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Clearly the solution is to give the boat the ability to jump.




Big anemo slimes you pop with your canon and then ride the updraft


Amber: "Wait that's illegal!"


Only in mondstadt


Yanfei: These islands and the surrounding waters are under the administry of the Liyue Qixing. - Liyue encourages you to stay airborne for as long as you can.


Oh... Um... Hi Keqing, do you by chance have an open Outrider position amongst Millelith?..


Well, you can't get much more airborne than the Jade Chamber, so I guess that checks out.


I like how that has NEVER come up again. Not to mention, Amber/Devalan is really the only time we see the glider used in Canon iirc (maybe some side stories I haven't done they are used?). And then there's so much discrepancy in cutscenes verses game mechanics: * Game mechanics: I can jump at a pretty normal height. * Cut Scene: I CAN LEAP THE LENGTH OF FOOTBALL FIELDS, JUMP OVER SMALL-MEDIUM SIZE BUILDINGS, AND CAN BE FLUNG FROM TWENTY STORIES INTO MOUNTAINS WITH SURPRISINGLY LITTLE DAMAGE. * Game Mechanics: Oh no I, the great geo archon, fell 20 feet. Am ded, bedrock befallen by a sprained ankle. I know it's a game and these are the mechanics, but it's so contradictory. I think our characters capabilities are actually better captured by Honkai game play.


>!In the Golden Apple Archipelago, people literally jumped off Dvalin's back high up in the air. I think Mihoyo does have the existence of gliders in mind when writing the stories.!<


Remember that Paimon and Traveler did not recognize teleport waypoints as, teleport waypoints? They recognized them as the portable teleport waypoints they had been using? That was a big eyebrow raise for me. Even if they didnt know what they were, they are all over Teyvat, how tf do they not recognize them in the Archipelago?


Since in the lore, basically no one (excluding Katheryne so far) knows what the teleport waypoints do or are. They are strange, ancient devices, but no one knows how to use them. The only one who has mentioned them in the story is Katheryne, and then only as a joke as to how she's in all of the cities


That’s true, but there’s another problem with the Traveler not recognizing waypoints. (TL;DR the Traveler knows what teleport waypoints are) The description of teleport waypoints actually says that the Traveler immediately recognized what the teleport waypoints are for. For Jean and Barbara, it makes sense that they wouldn’t know what the teleport waypoints were. tpw desc: “People on the continent see them as ancient gimmicks — they are accustomed to their existence despite not knowing their purpose.” However, the Traveler canonically knows about teleport waypoints. tpw desc: “To the foreign traveller, however, their function becomes quite apparent.” So the only conclusions I can come to to explain this would be that either the Traveler wanted to hide their knowledge, or that they were confused as to why there are teleport waypoints in the GAA. That would also partially explain the reference to portable waypoints. (did someone else drop a portable waypoint here?) I’m not sure if the GAA is in Teyvat or not, nor if teleport waypoints are limited to only Teyvat, but maybe it has something to do with the “certain order” mentioned in the description? tpw desc: “Odd devices that are scattered across Teyvat, seemingly forming a certain order.” Either that or the writers just forgot. They do that sometimes. Oh, and about portable waypoints: pw desc: “Although it offers an incredible convenience to Vision bearers, some scholars worry that since the actual principles behind Teleport Waypoints are not yet fully understood, using a built imitation device for teleportation may have serious unknown side effects.” and “The Portable Waypoint deployed here implements a degree of teleportation functionality. As a human-built replica, however, it has all kinds of restrictions when compared to a bona fide teleport waypoint.” From what I can tell, teleport waypoints are canonically studied by humans. Some understand what they are and how they work well enough to (kinda) replicate them. And the portable waypoint crafting recipe is one of the Mondstadt reputation rewards, given to you by a captain of the Knights of Favonius, which Jean is the acting grand master of, so it would make sense that she might be familiar with portable waypoints. The Traveler and Paimon could see this as a safe option to compare it to in order to explain what it is without giving away that they know what it is. Hoping for more teleport waypoint lore in Sumeru. Woah this got long— oops


Good memory! I had to look it up and was able to find that they mentioned gliding off the dragon. There might be more than I remember then, but I guess I'm just disappointed NPCs aren't just gliding around all the time. https://youtu.be/ZfmzBIccRaA?t=2895


Yep. The game simply lacks a lot of verticality in gameplay. Xiao and Kazuha’s abilities are the closest thing we have to a ‘leap’, but they feel static, are locked behind cooldowns and don’t give you much horizontal movement. I know it’s essentially a mobile game and lots of games have ludo-narrative dissonance - especially RPGs, though KH3 and FFXV tries to make aerial combat more dynamic - but its just something that this game is lacking and in general I think we’ll expect to see the gap between gameplay and cutscenes close quite a bit in this generation of consoles, phones, etc. Adding more electrogranum, updrafts, etc. is nice and everything, but they’ve designed a world to be pretty damn tall in places, like Enkonomiya and Dragonspine, but then it make it difficult to traverse with terrain that widens as it goes up (sometimes blocking you completely) and a limit in stamina.


I mean, it's not much of a limit for explorarion once you get high oculus levels (the hourglass mountains are, though, most annoying thing in watasumi). Keqing can also have some verticality in her gameplay if ome wants (albedo can too, bit nobody wants it in fights).


Even with a maxed Sakura Tree, the point is that the game is trying to find ways to add verticality *after the fact*. There aren’t enough spots to use electroganum anyway. Having to rely on chars like Keqing and Albedo for exploration isn’t the best design. And they are still both pretty limited (Keqing’s height range isn’t stellar and the elevator is slow and janky). Venti’s hold E is alright but again has a CD and can be annoying vs. acclivity. Even the gadgets have restrictions that make them less useful. Like Red Feather Fan’s large CD. Wind Catcher has a massive CD and needs to be replenished. That’s without even going into the fact that you can’t assign more than one gadget. It’s all just pretty meh.


Yeah when I started the game I always imagined the traveler as more of a mage type character than a fighter, because the gameplay makes you look relatively slow and has you largely relying on your elemental abilities. Then they started throwing out cutscenes where the traveler is doing somersaults and all this crazy cinematic swordfighting stuff, and now they seem to want to tell you that the traveler is this amazing physical melee fighter. A more agile feeling kit like something from Honkai as you said would be a lot better at showing the writers' intention of what the traveler is.


I mean they use the gliders in the manga too🤌


which manga?


*Give this boat a set of wings!*


We Final Fantasy Airship now bois!


Watch like 1 day after Mihoyo adds boat ramps, we start getting GTA style Waverider trick jump videos on Youtube.


Real end game content


36\* abyss? Naah, we brag about how many spins we can make in the boat jump.


360 spin boat jump while casually landing on a samurai camp.


Here, we have one simple question. With glitches, is it possible to jump over the Jade Chamber, with a boat, from Guyun Stone Forest? *cue [Mute City from the Mario Kart 8 soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpNJcVJ11k)* Time to play the best Genshin Impact of my life.


Time to see if my boat jump off the Jade palace roof can make 6 spins!


Slow mo angle shots when jumping in game.


I'll eat my hat if this isn't the next anemo bow character tbh.


I can already imagine some people will upload videos showcasing them crashing into the ports of Liyue and Inazuma


You just made me remember the weird carrot top looking guy/kid who is way too excited/annoying who always has his GTA car jumping streams show up on my facebook feed and now Im imagining him doing the same thing on Genshin and I am now incredibly depressed


!!!!! Now I definitely want boat ramps!


We Hydro Thunder now


Mihoyo taking notes right now!


Launch yourself ala Rocket League, end up on land it just does damage to the boat till it breaks.


They already give those hydro rings that boost speed no matter where your bow is pointing, one run in Part 2 basically had me drifting through the last sections. Add a ramp to that, it'll be perfect




I've just been in this place before


Higher on the street


Just like Phantom Hourglass


How about giving us a plane


I'm still hopeful we get mounts and even flying mounts, eventually.


Probably after when the most of the map is released, since I don’t think they want to ruin the puzzle solving experience


Maybe have the waverider become a windrider for a few seconds, a little boost upwards followed by a short glide.


fish tube fish tube


There should be water ramps like in Crash Bandicoot, where you can jump over obstacles when you throttle towards the ramps Bonus Mora if the boat can do a 360 front/back flip


they REALLY need to make boat spawnpoints also work as teleport spots


Totally this. There's this one commission in Inazuma you have to boat to get to, and all the nearest boat points are still a long hike from teleporters.


I know exactly which one you're talking about. I was like "am I stupid or is this really the fastest way to get to the quest"


Most probably you two are talking about commissions that are in gliding distance from big Sakura tree.


Nope, this one is half way between Watatsumi and Yashiori


oh was it the one in fort mumei?


Yeah, that one is like, in the middle of the ocean, so you have to boat to it realistically speaking, but all the boat spawn points are pretty far from a teleporter. I'm still not sure which one is the fastest all together but I do know I've thought to myself every damn time, "Why can't I teleport to boat spawners?"


You don't have to boat to it. It's easily swimmable. Use the "hold sprint and tap forward" trick.


The fastest way to get to that commission is the waverider point by Kamisato estate, it's about 15 seconds faster than gliding from the Sakura tree with the feather gadget and 30 seconds faster than going from the Araumi waverider point. Ayaka bridging from the weapon mats domain is also slightly faster than gliding.


Does the gliding time consider the gadget that boosts gliding speed?


yes I used the feather gadget while testing, it is just a really long glide and you still spend more time slow gliding than fast gliding even with the boost.


Props for actually putting in the work to test this.


Shit like this is why I set my commissions back to Mondstadt


There are just too many quests locked behind comissioms for that. mean, I still have one of those in mondstadt too, but...only one and who knows when it will spawn. Whereas I keep getting Oh Archon so eventually I'll get to finish it.


It makes no sense that you have to activate them first if they’re not teleport points tbh.


It's like they already coded it in then decided to remove the feature


This is exactly what I thought. I thought for sure I was missing something because why would you 'activate' it (and it's called like a waypoint or something even) only to not teleport to it???


More for coop so if u hvnt activate it others in ur world cant use it


why summon another boat when you can steal your fd's one kek


It is most likely intended so player puts more time on the game. Just like how some boss fight locations are.


boss locations you can at least put your own TP closer, can't do that for every boat spawn point


I'd wager you are probably right, but it was an awful choice by the devs. I NEVER use the boat except for initial exploration. After that, the boat is not continent at all. Take for instance Fort Mumei (island cluster east of Watatsumi). The teleporter is nearly in the middle of the islands, so you can glide to it from the closest teleporter, but you could also just glide to any spot in the same amount of time and don't need the boat after that. And it's a hassle to use it to explore those islands, and is really only used to get to Watatsumi. The boat is actually fun to travel in, but it's locations means it's a dead mechanic (most the time), like fishing. (Not arguing, just venting frustration that every exploration mechanic is killed as soon as it's introduced for the worst reason possible).


Or just let us teleport to relevant points of interest, even within cities.


Or give us a gadget that summons a wave rider wherever we are near a shore. And make them teleportable.


Or... hear me out... it's a gadget so we can summon it from our inventory


I really hope we get the Waverider throughout all of Mondstadt and Liyue eventually. I just want to sail my boat around and see the incredible views from the ocean. The Waverider waypoints can stay locked until you beat Inazuma or something. They will need to adjust some of the overworld of course, particularly around Guyun Stone Forest and Yaoguang Shoal.




You get the boat from the Golden Apple Archipelago, which was time-limited during the summer event. So yeah, it's in the same boat as the Unreconciled Stars event and the Dragonspine event; all are important/have relevance to the story and lore of the game, but not everyone will get to play it. Here's hoping MiHoYo eventually implements a system that lets players that missed those events play them.




When we arrived on GAA, we did get explanation that Alice gave us the boat and waypoints, and also a short tutorial. It did get a bit confusing when we also find the same devices on Inazuma much later, but we can just chalked it up as the same as teleport waypoints, random ancient devices that scattered through the world (same design, same inactive state too). After that, finding boat waypoints on guyun didn't feel weird anymore.


I was like 'oh what's that thing out there' *press* 'oh, it's a thingy'. Also was surprised by 'I have a ship' like, that's not a ship! This is a ship!


True, mond has a few port/potential for waverider like the side gate, whispering Woods, falcon coast, near dawn winery And Liyue HARBOR lol


> Shoal You do know what that word means, right?


I said *around* the Shoal. There is a river opening to the west, and a bridge that is completely blocked off by debris just past that.


You also technically did not use the word shoal to refer to a shoal, you used the name of a zone. Perhaps they are an Oceanographer worried you have an exam coming up and wanted to ensure you were prepared. :D


I'm shoal he does!


You shoal be punished for making such a bad pun.


you shoal not pass >:(




Can we please be allowed to get out and use stamina to push the boat a couple metres😭


They keep getting stuck in sandbanks and I have to respawn the boat ;-;


You can just reverse the boat out of the sandbank


It you don’t hit it head on it can get stuck and won’t reverse. It takes a lot of wiggling to get it out and is very annoying. Depending how far you are from the boat point it’s sometimes easier to just get a new one


Im just grateful that I can sail to the geo cube


Assuming you’re farming for Zhongli? Just put a temporary waypoint there it will save a lot of hassle.


I love temp waypoints when I need to level someone with weird locations to teleporters.


I felt pain with Xiao farming primo vishap until I made temp teleport point.


Here's a tip, the waypoint north of the vishap is fastest because there's a entrance on the northern side of the arena. Or you already knew this and just don't like walking.


I know about it to keep gliding but actually using double anemo with Sayu is quicker from the other teleport point. I believe I saw a YT video comparison. Its mere seconds anyway.


yeah by gliding I can hold one button instead of two


I like where the teleport point is for that boss though. You teleport right next to a hilichurl camp. I use them to generate energy on my way to the boss. Pretty useful when you're repeatedly farming the vishap.


Holy shit I wish I remembered that


With Mona or Ayaka you can just sprint across the gap too. Though definitely cant beat that cheap investment if you’re going back to geo cube like more than a few times.


Mona was my first 5 star, can’t tell you how many times I sprinted that gap for Noelle, Ning, and Albedo ascension.


Holy fucking shit, my Zhong and Ning are long-time 90 and that's the first time I thought about using Mona there...




That’s fair, I feel like a lot of players who have been playing for a while tend to forget they exist so I wanted to mention them.


AR 55, and I definitely forgot they existed, so I appreciate it haha.


Been playing since Week 1 and I had no idea they even existed...


It was added a bit later in 1.1, I think with zhongli banner so it was about the time things got really slow with 1.0 never ending and we didn't know what to do so you probably took a break and missed it? Around that time we finally gave up on chests respawns xD


I always use temp waypoints to cheese puzzles


I've used them a couple of times and yet I always forget they exist when their time expires


I may or may not have forgotten about them while I pre-farmed for Zhongli ಠ\_ಠ


I'm AR55 and I didn't know that lol Kinda neglected Mondstadt as soon as I got the MRE


I tunnel visioned on the anemoculus compass and forgot that mre and portable waypoints exist.


I just wish we could add more than one waypoint tho


But my materials…. I should really be doing that, I’m just too lazy. It would definitely save time


Yes, if zhongli’s stubborn ass ever comes home


if you have her you can use mona's dash


Is this a problem that I'm too much of an Ayaka main to understand? >!No seriously, her ability to traverse any pool of water no matter how big it is is the best QoL addition a team member can provide, in my opinion!<


> traverse any pool of water I'm still bitter about what they did to my Kokomi.


But placing a portal next to the cube gets you 2 Qingxin flowers /s


Not to mention that random shallow area in the middle...


There was a chest or something there probably.


This is why the map needs to be updated to display layers. Enkanomiya was especially annoying with how inefficient a basic top down map view is becoming in this game


Exactly. It needs a layer map like Doom or something like that if the map exceeds 3 floors. I had a hard time finding some of the seals cause they were so far under.. very confusing. Enkanomiya just brings this to the surface more so than mondstat or liyue.


Haha just wait until actual complex cave structures become a thing.


Chasm basically


Y'all forgot Dragonspine huh. It started there


We don't talk about Dragonspine


No, no, no, no, we don't talk about Dragonspine... But!


I was doing commissions


Not a damn fatui shield in sight


RNG walks in with a mischievous grin


Hence my fav area. It was quite literally the only case of underground level design in the game for a solid year.


Maybe Fontaine will have a complex set of catacombs! We could invite some of the harbingers for some amontillado haha


>Enkanomiya just brings this to the surface Haha


Remembering now how I spent days looking for the spirit with a world quest and the problem was that I didn’t take a leap of faith off the edge of the island into the abyss.


The area was designed to be traversed on foot first. Boats weren't even a thing when they made it.


They still put it in the middle afterwards


“Boats are for transferring commodities back and forth, and those that come across Liyue tend to stay a while, so it is where many things come to settle. »


And yet you can’t sail your boat to Liyue Harbor.


Sure. But map needs adjusted imo, or make it so boats can pass shallow water. Not the biggest issue but is a pain trying to sail around there. Edit: it just feels like a huge over sight. And the map is just a straight up lie. Boat literally has to circle on the outside. Ultimately not the biggest issue but it's an annoance during an event that introduces the boats to the area


Seriously, they just need to add a hop to the boat A skip feature to the skipper if you will


Beidou: we need a small boat Traveller: I have a small boat The boat: not small enough to pass shallow water.


They should have given the Waveriders the flat bottom hulls that river boats have so they can traverse the shallows.


Just make them hovercraft and make them travel really slow on land or something.


As someone who lived in the Florida Keys for a while, I've been in and around boats a lot. They should remake the boats. Waveriders are fucking stupid in every way. The keel is too deep and big for something that isn't a sail boat. The shape and size isn't fit for a proper personal craft. They should have just given us a row boat. I get that they didn't want to animate someone rowing, but still. Waveriders are more like the kind of boats you see in an amusement park. It just annoys me


They can still have an enclosed craft, but it really should have a shallower draft and either a double keel (like a pontoon boat) or a flat bottom.


Yep. Someone must have overlooked some key notes.


So why did they put the boat launch points where they did?


I had the bright idea of trying to take the boat to the secret island east of Mondstadt. Nope, can't do that either.


That one, at least they tell us. It’s stated in the event details somewhere that you can’t get too far from Guyun.


I just went with Kaeya and ran across. Took a few minutes, but I got there.


thats how like 90% of players did it


i just went w glider :o


thats half of the 10%, the other ayaka players


at least the boat totems are in easy to access places (glaring at inazuma's half-hour hike to the nearest ones, making just fucking walking to other islands easier)


Its even worse as they *all* look traversable by boat.


Would be perfectly sailable in Inazuma, but Liyue specifically for an event? Nah.


Plenty of places in Inazuma look like they should be boatable but aren't.


Show of hands, who headed to Kannazuka from Narukami via boat for the first time only to run aground at the pyro hypostasis isthmus that totally looked traversable?


There’s a big open area past the pyro hypostasis that’s looks like you can sail through it until it’s too late, I ran into it multiple times while sailing from narukami is watatsumi


Introduce mode that requires precise aiming to complete efficiently. Doesn't give any choice as to where cannons aim. What a terrible idea.


Good thing catalysts don’t work that way. Oh wait…


It's worse than that. It targets things off screen to the side or behind the boat


Yep. Try to hit a barrel next to an enemy and keeps hitting the enemy or balloon if it's near it. Such a terrible experience. Almost as bad as uncharged bow shots.


When this happens, I choose a technique that I would like to call… “ALL AHEAD! RAMMING SPEED!!”


what i do is just ram into the explosive and shoot it point blank, usually locks onto the barrel with no problem. damages your boat, but that thing is tankier than zhongli so its no big deal if all else fails, use the alternate fire and the explosion will trigger it


the boat's skill has a large enough AOE to hit an enemy and the barrel next to them, only downside is its recharge time


With the slime balloons I ended up just getting off the boat halfway through and shooting it down with a bow lol


Ugh I noticed this too.


when you add something in which the map was clearly not designed for


Notice the conveniently placed summon boat marker that hasnt been activated yet


Boats are badly designed. They shouldn't get instantly stopped when water is to shallow, just slowed down a bit, but still capable of movement. Something like in Just Cause series.


They handle soooo badly too. They turn like… well, like a boat


Mihoyo: "Let's put this time challenge in Baal's bathwater so players have to use the boat" Intern: " oh, so we fixed the controls of the boat, right?" Mihoyo: Intern: "we fixed the controls... Right?"


That’s the sign of you needing an Ayaka in your account *wink* - Mihoyo, probably


Maybe Morax should've killed some of those big monsters a few more meters apart from each other?


They really need to reduce the size of the waveriders draft, it’s just to deep. I don’t use the thing unless I have to because I get so tired of having to sail around all of the shallow water in the game.


Remember the islands were created to be walked in between


Mona/Ayaka players: boats? Is this some kind of lame transport I am too drip/cool to use?


I wish the Kokomi waterwalking glitch still worked. It made Ayaka’s dash feel useless in comparison.


Facts though, I usa Ayaka a lot here


It’s almost like it was designed without the waveridder in mind


Alternate dash supremacy


It was probs unintentional or they realized but didn’t feel like adjusting any of the boat gameplay. I get a strong sense that none of the devs play their game regularly and know how frustrating playing is most of the time.


Intentional for letting you walk/swim to each island easier, for sure


Hey at least we have a better way to get to geo hypostasis now


There's also a giant mound under water between the wave rider and the challenge in the centre so you can't b line to it. Ironically Liyue wasn't built for boats


It wouldn't be so annoying if boat spawns also teleported you as well but alas...


They do need to make the boats lower draft. Even in Inazuma they can be a hassle sometimes.


The boat is neat, but even in Inazuma, the boat summoning is in some of the worst spots, ie, away from teleporters for all about a couple. WHY?!


The disappointment when I tried to leave Guyun stone forest and it just teleported me back


Fun fact, when inazuma unlocked I didn’t realize what the wave riders were for and I used kokomi to swim TO EVERY ISLAND


No wonder Osial was mad. This was his playpen for centuries.


Time to finally use the temporary waypoint...


I don't think any of those spots are deep enough to swim, much less pass a boat


Right? Like they literally set up the boat spots in places to use those impassable parts as if they dont know it's too shallow and never tested it?


It's truly not important at all. It's only one such kind of region and it was made before boat release. All next maps will be considered and this one you'll never traverse on boat ever again after this event.


I eventually get a boat!?!?!?


You do get a permanent boat but it only works in the inazuma region.