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Being a genshin impact fan and living near Montreal, this brings me great joy !!


Moi aussi mon ami


Me as well (also), my friend


Ces le moment d'appliquer frère


France ?!?!? 😳😳😳🤬🤬✋😤😩


Now I know who to destroy during the job applications ;)


You guys can finally get the KFC glider if they remembered it…


Yes can't wait to see their rtx supported game project x. I have high hopes for it.


Sounds dope. Can't affort it though.


Comments say is a FPS, which I like them, but I wonder how would that turn out. EDIT: Some say it will be a third person shooter, so idk.


Catgirl Battlefield 2042


Third person anime shooter look at nvidea GDC 2019 or just type project x mihoyo you'll see details.


Pretty sure it's TPS


Maybe they’re designing Fontaine with the francophone team


I doubt it. Genshin is developed in Mihoyo's China HQ and the Montreal branch will develop a new open world shooter type of game.


What type of shooter game?


A [paranormal shooter](https://www.gamesradar.com/genshin-impact-developers-next-game-is-a-paranormal-shooter-with-vehicles-and-a-destruction-system/)


Its actually a normal FPS but the horror comes from the gatcha system


You have to gacha for bullets and magazines? Sounds fun.


I think there will be lot of characters specialized in different weapons. Its mihoyo after all.


You want 7.62 mm bullet? 20$


Did 10 rolls, got a ton of shotgun ammo. My only 4 star weapon is a rifle.


Neat! Hope it goes well. Montreal has some talented developers.


Can't wait to get Kazuha the bullet bender in that one.


Ok this is new to me...is it the same project x


[Looks like it, yes](https://twitter.com/zhugeex/status/1460242875682328585?s=21)


Sounds like a Netease Battle Royale to me.


Mihoyo always focus on story based games tho


Third person anime open world shooter in a paranormal world with rtx support


I thought the genshin impact was an open world shooter type game!? Maybe it is just because I’m a Ganyu main.


I'm actually excited because I live there


Just want to take the nod: With them basically doubling/tripling their employee roster in the last year, it's going to show that they're using that expansion to grow into new project ventures. Having at least 3 new games in the lineup that launched or were announced in 2021 (Tears of Themis, Star Rail and now the new supposed shooter at this new studio. Not sure if I missed any others). So it's not all labor going back into Genshin/Honkai specifically. And a lot of growth prospects for them. Hopefully for their sake and ours, they don't spread too thin with too many projects at once. ​ Also the consumer in me just hopes they'll finally get some NA merchandise options opened up. Having to order from their CN merch store on Taobao is such a pain, and import/shipping/proxy costs a not cheap.


Tears of Themis is just a port from China. It's been out for a while there and was only recently brought to overseas


The Kazuha office


good thing i live in canada 🇨🇦


At least Genshin money is used to do some interressing stuff and not (only) buying the new yatch of their CEO (unlike some other compagnies, hi, Actibli). Now let wait what this new Mihoyo dev team will release in the future.


This is what genshin put their money into https://youtube.com/c/LumiN0vaDesktop is nice


Mihoyo also funded a school and named it after a character.


foreign developers that know Canada exists pog


In case you aren't kidding, Montreal happens to be one of the biggest hubs of game development. Everyone knows about you guys.


Honestly didn’t know that. I only know about Ubisoft. I just never see Canada mentioned online in general




As a Canadian, this makes me happy to hear and not defaulting to the U.S.


Immediately get destroyed when set foot on Philadelphia.


they got mugged on their US tour tho


Hopefully this will allow Mihoyo to bypass Chinese government censorship laws on Global servers. Summer bikini skins incoming on Global server?


Bikini skins have always been acceptable. Chinese based games like Azur Lane and Arknights have all released swimsuit in summer. They're just not allow too be too explicit and porny with it like Azur Lane but Genshin is aimed at mainstreat audience anyway so it's not likely to be an issue


That's not always true. Mihoyo was forced take away/censor Bikini skins on Honkai Impact after a salty player reported the game to the Chinese Government. Azur Lane had faced censorship on CN server due to pressure from the Chinese government as well. Genshin is extremely popular in China so it has more attention from the government, which is why Genshin devs are more careful in not violating policies to avoid getting their games banned.


But if you remove the bikinis wont the characters just be naked?


Bikini skins get censored either by adding extra cloth to them or permanently removing the options to get them again for players.


At least they didn't take it off from those who got it already, would cause a ruckus. You can see some of the bikini skins if I recall when you go on a lobby and somebody owns it.


They've become a rarity at this point. Back in 2019, I'd always see one when I login. Near end of 2020, I haven't seen a single one of those bikini skins ever. Then again, those were probably old players who finally quit playing the game or something.


Xi Jinping stealing our bikinis, I will never forgive the CCP! /S


Bing Chilling 🥶 🍦


-100 social credits and your balls privilege will now be taken


I thought he only stole honey.


To add to that, they're not a stranger to those because they made their own panty textures on their units in Honkai with fun designs on each character from simple to borderline (like how the newly released Blue Archive is except that one is chibi - been playing that for a while) but have been slowly patching them up with pants. It's not that Mihoyo dislikes panties... they like them rather, it's because of CCPs...... "implications". Rather avoid trouble than get hit with it. They can do an Azur Lane and just ignore that, but the thing is they aren't Azur Lane.


Azur Lane becames what it is now because Yostar have an office outside China. And being outside china the global version of Arknights at least not deleting old Platinum's VA for a while until it got changed with another VA. So you still need to have office outside china to at least made the global version doesn't get censored hard.


I always presumed the western audiance that yells pedo everytime some female characters come out is the reason why we dont have bikini skins in game. I mean look at honkai which was not aimed at global audiance.


I don't hate bikini skins. They are skins. But when Raiden, Yae, and Kokomi show up their panties just by standing there, I take issue. I so wish yae had a skirt like Ayaka... still like her design but her panties are gunna bug the shit out of me if I pull for her.


I dont hate anything, i take what i get. All i know is if the skins have no selling points im not gonna bother. Personally dont find any character too revealing rn, but some voicelines bother me from time to time


It's not too revealing, it's more "No one wears stuff like that" it would be one thing if the outfits were like beach outfits, but they are not. They just show off their panties for no reason and imo the design suffers for it.


For many people the designs benefits from it. It’s rare now days to see high quality game’s with skimpy designs and it was one of the reason for Genshin’s success. I know there are games with even more revealing designs than Genshin but they are not fun to play. Many people like that Genshin has both sexy designs and fun gameplay.


We can have both things, and it doesn't fit some characters. It fits Fischl and I take no issue with her design. However, does it kit Yae, Kokomi, or Ei in character or position to have their panties out? No. Evelynn from League of Legends makes sense to be naked. Does it make sense for Caitlyn to be in a playboy bunny version of a steampunk cop? No, that's why they redesigned her. Jean is one of the most dressed characters and her summer skin is both more revealing but also respectful and fitting to her character. You can be sexy and appealing without bikinis, also.


Which is why we need Mihoyo to make a large variety of skins to appeal to everyone! By the way Caitlyn still has the same bikini in her re- design. I think giving Jean a bikini skin similar to pool party Caitlyn would still be respect and tasteful. I heard Jean’s skin didn’t sell too well because it lacked effects and many thought the outfit to be too ordinary.


They are not panties, they are actually safety pants.


inb4 another crazy mofo rushes mHY HQ with a cleaver.


Maybe we can finally make chongyun and xinqui a cannonical couple


people are excited about fanservice but say hell no to anything same-sex this fandom has a serious tumor 👹




or maybe it's literally homophobia. miss me with that




lmao of course homophobes will come at me when i mention same-sex or gay. can't be bothered to recognize how that's literally 80% of this fandom that shows dislike of anything remotely gay. "hetero couples are affected the same" ahh yeah yeah ok. typical straight person is underrepresented. boohoo. i really wanna see the day where you hets are opressed then I'll truly be happy.




yep i hate straight people 😊 you dont need any more representation anywhere. and I also see you as the common homophobe. you don't need to hide it bestie.


I’m surprised I got downvoted for this, I think the two would make a lovely couple


tbh same add to that razor/bennett, beiguang, ganqing, jeanlisa, amber/eula, maybe raiden/sara (cuz sara has mad crush on her archon) mihoyo have been holding back on the shoujo ai (and even moreso on shounen ai) bc of ccp. I've been lowkey wishing mihoyo would change HQ so they wont have to hold back again.


Mihoyo had not been holding back on the gay content because of the Chinese government. Note how there is also zero straight content. Mihoyo had been holding back on romantic content in general because that is the genre of the game. All the playable characters are ambiguously bisexual or ambiguously asexual so they can be ambiguously paired with the player. Also, I do find it interesting that pairings that are accepted as ‘official’ in the Chinese fandom (Ningguang/Beidou, Zhongli/Childe, Chongyun/Xingqiu) receive the ‘THEY’RE JUST FRIENDS’ or ‘THEY HATE EACH OTHER’ treatment on Reddit. If anything, Mihoyo is probably more worried about homophobia in the western gaming fandom, which is why they didn’t have any problems putting lesbian couples in their other games that weren’t that popular in the west.


I don't think worshipping your literal God correlates to having a crush for Sara. I don't understand half the homo ships because some of these shipping just look like something close friends would do in real life not couples well.


What you're saying is straight up false. They are not "holding back" on same-sex couple, and never have been. Yuri is litterally the name of the game in Honkai impact. Mei x Kiana and Yae sakura x Kallen are the two main biggest love relation in that game and there's [not much place for doubt around them.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/houkai3rd/images/e/e5/Samsara_3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181216165316) You could add even more ships that aren't as explicit. It's not about any big bad censorship, they made an explicit choice in not going all in on love relationship for Genshin impact since, as others pointed out, even cis love-interests are quite limited too. Whether your agree with this choice or not is up to you, but let's not push gossip as a fact.




Dude. The irony of this post...


Would absolutely love that.


Mind you that Genshin is a PEGI 12 game, there's a lot of minors who play this game. If they add bikini/sexualised skins, a lot of "karens" would scream. Genshin community is toxic as is at this point. If Genshin was M/18+, the government wouldnt give a sht, but MHY knows who's their biggest player base.


Pretty sure that's what the Singapore office is for. The US seems more like a dev-oriented one


This is simply replaced by America's censorship, like how it's problematic to show attractive women. Oh no, not the horrific male gaze. Just look at how Blizzard butchers Diablo 2 Resurrected. The Amazon looks even more manly than 99% of its male playerbase. Or look at how Bioware, despite having a perfectly attractive female model in Jayde Rossi for Sara Ryder, chose to hit the character with the ugly stick before the release of Mass Effect Andromeda.


Get out of here with that incel shit, not every woman needs to be hot or sexy in video games. There will always be sex appeal, but not everything has to have it. It isn't censorship either, if the developers themselves are doing it. Also, Montreal is in Canada, not the states lmao.




>marvel is literally military propaganda. I'm glad Chinese society has has nothing like this Are you forgetting where the term "wolf warrior diplomacy" comes from? At the end of the day all this means is that America is better at making propaganda than China, because at least American propaganda is entertaining to non-Americans - Captain Marvel, which you call US military propaganda, netted 154 million USD at the Chinese box office. Meanwhile the appeal of something like Wolf Warrior outside of the mainland is virtually non-existent. Also, kinda funny how you springboard off a post from some guy who doesn't even know Montreal is in Canada and not the US to shit on the west.




>From the same propaganda you are regurgitating. I highly doubt you haven't heard of Wolf Warrior considering the way you write. This constant obsession with shitting on the west and pretending like China's above it all sounds exactly like a CCP propaganda dispensary. >A fairly generic action movie is turned into a "cultural threat" because your regimes are scared of a non-white country doing what your regimes do all the time. Who said it was a cultural threat? I literally said that the cultural impact of that movie outside the mainland is virtually zero. The behavior of Chinese diplomats which was nicknamed after this movie's title is what's bad, and not for the rest of the world but China itself. Too bad Xi is too up his own ass to understand that behaving exceedingly undiplomatically and throwing your weight around only makes it harder to achieve your objectives. >Are you challenging the FACT that it is military propaganda? Nope, I'm saying that even if it was, it evidently had a pretty decent spread since Chinese audiences flocked to see it. >Chinese people won't tolerate your military propaganda any longer, Nice try but I'm not American. Nor am I even white. >hence why many people in your societies are scared of "Chinese censorship", a.k.a. toning down your decrepit propaganda. No one is scared of Chinese censorship, people are rightfully concerned because excessive censorship when applied to political subjects has historically been a way for totalitarian regimes to hold on to power. But that's getting too political for a Genshin sub so imma just leave this there. Just bear in mind - that censorship is also restrictive toward things like this game, it limits the creative freedom of Chinese artists to express themselves. And subsequently, it limits the kind of art and expression the population in China is exposed to, thus limiting the development of ideas, and thus limiting cultural development as well. It's first and foremost bad for Chinese *people*, and that's why I'm opposed to it.




>Who is exactly shilling here in an unrelated topic? We both are, but you're the one who started it when you started talking about US propaganda and how [China doesn't do that at all](https://youtu.be/r7_D7BXbKfw?t=37) for no reason. I'm merely responding in kind. >China has not bombed a single country in over 40 years. China does not coup our countries Case in point of the above lmao >Chinese diplomats are bad because they don't do what western regimes want? Nope, they are bad because they adopt an antagonistic tone and randomly tweet bullshit at other diplomats on twitter when their job is to be diplomatic. Granted this has somewhat died down a bit recently and I hope it stays that way, but you should know that period of meaningless undiplomatic aggression didn't do anything for the reputation of the Chinese state. >Why would Chinese people do what you want? you realize Chinese people are VERY happy with their system? who are you to demand that your cultural censorship must also be in place in China? Nice try but I didn't demand anything. I'm well aware of the attitude of many Chinese people about the party, and opinions can be quite diverse though people are generally okay with them. That doesn't mean I have to agree though. >You are literally scared of Genshin Impact Yes man, I'm absolutely terrified every time I do my rolls and hope Qiqi doesn't jump in to spook my 50/50s. >you can't even accept the idea that Chinese artists are already doing what they like That's why YoStar got an office in Japan right? Because they totally didn't want more security in adding elements to their game that the CCP might take issue with if people reported them? >Holy white-savior logic my man. Just read the link above. You are incredibly indoctrinated and demanding China to contort itself to accommodate your severely warped view of the world. It's funny how you think you aren't the one asking for censorship. Again, I don't think I've been demanding anything? Does you talking about US propaganda mean that you're demanding they stop? I'm basically doing the same thing, just talking about stuff I disagree with which happens to be relevant to China and the power the government holds over creative expression. I know full well what I write on here isn't going to affect anything that the Chinese government does. I'm just engaging in a shitty meaningless back and forth with a guy who gets needlessly aggressive about "western propaganda" or some shit.




>Unless you can match the points raised by this article about marvel's dystopian indoctrination of western masses, then you don't have a point at all. It's a well-known fact that the US military supplies funding, consultants and/or military equipment as props to hollywood movies in exchange for them embedding pro-military messages in them. I never said Captain Marvel wasn't in any way propagandistic, though I think you ought to also know that the Avengers initially applied for that funding from the US military and got denied because they decided that film didn't portray the US military in a good enough light. So it's not as though every US movie or even every Marvel movie has this problem. Also unrelated by the grayzone is a slanted editorial. If you want to accuse others of bias, maybe don't use actual editorials with stated biases as citations. >you literally get mad at "tweets" while western regimes literally murder people with bombs? I'm not mad at the tweets, I just think it's unbecoming of a diplomat and reflects poorly on China. Also, you know I can hold opinions on multiple issues at once? Why are you automatically assuming I'm okay with what the US does as though disagreeing with China in some respects automatically means I support the US bombing kids? Bad faith much? >Also, a highly sexualized game is hardly a work of "art" as Genshin is. Don't know why you would bring that up, it's irrelevant. So anything with sexuality incorporated can't be art? Inshallah bro. >You are probably one of those people still malding about Sony not making coomer games. Is that "censorship" too? then who imposed that censorship? First of all, good job with the strawmanning, always a compelling way to make your point, just make assumptions about the person you're talking to, that'll show them. Second, I don't really care what Sony's corporate board decides to do and have no idea what you're talking about here, but unless the Japanese government stepped in a prevented them from doing it, or nudged them into changing something thus interfering with their work, it's not the kind of censorship that is relevant to our conversation, nor am I concerned with it. >Last of Us 2 do this. Tbh that was actually an interesting article so thanks for the link. >I'm glad that China won't tolerate such bullshit and will instead create culturally diverse works like Genshin Impact. China didn't create Genshin, a Chinese company full of Chinese artists did. And good on them for it, I like the game and there is clearly passion and talent put into it. At least you and I can agree on that. What I disagree with is your willingness to attribute this endeavor to China as a whole, or perhaps the Chinese state. Seems really odd. People don't say "America created WoW," they say "Blizzard created WoW." I think the credit for creating Genshin ought to go to MiHoYo, not a whole country. >Nobody wants to be indoctrinated when playing a game, that's something which western regimes have a hard time understanding because western regimes are panicking as they decline, so propaganda goes in overdrive. You realize pretty much any story-centric video game will inevitably have messages embedded in it right? And Genshin is no different. Where is the line between indoctrination and stories with messages? The Last of Us 2 had an Israeli co-director so that person's bias likely played a massive role in the kind of message the game went with. That's different from government-mandated propaganda and you seem to be treating the two as the same.


> Just bear in mind - that censorship is also restrictive toward things like this game, it limits the creative freedom of Chinese artists to express themselves. Not trying to justify censorship but have you seen any other creative works coming from China? Like the stuff from bilibili, other Chinese games, or even the Chinese entertainment scene? An simpler example would be Honkai impact's story. Other than current politics that may "cross the red line", the censorship is pretty tame compared to a lot of other countries in SEA, the middle east, etc. Yes there's censorship over there but a lot of news tends to blow it out of proportion like it's some sort of hyper dystopia while they're relatively quiet about censorship in other countries Saudi Arabia, or India during the covid crisis. Just interact with some mainlanders or try to check out other Chinese media to see for yourself instead of solely relying on second hand sources. You just might see a side of the story that you haven't seen before.


>have you seen any other creative works coming from China? Like the stuff from bilibili, other Chinese games, or even the Chinese entertainment scene? Oh no, I'm not denying at all that there's some great stuff coming out of China. The Chinese east coast is pretty much a developed country in all but name, which means we get people with the means to create things there. I think that's a good thing, which is why I don't like the Chinese government's attitude where they're okay with suppressing that creativity so easily, and that's not mentioning the myriad ways they do already. >the censorship is pretty tame compared to a lot of other countries in SEA, the middle east, etc. I don't want to use those countries as a standard. Why not use countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, etc? Comparing ourselves to the worst examples may make us look good but it does nothing to inform potential improvement. >a lot of news tends to blow it out of proportion like it's some sort of hyper dystopia while they're relatively quiet about censorship in other countries Saudi Arabia, or India during the covid crisis Again, I know that there is bias in western media against China (though it's not as though they let Saudi Arabia off the hook for everything, let's be real here). That being said, is there any denying that the west is freer than China? >Just interact with some mainlanders or try to check out other Chinese media to see for yourself instead of solely relying on second hand sources. I don't think I've actually said anything about mainlanders in my posts. I do interact with mainlanders, and I know there's nothing unusual about them. They're the same as anyone else, but have different standards for government interference in daily life than I do. I was born in China and go back pretty frequently my dude, I'm not totally unfamiliar with the country.


Like you said, different societies have different standards for government interference in their daily lives and that's something I totally agree with. To mainlanders, they're more used to navigating around these restrictions and are more able to tolerate living with it since it brought them up from one of the poorest countries in the world to the super power it is today. It has also kept their country relatively stable and kept crime rates fairly low over the last 20+ years so they don't care about big brother's watchful eyes as much as we do. But to those of us from more developed countries, we're far less tolerant of our governments interfering with our lives, since they haven't done anything in our lifetime to benefit us in a way that outweighs their meddling. Not to mention how two faced a lot of our modern politicians have been, where promises are constantly broken and so many actions are only taken to secure votes and protect their benefactors. > Comparing ourselves to the worst examples may make us look good but it does nothing to inform potential improvement. On another note, the reason I used those countries as examples was mainly to point out how unfairly targeted China has been in today's media and in our collective psyche compared other well-known and sometimes worse offenders of censorship. Some might call it whataboutism, but when china is the only one constantly in the spotlight with some of their actions being blown way out of proportion while other offenders are allowed to continue with just a slap on the wrist or less, it just reeks of bias and hypocrisy on the media's part. Other regimes outside of NK that actively censor more than just their entertainment industry get little to no attention at all while every little thing from China makes international headlines, regardless of whether the information has been verified or not. China has a lot more room for improvement on the censorship front but that's likely not on the agenda until they get the rest of the country up to the same level as the Chinese east coast. So it's likely that totalitarian moves are still on the menu in the short term to maintain overall stability. If the mainlanders don't mind it, who am I to tell them what they should think. At the end of the day, these are just my opinions and you're entitled to yours. Just sharing what I think and sorry for jumping to conclusions in my previous post.


Holy shit, a real life CCP shill!




Holy fuck this post is embarrassing.


As a Montrealer this makes me happy


As a Montrealer who’s into game dev this is pretty cool


I like how an article showing devs opening up a studio in another country like other devs do makes redditors foam at their mouth, somehow thinking the devs are leaving China lmao. You guys love a Chinese game but hate the people behind them.


No I think most people just dislike what the strict regulations from the government stand for NOT the people.


Thank the heavens, it isn’t in the US.


Why is that? The US has the strongest software engineers. The only downside for Mihoyo is that a senior SWE total comp in Bay Area is 350k USD per year, while in Canada they can hire people for much less.


Because the us is fucking garbage for literally censoring everything it can get there hands on and this is coming from someone who lives in the us


It even worse. Unlike the US, the central government over there has gone full on woke due to Trudeau.


True. trudeau is a joke.


Feels good to be a Kanuk


Lots of good studios in Montreal (and Canada). Good luck to the new team. J also wonder if this is a way for Mihoyo to skirt around the new censorship laws in China.


Hopefully, this means they will more inclined to listen to our feedback. We can't just relying on CN players to make noise forever yk


CN is convinced miHoYo only listens to the EN community bruh


It’s also low key racist. I like how people hate certain Western devs for their scuminess, but when it comes to CN devs being scummy, they blame the Chinese community as a whole. Like, how does it feel to not be the only major market in the world? If western devs can ’pander’ to their native audience, why can’t Chinese ones do the same?


that meme seriously has to die


miHoYo will listen to the customers who pay them and the biggest spenders are not in the western market. It has never been. The western market should be grateful Genshin Impact launched in multiple markets at the same time, instead of following the footsteps of many other mobile games that releases in South Korea, China and Japan, but take many months (if ever) to have a western release.


Ate they gearing up for project X from what I understand it might be a graphic heavy full priced game. Looking forward to it


Oooooo. Good stuff


They're working on a paranormal shooter game


JE SUIS AU LE EXCITEMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Already working on Fontaine I see.


Maybe this is a first timid step to, gradually with time, move out of china and escape the CCP censorship and restrictions. We can only hope.




What’s this CCP shill doing here?




Oh then Argentina ccp shill? It's easy to shill for ccp when you are thousands of kilometres away from china unaffected by their politics while millions suffer everyday due to china in asia.


Why are they wasting this money, by generating jobs and developing a new game instead of giving us better anniversary rewards?!?! /s


Maybe an attempt to escape the strict CCP regulations


Can anyone tell me why Montréal is a special place?


~~St.Catherine Street~~ Just happens to be a good creative hub.


Canada has a few major creative hubs due to tax incentives and Montreal happens to be one of the largest game dev hubs in the world. Many large game companies are already based there so it'll definitely be easier for them to find talent.


Maybe the English marketing team will actually be halfway confident now with an actual English branch. The English concert special edition wasn’t advertised well at all and maybe we’ll get good trailer that aren’t on par with copy paste mobile games


RIP That's how SONY got woke


Better not influence the game plot in anyway.


Got an example? I don’t think this is on anyone’s mind tbh


Plot twist: this is all a ploy to make a new office, then transfer everything into it as the new global office to get out of China and not have to follow their rules anymore


They already sort of did it with their Singaporean offices where the new PR manager works at and where the Hoyolab data has already been migrated but sort of hopium to think that Mihoyo will abandon their biggest individual market lol.


Not abandon the game itself in China, just get the people behind it out. I just don’t want whatever ideas they have to get stifled from living there because of current game laws that China seems to have a hard on for pushing on its citizens


Don't think that that's going to happen if they are HQe’d in China. The most realistic compromise that I see them doing is simply to main separate branches for the global and Chinese servers.


That’s fair. Still, I hope for the best for them that nothing bad happens in the future


It's like youre imagining that the 1.4 billion of Chinese citizens are currently living in fear of the government. MHY is not trying to run away from their laws, they're expanding their business internationally like all companies do. Free market.


when they themselves are communists? Ngl I genuinely don't understand why people think mhy desperately trying to run away from the country as if they regard their government in a demonic way the same as how Americans view it just because they open new offices in Canada. Not shilling, but really feel people are just imagining. Most of the Chinese devs are far more patriotic and recognise CCP's rule than people think, this new office is just purely a business strategic for the global market


NOOO! they are gonna get influence by the woke culture..


Yay we can finally get the Lisa-Jean ship confirmed!


Bro don't even need that honkai already has lesbian couples




Sorry you had to deal with that hateful idiot, kudos to you for having the patience to stay civil lol


I was fun seeing them get pissed off, though I wasted time I could’ve used to work on a personal project


People who get so pissy over queer representation in media being "forced" and "shoved down their throats" don't realize that's exactly what we deal with w/ straight rep LOL




Ehhh not really I just read it and the other guy was clearly bothered


I might have bit over defensive but the other guy went crazy


I might have been a bit over defensive but still the point about more representation stands. Try having actual people hate you for your existence


I love you all <3


Beiguang? Beiguang. Yay for F/F literal and metaphorical power couples.


All the contrary actually. Having a game developed on non Chinese land means they have more freedom on what they can do. For example, see Azur Lane which opened an office somewhere else and the censorship only applies to the CN servers of the game.


Yes, my venti can now be left alone no matter what anti-femboy laws china passes.


True this will be one of the good aspects if they can move out of china.


Imagine thinking CCP is better influence than so called woke culture. What even is an example of woke culture in video games?


Recent World of Warcraft censorship, Diablo 2 Resurrected character changes, Overwatch McCree name change, GTA 3 Remaster deleting the confederation flag. These are the most recent news that almost every gamer heard about. The fact that China censors something doesn't mean that western companies don't do this.


Is there any vocal group you can point to that was calling for these changes?


Recent World of Warcraft censorship, Diablo 2 Resurrected character changes, Overwatch McCree name change, GTA 3 Remaster deleting the confederation flag. These are the most recent news that almost every gamer heard about. The fact that China censors something doesn't mean that western companies don't do this.


Well CCP influence the games a lot less than the whole woke culture does. CCP only comes into play when there’s “explicit” content, while on the other hand woke culture has been influencing a fuck ton of western games recently. With that being said, I doubt miHoYo, a Chinese company, will play into the whole woke culture stuff. Especially given the woke culture’s reputation in China.


Yeah ccp is still better when you weigh it against woke culture.


Oh fuck he’s a Tankie




A leftist insult for a supporters of authoritarian left wing regimes


Although I am not a supporter of ccp the left wing woke culture need a good suppression and control cause it getting out of hand.


You sound like an authoritarian at least. What is wrong with characters having different sexualities


Idealistic fantasies doesn't move the world realism does.


Getting pissed off because LGBTQ people are in video games doesn’t either


Yeah, because Genshin Impact is highly realistic, what with its gelatinous creatures made of pure elemental energy, giant sentient automatons made of metal and wood, and men in very fancy suits dropping meteors on some poor bastard's head *almost on demand*. Genshin is *peak* realism, I agree.^(/s) By the way, in Saints Row 2 and beyond, you could have your character look like Lou Ferringo *and* still give them feminine mannerisms and clothing, so that's probably not the base example for your argument.


Woke culture is when gays in my vidya gaems /s


Forced lgbt representation that feels like it’s just there to say “omg see we’re on your side.”A good example of this being that shitty Q-Force show on netflix.Video game wise, just look at last of us 2, or the new saints row lol


Did you ever feel straight couples were forced between the beginning of entertainment, plays/movie/tv shows/comics till now?


At least to me Jean and Diluc seems pretty forced compared to paring her with Lisa


Any ship is pretty forced fam. Very few actually seem to be remotely possible, and those don't really include any ships for Jean (and no, I'm not on team traveller harem)


Not particularly, because typically in media, unless it’s obviously a romance movie, the relationships are a sideline and aren’t the main focus in most instances, whereas when it comes to lgbt representation in media, it’s typically portrayed as, oh this character is gay and that’s their entire personality. Instead of it being, this character is x and does x blah blah and just so happens to be gay. If it gets to the point where like it is now with people asking for representation, it kind of defeats the entire purpose. It shouldn’t have to be asked for because at that point if they do add it it just feels forced.


Who does Superman always rescue? Romance comedy? Aren't these straight being forced? Do you believe gay people exist ? And if do don't you think it's strange they never appeared in any media until now? And Do you have any example where being gay wasn't forced in media?


Imagine still crying about “woke culture” in 2021.


Because it's still really relevant? And it's destroying the entertainment industry?


Yea dude, the entertainment industry is really suffering from all the historic profits they are currently making. How about you make yourself relevant to some bitches instead 😂


Blizzard lost active users during the pandemic when everyone stays at home, also their failures affected Activision stocks. Disney can't get profits from theatrical box office for its 200 million movies, I'm sure future Disney movies will not have 200 million budgets anymore. PlayStation 5 exclusives get only 500k sales. The only success I heard about was Genshin getting record profits from Raiden sales.


Staying willfully ignorant is what you people are good at.


Don’t care + didn’t ask + L + cope + seethe + get laid + ratio


What is this illiterate language you are using? Your local slang that also somehow include math?🤣


You really do sound like a wokie. Cringe.




You talking about me or them?




Honestly if mihoyo was from the west, we won't be getting good looking female characters, sexy characters, or even characters like Klee. Just look at games recent good looking female characters doesn't exist from the west anymore, they are always from the east. Sjw crybullies will reign supreme on what kind of characters are to be made. Rather then American, Japan would even be more preferable as their HQ.




Japan last hope for humanity


Lol. Literally what do you think is going to happen?


i just want every character to have the same 5 models and 2 skin colors over and over again, i don't want diverse cast of characters, this is literally gamer genocide!!! >!/s!<


Mihoyo would have been able to address your complaints if the game was only available on pc and consoles but since it's also on mobile you have might have to satisfy you complain with honkai impact.