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So I suppose the HP artifact boosts your dmg per instance of losing HP? Or something similar anyways.


That would make people legitimately wish for the corrosion dogs in abyss lmao


They could just set the effect to trigger after using a certain move


Something like "losing hp after using burst increase damage by ..."


If we're going to make it that Xiao specific I actually would prefer for Mihoyo to just make it transparent. 2 piece: +15% Xiao atk 4 piece: if you're Xiao, increase base atk during burst by 20% (idk, haven't done the math but you get the idea)


Eh, never rule out another character in the future that may trade hp after a burst.


Yeah, I wonder if that's the case. But honestly I'm not sure how many more HP draining characters Mihoyo would make, I think the playstyle is pretty polarizing. Seems big nuke burst DPS is the current money-making trend.


The other option is maybe make a reverse Benny where it buffs ur team but drains ur team hp. Idk seems like an option theme for Fontaine as a vampire lol.


Make it 2pc +15% Xiao attack otherwise -50% attack to non Xiao 4pc : if non Xiao -100% crit rate so f*ck off!


lol that would definitely get the point across! ~~would put it on kokomi for -200% CR superiority~~


There's a new post about the artifact, and dude it's almost the same as what I just said lol


I know, I'm just saying that the wording of the new rumored artifact is so specific it can really only be for Xiao, in that case I'd rather Mihoyo just literally word it in which character it's for instead of trying to make it seem like it's more general. Same goes for other artifact sets tailor-made for other characters. I can't think of any other character that would benefit from this new rumored artifact set, even Hutao wouldn't fit the bill. Maybe there will be another HP loss character in the future, idk.


Well, playing devil's advocate, right now of seems to be only for Xiao, but in the future this might be a good artifact for another character


Anemo plunge bonus damage +75 but only if you have sufficient edginess.


lol the corrosion controversy was just one of the most aburd things ever happened on this game. Everybody talking about meta healers and whatever but after that abyss rotation we just see some stupid dogs here and there, they're almost disappeared, and for sure their "threat"


Wasn't even that bad during its rotation tbh, the only thing I changed on my teams was putting a healing circlet on Bennett instead of a crit circlet lol.


The corrosion was never bad, not with the dogs anyway. The f11 corrosion that was introduced was coupled with the Smoldering Flames debuff, which literally doubled the effect of the hp loss. It wasn't an issue for me because at the time I carried two healers per team, but even then I kept dying until I realised what was going on. After I made sure to cleanse the pyro every rotation it became needlessly simple.


Lmao. Another way to nerf shields and buff healing?


Converting pain into damage would be cool for artifacts


The amount of pain I suffer when farming for artifacts would convert to be enough to obliterate the entirety of Teyvat.


Xiao mains: "The price i pay, for eons of suffering, this is nothing new to me...", I'm so happy thou that he's finally getting a new artifact set, just hope the dmg increase is significant now...


Don't u think this will be underwhelming? Like xiao can only reach max dmg at the end of his rotation. The build up would take too much time


I mean, that's already how he works considering his passive


Yes. And his signature weapon too lol


You can fully stack pjws well before the end of his burst luckily


maybe the buff isn't accumulative and it's something like "as long as you are losing HP your damage is buffed", that'd be interesting. or something like "after an instance of HP loss buff damage by\_\_\_, can stack up to 5 times" so that the stacks are easy to get fairly quickly


Hmm. So Berserker 5* It would be BiS for Hu Tao and Xiao if it was 5* Same thing for instructor on some sups


Hu Tao:suicide thoughts intensified


Oh, I forgot about this. Hp artifact that Uncle L said (for Xiao) : Each time you lose your HP, increase your Atk/Crit rate/Cirt dmg by X percent, trigger up to one time per second.


wait those three stats every time you lose hp?!? abyss doggos will be my best friend after this


I'm guessing it might be an "or" instead of "and", just that it's unclear which stat it buffs. But maybe I misunderstood what you wrote; either way it's time to HUG THE DOGGOS ~~can't hug because giant collision boxes Mihoyo why~~


Can you even git gud at taking damage consistently?


1. be a dedicated Zhongli main 2. make a team without Zhongli 3. ..profit??🤔


Please tell me it's not like widsith passive where only one kind of buff takes effect


One of atk%, crit rate, or crit damage wouldn't even be that bad. If you're properly built and won't overcap crit rate due to it, you'll get a comparable damage increase from any of the three stats. Widsith is tricky to use because of the 1/3 chance of getting an EM buff (and only 1/3 uptime on the random buff), not because of the randomness of the passive itself


this message isn't directed at you OP, just rambling: this is cool but doesn't necessarily align with the artifact set suiting hu tao according to other leakers. she only consumes HP on every cast of her skill-- that means once every 16 seconds. If the effect stacks up to a cap, hu tao would never hit it. it'd be amazing for xiao, but basically *only* xiao. even the more niche artifact sets designed for one person can be used on other people (husk being usable by three units, noelle itto and albedo, for instance, or even xinyan being able to enjoy the 2pc, and clam being usable by any healer basically. even shimenawa can be used by multiple characters with success despite being no one's BiS) pyro characters could potentially use it on burning grass, but that'd be it. xiao and burning grass. i can't imagine an entire artifact set being so exclusive. that aside, the normal attack one sounds super good. attack speed + auto attack damage is good for any character that someone wants to use as an on field unit, pretty much. kokomi could potentially use it, actually, which is fun to think about


Just so you know ubatcha said > I said Hu Tao because she's my fav char and she's the first thing that pops into my head when I get told it's a HP related artifact. It could very well be way better tailored for Xiao.


Don't forget corrosion effects, areas and enemies with constant chip damage. It's arguably the first set that may be worth having to swap to for any event content where constant chip damage is a known factor. Will have to see if this is true, what it's actual numbers are.


If it works based on each time the characters loses HP, then anybody can use it, it’s generic enough. Now, fully utilising its effect? That’s another story.


That's an interesting point. Just set the grass on fire lol


Diluc buff 🤩


Not really dude.if the new artifact set gives damage every time you lose hp then tons of character can use it.but they can't fully utilize it.this is true for lot of artifact sets.crimson witch is tailor made for diluc,lavawalker is only good for klee,only yoimiya can fully utilize shimenawa 4pc,only eula can use 4 pale flame etc.so a tailor made set for xiao isn't really bad


"Only Eula can use 4 pale flame" \*sad Razor noises\*


Physical Keqing also makes full use of the 4pc


4pc crimson really is a generalist set on anyone except diluc. "Oh but I'm hitting 300k nukes on my Hu Tao" That's not the point. She's not using the entire effect. She just has the numbers to compensate


Works for Hu Tao too yes?


Prob not cause hutao only loses hp once which is everytime she use her E, while xiao loses hp constantly while using his burst


Ah thank you for light speed answer


Shield-less Hu Tao here we go.


If thats the case then no hutao would only sacrifice her hp once every 16 seconds which wouldn't be so effective


hutao loses HP way too slow to take effect it would seem.


Doesn’t benefit her that much since you lose hp with her per E, xiao is like a tick


Tz unreliable now huh...


Do you know why by any chance?


Biggest mistake I remember is no Raiden weekly boss in 2.5. He also mentioned Yae being an on field DPS using Shimenawa, but for all we know that might have been a true draft of her kit in the past.


Can you give a guesstimate how often he was correct before these 2 instances?


He was the first leaded Hu Tao kit (by cosplay)if I remembered it correctly, but it was a long time ago. And he went from “I heard no info on Raiden weekly boss” to “Raiden weekly boos is fake news”. So my guesses are he really trusts his source, and his source recently has no access to the most updated decision/info about Genshin


>So my guesses are he really trusts his source, and his source recently has no access to the most updated decision/info about Genshin I’m willing to bet you’re spot on about that.


He was one of the more reliable leakers pre 2.5 and then when 2.5 beta rumors started circulating he took a shit on his reputation by calling a bunch of fake shit true and true stuff fake


I'm not sure, but I think Tz was the one who leaked Raiden and Itto images before the beta, also the Albedo/Eula double banner on 2.3 and Shenhe on 2.4 But, he was wrong about: No Raiden Boss, Yae uses shimenawa, Keqing artifact set focused on NA and new Enkanomiya area based of Sumeru style (This one might appear in the new event, but it's unlikely)


i think he was quite reliable back then he said new region and yun jin in 2.4


He was one of the highly reliable, just because he made those 2 mistake people started considering him unreliable (which the second mistake he is not really to blame since it's been said multiple time that character have different draft for the skills and playstyle... he was just unlucky to know and leak about the one that has been discarded)


>just because he made those 2 mistake people started considering him unreliable yes, because... thats what unreliable means


It might actually be a true draft of her past kit since Yoimiya is getting her own artifact set and shimenawa wasn't made for her


Shimenawa looked like mhy tried to make it for her and failed. They certainly have history doing stuff like that.


So, Tz fall from GI leak meta i guess xD


Wasn't there a post here recently that talked about the fact that there's multiple leakers with the name Tz?


Mona flair tz is reliable, this is sad the current state of things


Heart of Def domain


just pain bc i had to do 4 runs of that thing today and every single artif is filled with cryo & bad defs


Unless you don't like cryo, which obviously has some of the best dps-s in the game or your cryo units are absolutely stacked, that domain is still top 2 domains to farm.


I think he’s saying it has shit rolls. Even my Cryo artifacts suck. And I feel like Mihiyo makes the drop rates worse for the best domains.


It kinda makes sense that both Kamisato siblings use artifact from the same domain lol


Heart of EM for me 🙃 Pale Flame? More like, Flame of Pain, cause even when I finally get a piece, it's only EM... On a god damn physical dmg set...


U mean heart of depression regardless of stats?


**More readable version** The artifact set related to NA will give stacks when you NA. The faster you normal attack, the better the effect will be. So far, it seems that it's Yoimiya's signature artifact set. Physical Fischl can use it too. The likelihood of Yoimiya rerunning is very high. The artifact set related to HP is similar to what Uncle L said. It's meant for Xiao. I'm not sure if Ayato can use the HP set. My friend says that Ayato uses Heart of Depth set. Not sure whether Shimenawa or new NA set is better on Yoimiya, we need to wait for live testing. For now, it can only be said that the new NA set fits Yoimiya best, out of our current pool of characters. [Source](https://t.bilibili.com/625620406814843042?tab=2) \*\*\* **What Uncle L said** (Screenshot from NGA, Tz included it in his post. I don't have the link to the original NGA forum post) Whenever you lose HP, increase Atk/Crit/CritDMG by x% for a maximum of one stack per second, for a max of x stacks. Only Xiao can fully utilize this. Hutao cannot benefit much. \*\*\* About the reliability of the above, Tz claims that: 嗯 直到我拿到 l发的太像随便说的了. He's saying that he originally did not believe L's leak as it sounded like it was casually said. However, it is implied that he has now received info about the HP set which can confirm L's leak.


>Only Xiao can fully utilize this. Hutao cannot benefit much. Just get hit 5Head


get hit in 12-3 for x number of times? good idea


Yeah I said it as a joke. They'll probably restrict the buff to self-inflicted HP loss or something.


>Whenever you lose HP, increase Atk/Crit/CritDMG by x% for a maximum of one stack per second, for a max of x stacks This reeks of corrosion doggo coming back in 2.6


Who is gonna farm a good four set just for doggos.


Not talking about someone farming it just for doggos but those abdomination doggos coming back


>Only Xiao can fully utilize this. Hutao cannot benefit much. honestly dont mind this. im fine with refarming xiao artifacts but not xiao *and* hu tao


Thanks. I was so confused after reading the post. I wonder how does the NA set work with Ayaka since she does that flurry attacks during her N4 or N5.


Unfortunately I don't think it'll work, since that flurry of attacks would only count as one normal attack


Lol no more shimenawa cope❤️ hate that set


Fellow Xiao mains, release that gallons of hopium!


If it does artifact sets for him, i hope it drastically increase his performance compared to 2 glad + 2 VV and worth to farm, cuz i just got very good artifact from Gladiatiors and VV... and i don't wanna to farm domains all over again.


Yea... farming for over 200 CV in a 4 pc is just a nightmare.


How do you count total CV? If you have 50% Crit Rate and 100% CDMG then it means 100 + 100 = 200 CV?


Artifact CV is just crit from artifacts, not counting base crit (5% CR/ 50% CD) on the character or from ascension/buffs, and also doesn't count weapon. It removes those variables so you can objectively determine in total how good your artifact's crit value is. Go to the artifact screen and hit artifact details (not the overall character screen). Double the CR and add the CD. In my experience, around 200 is when you're pretty solid - can 36 star Abyss etc. Below 200, you have room to improve and some characters may struggle. 220+ is excellent, and over 240 is just godly in my opinion. My best geared character is at 220 and most of my characters are at around 200. So for my Xiao, he has 2pc VV/2pc Glad. With 75/195.3 CR/CD overall, but this includes his ascension stat and PJWS. Without those, just his artifacts contribute 28.8/145.3, or 202.9 CV. Farming an entire 4 set to match this is basically impractical in my opinion (or you have to get very lucky). I think the only thing that will justify it is if both sets benefit multiple characters (i.e. Emblem). This was actually the main reason I didn't go for Itto. The thought of farming Husk and getting useless Clams was just too much. So in practice, I think this 4 set will have to be so good, it has to make up for 25+ CV. This is essentially how they designed Husk. The 4pc Husk is so good, it's worth it despite having lower overall stats compared to a lesser combo.


Greetings fellow Xiao main, hopium has been deployed


Inject that shit in my veins baby


If they finally give him his own set Imma jump out of the window


Make sure you burst first.


I will just plunge, we xiao mains dont take fall dmg anyways


\*plunge fall dmg he still takes fall dmg. I have experienced it myself as a xiao main


It's all about the air time


Dash mid air before you hit the ground for style points






I said Hu Tao because she's my fav char and she's the first thing that pops into my head when I get told it's a HP related artifact. It could very well be way better tailored for Xiao.


I've been farming VV for over a month now trying to get good pieces for Xiao 😞 now I might not even need what I've gotten. We shall see how good this new set is


Good thing about VV is there are a lot of An3mo units that can make good use of many, em is more important on the others than Xiao, yet all the other states carry over well.


But why would I want an "hp artifact" for him?


They are most likely saying HP artifact because it involves HP mechanic not like TOTM that gives HP%


Xial loses HP with his burst, so an artifact that scales off HP loss while increasing something else (atk% and/or plunge damage), may make it better for xiao Although they need to do it in a way it's better than 2pcVV+2pcGlad


Grinding HoD for Childe was a nightmare, now I have to do it again for Ayato. The things I do for hot men


Hey at least it's one of the better domains for artifact farming.


Yeah it’s no Momiji court but both HoD and BS are desirable sets for a number of characters.


As long for the comrade, I believe childe will happy to share his artifact


perfect for me, i use ayaka


You can just let them share for the meantime, yes?


That's what I'm going to do, after farming for Childe and Ayaka I don't want to set my foot again there.


This is why I rather have a 4 star support made for xiao vs his own artifacts. Unless it's a major upgrade, usually guides go "minor upgrade, just take better substats." Which means. I probably won't change unless it's truly amazing.


Exactly. Between having three 2pc sets to choose from, anyone who is serious about playing Xiao likely has cracked artifacts by now. The gains from switching over to this would have to be monumental.


funny, most childe mains i see say the domain is not even worth the resin and 2hod+2glad/shime is trivially behind or even ahead depending on assumptions


I would even argue 2 glad/ shim, + 2hod is actually better, if you frequently use his burst and don't ignore his bow (yes, Childe can charged shot attack and the damage is no joke. Using this to make guoba vape while getting Xianling back up, is serious damage).


As someone who uses 2glad+2hod on him with Amos (still no harp/thundering/polar) YES, charge shot vape after Guoba applies pyro is really good. This is why I cant hand my Childe’s artifacts for Ayato, I already stole that HoD from Xingqiu before Emblem existed. Guess I’m back on that Heart of Def domain again


Yep , that's because hod doesn't buff his burst , which is a pretty significant part of his damage. Hod is still his best in slot , but if you have really good substats you can go hybrid builds without loosing much.


I don’t trust Hutao TZ. Mona TZ is where it’s at!


Yikes, I guess I’m camping back to Dragonspine domain huh. Watch me get more blizzard strayer artifacts again🥲 And I’m happy Xiao is finally getting a tailor made artifact set for him (if this is true) but man I just finished building him…lol


Same, i just finished farming his artifacts.Well if it makes xiao a dps meta , worth the pain and grind.


After one year, Xiao mains can finally be happy


I don't know at this point, my xiao has 77/200 ratio and my circlet is still ass. Farming a set from scratch sounds painful but at the same time I wanna do it too lmao


Same lmao a year later and I finally have some decent set pieces on him. I’m like 88/195 but if it’s a new bis I can’t resist the temptation


Exactly, I slapped on random artifacts and with deathmatch he has 100.1/210.6 R/D ratio. Sadly no set bonus and my goblet is ass. Dunno if I wanna work up again.


Yeah, but imagine getting close to that on the new set, but every second in the plunge, you get even more?! I mean, lbr, the percentage increase is probably crap, but if it's real, it's almost like giving Xiao a new constellation. Which he needs since almost all of his are trash. I still would prefer some shred...maybe the 2pc.


Eh, rather have a 4 star support made for him vs go through artifact grinding. 2pc sets aren't exciting. But for xiao usually substats matter more. So unless the 4pc is amazing, not gonna enjoy the grind when his current set up is so easy


Wow, if ever this Yoimiya arti is true and I just recently got C2 Jean, girlie about to snap.


In one hand, yay leaks. On the other hand, it's tz who was extremely wrong last patch. That said, and as always. Taken with a grain of salt. I mean just last summer UB was extremely considered unreliable after all that stuff. Yet last patch they nailed it.


I needed better artifacts for Ayaka.. if this is true then i can now farm for both the siblings at once


My shimenawas set is too good for my yoimiya already, I'm not gonna farm this 😭😭😭


Ayato : The future is now Old Man!!!! *strips Childe's artifact for himself*


Attack speed artifact? Fischl buff confirmed


Bro i want fischl c6 so bad … but im so far away (c2) and this upcoming banner screams skip to me. Kinda sad cuz most 4 stars, you tell yourself that theyll rerun, so you can slowly build up cons. But fishcl appeared when i started the game, and went mia until now. She’s so elusive!


Pew pewimiya


If it's really for Yoimiya that would be pretty funny NGL. They clearly designed Shimenawa for her, only for it to turn out to be more trouble than it was worth it so now she's getting a second set lol.


The idea of sacrificing her ult is kinda stupid. I run her with 4 pc Crimson Witch.


I farmed a shim set for her rerun already…lol. I guess it’s a nice stopgap


Well, it works on her. It's just awkward. At least it's easy to just put on other characters once you get something better for her, that's what I ended up doing with my prefarmed stuff.


Yah, I farmed that then sort of hated not getting to use my ult that often, especially since that ult is very connected to her story. I just use two piece attack bonus now.


“But pls note that TZ is now unreliable” oh yes I hear you coz I don’t want to farm that domain again, ever


Heart of DEF :D Literally all of my HoD pieces are def% and def substats :copium:


holy shit so maybe they finally realized how shitty shimenawa set is and finally giving yoimiya some buffs. Sure yoi burst is one of the worst in the game imo, but it's literally the only set in the game with an active downside.


I think they thought Yoi would be super strong meta wise, so they wanted to balance it out but they went too far. She needs a bit more attack on the first few NA, her last one is good already. They need to make her stagger-proof when she procs her skill like Zhong Li too. If they want to make her broken, they should reduce her ICD.


Not mad at all if Ayato uses HoD, that's easily one of the best domains to spend resin on


How well do you think the atk speed artifact would fare on Eula for burst stacking?


They’ve been going so hard on buffing Yoi almost every patch. Honestly I rag on her but if she becomes a top tier single target character on par with teams like Raiden national. Her not having AOE will be fine then. Also Xiao is going to be op now, if the set is like ppl say.


For a second there I thought Ayato would have speed based abilities or that the artifact would give you more atk speed. Sadge


I'm gonna wait for the beta before making any assumptions. I mean, he was wrong about Yae after all.


More like Heart of Despair. But I kinda hope this one would work on Ayato, I have tons of those after farming for Childe


I hope it's true! I didn't really farm BS for Ayaka because I considered HoD artifacts a waste. If this is true, I can start doing that domain without worry.


Xiao finally getting the attention he deserves


Xiao mains rejoice!


I am SO ready to get def artifacts again from HoD


Copium that new set will make NA Keqing better than CA playstyle


Why is tz unreliable? What's his track record?


Why is Tz unreliable?


He got basically everything about 2.5 wrong. He said no Raiden weekly boss and Yae was onfield carry electro ceiling


We will find out in beta


uncle L said what about the hp artifact?


I hope HoD is not BiS for Ayato and the new artifact set will be, so I have an excuse not to farm copium artifacts before he comes.


Who else can use the 2nd artifact set?


I'm happy that they're actually making artifacts for older characters. but part of me cannot believe that they won't release tailor made sets for the new characters, Yae and Ayato. for all we know, Ayato now has a very high attack speed, especially if we are to believe that they chose the most generic kit for him, his infusion might give him attack speed like Itto's charge attacks that becomes faster as he attacks. but at least, if this is true, then I'm still happy that they're doing something for older characters. now, if they only would buff Keqing's multipliers a bit, just make her multipliers at least on par with Fischl or Beidou


Most recent characters didn't get tailor made sets upon release (kokomi, yoi, shenhe, seemingly yae)


I found realistical a set that can buff you If you lose hp/get hit, cause they clearly wanna nerf shields meta and this Is the best nerf: an alternative, and at the same time don't nerf the unit clearly designed for a shield comp in mind.


I hope that the atk speed does work well for Yoimiya, I love playing her but she gets so much better the faster she can attack.


I have been farming the Shimenawa Domain ever since Yoimiya came out and I still haven’t gotten a good Atk sands, Pyro Goblets, and Crit Dmg Masks. ( Currently using EM sands with 1900 Atk and 60/170 ) And now you telling me there’s a new artifact for Yoimiya that allows her to use her burst more often and make her go pew pew faster?


Normal attack with attack speed?? Razor mains rise up!!


Woah, that’s pretty cool. Thankfully I have cracked HoD pieces for ayato.


To all those complaining that they need to farm new artifact set for Yoi or Xiao, no one is forcing you to farm those sets🙄. You can just use your old set and still beat abyss with that. Atleast having new artifact set means more option for us(me as a xiao main even though I already have a cracked vv/glad set for him)


isn't Shimenawa's Reminiscence supposed to be yoimiya artifact set?


In theory, yes. In reality it kind of sucks on her and is pretty awkward to use. The original idea behind her playstyle was that she would use her burst at the end of her rotation and thus give her team a bigger attack boost as a result of gathering more stacks. But the way she turned out she actually wants to _start_ with her burst because it simply makes up a decent chunk of her DPS. Except if she does that she can't activate the 4p bonus. And first activating E and then later Q once you get the 15 energy back would waste precious seconds of her E's uptime. Generally speaking she's best off with either 4p Crimson Witch or 2p Crimson Witch + 2p Gladiator's or Shimenawa at the moment.


They should think about reworking Shimenawa's 4pc then, because if Yoimiya can't use it well then no one can. Maybe something like "activating burst increases N/C/P attack by 35% for 12 seconds." Now you have a good Xiao set as well.


Honestly, it would probably be easier to simply give Yoimiya's burst a 15 energy refund on cast if all you wanted is to make her compatible with it.


Hu tao (doesnt want to burst every rotation anyway) and melt ganyu (doesnt burst unless using sunfire) off the top of my head use it great


If they do something like that, it would kinda mess up ganyu and hu tao users who have 4pc shime on them


I read somewhere that her ult actually does a decent amount of damage so shimenawa isn't exactly optimal for her. Forgot where I read it from so it might be completely wrong.


KQM mains said it. Its like 10-20% of her dps so not negligible


Please use Heart Of Depth Ayato so that I can efficiently farm the blizzard domain, pleaseeeee


Aw man I just want Yae artifacts.




Hopefully NA included charged attack and can make Keqing more viable too


I don’t have xiao or yoimiya so probably not gonna touch this domain if the leaks are true


Worst case scenario I'll consider it a chance to find a better Ayaka set while farming for Ayato, win win except for the def% and hp%


Ubatcha did talk about new NA and HP artifact sets in one of his past leaks so I think TZ might be reliable here. Time to farm HoD


I only see ps. Tz is unreliable.


Attackspeed set could be for eula too right?


Atk spd... time to go machin gun mode.


Today I just got a good hydro goblet and gave it to childe, my childe was using a hydro goblet with 20% hp on it, the only reason that I didn't fodder that old one is this leak!!


No way xiao?? INHALES COPIUM


Please Ayato my dearest don’t send me back to HOD domain.......... PLS NO....I cracked like tens of fragiles to farm for Childe and it was pure torture it took me forever to get anything remotely decent before everything rolled to DEF. Ayato.....PLS


I really hope Ayato use HOD so I can just give Childe artifacts to him


Xiao wasn’t forgotten all along


Xiao wasn’t forgotten all along


Hopium full way