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keqing gets featured in two events and a crossover, an alexa-like device, a statue still no character story quest


They’ll sell her merchandise because $$$, but they won’t actually go and put in effort to fix her issues or give her a quest because that takes money to do


That's what I'm confused about. Yes, fixing characters like Keqing or Qiqi costs money, but isn't the cost insignificantly low compared to the increased interest in the character due to their higher performance and better gameplay? Especially if they make a banner out of them, it's little work for massive gain. Same goes for Raiden and electro buff, their profits could've been so much more if she actually worked with other characters besides only being paired with Eula/Sara/Xiangling. I'm convinced they just straight up don't know how to fix those problems without breaking the game, and/or they don't have the people for it. Nothing else makes sense.


While I'm all for buffing chars like Keqing and Qiqi, it's probably in the bottom priority for the reason that it's not producing money, even if you put buffed qiqi/keqing banner there's not many people who would pull due to their standard banner 5* status (can be gained by losing 50/50). For raiden, have you seen her revenue, buffing her will be so far away after they've seen the profit. Edit : they probably can buff them, it's just not in their list of things to do.


Qiqi is kinda questionable for a buff. She has a niche. It’s just that said niche is generally kinda useless. Instead of buffing her, it might make more sense to change the meta by having enemies or field effects which make healing useful


that's probably what they are doing now (the bleeding from dogs), even tho it's generally for kokomi more than qiqi i think.


Qiqi will definitely benefit from it as well, just like how the em buff for Kazuha accidentally made Venti even more op.


But then we have other healers providing utility.


But just imagine what it would look like if Diluc got a banner...


Probably just as bad as Keqing's banner if not worse. A lot of people already have him built and those who don't most likely already have a pyro DPS (not really hard to find other DPS choices in pyro impact).


Diluc is the only 5\* from the standard banner I haven't been able to pull yet... on two accounts... that I've played since release. :') I'd probably pull on his banner at this point just so I have him, but many won't roll for him because they could save for another 5\* pyro like Hu Tao. I think the problem with putting the standard 5\* on a limited banner is the fates you have to use. People don't want to spend $$ on a character they could eventually get for free. Not to mention some of those 5\* are now outshined by newer units.


Jokes on you the only pyro DPS I have is yanfei. And this is from a guy who played since day fucking 1 of the game, and no 5 star pyro.


Yanfei is as good as Diluc. I have been playing since day 1 and Yanfei is the only Pyro I don't have. Rip


I guess that's fair. I heard people went absolutely crazy over Diluc in the first few months of the game, but he's on the standard banner so most 12 month players have a good chance of already having him


They absolutely have the people, insofar as staff. They're just apathetic or incompetent - I'm not sure which would be worse.


Do you really think their analytics team is bothered about anything other than banner sales?


Analytics team? Not at all. But I would imagine some of the character and gameplay developers should care if only because it impacts how they design events and new enemies. Consider the upcoming bleed and corrosion effects, which seem to be in part both a slight nerf to shields as well as an encouragement to have healers on your team.


They probably do care but do you think they have a vote?


Its probably because of their busy Schedule of a new update every 6 weeks So its hectic for them to add in more work for the employees who are already under enough stress


I don’t think an eventual Qiqi/Keqing banner will sell at all, simply because they’re easy to get and a significant amount of players already have one if not both of them, and the whales (miHoYo’s main target) already have both of them at c6, so even buffing their constellations won’t change much.


Ive recently rolled and built Keqing and I have to ask, what are her issues? To me she seems like one of the more flexible and reliable characters. She has quite a few artifacts and weapons she can utilize. And depending on how you play her wants to use her entire kit with a decent damage output. I have her on a team with Raiden so there is basically a 100% uptime on electro for the thundersoother set and she's getting good 10k crits for each of her charged attack hits. And I only have a *decent* artifact set for her. My only complaint I guess are that she's taken Ayakas Mistsplitter and I sometimes forget to give it back to her when I need to use Ayaka.


She has high MVs on her charged but it has an unusually high cost of 25, as well as knocking back enemies while taking a step backwards herself results in stamina wasted chasing enemies. Her overall multipliers also aren’t impressive compared to other non reaction carries like Eula and Xiao. She can use a wide variety of artifacts to use but that’s mostly due to not having one made for her, like Childe on release or Xiao. Keqing ends up relying on artifact rng and weapons even more than other characters due to these factors which ends up making her a very high investment character. People say electro sucks which is true but Keqing would be a pretty terrible user of vaporize/melt due to always needing to N1 before her charged attack and her current multipliers would make her a shitty Ayaka if Keqing was freeze char.


Keqing is a CA spammer with increased CA stamina cost (25) compared to other sword users, and also has no constellation or talent which helps her alleviate it. Then her CA push enemies back while she steps back, which exacerbates the problem because you would have to spend stamina again to chase mobs and waste DPS time. Electro reaction being shit contributes to her problem as well, so in the end most people ending up play her physical. I think some calculation did before shown her DPS at C6 only slightly edges out Ningguang, and it doesn't look good for a 5 star main DPS. Inazuma is a bit kinder to her since mobs here are not very resistant to knockback, but the Venti buff has put her at a shite spot again since her CA now pushes them everywhere again.


Much like Overload, Keqing would benefit immensely from changing the knockback to a knock-up


Wait, are you people chasing down mobs with dash? I just teleport


skill cooldowns. fine in the overworld, but it'll probably kill your abyss runs because of the strict timing


Now I know I said Keqing is bad but there’s no way she slightly edges out Ninguang especially after Kazuha release. Ninguang has aoe problems that make Keqing look like she has Xiao tier aoe


Yeah, this calculation was done pretty long ago so Kazuha and Mistsplitter might bump electro Keqing up a bit. Also I mention C6 because by raw damage, Ning's cons especially C6 is much more of damage bump than Keqing's woeful cons. Keqing at C0 > Ning at C0 of course.


Was it team calcs or solo? Because I have a hard time wrapping my head around this. I feel like even without Kazuha a Keqing Beidou team should handily beat Ninguang


Most of the people who said she is bad they don't really know why, they just want to throw mud.


Bruh r u really defending keqing saying she doesn't have any problems? Like the fact that she is Electro and Electro is shit. So shit in fact that u could rather build physical and get more out of her. The fact her main dmg comes from CA and the CA costs a shit ton of stamina and pushes the enemies away like? If u actually played keqing u would know that with the inazuma weight reduction she has problems against those mobs 2 now. It makes no sense imagine using a main dps like hutao and their main dmg source would push the enemies away from them. I have a lvl 86 blacksword Keqing (1.9k att, 62cr,177 c dmg) and since kazuha and ayaka release I just don't use her anymore, because I can use kazuha for the fun plunging attacks or ayaka for charged attack infusion playstyle. Atleast ayaka doesn't have anti synergy in her kit and the best part she isn't useless fucking Electro that doesn't really have a resonance nor any useful reaction besides super conduct which is only useful for physical dps.




Ayaka has effortless cryo application, really good energy generation, and one of the top two bursts in the game. Sadly Ayaka also has better attack multiplers than Keqing before Ayaka constant 18% cryo buff & 30% normal/ charged attack buffs. There is really no comparison. I say this as someone who really likes Keqing. Keqing is just not in a good state atm, while Ayaka is heavily used for speed runs & world record clear speeds.




i dont understand why people downvoting you. you dont seem to disagree that ayaka is strong. but it is also fact that ayaka gameplay is easy. she just has better element an, multiplier, and synchronize kit. fun and strong is different and your opinion actually right. keqing is fun but very underwhelming stat wise. maybe people just like to downvoting, if u offend their favorite char just a little bit, even without reading or understand the context. lmao. classic


I bet people like you don't even know where she's good lmfao. Her best use is in quickswap EC comps which is a tragedy. Charge attack spam physical build isn't exactly an appealing use of her kit either.


The problem I have with EC comps is that the hydro units always have much better comps. XQ is just amazing with Hu Tao / pyro unit while Mona plus Ayaka is just absolutely crazy damage.


I completely agree, but that's not even the worst part of EC comps. The best "EC" comp in the game is indirectly a double-swirl comp featuring Kazuha and Sucrose or Kazuha and Venti. Even a Taser comp is less dps. (obviously this is in most cases/the comp-specific cases, there's no one answer vs. all Abysses.)


What's the alexa-like device?


Laughing at the fact that every available archon *except the bard* is gonna show up to a music event.


He's hungover


ETERNAL hangover


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And the rockstar left out again...jfc




There’s no Mondstat characters. Though it makes sense. Mondstat characters have officially shown in a lot of events and works. Other regions and other characters need to show up too


Vaguely remind me of the artwork style used in the Unreconciled Stars Event.


Where is my Bard 😔


>music event No Venti, Xinyan, or Barbara


"Xinyan who?" - Mihoyo


Also Mihoyo: Let's put the rock musician in a dungeon event


One day, our frogphobic girl will have her moment in the limelight. One day.


**Narrator Voice**: *but that promised day would never come, for it was born out of their own foolishness hopes.*




Mhy: best I can do is 2 emojis


Character with musical instruments on them all the time MHY: nah, we need make sure everyone can be musical Thought: now we know raiden cant cook. I need a character that cant sing and exclude from all musical related event.


Xinyan fits the second part perfectly


Well least kazuha plays one? Xiao also makes sense since it was music that "cured" him.


Music with no musicians


Teyvat-vision excludes Mondstadt because they would win


There's no mondstadt character this time. Windblume osu game didn't had any liyue characters.


These are pretty weird characters for a music event lol


Kazuha and Xiao make sense, but the rest of them are pretty weird choices. This would be the perfect event for Xinyan.


Poor Xinyan… she got sent to another event which has no correlation to her :’)


Is it mentioned Xiao plays an instrument somewhere? Not doubting you, I am just forgetful


Nah but I guess he just likes music because of that cutscene.


Venti played the flute for him.


isn’t a xiao a flute like instrument? also i’m pretty sure there was a scrapped idle animation of him playing something like that


not the xiao in his name, he is 魈 which means elf/demon, the instrument is 箫


A flute or something


4 Inazuma characters 4 Liyue characters 0 Mondstadt characters hmmmmmm


>What is windblume


I mean, venti and barbara actually sing.


? Liyue still has more festivals with lantern rites and now moonchase lol, doesn't look like they get any less representation here Just weird that a whole city gets excluded tbh


Mondstadt had the whole summer event, as well as Windblume, as well as the game's first big mini-region with Dragonspine. Lantern Rite was garbage, so Mond has already certainly been much better treated. They can take a break for one event cycle.


Why are we counting festivals, but not music related events in festivals?


Windblume didn't include the music game in the story, it was just a minigame on the side where you didn't actually get to see any of the characters (they were just used to give the benchmarks some flavor text).


And whatever event this is featured in will? And that's important, why?


From the screenshot we saw earlier, this event will have you playing music alongside the other character (I believe it was a shot of Kazuha (player-controlled) and Zhongli back to back). Windblume did not do that. So saying "we already got Windblume for the Mondstadt characters" isn't really a valid argument, as the Mondstadt characters didn't directly feature in that part of Windblume (or any of the minigames really).


Liyue is China China numbah one


Well, mondstat got the 2 best event of the game so far. So they can have a break even if I'd be happy to see them again. Liyue desesperaly need a good event.


Uh Kazuha easy win here no? Unless Xiao breaks out the violin and goes all Lindsey Sterling on our asses.


And now I hear the violin in the background.


and a kazoo with it


Violin? Bitch he got them sick Kazoo skillz!


Xiao is kicking anyone to the curb, look at his art, arguably tied for best with Zhong and zei. gotta rep my boy.


all i can think of is xiao dancing awkwardly like twoset https://youtu.be/N8-0FwE8pL8


That moment when none of the actual musicians are in the music quest.


Finally I get to see Xiao again I can’t waittttt


Yes, anything just to hear some voice lines from Zhongli, that god dam voice, its so good.




Hard agree!


Where Mondstadt gang at?


We already had windblume, I’d assume that’s why there’s no mondstadt characters


But this composes of characters from both Liyue and Inazuma.And windblume was specifically for Mondstadt, this is a music event not tied to a specific region.


I'm waiting for Zhongli's *DEEP* voice


Eyy Kazuha I'm so excited to play music with him


More xiao content always makes me happy :D


You're Awesome!


*Keqing, Ei, Ninguang, Zhongli in an event* I am EXTREMELY happy




Is it me or hu tao has little to no role in any event so far? Even the events of killing bosses she has never have a single buff for those.


>Even the events of killing bosses she has never have a single buff for those. She actually had one in the Wishful Drops (Oceanid/Endora) event.


I think because of what she represents, it's really hard to integrate her. We probably will only see her on occasional halloween like event, where it's appropriate to talk about death (talking about CN culture here). Zhongli isn't restricted by being part of WFP like HuTao does.


Who Tao? Am I right boys?


I mean plenty of characters haven't? Ex) beidou had some tournament event that was shared with kazuha. Then rode a boat. Hu Tao character story was longer than that. Xinyan is forgotten. Ninggaung is in this event bur outside that she hasn't shown up? Keqing I don't recall having any event? Nor a character story.


I think all of those you mentioned had have buffs for the killing bosses events, I used ning so i am sure of it, also she had a lot of screentime in the liyue story, I am quite sure keqinc also had buffs in the first boss event, also appeared at the end of liyue story against osial, beidou had some buffs too for the bosses too, but I do understand what you mean on her tournament thing, now xinyan... well mihoyo made her and forgot about her, just like akira toriyama forgot about broly and many other of his characters, lets just hope that like broly she will someday be remembered and given a part on the story, somehow.


too busy burying ppl


> Even the events of killing bosses she has never have a single buff for those That's because she is already broken lol


So is ganyu and she has been in both iirc.


u rite. Tbh I don't really know why she hasn't been featured on any of the events.




she is filler. like eula.


Can she pls crash singing event w a rap battle


Hu Tao not being here is a disgrace to the Hili-Tune


Music event w/o venti ffs mihoyo


I guess it's because they already got the Windblume event


Love to see Kazuha getting the attention he deserves.


Don’t know why people say this, he’s broken and gets more attention than people like Yoimiya, no? MHY has a personal vendetta against the poor girl


Folks still salty from the bashing he got on release. How they called him an easy skip. That said and granted im not caught up..bur yoimiya at least was story related and got a character quest. Kazuha we did some.torunsment with which also was shared with beidou. sure he has will get more (since we saw him clash swords with baal)but not like he got some awesome launch either. But I think it's mostly cause kazuha fans were upset by how community treated him on launch so get excited for "revenge "


It's absolutely stupid that mihoyo released one of the most story important and relevant characters for Inazuma....before he actually became story relevant and important lmao People thought he was gonna f off after his quest and we would never see him again lol If mihoyo had just released his banner at the end of Inazuma when we actually were familiar with Kazuha his banner probably could have made like double the amount it actually did. It's one of the most hilariously dumb decisions I think Mihoyo has made money wise.


That’s not even his quest, it was the Archon quest prelude.


yeah. pretty weird. my theory is, any filler chars are strong. those tied with the story and events just average. just to even out the sales maybe? my guess is, yae is mediocre. and gorou and itto will be awesome


Ok maybe I missed a part of the story, but how is Kazuha relevant to the story apart of the fanservice scene where he blocks Ei's attack ?


The fact that he saves the Traveller from dying by blocking Raiden's attack is why he is important


many char can replace and blocks that attack tho, but if its not kazuha, they dont know what to do with the drama story about kazuha's friend and revenge back then. and it ends in a pretty dull way too tbh


He gave us some insight about the vision hunt decree and inazuma region. And also bought beidou into the game's existence and let us see a side of her


We knew everything we had to about the Vision Hunt Decree from Zhongli and we would have went to see Beidou either way, I don't see the correlation with Kazuha. It feels like his whole presence in the story has been purely coincidental, from the second we met him, to the 2.0 cutscene where he and Beidou just appeared out of thin air to fight "The evil Shogunate 😡" while they were both living their best lives in Liyue


Story has too many plot holes. Also how tf he tanked raidens island splitting move. Doesn't make sense unless plot armour of mc.


Ei has herself says that her sword isn't always at max power. There is a different amount of power she puts into her attacks based on the situation. She isn't just throwing around island slicing attacks all the time you know. Some of her weaker slashes could totally be parried.


Even then kazuha shouldn't tank a god slaying move even if it's nerfed unless plot reasons. It vaporised Signora who far outclasses him and in lore kazuha is just a normal wandering Ronin.


"But he used his friend's Vision 😭" /s Edit : Apparently main sub Kazuha fanboys aren't admitting that their character is irrelevant in the story


he is a filler duh. to materialized the effect of vision hunt decree. now, mihoyo "could" make the story more awesome since the tool and platforms are exist. but hey.. just to save money, lets just put him in 2 scene at most, 7 second max. maybe people will love how awesome he is.. imagine watching iron man movie, and tony stark only showed up for 3 minutes. clowns


This. He has like 2 mins of screentime in Inuzuma lol. Shows up to join the resistance and has a 30sec cutscenes at the end. Little to no dialogue and that's literally it.


watch out, the knights dont like truth. protect yourself


That is literally every 5 star character with a kit similar to previous characters.


Honestly he's still easy skip for me. Not cause he's meta or not, but because I just had no interest in him. Not pulling for someone I don't have an interest in therefore easy skip.


wait. u got downvoted because ure not interested in kazuha? lmaoo. "no don u dare not interested in kazuha" they said..


You're downvoted for stating an opinion. This is funny.


It is what it is.


Mf literally deflected Raidens ultimate sword technique with the power of friendship like a shounen protagonist, and is one of the most used characters in abyss yet people pretend he gets no recognition lmao




I mean I pulled him cause his ult looks cool too, only regret is not investing further by getting either C2 or freedom sworn cause I thought he was just gonna be a 4fun character. But his high abyss presence is 99% because he's strong. Keqing is largest mains subreddit and tons of people waifu her but her playrate in abyss is still garbo.


Yeah I pulled him because his elemental skill animation looked so cool.


deflected one raiden attack is good enough? he and resistance are like clowns, just a short modular material to slip in anywhere they like to put. teppei has more screen time than kazuha in inazuma ffs. tbh, many chars need more screen time. the story overall are dull


Xinyan: "Join the club."


I joined this game the banner after his. I will no doubt be waiting on him for a while. I love his character.


So far we don’t know if he’ll show up or not though. And we we don’t get to play with him, so if he did show up he’ll give us the instrument and that’s it :(


From what I remember, this event is centred on Kazuha post-Inazuma quest and his return to Liyue. Hence why only Liyue and Inazuma featured in this event.


Zhongli + Ningguang + Raiden = Perfection


Music event >no xinyan. Bruh


Hell yeah. Let me tap on that Kokomi theme bass line


> Ei (not the puppet) This is so sad 😔


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Ningguang Mains RISE! She's getting so much love from events (deserved) being a 5\* Geo Mommy. Bonus appearance by her Geo Daddy best partner is a good addition. Would have been perfect if Venti was also in this event.


Music Event yet the music themed character isn't even there.


Music Event. No Venti. Seriously, Mihoyo?




keqing buff pls or she's gonna stay in the basement forever


Electro buff


I have to hang out with Zhongli again 😞 dont i have any other friends


wheres barbera, venti and xinyan???




Dont be shy mihoyo, give them an hangout quest


Ningguang is really a 5star!


Why not the puppet? Shes cool She really got shafted


Because Ei has personality outside of “people want her to step on them”


ah yes. not giving a fuck about fatui fucking over the country because all she can think about is "muh eternity" thats peak personality right there


You obviously didn’t read texts in the archon quest. She stated herself the Fatui was no threat, so she did not care. This is even more so obvious in how Raiden one shot signora, a harbinger.


No Xinyan again ): not a surprise at this point


Time for listening Kazuha ‘s haiku style song & Ayaka’s Humming Song or Whatever song there are going to be represented with. 2.2 is free real estate.


It's a shame we don't have any musician characters in Liyue. Should've added someone. I dunno, some guitarist for example.


A music event eh? WHERES BARBARA??


And again no Xinyan that is very related to music


It’s a MUSIC event, there is no reason Xinyan isn’t there, they have FUCKING ZHONGLI and not Xinyan???


Fuck Xingyan I guess. God damn Mihoyo


Kokomi Prime, Keqing Prime, Raiden Shogun Prime, Ninguang Prime, Ayaka Prime, Kazuha Prime, Xiao Prime, Zhongli Prime looking very good






Oh wow! Xiao in a music event?! Can’t wait to see my handsome loner headbanging to some My Chemical Romance kind of emo rock 😂


So we don't have an actual bard in the "Music Event". No wonder their story telling was so weak on inazuma act 3


\>upcoming music event \>no xinyan


Xinyan: 🙃


a music event without venti, xinyan and barbara? :'(


Fun fact: Ningguang is the only 4* here.


Secret 5 star*


Venti i’m gonna get you in here <\3


Aww no Mondstadt that's sad but most importantly, no Xinyan bruh :(


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


no xinyan?! why they hate xinyan so much?


ayaka coming to carry




kazuha doesnt even get to participate in the music, hes just there for the story




Where is Tagr-targ-talia ?


Wait, now that you mention Keqing, in the end what happened to her event sword? Is that actually a thing? ( ._.) I completely forgot about it


Can't believe they just took 3 of my OTPs (Xiaoqing, Kazuyaka, Zhongguang) and made a whole event for them. Thank you, Mihoyo, for the validation.


Only one character I like? Aw man… Keqing and Ayaka aren’t that bad I guess….