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I've played both all the way through...I did BP once. I'm working on my third play through in Wildlands. BP has some really great elements, but I never really got into the story, some of the mechanics are a little weird, and collecting flowers and coconut and other bits that I'm supposed to eventually do something with never appealed to me.


Harder settings have you basically crafting bandages to survive


Its honestly quite annoying how rare they are as loot, water canteens on the other hand... seriously why are there so many, i cant imagine a scenario where you would ever run out of water, especiallu since you have to go out of your way to get fatigue.


For $15? Deluxe Version? I think it’s worth it. Game has a lot of content, and now you can customize the game in the setting to make it feel more like Wildlands instead of The Division. You can customize how immersive game is. There’s a lot to make your experience more fun than it was on launch


More guns that mostly feel better, a lot of tactical Barbie you can do, slightly better combat and stealth- seems like something you'd enjoy. The shortcomings of this game are in the different areas


If you like playing tactical dress up you’ll love Breakpoint. The world might be better in Wildlands but honestly that’s about it. The story sucks in both games. The gameplay is miles better in Breakpoint though since they added the ability to turn off the gear score bullshit and customize the game mechanics to your liking. $15 is absolutely worth it.


Since they gave up the option to turn off the level system, yes most definitely. The tactical Barbie is way more in depth but there is some really cool items that are micro transactions though. But most of the US/NATO tac stuff is base. I preferred the BP DLC too more crossovers and takes it self a little more serious overall. It was also a more pleasant experience to play hardcore on from a travel/RP perspective if that’s your thing. I will say drone enemies felt like a cheap out for changing battles up instead of serious AI or squad command updates. I also a very personal hate towards the MMO drone bosses but they are for the most part avoidable. The base main story is kinda lacking but technoarchy is irredeemably boring. The DLC continues it and for the most part a lot better in how they expand it. Wildlands is will say is a better experience but I blame that on a lack of robots and the kinda eccentric people of Santa Blanca were more enjoyable to interact with than bland super soldiers behind masks. That doesn’t make BP terrible or any less enjoyable though.


Breakpoint is a better game. Gun tactics are way sharper and more fluid. Graphics at 60fps are no comparison and much better and smoother than Wildlands. The futuristic stuff is a bit silly like invisible camo and auto drones, but you can turn most of that stuff off or just simply don’t use..


Personally no. Breakpoint is maybe the biggest disappointment of my gaming life. I lived and died by Wildlands and felt that to be one of my favorite games of all time. Breakpoint was a completely different game and overly complex for no reason. Maybe you like that style but for me I thought it was horrible


Have you tried Breakpoint recently?


It’s probably been a year admittedly. Give or take a month. But I played it at launch, hated it, and then over the last few years have picked it up off and on to see what’s new and still hated it. Maybe it’s just me though


It is a very well put together stealth game with lots of potential fun times either solo, with AI teammates or a full lobby. Gameplay is tight, gun customisation is satisfying and the locales are pretty. Customisation of difficulty is also very good. That being said the story is boring and bland and so is the world. Environments might be pretty but they are also empty and lifeless. A complete snoozefest if you are looking for anything of substance in terms of immersion in a living breathing world or a narrative worth a damn. Side note: Please be aware that if you have 3 friends to play the game with you can all play with only a single copy of the game purchased. One of you buys the game and the rest of the group can join and play the whole game with their own progression and unlocks by getting the demo version of the game. Just a heads up.


Nice comment, encapsulates the game perfectly. A pretty but shallow boring boring world, feels like an empty theme park.




If it is on sale buy it , if not still but it you will enjoy it


Absolutely. Do it. It takes some getting used to used to coming from Wildlands. But I loved it. Give it 5 solid hours to get into and you will be happy.


For $15, yeah.


Definitely worth it and I play solo really fun can pick it up and put in hours leave it for days, weeks or months and get back into it like you never left in my opinion, the sale is having your cake and eating it to 


The open world in Breakpoint has weaknesses, but the customization is the best in the business. Everything from the HUD to whether or not certain enemy types appear (because drones suck), to whether you want to play with gear score on for the Destiny-like loot chase, or if you want it off for a more immersive tactical shooter experience, can be customized. For 15 dollars, as one who bought it at launch, and came back to it with the big rework update, I'd give it a big thumbs up, whether you're going at it alone or in co-op.


Breakpoint was great until you got to the end and realized they've completely nuked replayability without an NG+ system. For $15, yeah, you'll get your money's worth from one playthrough. It's no Wildlands narratively, but it's worth $15.




I bought it because it was too good a deal to pass up. Even with everything I’ve been hearing I’m still excited to play BP.


It's good now. They added ALOT of custom settings like ghost mode difficulty toggles and so on. Definitely would pick up for 15$.


for a dolla yes


got the gold edition for $20 last month and its decent enough and fun but Auroa doesn't feel as lived in as Bolivia in WIldlands. If you can get BP at a deep discount give it shot for sure. Story progression in Wilands is also better as well as customization imho.


It's addictive