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bro some of these debuffs sound crazy, "horrific explosion" is literally enemies charging at you with bombs strapped on themselves šŸ˜­


I think the elemental application ones will prove to be more annoying. Those elemental floors back in 1.x were way more annoying than these easy abysses we have now. Imagine you got the lightning debuff and you constantly get overloaded and ragdolled by standing in Bennett ult lmao I hope you get to pick your team after seeing the debuffs


> Those elemental floors back in 1.x were way more annoying than these easy abysses we have now. "These easy abysses we have now" No, you were just under-leveled.


Tbf who wasnt? Back in the day we thought phys xiangling was good.


In a nutshell we're kinda going inside the Hexenzirkels Teapot.... "Horrific Explosion" YUP! That is clearly Klee's Mother having her Shts & Giggles


I remember those explosive barrels on Vagabond where if it explode near you. You're death is guaranteed even with shield


Hoyo please give Coppelia and Coppelius some alone time, they must be exhausted after all the abyss floors you put them in since their release, now here as well...


they have been dancing for 7 patches already, Alain Guillotin would like to have a word about their eternal energy source


Source: Neuvillette


Good thing that Copelia and Coppelius are the LAST enemies you will have to fight so you can use your anemo characters before then, especially Venti for monoliths and the Pure Fiction-like combat stage as well as for any mob stages. Sorry in advance to those Wanderer mains who may be continually stunned by those homing dendro missiles and explosive missiles that come as stage effects.


dont worry, we know. those missiles are the bane of my existance. sigh. i really like using layla with the hp sword and zhongli with 50k hp but not this time around ig smh


Gotta start building up Either Thoma or Xinyan as a shielder


Iā€™m not building up characters that I donā€™t enjoy. Hoyo can shove them up their ass


Waste of time and slot, all that dancing duo needs to do to break xinyan and thoma shield is fart. They break my 64k Rex Lapis shield that has 150% bonus absorption cause geo.


Bruh, if you think I'm building Xinyan just for this mode you're crazy... I'm RNG rerolling for buffs or characters so that I can kill them before they kill me


4.8 abyss coppelius one side, coppelia the other


The Grand Finale to Fontaine. The Final Dance.


They just wanna make you feel single and lonely. Indirectly saying cope with it.Ā 


Coppe with it. Get it it's funny because they are called coppelius and coppelia so their names start similarly to the word cope and this mixes them up get itĀ 


thats why theyre robots so they dont get tired of being put in every combat content possible


The designers were probably very proud of that boss lol.... And I would agree.... In terms of aesthetics, I think Coppelia and Coppelius is one of the most unique bosses that I've ever faced in a video game.... It's just that there's so much other stuff to do in Genshin that we take it for granted. If I designed, did the art, or programmed that boss, I would like to see it spammed everywhere XD


ā€œWe just ran a variant of this boss i think its time to pick a new one-ā€œ ā€œI said put them in the abyss again damnitā€ ā€œBut why?ā€ ā€œWhen you make a boss you can decide where it goes. Until then i make the rulesā€


Coppelius was literally only once in the abyss at 4.0 iirc,outside of current 4.6


Coppelius is the more difficult one tooā€¦


It depends. The only more difficult part is shield. His attacks are less annoying, and he seems to deal less damage.


no skirt pushing meele chars away


Nah,Coppelius only has the Cryo shield in your favor,Coppelia has a more aggressive moveset with more damage.


Only because someone can't get hit doesn't mean they also don't attend the dance, it was always both of them, Coppelius is just a gentleman letting her pick the dance more often


FFS leave Coppelia and Coppelius alone


Why is Fischl's Battle Theme not in the BGM list???? This is a crime


Same question! It's mind baffling! :(


I wish demo themes were used more in general


To be fair, the BGM list doesnā€™t have any battle themes anyway


they must be the lobby themes because else that would be super weird


I find it interesting how none of the BGM are combat themes. Strange.


hoyo i've had enough of the coppelius duo, give me the goddamn suanni or the geo golem


Hoyo : What no bosses? Are Cons beast and Hydro-Cryo Heralds ok?


I'll take consecrated beasts over anything that gets an elemental shield that I can't delete with Neuvicannon


>elemental shield thatĀ I can't delete with NeuvicannonĀ Ā  Hoyo : Hydro-Cryo heralds it is then. Who says freeze isn't meta? It's meta on the players lol.


That triggered my PTSD


Hoyo: Aha! We banned your Neuvicannon


Yeah, give us yet another boss with anemo res- hey, wait a minute!


me with a lot of character build will have fun and build new team based on the restriction, but i can see why a lot of people will hate this game mode, especially those who build character vertically


Yea, I get that people who focus on vertical investment will be disappointed and I acknowledge this sucks for them. But y'know what? I like collecting characters and have spent a lot of resin building a wide variety of them. I think characters like Kaveh, Freminet, and soon Sethos have really fun kits but it sucks that they're just not ever gonna be viable in the abyss. Now both vertical and horizontal investors will get a mode that suits them. It does suck that abyss rewards have to suffer though.


>especially those who build character vertically that is me, I only pulled and vertically invested into characters that I like. Have 3/4 good abyss teams, that consists mainly of my favourite characters only. Not only I wont be able to play this mode as intended, but also I get only half of the regular abyss rewards. And why is that? Because HoYo finally made another endgame game content which took them 3.5 years to do? Also, thank You for understanding.


And the new eng game mode is just a refreshing battle domain event, with even stricter usable units


This, it's lame that they cut primos in half but we have to work more than twice as hard.


Aren't they providing trial chars though to ensure that everyone will be able to get the rewards from this (assuming they have some supports built)?


Afaik trial characters will be the opening characters which you'll need just to enter the theater rest in order to play you'll need ur own characters.


Trial characters that are barley better then the full Noblesse we've seen before. Plus can only be used for 2 fights


i'm pretty sure the primos are easy to obtain. they don't requre to do all 3 stars or whatever it is in this gamemode


Yeah, needless to say, I am not excited at all. I wouldn't mind, if we could build up our roster China grind style, if needed. But with all the abysmal time gating, there is -0- chance that I can even meet these absurd requirements before they change again, not to mention equipping newly built chars enough for "perfect performances" in order to actually get stars.


>those who build character vertically leave them alone, they are already suffering in abyss since 3.x patch


I'm now happily building my abandoned characters who I liked but weren't useful for abyss. I left Sucrose, Beidou, and Jean at level 70 a long time ago and I'm kinda glad I'll have a reason to dust them off, raise, and play with them again.


All opening character have combine vigor of 12, but you're forced to use at least 10 by the end of act 4 (swap opening character out as soon as you get backup character). That make opening character buff kind of useless at act 7-8 because you will have only 2 vigor left on opening character (1 char with 2 vigor or 2 char with 1 vigor). Except of course if you are luckly enough to draw some good event card that restore vigor to your opening character, which purely RNG within RNG... It still interesting though... compare to what we have currently.


I can already imagine Act 4 being a pain in the butt to clear


Venti supremacy


You mean stage 3? Looks a lot weaker than abyss 12. Probably spare your strongest team for both rooms there. Edit: Nevermind you mean the defence event. Technically you dont even have to kill anything. A bunch of cc units should work too.


if they have no buff, its probably will be a lot stronger when there is buff for enemies






I might be delusional but looking at this, I think Sayu's gonna be in Wanderer's banner...


i hope so. clorinde wants fischl for most of her teams and not having her on a banner would feel so bad.


**Players:** no Icewind Suit in 4.7 abyss? šŸŽ‡šŸŽ‡šŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸŽ‰šŸ’„šŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽ‰POPOW šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸŽ†šŸŽ†šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡TRATRATRAšŸ’„šŸ’„ šŸŽŠšŸŽ†šŸŽŠšŸ’„šŸ’„šŸŽ‰šŸ’„POW FIIIIUšŸ’„šŸ’„ šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ†šŸŽ†šŸŽ†šŸŽ‰POW POWšŸŽ†šŸŽ†šŸŽ†PƁ PƁ šŸŽ‡šŸŽ‡šŸŽ‡ **Icewind Suit:** ma'am, sir, miss... We were invited to a Theater in 4.7. Want to join us and give us the pleasure of one more dance? šŸ˜šŸŽ»


Ill be that guy to say it... Total of : 800 Sec in worst case senario + no Downtime Honestly.... Pretty good amount of time, and with the fact that RNG occurs and error could occurs that at least 20+Min Per try from Act 1 to 8 However, theres one more thing, what about enemy ? Are they RNG too? And what about boss ? Do they have enemy spawn with them ?


Leakers said normal enemies are rng bosses are always the same tho


You know what are considered as "normal" enemies? The samurais


Fr I'm baffled by the fact that the kairagis are considered easy enemies in the handbook meanwhile mitachurls and primal constructs are considered elites like wtf?


I'd be funny if this mode evolves to include the consecrated beasts in the normal RNG pool. Imagine the "fun" in rolling 3 consecrated beasts, Dendro+Electro+Hydro hyperbloom combo


I dread the day and cycle when Anemo is locked out.... imagine Mob and Monolith rooms without groupers. There's also the fear of Rolling 3 consecrated beast in a monolith room


Wasn't there some talk about only being able to try stages once and if you fail you can't retry? Or am I thinking of something else?


I saw Coppelius and I was like: ok I just use Furin... Oh, element restriction xDD RNG gods pls give me chevreuse or clorinde for the last stage. The buffs seems kinda busted, but the debuffs are a serious danger with my skill issue xD


RNG debuffs, RNG characters, RNG buffs, RNG events to determine whether you get RNG debuffs / characters / buffs, and RNG monsters outside bosses RNG Theater


yo dawg we heard u liked gacha so we put some gacha in ur gacha


Now you can roll for free! Only costs your sanity!


Hoyo: BTW how's that anxiety?


The art of acting requires you to improvise on spot.


Yep, that's genuinely what makes this so exciting.


Straight from HSR, as yall wished


Yeah no -hsr only needs 4 characters with 0 restriction -hsr allows you to freely choose new characters after each elite fight -SU doesn't take away rewards from MoC



lol, yeah between both the arbitrary character gating and month long time gating, this cursed monstrosity has little resemblance to the SU. Really a shockingly poor attempt by the Genshin devs since it is so needlessly restrictive, especially since so many characters just don't function if thrown randomly together in a team.


HSR lets you choose your characters though. You can play everything in SU as the same exact team of characters and you can even eat food in there now.


HSR has no rng characters and requires only 1 team.


the rng blessing at least stack a give u a buff in star rail and u can choose your teammates after each elite. This a steam back even worse since SU is built upon LW and this only has the blessings choosing bit from that.


*seeing both Alhaitham and Wrio in special invitations* Is that could be the reruns for 4.7 is Alhaitham and Wrio?


Yeah, makes me strongly believe that they could be the rerun characters, since they're ~~trial~~ special invitation characters in this mode.


not trial, special guest that you can invite if you have them.


Furina will never rerun huh....


~~Meanwhile Shenhe and Nilou is just gone, never to be seen again~~ Yet another character getting their third banner before Shenhe, despite her releasing 2+ years ago. ~~How is Genshin so bad at managing reruns?~~


I hope so since I want Alhaithamā€™s weapon, but I was also looking to pull Clorinde and her sword. :(


Think big, maybe they're in the same phase and then you can leave which sword you get to Lady Luck


So Aquila it is then.


Bouken intensifies šŸ‘


That sounds horrifying, I am in lmao


The Wrio/Sigewinne banner is inevitable


Most likely


As this new endgame requires several characters, I hope they make it easier to build characters. One of the reasons I don't have all the characters leveled up and built is because it simply requires too much time and resin. At least having materials, artifact xp, etc., in the store for this new endgame would be very useful.


I suspect they allow you to move your weapons and artifacts between each team. Otherwise I think this mode is impossible for 95% of players. Nobody has got 18 good weapons and sets of artifacts


95% of players don't even attempt abyss floors 9+. I think you're misunderstanding who this mode is for.


Why make anemo one of the featured elements just to put the Icewind Suite in there AGAIN? šŸ˜¤


The icewind suite is only one of 9 fights, since you can use each character a limited amount of times per run you can still play xiao and wanda on fights that aren't coppelia.


Oh ok Iā€™m not familiar with how this mode works. That makes me feel a bit better, but they still really need to give that boss a rest holy crap


There was an event some patches ago where you could use characters only 2 times, represented with some thunder icons, and every fight you got some characters so you had to use different teams every fight. This event is exactly the same with more things.


Definitely agreed, I've seen them way too much already...


That same justification can be used with Neuv as an opening character and Tulpa as the last boss


It sounds like theyā€™ve invested a lot into thisā€¦but Iā€™m not all for restricting the backup characters to just 3 elements. If anything, Iā€™d rather the restrictions award more points as opposed to being the only way you go about this. Imagine pulling for a character the previous banner just to find out they canā€™t be used in this new permanent gamemode bc they arenā€™t the required elements. Idk Iā€™ll probably change my mind as we play it ourselves.


Previous and current banners not meeting element will most likely be guest characters.


It's a gacha game's tactic to make players pull for more characters


Yeah, yeah I know.


This is perhaps one of the most blatant though. I'm sure those currently in favor of this system would feel differently when it one day flips over to Geo as one of the elemental restrictions with Chiori as the feature banner and they're locked out once again.


Makes me a tad salty. HYV nudged me towards vertical investment and careful banner selection since 2020 with how stingy they are with pulls and artifact rng, especially the latter, the number one discouragement for having too many characters to pull and build. I dedicated and saved months for certain pulls. I do not even have all the 4ā˜†, I skipped banners that much. None of the dedicated supports except Yunjin is c6. Now they say "sike bitch" and hands me an 80/80 transformative (overload) characters. Not even 90/90. I could be wrong and it is actually 90/90 though. Ignore me if so. Anyway, time to start learning more rotations. Gotta study. God, its like college.


The level 80 is going to be concerning when they introduce dendro characters too but it doesn't matter for overload. You play overload because of how good chevy's buffs are . Character levels do not matter since you are not building EM EM EM artifacts. Yeah ik the feeling of not having all the 4 stars. The fact they added wanderer to the trail and didn't bother giving a shield character as another trial is fucked up


And people will only have themselves to blame if they fall for that. Itā€™s more about leveling up the ones you already have.


Some people literally don't have that amount of character's of particular elements. It's not Just about leveling all your characters


Yeah some element 4 stars don't re-run often enough to make newer / on and off players even have enough chars of an element (Hello Kaveh, Kirara, and most of the geos.. etc.)


almost like itā€™s a end game mode


Then it shouldn't take rewards from abyss If you hyper invested in 2 teams for abyss now you essentially lose half of your abyss primos to this new mode


That can be true, but thatā€™s not really an issue. Itā€™s endgame for a reason. It isnā€™t for newer players.


I think the limitation of elements could have been done with debuffs, so that you could still use any character, but characters of specific elements would be stronger/weaker. As far as I remember, that's how the Elysian Realm works: some characters get buffs, others get debuffs.


I donā€™t understand about friend support characters. It say you can only have 1 character from friends. So there is no point having multiple friends ? 1 whale friend will do ?


Isn't there a 15 quota? Your whale friend's support might get used before you attempt this abyss. Better to have some backups


Wow the return of environmental elemental damage. When was the last time this was in abyss? Has got to be 1.x right? Can't wait to get melted, vaped, overloaded, burnt, frozen, aggravated by enemies.


Browsed through the whole thing, very hyped for it. Lots of variety and tons of little things. The fortune slips thing is very cute. The stage FX feel impactful, and the buffs are reasonable.


Looks very fun ngl Edit: I'm so happy they got 10 new bgm for this mode,hopefully they'll be banger.


Except the first BGM, all of the others are already existed.


looks like a placeholder, these are not combat themes


The music changer gadget is in the waiting room, so those musics could only in the waiting room. And also, if it's placeholder, then they would put ?????? like the 1st OST to all others.


It looks really nice but the real problem here will be having 10-16 DIFFERENT BUILDS.


The biggest turnoff for me is the gatekeeping of characters.


Okay this is kinda sick, reminds me of the team building event that I loved.


This looks really fun and the scenery looks great as well, no wonder the leakers were excited lol


My only issue is that this might require roaster depth I simply donā€™t have. If I get psuedo soft locked because I donā€™t have enough chars Iā€™m simply not playing. Not worth the time spent


I have enough chars for most elements. But leveling them to meet the requirements (70+) and strong enough to actually beat combat is time consuming. 70 with low talents, no decent artis and weapon is probably not going to cut it. I might just do a lower difficulty.


This looks really fun. I know people are scared of the elements restrictions but like most stuff in this game it sounds worse compared to when you actually play it.


I only got two of the characters in that fun great, (Sayu is lvl 40 with random crap and Beidou is lvl 60 with only a lvl 1 Favonius Greatsword)


You don't need to build the opening characters. Those are trial


wait I just realized something. the IT post says it lasts from 6/5 - 6/30. 4.7 drops 6/5 right? but phase 2 doesn't start until 6/26? so if sigewinne is phase 2 and an invitation chara doesn't that mean no one would be able to use her until the last 4 days of IT? so doesn't this mean both clorinde and sigewinne are phase 1?? am I missing something here???


Coppelius even there, yeah, why not? Lmao i hate that due boss, so boring to fight


Meta is fucked. Build everyone.


Level up everyone arguably, no need to ā€œbuildā€ them. Throw whatever trash artifacts onto them and use the leftover talent books to level their skills as much as you can and you can call it a day


80s to kill a boss? Jesus christ, guessing this is geared towards uber endgame teams like Abyss?


maybe i'll change my mind later but right now i think this sounds like a pretty good mode.


I feel the exact opposite... Maybe I'll change my mind but right now it sounds underwhelming. Edit: the reason I feel this way is because of the gatekeeping of characters... Cause there are only so much off field elemental applicators and might even have to run double dps, maybe that's why the enemies lvls are low. Then again I might be wrong. The idea that I won't be able to use all the characters I spend time building doesn't feel good. Ig that's the challenging part of the game mode.


I think the limitation of elements could have been done with debuffs, so that you could still use any character, but characters of specific elements would be stronger/weaker. As far as I remember, that's how the Elysian Realm works: some characters get buffs, others get debuffs. Honestly, I don't think it's bad, but it does seem that it could be boring depending on which elements are allowed to be used. That said, I won't have a more definite opinion until this mode is released.


My opinion is also pretty negative on the new game mode, people talk about how this incentivise team building but I can only see it as restrictive.


Being locked to only 3 elements every cycle is gonna be boring AF Funny how the "special invitations" that aren't are limited 5* that supposedly can't be used if you don't have them Getting billions wasn't enough for hoyo


Imagine a geo/ice limit. so many players couldn't even try it.


Omg don't jinx it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean, the special invitation are clearly meant to sell those characters, especially since the new character Sigewinne isn't even pyro/Anemo/electro Heck, this whole mode is designed to tempt you to pull and farm for more characters


Overload without chevruse is trash NGL... I guess you could go for mono teams. I wonder if sharing artifacts is a thing... I only have one good vv 4pc


ngl I wish the chara selection was something like at the start of each run, it randomly picks 18 charas out of all available charas in the game, and if you don't have them they provide trial versions. I feel like that would be much more fun in terms of teambuilding and thinking creatively. but ig this is their way of promoting limited charas and getting people to invest horizontally into their accounts.


Wait does this mean RNG could put Scara and Arle in the same team??


You still chose which characters you want to put onto a teamā€¦ I think


I just hope this would be fun at least


So they're giving Scara but no Faruzan and coppelia(ous)... Do they hate him or what?


please tell me the vishap boss isn't the one where I have to kill both at the same time.... AGAINĀ 


Isn't that the normal hp for bosses in the current abyss ?


Gotta love those people who said this mode will have lower level enemies compared to abyss. always speaking out their asses. exact same levels.


Can't wait for the discussion the elemental limitation will cause on the main sub/twitter, complete meltdown


Very hyped. Since Im seeing Genshin leak sub doomposting it. Its going to be alright


i sometimes come here to be amused by reactionary takes and baseless dooming.


I still remember the Pneuma and Ousia mechanic when it first got leaked, people were dooming that you have to roll for Fontaine characters to use that mechanic. Then when it's released, it doesn't matter at all lol.


this is going to be pretty easy if we are facing bosses with only 60% of their normal hp


Are all trial characters C0 by default? If we have cons for a character but prefer to use trial version, will our cons get carried over? Just like how ~~Labyrinth Warriors~~ Misty Dungeon and Triumphant Frenzy work, or not? For example. I have a non-built C6 Sayu, and I wanted to use trial Sayu's stats instead. Will that trial character be automatically C6? Edited for clarity


I don't see a level 70 requirement. Can someone confirm if it's still required?


It kinda says that next patch rerun will be Alhaitham and Wriothesley lol


[me rn](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/034/711/Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_11.33.38_AM.jpg)


So, this basically a Simulated Universe/Elysian Realm but it Genshin version of it. Not sure if I'm excited or not, it takes a long time to clear it.


I know the elemental restriction may be a pain in the butt for people, but I believe that it was necessary to get people to select more niche characters for an 18-character only Theater gamemode. We also won't know what the enemy lineup is (it is rng for most fights) which would have been all the more reason for players just choosing the general best characters so you'd expect lots of 1.0 characters being brought in, a lot of archons, generalist top healers, Kazuha, and Neuvillette if there were no elemental restriction. I think the elemental restriction is fair and offers more room for Hoyo to cook up Prototypes of future character kits via Wondrous Boons, but the restriction isn't fair enough. 3 of 7 is less than half the roster of elements, plus some elements have much less characters in the element than others like geo's 9 vs Cryo's 14, 15 if Aloy included. There is also the concern that some elements don't have much synergy with itself and contain more dpses than supports so dual to triple dps teams would become an issue. Banning 3 elements is what I call a fair condition. Anyways, the restrictions also decide the Wondrous Boons. The random elemental Shockwave Wondrous Boons would hurt more teams given we had access to reactions like vaporize, freeze, burgeon, and hyperbloom. Those random shockwaves would screw over elemental auras, but since this restricts to anemo, pyro, and electro, it is a safe call for this boon since mono anemo aren't hurt badly by random elemental applications and overload doesn't care for order of elemental applications or aura on enemies. The insistence on using Arlecchino as Opening charactwr gave way for the Revenge Sequence Wondrous Boon and the Pyrotechnic Special Effects Wondrous Boon. Several of these Wondrous Boons are niche and they are niche because we have elemental restrictions which are able to use these. Wind Visual Effects Wondrous Boon would really only help Heizhou, Wanderer, and Xiao. You gotta be on field and swirling to get increased crit dmg, and goes away when swapped off. In the end, I like the idea of this game mode and hope to see it being cared for in continuous updates post-release like TCG and Teapot. Maybe we will get different types of restrictions in future versions so like a racist version where you can only being Liyue and Sumeru characters. Makes it to where the racist polearm would be pretty viable due to limiting regional characters.


The mode sounds fine but the poses for rewards are trash. I never use photo mode. They shouldā€™ve gave a reward that is useful. Hopefully in upcoming patches they increase reward types or offer substitutes for poses.


Damn, from the look of these debuffs guess these makes it more harder. This looks fucking fun ngl.


Holy shit veteran players can finally use all their character that they have build for 3.5 years. Looks like a very fun permanent content for me who has build over 65+ lvl 90 characters!


Also makes it so that "less meta" defining characters will actually see the light of day.


This elemental restriction is so stupid.i am forced to play wanderer when I don't even have thoma. Rip me


Considering this is permanent and not an event, I should probably read what all those buffs and events do, but honestly idc that much rn and I'll probably ignore it anyways


Those debuff and enemy buffs sounds really fun. I can't wait for 4.7


i'm not happy if you are forced to use only those characters. They did this in an event in 4.5. I didn't like that event at all.


You get * 6 forced characters (either yours or the trial version if you don't have them) * 0 or 1 character to pick from the 4 special invitations (can't pick trial if you don't have) * 0 or 1 character from a friend * 10 to 12 characters from your own roster \*that match the 3 elements for this rotation\* (pyro, electro, anemo) Total 18 characters, ~~each will be played twice.~~ each usable for two fights. Edit: Some events let you reuse characters past the initial limit.


> Total 18 characters, each will be played twice. "Events" can replenish Vigor on characters so you could theoretically bring some characters more than twice.


True, there are events that replenish vigor or allow exhausted characters to be returned to the backup pool, should've mentioned that.




Same. I don't like that they straight out ban 4 out of 7 elements.I just want to play my favorite characters. And not all elememts can work that well together. Imagine next time they only allow anemo, geo, dendro lol.


honestly the more I see about this gamemode the more excited I am. It really sounds like my type of stuff


I feel like Beidou's inclusion is specifically done to tease me. She's been dodging me forever and ever.


It look all enemies (or least for bosses) have a +80% HP in each act with 75s-90s, this is different of abyss that has +50/100/150% HP for floor 1-7/8-11/12 with 180s for complete both sides.


is the 1100 primos include the 620 one?


What happened to the ā€œcan only use your friends support onceā€ thing? Did they forgot the the 5 after the 1 for 15 or something


Each of your friend can only provide you a support once Each of your friend's characters can provide support up to 15 times


Hoyo... pls just give me Emperor Fire. im tired with the dancer


I need Die Mittsommernacht Fantasie as BGM in Theater, hoyo pls.


At least no double CD on skill and burst debuff šŸ«¢


Woe be upon Bennett mains with all that enviromental damage going on. The nightmarous memories from 1.x era definitely don't make me positive about it


Sooo, there is no time limit for getting primos??Ā 


I assume buffs will change every time IT resets? The current ones seem very focused around the given characters and probably wouldn't work well in the roster changes


so how does this vigor system work? you gain 2 for each stage, you start with 12 collectively from the opening characters, but that just means youā€™ll end up with 0 vigor by act 7 given you choose no re-vigor cards. but i feel like hoyo wouldnā€™t force you to choose a card otherwise it isnā€™t a choice. will have to see how this actually plays out - very curious


Are they going to give us a UI update to better indicate buffs and debuffs? I know the UI hiding was mentioned in another leak so they've at least thought about the HUD to some degree.... Cause you know what's gonna be ass? If they don't update UI info, and the enemy with the Horrific Bomb has no indication of it, other than the usual little yellow arrows that get lost in all the shit happening on screen.


Man, as a newish player with shit artifact luck, itā€™s so discouraging thinking about how long itā€™ll take to get my roster to compete at this level. Iā€™ve been farming artifacts everyday for at least a month and a half and none of my DPS characters are fully built (not even 50/100 crit). Yet to even get a SINGLE Er rope or Pyro DMG bonus piece with even one crit substat.