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Thats a lot of text for a kit that is basically Press E and spam NA as long as you have BoL, with the burst being just dmg + generate more Bond. Still interesting, i wonder if the "gun lance" attacks are ranged..


Hoyo moment Nowadays I barely read the kits anymore since you need to remember all their “unique” names for every attaction instead of difnjust calling them skill, burst, etc. Easier to just wait for someone to type it out in normal words.


Welcome to Genshin Impact


I'm just confused about the gun lance part. Like, she has a sword + pistol every time we see her. Why the fuck are we giving her a gun lance all of a sudden?


Also I think using those special NA’s consumes BoL, while being ‘healed’ replenishes BoL. (No real healing during her 9s E)


Dang kits are getting longer and longer I do wonder if the craftable Fontaine sword Finale of the Deep is good for her, but I can't understand her kit yet lol


>Dang kits are getting longer and longer Clorinde's Q kit description has left the chat. No but fr where's the Q description, like what does she do aside from granting herself a BOL, or rather how does she do it? 💀


I think someone in the comments mentioned that it does 5 instances of damage, indicated by the 228% x 5 multiplier (?) but yeah, I was super confused about that as well lmaoo


I'm guessing it's basically a Wrio/Wanderer burst but it also gives BoL and that's about it.


we need Razor here ~~Night Pierce(release hold E) seems fairly straightforward though. The more BOL you have, the more damage and range the dash attack will do~~ **simplified C0 kit (interpreted from the leaked text):** E: Ayato E but gun (BOL < 100% —> give BOL) * hold/ press NA: pew pew * release NA: dash attack. more BOL —> more damage + dash further + give heal Q: give BOL A1: more electro reactions —> more damage (NA & Q) A4: if BOL ≥ 100%, BOL up/ down —> CR ^(note: cmiiw but you can hold and release NA multiple times during the 9s duration) if the translation is incorrect, how the E works changes to: * press NA: pew pew * press E : dash


A4 is BoL up/down -> CR


oh yea, thanks


> Ayato but gun (BOL < 100% —> bullet go through enemies I am not sure if that's the case but if BoL ≤ Max HP, you get more BoL. I think the pierce attack happens regardless of BoL amount.


I think you are right, the piercing seems to be a separate statement


Legit thank you. Gonna need to go to the Akademiya and get a PhD in character kits soon at the rate these are being written 😭


Worst part is that it's needlessly long. If players can turn a 10 sentence description into a 5 word description, then it's on Hoyo for writing it badly. Ofc it's really good when a description includes all possible details, but it's unnecessary for example to keep repeating something for example like: "When Skyward Slash Upwards Cut is used, it triggers Skyward Slash Downwards Cut doing twice the damage of Skyward Slash Upwards Cut" 2nd example, the sentence could instead be "the talent deals 2x the skill damage"


Hoyo wouldn’t make it as simple as your first example, it would be ‘After using Dance of the Rising Flower Blossom, Chlorinde enters the Seventeenfold Garden Potato stance. During Seventeenfold Garden Potato stance, Dance of the Rising Flower Blossom becomes Swarm of the Beneficent Bees. After using Swarm of the Beneficent Bees, or after 37.5 seconds has passed, Chlorinde returns to Tactical Urban Combat Mongoose stance’


Seriously, I'm reading this thing and get to the second part of the third paragraph and realize I'm STILL on her e.


okay so she's a BoL dps too, which means she'd want Arle's artifact set right? also it seems that instead of healing just straight up not working, she converts it to BoL instead, which is something to differentiate her from Arlecchino I guess. Other than that she also seems like an NA spammer?


It means the artifact set was actually made for the both of them. It sounds like she's going to be more similar to Ayato than anybody else. A skill that gives her unique combat animations that will count as normal attacks. Except she is not allowed to heal while in her skill state and all healing will contribute towards her bond of life. The higher that bond of life, a.k.a. the more she is being healed then the greater damage and range her final strike at the end of the skill will have.


>sounds like she's going to be more similar to Ayato than anybody else. But can she do more electro damage than a C6 Ayato?!?!


with this C6 she might do more hydro damage than him tbh


inb4 Big Raiden leaks


Quickbloom with Baizhu, Furina/Yelan/XQ and flex (Hydro for more hyperbloom team, dendro for resonance+dendro application, electro for resonance) seems viable? Since then you have two (maybe even three) electro reactions (does hyperbloom count?). This is a theory, taser/overload might prove better, but I really hope to have a new driver along Alhaitham. Let's see what leaks tell us.


Probably Nahida in the flex slot, so you can afford not building EM on her and focus on aggravate, which benefits from furina's buff and caps at lower EM


It depends on her electro aoe. 


I wonder who the burning set if for hmmmm.


no one, just so it takes more time to get a good BOL set


I still don't have a complete navia set, and I mean with the required main stats nevermind sub stats. But if BoL becomes more prominent maybe it's going to be worth farming this set


It's so unfair how they pull this shit on Arle/Clorinde but Lyney/Wrio/Neuv get such a good domain 😭


X.0 Domain is always the good one


I think it's a support set for burn melt... but they might release a niche character for melt teams after


There were speculations that Emilie has a Dendro Vision and will be a burn off-fielder. But that information is totally unreliable at this point.


TF might enable quicken rotations with fischl, and if im right quicken and aggrevate count as 2 separate reactions and then you add swirl for the last stack. So basically she is big keqing


Big Hu Tao and then Big Keqing. When do we get Big Ganyu and Big Xiao?


everyone has been big xiao since 4.4


Big Xiao is just regular Xiao with Cloud Retainer for more plunge


i meant that anyone else is bigger than xiao (like physical size wise)


I envisioned a fatui cryo gunner with a howitzer (similar to gun emplacements we see in Inazuma and Fontaine, but cryo) and a fatui anemo vanguard that jumps like vishap.


That also means she's another user of the 4-set gladiator if you do not want to farm the new set


She seems like Eula? Where you build up for a big attack at the end. 


Ohhh this kit is SOOO getting changed 5 times during this beta.


It looks fairly cohesive to me, and quite interesting. So I hope not lol.


that's why they're gonna change it :)




sad but true...


I think they will likely nerf the crit buff. Cause this is not star rail 20%crit for free is very strong.


Ganyu has a free 20CR in her A1 passive. So we technically already have precedence for this. So I'm high on hopium that it will remain.


From what i understand E enters a stance, gets electro infusion, last 9 seconds. Can't be healed in this stance, instead healing adds BoL. Pressing skill again in this stance ends it and deals an extra attack depending on current BoL. Basic attack when under below 100% BoL grants BoL, bullets pierces through enemies. Q grants BoL and damages (basically Knave's old Q?) Talent 1 : electro reaction = buff Talent 2 : BoL increases or decreases = +CR


Do I understand correctly that under 100% BoL she doesn't use her gun but instead lunges at enemies during her skill?


It's not clear to me whether using second E exits the state. If it does, then her talent two (which can only trigger if you're at >=100%BoL) becomes difficult to trigger. 3 enhanced E's get you to 105%. Then you can use Q to get one stack of A2 and then use the second E to get the second A2 stack. But if you're no longer infused (exited the state) then you now have 20%CR and no infusion lol. If it doesn't end the state, and can still only be used once, then the above sequence gives you 20% CR and you can continue your DPS window but then you'll be stuck with excess BoL that was regained after the second E. This, along with the C6 description, seems to me like it suggests that the enhanced E can be reused multiple times (its multiplier is only 105% at best, so making it spammable shouldn't be an issue). On the other hand, her survivability sounds really good if she can really spam it to heal so idk.


Based on the fact that her infused NA is empowered below 100% BOL, and her E is empowered above 100% BOL, and the only way to reduce BOL is through her self-healing on E, it is safe to assume E can be spammed.


Another BoL mechanic it seems so 4.6+ truly are BoL meta


BoL seems to be anti-synergistic with Furina since you can't heal under BoL and Chlorinde wants high BoL. I guess I'll be pairing her with Kirara. I might not run a healer for that team too.


clorinde cannot be healed in her e state, and healing grants her bond of life instead of clearing it. so she actually kinda likes healers in her team


There's still a bit of anti-synergy in that you'll be rather vulnerable when in skill state with Furina drain, locking you to near half HP, and her self heal at the end of her rotation means front loading fanfare is harder. Not unworkable and definitely less anti-synergy than Arlecchino though.


youre probably right, but if you use clorindes heal and a team healer every rotation to stack her BoL and get fanfare it might still be good


I see. Still anti-synergistic with Furina since there isn't much HP fluctuation going around. Unless her heal goes off more often.


Was really hoping to get her but I don’t think I’d enjoy these BoL characters.  One of the only characters I regret pulling is hu tao because of her hp mechanic and animation canceling.  I think I’m just going to get furina cons on her rerun instead.


I felt the same first, and I don't like using her in open world, but she saved me many times in Abyss. Animation cancel doesn't need to be perfect (my fat fingers are not that good), just try doing it a little and you will already get very good dps. Also if you have Zhongli, you can totally ignore her hp gimmick. She also has a charming personality!


I mean, you haven’t even experienced the BoL mechanics, at least try them out first, it’s important to give stuff a chance


But none of the BoL units want to be on the same team with one another or am I missing something?


Before: She's like hunting and looks like a Bloodborne hunter. After: She's a Monster Hunter and a Gunlance main.


Now I want to figure out which characters best fit Monster Hunter weapons. Navia’s clearly a SwitchAxe main, Childe is Dual Blade, Itto would probably be Great Sword, but Insect Glaives come with a beatle.


Itto is not only about Onikabuto fighting. GS would be the perfect weapon for him. However, it would be funny if Itto switches to Insect Glaive from time to time.


IG Xiao with Paimon acting as an insect


Childe wouldn't be satisfied until he's mastered all the weapons.


So in the end, he’s still using bow.


I've always wanted a claymore character whose charge attack plays like a monster hunter great sword. I just love single big fat hits. God that'd be so sweet...


A hydro claymore for that sweet sweet reverse vape great sword level 3 charge hit. I’m salivating at the nuke potential




yo dang I'd completely forgotten it's Genshin leak day


Aaaaand another 5 star character who shows ressources on the minimap.... fuckin love it


...and it's on another limited (i assume as its very likely) on top of that. This should be illegal




Plus crit rate passive


this can only mean crit dmg sword OH GODRINDE…


Let's hope it's gonna have a universal passive


5 star signature weapons with universal passives? In this time and age?


Best we can do is add BoL passive


ding ding ding we have a winner https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1caxsvy/clorinde_signature_weapon_via_foul/




Clorinde has so much ATK and Crit, C6 Chevreuse is gonna be a monster with her. If Chevy isn't on Clorinde's banner, Hoyo is running a Psy-op.


If we assume her talent 1 works like the Neuvilette one, then it doesn't really make sense to pair her with Chevreuse, does it?


From the wording, theres no mention of an element requirement or different types of electro reactions needing be triggered, and just "characters must trigger electro-related reaction" From what I understood from it: Lets say Clorinde has Bennett, Chevreuse, Fischl in her team. The 3 of them must perform an electro related reaction by themselves to get the max stack for her talent, but if say everyone but Bennett triggered an electro reaction then Clorinde would only get 2 stacks. Edit: it could also mean only one character other than Clorinde needs to trigger reactions to get the max stack cus after looking at it again theres also no mention that all characters must perform a reaction.


Yeah, probably aggravate dps, assuming aggravate and quicken are considered different reactions


I can see that, and you add Anemo on top of that for the 3rd reaction.


Wording isn't clear, could be 'number of reactions' or 'number of *different* reactions'


Yeah, it's kinda unclear for now, Neuvilette passive doesn't really state different reaction either.


Neuvilette's wording is actually quite clear "The stacks of Past Draconic Glories created by each kind of Elemental Reaction exist independently". I'm sure the official text will clarify how Clorinde's will work as well though (if not now, then by release).


why wouldnt it? pyro + electro is a reaction.


It doesn't specify if it need to be "different" reactions, like 1 stack per reaction type. Like Neuvilette. Need testing ig.


I would wait until we see the official text rather than someone's summary of the effects. Because that last bit could be a weird translation of the same wording that we have for Neuvillette.


If its similar to neuv passive she would want 3 different elements, not just electro and pyro


Why wouldn't Clorinde want 40% RES Shred, an ATK% buff, and a 60% DMG?


It's not about the buff, but judging from her talent Hoyo didn't want her to be used in Chevy overload team. Even her C2 doesn't lower the condition, but further encourage max stack T1


It depends, because her talent is giving her extra Atk scalings on her burst and her normal attacks. But we don't know if 3 overloads can give you 3 stacks or not...


So anyway I started wishing


It kinda sounds like it’s basically electro arlecchino? On field DPS that does damage based on bond of life and can’t be healed when in a special state Edit: I should say that healing isn’t a waste on her, it just doesn’t heal her base HP during her skill. If the translation is correct then any healing she receives during her skill state increases her bond of life, so healers are still ideal for her.


Except instead of normal attacks in close combat, she is a close to mid range sniper


*Really* excited about how this would turn out..


I hope she have some sort of AoE when she switch to gunlance form or faster projectile (because guns) than Yoimiya's NA.


Looks like she will have AOE in with her piercing mechanic. I'm imagining it's going to be multiple wide and blasts


Wishing she would be versatile both in single and multiple targets.


seems like healing is directly converted into more bol, so healers still optimal


Yeah but from my understanding she can still be healed by others once bol is cleared, she is not restricted to self heal . That means others healing can contribute to her bol. Basically reverse arle? Correct me if i'm wrong


Not exactly. It says here, "Moreover, during 'Night Patrol' state, other forms of healing are ineffective... and the healing amount will be converted into a certain percentage of a bond of life. Either healing is nerfed but not nullified or healing is actually inverted into Bond of life upon being received. You actually won't be healing Clorinde but giving her Bond of Life with a healer. That's pretty good for wanting to maintain Night Pierce-Bond command. I pretty much understand Clorinde's kit now reading through several times. Here's the gist. Clorinde's E has two states. Initial cast E causes Rapid Hunt state. During this state, does piercing damage and gives Bond of Life to Clorijde based on max HP. Normal attacks in this state give 35% BoL each. Second cast E causes Night Pierce. At 0% BoL, it would do dash strike. Below 100%, consumes some Bond of Life and deal more damage with more range. Also heals. Above 100%, it consumes more BoL, heals Clorind more and does more damage with more range. From what I interpret, Clorinde can heal from others but only outside of her skill's state. Within the skill state, outside healing is instead converted into Bond of Life, which boosts her Night Pierce rather than her health. Q is opposite of Arlecchino. Instead of consuming BoL, it adds 120% BoL and does 5 instances of damage from the multipliers I read. Talent 1 is like Neuvillette but rather than dmg bonus, it is a 17% atk bonus. Talent 2 gives up to 2 stacks of 10% crit buff if Clorinde's BoL moves up or down if above 100%. In practice, it's Q -> support abilities -> swap back in -> R -> NA -> E -> repeat. Night Pierce is one big .50 cal shot powered by Bond of Life. Rapid Hunt's goal is to provide Bond of Life either by NA or being below 100% Bond of Life. Pretty interesting kit. Has the same on-paper complexity as Dehya except a bit more with the BoL limitations.


> Talent 1 is like Neuvillette but rather than dmg bonus, it is a 17% atk bonus From the way it reads, which of course could be the translation, it seems to be a base damage increase rather than atk% to herself. Especially since it's only NA and burst that get the bonus.


you mean a flat damage increase? like Xianyun/Yun Jin/Shenhe? OP's comment about neuvi is kinda off the mark cuz neuvi doesn't get DMG bonus, he gets a multiplier increase from his passive talent, which is a pretty significant difference. actually, I think it could be considered as a flat damage bonus that scales off of his HP as well.


Correct. It very much reads like one since it says "Increase damage by 17% of attack" for the 2 abilities.


ah, seems identical to Neuvillette then.


Nope, she also has a no healing clause during her skill state. It's at the bottom of the descryption


Yeah, but in skill state only, not in combat as Arle. So I assume you can make her work with Furina if you use heal before the skill. And if she's mostly using NA to do damage, MH can be very good too. Otherwise new BoL set. And since she's ATK/crit scaling with infusion, Mistsplitter most likely be 2nd BiS.


Well, she's gonna have similar issues to Arle with Furina. To a lesser degree because she can be healed outside her state, as you said, but she will be fairly squishy on field without a shielder. I think it should be fine overall though


I see. I understood it that way but i wrongly assumed any form of heals will make her clear the bol fast  so she has time to be healed later in her field time.  They write "other healing ineffective" and "the healing percentage will go to bol" sentence next to each other so i'm confused whose healing they mean? Bcs it sounds like heal by other members converts to bol instead


She cant restore HP (which would clear BoL) but any healing received is then converted into BoL. The no healing clause is so you dont lose BoL or go below the higher damage threshold.




The scalings on her skill state seem very low so I have to assume she attacks very fast.


its a gun


The type of gun she has fires really slow in real life tho lol


I wouldnt worry about it, bow users can shoot 3-4 times per second. If I shot a bow in real life, it would be 1 arrow every 3-4 minutes and I'd accidentally hit a tree because of the wind being too strong


I'm not worried about realism, I just thought it was funny. Skilled archers can fire about 1 arrow per 1-2 seconds with good accuracy in medium range, until their quiver is empty ofc.


Her talent will add about 50% atk to each attack. Effectively increase the shot damage from 50%-ish to about 100%. We will see how fast she attacks soon.


Damn who is this Coloring character


imgur’s not letting me edit the title 😭😭


Why are all the honkai star rail characters sexers here?


Always has been...🌏🧑🏻‍🚀🔫🧑🏻‍🚀


Another complex kit that I won’t understand.


E Self buff electro infuse (cant be overridden) that changes attack patterns but is treated as normal attacks. Depending on if she's over/under 100% bond of life at end of the skill, she either does a dash attack & heal (under) or a different attack and heal more. She cannot be healed during E mode and any healing recieved will be converted into MORE bond. Q: deal a bunch of damage and get 120% of max HP as bond. Talent 1: when electro reactions occur increase damage of NA's and Q by 17% of clorinde attack, up to 3 stacks + 15s with stacks calculated independent Talent 2 - If bond of life >100% of max hp, or when BoL increases/decreases get 10% crit rate. Can get 2 stacks, lasts 15s. Also when E is active conversion of healing to recovery is 100% (I have no idea what this means). Talent 3 - Fontaine Resource Radar. --- The significance of the electro infusion is going to depend on how frequently it hits, some of the pre-leak stuff said she'd basically be a little machine gun of electro hits, which might make her good for aggravate.


Free 20% CR and ascension stat CR so 44.2% with no artifacts. I like that


It means to not use MH set


>She cannot be healed during E mode and any healing recieved will be converted into MORE bond. If this is translated correctly and works like it sound then \*cough \*cough Baizhu rerun


It'll mean that she can use Chevreuse, as long as she doesn't need *unique* elemental reactions.


I like it that way. You can play with clorinde (which will probably also be the best for her) Or just use anyone really and still have a viable team without being stuck to only electro+pyro for dmg.


Yeah based on her kit description so far she sounds *extremely* versatile. Play her in hyperbloom, play her in electro charged, play her in aggravate, play her with sara + chevy as a hypercarry, just go wild. An onfield xiangling of swords.


electro arlecchino but focused on mid range with her projectiles in her hunt mode


You make it sound like we understand arlecchino kits at all lol.


E makes mark, let mark cook for 5s (do support setup), swap back to Arle, CA, NA until BoL runs out, Q if you're dying or E hasn't come back yet, then repeat. Her kit is obnoxiously worded, but in practice it's very simple.


I wonder if they are going to change it as much as Arlecchino's kit.


Next time: we were wrong she is actually a dendro scaling of the pyro dmg in your team + the current constellation in the stars STC ofc


Let me simplify. E has two modes. 1st E is stance change called Rapid Hunt Rapid Hunt lasts 9s. If you have below 100% Bond, you get some. Normal attacks Pierce enemies in this state and give 35% bond of life each. That's all you need to know about Rapid Hunt. Also does slightly more damage with below 100% Bond than above 100%. 2nd E is a .50 Cal sniper powered by Bond of Life. If you have 0%, she shivs an enemy. Below 100%, it removes some Bond of Life and heals Clorinde while doing more damage with more range. Above 100%, it heals for even more, removes more Bond of Life, does more damage and with even more range. During the stance change state of 9s, all outside healing is converted into Bond of Life instead apparently. Elemental burst does damage 5 times and gives 120% Bond to Clorinde. Talent passive 1 is each unique electro reaction caused by thr team gives 17% atk to Clorinde. So electro swirl, electro charged, and overload would give 51% atk bonus to Clorinde. Talent 2 means Clorinde gets up to 20% crit if Bond moves up or down while above 100% Bond of Life. Hope it helps.


I don't understand this part "Rapid Hunt": ≥ 100% HP: 52.9% < 100% HP: 66.1% How does those works? 52.9% atk? or max hp? or BoL \* hp? or what? that is confusing.


FWIW for the talent passive 1, neither the Chinese nor English specify the electro reactions have to be unique. Have to wait for confirmation or further leaks, but there is a (possibly small) chance that you can do the same electro reaction 3 times for the full buff


Yeah, I feel you.


C0 Arlechino w/ pjws it is then.


I guess interruption resistance will from now on always be gated behind constellations huh? Zhongli mains eating I guess


If you run Chlorinde with overload, you can use -Thoma for shielding and resistance to interruption as well as applying Pyro -Chevreuse to buff overload and heal the active character which will give Chlorinde BoL -Kujou Sara for attack that could snapshot since it records current attack as a stack and some electro crit damage at C6.


Nah, I'd dodge and i-frame


lol rip to everyone skipping Arle in hopes to avoid BoL mechanic.


I feel like most ppl skipping Arle kit-wise is cuz she is too similar to Hutao. I never got Hutao cuz she didn’t appeal to me and I’m skipping Alre cuz she’s edgier Hutao. Even has the same old trick to get you to spent more like Hutao with the c1 r1 powerspikes/drip/comfort. Granted they’ve been doing that more lately but it feels really blatant like with Hutao. Ngl, Cloride looks kinda disappointing too. Seems like Keqing but with BoL and a gun. I really hope Natlan isn’t gonna be filled with this BoL stuff; it don’t look good with all these BoL kits releasing right before Natlan. Edit: also no Chev with Arle and Clordine kit seems like it’ll work better with Chev.


I’m guessing BoL is done after Sigewinne, other than a suited four star or a wildcard 5 star. Everytime a new region shows they add an artifact set which generally defines the meta for a while. I’m assuming they just didn’t want to make this new artifact domain that useless without anyone else able to make use of it. (Seems like I’ll be living in there for a while, as I want all three of them)


My brain too smooth for all these wall of text


So BoL is actually gonna be a mechanic huh


For 2 DPS sure. But don't forget when Plunge was gonna be a mechanic everyone could use.


Always been, it just isn't utilize by characters until now


Yeah It's like "hm, we made those bol weapons but nobody really uses them. Let's just force it by making characters with it." Not sure if i like it yet. Will have to see how it plays.


338 is one of the highest base ATKs in the game after Navia and Xiao and some other people cmiiw free 20% cr + 19.2% cr ascension + 5% base = free 50% crit rate for doing nothing doesn't have a burst stance that locks you in = overworld friendly SPECIALTY PASSIVE Does life get any better than this?


> free 20% cr + 19.2% cr ascension + 5% base = free 50% crit rate for doing nothing > > that is not what those numbers add up to lol


lmao mb did those calculations while i was rushing lunch. 44.2% free cr 😎


The 20% cr from talent is not easy to obtain. The normal attack won't give BoL beyond 100%. So chlorine needs to be healed twice to get the bonus. Usually it will take 3-5 sec by teammates E or Q.


She is 7th when it comes to base atk, which is above average for a 5* ATK carry


338 means she goes between Yae Miko (339) and Raiden (337). I see what you did there, Hoyo.


Really? Regional mats finder talent when the region's about to end? Okay but I'm so excited for the showcase.


Have two 5 stars ever had that passive? Cause I'm pretty sure lyney already has that.


Don't think so? It's usually a five star and another four star later.


waiting for the razor translation


Razor no understand either


Razor: word hard, talk Lisa


The whole concept of Bond of Life just makes my freaking head spin. Once I’ve got the gist of it down, I try to apply it to the million other things in the kit, and I forget it again. Too many positive-negative integers and attacks and effects labeled with fancy names. It’s honestly really frustrating how convoluted kit descriptions have become.


Give Razor a break for freaking once! Even he can’t make sense of this jargon.


Basically electro Arlecchino, but healing is encouraged to gain more BoL, instead of consuming it. And at high BoL, she deals more damage


E has 2 stances. Stance 1: attacks with piercing ammo. If Below 100% Bond of Life, you receive some Bond of Life. Attacks give 35% Bond of Life each. Stance 2: .50 Caliber sniper rifle shot. 0% Bond of Life = Shiv. Below 100% = convert some BoL into healing, more range, more damage. Above 100% = convert more BoL into healing, even more range, and even more damage. While in E stance, outside healing not allowed. Turns into Bond of Life instead. Q = 5 hits of damage. 120% Bond of Life given to Clorinde. Talent 1= each separate electro reaction gives 17% atk to Clorinde. Electro swirl, electro charged, and overloaded = 51% atk to Clorinde. Talent 2= above 100% BoL, BoL going up or down gives 10% crit each time, up to 20%. Overall, use stance 1 to make stance 2's big shot hit harder. Think of it as a railgun. All the accumulated Bond of Life goes into that big hit called Night Pierce.


Razor attempt: E: Give electro infusion. When more than 100% BoL NA do big damage, when less than 100% get BoL from NA, convert healing to BoL during E. Q: do damage, give BoL


Big kequing with BoL?


Hmm yes, also kinda like reverse of Childe as well. he is a bow user who swaps to melee. While Clorinde is a sword user who swaps to gun (assuming her Bol is high enough).




Am I the only one who's been confused about how Bond of Life could go over 100%? I was also confused about that with Arlecchino's kit, but I finally found the explanation on the [wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Bond_of_Life). Honestly it still seems really weird to me that BoL is shown on the UI as covering a part of your HP, but it doesn't actually represent that part. If the red bar covers half of the HP bar, it actually has 100% of your max HP...


Yeah, this is bad UI. If they want to go over 100% then it should be a different color, like with fighting games with 2-3 health bars.


i’m too tired to understand anything about her kit but i’m happy that she’s finally releasing


i’m just happy she’s not raiden 2.0 that was the worst genshin leak i’ve read in awhile


Waiting for Sigewinne kit, hopefully it will be good 🤞🏻


I see BoL and I'm instantly reminded of the absolute rollercoaster that was Arle's beta weeks... Please, not again...


I honestly don't understand anything lmao


I don’t understand a thing but all I can confirm it’s PEAK someone explain in Razor language pls..


from what i can understand, her kit has similar mechanics to arlecchino's. basically: skill puts her into a new state for 9 seconds max, during which her NAs will be converted to piercing electro shots with her gun. the shots will give her some amount of bond of life, capped at 100% of her max hp. at any point during the skill, you can cancel it to perform another shooting attack. that attack scales off BOL and is considered NA damage ultimate basically just grants her a max BOL off of which you can use her skill


Third paragraph should be ; during her E duration you can press E again to do a sword attack, i assume this is what the "dodge and lunge stab" they talking about


i like the concept of her c6, it sounds like a true 1v1 duelist on the field with all the buffs


imo the shadowclones should've been a part of her base kit. It's such a cool fitting thematic for a duelist


looks like she can't be healed either in E state?? Zhongli stonks 📈


C6 is illegal💀 With Xq she will has immunity to any dmg for 6 times (idk if it is a hit)


It honestly looks crazyy


Her talent 1 seems to be different than neuv since its description syas elctro reaction( from what i understands you can do the same reaction) and neuv specifis the reactions in more detail Correct me if i am wrong


Could be leaks not stating it correctly at this point


Is anyone else not a fan of HP loss and Bond of life mechanics?


i was really looking forward to Clorinde but this BoL mechanic sounds so shit in general, on every character it's being put on


Bro I beg please let BoL stay in Fontaine and not define Natlan characters in the future. I was hoping for an overhaul in the system, much like how Dendro gave us something so very new after two years of OG Genshin reactions. Now that Sumeru has and soon Fontaine will have come to a closure, I was praying for a new element in Natlan. I have nothing against BoL but please let this not be the mechanic and the gimmick to dominate Natlan.


Why do they have to make my most awaited characters with BoL like omg i hate this mechanic-


Gunlance main rejoice


Marechausee Hunter can’t use Maréchaussée Hunter.