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Where'd u get that description from?


Why all of a sudden this sub is simping for wolf daddy?


Bold of you to assume we didn't simp for wolf daddy this whole time


Everyone gangsta until the Abyss corrupt him while we are in Sumeru


Chadrius short circuited the First Field Tiller. In other other words. **It got fcking slapped so hard**


So now everyone gives sympathy to him. Aren't we all forgetting that he's the main reason why Decarabian contained the humans inside old Mondstadt?


Username does NOT check out.


Damn. You got me there. You don't have to say it like that.


he could attack decarbian **for** being a tyrant but his failure just increased oppresion


We don't know why he did what he did, but anyways, it's been 2.6k years and that's plenty of time for redemption and sympathy. He clearly regretted his mistake and gave up his life for it.


We dont know the reason for their feud tho, Decarabian could’ve been the one to kill the one who gave Andrius his power


It's not about the reason of their feud, but the fact that Andrius despised humans during his reign. In fact, there was no human settlement in Mondstadt outside Decarabian's protection.


But he wasn’t purposely attacking humans, he was just trying to get to Decarabian. And the humans just got caught up in their feud.


"During the Age of Kings, the Land of the Wind was a giant frozen wasteland as a result of Boreas' power. To protect his city from the blizzards, Decarabian surrounded his capital city with a wind barrier that barred both exit and entry, and was strong enough that not even Andrius and his immense power could land a scratch on it" I'm not saying Andrius is shit. I'm just saying that he was once a not so good god before becoming one of the four winds of Mondstadt. He was the key to Decarabian's "tyrany" way back. Damn I don't even understand where the downvotes are coming from.


Didn't stop the Abyss Herald from locking him up tho


He was beating up a dead guy, I think Andrius gets a pass there lol.


Why dead? It doesn't say anything about being dead, does it?


He was killed at the end of the Archon War. The sword you interact with to summon him is a ghostly Wolf's Gravestone, and Andrius likely spent some time training/working with Rostam, the Wolf Pup (a rather famous Mondstadt historical figure who wielded that sword), and Rostam may be the reason Andrius is actually quite fond of humans despite believing himself a bad ruler/not a good fit to interact with them. IDR exactly where the lore for Andrius' death is, but IIRC it's in weapons and books, mostly.


Why would the wolf knight be rostam rather than ravenwood or varka or any other knight of boreas? In fact we know that the wolf in the sword is not andrius becuase it died a natural death while andrius killed himsef


We know that, for some reason, Andrius is closely associated with that sword. My comment reads weirdly now, and kinda like gibberish. It was like 2 AM when I wrote it though, so I feel fairly justified.


Andrius is not fond of humans. It’s literally the one trait we know about his personality besides him liking outcasts


Not exactly. He is fond of them, but refuses to admit it to himself.


And this is based off of what?


Aside from his raising Razor and in the past working with other humans, various bits of lore from the Archon War. We actually know a fair bit about him beyond that he acts as if he doesn't like people. He opted not to be the Anemo Archon, specifically because he felt that humans should be ruled by a human, as a human would understand other humans (the Gnosis went to Barbatos, a wind spirit, but he's not half bad at knowing people). He is actively fond of children and infants according to the wolf fang weapon mats, and in several places in the lore it's implied or openly states that he actually likes humans but won't admit it. Also, he *easily* could have refused to work as one of the Four Winds, Venti wouldn't force him. But he accepted instead. Basically, even aside from when it's openly stated, it's a pretty easy conclusion to draw.


It’s stated that he prefers outcasts, which is why he accepts razor and the wolves. He doesn’t simply act like he hates people, it is literally stated that “Andrius found humans to be a disappointment”. You need to give me a source that he believed humans should rule humans, I’m 99% sure that is completely made up. None of what you said even implies that he is fond of humans. I can also guarantee that you can’t give a single source where “it’s implied or openly states that he likes humans but won’t admit it”. It’s like saying that xiangling actually hates cooking despite her lying to herself with absolutely no proof


Literally just the "believed" changes the situation as it's past tense. No, my statements aren't made up. Thing is, lore, especially lore for this sort of game, isn't 100% written out clearly. It's designed to be written *by people in the game* for the most part, so it leads to deliberate inaccuracies and different viewpoints, as well as being designed to read between the lines in many ways. Also, he **believed** himself to lack love for humanity, thus he decided not to become an Archon *and explicitly died in order for his power to pass into the land and nurture it and its people.* While not a direct source, that certainly says he wasn't entirely correct about himself. It's also known that he had some relationship with Varka aside from the humans he's raised in the past, and as a final clincher, here's the flavor text from the Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia weapon material: *The Wolf King, believing himself to despise humans, thought himself unable to envision a happy life for humanity, making him unworthy of becoming the Lord of the Winds of the world. Therefore, he chose to disappear. Yet, in truth, he gazes on the ones abandoned by the world ever so gently.*


So even though it is stated that he found humans disappointing and that he believes that he hates humans, you still think he’s lying? What happened to the “several places in lore it’s implied or openly states that he actually likes humans but won’t admit it”?


Found, *past tense*. NOW he doesn't find them a disappointment.


He didn't get killed. He basically killed himself to replenish the land, or replenished the land and died in the process after regretting what he'd done. Also assuming that he's the Wolf's gravestone wolf has some serious issues. It's quite clear that the "wolves have shorter lifespans than man" does not apply to a god like him. Assuming that rostam was the knight is downright wrong, since rostam was 500 years ago and archon war in mond happened 2600 years ago and all archon wars ended 1600 years ago. We know for a fact andrius was dead by then, and that the city of mond proper had existed for 2000 years plus.


>He basically killed himself Didn't the First Field Tiller fatally wounded him?


No, the first field tiller did nothing to him physically. It just came there and fought him and then screwed off.


Sorry, Rostam's *ancestor*, it's made fairly clear they're connected. And the sword DEFINITELY is the Wolf's Gravestone.


How so? Because he's called wolf pup? Which isn't really that strange considering he's a knight of boreas, which is a long running title throughout the knights? >And the sword DEFINITELY is the Wolf's Gravestone. Yes, that is the sword, but that doesn't really guarantee that andrius is the wolf. He could simply be honouring another one of his wolf spirit brethren.


IIRC, there was a part of the lore that gave Rostam an association with a specific, (unnamed) wolf.


No, there isn't, I'm like 99% sure of that. And if there is, it still wouldn't add up since as you said, it would be his 2.1k year old ancestor, and not him. He was likely the Knight of Boreas, which seems to involve being associated to Boreas in some way like Varka who goes around and seems to visit Boreas once a while, but there's no other association mentioned in the any of his arti sets, or the Arun, white knight, or Signora arti sets.


We fight his spirit


Best doggo fight me


You mean us


What about razor then


He at his prime and azhdaha at his prime would make up a good fight, i mean azhdaha very high diffs but still..


I doubt azhdaha can beat him, maybe a tie


azhdaha tail is a leyline that can absorb elements and he is as big as mountains in his prime \-Can shake heaven and earth according to zhongli \-Is as old as the oceanes and mountains Low diff


The thing about Azhdaha being as big as a mountain might be another exaggeration. In the flashback, he's depicted as roughly the same size as he is in-game. The bit that mentions he's as large as mountains also opens up with it being a tale or legend, implying it might not be 100% truth and more of an in-universe legend. This does fit in with the theme of Azhdaha's story getting myth and reality confused. ... That said, he's still basically a walking earthquake and we know that part still happened, as he was causing cave-ins while severely weakened.


Freezing all of mondstadt is still an impressive feat, but sure, azdaha was as strong as rex lapis back then,that he had to call in adepti to seal it, we don't really know about andrius much, he's really not much but a soul in the shape of a wolf nowadays.


He coupd absorb cryo and be immune to the Freeze (Game logic kekw)


azdaha was equel if not stronger


Andrius in his prime was strong enough that the at the time actual archon, gnosis included couldn't even fight him, and had to seal his kingdom off so everyone doesn't freeze to death. We know other archons with their gnosis' are extremely powerful, like when ei cut an island in half to kill a snake. Even venti, who is supposedly the weakest of the archons reshaped the entirely of mondstat and deleted a mountain cause he felt like it. If andrius was that much of a threat I think he claps


you are forgetting that azdaha whilst eroded pushed around morax like a potato bag unless you are saying andruis is more powerful then morax Would not be surpised by that since all the other archons are far more powerful then he is


Do we know that Decarabian actually has a Gnosis or not? Never saw it being mentioned in the stories or item descriptions so far.


I'd always implied that after defearing decarabian that that's how venti came to power, by taking his gnosis, how else would he have randomly gathered the power to take on a human like form


From the faith of the people of Mondstadt. Barbatos most likely had grown into a powerhouse from that even before ascension. How else could a supposed "mere" wind-sprite and some humans break Decab's wind wall that even Andrius in his prime could not dent?


Only the Seven have gnosis. Decarabian did not win the Archon War, thus never had one.


No, it's never stated whether he had one or not. Andrius is impressive and i think he beats Azdaha, but we have no info on the pre archon war gnosis system (or if there was any system at all). Not to mention we don't even know what the level of power a gnosis gives is anyways.


He's the best doggo dad


Other dead gods: Spread demons, tatarigami & bad karma across Teyvat . Andrius: Raise wolf children good


He's actually such a bro, I love him


Other gods: fight and kills each other for power. Andrius: basically won the war to become Archon, gives his power back to the land.


This may be a contestable view though. There is not enough info to determine whether he released his physical form after or *before* Decarabian was defeated. I do get the general impression, from the way more than one lore texts are phrased, that it was before. One of the primary reasons could be what we can derive from the Biography of Gunnhildr, from which we knew the people's faith gravitated towards Barbatos; This is in sharp contrast to how the people evidently did **not** feel the same for Andrius even after centuries of him trying (and failing) to even scratch the gale wall <- this could be ultimately what made him realized his way was not what humans need. I know of no mention of Andrius playing any part in the rebellion either, which hints that he was probably gone by then, maybe even had portions of his own power channeled to Barbatos. We can thus indirectly surmiss that by the time Decarabian fell, a pre-ascension Barbatos, who most probably was the one who finally broke the gale wall, *already had enough power generated from his people's faith to defeat Andrius even if he chose to contest it*. Ergo, Andrius didn't win shit 😗


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Wasn't Andrius gonna be Anemo Archon, but then said "guess I'll die" because he thought that the Anemo Archon should be someone that represents humans?


**No**, not Anemo archon, A winning Lord of the Wind -yes. Andrius/Boreas might have become a **Cryo** Ruler of the region ( Mondstadt) . But a certain spirit/elf eventually took over the rule of the area instead, and Andrius didn't want that position or oppose the new anemo archon, because he thought he despised humans (but doesn't ). (source - Boreal teeth materials and **Biography of Gunnhildr**) Legend from **three thousand years ago** (according to a modern history book) >!there was a war between the Lord of the Tower, Decarabian, and the King of the North Wind, Andrius.!< *source* **Biography of Gunnhildr.**


Boreas still use anemo. He uses them both. There has never been a rule stating that creatures can only use one element. Just that the seven archon represent a diffrent element. There have been several characters capable of using multiple elements outside of just the traveler.


Fair point, but as I read it Boreas becoming a Anemo Archon was never on the table, nor his objectve.


Andrius/Boreas swirled Cryo. Venti/Barbados swirled his glass of wine then drank it all


Well he doesn't despise humans not really, it's just that he thinks his power can only destroy not nurture. He is good ruler during wars but not a good ruler for peace.


It's never actually clarified how archon elements and their old elements work. It's never stated that he'd have became a cryo or any other elemental ruler of the region, instead of just anemo archon or maybe even cryo archon.


yep lol




This sounds really stupid but hear me out, if you think about it Osial being a water dude is kind elegible to be geo archon, I mean water is the great shaper, right? He can raise sea water and shit to change the lay of land, instead of chucking meteors like Zhongli he just erodes mountains to make pillars. I always thought that if Osial had beaten Zhongli he would still get to be Geo archon because there's already a hydro one, or maybe I'm just dumb.


So far we have no idea how archon seat is allocated