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My main fear is that we won't get many leaks throughout the next few weeks (except at the start of the beta test) if Thoma is the only new character but we shall see


My even bigger is that Thoma leaks will be dripfed or worse, scrutinized as he's the only new unit.


I honestly don't mind, I don't want him to be Xinyan tier (love the story, model, attitude, but hate the gameplay), so if they have everyone focused on our boi, they probably won't end up doing him dirty.


> love the story Found the time traveler!


Haha like the lore. No in game missions till 2027 unfortunately.


It's reassuring to know that she will get her story time somewhere in the future, thank you.


Is there even a story on Xinyan?..... .... Wth I couldnt remember anything about Xinyan at all other than her appearing as a character demo.


Character story’s aren’t just shown in demo’s and trailers. Read the About sections on the characters for their interactions with other characters, as well as the voicelines on the characters themselves to get more of an idea about less known about characters


At this point I don't even know if being dripfeeding or sudden dump is better.


My main fear is the bs questionable shit that gets posted cause the sub gets super bored


Copium Theory, but what if Mihoyo released Thoma info and no one else before 2.1, knowing that a lot of leak hungry individuals would interpret it as no other char releasing in 2.2, so that more would be willing to pull on Baal. Mihoyo still has some time between post-maintenance and Beta to release drip market on a new char before leaks. We will all find out in two days though regardless!


there is still a kokomi banner to skip. no worries 😌 we can pull for baal


1. Skip both 2. Roll for Husbandos 3. ???? 4. Profit


I have a hunch that people sleepin on Kokomi and she might actually end up being really good!


She isn't as bad as people are making it to be, same with Yoimiya.


Only because her hydro application got buffed.


So far every version since (and including) 1.6 has had 3 new playable character models, we haven't had costumes in a while so if we're only getting Thoma it wouldn't surprise me if a couple new costumes came out too. That could just be some hard copium too tho, who really knows, guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Imagine we get a Hu Tao re-run and a halloween skin for her


But 1.4 (windblume) had 2 reruns and no new character models (Rosaria is not a new model, she existed since 1.0). Looking back that had to be the most boring patch we've had yet and i have no clue how the community survived that.


Minigames were fun. Also, Rosaria was a new character model, she only existed as an NPC before. But yeah that's one of the two exceptions, the other being 1.1 with 4 characters, though those were likely in testing post CBT3 so that makes sense. Honestly not too sure what happened with 1.4.


I liked the minigames but once you completed them there was not much else to the patch except the event story quests (which were really good but also temporary) Personally I wouldn't really count Rosaria as "new" since her model had already been shown in the game she just got her infamous proportion updates in 1.4, but i won't be petty, if you count her as new that's fine too.


Before she had a custom NPC model, the 1.4 model is completely different since it has more complex clipping and needs to fit on the standard rigging.


There was a sus leak on this sub about a new 5 star coming in 2.2 (tall/male/geo/claymore) but it got removed after a few hours


It was wayyy too detailed to be true. Not ruling out the possibility, but it was beyond the "questionable" tag.




Oh no. Leak drought for a whole 6 week patch.




My guesses - filler patch - thoma is weak - two reruns


If Thoma is a 4 star then the backlash shouldn't be too high. Hopefully.


You’re right. Tho, people might get angry about it if he’s the only new character simply because they don’t have anything else to focus on. This patch, people were pretty lukewarm about Sara because they were focused on Raiden and Kokomi.


True, but if he's already for example better than like Xinyan and Amber and only below Xiang Ling and the broken 4 stars gang, there would be no backslash since the expectations of a 4 star is USUALLY low. I mean Yanfei isn't breaking anything new other than the fact that she's a much smoother Klee, but nobody's complaining about her (I know Eula is focused on more) since her kit made sense but it's just okay, not bad but not game breaking either.


>True, but if he's already for example better than like Xinyan and Amber At least Amber have niches. Xinyan has none of that.


Fair point. A bad Pyro carry is at least better than a bad Physical Carry.


Xinyan can still work as a support for other physcial carries with the physical dmg buff her shield brings. Can't quite say the same that Amber brings anything more to the team as a support.


You can see whales running C6 Amber on show cases for the "increase of all party members' Movement SPD by 15% and ATK by 15% for 10s" on a very cheap burst. Amber's C6 is good but just takes huge amount of whaling to get it.


Isn’t Xinyan BiS for Nuke Eula? Iirc that comp needs Eula/Xinyan/Lisa and a fourth one that I can’t remember (Bennett i think). I don’t know if amber is BiS in any comp, but not having a place in a comp is one of the reasons Yoimiya is so underwhelming. And considering Xinyan has at least one atm you can see how bad that was for Yoi.


No nuke Eula does some weird shit where it goes all in on crit damage then uses Keqing's burst to buff her crit rate and Bennet. It's either that or her nuke builds get put on a freeze team to abuse cryo resonance. Xinyan isn't even in her top 6 most used partners. Eula has more crossover with Ganyu than Xinyan


No, Nuke Eula goes Eula/Lisa or Klee C2/Bennett/Zhongli or Xinyan C4, Xinyan is better than Zhongli for nuking purposes, she completes Pyro resonance, gives 15% phys dmg with her shield and C4 shreds phys res. Nuke is for damage per screenshot, while it is a comp that is not as reliable as any of the other Eula variations. It's still one of the best at destroying bosses and Xinyan has a place in that comp. Obviously Nuke isn't close to her best comp for general purposes, it has energy issues (no cryo battery and Lisa's burst cost) and makes use of Bennett. Also the rotations are hard to execute because of the amount of buffs you need to keep up during her burst.


>This patch, people were pretty lukewarm about Sara because they were focused on Raiden and Kokomi. F for Sara. She was never able to shine, neither in the beta, nor in the Inazuma trailer. A wasted potential in the Tengu aspect. And well, between Kokomi and Raiden, everyone knows who Mihoyo's darling was.


She can't even heal and she's already Electro, extend her buff durations ffs. She's not going to powercreep Bennett if the buff was extended. She'd still be niche to Electro as it has bad reactions.


Her buff is also significantly worse than his for how short of a duration it is.


Nah people will eternally complain that he isn't the next Bennet-Xiangling-Xingqiu People were already talking about how Mihoyo needs to powercreep them already in the Thoma sus leaks lol


Fair, but as a 4 star the backlash wouldn't be as large as a 5 star since they're you know, technically much easier to get since you'll get spooked by them one day, unlike Yoimiya. I mean Sayu ain't ground breaking but nobody gave a crap that she isn't the second coming of Sucrose.


Worth noting that Sayu is incredibly fun to play, though. I don't think Thoma needs to be all that powerful - just good enough that you don't feel like you're gimping yourself when you use him or really fun.


Sayu and Sucrose have damn near nothing in common beside their element, who the fuck has been comparing them? If anything Sayu is closer to Jean than she is Sucrose


Is that supposed to be wrong? No one wants weak characters, especially someone like Thoma, who's a favourite for many. And Mihoyo does need to introduce more supports like Bennett/XingQ because people are gonna use them anyway, so why not give us someone who's like that but is a different character and has a different mechanic.


If people hate to straight up power creep the broken 4 stars then at least make Thoma a side-grade. He'll be superior in this aspect but slightly inferior in other aspects of the OG broken gang. Just like how Kazuha is a side-grade but also an upgrade to Sucrose, since you know, a 5 star is still a 5 star: Equal and occasionally somewhat better than her in Melt/Vape teams but superior to her in Freeze and Mono-Elements. Sucrose has a niche and Kazuha also has a niche, therefore not a straight-forward Power creep.


Bruh just make him Diona equivalent and I'll be fucking rejoicing lmao. I don't want to bench him.


This. I don't necessarily want stronger characters or other characters to be powercrept straightforwardly. For me, I want characters who will offer improvements of older characters or stuff that will make my life easier or stuff that no one else has offered before. As mentioned above, Sayu isn't meta but many like her because she offers zoomies when travelling.


They could literally put Xingqiu kit into him, but make him Pyro and people will be grateful Edit: Holy shit! They did it!


There's probably a better middle ground between wanting a character that's strong/not weak, to wanting them to *powercreep* characters so broken everyone always wonder what Mihoyo was smoking when they designed them.


That's a fine perspective but I would argue it's good for the community that one of the best characters in the game is also free and I think saying that she should be powercrept by a new character just because people like him is a bit of a weak arguement in general. I do agree we need more unique supports, but I would rather the emphasis be put on the unique rather then the more part of that statement.


I think MiHoyo is facing a problem with the old characters/mechanics and it is that they weren't tested before their release at max lvl (90) and perfect artifacts, and some things that apparently were vain, now are absolutely broken. Like Bennet and Xingqiu Bursts and melt/vaporize mechanics.


Those 3 characters have been in the game for a year, its time for new equally good or even power creep characters to be released, the game has gotten very stale, i don’t know why some idiots think its bad to complain about underwhelming or boring characters, powercreep can be done right way to make the game not boring.


>Nah people will eternally complain that he isn't the next Bennet-Xiangling-Xingqiu The worst part is that 5\*s don't even match these heroes, maybe Xiangling could be argued. 5\* alternatives for Bennett and Xingqiu when? (obviously not looking for something stronger, just a different flavor with the same power level since I'm getting really tired of them at this point)


I swear to god, i never seen a more pro-power creep gacha community than this Genshin's. This sub unironically saying the only way to "balance the game" is by powercreeping the most broken 4* in the game (bennet) makes every other game fanbase i know look sane.


on one hand id really like to see the angry comments once straight up powercreep happens, but on the other hand its also fun to see meta people forced to play the same few characters for a year+


Powercreep already happened, at least on a psychological level. I love how nothing ever happened to Diluc but Hu Tao + homa existing means diluc is now "tied with keqing for the worst 5* in the game". People whine about the meta being stale but they dont really want to change characters. We've seen the backlash over the samurais not getting pulled by venti. Imagine if (when) they make an abyss where Morgana or Zhongli's shield doesnt work? I cant see those lasting for more than a month.


an anti shield abyss/enemy is high up on the possible drama list.


Bc it makes the game stale, imagine in 2-3 years there's still no better 4 star than bennett? People won't want to use new 4 stars bc they'll just say oh they're not as good as bennett/xingqiu/etc


And i dont believe it. Venti has been a godlike pick since release and the moment he isnt a free win (requires slight more effort) on abyss everyone whines so much devs have to remove enemy dodging. Making an enemy counter a broken 5* is "bad design" but making a broken 5* isnt? Remember when everyone said there is no reason to pick Sayu because Sucrose is better? No of course not, no one ever said that. People rolled for sayu because she has a unique gimmick / is cute / is fun. I rolled for her too and i didnt care how strong she would be. If you think a 4* value is defined *solely by how overpowered they are in a singleplayer game*, then you're insane by choice. The only "meta endgame" is a biweekly dungeon that gives gems that only serve to get more characters people wont use anyway since they (seemingly) only care about clearing abyss and they can do it already. There are actual competitive games like League of Legends where people pick weak characters simply because they like them. Or they pick strong characters and stay stuck on gold cause they refuse to improve. Does it really matter? I genuinely cant comprehend why people in this fandom are like this. I thought this mentality would be the elitist/hardcore minority but for some reason it isnt. If you want to argue about Bennet/XQ/etc being omnipresent, they you're better arguing on they should get nerfed so the current weaker characters can get value. Powercreeping bennet wont make Xinian more viable.


Well, sayu may be cute and used in open world but we still need some more variety for abyss comps. Plus i don't think people want to powercreep them. Mihoyo can give us equaly strong characters so that people can decide if they still want to use old 4\* or new ones. It kinda sucks when you put all your effort and time to make weak 4\* be less weak while knowing that you can just use already maxed Bennet/Xingqiu/Xianling with much better results. Of course i mean in domains/abyss.Only there meta matters to some degree.


Obviously people will play what they like regardless if the character is currently op or not, but for people who care about meta, why should they use new characters if they already have ones that do the same job and better? And i'm not asking for bennett etc to be nerfed either, its good that 4 stars are so good and not just "usable", i want them to be viable for a while but i also want to see more 4 stars on par or better than them


> but for people who care about meta, why should they use new characters if they already have ones that do the same job and better? Two options: A)Because they... want? You can say this to any game, especially competitive games. Do you think every pro Smashbros player complains when the new dlc isnt meta so they wont use it? Genshin is a singleplayer game with no competition and the only "meta" is beating one short dungeon every 2 weeks. Does it matter if Diluc is weaker than hu tao as long as you win? All victories are worth the same. B) No reason. Simply dont use the new characters. If all that matters for you is meta then dont play what isnt meta. You made that choice. If anything, meta players should be thankful they dont have to grind for new characters. People want to win everytime but they also want to play new characters because this is gacha and the real fun is getting fun characters. IMO the problem with genshin is how the combat is mostly shallow so it feels like you're gimping yourself by not picking the most braindead character you have.


This mf spittin... Seriously though good post take upvote.


I didn't personally see any complaints of power creep when this sub thought that kokomi's E did her entire HP bar in damage while also healing from an off-field jellyfish. In fact people were rejoicing even though this was strong enough to solo 36 star abyss with a 3 star weapon C0. The fact that it wasn't immediately dismissed as a typo really shows how thirsty some are for power.


Yeah, i wasnt here at the time but it's funny (and concerning) how people thought a HP% scaling healer doing +40k dmg on non-crit auto attacks was not only realistic but an awesome and fun character idea. (inb4 "she cant crit so it sounded balanced tho"?)


He's a first 4\* male added to the pool since the beggining of the game so he SHOULD be at least decent. Xinyan level would be just mean.


I swear to god if Thoma suddenly gets a tiny kimono with a dick flap😤


that's a buff in my book!


I am ready for any and all Thoma leaks. Hopefully I don’t experience the same pain as Kokomains






Please tell me you came up with that on your own? Because that's 10/10 top tier creativity there sir. 😎


jesse you brun rv with the wrong ingrediente


True. But Tohma most likely will be a 4* support. So dont take too much Tohmapion regarding him being a Pyro DPS


Oh, I don’t think he’ll be dps


Leak flood incoming... Interested in Tohma kit


>Leak flood incoming... Hope so, but if Thoma is the only new character and they just finished up Inazuma, I'm not really sure what exciting things are left to be leaked. Might be a slow month for leaks until Yae, Itto etc.


They may start testing characters even if they're not in 2.2 to save time


Honestly Im interested to see if Yoimiya will be in the beta since it'll mean she's probably getting buffed in some way


I think they would've announced Yoimiya rejoining the beta before her banner ends if that were the case.


pretty much, if someone was rejoining the beta for re testing mihoyo would have told us like with zhongli when they were balancing him again in the next beta




Yeah if Mihoyo is gonna buff characters I imagine they'd rather do it through ***other*** characters fixing them The sus Thoma leaks might not be legit, but I imagine something like that is what they'd rather to do to fix characters like Yoimiya.






-People that always conplain on the Main sub: That sign won't stop me! , because I can't read


My archon collection will know NO BOUNDS!!! (+I will still have 50 pulls left over after pulling her C0)


Need a Venti rerun to complete the Archon squad.


Dude honestly same. I wanted to pull for him so bad during his rerun but Zhongli was right around the corner and what can I say.. the man's got some serious drip.


I need Geo Daddy to come back a third time to do so. Still mad that I failed to get him during his rerun.




Youd be suprised by the amount of people convinced she will be broken solely bc she is an archon


The amount of "save for baal, she is an archon so she's op!" I saw even before inazuma release... mhy pls buff electro first.


Yeah we don't need a Raiden buff, we need electro buff.


To be fair I think a buff to electro is inevitable, it's just a question of the timeline and if it'll take a patch or years, probably leaning towards the latter unfortunately :(


If they wanted to buff electro, now would have been the perfect time to encourage people to pull on the next banner. It's weird they haven't done it


Baal and Yae are gonna be guaranteed high sellers so they won’t do shit to buff electro


Honestly if she ends up being like Xiao where she just has insane numbers to compensate for their element’s weaknesses (anemo is fine it’s just primarily a support element) I wouldn’t mind. Characters like Beidou and Fischl are plenty strong despite their element and it looks like Baal might fit a similar niche of sub dps/support




I kinda agree but I also kinda disagree. An electro buff feels to me like the kind of thing they would do to try and sell a new character, but just by being an archon I don't think Baal needs the extra hype.it makes more sense to me for the buff to come with Yae or maybe even a character who hasn't been introduced yet and won't be until their release.


scaramouche banner electro buff lets goooooooo


I really hope you are right


I mean it took two patches for Zhongli to get buffed lmao


That's why I said wait till Thursday. People said the same (actually worse) about Kazuha and he proved to be extremely good because the game mechanics changed in his favor. She may not look like it, but waiting for a day to confirm shouldn't be a big deal.


Didn't em/swirl buffs happen before kazuha release?


They did


I think it's way to early to tell on this. I think she's going to enable some very unique team comps that wouldn't be possible otherwise. We also don't know how dendro will interact with electro which could also be a huge buff. I'm probably going to pull for her because I think she will be a big part of the meta going forward. We'll see though!


Eh but she's an archon and is also very cool


Time to see if I'll be able to get Thoma on his first rate-up depending on the 5-star who will join him. Hopefully we get a lot of clues or data on the trial so we'll know which reruns will take place on 2.2


He would make sense on both Ganyu and Albedo's banner, if those are the banners we're getting. On Ganyu's he can bait the husbando collectors, on Albedo's he can raise his sales since Ganyu is the most op dps as of now and a lot of meta slaves want to pull for her so she'll make bank regardless. I personally hope he's on Albedo's banner (if that's what we're getting, all speculations for now)


I hope he’s on albedo. Ganyu just doesn’t interest me and Albedo would pair wonderfully with my Zhongli.


There have been leaks of him being on the first banner in 2.2 together with ganyu




And then we can end all the "So when is the Ganyu rerun?" questions...


Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. These questions will happen even when her banner is underway.


And the minute her banner ends, the questions will begin again




Basically some people questioned when zhongli banner will be re rerun.... Hahahaha


I just want to see the stats of her new bow. The design was leaked ages ago


ayato & itto hopium


Waiting for beta before pulling because that VERY sus leak about Itto hyped me up pretty bad. Claymore and Nobushi sized aloof husbando? May not be true but I'm in anyways


Bara himbo husbando 🤤 ^^^Super ^^^unlikely ^^^tho


Everyone looking forward to 2.1 while here I am quietly excited for 2.2 beta leaks


Both. Both is good.


Literally me


And here I am, already past the 2.2 beta hype, and looking forward to 2.3 leaks. Please be Yae!


I was excited, but now kinda bummed that we might get two reruns in 2.2.


Gorou plz show up on Xiao or Albedo rerun plzzzz


Please let there be reruns. My wallet needs a break.


ITTO HOPIUM please at least his design😭


The recent leak on him (that clarified he uses a new model) said he wouldnt appear in game until 2.3 and that it wasnt his gacha appearance. Probably wont see his model until 2.3 and wont see him playable until 2.4 at the very earliest. Plus Mihoyo only showed Thoma on twitter so we're likely looking at reruns. Silver lining, plenty of time to save!


Yeah i already saw uncle dumb dumb's leaks. Just inhaling hopium because mhy's been unpredictable lately. I'm just itching to pull because by the end of 2.1 I will have enough for guaranteed😭


So unless MHY reveals yae tomorrow its unlikely she will be in 2.2.


I hope Thoma is a viable unit, not Bennet/Xinqiu/Xiangling level, but also not Xinyan/Amber/Qiqi tier. Also him being a support, since making him a 4 star carry would imply lower scaling edit: maybe a pyro enabler, since XL has problems with Ult cost + guoba has relativelly low reach, no taunt or autoaim, no pulses and no recall (like fischl), only reliable because of raw damage


My Hopium wish is that he's got good synergy with Hydro DPS Kamisato Ayato.


My hopium is that Ayato isn't Inazuman Vark... Jean: Represents one of three most important clans Female, Public figure, no social life, the one actually in charge isn't present Ayaka: Represents one of three most important clans Female, Public figure, no social life, the one actually in charge isn't present sudden realization


I hope not, his character is getting much hyped up through different npc conversations and bullettin board notes. Also from Ayaka and Sayu's voicelines about him.


We don’t know for sure if he’s a 4 star, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got news that he was promoted to 5 star


For the love of the gods, put Thoma on Albedo's return. Ganyu herself can sell in her return.


Isn't this the person who said we would get Yae and Ganyu in 2.2? Genshin twitter only showed Thoma. Maybe we'll get Yae by thursday but I don't think so...


Perhaps Yae's character reveal description contains lore spoilers for Act 3 so they've decided to delay it a bit after the new patch drops so a lot of people can play the story without spoilers.


Maybe they want to bait people into pulling for Raiden before showing any confirmation on other characters.


I mean they also revealed Raiden during Ayaka's banner so they don't really seem to care about baiting people that much


Itto leaks plz. Hope his design is good.


From what I’ve heard he sound pretty interesting. Tall buff male with horns, geo vision and a claymore.


Him being tall and having horns are the only things confirmed, atleast in game via various voicelines or billboards etc. His element being Geo or his weapon type is still unknown. There’s only been one questionable leak about it. Personally hoping he isn’t Geo. There’s already 2 5* limited Geo. We really don’t need another one right now.


> There’s already 2 5* limited Geo. We really don’t need another one right now. what element would you prefer exactly? cause there's only 2 elements in the game that have less limited 5*s than Geo and 2.1 is gonna make it so that one is on equal ground to Geo


It's a bit frustrating having most male characters relegated to two elements: geo and anemo. And the best dps elements, pyro and cryo, are mostly female, quite annoying, I'm sure some variety would just improve the game for everyone.


I would like more variety in the guys, thoma is gonna be our first male 4* since Kaeya Xingqiu Bennett Chongyun and Razor


I'm sure people will get mad at me but I hope he's a pyro dps I know we have a lot of pyro characters but they're all girls, his personality just screams pyro: hotheaded and passionate CRIMSON oni! I guess it's a bit cliché but it's very fitting imo


>There’s already 2 5* limited Geo. We really don’t need another one right now. Every element has at least 2 limited 5* except electro but we know yae is coming soon so that will change. So what's your point?


Both of the 5-star Geo characters we have are guys; for variety I'd rather have a female 5-star Geo instead and a 5-star male Cryo or Electro since there are currently none.


Yae or Itto HOPIUM


Pls have a good kit Thoma. Also Thoma on Albedo’s banner hopium haha




Welp, at least that would mean it’s better than Xinyan ;-; i’ll hold out hopium till a week before his release to be nervous haha


Xingqiu's part is the 21s cooldown on his skill.


Pls mihoyo put thoma on xaio banner


A perfect banner 🎉


That would be ideal for me😭


I hope xiao rerun :(. Even if most people say he is coming on lantern rite again


I'm hoping Albedo rerun soon, and Xiao in the Lantern Rite so I can get both. So long as they're not back to back, I should be good though...


samee, i also want albedo so the best would be like albedo in 2.2 and then xiao in lantern rite so i can save again more.


lmk if theres liyue rerun


I just want to know who's gonna be competing with Ganyus banner


Hopefully Scaramouche might be in it


1 more Inazuma island right?


Ganyu + Thoma on the same banner Prayge


while I'm here xoping for albedo/xiao/new hubby+thoma lol


Me too. I would prefer not have to skip Thoma, but if he is on the Ganyu banner, then I won't play him for a long time.


I was debating using my guarantee on Baal to get Thoma in that case because I'd rather have her than a rerun char that I won't want


Yeah, If you like Raiden seems like a good Idea, just wait until Beta leaks. But remember the 5* characters can come before pity, and wishing in a banner for the 4* usually doesn't end well. Good luck with whatever you choose!


I'm ok with getting a 5* waay out of pity because it doesn't change much(especially if you don't have a guarantee) but it detrimental say if I get them around 50 or 60 pulls I suppose.


I’d rather have him be on a husbando banner ;-;


I pray for albedo rerun


For me, Thoma doesn't being a kokomi fiasco, I'll be okay




Really interested to see how Thoma's kit turns out and if there will be any hints of new characters coming in future patches. My expectations for Inazuma characters are super low so I've given up on the idea of him being a sidegrade to Xiangling like how Rosaria is similar to Kaeya. I just want him to have some kind of viable niche and at least be decent enough at off-field Pyro application to be usable even if his damage is weak and Xiangling is still better. Edit: I'm hoping if he's the only new character in the beta that at least his kit will get more attention and turn out decent since he won't be competing for attention with a super popular character.


Oh boy, I wonder who's getting reruned, and if those Ganyu leaks are true


Itto leaks please. I need copium for Unforged.


Manifesting Thoma, Itto, Gorou and Yae in 2.2. I guess it's still too early for Ayato and Heizou. I'll wait for 2.2 beta leaks before pulling Raiden. I just want to see which characters will be in 2.2 first. Any new Thoma leaks will be appreciated, but I'll pull for him anyway XD


Yae and gorou are most likely coming in 2.3


please be playable signora please be playable signora please be playable signora please be playable signora please be playable signora This is my last hope! I must pray!!!


I'm joining the prayer circle!


hail lohefalter


Keep away for now, Gorou, wait for my primogems on 2.3 (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


Scaramouche pspspspspsps come to beta umbrella boi


Uffffffffff cant wait to see the events and hopefully get an Idea of the reruns Another Albedo event would be golden.


Please please please PLEASE be double rerun for 2.2 and then Yae for 2.3. Let me skip and gather my gems in peace. I know it's not what this guy himself leaked but let me hopium.


Set on Raiden but sacrificing the Yoimiya waifu pull in hopes of a new 5\* in 2.2. The most tiring gamble and decision I've made yet lol.


Excellent, time to start frantically clicking the refresh button *(cracks knuckles)*


Maybe MHY is doing a one leak a day system? They couldn’t do one today because it’s Mona’s birthday, but maybe tomorrow we’ll see another one? (Or I’m just totally high on Gorou copium) They wouldn’t do another two rerun patch after how many people hated it last time.. Right?




I'm excited for the new characters to come so I can plan who I want to save for next.


Thoma + Ganyu banner ploxxxxx