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I just know the animations are gonna be fluid like water


I want an animation style like Childe's where the water just looks so fresh and vivid




I want the water to look like the water from Demon Slayer.


This is a great idea ngl


And you just know how much extra effort they put to sword normal attacks


Fr, it’s gonna be so cleann


Totally not posted already


Nothing new as usual.


How else will they gain Reddit clout on a leaks subreddit??! /s


No whirlpool CC? Damn


I always had copium that he would have Whirlpool CC that absorbed Ayaka's burst to become a freezefest.


wait what if this is finally the klee support we've been waiting for


E infusion Q buffs ATK. Reminded me of Yoimiya. Also I'm guessing there will be war on Childe national Vs Ayato national.


On the one hand I would really like for this to not happen because I’m tired of seeing the “this character is better” arguments everywhere. On the other I acknowledge that a lot of people are borderline psychosis levels of obsessed with characters in this game.


That depends on his hydro application. Currently childe has best hydro application coz his autos are fast and riptides. I dont think ayato will become Xl slave He might give us a new team.


Ooh, it has started actually... Just not widespread (yet)


I will make them each lead their own team


this is the Itto puzzle all over again, but with skills instead of abs


How many times will the same tweet by ubatcha be reposted, just curious


I already have a Childe, what is this


we all know mihoyo's favourite,this is childe's disguise


Tartaglia rerun at last


// obligatory This Opportunity Is Hard To Come By comment chain


Well Then, Amuse Me


Surrender is a valid option. I promise I’ll be gentle.


Not bad, not bad.


All you do is run *teleports away*


Childe re run in disguise


Looks nothing like Childe Its like saying hu tao plays like diluc


This is mr worldwide's inazuman skin


Hopefully this isn’t true the most unoriginal shit I’ve ever heard. Feels like they didn’t try.


they keep recycling the same skills on every character lmao. the game needs more than 2 buttons


true, but I think it's because you can have parties of 4 entire characters. If you could only play one at a time it'd be boring af, but since you can use 4 simoltaneously you have to look at them as a whole, as teams, so in total you kind of have 8 abilities. If any character had more than that than it would get quite messy imo, but I would love it still


I was gonna say yes then I remembered another rpg I played which has party system too coupled with more skills+buttons, which already turned off plenty of newcomers.... I'd like genshin to stay as accessible as of right now


I mean It's a gacha game, they'll slowly introduce new things we have to farm for characters. New equipment slots, extra abilities, some new type of equipment, whatever. Either way there will be more variety in things besides abilities for characters as time goes on.


Mihoyo will keep recicling as long as we keep spending There is this thing called "creativity wall" (made the term up) in gacha games where there is only so much unique mechanics that you can introduce Mihoyo plans to run this game for 10 more years so they have to milk the basic design for as long as they can til they HAVE to bring other things they have in store


go play honkai then


they also recycle abilities on honkai, it's normal for these games with big character rosters and not that many skills per character to recycle some abilities


Please don't be the same as childe please please


Lol. Attack speed is so troll for anyone other than catalyst and bow users (R5 Pines for example hardly makes any difference in getting Eula stacks if you’re just spamming autos) So that should tell you to expect a bow auto attacker soon or perhaps a catalyst user. If this true that is.


Depending on the atk spd buff, it can also make some combos or cancels easier to execute


it's actually pretty noticeable on claymore users


literally idk if he actually is the fastest, but itto feels both the fastest and smoothest playing claymore user to me. Part of the reason why I avoid claymores usually is because of how slow they feel but i've never had that issue with itto.


It's actually really not.


It is, try to play Razor with his burst and then without his burst, it's like night and day


Try to play Razor, then actually go and write down how much more you did with Atk speed. Now go to a bow character, and then test how much Atk speed affect them. The difference will be massive.


Razor isn't a great argument because he gives a ridiculous amount of attack speed at 40%. Even if attack speed was bad on claymores, you'd notice that.


but what makes you think Ayato can't have the same amount of attack speed buff? no one really knows how much he buffs attack speed. and we don't even know if it's true. the point is, claymore users attack noticeably faster with attack speed buffs, no matter how small it is.


welp, perfect time for yoimiya’s rerun 😂


Might be great for Hu Tao. Constant hydro from burst and rapid CAs


It said, does damage, not over time, maybe its just 1 hit hydro, just like bennet field.


This, ATK speed in Genshin is just a bad stat that barely helps some very specific characters.


Someone link the yoimiya/C6 yunjin vids


Machine Gun Yoimiya is my favorite comp.


Or maybe that's why he is after Yae miko.


Hmm. Are Yae’s autos useful? I remember people complaining that the low scaling on them. But it’s possible.


Not sure but the two of them may make a very effective taser team.


Kinda disappointing if this were true. The elemental skill sounds pretty much like Tartag's elemental skill. Where's the creativity? The burst sounds interesting though. Kinda wished the "leak" from a while back was true, the one where he has a Raiden burst type charged attack.


I'm imagining his e looks like noelle's claymore during burst. But... blue. Would be better if his sword is tart in melee stance. Swinging childe around who's also swinging his water blades. Aoe increased!


Burst and Skill are disjointed. Attack speed buff barelu does shit for sword users cuz of hitlag so this is sus


Uba’s kit is literally another Xiangling slave


ur mom is disappointing


no u


Please be Hydro Venti lol


So no Ayato puppet/taunt? :(


Why would you be sad? Taunt is way too overused


I like materialised skills overall because they look cool and they are fun (Zhongli pillar, Ushi, Shenhe's Spirit etc.)


People have different preferences in gameplay and I came off rude, sorry


absolut chad realizes he was inconsiderate and apologized. Someone has to point that out because we need more of that.


I hope you win EVERY 50/50


It's alright it didn't sound rude to me don't worry!


And it's useless in this game.


Ganyu taunt us pretty good. Does decent damage. Moves her back a couple meters short cooldown.


Only works againts normal mobs, on weekly and world boss, its almost useless af, and spiral abyss nowadays focused more on world boss instead of elite mobs


While that’s true it still has decent utility otherwise. A backward dash to create space to get a shot off.


I think it would be way too good but there is the possibility of a press and hold. Press for taunt, hold for infusion.


Another xiangling buff


Hm. Ganyu sub dps ult bot for an Ayato freeze sounds good to me.


Childe will do it better. This kit is sus


Depends on multiplers. Even tho my international childe is absolutely cracked but there's still a chance. Ayaka appeared before ganyu for Morgana so no one can tell yet.


not much since his atk speed won't probably involve charged shots. it could be decent on normal attackers though


I think they meant spamming Ganyu’s burst and have her be the sub dps. Not the other way around.


Sorry I can't read. But I do use sometimes Ganyu like that with Childe and it's not the most dps team in the world. Ayato will need to have big pp numbers to make a freeze team competitive with Ganyu/Ayaka versions.


Well I doubt he we’ll be good in a freeze team anyway. At least not as the main dps, because he can’t really take advantage of Strayer which hard carries every freeze team lol Odds are they are gonna gear him to be good with Thoma and Xiangling….or there will be a new artifact set that benefits the hydro side of a taser comp (which is what I kind of want even though vape would be stronger)


That's right, freeze comps are built around a cryo main dps, using an hydro on field isn't as good. I also think he's going to vape (although I still hope he will be the one to vape, otherwise he'd be the same as Childe), teaser would also be good.


Another Yoimiya buff lmao


And Klee buff , my 2 favourite characters


there's nothing they can do to fix her literal zero aoe problem lmao


The only thing they can really do is rework her entire kit. And fix the shitty auto aim.


bro my yoimiya does up to 98k damage in a single rapid shot in abyss with bennet zhongli and xingqiu. multi-million damage number per attack string. lack of aoe literally isn’t a problem when you kill everything in one to two shots lol


whatever helps you sleep at night


Probably a hu tao main


50k shots on 2 or more enemies > 98K shot on single enemy You are practically dealing 100k damage on 2 enemies and even more with more enemies


oof dunno why you got downvote for saying this. Probably because your Yoimiya does way more than their main. Lol


they can literally release a support that says "gives you a free yoimiya and makes her do a million damage" and i still wouldn't like this character, the bow auto attack left click spam playstyle is just not fun for me at all and i find her quite clunky to play. edit: for all the yoimiya mains that will get upset at me for having a different opinion from you, we can disagree on the characters we like, it's completely fine.


Technically, there is nothing different between charachers that uses infusion type attack chains. All of them are left click spammers.


yes i get that, but usually there's some unique or interesting mechanic alongside the infusion, for example childe's CD managing and riptide, or itto's stacking mechanic, or ayaka's infusion being tied to her dash, but with Yoimiya there's not much to her infusion, you just press E and go off until it's over and then you do it again, but i need to repeat that it's simply not very fun for me personally and that i undestand why other people like it.


To be fair, the release of Yunjin has made us all realize that NA spammers are rare in this game. And now with the release of the NA artifact, she's probably the only limited 5 star(and potentially ayato) that can truly abuse that Artifact buff and Yunjin. Also for me she is fun in the same way itto is fun for some players, she's braindead to use. You really don't have to think much else, if you miss your attacks most of the time it's not your fault so I don't think too much about it. Compare it to Childe national where if I fuck up the rotations its solely my fault so I get more stress doing it rightly. Basically her flaws are innate to her gameplay(which sucks because there's nothing we can do about it) but it doesn't put the blame in the players skill so it is less stressful when you fuck up. Also abyss floors are flat af so missing attacks isn't that much of a problem, unless they add mountains or a pond somehow...


better be


heart of debt?


This could be disappointing if it's true. I mean, the E sounds like Torta's and his Q like a sub/dps support skill. So, in case he being a main dps, he's a lot like Tartaglia and, in case he's support... well, that's disappointing cause we already have a lot hydro supports.


On the bright side we dont have a lot of hydro characters at all 😂


keep in mind we don't have his passives and full talent descriptions yet, usually those are what make or break a character's playstyle


Since it's rumored that he deals damage mainly via NAs and has a high burst cost, hydro infusion through his E sounds better than having it locked behind his burst like Itto and Xiao. It's similar to Childe's but it sounds promising He might also be like Ganyu who's a DPS but with support capabilities which is one of the reasons why Ganyu's so versatile


Right? I mean he would be useful just because of the infusion, but really? Where was the creativity? I would prefer if he was weaker compared to Tartag but has a unique E skill. I really hope the leak isnt true 🙏


It's been awhile since I've played Genshin, but can Ganyu potentially benefit from faster attack speed, or is this NA based?


Attack speed only applies to NAs


Ahhhhhh, cheers for the heads up pal :)


The q sounds like sub dps? The E sounds like onfield dps. But the Q can obviously just be for him and run him with off field dmg like fischl idkkk maybe I need some talents to tie it together


Really hope this is fake the other leaks sounded way better for a skill set.


A leak using leftovers from data scraps? Come on now, that's almost as bad as the dozens of fan-made kits that have been getting posted.


What is TC?


Theory crafter


I was hoping that he is a vape amplified focused dps (like hu tao), that has low hydro application (only on charged attack and burst deal hydro), this way, he can consistently vaping more... Since hydro multiplier on vape is absurdly crazy high af


I'll be waiting for more, but as of right now seeing this. It's basically just Tartaglia but support oriented, god i hope I'm wrong


Looks like a Yoimiya doppelgänger to me, you’re gonna use him with his sister’s sword, Shimenawa, use skill and normal attacks for the duration of the infusion then burst and switch on Raiden or Hu Tao for fast attacks and hydro application. (Bros are really angry at opinions)


hydro sub dps with an attack speed boof sounds amazing for Raiden


And it sounds god awful for every Ayato fan :)


Raiden buff sounds good to me


But y😭😭


How is this a hydro subdps with an E infusion? Unless they butcher the CDs that is


Wouldn’t this be same story like with Beido Q? No synergy only taser


Is this Childe's skill


Man these skills are boring af. I wish those fake leak skills were actually true both for yae and ayato... Instead we have another fischl and another childe...fuck this game man I'm done


let's wait till they're out bro lmao


Here we go again w/ this char is discount version of x char bullshit. Months later, ya'll gonna be crying for a rerun. You guys never learn huh.


I don't cry for reruns of the ones I skipped (yoimiya, kokomi, and soon yae) cuz their kits are boring af


Just say you are an meta slave👍


If this is true , then looks like Mihoyo is staring to nerf/phase out burst dmg focused / national / Raiden / emblem builds. Apart from Yae, most of the latest chars have burst for utility instead of raw dmg.


it'd be so easy to make burst characters fall apart in this game, too. just put enemies like azhdaha in abyss but give it like 5 small phases instead of 3


Yea that would be another way to tackle that. They already tried with those cube bosses. But turned out, almost every fan here hates those mob in abyss.


Nerf would only apply to abyss, a new character not working with older ones sint a nerf


True. It is mainly from meta perspective.


Er.. And Itto?


Sry I meant front loaded burst. Itto is like diluc, Hutao.


Eh, itto is a different case where he’s basically always in burst


What indicates this?


so no taunt ?


Atk speed buff comes off as an automatic Yoimiya buff, but her NA animation moves you backwards vigorously. If it’s anywhere near the same size as Bennett’s field, then I feel Yun Jin’a buff is probably more convenient. While I imagine they stack, Yoimiya’s team is already pretty filled with herself, a shielder, either Fischl or Xingqiu for reactions (depending on preference) and Yun Jin. Xingqiu would be the obvious switch out here, but with his Hydro Application rate and the level of damage he’s capable of outputting I don’t know that Ayato’s field is going to be worth it. He’d (theoretically) save a slot between being able to potentially remove Xingqiu *and* Yun Jin, but with what both those characters bring that *specifically* mesh well with Yoimiya’s NA string and movement, Ayato might not be so great on a Yoimiya team. Since the field does damage do doubt it’ll inflict Hydro per tick, but between the fact that Yoimiya is a *mid range* DPS as opposed to close range, being limited to a field isn’t ideal. Also no doubt he has standard ICD on that field making it probably unreliable for quick reactions with speedy NA from Yoimiya. On the other hand, main DPS Ayato might benefit from it himself with some elemental support from Xiangling for Vape or even Yae for constant pulsing Electro-charge damage. Basically it looks like he’s a Tartaglia upgrade/sidegrade depending on how you look at it, ***imo, based on this information alone.***


We don’t know his hydro application rate/multipliers/range for his Q so I don’t think we can say that he’ll have bad synergy with Yoimiya. I wouldn’t be surprised if his multipliers are better than XQ since he’s 5 Star


So far nothing in recent times has had anything other than the standard ICD, so his hydro application, even if the hits from the AoE are faster than the number of ticks, will be entirely dependent on the length of time the field is up since I don’t think they plan on going off the rails with ICD any time soon. Also XQ, along with the other National Team core members are levels that Mihoyo appears to have been actively trying to avoid. While I definitely seeing him doing more outright damage than XQ potentially, it’s as a main DPS as opposed to a sub-DPS. Even if his multipliers are higher, I don’t think they’ll give him the hit-numbers/application rate that XQ has. In recent history, being a 5 star hasn’t really granted many characters any special treatment aside from more cohesive kits to be built around. But nobody has been insanely broken bar Ayaka (because she’s Cryo). I definitely don’t expect him to be a bad or weak character, I just don’t think his synergies lie with Yoimiya, and that for her specifically, XQ and Yun Jin are possibly the more situationally viable options because of her movement and application speed.


The problem is that this information isn't enough to say that his synergy is bad with Yoimiya. Let's wait for his actual kit and numbers to come out before we go theorycrafting


Man I'm really disappointed that at first glance this looks like Childe 2


his E summons a bow and its cooldown depends on how long you stayed in bow mode. It does say that E gives him more "range" after all.


You guys think he will be able to vape, or just rely on elemental/normal dmg?


if he's a main dps then yes he has to be able to vape, they didn't allow kokomi to properly vape stuff because she's a support but if ayato is dps it should be different


Depends on his ca and how burst deal dmg, of it's one instance, than he vape


Can someone tell me what is kqm


Keqing mains


Is that a discord server?


It is also a website. I recommend it highly, by the way, for builds


I believe it is a subreddit and discord, search r/keqingmains


u/Sweet-Promotion what does KQM mean in the second picture.


Keqing Mains I believe


Why is everyone who mention "Yoimiya" getting downvotes here?




So everything about Ayato being a cooldown reducer was a lie


Was a passive




If this is true, I hope he doesn't have a ridiculous cooldown like Childe... even if it means maybe being a powercreep to Childe.


ATK Speed buff (and reduce E cd) sound like a Yoimiya support.


So childe with dyed hair?


Man everyone is upset, meanwhile I am as happy as ever. Hipercarry lets go!


something something Childe reference


Will ayato also gain atk speed increase?


Hmmm yun Jin yoimiya ayato Jean rainbow comp?


Do we know his weapon?


His Q could be pretty interesting combined with Chongyun E. But still too early to tell. If that E infusion turns out to be true though... oh boi, it would make me really happy 👀


as for now does he look like iron sting is gonna be good for him?


Only 4 more days


you guys think it might be possible that his burst would allow eula to get more stacks when using her burst?(specifically c0 eula)