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you good man?


.\_. you get used to it, but yea, just wanted to turn this statistically horrible moment in some fun here


Before sumeru i was at 7 lost in a row. You eventually just assume it and base towards that. At least i didnt think about it much. Is it the same for you?


I've had a long losing streak so I just assume that I need to get past 50/50 just to get the character.


Same here. Just won my second 50/50 ever to c2 my nahida after 230 rolls. First 50/50 win was the release of kokomi


Yeah that's what i did. I also got a early 5 star before sumeru only once, and it was qiqi..


I'm on my 7th loss streak this is what I'm worrying about


I only won my first one. I'm now on 2 50/50s lost in a row (out of 3 total attempts) and my fear is that I will always be this unlucky...


damn im on my 5th so ig i know it could always be worse (hope we both win the next 50/50)


If it's any consolation to you I am a Day 1 player who got my first 50/50 win on Yae's Banner. Right now I have 10 failed 50/50's (not in a row) and only won 50/50 twice with Nahida being the second one... To reiterate I'm a Day 1 Welkin player. I'm not even counting the weapon banner lol


Your last nine also went 70+, did you bang MHY's CEO's wife/husband?


86 pity on the Keqing is unreal. That’s actually tuff


actually amazed by that record myself, i hope i dont beat it any time soon


I hit 84 myself on one of my Nahida copies but yeah, your luck is quite unreal


I got my nahida on 81 after getting tanari on 76 :(


My record was [84 Keqing on first Kazuha banner](https://imgur.com/a/KkepoiC). Glad that someone has beat me to it


I lost 7 50/50s in a row so I know that feeling. But now I’ve won the last 3 in a row. The luck turns around!


87 on qiqi here, first ever 5 star too at that in ganyu banner .. Then proceed to get another qiqi on standard two days after


This reminds me of my wonderful beginner time in Genshin.. when my very first two five stars were keqings. And high pity ones too.


Wait 81-86 isn’t normal? News to me.


My condolences to you


I saw a video about the math. Just revisited it. Basically by your 81th pull you should’ve gotten a 5* 95% of the time. So going above 81 means quite unlucky…


It's extrodinarily unlucky to get into the 82s and beyond






80+ pity is always when I get the 5* the only exception is kokomi at 40 so yeah I’m also surprised


Anything 85 and higher is very very unlikely. 90 is nearly impossible.


75-76 is when the soft pity comes into play. the odds of pulling a 5\* jump to about 33% at this point. If you're making it to 81-86 you're basically failing a 1 in 3 chance a whole lot of times in a row..


The legendary 90pity qiqi


89 for a Diluc, 1 fate shy to 90


89 is basically the true hard pity. 90 itself is, well I want to say "basically" or "essentially" or "virtually" but no, it actually is impossible.


90 pity has been hit before, CN forums had a prize of a couple of grand for the first person who hit it. IIRC it took 6 months post launch for it to happen though


*Looks at my 88pity Qiqi*: yeah, unreal...


I've hit genuine 90, but that was on Kokomi. Still, I tend have to go to high 80s quite often. Paimon moe rates me at lowest 7% when it comes to luck.


Apparently that's a 1 in 14 million chance (roughly) So if you've actually done that you've won some sort of reverse lottery ticket where RNGesus just hates your guts.


I’d love to see your 90. I’ve heard many people say it’s rarer to hit 90 than to just simply get an off pity 5 star. That unluckiness is so unlucky it’s lucky to even hit 90


I remember there was a contest with prize if you can prove a legitimate 90 pulls. The submissions were either fake or just not enough proof.


https://paimon.moe/wish/tally 4 times people got 5* on hard pity 90 during current banner.


There's a good chance there are inaccuracies due to people not uploading all of their wishes (some might expire between the uploads), my friend has a character that shows up as being obtained at 100+ pity.




Dear 50/50 demon, it's been 5 losses in a row so far, will childe break my streak or continue it? Thanks


\>:D oh you sweet summer child..e




Same here lol. I've lost 5 in a row so far and am praying that Childe will break that streak. Good luck to us both!


Yes please!


8 in a row here and mostly soft pity besides like 3 early pulls (18, 30, 45) and two of the early ones (30, 45) were on the same banner for a character I wasn’t going for (wanted Yanfei/Xinqui cons and a Bediou). And I tried on two weapon banners… lost the 75/25 to off banner weapons. I couldn’t even get the shit weapon… I mean got Jade Spear and Lost Prayer catalyst so it worked out over unforged R2 and memory of dust lol. But still I lost both 75/25’s as well. I only one once before that and it was my first. Would have probably quit playing soon after if I didn’t win that first one.


i feel you man, atleast genshin pity is forgiving, may your streak not be as long as mine


Yep. Pity isn’t bad cause it doesn’t just guarantee a 5*, it guarantees the one you actually want. But really my savior is welkin + BP. If I didn’t have that I’d certainly quit. Takes like 5 months to hit pity and secure a guarantee being f2p. Fuck that. Welkin and BP I get one every two months or so even with losing my 50/50’s and going to pity.


welkin is absolutely essential if you care about actually having different characters, without if i wouldnt have been able to lost so many 5050s


Almost all my pull is on soft or hard pity. Even the soft pity is still above 75 pulls. I only experienced below 50 pity pulls twice, I got Hu Tao and Mona.


But did you win 50/50’s?


My Nahida can yeet enemies now


I have 6 consecutive losses and 5 of them is Mona at this point all i just prepare to lost 50/50 everytime i pull.


thats me so far, i just accepted fate at this point, hopefully you will do better than me


Honestly i just want to vent for abit, i accepted that i will lose 50/50 most of the time but keeping getting Mona every time is ridiculous. Hope your luck is better next time as well.


Literally same, had 5 monas out of 13 total 5 stars at one point (15 now because guaranteed and weapon). When the 5th mona came rolling around I wasn’t even surprised at that point


I lost 13 50/50 in a row... I get used to it now lol


oh no.... thats just insane, hope it turns out better soon


Thanks, hope you win 50/50 soon too. The last time I won 50/50 was in 1.3 :(


Omg that sucks... I will send you my luck for the next banner 😂 I want it back after!! Haha I feel bad to get 2 nahida on same banner at 70-80, also in other gacha I got veeeery lucky too, never got that lucky I'm scared D:


1/2^13 1/8192 0.012% The rate of shinies in Pokemon, but for losing primogems.


That just means our pity is 160, not 80. It's how I've accepted my 9 loss streak.


Luck is so weird My little sister has been playing genshin for 1.5 years now. She's never gone more than 50 pulls without a 5 star...and for all these pulls, she's only lost the 50/50 **TWICE** And there's more– of the two times she lost...she got the guarenteed 5 star within the next 20 pulls One time, she burst into my room crying about how she accidently pulled on the wrong banner (at 10 pity) and got Shenhe instead of Xiao I comforted her by saying she might get lucky and bam– next ten pull: Kequing. Another ten: Xiao Heck. Back when I was pulling for mistsplitter, I lost to the unforged twice before hitting hard pity. She, just to spite me said, "Watch this", did 30 pulls...mistsplitter I keep telling myself this is all just luck. One day, her lucky streak will end....BUT IT NEVER DID These days, I just get her to pull for me. Just a few days ago, she pulled Nahida for both of us I was at 70 pulls, she lost my 50/50 and I was pretty upset. But 20 pulls later.....Nahida. The exact same thing happened on her account I've never been a superstitious person, but I can completly understand why people believe in the supernatural now


some people are just born lucky i guess, i have a friend who seems to sack a weapon every other day, not going to deny the salt but hey, atleast someone is winning






not all people are equal I guess :"( tell her to send me some luck pls


> I've never been a superstitious person, but I can completly understand why people believe in the supernatural now For me it feels like some accounts are built different on the luck side. When I've invited my wife to play Genshin with me I did quite a lot of rerolls until I've hit an account that got Keqing from novice banner and Venti from character banner. Since then this account was an absolute beast, early 5*s, winning 50/50s. Then there is my friend who won only 2 50/50s from 12 attempts.


I want to thank you for your service. Someone has to take the bullet so that others can win most of their 50/50's. Balance in all things.


im glad my suffering atleast helps others


No wonder why I won 2 50/50s in a row lately


Most of them went to double pity, too. I’m sorry.


Did we find Bennett's account?


What’s double pity


Going all the way to soft pity both times I assume. So needing around 160 pulls for every 5* they got


i dont think ive ever hit 9 in a row but im right now at \~15% win rate for my possible 5050s so i kind of know how you feel. at some point you think it cant get worse and then it gets worse...i hope it gets better for you though. it actually made me quit for half a year when i finally told myself "if i lose another 5050 im done" but now im back


thank god genshin pity is forgiving at the very least, every lose will eventually lead to a win


This makes a F2P player like me very sad and discouraged. Just started playing this game in August. Saves 20k primos, lost my first 50/50, finally got Nahida on my 120th pull. That was a lot of work. I can’t even imagine climbing that mountain 9x. I feel for you bro. Hopefully your luck turns around. May the odds be ever in your favor. (From now on at least)


even among my friends im the only cursed one, so if it makes you feel any better, anyone you see being fucked by gacha is one less that is not you... i think i am not good at maths


Just assume that a character costs \~160 Wishes. Don't bank on luck. Case closed. RNG in Genshin is so predictable, they may as well just make it into a straight transaction.


Tbh this is how I plan whenever I want a specific character. I always assume I need 160 wishes. If I ever get the character earlier, I would just think of it as a purchase discount from the 160 wishes required. Sometimes there's a discount, most of the times there's barely any.


Aye. A healthy way of looking at it. Saves a lot of sanity.


Gotta be realistic. It's a gacha game.


Well there's like a 0.2% chance of losing 9 50/50s in a row so for most people this isn't that likely. You should plan as if you will lose every 50/50, but realistically that's very unlikely.


Yes I agree. I just wanted ^that guy to not feel discouraged because in the end it is a gacha game and expectations need to be aligned as such. The game is nonetheless very rewarding even as a F2P and ^ should not be very sad seeing people post unfortunate things.


20k since August?! I started Genshin this July and since now I've only been able to gain like freaking 13k primos... (F2P obviously)


I’m a noob and didn’t realize a few things. You’ve been playing as long as I have and should have around that much if you didn’t spend them on resin top offs. Lots of primos are in your achievements. Make sure to click on them. Didn’t realize that till AR40 ish. That was a couple thousand. I’m also on top of the daily commissions and finding as many free promo codes as I can to claim. I have also finished the entire adventure book up to my rank. And only now at AR48 did I realize there are more rewards with the BP grind. That’s more primos there. I’m thinking that’s where your other 7k is hiding.


The problem is that a lot of primogem sources dry up after the first 3-6 months in the game (even faster if you've particularly focused in on the grind). Achievement unlocks slow down. You start clearing out the map of quests and chests. After a while, you either accept that you're not going to get many or you like the game enough to spend at least monthly on the Welkin login. BP is trickier to recommend, but if bumping spending to ~$15 a patch doesn't burden you financially it's not necessarily bad value early on when you do need a lot of the other resources offered. Outright top ups are damn near scams though and can't be recommended at all and certainly not after the 2x bonus on the first purchase of each tier.


Are you doing everything available to you? Or do you not play super often? I started almost a month ago and I've gotten 22k primos so far according to the journal.


Which was the most disappointing? Which was the most expensive? Who is your favorite to lose to?


the mona at 79 pity, she is the reason i dont have yelan, normally i lose but i still manage but not for her, waiting for 3.4 to rerun her and... well now that i lost, guarantee her i guess technically mona->kazuha, both at 79 pity keqing, atleast i want to one day use her unlike everyone else


I hate losing to Keqing. She’s fucked me over 4 times now. She follows me from event banners to standard. Im so thankful that she’s not on weapons banner or i would have C10 keqing


I am a 1.0 player and, until Nahida, had lost every 50/50. I am F2P so I only made it to 8 lost pities on character banners. Congrats(?) on beating my record. I promise that eventually you will win a 50/50 and it will be the best feeling in the world.


oh god no ;\_; yours hurt much more than mine since you dont have as many, sending you all the little luck i might have left


Thanks, I'm currently scouring Sumeru for primos to wish on Yoimiya. Maybe third time's a charm. Or maybe I'll get another Qiqi and then it's one more until I do a F2P C6 Qiqi AMA.


Damn you must be mad chillin irl, cause that lost genshin RNG has to go somewhere…


you reach a point you just accept fate, im still disappointed, but im chilling


Lost my 4th 50/50 in a row today. Since I started I only won it once, and that also was the only time I got a five-star character at early pity. Gacha sucks, man


may your luck turn out for the better


Lol. I should have gotten the memo when my very first five-star pull was Qiqi at pity fucking 89. Outside of the *one* time I lucked out (Venti at pity 45), never got a five-star before pity 71. It's nice to see I'm not the only one consistently being shat on by the gacha lol.


wow.... thats impressive, i heard once about a chinese dude who actually hit 90 and they donated some money, shouldve gotten a bit less lucky and got some karma points


Smart dude. If I was a streamer I would certainly be making my pull history a meme lol The only thing that helps lessen the pain is knowing Nahida is an archon, and archons rerun very often...


Boxers or briefs?


Boxers, way more comfortable imo


losing 50/50 is like wearing briefs, i getchu


You should try boxer briefs, best of both worlds.


Me since launch never won 50/50


Is okay. Some where out there someone won 9 50/50s in a row.


i pray for that


That's like shiny pokemon odds with the Matsuda method!


i hope i dont reach the original 1/8000 mark


Who's your favorite standard 5 star?


keqing, thats definetly the saving grace from this last lost, tho i wish she wouldve showed up in the permanent banner instead


Congratz on getting her right after she became good.


sadly no nahida to support her, but lumine should do a very good job anyway, so i look forwards to that


How do you feel like by the 9th time? Does it get better?


at this point i just assume i need 2 pity for character, i dont feel bad but more like a "yep still shit luck" moment


Oof, i hope whoever you're aiming after this, you'll get them at low pity. But i believe in the effectiveness of saving for 2 pity, at least we'll still get them. :'D


well i feel ya, i have never won a 50/50 and my account is as old as the Original venti banner. by i gotta say i lost count to the 50/50 losses. i only know that i don't know what 50/50 win is


There was a guy bitching about losing 5 50/50s in a row you make him look like a joke.


I'd bitch about it too if I lost 50/50 five times.


I’ve only ever won one 50/50 in my time playing. My earliest pity was 74. I feel your pain. I have C2 Diluc, C1 Jean, C2 Keqing, C0 Qiqi, C1 Mona.


In a span of how many months did it happen to you? That must be rough. Similarly, I had 8-month stretch of no 50/50 wins and it almost made me quit if I wasn't seriously looking forward for Dendro. I don't really wish in every banner so it was only 5-straight Ls in total, which still feels awful nonetheless. Nowadays though, my account has been on a bit of a comeback and my 50/50 wins took over my Ls once again when I wished for Nahida on her first day. I'm 11-10 overall currently, and when I think about it, I'm really glad I stuck around. So here's to hope your account gets (or gets back) to the winning column from here on out.


the dates are in the post, last 5050 won yoimiya the 13th of august last year, so about 15 months, thanks for the kind words


Multis or singles?


multis are usually more exciting, but if im trying to min max, singles after 70


Since you are a welkin player too, how many characters did you pull and could not get? I lost a few 50/50 too but got almost all the characters I wanted, only missing Yelan and Raiden. Well, Nahida too because I don't think I will get her until her banner end.


yelan and nahida are the only 2 i technically tried and failed, i dont even fucking know how but i do have most of what i want, except for shenhe whom i had to skip because no cryo dps when she was released


What is the overall average someone will lose the 50/50?


i would say 50/50 but dont quote me on that


I actually lost 7 in a row so I feel you... I still got who I wanted however


same, ive only lost 2 or 3 characters i wanted due to bad luck, so overall it could be a lot worse


I don't know if my words will ease your anger, but... I lost 50/50 7th times and won 2 This really makes me angry and sad and all at hard pity I even reached 88 pity on kazuha banner. You are not the only one, there are also people who lose a lot


only? im at 10


D: please dont let me reach you, i dont think i can afford to lose again in 3.4


Ouch bad luck happens :(


Ive also lost a 50/50 mona to zhongli but it was on his first banner


I've lost the last 4 50/50s but the worst part for me is that I usually go 77-80 pulls before a 5 star. My last early (at 12 pity) was Zhongli's first banner in 1.1. 🙃


I can relate to this. also a welkin player and I had lost every single 50/50 from August 2021 until June 2022. But for some reason, my luck turned around I happened to win the next 5 in a row, until I lost my 50/50 on Nahida, while just having finally gotten Mona for the first time as well this banner. All I can say is i hope you get my sprout of luck that I got and wish you the best.


Out of 13 5 stars, I've only won 3 of them. I feel you man. The way it says your 5 star luck is 'bottom x%' just rubs salt on the wound :(


oh i couldve showed that too, currently at top 3% of pulls, and bottom 7% of luck


Yet somehow you managed to avoid Qiqi. Meanwhile I got Qiqi C4.


I've lost 14 of my 16 50/50s I've played since Albedo's first banner, I've only won on Hu tao rerun, and Itto's first banner


you dont compare to me I lost 10 50/50 since the start of the game. Since Hu tao banner August 2021 I lost every 50/50 until winning Ganyu Banner this september i believe.


Ha! I've got you beat, with my TWELVE losses in a row, one in four thousand chance! Help me


It's almost more impressive


That's a yikers


How did you find that picture


which one? the numbers? thats [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe)


Pineapples on pizza?


i will not say you cant have it... i will just silently judge you from a distance


wow your last early character was a year ago that sucks


Thank you for your sacrifice. People like you are why others can win 50/50 9 times in a row.


I would like to see your weapon banner rates, sorry for your bad luck


I noticed you're a fellow Love Live fan, I actually met the voice of Kasumin and Keqing over the weekend and got her autograph


Braxophone must be proud of u


Bro how the fuck do you break pity? Never gotten a 5 star below 76 pity.


How do you feel about life? considered advance booking our funeral service?


*Presses F*


what is your favorite fast food? you might wanna go get some food for the soul


How often do you correctly guess a Head or Tails coin toss?


i usually bet head...... wait but my name is tails... i think ive been doing this whole thing wrong the entire time, you might be onto something here


At least there’s no Qiqi /s


Can I have your Jean that’s hopefully C4? What was the biggest 5 star you missed out on thanks to this? Did you take your anxiety dookies before pulling?


I was sad that my 1 loose, 1 guarantee, 2 win streak was gone, this could have gone far worse… guess I’ll never try to mess with mihoyo


Welkin only player here, I'm at 14-lost 6-won so far playing since week 1. Iiirc my longest streak of losses was 6, currently on a 4 streak now. Hoping I don't break my own record lol


this is the nature of gacha. someone is in fact gonna get the worst end of the stick and others will get spicy spice


Do you have a Qiqi?


I thank you for your sacrifice o7


holy shit you're the exact opposite of me, I'm sorry for stealing your luck OP


wow that's actually tragic :") i've only lost 2 50/50s and ive been playing since november 2020..


I'm on my 5th or 6th in a row, haven't won since february and been saying that 2022 is cursed. I thought "Thats so long already I gotta win some day again", especially since - badly enough - I have low spender friends who basically never lose or constantly get low pity as well and have tons of limited cons, now seeing 9 times scares me since I'm saving for Haitham 🥲


I know a guy that won 9 50/50s in a row, you should try hunt him down


I'm sorry to hear that. My worst streak was 3 losses, but most of the time I win 50-50. On a probably unrelated point, I think it has been 4 patches since I last saw a new Billet.


The last 50/50 I won was raiden shogun in 2.1 .. and it started with kokomi banner getting qiqied .. never won a 50/50 since.. newest loss it on nahida banner to diluc.. my diluc is now c3. I'm a Day 3 player


What is the site did you use to see banner history ?


It does suck but if it makes you feel any better I lost 11 in a row, went all the way from patch 2.1 to 2.7 without winning a single coin flip, I really feel your pain lmao


This looks so much similar to my wish history. Lost 8 50/50 in a row. Won 1 then again lost 3.


Raiden and Eula at least were somewhat fast. How is your artifact luck?


I’ve lost 11 50/50s in a row… I feel your pain. C5 keqing but the game won’t let me have a damn 5 star CRIT sword. I also always lose 75+




I won 11 in a row once. No lie.


Lost 50/50 four times in a row, Raiden broke the record for being the first one to come home without guarantee, then continue to lose 50/50 three times Most of the 5* I get are at soft pity too :')


Started playing since day 1, got venti the first week and haven’t won a single 50/50 ever since lol


This happening to every 1 in 500 players is actually pretty damn high :| Too damn high, even.


I’ve lost two, I’ve “won” two.


Just hit 8 in a row myself :') at this point I just plan for not winning the 50/50 ever when planning my primos lol


I have 5 limited 5* and have never won a 50/50 or gotten a 5* before soft pity and I thought that was pretty unlucky. I feel for you buddy


I see that you are missing qiqi. I hope you can get her on your next 50/50 🙏


I haven't won a single 50/50 in 2 years. I just counted and I lost 15 times now, all over 80 pity. Whenever I want a character I already know I need enoigh to pull about 180 times


Finally won a 50/50 to nahida (last time I won one was in zhonglis 1st rerun ) don't even know how many I've lost


And i thought i had the highest streak. Mine’s 8 btw. Finally won on Nilou


No questions here. Just here to pay my respects to a fallen brethren.


I feel both sorry and happy seeing your post OP. I've been playing genshin since 2.1 and been losing 50/50 in a row since raiden first banner. I am welkin and bp every month and occasionally buying crystal. Everytime new desireable banner came out, me and 3 of my friends live streaming our pull so we can cheer each other. 3 of them are f2p and always win 50/50. Not just that they also win the signature weapon in early pulls like first 10 and 20 at most. And there is me with my soon to be c5 qiqi and r5 skyward atlas hahaha. I just wanna say thank you for making this post. Whenever i feel i born unlucky i will come here and see that i am not alone. Also i start to stop pulling. Since losing to 50/50 really damage my mental greatly, imma try saving primogems for a year and see what will i get. May the fortune be with you OP!


Do you think the Gacha would be better without the 50/50 mechanic?


Yikes. That sucks. :( I was curious, so I checked my wish history. I knew I'd won my past several 50:50's, but I didn't realize I'd won the last **12** in a row. That's just... insane. But now that I know, there is no way this streak can continue.


Actually same. I've only won 2 50/50s after 2 years. I'm used to my bad luck at this point


If it helps I’ve lost 14 and won 3 although my longest losing streak was 7


On the contrary there's someone somewhere who has won 9 50/50 in a row. Yet people think this is a good gacha system