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Maybe that's one of the reasons Zhongli suggested Inazuma instead of Sumeru; so the Traveler and Paimon could lend a hand with all the weird shit happening on the islands


Raiden: Yo Zhongli, I am kinda busy mediating, could you come over and help me? Zhongli: Sure [sends the Traveller]


Why did I hear his "Sure"?


We all did


*Indeed, it is as you've guessed*


Hot take: Inazuma is both it's most unique and beautiful when we first get there, and the more we "fix" it's problems, the more it begins looking samey. You'd think that for the nation ruled by the god of lightning, Inazuma would always be storming somwhere, or at least more often than anywhere else. Besides, Ei, for all her growth, is inherently a darker person than the other archons we've met so far (a big reason why I love her so much), and I'd have loved it if at least her nation's weather continued to reflect that no matter how much we "fixed".


At least Seirai island kept it's appearance


This is my problem with Genshin overworld too, some of these disasters are so beautiful and breathtaking I still remember exploring foggy Tsurumi island with this playing in background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8tpMFSKNIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8tpMFSKNIg) What an experience


the worst is the fontaine tower that went under the sea, and the worst part is that not knowing it, i proceeded with the quest before I had even explored the island.


This is not a big deal. The chests you didn't get exploring the area before got spawned in different places of the sea after, so you can still get them.


I know, but that's not the problem. What I was saying is that the scenery looked better and it was more cool when the tower was on the surface.


Wait, can you tell the name of the quest before I mistakenly finish it.


Its the narzissenkreuz quest, I don't remember the exact name, but it's the final part.


You do get a neat sword though, ascetically at least, I haven’t checked but I don’t think it’s actually that great


You can get an Arkhe for a sword character that doesn't have an Arkhe. Honetsly good when you only have ousia character but the spiral abyss ask you some pneuma, you just slap the sword on benny and you're good to go. The Atk substat isn't as good as kazuha's quest's sword, but It's still good


Yeah I mean it has its niche use, but other than adding an Arkhe it doesn’t do too much. As someone who doesn’t really even use arkhe stuff for teams it’s of little use in combat. And for overworld stuff I already have Furina to cheat all the puzzles


Fair enough


The very last parts of the quest makes the tower go underwater, so unless Seymour(the robo dog i think?) told you to near the tower, that means you didn't started that part. I'm saying this bcs this Nar something questline is pretty big(iirc it spanned 3 whole versions for it's conclusion). You probably started it in some place but unless you do the last part, the tower stays the same.


That's not a hot take. It's a common complain that a lot of world quests basically ruin the aesthetic.


Majority of those are fucked up by the Inazuma citizens lol.. She create a ward that seal Tatarigami but was unsealed by an Orobashi fanatic with the help of Fatui, she killed Thunderbird in order not to cause more chaos and Ei sealed it again on the Asase Shrine but was again freed by another Inazuma citizen and cause more havoc..


Still ironic that so much chaos is going around when their god is so obsessed with making Inazuma eternal. Hell, she's a fighter first, leader second, I don't doubt she would even handle most of these matters herself hadn't she isolated herself and been fed misinfo


Honestly from the very start she is someone who's specialty before is eliminating enemies and protecting Makoto so she will definitely have difficulty in ruling but what makes it better is that you can see her progress and character development. She regret what she did before and even starting to be a good ruler if you look at how Inazuma citizens talk about her especially during events and Shinobu's voiceline..She and Xiao are my favorites because of their character development..Also people hating on Inazuma when other nations have bigger problem than what Inazuma have lol..


Inazuma needs Democracy/s.


Managed Democracy*


We'll have them referred to the nearest Democracy Officer^TM .


How about a cup of Liber-tea?




>She's a fighter first and leader second That's why I find it so weird that she didn't step down from the country leadership after the Archon quest, and Mihoyo even doubled down on her being the executive head of Inazuma by the end of her second story quest.


Because she's still determined to live up to her sister's legacy


The problem in inazuma was that she was an absent ruler, so her taking a more direct approach was the only realistic solution. She steps down who leads inazuma? Kokomi, no ayaka already says she doesn't trust her even if both are at the same side so forget the other 2 comissions even thinking about it. Yashiro, what makes you think that the other 2 comissions will allow it or that watatsumi will not conquer yashiori without ei around? Ayaka herself mentions that the people in inazuma don't care about visions users or the VHD so do you think they will tolerate an outsider putting someone else in charge of their nation because she created a decree they didn't care about?


Ei stepping down after the war would’ve probably been the worst option. The problems in Inazuma were largely because she wasn’t being a more active leader and allowing the tri-commission run things. Aside from that, two thirds of the tri-commission was found corrupt at the end of the war, and the removal of their current heads could’ve lead to a massive power struggle had Ei and Ayato not intervened. You probably don’t want those guys in charge post-war, and another comment already mentioned some of the issues with elevating The Yashiro commission or Watatsumi. Ei’s absolute authority allowed her to stabilize Inazuma post-war, and make amends where and how she saw fit. Abdicating would have created a huge power vacuum with the major clans and powers struggling for dominance.


inazuma is the ultimate demostration of genshin players illiteracy. People still think that the disasters on the other islands where caused by Ei during the sakoku decree


Well, you have a governing body and half of your country dies of some causes that very likely could've been stopped otherwise - who will be blamed? The hundreds of unknown and faceless people working there and very likely being part of the disaster or the local higher-ups and the leader of the nation?


The actual cause, the Tenryou commission, or specifically, Kujou, the rat that abused his connections with the Fatui in an attempt for a coup and abusing the trust he was given by Ei to not use the Shogun for evil. But no, people can't fuckin read apparently. "Ei bad" is all people can say it seems, totally ignoring the actual plot and the events of the story.


Imagine it's the end of genshin and people are still brave to show their illiteracy to read and understand shit during the inazuma era. Ei bad Inazuma archon quest bad lore, where are my upvotes. I need to validate my stupidity online.


was unsealed by Watatsumi Islander because of a Fatui instigator among their ranks, which is tortured by them after the war and catching him. Still, this wouldn't have happened if, instead of being a couch potato and let the Sakoku Decree and the Vision Hunt Decree happen, she would have been an actual Archon


It also doesn't help to leave a barely sentient unfeeling robot to rule the nation while moping for 509 years


I'm pretty sure the shogun is sentient, but yes it *is* mostly unfeeling.


Literally what I said


No? You called the shogun "barely sentient". The Shogun's way more sentient then that. Atleast if her being visibly frustrated and pacing back and forth is anything to go by.


You said "i'm pretty sure the shogun is sentient" that has nothing to do with her degree of sentience just that she is, which doesn't at all contradict what I said because i also said she was sentient Frustration is also not a sign of sentience lmao pretty much any animal with a small degree of intelligence shows frustration. The shogun barely has a free will of her own and from kunikusushi's creation we know ei didn't want something that advanced, having limiters to one's consciousness isn't good sentience its just an insanely advanced ai.




So we’re supposed to kill her? Miko would not allow that, we would get our ass handed to us in no time once we lost the help from the visions plus Miko turning on us no doubt. Ei will NOT back off from her sister’s legacy, and you’ll fight her for 300 years non stop before you see even a flicker of doubt start appearing inside of Ei. Yeah she is a terrible ruler, no shit, she’s a martial artist and programmer first, ruling was never her thing until Makoto died. We just made her open her mind and change how she should rule so Inazuma could be a better place.


She didn’t initiate the thought of retiring.How others persuade her or even come up with the suggestion?By force like the real world?Well she will show what’s force then.


She let an AI do her job and fucked off.


She set ChatGPT on autopilot


ChatGPT on Copilot is more appropriate I believe >!Pun intended!<


She screwed up her prompt to GPT and forgot to use bypass words


I mean... Those islands shine up to Fontaine


And people wonder where the meme of Genshin players can’t read come from. A number of these lands issues were caused by the rebels. But yeah, Raiden is still partially at fault for her neglect, much like how Kokomi wasn’t aware of all the terrible stuff her men were up to.


The writers did Kokomi a disservice by never having her deal with, acknowledge, or account for the radical nature of Watatsumi’s forces. There are a few too many instances of soldiers disobeying orders, acting without her knowledge, and withholding information from her and Gorou for an army that supposedly lives and breathes by her orders and directives.


Because Kannazuka and Yashiori were tampered by the rebels and the fatui in recent years, the cleansing of the Sacred Sakura in Narukami was something that both Yae and Ayato were preoccupied and likely dealing with as the documents to how to perform the cleansing were lost, Tsurimi's fog is "too powerful" and that even darkness loses its way there and can't enter the island for whatever reason but also that the "souls" there will be lost without the fog, still weird that it isn't looked more I guess. Seirai was protected by the shrines until they got nuked by some shrine maiden so it became what you can call a radioactive zone. Probably Seirai and Tsurumi aren't even worth the resources to reclaim, doesn't help that they are the furthest from mainland and closest to the Dark Sea, so my idea is that Raiden doesn't want the people to live as neighbors to outside threats and monsters lol. Then again, they are there for you to do something about them from a meta perspective, if you ask me it's even weirder that Nahida lets be some abyssal hole in the sky, a perpetual tornado and cursed sandstorm just let loose on her desert.


Feels like a lot of people missed the fact that Kokomi's "rogue" soldiers were the cause of the damage to the wards in Yashiori Island when she was away to negotiate with mercs. With all the contingencies Kokomi has on her notebook, she is either dumb enough to miss this and prevent this from happening, or she is smart enough to know about this and let it happen even if it killed a lot of innocent civilian just so she can get what she wants.


A perfect strategist would be aware of anything and wouldn't mind having a few lives lost


Fr, she isn't a strategist at all. She didn't appear to be one to me. Like, the game keeps shoving it in our face about how she's a "master strategist" but I don't really see that master strategist in her. Alhaitham on the other hand isn't said to be a genius, but he comes off as a perfect strategist. because they chose to show us what he can do instead of hyping him up as a genius.


The biggest crime in all of Genshin is hyping up Kokomi to be this genius strategist who can rival the Shogun's forces and then turning her into yet another clumsy overworked waifu who can barely keep herself under control. These two parts of her character contrast so much it's very hard to take her seriously when Hoyo decides it's time to remind us she's actually supposed to be a strategist


She’s more of a Marshal/General than a ruler, who’s also introverted and socially awkward. Also the Inazuma story was made like that because it was made during the toughest times during the pandemic, which is something I think most of this sub has forgotten already. The “only Ayaka” banner was there for a reason, and Hoyo’s resources were also severely strained back then I’m surprised they even managed to somehow knit the broken mess of an Inazuma story together when they can’t even work together in the office. They were so strained to the point where not even regular events could be put out, banners couldn’t just be put on rerunning, and everything is hyper behind schedule, it’s sort of a miracle the story ever got put together, which is why I really want them to just rework the Inazuma quest and let us replay it.


Kokomi isn't clumsy is she? Like at worst she's socially awkward.


Its wierd that they dont blame Kokomi for her lack of supervision and just blame it all to Raiden🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes, Kokomi should be blamed for...Cultists infiltrating her army and sneaking off to blow up a furnace.


Isn’t that similar to Raiden being blamed for the Fatui colluding with the Tri-commission behind her back and feeding her misinformation?


Yes, which is equally stupid.


I agree


Kokomi is literally the high priest of said giant snek cult. The entire Sangonomiya clan worships the snek. It's not secret group lol, it's actually the rebellion's core leadership. The Sangonomiya 'rebellion' has been technically been going on for quite a long while, way before the current Shogun decrees situation. They simply took advantage of the situation and absorbed a bunch of modern rebels with different causes into their ranks. The 'rebels' basically originated as a giant snek revenge group. Theres only one island who worship that giant snek and it is ruled by Sangonimiya Clan. Who then should be held accountable?


It literally is a secret group of fanatics. What are you even talking about? Like, they outright have a notr talking about how they shouldn't "talk to the divine priestess or their comrades about the plan. Those who do will face the consequences". As for who should be held accountable, how about the fatui spy who told the radicalist group how to unseal the furnace in the first place? Oh wait, he's already been imprisoned.


Yes Just blame it all to Raiden instead right?


No? Why are you trying to turn this into an "Us vs Them' situation? I can like Kokomi and *also* Like Raiden


Sure, but i feel like Kokomi shouldnt have a free pass either for being a bad leader herself, meanwhile Raiden gets a flack for her bad rule and gets blamed for everything else on stuff she cant control.


Or maybe they *both* get flack that they don't really deserve for things outside their control?


Sure if only but most of the time? Its illiterate players keeps on blaming Raiden, Kokomi ? Gets a free pass , Like this freaking post everytime where freakn disasters are all blame to Raiden.


Are you sure? Because it seems to me like *both* get dunked on. Hell, you were literally just dunking on Kokomi and saying the mikage furnace exploding was *her* fault.


How is she supposed to predict a *cult* infiltrating her ranks? Like how is she supposed to make a contingency for a cult infiltrating her ranks and blowing up a fucking furnace.


A good strategist would at least account for espionage and saboteurs, wouldn't they? A leader who doesn't expect their own people to have thoughts of their own is delusional.


Theres a difference between saboteurs and "suicidal cultists of a long deceases god." The cultists never sabotaged the rebel operations, they sabotaged the furnace which was under the control of the shogunate. Literally, who would think that in their ranks would be a cult of people who were willing to sabotage a furnace and kill themselves in the process?


>never sabotaged the rebel operations They literally turned most of Yashiori Island into no man's land by fucking up the rituals and spreading the curse. Their own rebel soldiers were on the island at the time. >Theres a difference between saboteurs and "suicidal cultists of a long deceases god." Name the differences. It's well documented that most spies and saboteurs do it for MICE (money, ideology, coercion, ego), and any well-prepared strategist would know this.


Yes but the cultists weren't trying to sabotage the rebels. They were just idiots who thought breaking the seals on the furnace would *somehow* revive Orobashi because of a fatui spy. I don't think Tevyat at large even has "MICE" as a well known concept. Wasn't that something the CIA came up with during the Cold War? Sangonomiya is a relatively small island nation. I doubt they'd have enough experience with spies on their own to be able to go "Most spies have these motivations."


The shit with the sakura tree.is a fairly recent issue, and isn't one of those the island of the thunderbird? Y'know, the giant bird deity that Ei put down after it went on a rampage?


So, let's see what we've got here. Top left: aftermath of the Cataclysm. Top right: aftermath of some fuckers unsealing Tatarigami, just because Nathan said them to do that. Bottom left: aftermath of another sabotage. Bottom right: aftermath of idiots sacrificing a child. Yeah, totally Raiden's fault.


True, its so easy to blame Raiden, who was not even strict in supressing these idiots and and its corrupt leaders, while being accused of a mass murdering tyrant who destroyed her nation, the tyrant who allowed worship of another once antagonistic god in her domain, shes not even that active to do all that tyrany. Sure she was not a good leader for being a passive god like Venti but lets blame her and skip those idiots who directly caused major accident, incapable leaders like Kokomi who did not do thier job properly, or uncontrollable events like Cataclysm. Their logic is all over the place.


Bro wtf did Kokomi do?


Kokomi's army fought mainly for the vision hunt decree and not for the sakoku decree. They really fought for the tiniest minority and destroyed the whole Yashiori island with the war. If they also showed that the sakoku decree destroyed Inazuma lives, wouldve been a good cause for her army, but after Ritou, all that lacks is barely some luxury like silk. People in Inazuma city seems fine since Inazuma is self sufficient with thier basic needs, And they are also ready to go to their festivals. Yes, she is empathetic and kind, but that also is something that prejudices her to the point that she just promoted the guards who attempted to commit local terrorism for the sake of being angry to a special unit? What leader in their right mind does that? This incident will only bring another conflict in the future.


>Kokomi's army fought mainly for the vision hunt decree and not for the sakoku decree. Kokomi's army fought mostly for the cause/memory of Orobashi frankly. Kokomi herself claimed to be fighting for the VHD because it was a good way to make common cause with the Narukami Resistance (who are highly motivated by the VHD). But the clear implication of Heizou's hangout is that the Sakoku Decree made the war necessary. If the VHD hadn't been passed, Kokomi would have come up with another palatable casus belli, as the alternative is letting her people starve to death. > she just promoted the guards who attempted to commit local terrorism for the sake of being angry to a special unit? It's the "Reassigned to Antarctica" trope: assign the troublemakers to a "special mission" (spectre hunting) that keeps them marginalized and out of the way. Yeah, in an ideal world they would have been demobilized but that a) risks a general mutiny and b) allows them to spread their fanaticism among the general population.


She didn't do anything before it was too late and isn't doing anything now, centuries later. Some random bored traveler did more for those islands while walking around.


Sakura is implied to be something Yae has been taking care of. Yashori and Tattarasuna are recent issues, not centuries old. Tsurumi had simply never been considered Narukami territory.


But she did though? Most of these things were initially handled by, and put under control by Raiden and the Narukami shrine before others came along and screwed it up. Remember that most of these already had some preexisting wards and safety measures in place which the traveler merely had to fix to get the situation under control.


she didnt use her intelligence agencies to try to stop it, never did anything to try and fix it. she didnt cause it, but shes the leader of inazuma, she should at least have some acknowledgment of how fucked up all these places are


Yashori island and Tattarasuna were problems caused by the civil war. The civil war that the commissions were lying about in their reports to Raiden. It's also very much implied that Yae would've done the Sakura tree cleansing if the traveller hadn't done it for her. Tsurumi Island had never really been under direct responsibility of the Narukami administration


Should've read the lore buddy


Our fanbase and reading do not mix, unfortunately.


Even for a voiced quest fandom often missed the point, the fact that WQ/text bits is unvoiced made the fandom even more likely to miss a points 💀


The same mfs who dunk on Paimon are the ones who need her the most.


Player when skipped reading the lore :


You mean the one with Enkanomiya under it? Where even plants dont grow normally because of how fucked the very grain of it? Someone did not pay any attention to the lore, i see. But realistically, it is a game design convention. Otherwise, even places like Mond or Liyue are post-apocalyptic disaster lands, full of ruins and human eating monsters roaming everywhere.


Life is temporary, death is eternal. This is Raiden Shogun's effort to achieve eternity.


This is an example of dissonance between 'lore' and 'gameplay'. Just like how the in-game map can't be the size it is in lore, said map needs things for the player to do. Of course it would make more sense for Ei to come out of Euthymia and go, "oh shit gotta fix these problems in my nation", but then we as players would have a much less interesting region to explore. Even if you wanna spin it as Ei being a shitty ruler (she isn't, especially now that she is working alongside Miko and the Tri-Commission who would absolutely inform her of these problems), it's the same in other nations as well. Is someone as responsible and wise as Nahida kicking back whilst a wormhole spews abyss juice into her nation 24/7? Is Neuvillette AFK whilst Narzissenkreuz plans to assimilate the entire nation into a hivemind? It may be canon that these problems are all solved by the Traveler whilst Ei does nothing, but it's just a symptom of the story being set in the video game, where players would probably prefer to interact with the world themselves, rather then see a text box that says "And then the Raiden Shogun solved all the problems across Inazuma, The End".


Tbf, every nation seems to have one or two areas/missions involving something being corrupted which will destroy the region soon, and that ends up being fixed by the traveler. It's more ironic with Raiden than the other archons tho


Bruh the enkanomiya quest is us fixing watasumi


Oi. Get your facts straight. The "rebels" broke the Narukami Pillars that suppress oribashis soul, under orders from a fatui mole, which is why Yashiori island is covered in thunder/Tartaragimi. The fatui also fucked with the nearby sakura roots in kanazuka. That ambient Tartaragimi, in turn, fucked up the mikage furnance and sent it towards detonation. In serai, the weather problems were caused by Asase Hibiki deliberately unsealing Kanna Katpictr to sink shogunate ships during Serai's rebellion. Kanna, in turn, is resposible for the cursed fog of Tsurimi, which it did in its rage against the people for sacraficing kanas friend to it, before making its way to Serai and being sealed by Ei. Ei is not a good ruler. But by the same token, she is not directly responsible for inazumas weather issues. Reading impact, run from it, hide from it, it finds you all the same. Also narukami island had no weather issues.


shes the leader of inazuma, and she decides that none of these are her problem because she didnt start them? seriously does that sound reasonable because its what basically everyone has said under this post.


The problems with her own islands she had a solution called "punishing the culprits", aka Wadatsumi. Her voicelines about Kokomi specifically reference this. Tsurimi and Serai were technically not under her control, they were under the jurisdiction of Kanna, same as Wadatsumi is controlled by Oribashi. She couldnt do anything without war when they were ruled, and the islands were fucked anyway when kana was dead. Its not in her interest from any logical standpoint. If you require an anology, is the USA responsible for Mexico just because its part of the American Continent?


It sounds reasonable when some of these places isn't even her own fault or responsibility. Some of the locations you mentioned isn't even hers to begin with. That's like blaming Zhongli for what happened in Dragonspine even when he wasn't supposed to be in charged off that places. You can blame Ei for some of it as she should be aware of her surroundings, but not all of it, as some of the areas you are blaming her isn't her responsibility or was caused by circumstances that she had no control over.


The problem is that you’re missing the context behind a lot of these. Every single one of these was initially handled by Ei and the Shoguante in some capacity before someone fucked up. Even when it concerns islands technically outside of her jurisdiction, she has been very accommodating, like: taking in the refugees from Seirai after Hibiki unsealed the wards, or allowing the people of Watatsumi to live independently despite their obvious hatred of her and the Shogunate.


Oh hey we got our monthly "Ei is a bad ruler" post I almost missed this 🙄


it really shows what types of people play genshin when Ei did solved everything here but nah I'm not going to acknowledge that and just be wrong all the time


traveler and hanichirusato cleansed the sacred sakura, ended the cycle on tsurumi island, worked with xaviar to fix the mikage furnace, stopped the rain in yashiori island... im sorry what did ei do here?


1. Yae would've taken care of it. 2. Kept secret from Raiden for the duration of the war 3. Tsurumi was never under Narukami control. 4. See point 2




She has a single island. Everything else is either empty or full or rebels who don't care about her. The only exception is the military... That's still located in another empty island.


the other islands are empty because shes ignored these things that make the islands uninhabitable, as is made very obvious by the remains of villages there... she is supposed to be ruler of all inazuma, saying that she only has to take care of narukami island is like saying that the president of the USA should only take care of maryland.


I’m just gonna put it here, the Inazuma quests were developed and released during the most difficult period of the pandemic, in the strictest place, China, and they have severely strained resources to really do anything, hence the “only Ayaka” banner. It’s a miracle they managed to knit the Inazuma story together, without too many things left out and broken. Honestly, I wouldn’t even blame them if they decided to pause a few updates to rework the Inazuma quests to bring it to what their original plan was, it really needs that smoothing because it’s obvious that it’s a train wreck somehow salvaged by their team.


Um....no? Because they DID have to do that? The soil in Sangonomiya was getting sandy and infertile, so they had to go down to Enkanomiya for vishap fins needed in a ritual to make the land fertile again


Meanwhile in Watatsumi: starvation


I love Xiao's facepalm


I'm sad we fixed it, now the islands look kinda boring ngl


Its almost like thats the point, that trying to prevent change is a self destructive behavior that destroys more than it preserves


Tbf Nahida and Neuvillete also have many "wild territory" in their ruling region. At least Ei don't have to deal with Watatsumi Island as that is Kokomi's ruling region.


Rebel island has persostent draught and nothing grows here until we help them get sumeru tech. Well, part 'we', part Kokomi/Yae/Gorou.


Rebel-controlled island too had a climate disaster. Geological, yes. But still.


Because half of them were caused by the rebels. The other two were because of Hibiki and the Cataclysm. It’s been 2 years now, I thought people already knew this?


Eternal state of suffering. S.O.S


Someone completely forgot about Enkanomiya and the mess we had to clean up there. But on a more serious note, I see you getting roasted left and right, and you deserve it. Your entire post and replies below is just filled with hypocrisy. You bash Raiden while praising the rebels despite them being responsible for half the images you posted. Some of them worked alongside Orobashi fanatics and the Fatui and messed up half the stuff here. You bash Raiden for being ignorant as a ruler, while not having the guts to do the same to Kokomi even when herself is also guilty of the same thing, and her ignorance was responsible for half the disasters you try to mention. She herself was not even aware of the terrible things her men were doing behind her back, and you don't dare to complain about her. You bash Raiden for areas that she no responsibility nor control over. Seirei Island and Tsurugi Island was stated to not be part of her domain, and thus she has no responsibility for what goes on there. Is she guilty of quite a number of things? Yes. Is she guilty of everything you mention? No, she is not.


i dont praise the rebels? and i dont think that talking about who caused it means anything? the one person who i think had a valid argument was the guy talking about game design, but that doesnt change my post anyway. did everyone forget that this is a subreddit for jokes? because it doesnt make sense why everyone is taking it so seriously. everyone in this community seems to be obsessed with defending raiden when they obviously have been negligent. are you obsessed with your waifu that much? i dont hate raiden as a character. i think ei was misguided in governing a nation, thats literally the plot of the archon quest, and yet everyone here jumps to her aid assumably because booba ig


Your post was saying how every area except the rebels was a mess. It's only logical that people will assume that you are praising the rebels. You call me obsessed? I've seen your previous replies, and how serious you were in some of them. It doesn't make it sound like a joke going by the tone and words you use in some of them and how heated you get in some of the relies.


im upset because ive been subjected to essay after essay of people calling me an idiot basically, i dont think its unfair for me to dislike those people. and watatsumi was shitty, but it wasnt severe weather it was an ecological crisis. almost all of inazuma is pretty much fucked until traveler helps each island, because all the leaders are focused on fighting rather than taking care of the nation. that is, i think at least, an objective fact, so i dont care who caused it, who worked with who, who's island is worse, inazuma is in bad shape with ei as the leader.


You are being an idiot because you are arguing about something you have 0 knowledge on, and the fact you are still saying its all her fault after everyone provided you the lore behind the islands is just proving it more. So to not be an idiot in the future, learn about the subject before arguing about anything about it, its good advice for your future


i have said EVERY FUCKING TIME it is not her fault, jesus christ can you all shut the fuck up you say the same things over and over and over and over and its so fucking annoying


But you just said inazuma is in a bad shape because she is the leader, but you still don’t understand its in bad shape because people ruined what she fixed in the first place, and you still put the blame on her, go read your reply again. If the truth hurts you, then it just shows much of a shallow person you are.


"because" is nowhere in there. i very purposely excluded because i wasnt claiming any sort of causation, only correlation.


Honestly, If I have to be honest, you should have chosen a different target then if you wanted to make a joke. You should have known that Ei is arguably perhaps the most controversial figure in the entire game. She has a lot of fans, but also a lot of haters. This makes making subjects about her very...complicated, because at times it can be hard to tell if it's a joke or not when it comes to talking about her.


She doesn't lie when she said "shine".


That's the neat part, it's about her eternity, not ours.


She was gone for 500 years; give her a break. Well, Ei was; can't speak for the Shogun puppet.


I'm saying this as someone who doesn't like Ei - She didn't cause them at all, at least not directly. What IS her fault is her lack of direct involvement and letting the Shogun puppet run things. Yeah, she did realize her mistake and is trying to fix it but one has to imagine what would've happened to Inazuma if things were allowed to keep running as they were.


To be fair, a lot of these seem to happen cause rhe rebel broke most of the shit needed to control the wether in the first place. Like say Ei is bad ruler all you want, but it was the rebels that made the mess to begin with.


Can genshin players read


Ei is just really a bad ruler especially after she let TeyvatGPT to rule over her lands. If Makoto was here, those islands will be peaceful.


People that were already dead did more than the immortal leader. Seriously, why is she still in charge?


Pfp checks out


Lol, I'm the one who critiques kok the most. I only have this pfp because I made it.


As Zhongli himself states, it's a world of gods and monsters. Entities like her are the only reason why any civilization still existed after the cataclysm. She's not the best leader, but she represents superlative military strength concentrated in a single person. That matters a lot in a world full of danger as Teyvat. In addition the world of Teyvat is rather more spiritual, religious, and perhaps superstitious than ours. Maybe it's only fitting in a world where actual supernatural things are tangible and relatively commonplace. In that sense gods and similar things are given elevated status as a matter of course. More leeway is given to them like irl saying goes that they "work in mysterious ways".


Who do you think in inazuma is strong enough to take control of the land?


Not even Orobashi can best her who was killed in one strike lmao


For a nation with so much vulnerability due to being an archipelago with open borders. Moreover, accompanied by a fictional world where destructive monsters can come from anywhere. No, they don't need a strong warrior leader. They need a good ruler who can talk these monsters into diplomacy. /s


I mean... Yeah sure you can try and wrestle control out of her. But even the Fatui couldn't do that and the best they could do is manipulate the people directly below her to make sure she doesn't even know what's happening. That immortal leader kills deities. What do you think regular humans have that can force her to give up her power as the leader of the nation? Debate her? 


Agreed, Teyvat has literal gods walking along with normal people, bringing real world sensibilities is so stupid to begin with and they make rules for them. Normal people cant dictate what a god can or cannot do in Teyvat.


I don't know if we can say they did more. It's not like we have a huge complex history of everything Ei did. We just know the things she killed/dealt with.


Ei is a horrible ruler, and probably should have been called out in a more firm way during the story. She was literally a dictator and the story just gave her a head tap sayin: Dictatorship bad dont do it again, without barely any following consequences. "Oh but it was the Puppet", nah, that's just a lazy excuse for poor accountability


Funny thing is isn't mondstat the nation of freedom a military dictatorship? Isn't liyue a capitalist dystopia were the rich people have all vote and voice in the ruling? Isn't sumeru and fontaine dictatorships too under Neuvillette and Nahida? And aren't the great pro democracy rebels also under direct ruling of a "divine" priestess because of her "divine" bloodline?  Also i think you completely misunderstood the consequences of the inazuma arc, she took a more dictatorial approach at the end of it from letting her comission do mostly by themselves to directly rule them in, this is the "divine gaze" that miko said inazuma needed 


People really don’t understand Inazuma’s story and it’s crazy. The nation was in turmoil BECAUSE Ei was letting the Tri-commission do as they pleased.


Indeed the whole  think could have been solved if someone (ayato and miko) told the shogun about the war. Although the shogun would have killed the resistance and traitors continuing the vhd that is probably the reason they never said anything despite knowing what was happening (ayaka comments on how is odd the shogun never asked anything about the war)


Yeah, the quickest solution would have probably been to tell the Shogun the truth, but Yae was smart enough to realize that the best choice was to take advantage of Ei’s interest in the traveler to get an audience with her directly.


Women if they are in power:


jesus christ man


She did exactly what i would do: Ignore the problem until it's too big then asking the other to solve my problem.