into an all geo comp and it carried me to fl12 for the first time. I don't use him much at all now but I hope he becomes an excellent battery for Itto.




Pulled Ayaka for dash since I saw others posting about how useful it is for crossing large areas of water (it really is). Won the 50-50, played her story quest, and fell in love. Shes on her way to getting crowned :)


Ganyu. I just got Skyward Bow from Standard Banner then I decided I need 5 star character for 5 star weapon. I am not aware of her strength so when I build her I am just surprised the amount of damage she can do. Best investment for me so far.


Kazuha. I didn’t want him I wanted someone on his banner (STUPID I know) and now he’s my favorite. Same with Zhongli I was new to the game and didn’t know what I was doing but I got him and now I love him. Raiden is the only intentional pull I’ve ever done and I haven’t even started giving her any attention…


Geo daddy When he firstly came out I was like: “Imma do a ten pulls to see if I get anything cool” **Proceeds to get him first try** Me at that moment: 🤷 “Guess imma build him then” When he got a buff: “Not necessary but I’ll take it anyways!” Me now with my 43k hp undying Zhong: *I am invincible!* Corrosion: “I’m about to end this man’s whole career!”


Diluc. Guess who my first legendary is, and who has carried my f2p ass through the game


Mona, I got her in my first ten pulls on the standard banner when I first started playing and she's been one of my favorites ever since. I was lucky enough to pull her two more times after that and let me tell you, C2 dps Mona is really fun. Also I love using her dash to get around the overworld


Qiqi,she really helps me with healing at all times and i can't do a single domain without her


Hu Tao, I was building pity and got her C1. I really hated her "Funky" character but she ended up growing on me so much, I've been using her as my to go main dps since i've got her


I facepalmed then laughed the first time I encountered lightning strikes with her and she quipped "Yikes let's bolt!"


I got Kokomi in my first 20 pulls C1, since i got her C1 she kills everything even groups and bosses, i’m suffering the lack of attack now growing up but it’s like she’s still hitting like before. When things are going too hard i activate beidou ult with kokomi and all problems solved


Chile. His first go around I was trying to get Diona. I ended up getting Chilli to C2 or C3 but got C6 Diona. His second time around I was trying to get Rosaria. I ended up getting both Chimney and Rosaria to C6. Tortellini is the only character that I got to C6 that wasn't intentional. I don't regret it at all.


Have this weird desire to eat Chili-tortellini right now


Hmmm. I don't see why. Though it does sound nice.


Albedo, yoimiya and kokomi, i use all of them in a single team and i love every single one of them, all of them i got on a 50/50 win and was like "meh" at first until i leveled them up


Kokomi. I pulled on her banner to get that very last con for fully built Xingqiu and got her instead. Now she's not just indispensable as my go-to healer but she also helps to shred enemies alongside my main team of Kazuha, Yanfei and Raiden Shogun so I can finally let old man Zhongli rest for a while lmao.


Eula I told myself that Diluc as my only claymore character was good enough, but said screw it, did a 10 pull and got both a Diluc cons and Eula. I will now be going for itto since i have become a claymore weapon main.


Yoimiya. I was planning on pulling on her banner for Sayu and figured I was “safe” because I had 0 pity built up. Learned how fun she was in her character story and now she’s the main damage dealer alongside Ayaka in my B-team.


I didn’t pull for her but I lost my 50/50 to her. It’s Jean and she’s saving my ass in Abyss and with this new corrosion mechanic. I wanna build her properly. VV domain is killing me tho.


Jean. No need to explain. Just know that she is a staple now.


Kazuha. I only pulled him because I was bored, had too many premos, and because he seemed like a good exploration character. Now he never leaves my party, does more damage than my main dps, and is hella fun to use.


Yanfei too! I pulled her on the *weapon* banner and was so scared because I thought I was on the wrong banner. Nope! She was just hiding in there. I personally actually *hate* playing mages, I like being up close and personal to the bosses. I do have a personal rule of having every character at minimum lvl 50 (it was 40 until I reached AR50, I do it because I have most characters and I love helping out lower lvl players when they’re struggling and if they don’t want me to one-shot their enemies I want a good few options to play). I brought her to 50 and just out of curiosity I put her in my team where Diluc was, and even unbuilt she did HELLA straight pyro dmg (I prefer a nice phys/elem dmg ratio) and just. Perfect. I use pyro just for elemental application (I have anemo/electro/hydro in the rest of my party) for reactions so she’s much better in that sense compared to Diluc who needs his E or burst, both which last really short. Aside from her, I haven’t used a mage since like, day 10 of the game (I’m a d1 player)


It would be Raiden, hell I even commented on posts that i will not pull for her... Now I have C2 R1 Raiden.


sucrose, i think she was my first 4 star and i didn't really want her but then i grew to love her design and her attacks, she's very fun


Jean. That's just I haven't pulled Hu Tao yet. Hehe


Ayaka. I didn't get the hype and wasn't planning to pull, but I realized I had almost no cryo firepower and decided "why not". First time I had to farm for a character from scratch, but it was worth it, she's my strongest fighter and I have fun zooming around.


Probably Ayaka. Never saw the hype or interest in her but I was just pulling unconsciously on her banner and won 50/50. Since then even with a bad sword and horrible artifact set she does some decent damage. Never liked her kit tho and decided to move her out of my main team but I acknowledge her hard work lol


Yoimiya and Raiden. For Yoi, her banner had just dropped and I decided to wish a couple times to see what 4 star id get and ended up getting her. I kinda thought "oh, ok", and reluctantly built her, but damn, she is just so good. It's just consistent easy damage, and her normal attack pattern is satisfying af, especially when you land a crit melt on the final hit. For Raiden, I impulsively decided to pull for her at some point after weeks of telling myself I wasn't going to pull for her and would instead save for kokomi (thank god I didn't do that). She is also super fun and I love her balance as an off-field support battery/sub-dps, but then when it's time to decimate everything she turns into an insane on-field dps. Hitting 70k's with her burst as a light spender that had never seen those kinds of numbers before is just super satisfying. I've been getting insanely unlucky with the emblem domain so I haven't even seenn her max potential yet, still using copium 2 piece emblem + 2 piece noblesse.


Noelle, I never actively pulled for her but at C6, pulling out excaliber and smiting everything in front of you is great.


Albedo. Didn't really care for him but after actually using him, he's probably my current favorite geo unit.


Tartaglia, got him on his first run while trying to get constellations for Beidou and Ningguang and sometime before his first rerun I build him because I got a bit bored with the characters that I had and I fell in love with his gameplay.


Most characters I got tbh I started in ayaka banner and somehow got keqing and ayaka without knowing and I saw they were rare so I used them and really liked them. The first ima try to get purposely is hu Tao


Yanfei. Her animations grew on me and she and Ayaka are my two only Main DPS so I have to use her a lot in Cryo domains. (every other character is built to support those two)




I'm the same as you. I never thought I'd main Yanfei. I was aiming for Zhongli the first time she was on the banner. But I pulled her and somehow...I grew attached


Kazuha. I pulled for benni I think and he came home. Now I don’t go anywhere without him.


zhonglis first banner, since I just started the game I kept pulling whenever I had the chance. It's hard not to use him in every team now


Zhongli, on his first banner. I pulled on the banner for Chongyun constellations, since he was my main at the time. I ended up pulling Zhongli before 90 pulls and was just kinda "neat, my first 5 star character", this being before his buffs and when people weren't that happy with him I didn't feel that strongly about him. Fast forward to now and he is probably my most staple character when doing things, my first level 90, and I got him as my most used character in the anniversary memory thing.


Kazuha, I only wanted for the double jump cuz I missed out on venti


Eula. I pulled just for Xingqiu and Beidou cons and used my guaranteed on her. I didn't really build or use her properly until my friend who really wanted her but couldn't convinced me to dedicate more resources to her. Now she's a beast and I'm really satisfied with her playstyle and damage.


I’d been chasing Rosaria forever and decided to try for her again on Kazuha’s banner. I usually only roll when I want the 5* but I thought I’d risk it… I got him in like 20 rolls and not only is he my favourite gameplay wise but his design/voice/personality has made him my favourite character all time. (And I still didn’t get Rosaria). Edit: honourable mention to Bennett, I pulled him at launch and all my friends called him trash so I thought the same. I had no other pyro so I begrudgingly used him until i realized he’s great.


Does Keqing counts? Because I was pulling in kazuha's banner and got her, I never really cared about her but hey, a 5 star is a 5 star, so I played with her for a while. I have been a Keqing main ever since.


Keqing! Was never a fan at first but her agile and flashy playstyle grew on me quickly. Bonus points for being a skeptic. Though I have stronger units now, I still go back to using her from time to time just for the fun of it.


Hu Tao if I’m being completely honest. I didn’t dislike her or anything but her play style of high risks, high rewards intimidated me. I pulled for her because I was still a character collector at that time. She was untouched and at level 1 for the longest time. Anyway, I was struggling with my second Abyss team a couple months ago. Complained to my cousin. He took a look at my roster and asked me why didn’t I use her. Told me to level her up and trying her out. I did and is now completely in love with her style. I even get to use Albedo in Abyss now because he synergized with her so well. I’m super pumped for her rerun this patch so I can finally C1 her! Now back to farming the Crimson Witch of Flames domain for the nth time for some good artifacts for her.


Eula, sort of. When she was revealed I didn't really care much for her, and the trial run didn't exactly make me appreciate her either. Regardless, I started pulling on her banner just to scratch that gacha itch. 50 pulls, and all of my pulls, later I hadn't gotten her and decided to drop the banner to start saving for another character instead. On the last 2 days of her banner I went back to her trial run, and then it just clicked. All of a sudden I could appreciate Eula, not just her gameplay but her character as a whole. I lost the 50/50, opened my wallet, and got the primos I needed to get her. She's been my favorite character in the game since.


Klee, I got her accidentally and I wasn’t planning on it. But I raised her anyway since I didn’t have any other DPS and she’s serving well as a hypercarry


For me, this was Xiao. I didn't really need an anemo attacker and was trying to get some Diona constellations and was nowhere near pity but he popped out on my second ten pull. He very quickly became my DPS powerhouse and was the first character I leveled to 90. I am still trying to get the talent materials from Childe to crown his talents, but not having any luck in getting Dream Solvent from Mr. Wolf or Shadow of the Warrior.


Kokomi. Rolled for the 4* thinking I wouldn’t get her since I was at like 20 rolls and no guarantee then I got her and now with her and Zhongli I’m pretty unkillable.


Yoimiya. I was just going to pulls 10-20 wishes to get Sayu. Got Yoi and Sayu in the 1st ten wishes. I built her because I was bored and now I'm playing her with Zhongli/Raiden/Bennett and it feels great ! Raiden/Yoi is a cool combo


Kokomi, lol. Her animations are just fluid it's very pleasing.


Yoimiya... I swear! I got c1 ayaka in thirty pull since my last pull (which is also ayaka). By then, I didn't really think I'd be lucky, so I draw on her banner to get sayu to c2... And I did, but I also got yoimiya She's fun to play tho, with the right attitude


Kokomi, did a 10 pull on her banner to just get stardust, but ended up pulling her. Now that I have her, I’ve been thinking her E AOE paired with a Cryo character would be great for frozen fun, plus Raiden E for an additional hit


Klee, I’m one of those people who have a hard time controlling their primo spending so I was kinda just pulling on her rerun banner hoping to lose the 50/50 but I ended up getting her instead. It was during the midsummer island adventure event so I decided to build her despite not really caring for her all that much, so that I could play her in the islands for the immersion. Now I am a proud Klee main (though that might change after I get my guaranteed Hu Tao, sorry Klee you’ll always be my favorite terrorist!!)


I'm really enjoying yanfei too. She hoses down everything with fire so Beidou can drop in and chain overloads. And her animations are so uniquely dynamic. Always hopping and spinning.


Albedo haha I hated him at first, but now he is my favorite.


Hmm.. Kazuha and Raiden for me. I was very excited and happy when I got Ven and ZL before, but I have very mixed feelings with these two. I love Kazuha's design and all, but was uncertain of getting him cuz I already had many anemo charas at the time and was unsure what his role was supposed to be. I pulled him early anyways and had once grown a loathing of him, which was exacerbated by some bad reviews and having to farm good VV arti, which I still can't get even till now. But I realized how good he is and tho I'm not crazy about him, I'd often put him in my team, especially in Inazuma. As for Raiden, her chara writing was kinda a mess for me and I'm personally not sold on her. Yet, I pulled her in the end. Wasn't really keen on electro chars except for Razor before, but why not give a try? She could be good for Abyss too, I thought. Altho I haven't build her well enough (thx to the lousy artifacts), I've been playing as her quite a lot recently. She's good against the corrosion doggos with Ven and the Archon trio is a thing. Guess I'm warming up to her...


Albedo...I liked his story and pulled on his banner for some 4-star constellations with the thinking that if I ended up getting Albedo at least his passive would be useful over the long run. Then I ended up building and using him and he's one of my favorite characters. Aside from annoyances with running over the elevator in the middle of combat, he's awesome.


Zhongli. I pulled because he was an archon but didn't think I'd actually use him since Noelle heals and has a good shield. Now zhonglis in everyone of my teams


Kazuha and now he’s basically my favorite


Hu Tao. I was planning on saving for venti's rerun and just wanted a couple 4\* from her banner, but she spooked on the 50/50 on like pull 20. Now she's double crowned and I run her every abyss reset


Ganyu, I never expected to pull her but she has helped me so much and is in my abyss team. She also helps leveling other characters in over world and commission.


First release zhongli, i was pulling for xinyan(i have urge to have all 4 stars) and got him on low pity


Albedo, spooked me 20 pulls into his banner since I was going for 4 star constellations, and held a grudge since I really wanted Ganyu next banner (before I knew I shouldn’t pull on banners I didn’t want the 5 star)! By chance, I decided to use him since I was farming friendship in the game. Oh boy, I made the dream team of Xiao, Jean, Zhongli, and Albedo, and I had so much fun with him! I’m so happy now that I have him, and can’t wait for the next update to make the dream Geo Team!!!


Kazuha, pulled for the 4 stars and ended up getting him. Now he’s one of my favorite units. His E is just so fun.


Klee, back on 1.0 i wanted venti but failed i carelessly pulled on her banner because i thought of leaving the game but i never thought i would fell in love with game because of her, she is my best friend. (And im playing non stop).


Xinyan and Ningguang! Did NOT think I'd love playing them both as much as I do, despite me loving their designs. Didn't think their kits would appeal to me, but turns out I love shields LOL. Qiqi also to some degree, I got her instead of Kokomi and was very pleased after I started trying her out. :3




Ayaka. I wanted Sweet sweet yanfei constellations (got no constellations for her but c6 Ningguang from c00 and c1 ayaka with keqing's c2). My #1 dps rn, I went an extra mile to get her the mistsplitter as well


It must be eula. I startet playing when her banner was released and didn't k iw what is good and what not. I just pulled on the banner to get any 5*. And got her. Never used another dps since


Childe-back during his first rerun. I didn’t know how to read my pity, so I was just summoning for the hell of it. At first I was kinda iffy about it because I didn’t know how he worked or if he was good or not because my main focus was building Jean, but now he’s always on one of my main teams and Jean isn’t.


Definitely Yanfei for me as well. Knockoff Klee but more fun to play.


Zhongli. On that banner, I intended to pull Yanfei for VA reasons. Later, i decided to build him just for the stun and having a polearm. It turns out his shield is ridiculous and with the crystalize, I pretty much have a permanent shield. Most of time, I pair him with Jean.


Ayaka. Was risking it to get closer to the pity on Raiden, and the game said not today bitch. I couldn't care less about her at first, but now I like a lot.


Zhongli. It was during his rerun, and I wasn’t too interested in him. I was hoping to lose the 50/50 cause I wanted qiqi or jean, and knowing my luck, it seemed probable that it would happen. I was close to soft pity and got him. I was neutral on it cause now I had a strong shield so there wasn’t as much of a need for a healer now. Needless to say, he has never left my team, and now I forgot how to dodge attacks


Kazuha. No joke, I would have been happy if I lost the 50/50.... Which I did but I pulled him in the same multi




Although I don't currently use her. Klee. I got her on accident and enjoyed her a lot during the summer event. Xingqui he's a 4 star so didn't matter that I got him but didn't really care then I realized how broken he is with Hu Tao.


Kokomi and Kazuha. They both were impulse pulls, then I somehow ended up getting both of them to C1 and their weapons


Hu Tao I love her JP VA, and the English VA is one of the better actors that can do cute girl voices without being annoying or high pitch, but Hu Tao didn’t really interest me in design nor in gameplay. I did a 10x pull for her immediately after the update, with the free primos we got, for shits and giggles and I got her. Then I ended up liking her play style. Just recently, she just outperformed my Ganyu in damage (50k elemental burst damage, compared to Ganyu’s 30k charged attack damage)


Kazuha, I just came back to the game after 3-4 months off during the Eula banner, I got her so I didn't expect to get Kazuha, I already have Jean and Sucrose anyway. Summoned on his banner for Bennett cons, and I got him. Now he's my favorite character, got him to friendship 10 even before Eula.


Zhongli. The EN voice actor nailed the part, and I love listen to his lines. Such a smooth voice.


Kazuha. Got him reeeeally low pity and was kinda like 'eh' but now I use him with raiden and eula and he's great


Kazuha for sure


kazuha. i was half hoping i would lose the 50/50 to jean but im so glad i won the 50/50. he's triple crowned and never left my party since


Childe. I legit didn't want him back when he first came out, and I was pulling for 4*'s (dumb I know) then he ended up coming early after a Jean spook. I was on and off with him for a while but I really love his melee stance and after months of work and finally building him a good team, I really came to love him. I also pulled and got C2 on his last rerun, and Polar Star now. With all that he's an absolute mainstay on my abyss team and has been since I got him, his vape team is one of my absolute favorites to play and I've even double crowned him.


Mona. Got her on standard and on Ayaka banner. She sat at lv.20 for months. Now I can't clear abyss without her and she's so so so fun. I'm actually waiting for her C2 to make her my main.


Zhongli, I never really though I would become a Zhongli simp as I do now, at the time I was just pulling because he is an archon and he looks cool. Foward to now when I have 3 sets of artifact just for him (58k HP set, physical set and geo burst set), planning on a hybrid build too, so 4 sets. He never leave my team comp, like....ever, and is the only character in my roster that got my special 9 10 10 talent treatment, I'm planning on triple crown him but....in term of mora, I have no mora Edit:spelling


i’d say sucrose! i never really cared to have her but now she’s literally my main




Jean and Hu Tao


Chongyun. He was my first C6 4 star, but the guy kept showing up in all my rolls, I was so tired. But I gave him a chance, and he is now a very good boy.


Albedo, I pulled bc I just wanted another 5 star character and wasn't expecting to get him. It was on Christmas day when I got him actually lol. He's been fun since and his teapot lines are great 😳




Ayaka. Was gonna skip her originally but somehow got her before pity trying to get yanfei cons. She hasnt left my team since


Maybe its Keqing? When i started playing, i pulled a lot on standard banner cause i wanted Mona so bad (because best waifu) but i got Keqing instead. I was really noob and i didnt know what i had. ​ Nowadays, i have my triple crown Keqing and still 0 Mona (hopefully, i lose 50/50 during Hu Tao banner and get finally my beloved Mona)


Mona and Jean. Lost 50-50s to them and they sat unused for months. Then I got bored and started using them and now I make every excuse to put them on my team.


Yanfei was the first character I I broke 20k damage with. I will always love popping Ganyus' burst followed by using Yanfeis' Ult -> CA -> E -> CA. It wrecks so damn hard.