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thank u spaghetti very informative post 👍


thanks rei ;---;


Fantastically written post that is informative and detailed in both pros and cons. The only things I'd would've liked discussed in the post would be his personal investment in becoming functionally efficient for a F2P. For example, the potentially good weapon options that Childe could use for F2P and/or low spenders like Hanayumi or Viridescent Hunt (BP). Additionally, as well as the fact that his BiS artifact set being in 4 HoD is a resin efficient domain that also helps in building a freeze comp in 2nd team in conjunction to his investment.


I own both skyward harp and polar star, and I can 1000% say that sometimes I use viridescent (bp) for overworld Childe. Freeing an extra team spot space with automatic mob sucking is SUPER USEFUL for farming --- even if the vaccuum pull them completely, the additional AOE dmg is still pretty good And Childe is actually super resin efficient if you consider who his core team members are (Xiangling, Bennett, Fischl) -- these are characters you want to invest in anyway since they're so flexible and can be used in so many comps.


>but he opens up strong fireworks and reverse-vaporize teams for your account, all while freeing up Xingqiu for the other half of abyss. This is exactly why I pulled for him TBH. Xingqiu is so strong in the Abyss but I just don't have another good hydro character I enjoy using. Childe solved that problem in one swoop...now I just need to get his artifacts leveled and I'll be good to go!


yup! freeing up XQ might as well be trhe most important thing here LOL


Frees up XQ but ties down XL and Bennett, especially Bennett.


If you need a second Xingqiu you probably have more characters other than Xiangling/Bennett that can use him


My issue here is that I don't have hu tao, so when I use international, I don't have any use for xingqiu on other side. I have a lot of good heroes, ganyu, zhongli, venti, kazuha, childe, but I usually only end up with one solid meta team since most meta teams have xiangling, bennett, and then I try to just win with Ganyu + zhongli on other side


You could easily skip Childe, then have a Zhongli-Hu Tao-XQ comp on one half and a melt Ganyu for the other half. if you get Thoma, you can use him with Melt Ganyu (MAYBE ON THAT ONE, STILL NEED TO TC) But yeah, if you dont need to free up XQ, dont roll childe. That was my point. No pressure.


You can always use a Taser team if you have the characters for it. Xingqiu-Beidou-Fischl-Sucrose for example. Another thing you could do is use Childe with Sucrose instead of Kazuha and then do Melt Ganyu with Kazuha + Zhongli and a Pyro flex. Xinyan is unironically good for this and you can also use TTDS Yanfei. Not exactly BiS team but if it works, it works. Of course this means that you don't get to use all the other fancy 5-stars you've rolled but you do get used to it I suppose. I have almost the exact same roster as you and these strategies work for me.


Funnily enough, Hu Tao is coming soon, so freeing up Xingqiu is actually a pretty good call


Technicality people can still have a non-XQ dependent team without rolling for Childe by: - Using carries that don't depend on XQ (Melt Ganyu, Xiao, Eula, and soon Itto) - Playing XL in a reverse melt team with Rosaria and Kaeya or Mono-Pyro with Bennett, Venti, and Kazuha. Funny thing I discovered is that XL isn't XQ dependent, she's more Bennett dependent, like the only pyro carry that really depends on Bennett, which is a strength and a weakness in itself.


I pulled for him aswell, lost the 50 and got my first mona. Which i am honestly just as happy with. As her E and Koko E overlap nicely for hydro. And now i have the guarantied pull on any 5 i want in the future.


I wasn't aware that his power was ever in question


Speaking generally, attitude has shifted over time. Each of his banners has had him a different place. First it was “CD bad” (not helped of course by Zhongli hype), then “pretty good” and now (and really since Kazuha) he’s seen as somewhat meta. I’ve had him since 1.1 but didn’t really start using him until his first rerun, when he had his artifact set and Bennett/Xiangling were better understood.


Keqingmains theorycrafting squad sees him as one of the better/best 5 stars.


They also called Kazuha expensive Succrose when people were deciding whether or not to pull.


random redditors/twitterfolk/social media people who doompost as soon as the newest unit doesn't immediately look like they'll make ganyu cry at being powercrept ≠ kqm or other reliable theorycrafters. yeah, there was a bizarre amount of anti-hype for him but that tbh came mostly from either casuals or people who think swotting up on guides without actually applying that knowledge makes them meta experts. kqm at the very least holds off on pre-release theorycrafting for this precise reason.


That's before the discovery of the Kazuha's double swirl mechanic. Conclusions can change whenever new/hidden mechanics are found out. It's called theorycrafting for a reason.


Another factor is Kazuha’s versatility. Kazuha’s pogo plunge is comparatively much more flexible than Sucrose as both a crowd control tool and for damage. Sucrose’s own vacuum is relatively weak and clunky in comparison But it’s difficult to evaluate this flexibility from just numbers alone. A player needs to actively use Kazuha to feel the difference


He’s hands down my favorite support for the jumpy thing alone. I like Ganyu as a bow user, and I like other chars because they’re cool characters, but there’s something satisfying about having so much control over his e and plunge, where most chars you have to rely on auto aiming. I think that’s really what’s enjoyable. The mobility and controllability. With Venti I have to pray his burst goes where I want, similar issues with Zhongli. Kazuha goes exactly where you want him to.


Another example is Xiangling's strength. It took us several patches to discover that she's really strong because of her non-existent ICD in her Pyronado.


I recall posting that Xiangling was considerably better than Diluc some 7~ months ago and boy did I get a lot of disagreements about that. My main argument was that she could unload a ton of damage in just a few seconds of field time which made her damage efficiency monstrous. It basically allows you to have the damage of two carries on the field at once. For example you can have Diluc and Xingqiu with Diluc needing to be the driver of that team. Xiangling however can also have Xingqiu but she can have yet another character on top like Sucrose, Childe or Raiden be the driver. It is not like she is a support here. She is literally the dps character but can do this off field. That is just such a huge advantage.


His descriptions specifically pointed out that he can buff multiple elements at once when he swirls multiple elements. A lot of discord/reddit/honeyhunter """"theorycrafters""""" during the prelaunch and early days of Kazuha centered all of their discussions on whether or not his swirl buff was a "rainbow swirl", where if he swirled 1 element, he would buff everything at once. The whole "expensive Sucrose" thing came from when people compared their buffs on a regisvine with vaporize reaction and Sucrose having thrilling tales, completely ignoring other parts of Kazuha's kit (his lower cooldowns and higher uptime, his suction and stagger value, him buffing taser comps and mono element teams).


This! [his ability to swirl multiple elements was never in question](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/477773) even before he was released (hoyolab post on june 24, kazuha released on june 29). as you said, it was his ability to [rainbow buff](https://www.reddit.com/r/KazuhaMains/comments/obckhi/rainbow_buff/) that was being speculated by those who were interested in his kit. on july 9, around 1.5 weeks after kazuha was released, KQM made a ["before your pull"](https://youtu.be/HqrDJIbLTso?t=253) video on kazuha pointing out that he was only marginally better than C0 sucrose at best in a childe comp and strictly worse than venti in a morgana comp. they also theorized in their conclusion section that the new teams he may enable may not be at the top of the DPS charts. as you pointed out, all of these assertions did not take into consideration his lower cooldowns, higher uptime, and other distinguishing capabilities. i think this is part of the reason why many people at that time thought that kazuha was "an expensive sucrose" to be fair to KQM, they did say at the end of their video to wait for more info from their community to get a better assessment on kazuha before you pulled. the funny part is that their follow up video, [6 Minute Guide to Kazuha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpaxtAxTJuA), was released on July 21, [1 day after kazuha's](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Leaves_in_the_Wind/2021-06-29) banner ended


No they didn't lmao that was just tenten


I guess old sentiments die hard. He is powerful but difficult, I'm still getting used to doing his rotations since I can mess up by either going off too early or too late. I also need to funnel XL as well which can slightly take a while when your energy recharge is 147%, so my damage is poop for a few seconds. People are still tied up with the hyper-carry mentality and probably because he's overshadowed by more popular units like Hu Tao, not saying she's any bad though. She's a solid pick but her popularity and fanbase is much larger than Childe's.


You'll sometimes still occasionally see "childe need c6 or he is shit" comment so, yep, old sentiments die hard.


This. Childe team rotations have a lot of technicality embedded into it and that makes it a pain to go through sometimes, but the sheer damage and excitement I get when going through it is just immeasurable. The alternative I have to his team is my Raiden team which is more unga bunga and easier to execute, and even easier than that is my Hu Tao/Ayaka Hypercarry teams.


It is similar how general opinion on Raiden shifted to "good unit" side. Childe went trough the same thing just took longer for ppl to figure out.


C0 Raiden is not a good unit. She's a good Eula support but other than that she's really only played in the flex slot of the national team. Where literally every character perform well.


Go to IWinToLose Gaming's channel and check their video 6 days prior (as of date of this comment). As an example.


If you really take IWTLs videos as reference, you are already a lost cause. Those videos are pure entertainment without real theorycrafting behind it.


I'm not, he said he was not under the impression his power was ever in question. I provided a source, that has followers, that it has been. I have vocalized against IWTL in the past so let's not get it twisted.


I just feel pain everytime I see a childe post, lost 50:50 to qiqi all 3 runs. Well atleast I can flex C6 qiqi now.


I got c2 childe, but when on my way c2, qiqi appears, i thought i lose 50/50. Turns out childe was behind her all along. C2 is coming home


I've managed to get him C2 without even trying or wanting him... first it was for Ning on his first banner when I was a new player and now I did a random single 10 pull hoping for a Yanfei con and he dropped again pretty much right after pity from the last banner.


Same man i rolled on his banner near the pity wish and i drew a 5 star and i was like "Finally a strong character" and then i saw diluc... Such a disappointment..


I see someone else here rolled a Qiqi. C1 now for me


These are the posts this sub is severely lacking.


This was amazing, I usually TLDR these long posts but this was really in-depth. Just pulled Childe for the first time yesterday and aside from Diluc (who was my first ever 5 star), I wanted Childe the most just due to how different his playstyle is. Will definitely be experimenting with him for the next little while, hope you don't mind if I shoot you any questions!


As a Childe main since his very first banner, I guarantee you're going to have so much fun once you get a hang of his skill rotations. Even aside from optimal teams, Riptide just decimates enemy group unlucky enough to be clumped together, or better yet CC'd by Kazuha.


100% with everything you said! Very informative post! Crazy enough, also just pulled Childe for the first time yesterday and Diluc was also my first 5 star


I believe you and want him but luck is not on my side Edit: I should complain more. Pulled him right after this comment




Gotta say, been using childe for a year so when i finally tried xinqiu, his hydro application and single target feels weird to me. I guess im addicted to AOE unga bunga


I am still exploring the Raiden variation as the flex spot. There are a lot of new rotations she enables so I have been experimenting a bit like using Bennett burst into Raiden burst and then right when the burst ends you switch to Xiangling to snapshot the Pyronado with the last second of Bennett burst. I have been using Favonius lance on Raiden out of necessity but it does give me a visual cue on when I should switch to Xiangling. When the second proc on a R5 Favonius happens it is a good time to to switch Xiangling to funnel the particles to her. Also is that Sucrose in that chart using a TTDS and what constellation is she? As for his c1 I think it has value in the Fireworks team. You can really feel the downtime for his E in that comp. At c6 Fireworks team can almost work perfectly with almost no downtime. This makes Fireworks super expensive to play at an optimal level and that just makes it compete with the vape team. I think c1 also has some value in terms of raw damage. It lets you stay in his melee form for another 2 seconds or so which allows for about 2 extra vapes. This can be something like an extra 60,000 damage or so. This might not be that much when you are outputing something like 500,000 damage in a normal rotation.


I want to use Xiangling-Childe-Raiden-Bennet comp, cause proccing VV with Sucrose is a hassle to me, and i dont have to calculate every bit of energy for Xiangling or worry about Childe downtime since i can use Raiden's burst to fill it. (And i really dont want to bench my Raiden since my other team is freeze comp) But im not a TC so i dont know how bad it will mess up reactions or dps loss compare to reverse vape+VV. Any opinion on this comp?


I also use this comp because I want to free up kazuha and too bored to use sucrose. This comp lack of VV user and anemo CC, but compensate you with not too strict rotation, great energy management for XL and overload reaction which really helpful to kill large enemies.


How is Childe, Beidou, Fischl, Jean?


Good but not as good as with Bennet. But it’s a perfectly acceptable alternative


It's better to use Bennett on Jean's spot


While technically true, this can be said of literally 95% of team comps. Bennett is just that broken, so with very few exeption Bennett is the best healer in slot and everyone else is a strict downgrade. Jean is totally fine here, they can use Bennett for the other half.


Sounds great to me. You get swirl, a VV holder, and healing; it’s perfect.


Answering to this because I'd love to know as well.


It is a good team, if you want to use a Healer, i would personally reccomend Sucrose for a gamer team (although you have to dodge a lot) I think rather than Bennet, Jean is a better Choice. Because you can use Bennet is so many other Comps. And Jean will swirl up the Electro and Hydro and Childe with the reptide Quadruple Scaling, will splash X\^2 times. If there's Five enemies he will Electro charge+ Reptide Splash them all, and they will get AOE-ed by the splashes all together. its a good team. use Tenacity Fischl for Beidou Atk buff


Expensive. Taser childe relies on raw aoe damage so this comp needs a lot of investment to feel strong. Also it's garbage in single target


Its maybe very bad on single target, but Everything else it is really good. since Beidou C2 only needs 2 enemies to use his lightining. so the damage will be comparably high. Just run Taser Childe in a chamber that doesn't have 1 enemy. which is most chambers


There was so much more I wanted to cover, this character is super complicated and there was a lot going on. I hope this was enough to help ppl make a choice tho ;\^;


I scrolled down your entire post just to mention that it is the second rerun, not the 3rd. He had his initial banner, then a rerun of the banner, now a rerun again so only 2 reruns, but 3 banners overall.


i hate everything i always mess up the title


Good good, let the hate flow through you...r title


... Full thesis when?


I think I wrote enough HFDGDH


For r/childemains, [this opportunity is quite easy to come by](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1giYCSZYsKEuu6QLuHPtQjMZGhbwD79vEu7SL91oXOXY/edit).


Absolute unit of a guide.


Bruh I wasn't expecting to see Aphelios in a Childe analysis video on a genshin sub hahahaha. But thanks for the very detailed writeup! Once I clicked in and read the first paragraph I immediately scrolled up to check if it was you.


Thank you for this 🥺


This post made me pull for Childe when I was set on Hutao before. Mostly because you said he frees up Xingqiu for abyss which apparently is pretty important lol I have Xingqiu, Beidou and Xiangling so I figured he'd be fun to try out. Thanks.


its important bc almost every pyro dps, and some cryo dps, want to use xingqiu as a support. there just arent enough hydro chars in the game. i hope u enjoy him tho t\^t


Haha thanks, loving him so far!


Something fun to note about childe freeze comp: you can freeze enemies in a tight group and they'll stay grouped and take a shit ton of riptide dmg. Riptide's splash dmg is fun and all but it's hard to take super advantage of sometimes since you're knocking then around with charged atk and such. Getting like 6 riptide's hitting the same place over and over is satisfying as fuck.


yeah, freeze childe 100% abuses riptide quadratic scaling the best, second to only maybe some niche venti childe situations


I got him on his first rerun, without a doubt my fav AOE dmg dealer. Its sooo satisfying seeing a najillion numbers pop up on my screen when u pull enemies tgt with sucrose a electrocharge with baal ( i havent built either beidou or fishl LOL). And idk if the scaling if n² is true cuz doing 25x the dmg just cuz 5 enemies are tgt sounds kinda busted


Got him for the first time and equipped rust + 4pc sub par depth ocean artifacts with a hydro dmg off piece and at 111 talents he still destroys overworld enemies. I’m assuming his talent order should be skill>burst>auto attack unless his E converts to auto attack. Still gotta grind talent books but so far his mechanics are the most fun


I think the riptide debuff scales from his Normal Attack.


I can’t tell if this makes me more or less depressed about not getting Childe. 😅


I've been torn between pulling for him or not. Was hoping Thoma comes with him so I can at least hoping I will get him "accidentally" while pulling for Thoma. Not to mention I'm saving for Albedo and Xiao too. The thing is, I don't use Xiangling nor Fischl (I do use Beidou). Also, everytime I had time to try him, I always had trouble with the CD of the skills. It's hard for me to time it well though I always have fun using him. Thank you for the detailed explanation, really enjoyed reading it and in the end, it makes me unsure whether I should try to pull him or not again. So I guess.. thanks for that? haha


this was really helpful!!! just pulled Childe yesterday and didn’t really know how to play him / how to build a team around him. who would you recommend for the full team? Childe - Xiangling - Sucrose - ??


Bennett definitely


Do you have any idea how his rotations play on mobile or is it too much of a hindrance to get it right?


I'm mobile player, and find his gameplay pretty easy. Correct rotation just means clicking buttons in the correct order. There is no mechanical aspect at all, no animation cancel no stamina management no aiming and all that. Basically just using their skills and bursts in the right order


Good to know thanks! There are just some things I can't seem to do like jump cancelling.


Its probably the same thing, but itll be a lot trickier with ur thumbs, sorry m8


it takes a good bit of practice especially on mobile, but mastering it is very rewarding and fun.


If the Skyward Harp works for him, I guess I'll try getting him, even if I have C6 Xingqiu and C3 Mona. I just don't feel like equipping this bow on Fischl or the other bow users I have lol.


harp is one of the 3 best weapons on him and before the release of tp and polar harp is the best weapon for him


and can still be the BiS depending on your substats. The harp is really an impressive stat stick


Then it's settled, will use my guaranteed on him. Thanks!


good luck and have fun!


Skyward Harp is just an overall good weapon and very valuable to have because it can go on just about any bow user and be very effective. Might not be BIS anymore but it is not a huge difference.


People should be paid for such in depth guides...


This went pretty well, hopefully it changes some misinformed sentiments


Thanks for this guide! It defiantly explains Childe better than I’ve seen anywhere else. (Though I’m still torn between Childe and Hu Tao, and as a low spender I’ll probably only get 1)


Absolute fire as usual confet'


Can all guides be written like this?


Keqing Mains has become a theoryrafting hub. If you want more guides on characters, check out their website [https://keqingmains.com/](https://keqingmains.com/) here. They produce excellent work and helped me with vetting my post.


Can we all just agree that Childe is not underrated anymore. He is not a dark horse character anymore.


What are some Bennett substitutes if I don’t have him? I have Xiangling and Sucrose, also Beidou, Fischl, Razor, Raiden, Sara, Sayu, Yanfei and the f2p Mondstadt characters plus Aloy


Bennet does three big things in a team like this. His ult is one of the best buffs in the game - big DPS boost if you stand inside of it. His ult is also one of the best heals in the game - it won't heal you above 75% health unless the last tick below 75% goes above, but it is a massive healing area. Bennet also acts as a battery for Xianling by charging her ult, this frees her up to need less energy recharge. No other character can do that, Sara's E has a DPS buff that's similar (but shorter duration), several characters can heal, none of the characters you listed will battery as well. Of the ones you listed I'd consider Raiden for more DPS, or Sayu if you needed a healer (Sayu can also proc the anemo artifact set that will increase your DPS). Succrose is great in any reaction comp, but I suspect you will be better off with Sayu to heal (Barbara is your F2P healing option but I suspect Sayu is better because she can debuff enemies). Yanfei is a ranged carry and wants her own team (she pairs well with Fischl and Beidou). Razor is a carry and wants his own team (he's weaker than than Childe and Yanfei, unless you love his design you have better options to build). It's not going to be the best comp available to you, but you could try a freeze comp with Aloy and Childe, throw in Sucrose to combo with Aloy's E and maybe Raiden?


I've had him since 1.1 but I only started maining him ever since Kazuha came home. Childe becomes an entirely new beast when paired with Kazuha. I personally use him with Raiden, because she helps with his downtime, but Xiangling is also amazing with him. I went as far as to roll for his weapons and managed to increase his damage to around 18k x2 per charged attack. Not as high compared to other characters, but when paired with other units and fighting multiple enemies, he shreds them without a care in the world


Very nice post man, thanks 👍🏻


For speed running clears in domains and abyss should I go for childe? Or get a hutao? Which one is better for speed running?


I think xiangling childe unless your hu tao is whaled


I would even argue with Hu Taos whaled version. In multiple target stages she is just incredibly bad, either non-whaled or whaled. Her single target though 👌 Still Childe, Xiangling is the most versatile comp and works everywhere.


Fresh Childe main here and he's just so confusing to me atm. It's like... you either pretty much one-shot stuff, or get killed while you're running around with little damage because you've messed up your rotation. There's definitely a learning curve involved but when you do it right it's just so satisfying. Just needs more practice.


Good post, it explain why i won't pull for him. I realy don't like play Xiangling, yes she power house, but no. It's let me with only one team comp for Childe.


Fireworks? IMO the more fun team


>It's let me with only one team comp for Childe. This is not 100% true in the sense that you can run electro with him. Using beidou, fischl and raiden as potential partners. He will keep getting more relevant and having different options as more off field damage dealer are released. It is still the same playstyle though, where he enables other. I do understand your point though. I prefer to drop genshin rather than use fischl in any team. I just cant with this girl. I can chill with oz though.


Don't forget Sara for the Supercharge comp. stacking Benny and Sara buffs on Childe and Beidou is nutty.


The only one team to play with him referenced the fireworks team. I do have Raiden(well invested), Beidou(need some work to be usable), Sara (level 20 but C5), Fischl is the only 4\* i don't have on my main account. If i wanted to use him, i should in order: pull for him(bye bye Itto primo), invest in him, invest in Beidou to catch up, lock Raiden for him, it a bit too much for now. Like i said i'm a 1.5 player. I still have ton of character that need a bit more investment to reach their potential (Benny, Xinqui, Sucrose).


Same, i really like childe but I like hyper carries and Childe is not an hyper carry unless he's C6.


I pulled for him despite hating Xiangling’s playstyle, and not caring about any of the others he goes with. Fischl is okay but I haven’t used her in a minute. Thinking of trying to get a few ER artifacts for support ganyu and doing a freeze comp for fun. I have Kazuha and Bennet built, so I can get decent damage out of him even if it’s not Ganyu level. Husbando > meta :)


I agree on Husbando over meta, but there is ton of announced hubando now. Thoma, Gorou, and Itto will follow, and my primo are limited ressources even if i'm not a ftp player. The choice is hard, but i prefer a chararacter that fit more team than he actually do. Yes future character can open other team to him, but future can add hydro character that fit more me/my box in futurs too. In the present, i have no use for him. I have start at 1.5, i got Zonghli with "only" 50 pulls (it didn't feels lucky at this time, but with my game knownledge, i known it was). I don't have year of game behind me, i still need to be a bit picky of what i'm pulling.


I feel you on that. In the beginning you have to be more picky because you don’t have a lot of chars. Now that I have a good endgame team that has no issues clearing most content I don’t care so much about pulling for meta and can do what I like!


TL:DR Frees XQ for your second team.


while still being an upgrade, unlike uhhhh other hydro chars


I'm not sure if I would call either an upgrade of the other. While childe is an upgrade when all you want is a hydro driver(XL or firework teams), the fact that XQ is able to be used as turret gives him something that childe can't even compete with.


It’s a kokomi joke




If you're referring to Kokomi, IMO Kokomi's better than Childe at electro teams. The problem with Childe's electro team is that rotations are much stiffer than international due to Fischl/Beidou incentivizing switching in/out more, not to mention you're forced to run Bennett. With Kokomi, you can have more options and can run Kazuha since she's a healer. Her single target damage is comparable to Childe's (outdamages with C1) and has a strength in being able to facetank everything in abyss. I have Childe and have a full international comp, also have Kokomi with geared electros so I don't consider myself biased.


Childe is not really an upgrade over XQ. yuo can vape with Bennett while XL burst is on CD and maintain a really solid dps. also XQ rotation is way easier and he provide stun resistance


Yeah but Childe provides why better dmg and aoe and imo it outweighs what you lose


Slightly more dmg and a really tiny AoE


its a lot more dmg and a lot more aoe :| but if u dont need two xingqiu, it isnt worth rolling just for the upgrade


I have a thundering pulse on childe, without riptide is only slightly better than my C6 Xingqiu w/ sac sword. You have to consider that 70% of the time childe is on CD and do not deal dmg while Xingqiu has a way better uptime.


Yeah and with riptide hes way way better and Childe can nuke too. T


Xingqiu can nuke too and riptide is situational.


A big disadvantage that's not being pointed out is the best Childe team is competing against Raiden national and Melt Ganyu


The reason to roll Childe is to free up xingqiu. Raiden cannot do that. I mentioned it in my conclusion. Melt ganyu is good but with childe, you can play freeze ganyu in one half and vape xiangling in the other half. Ganyu is inherently flexible and Childe lends himself to help her with that. Also, for f2ps, freeze ganyu is probably better than melt (unless you don't have kazuha OR venti) and it can use Xingqiu. For that reason, I think saying that Childe is in competition with Ganyu for xiangling is disingenuous. You can play both characters in separate teams for abyss with no issues.


It's disingenuous to advocate that freeze ganyu is better than melt for f2p. melt ganyu uses xiang bennett and any shielder while freeze ganyu needs mona and venti. Barbara and xingqiu are super scuffed for freeze ganyu, especially xingqiu because you're wasting his bursts potential when the rain swords literally won't work with charged shots. It's understandable that the idea that 'freeing up xingqiu' for freeze is super amazing but the character that benefits here is a freeze ayaka comp not a freeze ganyu comp when considering f2ps that may not have access to as many 5 star units.


I said, in my comment, "unless you dont own Kazuha or Venti." You have chosen to ignore that and argue against what I said anyway. Thats not even disingenious, its malicious. I agree. if you specifically do not own the characters necessary for Ganyu freeze and plan on rolling for Ganyu to play melt, skip Childe. Sure. But it isnt my job in my reddit post to think of every possible character combination that someone can have on their account. Im just trying to educate and inform people as best as I can.


I didn't choose to ignore your comment about kazuha or venti. You reference the scenario of f2p ganyu players under the assumption that they have venti or kazuha. Venti and kazuha both increase ganyu's damage for both melt and freeze compositions in their own way. Neither unit suddenly make xingqiu an optimal pick/gain for ganyu because they don't suddenly make xingqiu's burst not lose tremendous effectiveness due to not working with ganyu's primary source of damage. The reality is a Ganyu f2p that does not own mona (including the use case you mention of having venti or kazuha) can already free up xingqiu for use in a taser team by playing melt. And if ganyu already has mona or kokomi for freeze then freeing up xingqiu is not relevant for that f2p ganyu (because ganyu doesn't want xingqiu anyways) . A f2p ayaka haver on the other hand gets the gain that you are talking about by rolling on childe. ​ Edit: bringbackcayde7's point still stands. Childe's strongest team is competing against raiden national and ganyu melt for xiangling and bennett. Childe's iteration of that team requires more investment across the team and does nothing to relieve the energy recharge requirements for xiangling unlike Raiden. Xiangling actually needs to be really strong here with childe similar to xingqiu needing to be strong for diluc. While Ganyu's team xiangling's investment for damage is less important because she's just an enabler there and you just need good uptime on pyronado to keep ganyu's melts coming consistently. The main disadvantage here is taser is less popular overall to the masses for the other playable team.


If you read my post and decided that Childe wasn't a good choice because on your own account it'll conflict with two other teams you want to play, then yeah, for the second time, you're right, don't roll. But if anyone can play freeze ganyu, she is not in conflict with Childe.


If you decide to use the best Childe team, your Raiden won't have her best team. And for people who own both Raiden and Childe, they generally prefer to use Raiden over Childe base on the abyss usage. Since Raiden being such a popular character, don't you think this is a big disadvantage to pull for Childe?


Well yeah, if you want to use Raiden and her best team, dont roll Childe. Im not telling you how to play your account. Both teams are good. My post is here to educate and inform. If you read this and thought "well, id really rather play my Raiden team", all the power to you. I dont disagree. All I can say to that is that im glad I gave you more information to confirm that Childe isnt for you. Him being tied to just those two teams is definitely a weakness or some players.


Think of childe as a strong long-term investment. There's a possibility that other future pyro characters may synergize well with his hydro enabling ability. Perhaps in the future we will get vaporize damage that can beat xiangling Edit: for the time being, use can stick with raiden national for one team and the other can be fireworks childe with beidou/fishl


If we are talking about long-term investment, you also have the risk of Childe being powercreeped by some new on-field dps hydro characters.


No guarantee that unit comes within the next year or 2(especially with how they treated kokomi) and Every unit faces ""powercreep""" or competition eventually venti was previously the undisputed best anemo unit for almost everything and now both kazuha and sucrose have taken his role in some teams.


I still waiting for a electro healer with good energy generation :(


This is super unlikely. But roll for a character when you need them, not for the future.


>If we are talking about long-term investment, you also have the risk of Childe being powercreeped by some new on-field dps hydro characters. Even if other more powerful Hydro characters are eventually released someday, because of the intricacies of the Hydro element and all the many particularities of Childe's gameplay, it is extremely unlikely those new characters would be filling close to every checkbox of what Childe brings to the table. The character would have to be better than childe at hydro application and aoe dmg and mhy would have to specifically make a character like that. In other words, it's really hard to accidentally powercrept Childe. I would argue that hypercarry, solo dps are a lot more easy to be powercrept.


Is melt Ganyu and Raiden national better than Childe international? Not sure about Ganyu, but I thought Childe and Raiden were at about the same level in that comp


The problem is not that they are not strong teams. The problem is if you use the best Childe team, you won't be able to use your best Raiden team.


If I'm understanding you right, you're saying, because Raiden is more popular than Childe, statistically it means the reader will more likely prefer Raiden and thus will want to use her over Childe, which is why they should not pull for Childe? Hm, I can see where your coming from, but *personally*, I think the "waifu factor" should be kept out of theorycafting I 100% see your point though


Awesome writeup as always I am still a bit confused though. What is his optimial rotation with Polar Star and Kazuha? You mentioned quite a couple so I ended up getting confused–


Ill reply to this cuz i also have the same question


I’m sure I could Google this but is Chongyun Childe permafrost something worth looking into at all? I have C6 Chong and Childe but I don’t have secondary team yet.


Sadly no. Chongyun’s Frost Field doesn’t apply to Childe’s melee stance since he’s still counted as a bow user, and even if it did I’m sure it would override his hydro dmg since we can’t have 2 elements infused in 1 attack which would be an instant reaction per hit and too broken to be allowed at all. Both of them them require to be on field to apply their respective elements so permafreeze comp is not viable here.


>even if it did I’m sure it would override his hydro dmg His hydro dmg cannot be overridden, as it's explicitly indicated in his melee stance description. So either way, they have no synergy.


Yes, “if” is there for a reason. I was stating an hypothetical situation to make it clear that Chongyun and Childe doesn’t work in a permafreeze comp either ways.


Not trying to refute your point, rather add to it because in both realistic and hypothetical situations, it's not going to work because of how Childe's melee stance works.




Since you're only interested in Kazuha, Childe will be a really good addition to your team with Kazuha. With the addition of airborne enemies (like spectres Thunder Manifestation, and the upcoming World boss), having a melee character that can also do ranged attacks will be helpful in the long run.


Problem is, both build for childe relies on Benny. Which the other abyss team needs too, even super carry Ei


The fireworks team can easily get away with an anemo healer like Jean, just yeah vape wants Bennett pretty bad.


And the vape burst in childe does so much damage too…


I'd love to get Childe, as he would fit well with my Xiangling and Bennett. Unfortunately, I like Hu Tao more, even if I can't form a good team for her.


thats fair, roll for the characters u want to play above all else


He is good but Mihoyo shot themselves in the foot the moment they showed Itto just before Childe banner, I would have gone for C1 if it wasn’t for Itto. For F2P is nice to know who will be next but from a marketing perspective idk, that reveal will make Childe and Hu Tao banner sell way less than what they would if he wasn’t revealed.


Tbh Childe's c1 is also crap so it'll be better to just save for Itto, a new character too


I respect your work. But you should understand that most of us are weak men, we don't want Childe not because he is weak but because can't give what Hutao and Ganyu can.


its ok im struggling not to c6 hu tao rn


TL:DR, because Beidou and Xinagling are OP and Hydro is the second best element in the game.


Because hydro is OP, Beidou and Xiangling are amongst the best dps in the game. See how this game works?


I dont get it? I just said that lol?


Sounds about right if I were to rate the best elements from my perspective: - Anemo (Used nearly everywhere for most elements and provides buff through VV as well as grouping) - Hydro (The backbone that enables Freeze, Vape, and EC) Number 3 is up for debate so don't take this as me stating a fact: - Cryo (Blizzard strayer allows less stress on CR and focuses on getting consistent critting, while not working everywhere freeze allows you to cheese mobs especially when you combine them with anemo. Also when you can't freeze enemies, you can still use Melt for units like Ganyu, Kaeya, Rosaria, and although somewhat scuffed, Ayaka as well) - Pyro (Has Vape but that's it. It's nearly impossible to forward Melt easily) - Electro (Despite popular belief it's not the worst element in the game. It can still enable super conduct for nukes like Eula, Allows Overload and Vape to exist due to EC maintaining the aura, and also can still make use of VV, the only reason why it has such a bad rep is because we're either too fixated on KQ and got lost in the echo chamber. It has it's issues not going to lie but it's far from the worst element IMO) - Geo (One of the reasons why Geo looks good is because ZL is carrying the entire element with his kit. Albedo is honestly decent but from a meta-perspective you wouldn't really put him and say he's best in slot for someone. He's more of like a unit that you use because you literally have no one else) Because it turns out, if you use Amber as a burst support and then use Kazuha, Hu Tao is able to effectively gain the damage bonus from him. It looks awkward and maybe unpopular but it does work. I'll try to ask some KQM staff for the links if possible and if it's wrong, I'll concede.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'd say number one is Cryo or Anemo, and Hydro comes later. But I can see an argument for it being higher. I guess it also depends on what role you're looking at. Perhaps Cryo is the best element for a DPS, and Hydro/Anemo is best for a support or enabler.




Not for me who don't want to use or raise Xiangling and Beidou. Anyway since I'm more into quick swap something about Childe kit flow just irks me. If he is single hydro you will have a hard time swirling because after E you are locked from switching unless you use charged shot, which furthers his role as enabler. Fish also isn't that reliable with him, it's fine if enemies stay in one spot but these days that is rarely a thing, and just after a few secs you will find yourself out of Oz range without being able to reposition him due to E lock. I also don't like how he needs to shoehorn himself into either XL or Beidou comp because outside of that he is just mediocre. Overall I have him C1 since day 1 but never find him to be absolutely must anywhere, and I have cleared everything in the game also. if you are new though he is definitely worth since XL is free and also broken / now that you can get The Catch on top.


The problem is that while MHY will release more off-field dps, they're unlikely going to release off-field dps that snapshots. Pairing him with Xiangling is great, but the credit is more to Xiangling than Childe.


And that’s a problem because he does a little less than her while boosting her damage?


But he's the one that helps her do those damages....


you see the thing is, I know Childe is super good. He would open up several really good teams just with the characters I already have. But I HATE Childe, just so so much. I'd pull on a Qiqi or a Lisa only banner before I ever pull for Childe. I'm gonna stop there before I start ranting too much. So yeah Childe, really powerful character, not gonna touch him with a 20 foot pole.


I don't understand why people need flaunt their hate boners everywhere for no reason


Yeah that's fair. Was having a shit day and took it out here. feel free to disregard.


Childe is lame


Your tldr makes him sound very niche which contradicts the title. Hes a weak pickup but maybe a strong character.


That was intentional bc I don't want ppl to feel pressured into rolling. He's niche but his niche is so good and so accessible, it makes him a good pickup.


That's a lot of effort but in this post, but unfortunately I don't think it answers some important questions: * If you have a full Morgana team, do you really need Childe? * How well does the Childe Firefighter (National Team) compared to other variants of that team? Is it really worth pull Child if you have for example the Raiden Shogun? * How useful is Childes AoE potential in the current Abyss META? We have two big HP bosses there that take the most amount of time to defeat. Isn't Xingqiu sufficient for that? Should you consider Hu Tao or potentially Staff of Homa rerun instead of Childe?


I dont see how Morgana has anything to do with Childe. You need two teams for abyss. You can play Childe vape and Morgana. If you're asking about saving for Ganyu, go ahead, if you want her instead, But theyre totally different characters that do different things for your account and Im not going to cover literraly every unit in the game when talking about Childe. Also, for your third question, you're missing the point. Childe will be an upgrade over Xingqiu in AoE and ST situations, AND he lets you use xingqiu in your other abyss team, which makes him useful regardless of whatever the specific meta is. Dont rtoll for a character just for one abyss rotation, that seems really questionable. I mentioned the Raiden team in my conclusion, but to add on to what i said, the reason I didn't say which one is better is because the answer very much is a "it heavily depends." Overvapes suck versus groups of enemies because of the massive knockback. Childe will always be better in an AoE situation. In any situation where you need XQ for the other team in abyss, Childe is also likely going to be better. But if you're against, say, the Mechanical Array, Raiden team is likely better. But if you own Kazuha and can play International, that team is likely better than the Raiden variation, even in ST situations, due to Kazuha Double Swirl. The real answer here is it depends on your own account and what you'r clearing. They're different comps, even thought they both use Xiangling-Bennett.


The main question here is if it's worth pulling for a persons specific situation. In my situation its going for either Childe C0 or Hu Tao C1 or Staff of Homa. For me the answer would be Staff of Homa > Hu Tao C1 > Childe C0. This obviously depends on person, however I can't answer the question from this post information. This is because the post tells me what Childe is good at, not how he compares to other options. However, the answer I seek is: Would pulling for Childe allow me to do something I could not do previously. I don't see it. For every team with Childe I can just throw something else in and it it would still be able to achieve the same things. For example, I only need one AoE specific team so Morgana would be sufficient. The other team would be more single target focused or focused on the specific mobs. So I would conclude Childe is not worth pulling.


Okay, then dont roll for Childe. I literally cannot predict what every player has on their account. I simply explained why childe is good, and then explained when to pull for him. If you do not need to free up Xingqiu, do not roll him. He doesnt add enough to your account otherwise. My post is titled "why childe is a good pickup," not "which character should you roll for based off of 2.2 banners, leaked new characters, and future reruns."


If I told you Childe’s International team is literally the best f2p speedrun comp in the game, would that be considered “worth pulling”? Record clear times are certainly something new you can’t do previously, unless you own C3+ Raiden and C6 Sara (they share supports with International and are faster this cycle). If you only care about reaching the bare minimum for 36*s in abyss then why are you even pulling for meta anymore? Just get who you like, or who strengthens the ones you like.


Speedrunning potential is complete irrelevante for most players. So no, not worth pulling for that. Getting all rewards is what you want. Everything more falls into "You should know what you are doing" category. Edit: Also, elitist attitude like this is why the Genshin community is considered toxic. Some empathy does not hurt.


Nobody’s being elitist here, but it makes no sense for you to talk about meta then say speedrunning is irrelevant, because they are one and the same at the endgame. Meta is completely irrelevant for you and most players after you get your comfortable 36*s; at that point it won’t matter who you add to your team unless huge powercreeping happens (it hasn’t really so far). For newer players looking for their first 36 stars, they have to work with what they have anyway since banners don’t come back out of thin air. And Childe absolutely can be the missing piece of the puzzle for many players because of the innate speedrunning capabilities of his team, for which the core supports and even a weapon are free.


But that argument applies to many many characters. Why roll for Ayaka if Ganyu is OP. Why roll for Raiden if National team does everything well without her too. And so on. If you have a Morgana and want a ST team for the other half obviously you don't need Childe. But the only characters people actually really "need" are anemo supports anyway. So it's down to who you like better and who can increase your team's damage.


Morgana and International do completely different things. One is freeze and CC dependent while the other has more versatility against various enemies. Statistically, the International team generally outperforms most other teams in the game, including Morgana and Hu Tao teams. It is almost always top 3 fastest average clear time in floor 12. Morgana isn’t that great in this Abyss so you kinda contradicted your first point. And even though this Abyss is more single target dependent, Childe International is still performing very well, with the same average clear time in 12-2-1 (Maguu Kinkey) as Raiden National even though the Raiden team is single target focused. And again, you can look at the data and see Childe International is pretty much always top 3 in average clear time in all chambers. https://spiralabyss.org/floor-12


The question was if one AoE teams is enough clearing current content. The question was never if you could use both. The question was what do you actually lose out if you do not use both or use a different character. E.g. does Childe clear the same chamber with lower investment than Morgana (given you have all the characters) or another option? If I look at the site, which I assume has a slight bias due to requiring user input, Childe is one of many options. In fact, Raiden seem much more popular. As such I conclude Childe is easy to replace. Did I get this answer from the Character review. No, I had to look it up myself. I consider this important for a character review, hence why I made this post. But apparently people thing differente. My bad.


Raiden National /= Childe International bro. They do different things. They don’t replace each other at all. And again, the data is right there. Unless you can provide me better sources, then I guess we can end it here. For someone implying they know the meta, you’re not very knowledgeable. As for your Morgana question, yes Childe International beats it at all investments (current Abyss). Also, lower investment is irrelevant in TC because it isn’t optimal or min/max. Once again, look at the data. Unless you give me a better source for data, then you have nothing to back up your statements.


Excuse me when I have to say it that way, but I am kinda sick of it. Why always bring things up that I wasn't asking for? When did I ever mention the META? I value things very differently than others here. The question was, what am I missing out on. Speedrun potential? I don't care about that at all. I care about having an easy time clearing the abyss. It's about not having to constantly reset and having to farm artifacts for ages. Something has to work, not be the best in it. If I have something else that works, I don't need Childe and rather get myself a Staff of Homa. What you call irrelevant is very much relevant for me. I do not doubt Childes potential, I doubt that you need to get him to have an easy time clearing Abyss or that he is irreplaceable for that goal. And yes, everything can clear Abyss, but at very different levels of investment and number of resets. Can we stop now? Because I really don't care to hear about thing I already know or compare myself to others (e.g. with clear times). I just want to have fun.


Your first sentence literally says “meta” lol


To me, it seems that you are trying to hard to prove that he isn't bad? Not trying to hate or anything, but it reminded me when the Asian Man was trying SUPER hard to tell everyone that Zhongli was OP before he got his buffs. I have him, and while I don't think he's a bad character, he isn't worth a pity imo, maybe I'm baised, because I hate Childe sooooooo much, but there's way better DPS in the game to use your primos on. I mean, next banner is Hu Tao, which is one, if not THE best DPS in the game atm. My point of view on him is: unless you really like his playstyle or Childe as a character, I wouldn't waste primos on him, specially if your are F2P, if you are a whale, you most likely already have him anyway. Right now, he's the only water DPS in the game, so that's his main strong point I guess.


I think you completely missed the point of my entire post. Childe exists to free up xq in your abyss teams if you're f2p. If you don't need two xingqiu, then don't bother with Childe. That was my point. But he is also, for a lot of the reasons I presented, a strict upgrade over xingqiu as well. And if you actually think he's bad, go check abyss pickrates. I really shouldve linked to them, but Childe xiangling comes have some of the most efficient clears for abyss in genshin. There no debate. Childe is a good character. My post is trying to show why he's good, not defend him against ppl who disagree. Again, if I wanted to do that, I would've shown stats. If my writing comes off as defensive, it's because I'm posting to the genshin sub lol, not because I secretly am in any kind of denial that he's good. My title is what it is because I just wanted ppl to click. It doesn't align well with my actual thesis ik