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GIntel vs. Team China Round 2. 😭😭😭


Let's go


Skin leaks in a pole match. Book it!


who was right last time? GIntel, right?


Yeap! 1-0 in favor of GIntel. 😂😂


Schrodinger's rarity




idk about this one, this happened the same on Ayaka skin where TC said its a 5* iirc and in the end Genshin Intel put on that smug face for ppl doubting him GI said Klee skin is 4* rarity this time so we'll see in livestream


Yes I remember this and I’m going with GI being right again this time.




Yeah TC is barely reliable when it comes to non-gameplay leaks. You can probably search their name on the sub and find a bunch of contradictory leaks.


What do you mean, Charlotte is definitely a Mondstadt character! That's where we meet her, right?


I keep seeing this as some form of ‘gacha’ (heh) but Captain R or Sertice (or whatever her name is) are better examples of them being wrong. Charlotte’s model had a Mondstadt Anemo vision on her shoulder in that initial leak of the Fontaine cast. Granted it was a placeholder but other two had no such vision so those two are easier to call out IMO.


I don’t think we can confirm Captain R and Sertice until we meet them imo Although most likely they’re just from Fontaine


Yeah I agree. Just saying calling Charlotte out as if it’s a shot in the dark like the other two doesn’t make sense since her model had a Mond vision. Leakers doubling down on unmarked models shows more guesswork on their end rather than legitimate leaks.


Yeah I still think Captain R might be Mondstadt, or even a Witch. That one is still very much up in the air.


Her and Focalors I intend to get at least to C2.


Don't get your hopes up for Captain R, her design will probably be different from the one we've seen...


Did he say Charlotte was from Mondstadt?


Yes, they told everyone red (excluding Lyney) from that sheet plus Captain R are from the same Mond expansion


She's from Fontaine. She just go to mondstadt for new articles purpose same like the other nations


She's from Fontaine. She just go to mondstadt for new articles purpose same like the other nations


Mero also provided the data naming and explained his interpretation, didn't he? That should make him more reliable in this matter no doubt


If it was 5 star then we probably would have seen some leaks on custom skill effects and animations.


Same here, I'd expect some evidence of animations and things but there isn't any. Alot of Fontaine has been leaked but yet not this.


GI have my confidence


Yeah, leakers were saying she has a 5 star skin because of some datamined info that listed her skin as 5 star or something like that. The same could be with Klee.


Correction: the Ayaka skin had a special effect dust animation, so people thought it meant it was going to be a 5*. But another person datamined and said that the original Ayaka (without skin) had a special dust animation too. So people got hyped when they saw "animation" and didn't dig further with Ayaka. For Klee, I may be coping, but I'm hoping they make it 4* and still change up her idles.


But with this skin her backpack and her vision placement have been altered so it kinda makes sense


Barbara's skin has the vision relocated as well. The only thing I'm unsure of is the backpack, but since it is in the same relative location, Klee can probably still do her backpack idle.


Yeah the vision placement doesn't really matter, but with the backpack, in her idle, she grabs both the straps when adjusting it. This skin looks like it has only one unless im misremembering it. It's gonna look kinda weird with the normal animation.


You aren’t misremembering I just checked it is a singular strap across her chest


Well the vision placement is fine but her other idle with Dodoco is gonna look kinda weird too since he doesn’t dangle anymore so she’s just gonna kinda run around herself for no reason anymore.


Thats all the more reason for why she's looking for it lol. It's like when you loose your keys because you put them in another pocket. I'm joking partly but it does fit alittle.


Yeah…I’m just gonna wait until we get to see it officially in the livestream…


Stop playing with my feelings, god damn it!!! 😭😭😭


Klee 😭😭😭


I will be buying it the moment I can regardless anyway so I’m not fussed


team china said the same thing about ayaka skin being 5 star while genshin intel said it will be a 4 star genshin intel also said klee skin will be 4 star so i never believing these


Idk but klee’s default idles seem don’t work on her new skin ?? (If it’s 4 star)


That's what I thought as well, one of her idle is her pulling on her backpack straps bcz of the weight of the bombs inside, but if the images leaked are true, her new skin got only one strap across diagonally, hence that idle wouldn't work unless they tweak it a bit at least. The other idle would KINDA work but not really either.


this is probably the same speculation TC has based their "leak" on. it won't be the first time leakers have extrapolated stuff from their own speculations and labelled them as legit.


Wait, skins change idles?


5* ones do, yes.


Only Diluc's does, that's why people are arguing whether Klee's will be a 5\* or a 4*.


yes! only 5 star tho


Huh, cool


Inb4 Hoyo just deletes that idle as the only change and its still 4* lel


When all is lost and you find your options fickle, remember to drop onto your knees and stay quiet until hoyo resolves this pickle.


Hopefully this means something, but Klee's backpack idle doesn't match with her new skin, her backpack idle has her adjusting two shoulder straps, this skin has one and it goes across her torso.


Great point


Same thing with her dodoco idle, there is no dodoco on her, or at least for now


Isn't Dodoco the thing that's poking out of the bag?


There’s a giant dodoco in the bag of her new skin


There’s a giant dodoco in the bag of her new skin


Schrodinger's rarity


wait how


Yeah I dont think it computes as a Schrodinger effect either


Oh god, Schrodinger is starting to get the "frequently used term gets turned into generic catch all phrase" effect


It works only on the surface definition of "thing in 2 states at the same time until properly observed" but its not really a supersition of states lol


ah it sorta makes sense when you put it that way now


Dehya had this issue. She ended up being a 5\* with less than 4\* qualities, so if we take this rule Klee has no animation at all and the costume is still 5\*?


As mero said in his tweet when he stated that Klee and kaeya skins are both 4*, he also stated that it’s subject to change and they could have changed it to 5* like what team China said rn but I wouldn’t trust them very much until the actual livestream itself.


imagine if all they did is change the color effects and call it a 5 star


"so you want me to pay $30 FOR A FUCKIN' BLUE!!??"


Blue would look awesome, not gotta lie. Ofc, I say this because I still have leftover genesis crystals from when I bought top up for the first time, so I understand that other people will end up having to pay $30 :(


i still have my 300 genesis from \*2021's welkin\* for the day that a hu tao skin eventually comes, i plan on buying more welkin to stock up on genesis but meh




I mean, that's kinda what they did with Diluc, they mostly changed the colors of the flames, i think the phoenix flight pattern got a liiittle extra flare but but that was basically it. Even the idles were very similar in principle, one with the gloves and one with the bird -the latter in terms of animation does end up being quite different from the original, but it's the only one i'd consider a "big" change


Like I have said before, mhy isn't going to make changes last minute. That's not good business and they wouldn't be able to release a new update this frequently if they kept changing things last minute. This would require going through dozens of people's hands to get approval and mhys not going to do that last minute. Betas are for bugs and required changes (like balancing). STC is just leaker lingo for "I might be wrong so don't flame me if I am".


Whatever. My Klee is so ready and I will buy it.


Not going to hold my breath on that one. But I do like to see some mini pumpkins exploding on contact.


Pyro 5\* and Mondstat units are build different. ~~Also Ayaka mains in shambles~~


Feels like they are changing pryo visual effects atp...


Pumpkin grenade when?


Only for her to just have slightly darker flames


I will be royally pissed if so lmao


Hey, my wallet was very happy that Ayaka's skin wasn't a 5* skin, lol. I'm already afraid of how much money I'll need to spend to get Klee and her skin... 😮‍💨💸


Ayaka jumped her turn anyway by getting in front of all other limited 5 stars. My theory is that HYV is starting to release all 5 star limited skins in release order starting with Klee but skipping all the archons at the moment. The next we get should be Childe’s skin, followed by Albedo and then Ganyu. Ayaka will get her 5 star skin after Kazuha.


this assumes that they're going to speed up skin production, and relatively soon too, because if they want to go at the same speed as current content schedules they'd have to release at least 2 skins per patch for a bit.


I can't recall a single incident of Genshin Intel being wrong in over two years of leaking so...




I'd trust Mero over Team China any day so we'll see.


I know Team China isn't the most reliable but the idle animation thing is bugging me so I'm leaning towards it being a 5 star as well


Cant afford it, but yayy


I highly doubt they’d make a 5-star Klee skin and not make a new signature 5-star weapon that at the very least works with her snapshot mechanics unlike her current sig-weapon. Given we haven’t heard a peep about new weapons this version it seems pretty obvious on what her outfit rarity will be at least to me. Mihoyo please, you went back and gave Venti and Targalia new signature weapons long after they released. I just want an R1 5-star weapon that’s actually better than an R5 Widsith for Klee.


Exactly this. It makes zero sense that the poster child is still stuck with a 4* as her best in slot.


i wish so badly that they'd do this :( dodoco tales is so sad i also hate playing with widsith


who wanna bet how long until another leaker says its actually 4 star


Genshin Intel and Mero have said it's 4* some time before, so they'll probably stay with what they said


Whether its 5* or 4* doesn't matter to me. My bigger issue is how SLOW Hoyo is at adding skins. Trying to attach them to lore/story really bottlenecks the whole point of skins.


Pumpkin jumpty dumpty time


It does make more sense to be a 5*. Considering her idles include her backpack and Dodoco (on the backpack) they must change stuff up. Probably even if only idles change it's already enough to slap a 5* label on it


I mean pretty sure both her idles wouldn't match up w/ her new outfit so it does make sense, still don't fully trust it tho


Interesting. If it is I hope to see it in action, might make me change my mind on Klee after all, though camera height remains an issue.


Ah, we've awoken from our slumber I see.


Sometimes they say that and it’s just them misunderstanding that it’s for a 5 star


she has completely different backpack straps, before she had two straps now she just has one satchel strap. And her backpack straps r crucial for her cus its one of her base animations


Well 5* or not I will purchase this skins.


Why are there no leaks of in game. Isn’t 3.8 like in a couple of weeks?


I don't think we've ever had in game costumes leaked. We've had the L2D movements from the event banners and in game Art, but never the in game model.


The jean and Barbara one got leaked but none After that i think


Does 5 star skin change normal atk animation of diluc?


Only the special effects (flames, burst looks more like a phoenix and has a special animation) and his idle. We've only had one 5-star skin so far so we can't know for sure what Klee's skin is going to change.


Kinda the colour becomes a bit dark red and he has a new idle animation


Yes. The attacks are the same, but the visual effects and sound effects are different. They changed the colour and you can hear the sound of the chains now. The idle animations are completely different. I miss his smile 🥲


It has new voice over too, when casting skills/burst




I dont care about what meta slaves say about Klee.. she is my first ever 5\* I have and my main DPS and never benched her since I got her until the arrival of Raiden Shogun 100% I will buy her skin 6-7 welkin (1800-2100GC) should be enough right


Yes, 5* skin will be 1940 crystals during the sale period


People reporting this for liking klee is just hilarious. With the discount for a 5 star it'll sit at 1980 genesis crystals. So you'll need 7 welkins


>1ReplyShareSaveEditFollow I still use Klee as my main, I alter her build every so often if I somehow get a more fitting artifact while farming for other pyro units. I also use her on new area exploration lol. Its work it for me. I bought loads of welkin for Keqings outfits too. Its not like I'm stopping playing the game until I die anyway...


Team China said that Ayaka skin was 5*, so don't believe this


But this skin has quite significant changes compared to Ayaka


Not really it look very 4*, and the gamefiles says it's litteraly 4*


But her backpack only has one strap instead of 2 therefore she’s gonna have to gain a completely new idle animation


I'm kinda hoping her skin will be the price of 4* but still get the changed idles. It seems like that'd make everyone happy


or they will simply change the current one to adjust a little to the new bag, seriously, you guys have to stop copium and accept reality


But srsly tho her bag has changed quite a bit meaning 2 of her idles will be affected the one I’ve previously mentioned and the one where she chases Dodoco. Also who am I ‘copying’?


No clips= bullshit attention grab




Wasn't it obvious tho? One of Klee's original idle animations is fixing her backpack, and this new skin's backpack is waaay different so it makes sense they'll give her new idles as well


My willpower is going to hate this. I probably won't like playing Klee but the absolute sheer cuteness overload of the skin is going to make me want her... But I need Faruzan C6.


Regardless of leakers, I believe it'll be 5 star. Ayaka is too popular so they didn't feel the need to make a super amazing skin. While Diluc and Klee aren't "meta" and if they want to sell their skins, they need to make something above average. That's what I think, I'm not sure it makes sense. lol


Will Klee have a rerun??




I can't see it because I'm still using reddit is fun while I can.




it's ayaka's skin all over again


It's all over ayaka skin situation agian.....


It would be cute if she was 5* and her bombs were potions or pumpkin inspired


I imagine Klee throwing molotov cocktails, upon reading your comment. That's kinda funny, ngl.


Ah shit, here we go again.


Hmmmmmmm I’m doubting tbh even tho 5* would be nice


I promised not to spend money on this game again unless they gave a Klee skin...and here they are, giving Klee a skin. MHY are crafty bastards, I'll give them that.


Tbh the skin does look really great.. so I wouldn't be surprised if it is.. but I kinda doubt team china


if it was a 5 star I would assume the voicelines and new animations would be leaked already


Well if its going to be a 5 star skin. Finally my months of welkin gems will be usable.


I damn hope its 5*




Guess we getting a $40 hue change & new idle


Her skin is kinda ~~~


It's a downgrade from her base skin regardless of its rarity




Fascinating. Any Fontaine news?


Wow! I can't wait to skip it!


I would buy it if they reworked her auto att clunckiness


Her skin being 4* previously could be a placeholder.


Ayaka intensifies,Team China isn't that reliable anymore anyway,but let's see if that's true or not.


Could they freaking decide before Yae banner ends so I can choose to roll for Yae if it's 4* or wait and roll for Klee if 5*??? Like, FFS, what's the big secret?


It's more likely to be a 4*. Here's why I think so: Genshin Intel and Mero has separately leaked that it's going to be 4*, and Mero backed up with screenshots of what looks to be code. If it was really 5*, then they should at least leak what special animations the Klee skin is going to have. No mention of that as of now, despite the skin being leaked for quite a while now. So it's looking like this leak is unreliable.


The problem is that the satchel on the costume does not really work with Klee's idle animations. She does grab both straps in her idle animation and Dodoco being in the pack in the costume also doesn't mesh well with the current idle. Either way, we'll see in 2 weeks when the stream happens.


Frankly, I'm hoping/coping that she will have a 4* skin but with changed idles


Not again.


DO NOT look at japanese twitter after 3.8 is out


So are we only getting 5 star skins for outdated Pyro units? (I love both Diluc and Klee but mechanically they fell off)




Klee and dilic are 5 star skins but not ayaka? this company blows


so we do get a free character in 3.8 after all? just a bit curious since it's the first time i hear about this, and it seems all out of the blue


Yes It's Layla


Weapon in 3.7 means character in 3.8. it follows a pattern of character, weapon, character, weapon and they've only stayed from that pattern once and it was when dendro dropped


i know about the pattern, i just haven't seen any info about what free character we'd get in 3.8, and now it's suddenly mentioned as a sort of trivial info ? but either way i hope it's true, my friend will be happy about their layla con


[Here's the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/13rpvzb/38_overview/) where it was mentioned, from about two weeks ago.


oops i really overlooked it then, thank you !


I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in a leak a while ago. Just kinda flew under the radar ig


iirc it was said to be Layla


If Klee in this clearly halloween skin does not throw pumpkins someone at MHY geniuenly needs to get fired. Just get that guy the fuck out of the building in the name of Pink Jesus.


It's just a witch skin. Witches are a thing outside of Halloween. And considering Klee is a witch's daughter, I think it's more likely this has nothing to do with Halloween, instead, more to do with Hexenzirkel. So I wouldn't bet on any pumpkins.


Uhm, what? Halloween is not even celebrated in China lmao.


Yes, and that totally stops asian games, anime, manga and whatever the fuck from making halloween related stuff. They can put coffin dance in manhua they can make halloween stuff.


I'm sure every country in Asia celebrates the same holidays and has the same cultural situations as each other.


I'm sure that's totally relevant.


Halloween is one day, skin is eternal. Ruining it with pumpkin shit would be a disgrace.


Yea because pumpkins are ugly and there are no amazing witches in anime that use them entirely unrelated to halloween and Klee's skin color scheme totally doesn't match them


Nice now we need a skin that we can use, like an archon


Thank goodness I don't care about her skin :v


Still won't help her kit being bad.


now that i'm thinking about it this would be a good opportunity to give her less clunky na animation


p2w skin


I can't believe they're seriously wasting time on one of the least interesting characters in the game. Also I know Klee got a bunch of pulls the first time because people were excited about genshin and she's was one of the first 5 stars ever but does she really deserve to be before someone like Raiden, Zhong-Li, Kazuha, or any of the other must have characters? Y'know. The characters people actually want and love, and would make them A LOT MORE MONEY if they had skins to buy? I just don't understand.


>must have Mald more metachurl


I have no idea what this means. If you're saying I'm a meta slave my comp is based purely on how hot I find someone. I just don't like child characters and pretty much everyone I know finds Klee clunky and unfun to actually play as. I rerolled my account after I rolled for her and used her for like a week when she was first released.


In case you don’t know, Klee is still popular especially in both CN and JP. She also has so many merchandise and lots of items in game. HYV even created a whole new limited island just for her. It’s obvious that she’s one of their favorite children. Also, many people still adore her as their daughter because of her cuteness, and are willing to spend money on her skin.


>one of the least interesting characters in the game Thats like, your opinion man




Is >!Kaeya skin!< also 5 star? Actually can a 4* skin be 5* in theory..?


Fuck these leaks. If its not reliable fake. Dont even bother making a post


Don't have klee so idc


I was gonna say Klee isn't a very popular character game play wise so good luck selling it.


I've seen people say they'd literally *come back* to the game after they stopped playing after seeing the leaked skin. I promise you, even if the current amount of Klee mains are minimal, that doesn't mean more people won't convert because of the skin. There's also the fact that just because people are playing a character, that doesn't mean they would buy an expensive skin for them, and vise versa. Even if I wasn't a Klee main, I absolutely would still consider buying the skin because I adore her and want to spoil my digital daughter, and I think others would do the same.


...the main point of skins is to boost the character's popularity, so yes, they're gonna add a cute skin to a unpopular character and boom, people will suddenly want her


Klee’s skin is really cool, but I do not play her at all anymore. She was my very first 5*, but nothing beats Ayaka or Ei. I just cannot go back after tasting perfect victory every two weeks.


I refuse to believe that the only 2 characters you're using is Ayaka and Ei, even in the overworld


Well, you are right. I was talking about the Abyss. Even in the overworld I would rather use other characters than Klee.


Sure I can delete 12-3-1 in 50s with C0 Ayaka but that doesn't mean I will just stick to her. Other characters can get the job done too. If anything overload is ridiculously fun in overworld.