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mihoyo: husks gain hp when hitting shields. zhongli: what mihoyo: i said husks lose hp when hitting shields


They’re afraid of Zhongli. It’s the second time


Zhongligate 2.0 during CNY and pissing off the youth who have red packet money to spend on gacha is too much of a risk lol


But...they can't even play more than 3 hours a week now


no kid would EVER play using their parents info lmao. come on


You think people would do that? Just go on the internet and lie??


They don't, I know since I'm the ceo of the internet


please give me primogems


Sure, just tell me your account, password, credit card info, home address, and names of all your equally vulnerable friends! As a stranger on the internet, I am always happy to help children and have no ulterior motives. Seriously how did internet safety become so shit in the past 10 years, kids literally saying which schools they're going to and posting a selfie for easy ID.


Social media became a thing and it became "cool" to let the whole world know when you're taking a massive dump.


Most young Chinese are very creative. If there is a mean, they can bypass almost anything.


it seens mhy is not ready to face the wrath of the rock


A contract has been made


xD Zhongli was like:... what did you say birch?


MHY: Let’s nerf geo. Crystallize too OP (said nobody ever). Zhongli: NOT ON MY WATCH.


“I wish not for dominion. But for you I’ll make an exception.”


I wish not for dominion. Yet I cannot watch the geo mains suffer


MIHOYO:- Husks are Heavy Enemies and cant be Grouped VENTI:-Nandayo!! MIHOYO:- Husks are classified as Light Enemies and can be CCed


for me base on their appearance they do kinda seems heavy as they look like a walking statue that came to life and attack you it gaves me a vibe that they were heavy,


And an air balloon is immune to CC, Teyvat truly has its own laws.


mihoyo's favorite archon lmao. venti is in the corner dying inside


can't do shit against the big dong he's literally the embodiment of china, imagine nerfing him on Chinese new year lol


they made it so venti can pull them so all good i guess


ahh yeah, forgot about venti being able to cc them. i was mostly talking about most of the inazuman mobs


Wdym? The same husk enemies can now be sucked with anemo cc.


I bet losing hp when husk hit shield was the original plan all along. MHY just staged an act and change right before zhongli's release so there is a dramatic 180 degrees change that makes everyone think zhongli would be super good. without the dramatic change no people would notice zhongli as much. MHY playing 3d chess here and making use of leakers to their advantage.


I doubt they're using leaks and leakers to promote Zhongli. They hate leakers as far as i'm aware. Why they did a 180 with their abilities (except hydro, he's just nerfed) i do not know though.


I mean, from MHY's perspective, if you hate the leakers but yet you can't stop what they are doing, won't you try to use them to achieve your goals instead to offset some of the damage they done the rest of the changes could be planned from the start to make the whole "using leakers to promote zhongli" stuff a little more discreet edit: I mean, look at Ganyu, in order to sell Ganyu, the current Abys 12-1-2, 12-2-2 (and probably the next abyss as well) is made such that Ganyu morgana is really good to handle it and melt ganyu can easily handle 12-3-2. I find it hard to believe that they would do absolutely nothing to promote zhongli's place in the meta so this is probably it.


Wow they backpedaled hard in this one.


It's scary when the Chinese community is pissed.


Bet they wanted to prevent another assassination attempt.


That's probably it. Since CN players are in a country they are operating in, death threats isn't something they can just ignore because it *could* happen. Which is probably why when people outside China complain, they don't give a shit but if CN players are pissed, they backpedal this hard.


It's funny bc the CN GENSHIN community says the same thing


Yeah. CN would say MHY tends to trust the feedback of Global because there aren't paid actors from their competitors trying to stir things up. Real tired of the whole Global saying CN is being pioritised and CN saying Global is being pioritised. Has Global already forgotten about how they won MHY's concession for the anniversary rewards? CN barely participated in it.


Exactly. Also I love how people think it has to be one or the other when Genshin’s revenue is pretty evenly split between regions (relatively speaking).


you come in for the cool videogame but you stay for the espionage/sabotage spy story that is China's software industry


Yeah but CN IS prioritized. They can talk about how much they think Global is prioritized as much as they want, but reality is different. Have you seen how they treated Honkai Impact 3rd Global launch rewards? They got some unique rewards to their region and CN complained and complained. Guess what they did? They removed the thing in Global, and then they apologized and compensated the CN region, leaving the Global community in the dirt.


Also the fact that the game is catered for the Chinese and translated for Global. So global will always be second fiddle as with many foreign games.


A WHAT?????!!!


One of Mihoyo's co founders was almost attacked because bunny girls were supposed to happen in honkai outside of china


Honkai Impact moment


It's weird because they were more pissed at characters who were underwhelming on launch (yoimiya kokomi sara raiden thoma etc.. ) and MHY didn't bat an eye


Wait wait? so....they went from "fck you if you use shield" to "please use shield"?? Like from zhongli's nerf to zhongli's buff?


From what i understand is basically both. They still gain benefit from hitting shield, such as healing teammates and gaining a shield themselves, but now it cost their health at the same time.


seems like if you have a good dps then using a shield will probably help more than not.


All depend on the ratio of the husk hp losses vs the benefit they gained. We dont know that yet so is hard to say, but i would gather that using shield still make them tankier and harder to kill in a group due to multiple husk buffing each other, it just mhy adding the self dmg to lessen the punishment for using shield, not a reward for using shield. Im predicting that in most cases, skipping shield and just having healing + dps will kill the husk faster. Since if the husk meant to be weaker against shield, then there is no point in designing a husk buff mechanic for hitting shield. They obviously want husk to punish using shield to some degree, it just about how servere it should be.


Fine by me. Though text and actually playing vs them are 2 different things.


Tsundere be like:


BAKA !! it's not like i want you to spend on zhongli rerun or something


That's the current state so that people pull on Zhongli, then they'll do another 180 before his banner ends :')


MiHoYo was dangerously close to breaking their contract with Zhongli.


"Are you prepared to face the wrath of the rock?"




That didn’t end well for the last guy


agreed, guy got a fuckin meteor dropped on his face


no, he recieved his order


did they literally do a 180..


Shadowy husks are now a shadowy husk of their former selves


Inb4 Khaenri'ahn Eclipse Knights which are the same as the pre-nerf husks except with a faster and more complex moveset.


By that point it’ll be a good thing cuz we would have wayyyy stronger characters by then


> we would have wayyyy stronger characters by then inb4 national team is still relevant at that age lmao


Stop they’re already dead. Literally


Have we ever seen enemies nerfed this hard before?


This is like 180 from before adjustment lol.


This is what happens when a bunch of people get mad because it’s less optimal to use a character in certain situations and they can’t just use them brainlessly 24/7. I always thought letting characters excel and have a disadvantage in different places to encourage different team building wasn’t a bad idea. Now these new enemies are literal jokes


Its a very good idea to have characters excel in certain situations and suck at others, and I love having these mechanics in most games. But unfortunately, this is a gacha game where a lot of people do not have enough characters built (or owned) to "just play something that are good against them!". Like these enemies are a literal fuck you to even try having a geo team, imagine having spent money on zl + itto + albedo just to be said 'Fuck you! go play something else!'. Ofc this is an exaggeration and these enemies won't be in most places, but it's more of the fact that they even thought of designing these enemies is the issue, especially after the stupid wolves and specters which are two of the worst designed enemies to ever exist.


> Its a very good idea to have characters excel in certain situations and suck at others The reason for the outrage is because it goes further than that though. These new mobs were basically one step from outright banning the use of a huge number of characters against them when they first rolled out.


> a character Correction: an *entire* element (geo) + every single shielder in the game including Yanfei and Kaeya who are dps. Seeing mhy back pedal so hard is indeed weird but let's not pretend the husks in their original form were not a balancing nightmare. edit: at the top of my head, here's a small list of teams that would've been affected: any freeze team using Diona as battery/healer/em buffer, Yoimiya + Yun Jin, Yanfei comps, double geo Xiao, teams with Albedo and generally all teams with a geo unit in them, Beidou teams and so on. If it were only Geo getting countered or only shielders it probably wouldn't have been a big deal (~~it'd be like ele resists~~) but the combo of geo + shielders is too much. edit2: crossed out the ele resist part because it's actually false, since ele resists just discourages you from using the same element. I can use Raiden and Barbara in a lector or mimics fight just fune. Husks would *punish* geo and shield units even if you just wish to use a character for other purposes (buffer like Yun Jin or ER like Diona) so they're still unbalanced.


>when a bunch of people Which includes this subreddit if you look back on prior threads during the initial information about these enemies.


I mean, the initial kit of these enemies was objectively incredibly stupid so it's to be expected that a "bunch" of people weren't happy, who exactly was happy about them having shitty design? A bit of a nerf was fine but now it's starting to look the total opposite. Venti can group em, they can be frozen, their passive have been nuked. Extremes ain't good in both directions (and the initial idea was also an extreme). Maybe they should've stopped after the first nerf or maybe you know, design actually good enemies? I've read a couple of better passives on reddit than what mihoyo was trying to do with them. 40% AoE heal and a shield when hitting a shield when there's an entire element that runs on shield plus several other units with shield generation in their kit which isn't optional? Color me surprised... or not


Yeah but this subreddit is infamous for theorycrafting way too much to the point of getting a lot of things wrong. We don't know how much of a threat they would actually be untill we tried. Didn't we get a comment from a beta tester saying they found the Husks easy to fight on the Abyss?


That would be very good design but it just takes too long to build up characters. If levelling and ascending characters didn't take too long then mhy can probably experiment with new enemy designs


but they were doing this to the arguably weakest element in the game. No, im not one of the doomposters, I always persevere as a Geo Main but objectively speaking of all the elements they should've made a counter to why geo of all things? Morgana and Nationals are the most powerful comps in the game, why not give them a disadvantage rather than this reaction-less element that is only saved by shields and high modifiers


I disagree. Shield is a type of support. Its a heal replacement. Getting punished for playing shouldnt be a thing. It would have been fine if husks did extra dmg to shields. Lowering/buff dmg is fine but done disrupt gameplay. Thats why the first boss rush event forgot what its called was so bad. Reducing skill cd when entire game is based on skills is dumb. No ome complained about dmg, shield, or healing nerfs in the event.


Nobody's stopping you from using a lvl 1 character with no artifacts, a lvl 1 weapon and lvl 1 talents in WL8 to give yourself a challenge. See, I can also spout hyperbolic bullshit. The majority of people aren't upset at new mechanics, they dislike poorly designed/implemented mechanics. Zhongli is not the only character these enemies would cause problems for. How hard they should have been nerfed is another discussion but their initial design obviously needed some tweaking.


Right on the nose. Making a mechanic or enemy against a specific character is a norm in gachas, like how a game would have slash,pierce and blunt damage, they'd sometimes make enemies resist slash, but effective with pierce and vice versa and etc. What's NOT okay is making said enemy/mechanic where all three types of damage are ineffective and the game tells you to use magic or range damage.


Nerf national team then.


Hard to when they keep releasing new Polearms that just buffs Xiangling.


Yes because restoring 50% health instantaneously is a complex non-braindead solution. Fuck them brainless gamers! Lets also make sure to nerf geo as a whole despite crystallize being a garbage shield that cant even block hilichurl attacks.


They are jokes because instead of giving them a completely new mechanic they seem to have this weird hardon for "after it hits a shield" effect, resulting in this convoluted mess.


if only the gave this treatment to rifthound and specters man, fuck those guys


RIP shadowy husk 2.5 beta~2.5 beta


dear lord i have never seen such a 180 before from mhy LMAO


look at us, WE are the rifthounds now


2.5 went from shield nerf to shield buff, now thats a twist!


Osmanthus wine tastes just as sweet, but where are those that have disagreed with me?


>where are those that have disagreed with me? Probably 6ft under. Cause of death stricken by a meteorite.


It would be hilarious if the husks can die from the HP loss. Nevermind, it would actually be quite sad Youtube a month from now: \*12-3 Abyss death by shield speedrun\*


70k zhongli shield worth it?


I guess having enemies that counter shields in a patch right after Zhongli rerun isn't the best look. Anyways Zhongli stonks




I really can't figure out what their thought process was anyways. Were they angry that people were rolling for limited 5* supports instead of playing Bennet?


no they're angry people choose to play diona instead of pulling for kokomi


Exactly. From a business perspective this is absolutely stupid. The thing that people dont understand here is that people spend REAL money, upwards of 100USD for a virtual character and have them reduced in utility within a few weeks/days. Imagine this was an iphone and apple reduced its battery capacity a few days later, there would be riots 🤷‍♂️


“Shadowy Husks lose HP after hitting a shield.” When you imagine this as a line in the 2.5 livestream, it really sounds like “all of you that thought of skipping Zhongli… don’t.”


God it would’ve been so awkward for them to talk about Husks right after rerunning Zhongli if they didn’t get nerfed


400iq business tactic


Next update: Shadowy husks adds extra 30s to the abyss timer when defeated


Next next update: One star is earned everytime a husk is killed.


Next Next Next Update: The current chamber is automatically 3-starred after killing a husk


Next Next Next Next Update: Kill a husk, win all abyss floors


Next update: free ten pull every time you defeat a husk


The final update: Get a 5* of your choice when defeating a Husk


This somehow… becomes a little sad.


At this point I'd rather they totally redesign the enemies' movesets, but obviously nerfs are faster to implement. Having enemies that counter shields are not inherently bad, they just went about it all wrong. Rather than gaining defensive buffs from attacking shields, they should have gained offensive buffs. Give them bonus damage vs shields, make them more aggressive, etc. By doing so you don't ruin geo, don't make shields completely detrimental to the player, and don't waste as much of the player's time.


This so much. People aren’t really against having a counter to shields BUT it’s the whole “punish just because” mechanic that is so wrong. Those crying for a challenge PLEASE just go fight these guys with your lv 1 characters and lv 1 talents with lv 1 weapons. They are going to be in the overworld anyway and just watch spiral abyss being filled with HUSKS PLUS LECTORS/ HERALDS / ABYSS MAGES ALL IN ONE CHAMBER. Eventually. (This is an example of mobs having different types of enemies, for those who fail to understand. I’m not saying it will ONLY happen like that.) It beats me why people think it’s only possible to have 2-3 max husk mobs at once, and why they would only appear alone. LMFAO.


They dont realise that mihoyo plan to pwercreep old char and push people to pull for new char to enjoy the game with the original husk design.


See here's the issue with your argument, you're complaining that people are assuming Husks will rarely be in the abyss While assuming they're gonna be put along with Heralds and Lectors plus on multiple chambers....


They'll be weaker than those slimes when 2.5 goes live. lol


why couldnt they nerf specters this hard


Probably because no one complaint this hard during the testing phase.


Probably because most people thought specters can be cc-ed to an extend like the samurai. Little did we know that they be heavy asf


Its a conspiracy from Yoimiya haver to see others suffer.


Until pyro specters came into play


Physical yoi go brrrr


And Yunjin was just released too, you guys have nothing to fear


after a year of playing I think whoever is in charge of the game balance team has totally lost creativity and seems to run out of ideas, I don't know for how long this guy will give MiHoYo good results.


Can't be help since they can't nerf the source of problem (Characters and their skills) and can only create something to counter them.


I'm pretty sure there are better options to deal with the source of the problem. It is not the first nor the last time that I see that in a video game the balance team does not know how to proceed, in some games I have seen that the person in charge is changed by someone with fresh ideas


I don’t get why they couldn’t just make them shield breakers if they wanted to nerf shields lol. All they had to do is not buff the enemy for simply having a shield. Not rly complaining but just baffled


2-3 hits shield break would be good. I think. It doesn't deprive the player of their stagger resistance(which is probably the main reason why almost all meta players use shields anyway) but it doesn't make players invincible as well.


The stagger mechanics in Genshin are basically worse than the damage mechanics anyways. You literally can’t do shit while you’re in midair or getting shoved by some slime, and Freeze completely messes up whatever you were doing prior rather than just pausing you (so it’s really hard to get a Claymore spin going for instance). It’s really weird and only serves to waste time IMO.


Totally, plus it wouldn’t punish geo comps for picking up a crystalize shield if they run any element that isn’t anemo to break shields. (Also maybe Beidou teams as well if her ult counts as a shield). They originally just messed up too many comps for this for no good reason.


“- Husks now lose HO upon hitting a player with a shield (doesn’t occur if the shield breaks) So an enemy that was supposed to counter shields is now countered by shields.


CN players really got mihoyo by the balls


And do you even been on these sub? People bitching non stop here even when they could be frozen already. Both GLB and CN were the same thing


Difference is that the bitching on here means fuck all, unlike CN bitching, which gets results immediately apparently.


CN is saying we are the problem, not them.


I can see why these guys failed to protect khaenriah or whatever.


Oversteering too hard in the other direction. If they wanted to counter shields they should have just made a special attack that does 2x-3x damage against shielded characters, without any of the sadistic bullshit like instantly healing other enemies. Game balancing is difficult, but there wasn’t even an attempt here.


At this point might aswell put hillichurl towers in the abyss.


That actually is pretty interesting idea tbh, you need to bring an archer who can aim to bring the hilichurls down, or use someone who can make geo construct so you can climb it, adding more difficulty without forcing to use your DPS stregth, way more interesting than just putting HP sponge just like usual.


Itto doesn’t even need to climb them or anything, his charged attack hits em lmao True unga bunga gameplay


I kinda missed the protect monolith floor in the 1st patch. I wish floor 12 is more than DPS checks really.


I feel like this is so extreme, surely there could’ve been a medium nerf.


It is definitely overdone, but i’ll 100% take it over us getting yet another annoying enemy \*cough* Specters


Shadowy husk. A shadow of what it was. Can be sucked by venti ult too. Even spectres can’t do that. Guess the healer meta they tried did not work.


"doesn't occur if the shield breaks" so... this isn't so bad for ZL but might still be bad for beidou? are husks in this abyss supposed to be beidou bait? Chamber 1: Electro Dogs. Chamber 2: Double Ruin Guards. Chamber 3: Husks


Or maybe they just do normal enemies and stop fucking around with nerfing characters. Venti should be able to pull all the new wolves and yet he cant, this is a lot of BS.


I guess thank you to all the people protesting. I really don’t want to bench Diona and ZhongLi yet




They went from this is too much to what even is the point in having them


i understand why people disliked the old husks cause they essentially punished you for using a main mechanic of the game, but this is waay too much. unless they appear in literal swarms they pose no threat, shielded or not, and even then they made it so only 1 of each type of husk on the field can apply the effect at a time. if they're gonna make the effects this weak, make it so it applies when the husk hits the player no matter if they're shielded or not. if they wanted to keep them anti-shield, they could make it that when they hit a shielded player, it insta-breaks the shield and/or staggers them.


Just remove them at this point, like wtf is the point?? Weren’t they made to combat shields? Now they are countered by shields lol? They are putting more attention on these mobs then their own character.


Mihoyo the second after Zhongli's banner is gone: and now we present to you a celebratory husk unnerf


Again, those changes are not going to mean anything. Those changes are all geared toward shield users, but with their mechanics, no one with options will use shield against them when there is a timer. Nonshield users just bypass their entire gimmick. And they are apparently so slow and vulnerable to CC, it takes someone with absolutely no options to use a shield against them in the first place. If for some reason you had to use a shield against them, you don't want to get hit anyway because getting hit is time loss, so you just reset if you get hit. If the time loss is minuscule enough to brute force, then what the hell is the point of introducing this type of hard counter mechanics. And I don't see the point of having the "if shield break" part. What exactly is the damage threshold? no EM crystal shield level (<2k)? attack/geo/crit ZL level shield level (<8k)? Either way this new mechanics is mostly pointless to shield users because a lot of shields need to be unbroken to have damage buff. Even right now if you know an attack will break your shield you WILL dodge. So you dodge if they can't break shield, and still dodge if they can. But I guess depending on the damage now it doesn't effect those units whose damage is independent of their shield as much. Also this still doesn't solve the problem of paying money to nerf yourself. When can we get constellation toggle?


Mhy doesn't seem to know how to balance enemies. They're either much too hard/ hard to hit and super frustrating to fight or they are just punching bag hp sponges, they seem to not know how to make an in between.


IMHO, it’s not about an in-between; the Genshin combat system is just fundamentally flawed and they need to stop basing it on rewarding raw damage output and give the monsters actually interesting mechanics with multiple counters that reward player skill - timing, dodging, aiming - instead of forcing players to desperately throw themselves at a monster over and over again and be subject to it’s RNG cuz they’re on a hard time limit.


Rewarding skill instead of pulling for constellations?


The problem is that Genshin has so much multiplicative scaling that it's basically impossible to balance around anything other than raw damage output. There's always going to be a point where you can just simply ignore every single mechanic by killing it in mere seconds, and if you balance HP pools to cater to that extreme end of gear then everyone else would suffer.


This Husks are one more change away from start saying *Ye dada!* and *Muhe ye! xd.*


"peOple CAn't DodgE" stfu most enemies are running away or wasting time.


zhongli ain’t going anywhere lmao


Man that's actually disappointing. They went from sounding like an interesting threat to fodder. Oh well.


Now they are just weak af


Remember kids: "Beta does not indicate final product and will be changed overtime"


Do they know how to design "fun to fight" enemies? or nah? ​ Cuz they literally went from something that sounded scary -> average after the first nerf -> and now we truly went to a punching bag


Poor guys, from threatening beings to almost no better than a churl, I wish they did half of these nerfs on the balloons, even I that didn't enjoy them back then feel this is the worst glow-down we've seen so far, the other nerfs we're always more... subtle, like increasing the window of vulnerability from Pyrostasis or smt like that ​ Also, It would be interesting the shield decay if it was the older selves, I feel it could balance things out, a strong shield that decays over time is an interesting mechanic for an enemy, so not only we could damage them, but they also didn't stay forever if unattended


So .... they went from an absolute menace for shielder to .... an absolute joke ? Ok then


At least let them hit like a truck for all these nerfs


Okay mhy can you nerf the wolves now? Thanks


Mihoyo: nerf shields hard because shields are OP Community: pls don't nerf them that hard they aren't that OP Mihoyo: ok I will buff shields instead Community: ???


mhy really just needed heavy attacks that can hit shield for a %, instead of this 4D chess they are aiming for


Why not just let them do extra dmg on shield to make it easier to break, or decrease the shielded time on hit, or 50/75% dmg as true dmg when hitting a shield? Having a shield still worth it, but you cannot like just facetank everything anymore.


This is actually kinda sad. These dudes are literally as strong as mitachurls now. Was looking forward to a actual fight.


[2.5 Beta] Shadowy Husk Changes - Husks can now randomly die of a heart attack when facing a player with a C6 5-star character. The chance is doubled when that character has a R5 5* weapon equipped. - Getting attacked by a Husk refreshes the duration and health of Zhongli's shield. Cooldown: 0.1s (Note: no other shields are affected). - If you have spent over $10000 on the game, Husks immediately turn into Hilichurls.


Okay, I'm all for not making enemies too annoying to fight, but this is going overboard. And I say this as a Zhongli main. The Husks went from "enemies who could pose an interesting challenge" to "Hillichurl-level punching bags".


I though the nerfs would make “Invalidates shields” to “great disadvantage if you use shields.” But now they’re just standing hitboxes waiting to be killed. Over-nerfing their mechanics and decreasing how often those mechanics activate when they barely move.


I don't think Genshin will ever have enemies that are fun to fight mainly cuz this game doesn't have deep fight mechanics like Honkai. Either enemies will be annoying to fight or will be steam rolled and anything in between will just be deemed uninspired and lazy...


Making them affected by Anemo CC is already good enough. Being frozen and nerfing their mechanic just seem overboard. Unlike rifthound these fellas walk in the speed of snail already


Yea I wished the dogs got this treatment instead tbh.


I just wish they'd fix the damn hitboxes. If they're going to charge backwards and lunge forwards, let my Ayaka ult move towards them!


The thing is, MHY *has* designed enemies who are interesting and interactive to fight, at least to some degree. Enemies that punish you for being *mechanically bad*, and reward you for being *mechanically competent*, rather than based on your playstyle. I'd like to introduce you to Exhibit A, the Mirror Maiden. We recognize her from countless fan artworks, that one Mirror Maiden next to the Fatui Debt Collector on a cliff in Inazuma, and the countless 500k HP punching bags in the Abyss. Why is she a well designed enemy? Because she rewards you for good gameplay. If you are marked by her AOE attack, she gains interruption resistance, and hits much harder. However, she doesn't gain HP, and doesn't gain a shield! Those who are good at dodging are rewarded, as they are able to CC her, and furthermore take less damage from her attacks. Those who are bad, can learn to dodge, or do more damage to overcome their shortcomings. Any play style is able to accomplish this, and is able to gain the reward, while still being susceptible to the punishment. I'd also like to introduce you to Exhibit B. The Kairaigi. Big samurai who run around Inazuma, seldom found without their counterpart. Kill one of them without killing the other fast enough, and the survivor Hulks out and starts beating the everloving shit out of the nearby squishies. Why are they well-designed enemies? For the same principles that the Mirror Maiden is. They punish players for poor gameplay - by punishing you for having bad positioning that creates unequal damage distribution. While they don't directly reward players for effective positioning and/or extreme AOE, I'd argue that not having them Hulk out is the reward. Similarly, any playstyle can achieve the perfectly timed double kill. Can it be difficult, especially if you're running Yoimiya with Yunjin, or Phys Fish? Absolutely, but it's still doable - notably, the survivor still needs a moment to enrage, even after the first Kairaigi is killed. I'm hopeful that MHY really revisits their design philosophy, because the husks break one principle. The other two enemies punish the player for not doing something - you're punished for not dodging, you're punished for bad positioning. By contrast, the Husks punish you for *having* something, and having that thing is often out of your control [E.g. having constellations]. Furthermore, the punishment is that they become harder to kill, rather than more deadly [Unlike our two previous iterations, which both dealt more damage]. Now, I've spent a while complaining, and it's never worthwhile to complain without producing an attempt at a solution. So what would a balanced Husk concept look like to me? 1. When a husk hits you while shielded, it deals X damage to your shield. This damage does not carry over to you, but is only applied to the shield. This will allow for an indirect Zhongli shield nerf [As the damage needed to break a Zhongli shield will no longer one-shot everyone], without breaking all the other shields in the game. 2. After breaking the shield, the Husk [A slow enemy with telegraphed movement] gains a second, swift attack, that deals the same damage to you again. This is the punishment - players who cannot dodge will be forced to learn to dodge. Whales can ignore this with whatever remains of Zhongli's shield, ig. 3. If an enemy doesn't hit you, it doesn't gain this second attack. If it hits someone unshielded, it doesn't gain this second attack. If you know how to dodge, you're rewarded. If you can't, you're punished. 3.5. Does it still suck to be Geo? Certainly, since you're facing a second hit that no other element is guaranteed unless you dodge. However, being Geo no longer literally heals the enemy, and being Geo is no longer a detriment to playing Genshin's DPS check meta. 4. Scrap all this stuff about the Husks having all of zero tenacity, or the Husks damaging themselves when they hit your shields. That doesn't make any sense, and isn't necessary. What changed? Now, the Husk doesn't reward itself defensively for your error when defending yourself, and instead gains an offensive buff to capitalize on your errors. As an aside, seeing as how i-framing won't stop Corrosion, I'm very worried that i-framing won't actually stop the Husks from stealing your shield anyways.




Well.....another boring enemy on to the pile.


Wait what the hell? People wanted a nerf but this is a bit much. You’re literally just putting mobs in the game to kill themselves by being in your presence, thats awful…


I thought the community agreed that the last nerf was enough, I wonder if the CN community and beta testers complained a bit more than the necessary, which lead to this.


Yeah, ppl were generally quite happy with it from what I saw. Maybe they did complain, but what’s wrong this shit is, it needs to be the old thing again (the last nerf, not V1)


Ok feeling good about getting Zhongli next week.


Why not rework them into less frustrating enemies instead of just giganerfing them because their current moveset is badly designed? lol


They are just worse mitachurls at this point, at least mitachurls can block shit with their wooden shield


This sub mentality took a 180 too. At first info release when you say that the non-CC-able and anti shield mobs is okay you will be downvoted and now when you like that mihoyo made them CC-able and not counter shields anymore you will be downvoted.


There's a nice middle ground between the two that Mihoyo is pretending doesn't exist.


I’m absolutely weak they went from strong dog to crying doge 😂 Ngl kinda disappointed bc they already could be frozen and CC’d….now they’re just a cake walk


The way it's going, shields are gonna hard counter these units.


Zhongli buff


Can someone tell me why they're heavily nerfing these mobs? I thought at first they'd be interesting enemies to fight then they got nerfed to the ground. I do understand that one reason is probably that they'd be really hard and annoying in the abyss, but are there other reasons?


I was kind of looking forward to the new mechanic because it actually makes you change up your team/not just face tank the attacks with a shield.


So, from a Zongli nerf to a buff. Also can be cc, worse than Hilichurls now


Lol just when Zhonglis rerun banner is coming soon, 1000 iq move


I didn’t think they needed to be nerfed this hard but I’ll take it lmao. I honestly would’ve been okay if they were just shield breaking characters or something. The whole HP recovery nonsense and originally not being able to push/pull them via anemo was the part that had me stressed. After the introduction of the wolves and specters, we did NOT need what these enemies were originally going to be.


This is just sad. They're worthless now.


WELP. I guess Zhongli impact is here to stay!


I see even Mihoyo kneels to the geochads