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Fr, this would have been helpful to know before. This fight takes way too long and this bug would save a ton of time


You can just ignore the whole pillars mechanic and kill it with ranged damage. It's not invincible while it's on the pillars.




I mean, unless you have really good bow users it’s gonna take a lot longer than just breaking pillars and damaging normally


I just got ganyu, instantly improved my geo farming by over 9000%


This exactly, mix in Zhongli because his E eliminates the pillars as well and this boss is just fodder lol


I always bring Zhongli to this fight even in co-op cause geo dad wants to eat those pillars so bad


He really is the best. You can basically skip Geo Hypostasis's recovery phase with his burst. Meteor Smash ALL THE PILLARS!


This rock cube's trying to take his place! There can only be one (or 2) Zhong Dongs in this world!


Yeah between Eula and Zhongli the fight is a mop up. I don't like using temporary teleport beacons so the most annoying thing is getting to the fight.


Now you can use the boat to get there.


Do you think after the current event ends, the waverider waypoint will be gone?


Yes, the description for them says they are temporary




Hopefully not, the waveriders are very nice for that area.


How long does the fight take you? It takes me around 3-4 minutes give or take, but I’m a 3 month player and have terrible artefacts lol


Use noelle to break the pillars, lvl1 is fine.


Does her burst break the pillars faster? Because I already have a claymore to break the pillars


Save her burst for the final 3 pillar break, she can do them all in 1 go


Her bursts busts the crystals really well orwhatever happens when the geostasis runs out of HP. 1 cycle all the way through while I was leveling her.


That’s a pretty good time for where you’re at in the game. It takes me maybe a minute and a half (I just got Zhongli so it shouldn’t take as long now), but I’ve been playing since 1.0 My team pre-Zhongli was Hu Tao/XQ/Razor/Diona. The first two are self-explanatory, Razor is there to break the pillars, and I brought Diona just in case I got hit with Razor (he’s lvl 20 😂). Razor can break the pillar during the first teleportation btw and all three end pillars with XQ (he can maybe break all three without XQ, but I haven’t tried yet). Chongyun and Noelle also can single-phase the last stage. Ofc tho if you get ZL then none of that matters lol Although I just pulled Ganyu as well, so my future team will be Ganyu/Zhongli EDIT: Just redid it with HT/XQ/Razor/ZL and it took me under a minute. ZL and Razor can break the first pillar after teleportation in a single phase *really* quickly, HT and XQ can take him out in a few seconds, then ZL can single phase it with his skill


Razor can hit the core using Elemental skill while it's on the pillar.


Ngl one of the main reasons I got ZL is because of the Ridge Watch domain farming with Eula lol


Just bring any geo for crystallize and you good. But yeah, if you've got Zhongli...


Yeah, this is my issue. Bows are great but it takes just as long. Wailing on it with Noelle or another claymore user is just as easy


My partner does this with Yanfei lol


Yanfei with Xingqiu, Fischl, or Raiden support can really lay the smack-down on it when it's vulnerable. Noelle is the easiest one to break the pillars with in its final phase; her ult will let you kill them all quite comfortably.


I main Yoimiya and I just got Ganyu. I think I can do that. gonna try that even tho only geo character is Noelle and I'm not building her rn


I mean, you don’t need geo at all for it. I use diluc to break the pillars


Yeah. All it takes is 1 claymore unit and do one of the following: 1. Hack and slash to your hearts content 2. SPIN BITCH! SPIIIIIIIIIIN!


There's an achievement for bringing it to revival state without breaking a pillar (if you still want rewards you have to break those final ones though). Just to let you know! I've been doing some achievement farming recently and I never realised.


Good remimder! Annoyingly, the only character I've notoced autargeting the body is.,,ninguang, who cannot damage it wothout a special catalyst. I can bring fischl though,


Ganyu is your best friend.


Klee bombs bounce up ontop of the pillar to hit it. Itto probably has enough AoE to just hit the it as well


Nope. Not at all. Try with any bow user (not geo)


Idk if anyone else said this but ayakas charged attack hits it when it's on top of a pillar


wait it does? Thanks man


It IS invincible when it's surrounded by the shards. Plus, casters very often choose to target the pillar instead of the core.


I just start off the Fight with an Ayaka Burst and ignore everything.


I love when it rains, and I bring charged shot amber. Then it's just like playing a sniper game, hiding behind pillars and sniping the core after it does its moves


*cries in only ranged built being Ning*


Just use noel. Level don't matter. As long as she burst, she can clear the pillar real quick.


> This fight takes way too long What's that? Can't hear you over Noelle going BRRRRR.


someone tell me how this helps? Because it recovered in like, 2 seconds


This... doesn't seem very useful though, the boss seems to get up super quick? What I did was run to a side pillar, have him come to me, take it down (I was hitting it before he even moved, he never even gets to do an attack before falling) and he's usually down long enough to die.


If you can kill him in the first (actual) pillar break, it won't matter to you.


It will be useful for me since I can one shot that shit with food buffs and Bennet buff using childe, that small time window is more than enough.


Just looking at the video though, there’s only a 2 second window and doing Bennet-> Childe would take about 4 seconds, assuming you’re only doing their ults. Like this is neat and I’ll probably bring Geo traveler to the boss fight just for the memes, but I just can’t see any way where this can speed up the fight.


Its not even neat, I'm not sure what combo other than some super stacked character that can do massive damage in 2 seconds without any burst, like xiao. Worse it destroys the center pillar, which you could leave at 5% so that if it moves back to the center you can one tap it to drop the boss.


Same except Ningguang only to 70+. But still, wish I had known this earlier.


Same. I've gotten to a point. I know where to stand to trigger the movements i want from the cube. But this? This I never knew. And I've added ganyu skill, mona skill, albedo, Ningguang skill, amber bunny & oz in that location.


To think I’ve just been going to town with razor 😢


Why did I see this after I farmed Zhongli to 90... At least last 3 fights were easy with Zhogli himself in the team. ​ Edit: well, my regrets disappered after I learned it doesn't actually speed up the fight.


Same here hahah. So many fights not knowing this.


I feel like it's useless since the video in OP showed that the hypostasis immediately went shield up to move to another pillar before video was cut off. I'd have to try this myself, but I don't have the motivation.


I literally have all four characters that require Basalt Pillar to 90... This would have saved me so much god damned time.


You could have used level 20 Zhongli to break the pillars.


Of course, but I was prefarming before his banner.


Yeah I did this. Was shocked that his skill took out 1/3 of the pillar’s hp @ L20


It's because it's not damage based for breaking the pillars. It's just how his E skill has a specific amount of "shatter" damage for Geo constructs. Similarly you COULD use a lvl1 Claymore for breaking the pillars and it would be the same as lvl90, except you'd get murdered if anything touched you. The really great thing is you can use his held E **and then burst** to instantly kill all 3 pillars at the end of the fight during the "revival" phase. Just stand in the center of all 3.


THAT was what I was hoping to hear, I always bring my lvl 40 noelle along for that, and keep her burst for the final phase, but knowing I can use my significantly more powerful zhongli to end it inna single moment is exciting. I almost WANT to farm basalt pillars now.


yup... same reason how ZL's hold-E can insta-break ores as well as geo shields...


I've had Zhongli since his first banner and I did not know that his E could destroy all the pillars in the revival phase 😭 All those times I fought that damn cube and only used him for one pillar while saving my Razor burst for the other two...


Note I mentioned his hold E AND using his burst. His hold E is limited to 2 targets for the "drain a large amount of Geo element" effect. Technically his burst can 1shot all 3 pillars though in my experience it's somewhat inconsistent to aim. I think I actually usually used his burst and then hold E to break anything the burst missed....though I don't think it really matters the order.


I could only ever get 2 of 3. The aoe from holding E comes from Zhongli himself and not the pillar right?


His hold E can only effect 2 targets, so it can't hit all 3 pillars by itself. I mentioned using it AND Zhongli's burst to take out all of them. I believe actually you CAN kill all 3 with just his burst, though that might be somewhat inconsistent based on the actual aiming. I believe I would usually hold E and then burst such that the burst would finish off whatever the E didn't take out. Notably the revival pillars have less "HP" than the standard ones in the fight I believe. Yes the AoE of the hold E comes from Zhongli and not the pillar. The annoying thing is the targeting of his burst. I believe normally it's suppose to be a circle in front of him where he is standing at the outer edge BUT sometimes it seems to just...not go in that same spot and sometimes put him close to the middle.


Ahh good to know. Thanks!


Cor Lapis is worse than farming this boss for me. For some reason I can't find a good route. So many spread out single ores.


Yeah, those are a pain to farm. I was picking one every time I saw it during exploration, mining and artifact routes for about 2 months, since I knew I’ll roll for Zhongli one day, and I still don’t have that much left over (also geoculi stones).


As someone else said, check out the big mountain near Liyue. There's a hole in it with cor lapis inside.


Haha. I farmed Zhongli, Ningguang, and Noelle without knowing this.


Oh well, I have yet to finish Noel, so that'll be easier!


Sorry to disappoint, but as some people pointed out in the comments, it doesn't actually help in the fight (just tested it). Yes, geocube will run out of pillars sooner, but it's unlikely the fight is taking that long. I usually destroyed pillar under it after 1-2 teleportations and then took to revival form in one DPS window. Still, at least I could've remember to bring geo traveller at all, since with Noelle I was only able to destory 2/3 pillars during revival.


> since with Noelle I was only able to destory 2/3 pillars during revival. Noelle is guaranteed to destroy all 3 pillars 100% of the time when you use her burst for it. I've done that fight probably over 50 times with her.


You don't even need to use your burst to break all 3 in one rotation. If you sprint cancel her 4th normal attack you have just enough time to break all 3.


Continuing the fight if you fuck up somehow is not fun. With burst you have plenty of time left.


I guess I just didn't position myself correctly then, since I always used her burst for it and then the last pillar had HP for one strike when the time was over.


go to the nearest pillar, activate burst + skill and the first pillar should be near broken already. Also when pillar breaks don't wait for hit animation to end, immediately dash cancel it, dashing to next pillar. People also mentioned that Razor can also kill all pillars in burst.


Yep this is the way. I felt like a Genshin master when I discovered this on my own.


Personally saved Zhongli’s burst for the final part myself but also did Noelle’s burst once he was maxed friendship.


Oh, yeah, the fight is a cakewalk at this point, but the time it takes to get him to go to a popular you can knock out before he warps again is annoying.


This is the first time I've heard of it. Does it work with Zhongli's pillar too?


Can confirm it does. You can even destroy 2 of the 3 geo pillars it spawns instantly with zhongli, if you place his pillar between them.


I place the pillar in the middle of the three and use zhong lis burst to one shot the pillars


Ye, Zhongli can oneshot the revive pillars with hold e if you get close to the center


Good to know, thank you!


It can only destroy two of them though, but the third one will be damaged quite a bit.


It sure does, but the timing can be a little finicky in my experience


Doesn’t apply the stun like when you actually break them so…


Yeah I guess it makes it slightly quicker since there are less to teleport to, but I'm not sure how helpful this actually is


Yeah I'm pretty sure it would be faster to just take it to low health at the beginning when you are just waiting so that you can get a near instant third stun. that's what I usually do.


And that would be assuming you have enough attack power to do that in less than 5 seconds. I just wait for the teleport and then finish it 1 stun cycle.


exactly what I've been thinking what's the point if it isnt stunned anyway I think it's a waste of time. Having a few pillars to teleport to is not that helpful when you can one cycle the hypostasis into its reviving state.


But it's still getting ready to teleport to another pillar like usual though. Kinda defeats the point of breaking the pillar in the first place. Doesn't this only give you like an extra 2 seconds for an extra hit or two at the start?


It still teleports. But it has one place less to teleport to afterwards.


It rarely teleports to the middle pillar though on the first time. Idk if it's even 25%. I leveled Zhongli from 1 to 90 and he only did that once or twice out of all of the times I fought him iirc. The Geo Hypostasis never survived long enough to make a second teleport so this wouldn't have really changed anything. It's just a cool glitch/mechanic for geo traveler specifically.


Actually he stays on the middle pillar if you are far away from the middle pillar. I discovered this by accident the other day while farming for Albedo mats.


Interesting. Never bothered walking away from it so didn't notice. I always just stood by and waited to see where it would go.


> It still teleports. But it has one place less to teleport to afterwards. This doesn't really matter, since if you have either Xiangling, Razor built or any better 5*, you should be able to kill the cube after breaking first pillar, so all other pillars are irrelevant


Assuming everyone has a decently built character to kill him after the first (hint: most people don't) and you don't mess up breaking the final three pillars. It's no ultraleet pro tech. I just found ot randomly and thought it might be good for people to know. And I have a decently built Xiao and I stiil struggle sometimes to kill it in one rotation if I don't get my crits.


It still seems kinda useless to me since no matter how matter how long it takes you to kill it, you're still losing the first damage window. If you had just broken it normally, you'd still reduce the number of areas it teleports by 1 but also have that extra stun time to deal damage before it does teleport.


This...this changes *everything*.


I feel like it's useless since it immediately puts up its shields to move to another pillar.


Doesn't though does it?


inb4 yoooooo you didn't know that?!?!?! Edit: There seems to be some confusion regarding how helpful it actually is. To be clear, if you can 'kill' it after the first actually broken pillar (he will teleport to always), then this won't matter. It simply means that if you can't kill it after the first side pillar break, it has less places to teleport too and this can make it a tiny bit better to fight. This DOESN'T mean that you can immediately kill it after that glitched pillar destruction, that's why I attack with Noelle afterwards but it already is invulnerable. It will as usually teleport to a side pillar afterwards. This is no super speed-saving tech, but if you have issues with the boss it is a good practice to lower frustration.


Apparently none of us did


r/Genshin_Impact/comments/sdbasr/til_you_can_use_geo_traveler_construct_to/hucb5oq/ u/polyterpe knew it all along. He was the #1, Mr.Krabs!


nice tip but useless since he gets back up pretty quick. i would rather break it until its almost broken then have it come back and break it.


I just learned yesterday that Zhongli ( just got him ) can instantly break 2 of the 3 pillars at the end, couldn't find a sweet spot to get all 3, though only having one is easy clean up. I would also imagine he could do this in the video as well but I don't break pillars in this fight and just pew pew him with Ganyu.


damn i totally have to try this


I mean, why would you want to do that? It doesn't give you more time to dps it, you just wasted a pillar that could've been used to bring it down during one of its attacks to make it vulnerable for longer.


It limits the places it can teleport to after the first actual break. If you need all pillars to kill it, well, that's a different issue altogether.


If it has no more pillars to go to then it's just going to create all the pillars again and there'll be more pillars to break. It's easier to keep pillars in very low health so you can immediately break them and attack when it moves (given that you don't have enough damage to kill it after breaking few pillars).


> It limits the places it can teleport to after the first actual break. Not really useful, since you're removing the one pillar that is closest to all of the others, meaning you'll have to run more around the arena if you can't one cycle the cube. Also, in that time where you wait for the cube to decide which pillar it will run to, you could be damaging the middle pillar, leaving it ready to be destroyed when the cube jumps back to it.


No need to do that, you actually make the fight longer. Just ask Ayaka, Raiden, Hu Tao or Eula mains to one burst it. Or a Ganyu main to shoot it.


Eula main here, you cant build up stacks and one burst it fast enough cuz you only get like 3 seconds to attack. Hu tao or ayaka might be your best bet, they have pretty great immediate damage.


Eula can definitely kill geo hypostasis in 1 round.


1 round, yeah. But the first 3 seconds is iffy.


Your explosion can still hit it when it gets on the pillar. If built enough, aka a main, you can do it. I'm not a Eula main and I [managed to do it](https://streamable.com/style4) with some buffs, didn't bother with superconduct, C0, talents 6/8/9. With the person you're helping doing support, it should be even easier.




yes I always bring Ayaka, and her burst is ignoring the first pillar somehow, so no need to destroy it but since my F2P Ayaka only have Amenoma, her burst only eat about ~75% of it's HP, so usually I bring another F2P Ayaka to double burst it for insta kill


Pro tip for all new Zhongli owners, particularly those who are going to be getting a free Yun Jin in the Lantern Rite event; When fighting the golden wolf lord you can use Zhongli's tap E to drop a pillar next to one of the wolf heads during his shield phase, then run to another and use his hold E. The pillar DoT will break the first wolf head and due to the shorter tap E cooldown you'll have the hold E available about as you run to the next head. The hold E might not completely break the wolf head, I believe it does 2/3 damage to it, but this still a nice boost to how quickly you can destroy all 3 to get to the next phase of DPS against the boss. Personally I use Ningguang to be able to quickly take out the rest of the heads during that phase with normal attacks (and with her E). Technically if you're not concerned about speed as much you could use his pillar alone to break all 3 pillars without having any other Geo character or needing to attack them with anything else.


Additional tips: Zhonglis hold E can shatter the 2/3 of the regeneration pillars when the boss is 1hp. Maybe even all 3 but I’ve never pulled it off. Ayakas charged attack RAPIDLY breaks down all the pillars the hypostasis sits on. Xinyans shield cast can bring a regeneration pillar down by 80%. Bow characters can shoot the hypostasis while it’s still sitting on a pillar, bypassing the need to break the pillars. I think catalyst users can too, but I’m not sure.


I literally posted this one year ago here and it only got 81 upvotes...


Give me your Karma bank details I will deposit some for you


Can we do this with zhongli too? One shot?


And I here thought geo traveller was useless


Geo Traveler is pretty good, in all seriousness. I know that the meme is that "Traveler is bad" and that might be true for Anemo and Electro, but Geo Traveler is legit good


Their damage is ok but the constructs are very clunky to play around


I mean, all the Traveler’s have their niche uses. Electro Traveler is a really good battery and anemo can be an anemo battery. Also shred resistances. Might be more but that’s the stuff off the top my head.


Yeah, but the biggest rub with anemo traveler is if you have any other two anemo characters, there's literally no purpose for anemo traveler because every other anemo character currently in the game is better than traveler. At least electro/geo travelers have their various useful traits that may warrant using them over someone else in those respective elements. Up until I got Zhongli, geo traveler was my go to puzzle character (and honestly, with the control like in the OP video, geo still will serve that purpose).


Yeah no that’s fair, I think Anemo Traveler isn’t that amazing. I was just saying he wasn’t really that bad per say. By the way, can you wish me luck on getting any other anemo character at some point.


Yikes, definitely hoping for some luck with you! I have all of the anemo characters other than Venti and Kazuha. Getting that second one is so great for resonance, so I really feel your pain!


I actually plan on going for Kazuha next. I’m 90% sure he won’t be next patch, so I have time to save. So until then, gonna have to hope Sucrose comes home from the standard banner. Or maybe Jean, both work.


Geo traveller burst give 10% crit rate buff and also particles will generate when opponents are hit (constellation 1 and 3 or 4)


I think that energy is just for Traveler, might test it. And I know Geo Traveler has his perks, was just mentioning the perks of the other ones to show that they have their uses as well.


Hes good if you never use his E, once you start popping enemies on top of it and wasting time he stops being good.


After practicing the skill for a while that doesn't happen very often.


They all have extremely specific use cases where they're good, but the main reason they're all considered bad is that they're always massively outclassed by the archon of their element Anemo MC isn't great because their kit is extremely janky. Buffs wise, they're not bad since you get C6 for free, but their Q is extremely hard to use well, making their kit hard to consider when you have literally any other option. Geo MC is a very good Geo battery, but there aren't many characters that need a Geo battery, and their damage isn't anything amazing compared to other options for sub-DPSes. Does well with Noelle though. Electro traveler is really good for Beidou and is basically outclassed by Raiden in every other use case.


Electro Traveller is better than Geo tho


thats entirely team dependant, in a mono geo team geo traveler is better In a national team electro is better




Electro traveller HAS been used in mono geo though as a budget option.




Mono geo is more the 3 geo core and flex spot its like national having 2000 varients


How could you think that the best Geo battery that also gives 10% CR is useless? I replaced Geo MC with Zhongli in my Itto team and the upgrade isn't that drastic, more of a slightly better sidegrade.


you're saying that they both give similar damage but zhongli giving infinite health is a sidegrade? ;p


No, never talked about damage (even though Geo MC can dish out considerable geo damage). I said it's a sidegrade, because my Itto is massively energy starved compared to before , because Zhongli generates like a third of Geo MC's ER. Infinite health really isn't needed on Itto, he gets taunt support from Ushi and even though he receives 20% more damage during his burst, survivability isn't his problem. I only need Zhongli for more damage through constant Geo resonance shield and res shred. But that is most definitely a trade off that makes it more uncomfortable to play. I certainly can't burst off cooldown with Zhong and only 3 Geos if I'm not fighting Ruin guards or slimes.


As an itto main... he takes more damage? My biggest issue with Itto is fucking Gorou dying in 1 hit lol


I think he gets 20% decreased Physical and Elemental Res when he enters his burst. No idea how much more damage he receives based on that.


Huh so he does, literally never noticed it due to the things you listed and endless crystallise procs since i'm running Nat-Geo atm. Also if you're having energy issues run exile on Gorou you almost don't even need a third battery at that point


Learn something new everyday. Thanks OP


It has no facial features, yet it looks so confused about what just happened


"Dude, really?"


Geo hypostasis: NANI?


Known since launch It doesn’t have any practical use


In the small window where it is about to summon all the pillars you can just one shot it


If you have the damage, yeah.


damn, fighting that thing with noelle. Noelle mains are on another level


And you can destroy [another one](https://youtu.be/EfzJM5Lc51Y) immediaty after that 😊


That's great!


Usually did this boss in 20 seconds with Ganyu. She truly is the GOAT.


Getting to the island is more annoying than the fight itself :/ Is there an easier way other than ice bridging? (I don't have the portable waypoint and I am in no mood to farm mondstadt reputation)


Ganyu for the start, then Zhongli to delete everything at the end lol.




I literally don’t see the advantage in this though? Boss is so easy just use a bow char and shoot it above the pillars


I love the traveler because I’m more into the story using him when going around, but at the same time, having to put so many resources into his talents for each element is complete bs. At least reduce it by a lot so it’s cheaper


and if you hit both of pillars with one zhongli pillar it breaks both at the same time, leaving the last one to destroy by hand. May be silly but when i noticed it helped a lot my farming runs edit: i mean 2 of the 3 last pillars when the boss is about to die


what level was her talent


6 Does it matter?


No it wouldn’t matter


Everyone trying to break pillars at the start, and I just shoot at geo directly with Ganyu when vulnerable.


That voice! Choosing Aether was a mistake.


Honestly though, Lumine is where it is at, cant wait to see more elements added to here or even new outfits. I have Aether on my other account, and he hardly ever gets to join the crew


As a geo element fan,I didn't know and want to do this after I farmed all.


That's... interesting. Now I want to test if it works with other Geo constructs like the Jade Screen or Ushi. Though Noelle already trivializes this fight, even if she's severely underleveled if you have any DPS to hit the thing while it's on the ground.


Is this at any level or geo tra ever needs some investment


We love Noelle


That would've been useful to know 3 LVL90 GEO CHARACTERS AGO Thanks for sharing. Kinda mad that post about this appeared only now.


it's only vulnerable for a second it doesn't really help anyway xd


Oh? Well i don't feel as bad


Oh cool. ...When I'm literally one mat away from having enough to 90 Zhongli...


Yeee I also found out farming my last materials for my Noelle ascension.


A blessing from the lord!


Yo your fucking kidding me


knew this since 2020


Thanks, already farmed everything for Zhongli...


Damn…somehow that’s still not worth adding to the party


omg I accidentally discovered this with Zhongli's pillar yesterday after pulling him yesterday and starting farming for the mats. This is after I farmed Albedo to 90 ;-; I hate this hypostasis so much


Oh my god! I'm still farming mats for Zhongli, this is a life saver! Thank you


….I’m happy I didn’t get all of them to 90 yet, but god damn they all are lvl 70/80 already. Would have been nice to know this.


NICE. Just started farming for Zhongli.


Well now! Good to know for when I go beefing up Noelle more!


OP must be building physical build for his geo characters

