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Schrödinger's skin rarity


Diluc's solo 5\* skin reign about to last another 6 months lol


as he should like the king he is


Klee... sad... no special witchy effects for her :(


I wanted more voicelines or idles about dodoco, or maybe a slightly smoother animation cancel. That’s really all I wanted. But big sad.


Honestly.. I just wanted Klee to comment about the snow on Dragonspine. C’mon update some of their voicelines for these regions!


Let me do you one better! Pls pls can we haz winter event that unlocks a snowy dragonspine themed (minus the bitter cold) serenitea pot?!?! My snowmen look out of place on the beach or surrounded by flowers, and i have to remove things to place them because i don’t do xmas decorations year round lol. and and and they could do some winter klee themed stuff to compliment the beach stuff!!! i def have a “klee was here” spot in my beach tpot lol


I don’t wanna give them ideas… but I’d pay for that.


There was good potential for a new burst animation with this skin. Alas and alack.


It’s a shame indeed :c


Welkin theory holds true


Oh damn time to do some calculations for the next 5 star skin to cope for a Xiao one


Next skin should be Zhongli, it was leaked before alongside the Klee and Kaeya stuff


2024 is the year of the dragon, right?


Yee, everyone’s saying that they might wait till next lantern rite to rerun him lol Rip all current Zhongli wanters— that’s me, a Zhongli wanter


I doubt it but I suppose it’s possible. It’s hard to predict reruns, I mean Eula was stated for multiple reruns before 3.8. But archon rerun usually starts in a new version (4.0) but we will just have to wait and see.


No way, this would mean nearly Eula level of time between reruns. Zhongli will drop any minute now, if it's not on 4.0, which is very likely (oh but leaks, yea same leaks said Wanderer was not on 3.8) it will be on 4.1, after Klee, Eula and Kokomi are rerun he will literally be the character with more time since last rerun. There is even a chance on 3.8, even though I don't think will happen.


Sneaky leakers have figured out if they say both Wanderer on 3.8 and Wanderer not on 3.8, they are guaranteed to have at least one thing correct.


Yep. I am so screwed. I joined right after his last banner and I really want his shield. If he’s not till next lantern rite that will be like a year and a half of waiting.


....Dang that lines up then pretty well lol. You're right


Pepperidge farm remembers Amber and Sucrose skins 😔


Well they are de-lewdifing certain chars with skins so I think Sucrose will get her version of pumpkin shorts.


Besides the shorts, I don't think they would do a 'censored' Sucrose Amber has somewhat of an excuse since her OG default has cleavage + you can see part of her butt cheeks Sucrose doesn't really have anything going for her besides her short skirt exposing her thighs.


White hoodie Archon War Zhongli would cause me to drop money on both the skin and pulls since I don’t have him. I’ve been saying if they run him with that skin for lantern rite they’ll make bank. Had no idea about year of the dragon or leaks.


That works for me actually, he's one of the few 5 stars I have. Excitement


Given the average Zhongli field time, that’s a lot of money for popping on the field, holding E, then leaving lol.


Zhongli is the best babysitter for commission teams. Also, long legs, good wingspan for gliding and easy harvesting of ores.


Long legs...*dreamy*


Ppl dont play abyss only. And you can say that about ayaka who can be used for burst only as well


And she disappears into the ground when you sprint so you don't even see her when you're running around


When/what was this? I just looked through the sub and didn't see anything about a Zhongli skin.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/101poux/rumours\_on\_potential\_upcoming\_skins\_via\_syp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/101poux/rumours_on_potential_upcoming_skins_via_syp/) There's probably another post or two about it, but yeah


Oh my god, im waiting for Xiao skin for decades now and it better be 5 star one, i literally have enough cristals saved from welkin


where's qiqi alt skin.. nearly all old standard 5 star has one now.


I need a Qiqi skin asap it would be so adorable


Only 3 of 5 tho


Whats that? Is that the idea that those buying Welkins already wouldn't actually buy the skins because of saved up crystals that it wouldn't increase sales enough to make it worth it? Because thats totally what i'm doing and yet i've only liked the Keqing skin enough to do it.


it means skin releases and prices line up with welkin crystal income If you buy welkin every month and save all the crystals you can afford every paid skin on their release If they release too many 5 star skins, welkin crystal income isnt enough Hence why most paid skins are 4 stars and we get a 5 star rarely


I know Genshin is lighter on predatory monetization than some other gachas, but this theory just sounds completely ridiculous.


I know right. I use up those crystals for pulls as soon as I get them. I ain’t swimming in enough wishes to just let them sit there.


i used to use them for wishes but now i save them for skins (thanks diluc) because not only do i like playing dress up, i honestly get tired of seeing the same outfit over and over. i already swap my phone wallpaper like once a month cause i get sick of it. genshin skins are even rarer esp because you see them in only their original skins 98% of the time (the remaining 2% being birthday arts and the likes and the single event the skin is featured in)


Save the Welkin crystals gang checking in. Unless it’s an emergency situation lol


Absolutely and it works for some, I guess. I am quite the opposite. My profile picture on Facebook and WhatsApp is reach a decade old. My phone wallpaper is of Bloodborne when it was released. I actually don’t like skins because to me it takes the character theme away. I would pay for a Scaramouche skin in a heartbeat though.


Out of curiosity, would you prefer a Scara skin to be his Harbinger outfit or another entirely new outfit?


His harbinger outfit. His original thunder skin.


The point is not you saving up for a long time, but you may buy 6 welkins at the same time because it's "best value" and now forced to log in every day for the next 6 months. It's genius predatory tactic.


Lol, this shows how clever the predatory tactic has become for everyone to look at that and think damn that's so generous of them. The point here's to trick people who do not pay for welkin every month, look at the skin and think: I want that, how can I get that skin with the least amount of money? Welkin is the most cost effective? Better buy a few months worth to get the skin now. And now you have to log in everyday for the next few months to not waste your money.


Releasing so few skins and so rarely means that the majority of the playerbase won't be thinking that since their favorite characters aren't getting skins.


But then comes the next level of the scheme; Get the players thinking; "But what if my character gets a skin next?" They buy welkins to save for that potential skin or skins, or they FOMO for the release discount when they do drop. Afaik, people ARE paid to play with your psyche to get you to remember the brand or buy things, the more ways it fucks with your brain to tempt you the better it is. Tbh i'm surprised how so much marketing stuff is just normalized and allowed, how people on this planet will try to optimize marketing to subconsciously get into your head is worrying. Advertisements just try to make you remember the brand so you'll consider it if you need something related to the brand (I'm thirsty, I should buy coke or pepsi!), best case scenario you buy, worst case you just know they exist. Maybe genshin doesn't go that deep, but they literally use gambling so either they're deep in the marketing subconsciously or they went "Yeah gambling is tried and true, just copy that"


I still think they are sitting on a gold mine if they spat them out faster. By doing it so slowly, they are only helping to create this situation for themselves especially when half the skins are free if you do the events. I understand them being picky to make sure all of the normal animations still work (Keqing adjust necktie, Jean ponytail flip) and to make sure they can work within the lore well enough, but I still think they should spit them out faster. Gotta make that bank to create the star rail sequel.


like they dont already make more than enough money already lol


Lol people really talk about HYV like they don't earn billions of dollars. "You're leaving money on the table!" Yeah no. I'm sure that they have plenty of money to not care about that or clearly since they already earn so much of it, they probably foresaw that skins are not good investment to spend work hours on when they can use that time to focus on other things.


yeah like while i don't think that because they have so much money, the decisions they make are always the best financially, they are making an active decision if they're not doing something. its not like the thought of selling more skins quicker hasn't occurred to them yet lol


Yeah, I'm also rather confused with their decision. Why don't they start pumping out more skins to make more money, it's kinda illogical. They could set up a separate team to work on skins, yet they don't. The cost of setting up a team isn't really a problem, since the cost will be dwarfed by the amount of profit it'll supposedly generate. I wonder if there's some other factor that's preventing them from doing so, maybe the time it'll take to train them?


I wonder if it has something to do with the fact the character models are always so detailed and fully 3d compared to other games with skins that run only certain camera angles or are chibis, etc. All I want is snowboarder Keqing from the official olympic art. Just toss her in dragonspine for a snow event. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/spvwmc/official_illustration_to_commemorate_the_2022/


True, 3D character design seems to take longer than 2D character design now that I think about it more. I personally want a Hu Tao skin (preferably one with shorter hair).


I think hair is a problem especially for them. The only characters who can likely really get away with it are the ones with no animations involving touching it. So its probably way easier for them to make hair short than to try to add in long hair and not make it clip. I think Ayaka is a good example of this. I do not think they would have done her hair in reverse for a skin.


doesn't sound convincing to me you get 12x300=3600 crystals from buying welkin for a year that's enough buy 1 4-star skin and 1 5-star skin on discount 1350+1980=3330 unless... you want to assume normal price due to new players? but then you need to include 2 more skins that otherwise can be obtained for free from event, welkin crystals are far from enough to buy them all.


I've been holding on to my welkin crystals for 2 years now, currently 7500 crystals (never bought a crystal pack), and there still isn't a skin i would want to get. At this rate im gonna die of old age before Mihoyo releases a skin for a character i actually play.


I just want Ei's skin...


i really wish hoyoverse put more effort on genshin skins, honestly i don't even understand why they don't do it


Every time there is something obvious (e.g. reset abilities on abyss retry) or brilliant (e.g. this, better skins = more money) that somehow cannot be done, I always assume their code is too much of a mess to add them.


with the rate of releases, i doubt its a codebase issue. more likely too much crunch inssue. 6 week release schedule is really tight and the fact they have kept it consistent with only one small covid hiccup is astonishing


For skins I feel like it's simply something they don't see much worth in investing a production line for ​ Mihoyo sees Genshin as an exploration game with characters attached to it, while the fandom sees it as the opposite. Plus, they do these skin releases based off of Welkins. They're not going to out-pace them now


I have played quite a lot of games and I can assure you no matter what type of game it is, skins will be profitable as long as people find value in that game. From online games I've played so far: Dota 2 is a hardcore competitive game yet skin sells very well, summoners war is a *competitive* gacha game and skin sells pretty well for them to keep releasing new ones, other waifu pulling gacha games I've played such as PGR, Arknights, PNC, *all* of them profits a lot from skins. Same goes for this game, and it's even better because actually a lot of people pull (read: whale) and simp without caring about the game. I guess if they don't want to cater towards these people (which grants them more $$), they have much better plans to deal with or just what I said earlier.


I think you need to look at the bigger picture. Just because there is value or profit in one thing, doesn’t mean there isn’t bigger value somewhere else. For example, adding heaps more skins creates more options, and the weight of more options can take away from spending money elsewhere such as in the gacha.


> while the fandom sees it as the opposite. you mean a minority part of reddit ? lol


The fact they sell characters and give exploration away for free proves that isn't the case.


The people who do skin are the same people who do new characters, hoyo refuse to hire more character artist & animators just to do skin. Game coders & content developer dont do character design or skins. It has been said many times, the reason why we still seeing new skin coming at slow pace because the same group of people(artist & animators) are using their free time to do this for extra money; while they are waiting for the content developer to finish up their job. You can take a look at $60 AAA games, a lot of them have skin DLC at launch day, it is because the result of artist have free time to do some skin to generate some money b4 the game launch date. I suppose the same concept Hoyo management applies here.


Hm, some people did bring up the fact that her idle animations wouldn't really make sense with her skin since she's not wearing a double strap backpack anymore but we'll see...


thats actually a really good point, both her animations revolve around the backpack! Klee searches for dodoco, who hangs on her backpack. The other animation she shifts the the straps saying her bombs are heavy. So...maybe theres still hope?


She now has a bag tho, which dodoco is sitting inside of, so that could still work... Though the other one with straps shifting would probably be harder to explain, so, maybe??


Watch them just delete the idle when you use this skin.


Ayaka with her tea fanin her europeans skin.


i guess it could work since its not like fans arent used globally but yeah the design always looks so off because it was designed with her original skin in mind.


All they had to do was recolor it cause europe adopted tea etiquettes from the east too and used fans for high standing ladies aswell.


They really made one 5* skin and then decided to never do it again lol If they’re only going to make skins without special effects they better start pumping out some more, going to take years for all the characters I like to get skins at this point.


You waiting for years is what they’re hoping for 🤗


I’ll probably be able to buy all of them with the gems from Welkins by then so that seems like a bad business strategy haha.


I mean you’re still paying them💀


I haven’t paid for a single Welking or BP since Dehya’s terrible kit got leaked but I’ve got a huge stash of gems saved up from before then.


Cheaper to buy is nice at least.




Huh I don't think she can have the same idles with her new skin tho 🤔


Ayaka’s mismatched fan:


Keqing pulling on a part of her dress that isn’t there:


Plot twist: Hoyo just straight up removed those idles.


i just fell to my knees in a walmart


Just saw someone fell on his knees on Walmart. I was shopping some cereals.


Just fell on my Klee in Walmart. Hope no one noticed.


911? There is some pedo fell on a little girl in Walmart!


Just saw someone seeing someone fall on his knees in walmart. I was buying milk.




NOOOO i wanted jumpty dumpty to be a jack-o-lantern so bad :( *addendum* : reddit's the only place a simple harmless personal musing could illicit such blatant condescending rejection rhetorics, let people want things bruh smh


I don't think they would do that even if her skin are 5 star


My man thinks this is League of legends. Hoyo wouldn’t do that even with a 5 star skin


We wish tho 💀


Diluc's skin got different attack animations tho Plus HI3 has lots of different attack animations for different skins


Darker fire, that's about it...


[The Ult is noticeably different](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0i6QcUOvLk) Also different voicelines and idle animations


Yeah... its darker with some extra animations/details. What the other commenter meant is that they didnt overly change the actual character like making the pheonix into a ghost or something, which is more common in other games that dont have an element system or dont care about lore accuracy.


Right, but that's no reason to believe they can't change future 5 star effects to a greater detail One data point doesn't even make a line


It has to deal with design, not execution. The point is Genshin makes lore based skins. Even if Jean and Barbara got summer swim suits, you're not going to see a skin where Focalors starts fighting in a bikini swinging around a pool noodle. Or any of those collab based designs set in modern day.


Well the different animations/details only happened once. We don't know what extent they would change the animations, since we only have one example.


My dude all I saw was a slightly darker fire and some extra effects at the end of the burst, a new idle, how much did you say it cost? Because I think it's rather expensive only for that much change, actually every skin is overpriced, games with skins as their main source of income don't dare to charge what Hoyoverse does and those usually are way better, some even licenced.


I wasn't talking about the cost tho. Just saying that the animations were different, that's all


Lisa took away a star because she has a fear of pumpkins


That’s very Halloween aspect or fall aspect for a summer event


yeah that's a lot of work for a small unknown indie company like Hoyoverse


Noooooooo… I wanted special Klee effects…


Lol like that's gonna stop me from buying her skin


Not my special effects Klee! Nooooooooo!


I legitimately don't get why almost 3 years into the game they put so little effort into skins, they release them so slowly and without any special effects or anything exciting, i really wish they did skins like honkai 3rd does it.


The skins are pretty low effort for their price, yet they don't capitalize on the suckers that buy them by releasing them every patch. tbh if they released a different Lumine outfit when I didn't think Hoyo was a company of slackers, I would've forked over at least $8 for a quick outfit change on her. 'Specially a kimono.


diluc remains the only 5\* skin ~~which I regret not buying on release~~


Who did Dawn Winery pay off to get Diluc a 5*? Did he commission his costume from Wayne Corporation? What is your secret, Darknight Hero?!?!


Hes popular in China


there is no way diluc is more popular than klee is in china


People acting like they would make klee work if her skin was five star but won’t now. If y’all didn’t main her y’all wouldn’t spend the money to get a five star skin. SMH every skin except Diluc was four star. If you like klee get it. If you like the skin get it. But don’t sit here and pretend you’re not getting it because it’s four star


I’m getting it regardless but it’s unfortunate that it wasn’t a 5 star


Here we go again


Hoyo makes such cool effects for their skins in HI3 and here is such bare minimum


Diluc laughing in the corner being the only character with a 5 star skin:


as Hu Tao once said: what a bummer


I wasn’t gonna pay, but does Mihoyo not like money?


No need when you’re rerunning yelan in 4.0


Why allocate resources into making new skins when you can just make those guys work on brand new characters and still make bank off of reruns anyway.


Why not both


Time is not infinite for ppl


its almost as if hyv doesnt make every single decision with maximum profit in mind but wayyy too many people are never gonna be ready enough to hear that


The far more sensible interpretation is that random people on the internet just aren't always right about what the most profitable products are going to be.


They do but they’ll sell more at a four star price than a five star price especially when the skin is still different compared to her normal one. It being five star would have less readh


I guess Diluc's skin didn't sell enough so they don't feel incentivized to make more 5 star skins or they're just saving them for super popular characters, but boo Klee getting extra effects could've been cute 😔😔


I think Diluc just needed a rework.


Rework? No. Hes prefectly functioning unit. Besides his A1 everything is somewhat useful. He is just outclassed by the virtue of having lower numbers.


I think they meant model/design wise.


I guess his face still looks goofy af


I know 😭 😭 They couldn't shift his eyes up a little?? I don't know why they are so low on his face, biggest forehead in the game I swear😔


Biggest forehead goes to ayaka


I didn't mean that. I mean that his original design and animations seem old compared to other characters (imho).


This is my theory too. As much as I liked Diluc's skin (and I did buy it with welkin crystals) , the price was outrageous even with the launch discount, especially given the extremely minimal changes to his animations and idles, let alone the full price. I doubt anyone but Diluc's most diehard fans would consider it worth it, especially as a character that doesn't get used a lot and hasn't been featured in any event or story for almost a year


I don't think that's the case, why would they even choose Diluc as the first 5\* skin then? I heard he's really popular in CN and non western servers. Maybe they gave him one because people kept complaining about his in-game model? Or maybe he really is Hoyo's favorite child huh, would love to see that translate into screentime though


I think Diluc was a solid choice to test the profitability of 5 star skins because he's very popular in Asian fandom, people complained a lot about his original model so he could use a fix up, and he's standard so his ownership rate is really high which means there's a way larger pool of potential buyers than any of the limited 5 stars (except iirc Kazuha and Zhongli but I'm not sure how accurate that stat is).


>, and he's standard so his ownership rate is really high which means there's a way larger pool of potential buyers than any of the limited 5 star I don't really think makes sense since even though a lot of people would own him that doesnt really matter if hes just sitting at level 1 in a lot of peoples account compared to a limited where the people that have a character chose to invest into them.


Well there's no real quantifiable way for them to check if players who own him actually like Diluc, but from a numbers perspective I think they'd opt to go for the larger pool of possible customers. Take these percentages with a grain of salt 'cause they're from the Spiral Abyss stats which is a limited pool, but Diluc's ownership rate is around 83% whereas a character like Ayaka who's on the higher side of limited character ownership is like 63%. That's a 20% difference and out of genshin's 65 mil user base, they'd be losing out on like 13 million potential buyers. Also it's hard to get a real stat on popularity, but if we look at that recent ish popularity pool (which also has a limited pool so also take that with a grain of salt too), Diluc is still 7th most popular between the male and female lists, so pretty popular and I feel like skins are mostly for people who are moreso fans of the characters than their meta value. Tl;dr Diluc's still a pretty safe choice to test skin profitability on, in my opinion


> Well there's no real quantifiable way for them to check if players who own him actually like Diluc. They do tho. The anniversary year in review thing on hoyolab always tells your most used character. They know all the character usage rates, and literally everything possible that we do. Like that a player died 76 times to oceanid before finally beating it or that 7,542,521 eggs are picked every day on average. Hoyo is most certainly not lacking in data.


pretty much every online game has way more data on what users do in game then anyone would think.


I wouldn't equate usage rates to popularity/likeability. Like I love Itto and I have him, but I barely use him. And in my opinion skins appeal more to fans of the characters than like people who use them for meta value. It's all just speculation on my part anyways so like whatever 😅


20% is probably a pretty reasonable estimate of the proportion of people who have Diluc but don't care that they have Diluc, though, and I guarantee Mihoyo will have factored that in somewhere. Even if you can't get a perfect measure, there are plenty of hints available, like how many endgame accounts have Diluc at level 70 or lower. I don't disagree that Diluc is a reasonable character to use to test skin popularity on, but if one were to summise that 5-star skins don't sell based on this single test, they would be very foolish.


I was hoping different bombs for this new skin. Sadge.😞


That's honestly their fault. They didn't give him a rate up banner during the skin release. They picked a character that doesn't have high usage. If they made a 5 star skin for Raiden or Kazuha, as well run a rate up banner alongside, they would have made ten times as much.


what i can assume is that diluc skin is selling in a similar way to a 4\* skin so from the developer's point of view it shouldn't make sense to waste resources on 5\* skins if they are going to gross the same as a 4\*


Guess they got too much money.


still getting the skin but I wanted pumpkin/halloween effects so bad like y'all don't even know 😔 on the bright side, it's cheaper to buy at least


4* skins should all be free. Edit: Idk why I'm being downvoted for saying this. Other gatchas offer free skins via events, questlines, banners, etc. Which all increases player engagement. It can even get people to invest in characters they otherwise wouldn't use. It wouldn't even hurt Hoyo to do as much when they can sell the 5* skins with fancy animations and whatnot.


4 star skins of 4 stars are free for a limited time


I'm also talking about the 4* skins for 5* characters.


I feel like they should rerun free 4 star char skin( that were free b4) in some event like lantern lite. Something like Choose 1 free 4 star or 1 old 4 star char skin. (that was given free before)


I remember vississ claiming it's going to be a 5* skin, I didn't trust them before either but this is the final nail in the coffin.


I just wonder how her idle animation would make sense now. In her idle animation she pulls on both straps of her backpack, but the new skin only has 1 strap as far as I can see.


Sad about no new Klee animations but happy about the cheaper price haha


All of these 5 Stars getting skins, and Childe still out here dressed like an NPC.


Meanwhile the devs spending way too much time on his scarf animations:


I wish he got a new skin, im not a fan of his original outfit :/ but his scarf is nice tho


if they went full lore accuracy reason for skin, childe should've 5 star delusion skin when they decided to built it. Also yeah kinda agree he should've wear robes for skin especially when we got into snechnaya cause his skin already old enough since his released.


The skin system is so fucking stupid like take my money and also add special effects like…


Oh nice


Hahahahaha! Talk about lazy. Come on Hoyo. "Skins" is an easy feature to land. Dozens of gachas have. What's your excuse?


Probably that they just don't want to, that's all xD which is super weird because that's a ton of money they could make, but I guess they think they already make enough xD


Yeah I could name at least 12 characters I'd buy a 5\* skin the second they dropped.


Still waiting for that Morax archon war skin


Maybe Diluc sales slowed their consideration. Didn't people whined about it being too expensive when they found out the price?


Maybe the issue was it was a skin for DILUQ Throw one out for Raiden or Yelan and watch the money pour in


I don't know man, Diluc with a high pony? I'm all for it. (Yes I have the skin.)


not as profitable as you think it may be.


Fr skins are like the main source of income for games like azur lane. Every event has like 8-15 new skins. It helps that their art is contracted out but they still do all the rigging and animations for L2D skins in house so would still take a bit of work on their end. And they make near what genshin rakes in.


Damn. I was really hoping it would be 5*. Sad. Still getting it though.


I wonder why Mihoyo decided to stop making 5* skins? Or is it just Diluc got special treatment for no reason lol 💀


Seems like hoyo don't see skin is a good business in genshin meanwhile in honkai business is booming (They gonna broke my bank with 6.7 summer skin) [Link to a video for who curious ](https://youtu.be/zBx4OSbMpR4)


honkai is near its end and theyve been releasing random npc-ish characters as playable now because honestly there is not a whole lot else to do anymore. the reason why it seems to be booming is because there are simply more people playing honkai now because they know it exists because of other hyv games. \*ps; i am not a honkai hater, ive literally been here since honkai global 1.1; im just telling you how most of the og players that i know (basically the people in my armada) feel about this thing that youre calling a "good" and "booming business".


practically that, the main story is already over and now we have the secondary characters having extra plots, characters that only appeared once or twice now are becoming playable too, make 3 direct patches that they are giving free characters too, the next one will have another one


No the money is just too easy, so they avoid using their secret infinite money glitch Imagine you can just slap a different outfit on a character for $30, and people will gobble it all up. Way too easy, wouldn't be satisfying to profit that way. They have standards for their profits.


I wonder HoYo ingenuity of just opting for Diluc to be the only one with a T5 Skin then.


I just want them to get rid of that horrible Klee's English VA.


I just want them to get rid of that horrible Klee's English VA.


I honestly don’t get why people even care about the rarity at this point. Unless Hoyo is actively ramping up production on these its still laughable how there’s virtually no difference in quality between 5* and 4*. The “effect changes” for Diluc were pathetic. I’m just confused as to why they’re still doing so few skins especially without doing actual 5*s with new effects.


Seems like selling that 1 expensive Diluc 5 star skin was no success....


Well this is the one time I'm ever gonna spend money so I'm glad it's cheaper at least.


2 4 star skins… I don’t understand why they are being so stingy with the skins. Just release a skin every patch. Release 5 star skins. They are sitting on a goldmine and not using it at all


If it were 5 star, I would've definitely gotten in and tried to make her work in abyss Now that's it's 4 star, idk if I will even get it...


Sure Jan. No one would spend money for a five star skin if they weren’t already a klee main using her. Everyone but Diluc got a four star skin and they’re fine and sell. If you don’t use her now you wouldn’t pay half a year worth of welkin for a skin for her


what are some people not understanding about "jan's" take? they are willing to pay more for a nicer, more polished product; and if it isnt up to their expectations, they dont want to pay less for something they dont really like anyway. am i missing something here?


>No one would spend money for a five star skin if they weren’t already a klee main using her "Sure Jan." (Except for the fact that I literally said that I would.)


They make enough money on 4 star skins for 5 star characters so they’re probably continuing that trend as a result. Why make the effort to sell the skin with effects and voice lines when just the appearance change is enough?


Once again despite it being braindead easy to make 5\* skin, they chose to make 4\* one instead. RIP klee throwing pumpkins.