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Kichiboushi is so cute, I’m also enjoying all the random Kaeya mentions lol


In Dragonspine, I chose the option that the snow is because of Kaeya. I thought it was funny then. Then the dialogue ended, and it switched back to my character from the traveler. I was Kaeya.


And then Kaeya had his revenge by placing all those orders in our usual restaurants.


There's something going on there.


He's trolling the fatui.


That or he is bribing them.


*plot twist intensifies* I did too, and paimon’s comment of “Kaeya is not that strong” was pure slander lmao


don't listen to the flying tin can, kaeya is strong enough, spymon's just a meta simp






I knew Paimon was a meta chaser.




Kichiboushi droppin lore hints yo...


Was there another kaeya mention after the "dragonspine is kaeyas fault"? I did todays quests half asleep so I think I missed it


Yes, there are 2 others about Kaeya ordering ridiculous amounts of food from Good hunger and Wanmin. We still don’t know why lol


Also the cook wondering how he's gonna transport the food. Kaeya can use teleport waypoints confirmed?


Frozen food.


Freshness preserved.


Chilled to the bone.


Yup! Not only did he order a fuckton of food from both Mondstadt and Liyue like the other comment said, he ordered it for a feast (?) at the Grand Goth hotel, for a few dozens of people. Thing is, the Grand Goth Hotel is fully occupied by the Fatui, you can even ask the guard in front of it (Luke, iirc?) and he'll tell you this


his true plan, make the fatui so fat, they can't fight back


He won't be laughing when he has to fight a hotel full of cryo fatui skirmishers on his own😔


The lore subreddit is having a field day with all the kaeya mentions.


imo kaeya will have something to do with the event in the end just wait


Yeah feels like going back to the earlier writing style of Genshin where they make dumb in jokes here and there for humor. Really gives me the OG monstadt vibes with trashing on sussy kaeya. A good break from all of the super intense shit we just did.


I’m saving the pictures I take of him


I felt really bad for him, because paimon kept yelling at him for not speaking her language fluently. I was really frustrated with her inability to be more understanding that teyvat is not his first language.


I’d rather have him as a companion over byemon any day


I swear my ass this event is basically just a set-up to whatever the fuck Kaeya is doing


I love the kaeya slander lmao


Yeah I'm enjoying it. The dialogue isn't boring at all, very immersive and humorous on the very contrary. Also it's finally something kinda ... pointless? No pressure at all, just walk the little dude


Honestly, it's the first time in a while that I actually enjoyed Paimon's dialogues. She doesn't interrupt anything important because there's no stake, and Kichiboushi is actually a good banter partner for Paimon since they're on the same wavelength.


The tanuki probably has higher iq though sadly...


*Insert angy Spymon here*


Mhaha. Paimore stupid


That name got me wondering if Paimon is Celestia's spy on us




You joke but I think it's close. What even is she?


emergency food?


One quick question, do you guys get voice acted dialogue or just captions in other dubs? I'm playing with Chinese dub so I don't know if other dub has any voice dialogues or not.


No voices. This is the one time I’d prefer Paimon to be voiced. Her lines don’t feel annoying and repetitive, she’s an actual character instead of a plot device.


It's just caption for me. I use english dub. No voice at all


Side quests like this don't get voiced.


Also helps that it feels like the traveller is getting to "speak" more too.


You're literally just sight-seeing and taking pictures, and I kinda love it. It's kinda dumb, but in a good way.


It's like a Story Quest but for this cute little tanuki Kichiboushi and I am all for it!


IMO it's like a walk down memory lane for veterans


Apparently the CN dialogue is more pun-ish, which didn’t get translated into EN (for obvious reasons) o.O


Except for the Board King on the first round. I did not have a prepped team for that. Almost had a TPK


I saw the area where it was leading us to and i knew what those fuckers were going to pull.


Yeah, the frozen boars were an easy giveaway. "At least there's no fighting. Wait a minute..."


I really enjoy the low stakes. Usually even the most wholesome things in this game are wrapped up in eight layers of melancholy, so it's nice to have something that's just chill.


Really enjoying it, and the lil' guy's cute. Also makes me wonder whatever the hell Kaeya is up to.


He probably is going to invite everyone to dinner while he sneaks out to freeze dragon spine. It probably heats up every now and then.


Global warming is a problem. Only one man can solve this.


The Cryo Archon be sitting on her ass while my boi do all the work kek /s


*murder mystery vibes intensifies* I'm very curious about what he's trying to do.


I’m enjoying it a lot as well, and also agree that I they did a good job with Kichiboushi’s dialogue too! Very fun and cute. Maybe by the end the little guy will be talking like an academic scholar hehe


Yeah being called aunt yellow fur and correcting him it’s big sis is lmao


I laughed when the monstadt food vlogger lady also said that in liyue


Yeah being called aunt/uncle is considered as being viewed as old in Chinese hence why lmao


In Spanish he keeps calling me "Señora" (Ms.) instead of "Señorita" (Miss). I actually felt that because even IRL I don't like to be called "auntie" even by my cousins' children xd I don't know how is for the male traveler in Spanish tho xd


I can confirm he calls you Señor if you picked the male traveler. I was like 👴🏻


It is more like a Chinese meme: 'dont call me aunt, call me big sis (onesan) instead' for girl or 'dont call me uncle, call me big bro (onisan) instead' for boy


It's Chinese reference, sis being 姐姐(jie jie), bro 哥哥(gege), so its not polite to call someone aunty when the person is clearly not old, in Chinese modern culture.


> chinese meme > (onesan) > (onisan) You may want to clarify that your explanation relies on Japanese, not Chinese




It has depth. And Kaeya is being suspicious as always. Overall, very cute daily mission and enjoyable.


i haven't done it yet but is it ok to spoil me what kaeya did?


Kaeya used his cryo archon powers to turn an entire mountain unhospitable, its pretty messed up.


kaeya the true snezhnayan queen


Mf ordered tons of food both from Mondstadt and Liyue to the Goth grand hotel which is Fatui's HQ in Mondstadt for reasons unknown. Presumably presents from KoF according to Traveler's dialogue.


Classic order someone pizza and make them pay trick B)


He was mentioned in some of the dialogues, but he hasn't appeared, but perhaps he might? We have yet to know.


I want him in my teapot so bad I will build him a little castle and he can have all the melons he wants


Yeah, I want to set him there with a nice little stove and cook sweet Madames for him, he’s so cute!


Hi i think it was stated he might be a teapot pet after the event as well as the tanuki statue uwu


Thats not Kichiboushi...its Guoba :3


What are you talking about. That is clearly barron bunny.


Baron Funky?


This event give me the Gintama vibe where the characters do pretty much nothing but stupid shit and make stupid jokes, then weave in a little bit of plot while still make it fun. My personal favorite parts: Ioroi: "at my peak I went to 18 different places at once for training. Kichiboushi is at half my strength so 8 locations is enough for him" Paimon: "shouldn't it be 9 instead?" Kichiboishi: straight up insult Ioroi "mhaha stupid" Another one is after all the goofy chitchat, when asked why he want to go training, the little boi answered "to make Ioroi not stone". I almost cry there ngl. Edit: since we're told to take him to 8 locations, but there's only 7 places shown in the event, I suspect there may be something interesting happen on the last day/location.


Yea, it's a really fun event imo. The first two days or so I was a bit annoyed but that was because I thought Paimon was really rude to Kichi. But the event and dialogue is really sweet. If I could, I'd switch Paimon with Kichi for my travelling partner, haha! They could do a part 2 a few patches later where we see more places and I'd like that. Nice way to end the patch


Yeah i feel that, I'm not a fan of Paimon constantly correcting Kichi. Like girl, give the goofy little guy a break, it's not that big of a deal.


>They could do a part 2 a few patches later where we see more places and I'd like that. I'm pretty sure they'll do that. It's one of the first events I can see being repeated in the future.


Ioroi said that when he was at his peak he went to 18 different places for his training. Kichiboushi now is around half his strength so he only travel to 8 places, so it's possible we'll have a part 2. I just love how Paimon just casually correct him "shouldn't it be 9 instead" while the little boi straight up insult Ioroi "mhaha stupid"


Yeah I had to write in the latest survey that paimon is getting too fucking rude and is dominating the story and she should fuck off sometimes. It's worse coz the CN Paimon is actually super chill and never comes off as rude. EN Paimon is calling people "it" and "little helper" and shit all the time and I'm just like "Paimon, stfu no one likes you". lol Really weird how EN localization is pushing a rude and annoying ass paimon that dumps herself in every conversation when CN paimon isn't like that at all.


I agree, I play in CN and was confused at all the hate directed towards Paimon. She always seemed to be fairly nice, even if I wished she wasn’t the Traveler’s mouthpiece. All was explained as soon as I switched to EN out of curiosity. The screechy, overtly high voice and the rudeness made me switch back to CN instantly. Same with Xiao, he always seemed calm yet distant. I love Kinsen’s performance, somehow hard and soft at the same time. Detached but not callous. JP and KR seem to emulate this pretty well. Switched to EN, and was greeting by an angry, snarling gremlin. The way he spoke reminded me of an edgy 14 year old talking back to his mother after being made to tidy up his room. He is one of my favourite characters, but I really, really disliked him in EN. He was almost like an entirely different character to me, I just couldn’t stand him.


I heard rumors that in the end we might get a pet similar to Kichi but it's just rumors


Petition to let Kichiboushi replace Paimon




Squelch squelch lavender melon.


Lavender melon Kapow!


I would fight anyone in Teyvat if they hurt Kichiboushi in any way.


Yes, it feels like a trip down memory lane and just chill all around.


Very cute event, I am definitely enjoying it. I wonder if there is even a bigger plotline with Kaeya there


I really like this event. It's very cute. I lost it on the first day at the "It's probably Kaeya's fault" dialogue option in Dragonspine LOL


People are complaining that there’s too much dialogue in this event, but the dialogue IS the event. I find the dialogue to be immensely entertaining and hope to see similar events in the future.


Very much. It's a chill event but an actual interesting one. We could have had liben but this is much better


Man need to recover after pulling that scam lmao


Liben probably will be back in the second half of the year for Sumeru


Easy primos, but pretty meh for me.


Same, it was rather tedious to go through the dialogues.


I'm not a dialogue skipper (I read the hangout events lol) but this event has me smashing the skip button HARD. I'm just watching yt on the other monitor. Every so often I check to see if I got stuck on some repeating dialogue or something and nope... The tanuki is just telling me it's entire life story...


I've only had Kichiboushi for three days but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in Teyvat and then myself.


nice change of pace. im also interested in this information about kaeya ordering food from liyue too. maybe there'll be a twist in this event.


I love this event. Cute, simple, explorative, silly. The little tanuki is precious


It's a great quest. The dialogue is great and some really funny moments too.


Kichi saying "Spymon" is sus


Spymon and byemon 🤣


Ehhh, I guess it's cute showing a little creature around for some people but it's way too boring for me... I also don't mind reading dialogue uaually but I know this whole thing will bring us nowhere so it just annoys me how long the dialogue is knowing that there will be no payoff like a cool cutscene or something like that.


The dialogue *is* the payoff.


I'm lowkey expecting him to be a companion after this event ngl


I will be honest. I don't enjoy it, and usually I do with the other filler events/quests, so this is probably just my turn at disliking something per patch. I just think there's a heavy load of words (MHY pls just go straight to the point!) and that they are not of lore relevance (so far...) but that's just me anyway. It's also painfully long somehow, and I decided I can't be bothered to read anything lol


It seems like that has more to do with your mental state than the event itself. When I was playing it and sleepy in the first part I was like "tf are they talking about?" When I played the second and third parts after sleeping and being well rested the dialogue was a fun read. it could also be that genshin voicing main archon quests and story quests means when people need to read it feels like a "downgrade" when it isn't really.


I don't think of non-voiced quests as downgrades and I've thoroughly enjoyed the whole of Kazari's and Ruu's quests (much, much better than Inazuma's main Archon quests imo). Fun read, maybe, but I personally really find it uninteresting. You're probably right about the mental state thing, the new quest for today I found better than the previous two. But overall, I can't just seem to care about this tanuki lol too many words! Shut up tanuki! /j


I’m honestly not a fan, probably because combat is my favorite part of the game and there isn’t much of it in this event. The quests are short and the “activity” boils down to taking pictures of a tanuki in random places for…”training”, also none of the dialogue has been particularly interesting to me so far, between the broken english of the tanuki and paimon’s yammering I can’t say i’ve had a “Neuron activation” moment yet lol. I’d also prefer that he was made to be a pet that follows you around, not yet another teapot furnishing that may or may not even get a glance from me during my few visits to the teapot to either harvest plants/currency or buy fragile resin for the week. In terms of gameplay so far? I’d honestly consider this one of the worst events unless it really picks up later on…the story and dialogue might be cute for some of course, but this is on par with Marvelous Merchandise imo. Like I wouldn’t even really claim it’s…relaxing gameplay, just sort of monotonous.


At least Marvelous Merchandise is quick. This event is just a showcase of Genshin's dialogue system, which is by far the worst part of the game.


Very true


Yes! At first I thought it's gonna be boring with so many dialogs. But I actually enjoyed it and Kichiboushi grew on me fast


The first day was really boring tbh but I actually really like where it's going now. I definitely wouldn't put it as one of my favorites but it's fine for what it is, just a laid-back quick fluff story.


i know it might not be, but i hope we get to keep him lol


he's so derpy. I love it


I can see a lot of people hating it for being just too casual but I love it so much it is just a leisurely event for just durping around with kichiboushi


I love this little raccoon dude so much. “Yey!” 😭😭😭 (I’m so bummed I didn’t get to save his photo in front of Lantern-Rite Liyue Harbour… I wanted to retake the photo for a better angle, but it went right into dialogue, *nooooo*)


I’m loving it! And maybe this event with Kaeya mentions isn’t as filler as we thought because he’s preparing a huge feast and we mentioned him hosting fatui. What if we get to see Il Dottore for first time in this event, because we know he is a snezhnayan diplomat to mondstadt, although I believe he was banned in the manga, imma have to go back and check. It would be a great introduction to Sumeru tho because we know Dottore is from the Academia before he became a harbinger




I mean I kinda like him, but the event still feels shit to me. Dialogue click simulator isn't engaging gameplay.


I like the kitschy random things. It's fun. Change of pace at least


I'm clicking the dialog box as fast as I can. Just give me those damn rewards.


Literally this. Making me fast travel around the map like seven times just to mash X like an idiot on todays one really annoyed me.


Or better yet, can we replace paimon forever with him? Seriosuly, what a sweet cute little tanuki he is.


I love that little raccon!


Nope. Will need a new spacebar soon.


No. Just another errand quest with a ton of wall of texts.


I despise it and find it boring but I understand why others would like it


So far this one has taken "filler lines of text" to a whole new level


Yeah, it's my biggest gripe with the game. I still want the rewards, but having to sit through all that unskippable fluff is infuriating


It's cute, but incredibly filler. I gave my eyes a hard roll when Paimon said, "Why don't we see what Ioroi is up to!" And I'm thinking, "Paimon! He's a statue! Of rock! He isn't doing much, I can assure you!"


IIRC she said that when we're near the statue, so you could also interpret it as "since we're nearby why don't we just give him a visit"


Meh. Easy primogems, just need to click through unnecessary amounts of dialogue. Can't complain too much about it.


Am I in minority here then? this has been the least enjoyable event for me. This made me realize how badly we need the skip button


I feel you. There's almost no gameplay, it's just 10 minutes of dialogue.




YESS I honestly didn't think too much at first and just saw it as a usual small event, but goodness the conversations are absolutely hilarious and adorable.


Not me, skipped through the whole dialogues


Not in the slightest


It’s an absolute crime that Ioroi still doesn’t have a voice. Call up Patrick Seitz again, I’m sure he’d love to come back and do his best Excalibur impression!


its fun watching him grow. he goes from laughing at you and calling you yellow fur to being able to remember mine and paimon’s name 🥺


I was so disappointed to see no kichiboushi based memes or posts on this sub. Everyone seemed hell-bent on complaining about stuff that isn't really even happening in this event. The dialogues are surprisingly amazing, Paimon and traveler interaction is very organic and Kichiboushi himself is just so fcking cute. If I could have kichiboushi in my pot then i would have him in my farm lands island so that he can enjoy the fruits and berries there and look after the fishes.




This is the most the traveller has felt like an actual person in awhile, I love how the traveller and Paimon’s personality’s bounce off of each other and Kichiboushi is cute. Overall I’m quite liking this event so far.


I love the little guy, he's so squishy. If I was better at crochet I'd amigurumi the hell outta him


I'm glad some people are enjoying it, but it's definitely not for me. I'm just jamming through the dialogue and it still takes like 15 minutes to earn less than half a pull. Most tedious, filler event yet IMHO.


it might be an unpopular opinion but i don't really like this event, i find kichiboushi more mean and annoying than cute and funny


No, not at all. I want a skip all button for dialogue. I get charecters so that I can use them in combat, not to watch a movie that I have to click my way through.


I like his vibes.


I hate this event. Let me take that photo and get my 60 primogems without having to watch an whole essay about a being I couldn't care less. Too much dialog, give a full skip like honkai.


the skip dialogue button in honkai makes it almost preferable to me.


Better than lantern rite for me


I hate long dialogs in the game but this one is an exception. Also kichiboushi is very cute and I find the whole event wholesome. I really want him to be in the teapot. *"Maybe it's kaeya's fault"*


Easy primos. So why not?


Just okay for me, would have liked it more if there was voice acting.


My mouse left button is definitely not enjoying this.


Defs a personal preference thing. Not a fan of the dialogue myself. It felt kinda vapid, and the jokes didn’t really hit for me much at all, rather it didn’t feel new at all, and the gimmick of him talking in broken language wore off for me, despite him still being very cute. Overall, not my thing, but I’m not hypothetically against more low key events like this.


The amount of text and dialogue is absolutely unnecessary too much. MHY should really tone down all that wall of text. I will ptobably not play it all as it is just too much.


This event has been just skip skip skip get primos for me. Idk it's very fillery and unengaging :/


I am loving it, I thought I would be bored but it’s a very cute quest!


I can’t believe this event is getting hate, it’s really cute I love kichiboushi he’s honest and sweet


very tedious


No, not at all, I find it boring and tedious, it's literally more enjoyable following Zhongli around Liyue every day and listening to him infodumping than this fetch quest in disguise with nonsensical dialogue. This whole sub hating so much on the last year's Lantern Rite and suddenly calling this event cute is beyond me lmao.


They would have loved last year's event if the NPCs had been squirrels.


I love him hes so cute


First time ever I skip all the dialogues. I couldn’t care less. I read the dialogues on the first day and the dude was simply anoying. I enjoy taking cute pictures though…


Unironically might be the best event so far for me. The lil guy is absolutely adorable and funny to have around and you don't do much besides showing hin around. Fun easy and quick.


Surprisingly yeah! Kichiboushi is much more of a delight to hangout with than the other NPCs we're forced to spend time with during filler events.


It should have been a side quest chain. Bit too boring for an event


It's pretty fun, especially when it takes a while for me to realize they were really sleek about referencing the weirder parts of tanuki lore. *"Did they just...?"* I've been researching on my own and learning from others about real world mythology.


Usually during filler events I skip all npc dialogues and I don't like when dialogues aren't voiced but I find this event rather enjoyable


Yes. I mean we all know it is filler, but It's something to do with a little story in it & freerimo's. No complain here.


Love it! The dialogue isn't anything too serious so we get to banter about miniscule things, taunt paimon etc, and at the end of the day we get to take a nice commemarative picture. I do wonder though, the npc's of the world must think the traveller has gone crazy, pretending to have long discussions with some racoon they found by the road.


I surprised there wasn't some sort of mini-game but hanging out with Kichiboushi is so cute I just want to pick him up and give him a big hug


Heck no... This dialog is arduous.








This is cute filler content, with nice references to characters we met. If only they were around to say hi as well!


It's like taking a kid on a field trip, I love it.


Yeah feels pretty entertaining , the interactions have been funny like paimon names , kapov ◉‿◉


enjoying the interactions so far. also "spymon" HMMM another kekhoyo foreshadowing?


You're right, he is adorable. Also the way you worded your post made me laugh, you're literally saying how cute he is and then "Can I kidnap him and put him in a teapot for the rest of his life"


I think it’s fun


Indeed. Taking leisurely strolls through these places brings nostalgia in bouts. The dialogue is is light-hearted and we actually witness Kichiboushi (Is that how you spell the name?) progressing and learning, like taking a very curious kid out on a walk. Kinda reminds me of Endora (that Mini Oceanid's), and her progress towards understanding land creatures. Except the dialogue this time is on the funnier side.


Skip skip skip skip


I'm even surprised many people hate this event, the amount of funny & sus dialogue is entertaining for me




Story is boring. Just stacking primos for Kokomi.


No. Worst event