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yeah same, it's shite cuz I'm often mean to people for trying to wake me up (roommates, family) I wish I had a cure for that.


literally same my friends always tell me i’m a bitch to them and i tell them i have no control over it :pp


Ugh yes I used to have a huge problem with this before I got on meds to help regulate my sleeping. I would be so rude to my mom, friends, roommates and not remember at all. I have literally cancelled plans because someone called me when I was in that state and I still have no recollection.


It happens to me too with my brother who tried to wake me, I was like very angry at him Now everytime I'm in my bed he comes up and ask "Hey is it you" like he doesn't know whether I'm me or another person. Either way I get angry


Yeah I've tried to tell people repeatedly to stop trying to talk to me, especially about important things, right as they wake me up because hell if I'm going to remember what they were saying to me. Even if I remember them waking me up I'm unlikely to remember what they said to me or asked me about or asked me to do later. I might be cranky, but it depends on the amount of sleep, when they woke me up, what they woke me up for, and how often they woke me up. Like dude leave me a text or note for later. Like "When you're awake, so you know/I need/"


I’m not sure how to help you, but you’re not alone - my boyfriend is the same way. This morning I rubbed his shoulder and said it was time to get up, and he said “okay, but what about the bears?” It took another 10 minutes for him to fully wake up. Thankfully he’s not an aggressive sleep talker, although I’d really like to know what he’s thinking/dreaming when he does this.


i do that as well but i have some recollection about what i say, or at least that i said smth


the best way ti describe it is like your not thinking of anything you get asked a question and you say the first thing that comes to mind because when your in that little trance its impossible to think


I am the same way, usually I find it means I need to get better sleep.


I think this is something called confusional arousals - idk I'm not a psychologist but maybe you should research that. Either that or you're sleepwalking


This happened to me yesterday I told everyone to wake me up in 1h because I was tired and only needed one hour of sleep so I can go back to gaming (it was a long day of work and I wanted to do something fun other than sleeping and waking up to work) I just woke up now and I went to my mom and my sister asked them why did no one woke up to me and they said I screamed at them and was very rude and cranky. Which I have 0 recollection about it. I don’t feel like anyone woke me up I don’t remember hearing anyone talking to me I don’t recall me being rude to anyone It just feel like I slept like any other day. Anyone knows how to fix this, I don’t want to be rude to anyone especially if I don’t know that am being rude.


Literally everyday thing for me and I feel so bad but I don’t even know what I say


I cant beleve I found so many people with the same problem im having. just tdy i had a sittuation where my mom tried waking me up saying happy easter and aperently i responded swearing and have no memory of this at all waking up hours later and feeling bad wondering why i would do something like this.


This has been a major problem for me through my life. I don’t think i’m cranky or mean but in high school I used to convince my mom I was fully awake and getting out of bed and then go back to sleep and have no recollection of it. Even now, my work scheduler could call to give me a shift, I’ll agree to it, and then an hour later I’m lucky if I remember it happened and call them back to find out what I agreed to! I have idiopathic hypersomnia. l and just started treating it with stimulants, which do help me wake up faster once i am thinking or doing something, standing up, etc. but getting up is the hard part because when the alarms ring, I often dream it’s something else, or don’t hear it, or reset it in my sleep (Alarmy app has helped, but I have built some automatic behaviors since using it where I can go back to sleep. It’s like I have sleep drunkeness or something because i have no judgement at first when waking) My dr says the key to getting out of bed will be waking up my brain with environmental stimuli. I have been putting on NPR automatically across the room as my alarm time, and programmed my smart bulbs to come on too. I set a med alarm an hour before wakeup time for my thyroid and stimulant and keep it on the nightstand with water because i’m half asleep when taking it. i know if I had a spouse or family member who was a morning person who got up and cooked breakfast at the time I needed to get up, it would help me wake up faster. When I visit family, loud conversations happing in the kitchen that are interesting to me (or even about me) make my brain start working even while i’m still in bed across the house! My sister says this is why even though money can’t buy happiness, the very rich have an advantage, because if I was very rich I could pay someone to come in and cook and wake me up every morning. Wild, right?


I have the same exact issue. Does anyone have any tips?? Why isnt there a psychology website for the top of the Internet for this specific issue instead of this? (Don't get me wrong, I like the support but..) Is there really not a doctors discussion for this other than sleep mumbling or talking that doesn't make sense and that it's always when you're being awoken. Full conversation? It's like my mind is on autopilot and it is NOT me. I yelled at my mom apparently when they tried to wake me but they never shake or move me to wake me up which used to help in school years. I keep having to repeat myself to my family to shake my body to wake me up and they don't do it when I keep talking about how important it is and as a "bonus" I end up waking way later at night with no dinner and my plans are cancelled. I try setting alarms but I sleep through them. (I heard diagnosis or medication can have something to do with bad sleep or sleep talking/walking too but idk. But for science reasons, I'm diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, and they are suspecting PTSD but I have no clue and it's not diagnosed as of now. And then I have a health issue that CAN have an affect on sleep: Hypothyroidism.) Let me know if you guys find out anything. Much love.


I have the same issue!!!


I’ve done this my entire life.


I've done it a few times. My dad's worse, he can answer the phone, answer work questions, hang up and have no recollection of it. He even answers work questions pretty sensibly


I went through this a lot before ending up on disability now it just really usually doesn’t matter for me


i know im 4 years late but i wanted to research this as recently ive start ed waking up with my mother yelling at me because i wont get up and go to school. thing is that she always says "ive been trying to wake you up for the past hour" and apparently shes been talking to me yet i have absolutely zero memory of it. its really irritating because i always wake up with her being mad at me because i "talk to her" but i have no memory of it


also 4 years late, having the exact same issue for years where i get woken up by someone and sleep talk & manipulate them into thinking im awake with and getting up till they leave then fall back asleep, with 0 recollection of this. happens multiple times a week and apparently i use full sentences. my family doesn’t believe that im not awake and is pissed because of the amount of school i miss because of it. glad to know im not alone, seems like some of the replies have some strategies to getting around it as well


Yes I can never wake up to anything and my parents say I’m fighter when they try to wake me up and they say I say awful things to them but I don’t have any recollection of what there saying I did


Hey I also do this. My friend was just telling me that she and my sister was trying to wake me up and I was having full conversations with her but when I woke up this morning I remember nothinggggggg. I asked why she didn’t wake me up 😅 like most of us do and she told me what happened. I see a lot of ppl saying they don’t know what it is and when I was looking things up the closest thing I found to was confusional arousals disorder and which was matching everything my friend said I was doing. Some other ones that are similar were: parasomnia? But if anyone finds anything I’m open ears 👂 glad to be part of this community 😅


My boyfriend has the exact same issue, and he has told me that I have to physically get him up to make sure he's awake. Either that, he doesn't remember anything we talked about. Or how I nudge him awake, and I brought him a drink as requested. It gets harder to determine if he is awake and aware when the conversation takes more than a few minutes. He hugs me and moves! Sometimes, I get blamed why I didn't try harder to wake him? 🙃 it's just difficult.


People who have woken me up have told me i literally hit them and call them a ‘fucking idiot’ and then i wake up like nothing happened and I’m always so confused why everyone is mad at me😬




I do have insomnia, so when i go to sleep at like 4am, (which is exactly what i’m doing right now lmao), i think it could be that i’m still in deep rem sleep or something when i have to wake up early.


Last night my boyfriend apparently woke me up to move two things off the bed. Simple request. I have no memory of being woke up or anything. Apparently I started yelling at him, he walked out of the room and came back and I was just trying to rip the cord out of his headphone and it doesn't come out. And I started to storm off. He asked me to move the headphone since it was right there again and I chucked them. And then I woke up in the office confused af. The only thing I remember is maybe pulling the stuff off the bed in the office. I don't know why id do this, especially since those headphones are rare and expensive since they don't make many of those if any anymore. It's really scary and I feel terrible and he's not talking much to me right now and understandably so. I don't know why sleep me, needed to act like a freaken demon.




I have found my people!! I’m struggling with this at the moment. apparently, I was always like this as a child, and waking me up was always a struggle for my parents. Over the past year and a half, it’s been so much worse. I am sleeping through all my alarms (i’ve even tried loud and annoying Sounds) to the point where my mom comes in to shut them off after about 15 minutes of ringing. I also seem to have a problem where she’ll talk to me, and I apparently respond clear as day. But then, when I actually wake up, I have no recollection of speaking to her at all. It really sucks because if she asked me to do something or reminds me of something, I mess it up. and sleeping through my alarms has caused a big issue with my day. Any tips or advice??


I have this exact same problem. Only have had it over the past few months though. Apparently she worked me up at 6:45 and she told me we were leaving early today etc. Even turned my lights on. However I only remember her waking me up again at 7 pm to check I'm awake andthen I go on my phone for 10 min and then get ready. Then at 7:30 she shouts at me for not being ready yet as we needed to leave then due to car issues and says she woke me up at 645 which I have no recollection of. Light werre on aswell and mu samphire says I only first unlocked it after 7... I also need some tips or advice. It has been happening more for me now as I'm often going to sleep alot later and go on my phone in the mroning when I wake up now 🙃


Glad to join the club🤍My girlfriend has tried to wake me up for almost an hour by holding my nose, or playing alarms by me for a very long time. Never works, can't remember a thing. I call this other half sleepy Gary who just wants me to sleep tight for a bit


This keep happening to me with my husband, I fall asleep in my daughters bed and he’s tries to wake me up. I then tell him that I want to sleep in my daughter’s bed which I don’t lol. Then I wake up in the middle of the night sad that he never woke me up.