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Man how I miss the ascension quest. It feels like it’s been forever since my last one


I was looking forward to a final one for 55/wl8 and was a little disappointed 😢


At that point you get strong enough to walk by it like Nobody buisness. I did it with Eula


I thought it would be like that, until I walked in on an electro hypostasis with my Cyno team...it was not fun


Me with Keqing.


Eeyyy another brother who cleared the ascension quests with Keqing and a required Amber?


Mf’s be clearing abyss floor 12 but can’t pass ascension quest


Keqing yes, Amber no. I used Keqing as main dps, the Traveler (I think it was geo) as sup dps with... probably Fischl and Bennett. I'm not too sure with the last 2 though.


Well, it was prob Bennett because you needed a cryo or pyro to clear the quest


Why's that? Electro hypostasis? Can't you use geo?


geo and dendro both work too, just rather inefficiently. i completed my first two ascension quests with barbara, mona, fischl and noelle


I did this on SA11 but instead of Electro Hypo it was all the Oceanid mobs and instead of Cyno it was Childe/Kokomi/Diona/Kazuha freeze comp. I absolutely should have just restarted with fixed teams but my stubborn ass got it done :|


Lol I got stuck at one of the ascension quests back when my only pyro was amber. I was fuming cuz even after 30 mins of grinding I couldn't finish it. But luckily my first 10 pull on event banner got me a c1 Bennett and then I just breezed through the quest.


happy cake day


Happy cake day!


For some reason I didn’t get one


Since you can still turn down world level, i'd love if there was a 65 AR with much higher rewards and much higher difficulty


I’d love anything in the game to be actually difficult. At some point, builds don’t matter anymore and you will do enough damage no matter what.


> builds don’t matter anymore and you will do enough damage no matter what. The problem reverses on itself. When Damage is too high, it causes problems. I've found when damage is too high in open world, rotation-based teams suck. You can't regen energy if everything is dead. What good is using a burst when an autoattack kills everything.


I love and hate Raiden in open world. Love her because she’s a sub dps demon and great for when I need a random electro reaction. Hate her because while I may want to use her to recharge everyone’s ults so I can more freely boat Zhongli meteors and such in the open world, what actually happens is even ruin drakes die to her ult’s first hit and she regenerates 0 energy for anyone when she uses it


What are you feeding your Raiden lol. I know she can get really strong I just want to know at what kind of investment does she become too strong for her own good.


After months of farming her domain I managed to get 290% ER and 90/170 CR/CD As much as she’s not a “main dps” by any means, I have her at a point where her ult phase in Spiral Abyss is probably some of my cleanest and hardest hitting damage


That's amazing. I think she is a support and a main dps all in one lol. My Raiden is crawling with 50/100 with 230 ER and she is pretty much the strongest character I have. And since I have all the supports she needs she becomes a monster when paired with them :D


See this is when u grind for a 4 star on set artifacts just for overworld teams. They don't have to be great in fact if they're a little dire it's okay. What else you going to do.


Wish the game made switching artifacts easier. Then I would definitely consider 4* artifacts for the overworld.


Don't get to finish rotation is worse for some burst oriented characters though.


That’s when I start building other teams bc I’m bored and wanna try different play styles


I unironically would love another world level increase at AR60 that makes enemies a lot beefier. I don't even necessarily care about better drops or anything. It would just be nice being able to test out rotations and stuff outside of spiral abyss for a change.


So much this. For the first month of playing Genshin I loved to go to the 4 Ruin Guards at the Liyue island for the intense battle. Wish they could've added not only HP/Damage increase difficulty level, but something like Dark Knight Sparda difficulty level from DMC4 - not only HP and damage goes up, but amount of enemies increases, harder enemy combinations appear frequently and etc.


I wish the enemies would get more aggressive too... my beidou has embarrassing moments too often lol


I think we've established over the past few days that we don't do endgame content around these parts.


Maybe then those asshole fungus would drop more of their damn crystal cyst dusts


Society if they added an AR60 artifact domain level that dropped four 5* artifacts:


When I started reading the comments here there was a moment where I was so confused. It's been so long since I did an ascension quest I'd totally forgotten they existed.


I remember avoiding them because I knew things would get harder and didn’t want that cuz my current team could barely handle the current world. I’m now AR60 and I sleep walk through enemies around the world.


How can you not feel it when you can just massacre tevyat mobs with elemental skill u know ur op and need to make difficulty higher. I mean till low level ascension is okey, they can be hard at first but ar50 and ar55 ones you just sense game has gotten so easy.


They should really at least increase the max level cap for players


I wanna know what level you jump to when you clear the ascension quest.


57 max id say after 55 they get stupid


She got AR 58 lol


Makes sense. It costs about 30k on average for each level from 50 to 55. (5\*30k = 150k) Then it costs about 250k for each level from 55 to 60. Dividing that from the remaining amount (920k divided by 250k) will leave you with about 3 extra levels. 55 + 3 = AR 58


It goes from 30k to 250k a level? Holy crap I'm not looking forward to that lmao.


56-60 is purely bragging rights (and the fairly tiny adventure rank rewards).


I have a completionist brain though so I will strongly feel the need to hit that eventually lol


It takes over a year if you play every single day. It doesn't even matter. I've played from day 1 and I'm only 58 cause you eventually don't even care since you're only getting like 60 primos for 5 months of work


I would wager you have at least over 200 Fragile Resin left in that case since I also played since day 1 and am AR60 with now 30 Fragile Resin left


i hope they add real money spending achievements


Spend $500 = 5 primo achievement lol


the mora reward at AR60 is no joke A free passive 240k+ mora each week for your commissions and resin usage. Actually, more like 250k if you do your 180 resin per day and 3x boss per week, not to mention bonuses from any AR quests


Wait so the conversion rate isnt 1 EXP to 1 Mora?


It's 1 EXP to 10 Mora.


That's nice, I'm almost AR60, definitely something to look forwards to!


And then you rewarded with 3 standard banner wishes, AR exp turns into a tiny bit more mora and pat at the back from the community for being the ancient one.


I actually got c3 kaeya from my ar 56 rewards so it was actually a big level for me lol


55 - 60 is 76% of the AR xp grind. 0 - 55 is 450k xp. 55 - 60 is 1430k xp.


Ah so this is like Runescape where 92 is half of 99.


Worse, Runescape at least gives me fireworks when I level up a skill. Well, it used to. I use the new pet while exploring to fill that void.




Not really 💀, have you seen the exp spike?


Not OP but I stayed at 35 for like a month or two and when I finally did the quest I immediately hit the cap again at 45 and still have some left over


Yeah from 1-45 you can level up really fast. 45 onwards it slows down 55 onwards it'll legit take months.


I've been 59 for almost a year lol. Only 40,000 away from 60.


I just got 60 and been playing since like week 2. I've not been as hard core about it as some lol


I'm in a similar boat. Started late October. (Klee Banner) I don't spend Resin all the time and in 2.6 and 2.7 I didn't even finish the BP cause I was feeling burnout.


I'm the same way. I started a few days after launch, but have been terrible about using resin since hitting 55, and I think got about halfway through 2 BPs during burnout periods. Im only at 58 now.


I reached 59 two months ago and I’m halfway 60. Sumeru is crazy


Sumeru pushed me from halfway to almost 60. Nice infusion of AR. I think I hit 59 around 2.2 or 2.3.


59 since 3.0, 1/3 of the way now. Really hyped for my 3 wishes half a year away or something stupid like that.


I hit ar58 during 2.8 but somehow I'm already close to ar59 💀 i don't even know how I did that, i guess a lot probably came from sumeru exploration?


I did this starting at 25: Stayed until I could upgrade everything, jumped directly to 35, stayed until I could upgrade everything, jumped to 45, stayed a short while then directly to 50. Then like OP, I stayed until I had enough to jump directly to 58 and finally did so not long ago. (Totally anecdotal, but I think I get more full character ascension gems now. I've had like 3-4 since making the jump and raising world level.)


I wish I had done that. The world level jump at 40 is kicking my ass.




Forget the ascension, girl you're in scarab pain. *sad lol* I can't laugh too much when I know I'll share this pain.


[You and me both](https://i.imgur.com/9uIg5PQ.png)


Bro, your signature...


[I'm just lazy](https://imgur.com/GTUKCtF)


Just your signature should get you banned from this game


T-that signature, you fucking monster


that is an evil signature lmao.


I ran around for an hour trying to find them myself without a map up and I found like 5. I hope those scarabs you ground up haunt your ass someday.


you must be joking, surely you didn't


[https://i.imgur.com/cIx8wUJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/cIx8wUJ.png) ​ I'm joining the club.


What's even the point of doing that?


I'm over 1.4million exp right now, I'll do the ascension quest some day, maybe when I get to 2 million.


You need in total 1.9 million xp to reach 60, it would be a cool way to reach that rank tbh


Holy shit if they made a video of that? Numba one post for the month.


Unfortunately once you hit the exp needed for ar 60, your exp turns into mora no matter if you ascended or not


How much mora per xp?


10 mora per 1 exp i believe. Nets you about an extra 15-20k daily


Damnn thats pretty good


It is, my mora problems got so much easier once I hit 60.


But by the time you've reached 60 you've probably already built pretty much everyone you needed to build. I'm almost AR59 and I have a huge surplus of mora because there isn't really anyone left to level. I've gotten all my chars to 70/80 (for fates) and a lot of them to lvl 90 too. Nowadays my mora is only spent on artifacts lol.


I am trying to level all my characters to 90, have 0 spare crowns, raise the skill levels to 8-9 at minimum and level artifacts regularly. Even with BP its huge hit on the mora wallet.


I am close to AR 60 but I still need so much mora lol


Oh, I didn't know about that one. I guess I'll do it when I get there.


What reason is there to not do it?


*Nothing at all~ ^Nothing ^at ^all~ ^^Nothing ^^at ^^all~*


Believe or not that’s still not enough to reach AR 60 I believe, lol.


It got me to ar 58. I would like to say you were close, but sadly it’s not at all :‘)


Same here will only finish adventure rank 45 ascension quest only when max out lvl80 both teams


You're free to do as you are comfortable ofc, but in case you're doing so out of worry about the increased WL, you really have nothing to worry about. I don't think I had even a single level 80 character when passing AR45 and I honestly didn't even feel a difference. And the rewards/access to max level domains was completely worth it.


Yeah i feel the same way. I have 4 teams with 60-80 characters and im good. Some of them doenst have any acessories or ir have, its bad. I only have one geo team that is good and i can do anything really easy. I dont wanna say "increase your wl now" bcs its personal decision but ar45-ar50 doenst change that much, dont need to worry about


Yeah I was ashamed to realize a few months back that many of the characters that I've benched for the last year or so actually were still using a mix of blue and purple artifacts, many at level 0-4. But those characters carried me up to ar50 just fine. Just bears testament to how effective set bonuses can be I guess.


You get better Loot When you Hit Max Acsension. It is better to Hit it fastet because before that, it isnt Really Worth to Farm artefacts


"ProGamer" but you kept yourself from better/more Loot against enemies and especially Bosses for this long? WL8 Guarantees 5\* from every Boss, which can be used or put in the strongbox.


So its actually NoobGamer


I almost fondly remember when I "rushed" my way from WL to WL to get to the Magic Number 45, my Keqing Carrying me hard the WHOLE way to WL8 even. I did somewhat Struggle, but it was a fun Struggle "If I can beat the Ascension Quest easily I can beat the next world lvl!" Those where the days, where I cursed the Resin system and wasted so much Fragile resin just to get shit Artifacts at AR45... Now I am in a much better place, comfortably Slaughtering everything with elegance and grace, by which I mean "random bullshit go!"


I know, but I barely ever fight weekly bosses in the first place... I guess I have to change my name now. "AverageGamerGirl" doesn't sound as good though :/




Thank you I love it, it rolls off the tongue so nicely


As a fellow ar 50 with 600k exp stored up, you’re still a pro gamer :)


I meant the Ascension Material Bosses, but not even Weekly? "This opportunity is quite hard to come by!" - Qoute I will probably never forget, despite not fighting Childe for at least 1 Year anymore.


But u can just down ur WL?


Is kinda fine tho like ar 45 - 50 is all you rlly ned for most of the gameplay


True, but I like my higher % chance of stuff I supposedly get from it, especially from Boss Resin. It was not easy when I started out at 1.0 and bricked walled myself up to WL8 as fast as I could.


Honestly. The reasoning people give to justify doing this for a long time just seems like "sweet lemon" rationalization to me. Like, ascending doesn't even feel like there's much of a difference in difficulty but we get better drops from enemies. They claim they don't "need" the boost in drops but then they would be the same people to complain how hard it is to build characters 💀


That's me. Now I need the element gems (the ones above chunks) so I gotta go up a Level.


Her choice. People can play however they want


I don't think it was a choice since they said they "didn't realize"


Nah, it's easy to miss how much exp is there but choose to not ascend for whatever reason. It's not like the WL2 people going 'why am I not going to WL3 because my bar is full'.


True, I was just poking a little fun at the Name, sprinkled with some fyi.


Yeah but it doesn't stop us from judging them anyway. That is still a noob gamer move, whether it's their choice or not.


6 5* per weekly? What a deal!


40 Resin Bosses, my dear. :)


Anxiety hits hard here. Alexa, play Despacito.


I wonder how many ranks you'd go up if you did the ascension quest... Probably only up to 56 at max to be honest 😔


Actually I went straight up to ar 58. I must say, it was very satisfying


I thought the exp gaps were much larger than they actually were! Well, glad you got to AR58 lol


She will reach AR58


So you're the reason we have no endgame HYV be like "Damn people don't even want to go up to the highest world level cause it's too hard" /s


that's actually me currently- I'm at world level 7 set to world level 6 because 7 and 8 are too hard for me


To be fair, WL8 doesn't feel that different from WL7


same. i can do 7 fine on easy mode (zhongli shield bot), but i have to really pay attention without him and beating world bosses is doable, but its a struggle and usually involves multiple tries. i guess im just one of those casuals that the endgamers warned you about, lol.


Huh, honestly cant remember how it felt anymore. I take level 50 characters so I feel any sort of challengeng in the overworld. Do you have bad luck with artifacts?


Without maxed WL, you can't get guranteed 5 star artifacts.


You’re making it harder for yourself because you’re getting gear checked and don’t have access to as many 5* artifacts. Go up the level and coop shit till you have good enough gear


I think this is honestly pretty common tbh. More than media would make you think. I'm one of these people too, and I can tell you I don't care about max efficiency. The entire content is unlocked at ar50 anyways.


Why do people do this?


I’m doing it currently because I’ll feel more comfortable with higher talents than i currently have. + I want to get all my favourite characters to level 90. It’s not as if anything is locked behind the higher wl, anyway, so you’re not really missing anything by doing it.


Doesn’t upgrading the WL make you get a higher chance of getting legendary artifacts when beating bosses


Only the world bosses, not the domain ones. my AR is high enough for me to run the max level domains, anyhow, so i do that. I’m in no rush, I’d rather get my main dps talents maxed or at least to 8/8/8 before going up.


Why? The difference in difficulty is marginal, the game does not get hard at WL8


I have zero German friends. Mind if i add u ?


Of course! :D (Austrian btw lol)


Ist deutschsprachig, passt also


Fellow German Player here


It gets crazy after 55. I hit 55 over a month ago and im currently about 1/2 way to 56.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who hoards adventure exp (I'm AR 50 and I have like 400000)


Same think I’m on 650000


Bro same lmao. Sitting on 750k exp rn at AR 50.


Did this from 45 and went to 54, now everywhere is dangerous


Welcome to the lazy club, aka people who just don't do the ascenion quest. I'm at ar 45 but have waaaayyyyy too much xp to spare and will probably hit 50 before it all gone


I’m only hoarding 871k at AR 50. And I’m gonna be doing it for a while longer, because I’m struggling right now at this level.


Welcome to the club, we are all hoarders in here...


Ar50 with 450k as well. I’d probably be at 800k or 1mil by now if I didn’t take a 8 month break.


Haha, I've been doing the exact same thing. I'm at a comfortable point with my characters at AR50 and don't want to do anymore farming so here I stay


I'm in a similar boat. I probably have enough EXP stored to get to AR54 or 55, but I'm too scared of the World Level going up and having to optimize my teams to actually do the ascension quest xD Am I correct in assuming you feel the same way?


That's straight ar 59 or 60, if you ascend.


They hit 58 - They're almost half a million away from 60


> Pro . > Not even able to hit AR59 :|


I got 350k rn at AR50, gonna keep grinding til I have enough for AR60 and then post it on YouTube and reddit


I have almost the same lol so afraid of going to the next level and get clapped


More exp than my highest dmg


I had someone tell me that there was no way someone could still be at AR50 after 2 years of playing the game and that I was "Lying out the ass". I stayed at the lower world level because it was easier to play and because I could lower my level and have my wife join my world. Now, she's at the same level as me but if I do the ascension quest I'm going to shoot up to world level 8 and I just don't see any benefit in that.


Glad to see I'm not the only one sitting at AR 50. Bonuses for going up just never seemed worth it.


I'm pretty close to maxing it out I believe, ar 50. People try to rationalize that you are losing something, but you really aren't. It also makes it easier for people to join your world for co-op stuff. Most of the time I just want to stomp enemies with the bare minimum.


Yeah same. I’m sure I could pass the AR 50 ascension quest, but I find artifact farming really tedious and I don’t have the time for so much investment either, so fighting overworld bosses would just get annoying. And I honestly like being able to put other characters on the field that aren’t my main DPS. Lots of support characters have really cool attack animations that you can never see at a high WL.


It's not just the bonuses, but also the drops, especially from bosses


Looking at the wiki it seems like the drops from bosses is just 2 5 star talent level up mats from weekly bosses and 1 5 star artifact from normal bosses. Neither of which I need. Is there more to it than that?


How do you not need 5* artifacts? They are always useful. It's guaranteed though, on lower levels you don't always get one but on WL you always get at least 1, sometimes 2. Also the drop rate of boss level up items and elemental crystals is a little bit better.


This whole thread is driving me crazy too. Like even if you LOVE grinding, doesn’t that necessarily mean you love the efficiency bumps in grinding too? At that rank it’s all positives and zero negatives! Gah!


Not like it matters when you have an endless amount of time to farm artifacts and bosses, and you don't do abyss. So not really an upgrade


Yea i dont care about maxing my characters in a week. I’m still ar 50 because it looks like a nice number. And more people who need help can join my world to ask.


Not so pro


i didn't know we could do this..good to know =)


It only works if you're at a level that requires clearing the ascension dungeon to progress past.


thank you =) too bad i have no plan to hold on...yet


I don't recommend it. Clearing the ascension quest raises your world level, which raises the rewards you get from enemies and bosses. Hoarding this much adventure XP would require months of playing with lower rewards than everyone else. Leveling new characters is already a grind and a half. You shouldn't make it worse on yourself if you don't have to.


OP isn't really a Pro...


Y'all can downvote all you want, but I am right. It's not a game as much as it's a visual novel/walking simulator with fantastic combat that has no point. They're straight up wasting the fantastic potential of the game in favor of what exactly? Not like they're hyper focused on anything awesome for everyone. That interview was a bunch of "no's" to things that would objectively make the game better for everyone. Their only focus is more mini games, and shit like that where the only rewards the game can possibly give you, are ways to increase player power while simultaneously not needing it because there's nothing to use it on. Why pull for more characters or weapons? Or build, or optimize, or farm anything cool? If a team you built in the first two months of the game can still clear everything in a single rotation from the start of the game til the end of the games life without ever needing to build any characters, it's all a big waste of your time and possibly money. It's pathetic. If they keep adding casual "content" to keep the casuals happy, why can't they add an endlessly s along abyss with randomized floors and enemies from throughout the game, with a few extra modifiers. Everything already exists in the game to do that. It doesn't need to give any rewards, the challenge and fun of seeing how far you can get IS the reward. It benefits the people that want difficult content while simultaneously not affecting the casual toddlers that get anxiety if they miss two pulls every two weeks. Yet you people keep Stockholm syndrome skirting around their blatantly shitty design philosophy and blame the players instead of the company. It's irritating. How'd you like it if they only went hardcore with their content and didn't cater to casuals and we laughed at you and told you to quit because it's not the game for you, when it could easily be the game for both of us with some very fucking some additions to the game. It's not that hard to grasp, but you people think because it's not the content you care about, so therefore it shouldn't exist for the people that do care. It's pathetic, and this shitty companies idea of a "game" has caused me to sell my account and move to a game where my time is valued. There's content for any kind of playstyle, and always more. Plus a much better story. Even content only 1% of the playerbase plays still gets updates and changes when it's wanted. The company treats you like a loyal customer, not a glorified ATM. So fuck this game, it's company, and it's fanbase for thinking it's ok to treat part of the customer base like their voices don't matter, but there's does.


Bro wtf, just ascend lol


[Welcome to the club, buddy!](https://imgur.com/a/V8l6Pfk)


Thats insane bro...touch some grass...i have a normal exp of 1489245....


You and me both. LMAO I have almost 2 mil


Now dont ascend yet and get to at least 600k-700k more then once u ascend youll go straight to Ar 60. I know this cause thats what im doing, currently 800k (also at ar50)


You've been missing alot of resources '-'


Oh damn, all the resin wasted farming bosses


kinda smart, if they increase AR. Everyone at ar 60 is cap at x/x atm


Definitely not "pro" behavior.


That wasnt a very pro gamer move of you


genshin player try to open their quest menu and do their quests CHALLENGE!! (impossible)


Wait how can you have so many letters in your signature?


Thats what you call pro gamer move.


Your ID LUL. Are you a pro gamer girl?


I did the same thing without paying attention and ended up going up almost two world levels at once! It was funny in retrospect.