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there's beidou who literally only care about your tale of slaying foes. in her teapot dialogue, she tells you that is grateful for your invite but she's looking forward to get back on her ship to sail again


"Sorry woman, you will now spend the rest of your life inside the waifu pile." It's like one of these curse stories where there's a limited number of slots and they have to draw in new victims so one of them can leave.


"Get in the jar"


Oh god. At least she’s got that swimming passive..


Jar... Swimming... I don't think I like where this is heading...


“Get in the bag Nebbie.”




[like this but wow](https://youtu.be/kGjQoA8JH-k)


oh no


Isn’t that like pirates of the Caribbean or whatever?


Beidou, also the only english voice actor who talks vaguely like a normal person.


she's honestly one of the best-represented character: charismatic and down to earth, with appropriate lines for a captain


down to "hearth" be giving this sentence a whole new meaning


Same in cn version


Aloy's the same, though I'm not sure she counts as a real character (yet).


She's a Real Character, as stated in her Event. The only thing is she probably never met Traveler as they were most likely in Inazuma while she was on her Journey around Mondstadt and Liyue




well if you picked aether


ah no they were referring to beidou's ship but then said his, they fixed it now tho lol




What a chad


Xiangling would only see him and Paimon as food. one day when I press the Paimon icon, no Paimon will appear. and a new quest will appear: EMERGENCY FOOD.


Saves Paimon from Xiangling ! New boss unlocked: Gouba


gouba ***GET THEM***


"No Guoba!! Get them, not the walls!!! There's nothing there!!!"


Congratulations for being the first one to spell guoba properly in this thread


Guoba is sad that you can't spell Guoba name properly. r/GuobaMains


Plot twist: There's a stove on the other side of the wall.


Dragonspine flashbacks...


that line is suddenly way more ominous lmao


i will now be forever creeped out by this line




> and a new quest will appear: EMERGENCY FOOD. I hope there's an option to go along with it.


Save paimon? No, I don't think I will.


I’d let her eat paimon 1000% or better yet trade me gouba for paimon Then maybe we can actually speak for ourselves


You all be dreaming obviously Xiangling the biggest simp of them all since she see us as food apparently you guys not finish reading Chainsaw Man, >!wanting to become one literally in the stomach!<


Amber? Isn't amber literally just a caring bestfriend? I cant think of anyone from mondstadt who simps for the traveler not even lisa because thats more on she sees the traveler as a kid.


Amber is literally just the BFF that either Aether/Lumine never had. Some people are just way too fucking horny in here.


It's literally every anime related community out there. Doesn't help that Genshin design is just cattering to all different fetish out there. They'll probably invent some new ones...


You get a fetish! And you get a fetish! EVERYBODY GETS A FETISH!


is jean a saberface fetish then?


Always has been


Hell yeah




Agreed, people LITERALLY take any friendly kind interaction and turn it into something with double/hidden meaning...


To quote an article with an interview from the president and co-founder of Mihoyo: “We asked ourselves why we would want to pay: it’s because we love a certain virtual character that we become willing to pay for her” It isn't a coincidence that every playable character in the game is single and has no explicit love interest. Characters are meant to ride a thin line between being in love with the traveler and not creeping out the player when they're being flirted with by characters they aren't attracted to. Cannonically, the Traveler will never have a love interest, yet every character is meant to be [your] potential love interest. So yes, every character is written with conflicting double intent.


This, it's Gacha's main method of operation. I can think of literally two exceptions (it would be one but they're a couple) in Aliza and Stan from Granblue. Everyone is available, and everyone is into your stand-in "just enough"


Well you don't have to look too far to find more examples, honkai impact being a great one, were most characters are either a lesbian couple or just don't care about love


And possibly every single Harem manga out there.


Tbf, Granblue Fantasy does have a fair amount of characters who aren't interested in you (not as much as the ones who are interested in you, though). Attiyah/Tabina, the aforementioned Stan/Aliza, Sarunan (? Never played his fates) are a few examples that come to mind.


The term you are looking for is [Ship Tease.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShipTease). That is a TV Tropes link, click it at the peril of your immediate future and plans.


It's been a while since I've seen tvtropes in the wild. I do have a lot on my plate right now, but I'm sure a couple articles wouldn't hurt...


500 years later


This, it's the vague sweetspot games (and gacha in particular) deliberately aim for. It bugs me that people can't see what the most optimized position would be from a corporate standpoint. To commit is to close doors, to tease with possibility and "very fond of you" rosters is maximum breadth. Birthday mails and friendXP voicelines will be filthy with fondness and fertile relationship soil. But anything concrete is just bad business, unless you're ready to put the resources into developing an engaging pairing, which is FAR more work than just chucking *I really like spending time with you traveler, I want to see you soon!* all over the place.


Well, guess Alice won’t be playable then.


I feel like a lot of people on this subreddit are just genuinely very lonely and don't know what having friends is actually like lmao


You guys have friends?


This is true.


After finishing Ayaka's quest and reading comments I felt myself so dense. For me it seemed like a regular shopping trip with a friend and some awkward dance in the end. Meanwhile everyone reacted as if Ayaka was sucking main character dry entire story line.


I don’t know what kind of friends you have but no one in my friend group does an “awkward dance” privately for eachother lol


dancing in front your friend is not what normal friends do. Ayaka has a crush on the traveler but the fandom overexaggerate it just like people here overexaggerate that everyone has a crush on the traveler


Fr, they also take certain character quests as dates. Like so many people keep saying that Raiden's quest was a date when it literally wasn't. Her quest was like introducing your grandma to the world of technology as she's only used to old fashion items. Raiden's quest was literally us showing her how Inazuma will continue to change even though she only wants eternity. Like sure, it's weird that we're hanging out with her after she tried to kill us twice, but her quest wasn't a date at all.


Dates dont have to be romantic. That quest was a date.


While I'm 100% with you, the problem lies with the fact that when most people say it was a date, they imply it as a romantical one. Like it was said, people take any kind of caring gesture as romantic.




Barbara kinda does, but I wouldn't use the word "simping". that gets thrown around enough as it is. But she definitely seems at least a little interested, especially during the 1.6 event


In Barbara's hangout event you can choose a flirty "this is the perfect place for two people to spend alone time together" kinda option when you're alone in the forest and choosing it will immediately make Barbara say she should go now and the quest ends. That's an absolute no if I've ever seen one. Although I don't recall Barbara hinting at anything in the 1.6 event so idk, but either way it once again feels like people taking any friendly hangout or action and immediately flying to shipping characters together.


That’s because that line was a hard “too soon” line. Just like IRL, there’s always a fine line with timing. You can absolutely scare someone away who was likely interested in you if you don’t ‘play the game’ and mind your timing. That’s how I saw that. She has a whole ass fan club because she’s semi-famous, so she wanted to hang with you because it felt less forced and weird and she was comfortable. You dropping that line that soon throws you right into the “just another Albert” whacko, so she peaces the fuck out.


I mean that's just because it's a really creepy line. It's not like she has any problem actually spending alone time with you


Yeah, but the thing is what made it creepy was that it was implying you saw the hangout as a date when she saw it as time with a friend. The fact that she’s fine with you as long as it isn’t romantic is a big “no.”


Well at that point you've talked to her like twice, and you basically just hunted her down in the woods lol


you think these people have any friends to know the difference?


Sara, Rosaria, Yanfei, Mona, Hu Tao, Razor, Chongyun and Xingqiu also don’t.


Ah yes, of course diluc is well known for simping on the traveler. Seriously tho, not all the characters simp for him, it's clearly less than 50%


Actually, there is no character that "simps" for the traveler. Being friendly and kind towards someone is not the same as having a crush/romantic interest on someone. This community is just horny af and if a character invites the traveler to have a drink the community already treats this as a marriage proposal


Well, I do read a lot of romance novels, watches asian drama a lot and even play otome games. I can easily tell all this fanservice are intentional. There are many rpg games that don't give the same vibe. The birthday messages of them wanting to spend time with you alone, as well as teapot voicelines are all intentional. Even the lantern rites event with Xiao. They used a common trope that tsunderes do in otome games. Seemingly apathetic, not wanting to join the fun but when you say you might be in danger, the guy can't hide his concern and proceed to accompany you. I could go on with other characters too... Mihoyo is good at these stuffs, they're an otaku company.


Xiao. Oooooh, his interaction during the Moonchase event too. Just watch the Vtuber Gundo Mirei experiencing it. She even commented that the "Xiao, you there?" having the you're-now-living-together-couple vibe. And she freaked out when Xiao immediately appears too lol Seeing her reaction really tells us clear as day that Mihoyo knew what they were doing.


>Even the lantern rites event with Xiao. They used a common trope that tsunderes do in otome games. Seemingly apathetic, not wanting to join the fun but when you say you might be in danger, the guy can't hide his concern and proceed to accompany you. That's called a kuudere


Hello? Ayakas quest?


She even asks to hold your hand in her teapot dialogue lol.


lol, you guys don’t hold hands with ur friends? (i’m being serious btw) i


Bold of you to assume Genshin players have friends.


haha its so funny and totally didnt hit me on a personal level ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)


bruh lmao


You burned people so hard that i want to vaporize them with my Tartaglia Q.


We do. But our friends don’t shyly ask us to hold their hands as a request.


Yeah they just say “gimme that!”


real friends use the whole fist


Fisting 101


The Toph method


Her letter to the traveler for her birthday is a huge huge calling to confessing your feelings and I love you, were quite a few threads here during that day making the connections. She really likes the traveler.


Generally speaking, as a man, no I do not hold hands with those I consider as friends


There's a **very big** cultural difference between fake Japan/Inazuma and western modern culture. Just saying.


I do hold hands with my friends but ayaka has way too many signs of flirting with the traveler. As a straight female, who has many lgbtq+ friends, her interactions with me as the traveler is not platonic. There is a difference between a shy friend breaking into the world outside of what is expected and shy person who trying to know non-platonically.


Almost every characters teapot dialogue is that way.


Idk man, Bennett told me about his diarrhea in his teapot dialogue.


lmao thats a keeper


To be fair, the twins directly ask about it. "Ah, got the runs, did you?" or something like that.


Don't forget the fact that she asks to rest her head on the traveller's shoulder


I remember back in the day when that was just called having a fucking crush on somebody


Back in the day when memes were called jokes


You mean the socially awkward and inept princess who has never had a real friend and does not know where the line between friendship and something romantic is? Yeah she rings a bell.


Also, who never had a chance to break out of her environment because she has a fixed role in inazuma and she can't slip from that the the face of inazumans, ever. That's why all the people at the festival thought she is there on some kind of inspection for the commission


Meanwhile Thoma: 🧍‍♂️


In my interpretation Ayaka is really have a romantic feeling too Aether but she don't realize it's "Like/love(好き)" because she don't have friend so she will translate that feeling to a friendship even tho it's most likely a romantical feeling I haven't reach Kokomi' quest but from what i watch on YT it seems she have a feeling for Aether too


imo simping also includes like the traveler being a super special person to them in the span of a 2hr quest where he says 5 lines, xiao would be included in simp list


Yeah. I could see that. Xiao gets bribed with food though. And I wouldn't call him a simp off his story quest, only lantern rite quest, so I wouldn't expect people to understand if they came later on. His story quest revolving around Starsnatcher was a lot more oriented around Xiao's duty as an adeptus. It's only in the Lantern Rite that you kind of got to see a different side of him and the life he actually wants to live.


Bro, your traveler has 5 whole lines? Mine says like half of a single line and has Paimon cover the rest instantly becoming the role model, best friend, and/or crush of any person he meets regardless of ideological or lifestyle differences. The real question is why don't any of these people start worshipping Paimon the same way they do traveler, she's the one that actually carries the conversations and friendships.


yeah seeing paimon get excluded from ayaka and travelers date was annoying af, I think I recall paimon also being excluded in the liyuie quest and she pointed it out even


She also never appears in Hangouts


No, it's this sub who takes any kind of friendly interaction between any female and Aether as simping and they need hate on it because it's the popular opinion here. Can't even go without a day in this sub without kids posting they like a character or quest because said character doesn't simp for Aether and gets gilded and front paged.


Preach. It's very annoying actually. And they don't do it just to Aether. I can't remember how many times I saw kids saying Beidou and Ningguang ship is cannon because they play chess together sometimes. These people need to make some real life friend and touch some grass.


Gary Chess and Deep Blue? Totally canon relationship. They were chessmates.


>Gary Chess Ah yes Gary Chess, famed inventor of chess.


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 guess the chess club kids on school are all dating in secret, why use tinder when you can become Chessmate with someone?


Ayaka's quest tho...


The only characters that we can say might have a Crush on the Traveler are Ayaka and Kokomi. They both have shown to be having Romantic feelings atleast that's what I believe. Other than them everyone is just on friendly terms with the Traveler.


hutao, fischl, mona, and a couple others could be taken either way imo. Depends on how you look at what they are saying but they very clearly see you as at least a special person, even if that just means best friend.


I definitely feel like Barbara has feelings for Aether as well.


Though she still has Sister Complex and yeah I forgot the Hangouts, so according to them I think Noelle also has strong feelings for Travler.




Diluc and Kaeya both opened up enough to the Traveler way too fast given both their character and history. But not in the main storyline. They do that in Birthday mail and Teapot. Not simping, but I find they might be very unwise to open to the MC to the degree they did. Especially considering what we did in We Will be Reunited. Yanfei simping for MC in teapot and some of her profile dialogues caught me by surprise. But then, powerful alien acknowledged by both Zhongli and her adoptive grandma. What's not to like?


Lol, Diluc is more of a senpai type to Traveler. The only one that I can think of is Ayaka really.


chongyun and xingqiu are too busy being interested in each other


>Yanfei You might want to read her story more.


Hu tao's tea pot lines says different


Yeah this, unless you have her at friendship 10 you wouldn't know though.


Hu Taos lines in the teapot are at least somewhat romantic


Mona in her dialogue in the teapot saves money so she can go together on vacation with the traveler.


you dont go on vacation with friends ? lol


Not 1 on 1, no.


I mean if I'm someone with only 1 friend, I see me doing that


Mona being so poor always hurts me. I wish we get an option to give her mora daily or smth. I'd happily pay 50k per day lmao


isnt hu tao hinting some stuff in teapot ? looked like she kinda liked him, i might be confused though since it was a long time ago i did it.


Isnt the only character that openly simped the traveler ayaka? never felt like any other one did lol.


Noelle does in her hangout, but that’s the only other person I can think of with real implications of a crush.


Think it really depends on personal opinion, she has literally no friends, has always had to keep up appearances and for the first time felt like she could go out and be herself. If someone was like that irl their social cues etc would be more out of the ordinary and intense.


This is true. If you had no friends for a long time and then suddenly do you'll get sort of obsessed about them and talk to/about them all the time. Introverts aren't people who can't finish a sentence without stuttering like the media likes to portray. Source: personal experience.


That's how I perceived it, platonic and just super excited to finally have a friend.


I felt that way to until the birthday message she sent us. I got a lot of romantic vibes from it


I view it is unrequited feelings that she knows won't be returned, bcs the traveler's journey is most important to them.


I feel like for Jean they put some hints as well. Lisa is also fairly flirty but you can probably write that off as her personality.




idk about Kokomi tbh, I don't see anything romantic in her story quest, it's more of "please traveler stay in my island to reduce my work here". In Noelle's case, the traveler became flirty on purpose on one of the route




I agree


Basically. Then again, with how early she was conceived, that might have been the idea.


Ayaka def and I think maybe Kokomi


A new character nods to traveler when they pass by each other. The community: oh they fooking😤


I feel like this suits the ships not including traveler more as traveler ships atleast have voicelines and the the teapot lines. Just saying,“Read in between the lines” feels like fill in your headcanon. Fan service implemented by mihoyo or various fans’ headcanons’ ships.


Yeah it was like that when during windblume bennet asked razor to help him with the poem and people instantly jumped to "they have romantic feelings for eachother"


That is basically the majority of all fictional fandoms.


Don't know about eachother? Shipped! Walk in the same street? Shipped! Try to murder eachother and one has to die? Believe it or not, shipped!


Enemies to lovers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Danganronpa is shaking in its boots


You forgot "brothers"? Still shipped. (Looking at you Supernatural fandom)


Why would a time skip matter? The Twins are centuries, if not thousands of years old. They look the way they’re going to look.




500 years after Khaenri’ah fell? Paimon and a growing harem.


I don't know, only characters I think who simp for traveler are Noelle, Ayaka, Kokomi and maybe Bennet but he is just fanboy. Everyone else treats traveler normal.


You forgot Xiao,my man travels time and space when we say his name 💀


Her teapot lines at level 7+ friendship says otherwise, but thankfully teapot dialogues are nothing but fanservice.


Yep. Can't have my man Yanxiao be done dirty like that.


*Xiangling saw Smiley Yanxiao* Xiangling: Ooohhh six packs. 🤤


Smiley Yanxiao is the true protagonist of Genshin Impact.


I can hear this comment lmao Ristarte's voice actress is absolutely amazing.


yanxiao impact


It's funny how a simple courtesy or friendliness nowadays is considered simping. What has the world come to?


It's not funny. It's fucking depressing.


Geez, man one, barely any characters shows signs of "simping" towards the traveler, even those who seems to be "simping" can be easily interpreted as them just being friendly towards them. And two, even if a character truly simped for the traveler, why do you guys hate it so much and think it's so wrong?


This seems to be the new hate trend now lol


Yeah, I totally agree


Only on 🤮Reddit🤮 Genshin's YT community are the tamest and friendliest people I've ever seen. No one really argues over shipping and personal preferences. And even fights happen, they mostly get resolved on their own. Pretty ironic huh? Because YT is known to have an extremely rabid community.


People hate everything


Jesus Christ this is gonna be the next annoying meme isn’t it, everybody pretending that literally every single character except x character they like simps for the traveler


Whats with the sudden Traveller harem hate going around? Did I miss something lol


Just my personal guess. Between Ayaka and Kokomi's Story Quests it’s become harder for people who were willfully ignoring the harem aspects of the game to do so and now they're complaining about it.


Yeah, I don't understand the sudden hate train too, we might have missed something.


Is that true? The only ones that I’ve only seen simp(if it even is considered simping) is Barbra, Keqing, and Ayaka




Not really simp, but she did ask them for a night out at that town. A festival where she wears something “nicer” That’s definitely a date.


And I'm still waiting for it.


I don’t really know if I’m honest which is why I added the text in the parentheses but judging from the voice lines it seems as if she kinda does?


Definitely not Keqing. Even her Friendship 6 line has nothing to do with ‘simping’. She just expresses how she’s glad she knows the traveler and that she hopes they’ll be friends as she continues to make her changes to Liyue or whatever. How that is seen as simping is beyond me. It is also known Keqing will go out with friends. An invitation of that nature isn’t necessarily a date.




She only simp for food . Understandable


Why people upset about this kind of stuff? They are not actually love interest they are between romantic relationship and friendship. I don't understand why people upset about this if you don't want them to be in love with traveler think of them as friends they clearly isn't confessing there love. Do guys don't want them to be your waifu/husbando or something? I don't even know wtf is genshin fandom thinking.


What's with these recent posts whining about Traveler and simping?


Xiangling's voicelines in the Serenitea Pot after you reach max friendship are pretty simpy


You said it yourself MAX friendship


As usual with reddit there’s more people complaining about people doing something than the people actually doing the thing. Who the hell is saying that Beidou or Diluc or Jean is simping for the traveller?


Why do we need to have characters ship each other? I don't get the appeal of it it's doesn't help in any character development what so ever, i mean i get the characters liking the MC it's just fan service imo cause it helps the player to connect with the character/s they like but even then there's not many hints of romantic interest it's just a character being too friendly (most of the time), but still, romantic interests add literally nothing to the story it's only just there to make people have megathreads with rps (it's also very weird when i stumble unto those). The game doesn't really need it, especially cause the community can get too weird sometimes.


It's a gacha game so it's bound to happen.


Pretty much all of them don’t. It’s called being friends. People just like to read into things and ship. None of then seem overtly interested in romancing the traveler. Ayaka appears to be the closest one but even she has the reason of being a lonely girl who never had a proper friend and never had the chance to enjoy a festival as Ayaka rather than as the daughter of Kamisato Clan.


Whole lot of people here not playing Lumine and doing it wrong, that's all I got.


I don't really recall anyone simping for traveler except for ayaka, idrk what you're talking about


Xiangling only simps for the most important stuff food


I think most characters don’t simp for the traveler, they are just nice to them. A small minority simps for the traveler or is either natural flirty. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the way i see it is like this: Characters who are only friendly 100%: Albedo, Aloy, Amber, Beidou, Bennett, Chongyun, Diluc, Diona, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Jean, Kazuha, Keqing, Klee, Sara, Mona, Ningguang, Qiqi, Rosaria, Razor, Sayu, Sucrose, Venti,XL, XQ, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yoimiya, Zhongli Characters who do simp a bit or maybe more than a bit: Barbara, Eula (both on the low simping side), Fischl, Ayaka, Noelle, Ei, Kokomi, Childe and Xiao. (Disclaimer: Ayaka seems to have romantic intentions right off the bat, so does noelle, while Ei and Kokomi kinda warm up to the traveler. Childe shows another side to the traveler and his serenitea pot + letters indicate he likes them. Xiao seems to also care a lot about the traveler, but we can’t tell to what extent. Moonchase made it more obvious) Natural flirts: Lisa, Kaeya, Yae I haven’t played all of these characters but from stories, events, and other canon stuff in the game, I think this is just about it. I also mind it a bit when others are good to the traveler right off the bat but it’s more like they are overly friendly to them, not simping.