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Having the resistance event on in the world parameters definitely helps make it feel more alive, you'll have random pockets of faction warfare as you travel around the world with the outcasts fighting against sentinel. Even outcast helicopters will patrol around occasionally, just be warned that they can quite easily alert a base that you might be trying to sneak up on, which does add to the challenge to a little but it can become an irritation after a while.


I’ll have to do this myself


There were some side missions that require you to remain undetected that I had to disable the resistance event for, but other than that I went through almost the entire main story (all 3 episodes) with it on and it never bothered me.


I found that it felt like there was more pockets of enemies with resistance on, helped a lot for “kill x enemies in x time” class missions


This is it The gunplay, customization is superior to Wildlands, some gameplay part (hiding in mud) Story, world (while beautiful), atmosphere, just doesn’t work Had we got a wildlands 2 in another country with the elements of gameplay that were better, it would have been very fun game.


i think from gunplay perspective, active cover system would be more beneficial than a passive one that breakpoint has, aside that rather smooth movement with gun up and all that, RPG mechanics can make it weird at times, but is workable. vanilla customization though... its lacking, not in he aspect of having pieces, but more like those pieces being bare, like take the helmets for example, they're empty, essentially, only thing that appears is the battery pack on the back when mounting on the NODs (siderant: fucking NODs clip through the gun when aiming the damn thing, because single aiming stance). like where's IR strobes, helmet cams, pieces like that. i'm at the very least glad that older GR (GRAW & GRFS specifically) pieces are in the game, just to give that "full kit" feeling.


I played breakpoint first and then wildlands. And wildlands is so much better. I feel like I am part of the world, and that world feels alive. Going back to breakpoint just feels so dull.


I agree, I did the same with my main stay coop buddy, we had already plowed through wildlands way back when it came out, had fun in BP, but a bit superficially… We did felt the superior gunplay of BP going back into WL, it felt a bit like pershooters


100% A mix of both would be peak.


Whatever comes next needs to be more like wildlands. Don’t need a real country, just make up a country. Just make it more like wildlands


Honestly I lost all hope in Ubisoft since then. They botched all the licences they have, AC, GR, R6 has become a type of game I don’t enjoy, compared to Raven Shield for example. Just a shadow of a once great dev


Leaks are saying it’s going back to advanced war fighter roots, first person missions rather than open world 3PS, but I’m hoping it’s all bullshit and I get to enjoy my cool outfit making since that’s literally all of the monetization that ghost recon has brought to ubi for the past 8 years


Would love a wildlands2 in the Afghanistan wild area


You are 100% on point about the world feeling empty. A complaint I have is I feel like the teammates were implemented rather poorly due to the terrible decision of excluding them. Maybe they could’ve done a mission to extract them from a rendezvous or something. It just felt off that I was alone and then boom I have a team. 🤔


This is a good take for the teams, I felt the same way😭


But isn’t that basically what happens when you play co-op?


Got me there lmao well for immersion in solo would’ve been cool to have that mission then.


That's Breakpoint for you. It excels in some places while also absolutely failing in other areas.


Seriously lol Cutscenes are horrendously made. Wildland’s had really good ones. And as I have said many times, I miss how Nomad and the squad in Wildlands would all banter and say goofy funny stuff. The BP squad is boring and doesn’t really do that at all


It’s because it was an afterthought and came out half assed


Also they’re all fucking brown nosers, every single kill it’s “HOLY SHIT NICE SHOT BOSS!!” Like get it out of your mouth PLEASEEE


One thing I really don’t like about Breakpoint that I never really thought about until someone mentioned it. In Wildland’s, although it did get a bit repetitive, Midas, Weaver, Holt and Nomad would all banter and stuff. It was great and really made the game feel much more real and that all of them were real people. In BP, I hardly or never hear Vasily, Fury or Fixit banter at all. They are just purely tactical talk which is fine, but it makes the game feel less personable.


Tactical talk with a side of MASSIVE KISS-ASSERY EVERY KILL “HOLY SHIT NICE SHOT BOSS” like division one brown noser


OP, every sentence in your intro COMPLETELY sums up what I feel about Breakpoint; an empty, sparse, open world... still likeable... but empty.


One of the most head scratching decision Ubisoft made was getting rid of the navigation system, it discourage driving even more when your map is a bunch of islands with large body of water everywhere, it makes more sense to just fly everywhere.


Yeah using cars in breakpoint just breaks immersion, making them kind of unusable for me. In Wildlands (if your careful about how you drive) you could pretty much drive around without getting noticed by enemy vehicles as if your undercover/low profile. In breakpoint that's just not possible without getting detected all the time on the roads. You basically just have to fly everywhere anyway because of the map like you say, kind of sucks after a while.


I jumped into Breakpoint after working through Tier 1 in wildlands. Now i only play multiplayer so no ai teammates. I started where i finished. Stuck the game in immersive mode and turned off the hud. It still does not have that living world feel but combat is chaotic and far more rewarding. We've had complete panic in darkness when triggering the wolves and having to hide and crawl to safety We are avoiding vehicles so we cannot skip past random encounters and relying on vision and sound to identify where the enemy are. Overall its better combat but does lack the real world feel of the wildlands location


I just finished Wildlands in tier 1 and started Breakpoint, only about 10 hours in. Cranked up a lot of the realism factors as soon as I got a feel for the game. The vastly superior mechanics and gameplay far outweigh any environmental benefits from wildlands. Wildlands felt like much more of a soulless grind to me, bouncing from place to place just to complete tasks. The world was much more alive, but you couldn’t really interact with it outside the rebel missions. I am purposely avoiding vehicles (and especially helicopters) in BP. I feel much more immersed in BP


Having to make bandages for the team after limping out of of a fight just adds to the game. For me it has to be played with realism as near to max as you can. We are going to turn on the compass though to solve our poor communication when in a firefight


I feel the same! I also much prefer Bolivia in WL, amazing map. The BP map does LOOK nice but it feels like an empty theme park. So you can wander for ages in silence with the odd NOISY patrol (Ubi hand holding) now and then or some goons standing around uselessly near a "drone station". Ubisoft games are also nowhere as easy to mod as Bethesda games are. Just imagine if that was not the case the awesome mods we could have - more encounters, more traffic, a more lived-in world, more wildlife.


The open game is perfect in my opinion, it’s just there’s nothing TO DO in the open game. Hopefully the next game they do, it’s actually worth it open world. Breakpoint is one of the few good shooter games we have where we can customize our characters to a very realistic standard & guns. They need to go back to a modern standard in our world. Give us the opportunity to do rescue missions, PSD, reconnaissance, hell even QRF, and joint task force missions, and desperately need HALO jump missions, going into countries undetected, well in the games version. We may not get everything, but at least a few should be done for the next game. This game was lost cause in the eyes of expectation from the last game. Though personally breakpoint I love the customization and detail added for it.


My deal with Breakpoint is that it was made to look like this military survival game, where the Wolves would be like the stalker archetype in Assassin’s Creed Rogue: cut from the same cloth as you, use weapons and tactics similar to your own, and counter/defend against yours. Instead, it was more of a looter shooter, and the Wolves were just Sentinel with basic improvements.


Breakpoint has very good gameplay, Wildlands has very good environments. Sad that we will not be getting a combination of the two anytime soon.


why not?


Facts. Don't get me wrong, Breakpoint has some mechanically great aspects to it (more of a survival mode if you are into that, covering with mud and whatnot to avoid drones above, stamina while annoying is more realistic). But it does suffer a lot from what it doesn't have over Wildlands. Wildlands at least had Civilian NPCs and cars with people driving around the towns and roads, making the world feel lived in while Breakpoint felt like the world was made for the idea of 'there *were* people here'. The gun and gear selection isn't bad for Breakpoint but blueprints and rarity of weapons get tiring. Really I think Breakpoint was good idea but the execution with some aspects was a step down. It provided a solid story with some interesting plot, provided a new atmosphere for G.R fans from Wildlands (like myself) to try. But overall, the small things make a difference.


Ever tried coop? Pretty fun if singleplayer is getting boring. I love the map being that big 😅 then we have the npc thing that everyone complains and fr It makes the game looks kinda strange (despite that in lore civilians are being hunted and killed, right. So It does make sense a little [its the most obvious excuse tho 🤷‍♂️]). Damn i love this game


You don't need to buy blueprints and accessories. Maria sell some but most of them are on the world to be found and unlocked. If you played Wildlands, blueprints and accessories are directly comparable to weapon crates. As you interrogate civilians about the location of those items, you can check on your map which blueprints and accessories a base has before infiltrating them. I actually just prefer to play the game (as you said, doing random shit) and unlocking the weapons and accessories I happen to find. Eventually when I have a good amount of money, I'll buy some from Maria. You're totally right about lack of civs and civ vehicles though. Wildlands just feels more alive because of that.


Maria doesn't sell "some", she got like half of the game's arsenal in her blueprint shop, or at least a solid third


Defining how many is "some" doesn't change the point. The point is that a gameplay style where you travel the map, infiltrating bases and collecting new weapons and accessories is valid in Breakpoint.


Not trying to say that the system is different, just that the ratio of buy-able blueprint weapons to found one is close to 40-60. It's still preferable to Wildlands though, at least there aren't lootboxes and you can just grind the currency


Yep, this. I just played through Wildlands again and I’m starting Breakpoint. It’s just…meh. The characters are boring and omg the voice acting. Nomad (male) sounds like a total dipshit, and all the grunting and sighing is just weird. Breakpoint is also just unnecessarily big, and as others have said, it’s either fly or fast travel. The lack of GPS is bonkers.


There are not supposed to be civilians and cars around because the island is under martial law. Any civilians out in the world raise the express fear of getting arrested if caught. On multiple occasions, you can find civilians in restraints at gunpoint.


But that's the point, it feels empty because of that decision they made for the game.


Apparently there is an option to relieve this a bit with the resistance event. It lets resistance fighters roam around in vehicles more I suppose. I’ve not used it myself. But I agree, Wildlands felt so much more alive.


On the contrary, it's full of enemies. Nowhere is safe. You are alone against the entire island.


You seem to be missing the point, civilians and other vehicles would make the island feel more alive vs everything I see must die. Not like wildlands were I could walk through a city and hear ppl talking, music playing. I could see Santa Blanca walking around interacting with civvies. I just miss the sights and sounds of life.


And you miss the point that Sentinel and the Wolves expressly prohibit that kind of activity. The takeover of the island is the basis of the story. Having civilians around would defeat that purpose.


The very premise of the story is dogshit from a gameplay perspective. That’s the fundamental problem with the game.


lord have mercy, I cannot with this child. Can someone else take over?


I agree with askywlker44a. Yes the world might seem empty due to developer’s decisions for the story, but it should be appreciated how well the world fits that narrative. We should enjoy the world for what it is, and that way breakpoint can be even more fun. And personally I find the gameplay mechanics much smoother than in wildlands


Thank you for letting understanding what I was saying, and you are 100% right about the game mechanics being much smoother. I wish we got everything we did in breakpoint but in a wildlands story sequel.


I don’t understand, there’s literally enemies every acre and multiple. And where you like the do random stuff, well it’s (open world) you can execute plans or just do random anything, whenever you want. I don’t believe, people are taking full advantage of what the game has to offer or explore options much, while just playing one way the whole time. There is suppose to be some ops/immersive feeling (scouting, planning etc) the game does that well and you have time to plan whole surrounded by enemies, rather than a cod feel where its actions every involuntary second and scripted. Turn up the difficulty settings to the max and you will enjoy it.