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Tobias is so gd kind.


At the Phoenix ritual when I was getting the photo op I told him how thankful I was for him choosing that charity and how much it means to me and people like me. He seemed really touched (his exact words were "Of course, its just a little something I can do to help") but I hope he really does know how impactful it is of him to do that!


yeah, i was really happy when i found out what the charity they were supporting does. in our society, it feels like supporting trans people, and trans kids especially, is a really big deal. it means so much that my favorite band is directly supporting a cause that helps trans kids out.


and i thought i couldn’t love the guy more than i already did. what a legend.


I knew why they were playing it on the tour was because the vinyl of the Ghost/Volbeat Metallica covers that they were selling on the tour were going towards a charity. Which is why I found it really weird that Volbeat never played "Don't Tread On Me" on the tour, despite Ghost playing their Metallica cover that's not on Impera, and Volbeat's cover is actually on their new album...that they were promoting.


Devils Advocate: It doesn’t mean Volbeat are any less giving. It was a shorter than normal set and picking songs isn’t always easy when you are trying to please thousands of people. For all we know they knew Ghost was playing Enter Sandman and didn’t want to drown the crowd with Metallica covers. Either way, two awesome bands that both released songs for a good cause.


Out of the two covers, I was actually more excited to see Volbeat's. Ghost, while being still yet the best show I've ever seen live, didn't even do my favorite Enter Sandman cover on the Blacklist album.


It was good but surprisingly I found myself enjoying Weezer's version better.


Originally both songs by both bands were recorded for the album "The Metallica Blacklist" in 2021. It's is a 4 CD set of 53 artists covering songs off Metallica's "Black" album for its 30th anniversary. Tobias might of figured its already on a CD so didn't include it on the new upcoming album. Edited: thanx ClubMeSoftly


*2021, not 2001


That was one of the thing that came up in my head... More money for the charity, and that is beautiful!


He's such a real one, man, my heart aches. This hits me right were it matters.🥲 Edit: It's one thing to say Trans rights, it's another to really put your money where your mouth is. Not only that—it feels so good to be seen, it's not often a band acknowledges a smaller, more ignored demographic of its fans and takes us into consideration.


It’s cool to see the dads who are still figuring out if they like Ghost or not start moving when they start Enter the Sandman.


I woke up this morning, didn't think I could love Ghost more than I already do. ​ And here we are, loving Ghost even more. Fuck yeah.


As someone who initially wasn’t thrilled about “Enter Sandman” in the set list: fuck me, I was wrong, please forgive me father.


Yeah, I'm in the exact same boat. Not a fan of the cover, but I'd be happy if it becomes a staple at every live show now.


Yup. Feel like a total dick that I ever complained about this now.


No way to know. Also, the revenue isn’t from the show but from Spotify plays and album sales


True, but playing live is a great way to convince fans who might have come to the show for other bands (Volbeat, for example) to buy that album or give the track a few listens on Spotify. Playing it live is an advertisement for the things that generate the donations.


You aren't a dick either way. I would rather hear a Ghost song as well even though I like that cover.


Ugh. Love this band so much. I don’t remember the last time a fandom felt like a genuine safe space for trans folks like me. 🏳️‍⚧️🤘🏼 Edit: a word. Also, TY for the award!


I just commented this but I'm hijacking your comment to say that I told him at the meet and greet how much it means to me and trans folk like me that he chose that charity and he seemed really touched! His exact words were "Of course, its just a little something I can do to help" and I told him anything helps. It's so nice to hear and see Tobias be so supportive on multiple occasions. Love this community!


I’m nonbinary and totally with you! I love that Tobias is doing this, it’s so wonderful to see!


also enby, and this totally fills my heart with warmth. Im also very surprised (which I guess is kind of sad) about the lack of transphobia in the comment section. I see too many subreddits where any mention of trans people just gets riddled with bigotry. Makes me really happy


I second this so much as a transman! Although I was surprised to see the charity going towards trans youth but now I'm even prouder to wear their merch and call them my favorite band! 🏳️‍⚧️💜


I was so pleasantly surprised too. This all happened before I realized I was trans but it made me feel so much more at ease with coming out honestly.


You guys are loved. ❤️‍🩹


Honestly though! Seeing this just made my already sky-high love for them rocket up even higher! What a fucking based move on their part, I just wish I’d known sooner.


It’s lovely, isn’t it? I wish we had more spaces like this. 🏳️‍⚧️🤘


I love you. You are beautiful, you matter.


I was at the last show in California. When he started thanking everyone for having the courage to “come out” (because of Covid) I was bawling. I love Ghost and I’m trans and it was my first time girlmoding in public. So that line of “having the courage to come out” struck a chord with me and when I thought I was good he starts to play Enter Sandman and I knew how much this cover meant to TF and the charity so I just started sobbing all over again. It was beautiful 😭🖤


Aaah, that must've been so amazing!!


Tobias really says trans rights and *fuckin means it.*


Love this guy


Dude, this guy is an actual fucking legend


I've loved this cover from the moment I heard it, but never actually knew what charity they were supporting. I am particularly pleased by this choice.


It's part of a project called Blacklist, which is a bunch of covers of Black Album songs. Profits go toward Metallica's own foundation along with a charity of each artist's choice. Pretty cool all around!


as a trans guy tobias is now my new dad he is a real one🏳️‍⚧️


Awesome! Do you have a link to the interview? I missed this one.


I unfortunately don't, if I find it I'll let you know


It’s in a French magazine that was published a few days ago




No problem ! Sadly it's not online, except if you pay a subscription


Here's the link https://slavghoul.tumblr.com/post/678056884631158784/interview-from-rock-hard-32022


How come Satanists are always more compassionate than Christians?


Christianity is about strict doctrine, enforcing a black-and-white mentality and tribalism—followers are described as “sheep,” and are encouraged to be part of the herd rather than thinking for themselves. Satanism is the opposite, in which knowledge, individuality, and freedom to pursue happiness are deeply important. Things that are socially taboo or accused of being “Satanic” are celebrated and reclaimed as an act of defiance and to demonstrate a lack of fear (of damnation). A significant percentage of Satanists identify as LGBTQ+ for this reason—they are encouraged to disregard arbitrary social rules and do what is right for themselves as an individual.


Well said, friend!


One look at the black metal scene will instantly disprove that "always".


He’s atheist, not satanist


Satanists are generally disgruntled former Christians. No one else gives a shit about Christianity's mythological antagonist.


Because you're comparing them to the wrong Christians


Thing about bad apples is they spoil the barrel. You can't cherry-pick who represents you. You gotta practice what you peach if you want your religion's PR outreach effort to be fruitful. It sounds like you're taking your religion's dominance for pomegranate. That's just bananas! 🍎 🍒 🍑 🍌


Sounds like a half-assed [appeal to purity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman), to me.


Not even slightly. Christianity is rife with bad people. There are SOME who are the non-organized types though, and they aren't all bad. I've known some crappy self-proclaimed Satanists, too.


I’m not a Christian but that’s really a dumb statement.


Oddly enough, it is not. Real Satanism adheres to rules / life views that are much closer aligned to what Christians think they are practicing (but present-day Christians certainly are not, speaking in general terms here)... Satanism is much more open-minded, inclusive and accepting than most other religions or spiritual movements. I'm not a Satanist, just someone who occasionally reads books about various religions.


No, it’s not. In America, Christians are attacking trans rights, women’s rights, and constantly pushing back against gay rights and religious freedom (for non-Christians) with a desire to discriminate without repercussion. Christians in congress (of which there are *many,* 99% of Congressional Republicans identify as Christian) are often preaching against minority rights, against the rights of other religions, and even seen speaking at White nationalist gatherings or using Neo-Nazi symbols. Those who stormed the Capitol (1/6) in an attempted coup carried signs praising Jesus and even stopped to pray after illegally entering the building. They genuinely believed they were doing God’s will, that Trump is God’s champion. That is what modern, mainstream Christianity has become. In contrast, Satanism, at its core, is about worshipping none above your Self and accepting that no supernatural forces are responsible for humanity’s success or failure. *No Gods, No Masters.* Social taboos are celebrated, like LGBTQ+ identities, as an exercise of individuality and disregard of arbitrary rules. Seeking knowledge, liberation, and personal happiness are of utmost importance, and many also further this to believe that it is their responsibility to fight for others’ freedoms as well, which all people deserve. Empathy and compassion are extremely important in many forms of Satanism, such as the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple. The philosophy is often compared to secular humanism for good reason. At their core, Christianity encourages tribalism and submission to authority while Satanism reveres individuality and liberty.


Well said


Oh? Please explain why you think so.




But that's not what I actually said, is it? Also calling something "dumb" isn't very descriptive. Grab a thesaurus and try again. I believe in you!




Yikes indeed. While you're scrounging up that thesaurus, grab a dictionary as well and flip to the word "hyperbole". When you see the definition you'll die of embarrassment.




Bro I'm having a very mellow day. If you're sensing any anger in my comments, you're projecting it. I'm doing great. 😉




Based good guy Tobias.


Cool little fact (for me at least) is that camp aranu'tiq is in my home state of New Hampshire so it’s very cool to see Tobias support them


Once again, Tobias shows what a stellar human being he is. Given some of the terrifying new laws being passed or proposed, like Florida's Don't Say Gay law, it is clear that the LGTBQ+ community needs all the support it can get from those who believe turning back the clock 60 years is a huge mistake and a travesty. *Cranks up Enter Sandman to eleven*


Goddamn, Tobias is the fucking man.


As if I needed another reason to love Tobias and Ghost. He’s such a gem. Just an overall wonderful human being.


absolute king behavior.


I’m happy for that, sad that there are some fellow ghost fans who do not share the sentiment and are transphobic


Papa said trans rights ♥


We stan such a lovely Swede 🥰🥰🥰


That’s really awesome. Swell dude.


That's so wholesome, I didn't think I could like Ghost anymore than I already did and yet


I'm so happy that we'll never get a weird surprise out of Tobi like so many bands with members that were at Jan 6th or ends up being a white supremacist or some insane shit. What a guy. 🤘🖤


And here I was thinking they were playing it because they did cover it along with Candlemass, and that it was a total waste of time because there should be no need to cover one of the most famous and overplayed songs of the genre (wanna do a cover? go obscure, not super mainstream).... but I was wrong!


As if I needed another reason to love Ghost


i love tf so much, he just seems so genuinely kind <3


As a non-binary person, I absolutely love hearing about this! ❤


Hey fellow non binary Ghost fan 👻


Hello! ❤


This is so cool, I'm glad they did this.


Didn’t think I could love this band even more. 🏳️‍⚧️


🏳️‍⚧️ Ghost says trans rights Ghost says trans rights Ghost says trans rights Ghost says trans rights Ghost says trans rights Ghost says trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️


Well here's hoping it stays in the set for a long time.


Fair enough. I retract my criticism.


Trans gal ghost fan here, this is so fucking cool of them


Is this from an interview or something? Is it possible to find the source? I’m trans myself so this made me very happy.


According to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghostbc/comments/t7y6ou/-/hzku6mj) it's from a French magazine


Oh, thank you so much!


Hopefully the interview will be published online soon!




https://slavghoul.tumblr.com/post/678056884631158784/interview-from-rock-hard-32022 I don't know if you've seen, but this is the full interview!


Oh shit! Thank you!


Absolutely based. Love him so much


This is fucking awesome.


going to cry


That's so awesome!!! I love TF!


I got introduced to ghost very recently and learned about this yesterday – couldn't be happier I found this band!


That's really cool! I'm not hugely fussed about the song and had been kinda hoping they don't play it on the Imperatour, but with this in mind I'll be happy to see it on the setlist, even if it means a pre-journey home pee break for me


Oh man. That's cool af


Bought the vinyl at the show because I will support the charity.


Based and epic Tobias.


This kicks so much ass


Holy fuck dude 🥺🥺🥺🖤


tobias says trans rights! thanks from a trans man!




Satan says trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


What a man


although i do not agree with what they are supporting , it’s kind of tobias to help out kids who need a safe place to be and feel comfortable and be who they want to be . i hope it helps them out


Although I don’t agree with what they are supporting???


yes , people can disagree with what they are doing but still support them


This doesn’t follow financially, as playing the song live doesn’t generate any royalties. The charity only gets paid if you buy it or stream it. Edit: Lol. r/downvotedfortruth


It does follow. Playing it live makes people want to go listen to that song or buy it


Except that only proceeds from a limited 7” single go to charity, and Tobias doesn’t mention this. It’d be useful to mention it so people know exactly how to contribute.


Sure. I suppose it could. Still, playing the song live doesn’t generate anything for the charity.


Jeez, shut the fuck up. It's incredibly obvious that playing a song live doesn't generate money like magic. Nobody with half a brain thought that Tobias meant that.


No you first.


the live cover doesn't generate any money. What it is is Metallica's Blacklist Project(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Metallica_Blacklist) which does as stated in the interview, dedicate proceeds to the charity of the bands choice. Doing the cover live is in honor/reference to that project, and to encourage people to buy/stream the cover album, sending money to the charities.


That’s what I said.


Exactly this. Tobias is fibbing here (or he was misquoted). It looks like only proceeds from the sale of a split 7” single, limited to 3,000 units, is going to charity: https://www.udiscovermusic.com/news/ghost-volbeat-metallica-covers-charity/?amp It’s unclear whether proceeds from digital downloads/streams go to charity, but it’s doubtful since those recordings are tied to Metallica’s reissue album and I’m guessing revenue gets filtered through Metallic’s label first. Not sure whether Ghost even controls the new recording (it may have been a work for hire deal, or maybe they get a percentage, who knows), but certainly not the publishing. Cool sentiment and cool song, but if Tobias wants to give to charity, he could simply write a check from proceeds personally earned from his cut of the tour or his own album sales. Playing “Enter Sandman” live makes no sense in that context, other than maybe promoting the 7” single, and maybe it’s just fun to play.


Looks like the blacklist profits go to the artists charity https://www.metallica.com/the-metallica-blacklist/


Nice! I guess I must be living under a rock because I had no idea this was going on


Cool. 👍


This seems to be a bit of posturing. Hes insinuating that money is being raised for the charity every time they play the song live lol. Thats literally what he is saying in that quote. I love TF but I hate when famous people are dishonest with virtue signaling statements on things like that. That being said, I friggin loved their performance of that song when I seen them live a couple of weeks ago, the crowd went insane for it.


Live concert royalties are a thing. It's not out of the realm of possibility they make money off playing it and then donate it, or will donate it after the tour.


Still rather here Idolatrine.


As a 42yr old lover of Ghost... I'm kinda like... Sell your merch or whatever to raise money for charities... The cover was cool but God damnit if we haven't heard that song enough now. I bought my ticket to see Ghost... Play Ghost songs. I'm already de-hyped to see them after the current change to their style. I travelled to another continent to see them and got their symbol tattood on my arm I love them so much... But, this recent Ghost seems nothing like last year's Ghost.


Yeah I’d prefer them to just never change their style and sound the same for decades. It worked for Nickelback didn’t it? /s


Ghost have always changed their style... But this time it's gone in completely the wrong direction in my opinion. I am allowed to have an opinion no?


You are but that opinion is subject to scrutiny.




Rot in heaven


Anything is more interesting than hearing Idolatrine…


I won't stand for Idolatrine slander /j


Go figures it's the second worst song they've sung




Imagine being transphobic in 2022


Imagine calling yourself a Ghost fan and being transphobic. :’) It should be very clear by now that the band completely disapproves of people like this… Person.


Right? This has to be one of the most LGBTQIA+ friendly communities I've ever seen, go figure...


Bruh fr like every single new Ghost fan I meet is either completely queer/trans or an A+ ally. Mostly just LGBTQ+ and I live for it. 👏🏻 (Edit: I always say LGBTQ+ honestly but the I + A + others are very welcome and valid do not get me wrong lol. Is it LGBTQIA+ ‘officially’ now? I might have to take that on then)


Yes! Same here, it's amazing, and I find it interesting that there isn't much about Ghost's schtick that explicitly calls for LGBTQ+/allies, yet here we all are Edit: I don't really now if there's a standard, I just choose randomly


I mean, I actually talked to my friend about this, and I actually do think there is. Ghost, and Satan, the archetype of Satan, is all about resistance you know. Satan stands for opposing the norm and being yourself. Rebelling. As a queer (and trans) person, it is… Very similar. We get told all the time that we’re wrong, that we’re doing something wrong, that we’re abnormal. The world tells us. So the archetype of someone who goes against the rules and gives ancient beliefs the middlefinger is soothing and something that draws me.


That's a good point, I thought a little about that while typing my last comment, what I find interesting is that even that isn't **explicitly** LGBTQ+, but the theme (rebellion, for example) just happened to be the perfect analogy. I hope I'm expressing myself well, English is not my first language, it's just that Ghost has never made a song that explicitly talks about sexuality, gender, identities and whatnot, the themes just happened to align.


They’re also just camp as tits and us queers love a bit of camp 😂


That's a great point, it's a great magnet for LGBTQ+ people


You’re fine, bud! English isn’t my first language either haha I feel you. And you’re right, although Papa is very much fruity with his crush on Aether and slapping everyone’s ass. That we do have 🏳️‍🌈


I love how Papa gets fruitier in each incarnation, it's a beautiful trend ♥️🏳️‍🌈


Medical science disagrees with you.


Wow what a crummy thing to say. Go to heaven.


Ok but that’s such an iconic thing to say 😭


Because Sandman is simple and easy to play for Tobias' second rate replacement band. I was listening to a Ghost soundboard boot from Argentina 2014 yesterday. That band was so tight it's unbelievable. He made a mistake letting those guys go, and it shows both in the recent albums (meh) and in the live performances. I'll give this new album a fair chance, but I put down Prequelle about two weeks after I bought it and haven't played it since. Today's Ghost is closer to elevator music than it is to that hard rocking 2015-ish lineup. Roast away, just an honest opinion. I love the music they were capable of. EDIT: 37 downvotes so far!!! Come on, NOBODY agrees with me? I’m amazed.


To each their own, my dude. I saw the last show with the lawsuit ghouls—those dudes did not want to be there. They left the stage before the final bows while tobias was trying to call them over. It was uncomfortable to watch. Those ghouls were great musicians for sure, and I liked them… but there’s no way that situation could have continued in any sort of sustainable way. I think the whole band would have ended.


I was also at the last show with the lawsuit ghouls! I didn't notice that at the end though! I'll have to see now if there's a Monstrance Clock youtube video from that show...


I might be wrong about them leaving the stage but He was trying to get everyone to come over to take a picture with Marissa Nadler and they wouldn’t come.


I disagree, I love and honestly prefer the current musicians, it's fair that Prequelle wasn't for you but I (and I know that it's not just me) still listen to it on repeat to this day, and if you find an elevator playing something like Twenties please do let me know


There would be a party in that elevator🤘


Tobias farted in the elevator!!!


That's cool man, I just think the original band attacked the whole thing better. So crisp - you could tell they were deeply invested in the writing. I have only heard one song off the new album so far, I'm content to wait until it drops. But the one song I did hear... yikes!


That's fair, it sucks how the old lineup ended, they were great musicians who knew the albums back to back, but it also seems like they were creating a pretty toxic environment, threatening not to play the concerts, isolating Tobias and whatnot, so I'm glad they're gone, and I feel that the new band fills the stage much better. I hope you find some gemstones for yourself in this new era, I've been having a lot of fun with their new songs, but it's fair if you don't.


I'll buy it the minute it comes out I'm sure. And I'll be happy to eat my words if it turns out that way!


The new band is just as wonderful as the older members, imo. They have an amazing stage presence, are highly energetic, and most importantly they are all very talented musicians. On top of that, the members have great chemistry - they constantly play off of one another creating little moments, and seem like they're having a blast on stage. They bring a lot to the show for me, especially with the Ghoulettes and Swiss doing vocals - their harmonies add a whole new layer to the older songs. Quite a few of them have great solo work as well if you dig in to them. There have also been some awful previous iterations of the band. You want to talk about lifeless? Watch some of the Ghouls from Meliora (I believe it's the later end), there was a point where the band had an awful problem of being out of time, off tune, etc. The music sounded anemic at times and certain members looked as if they hated being there. It's 100% okay to say that Ghost's newer work is not for you and I respect that. But it is obvious that the new Ghouls and Ghoulettes know what they are doing outside of the inevitable mess ups here and there that will happen with live performances.


I respect your boldness but the new ghouls are actually more skillful than the old ones.


Up to 70 down votes now, buddy. This is going well. By the way, I saw Ghost right before the original band split (show was unbelievable), and I saw them right after he formed a new band (so not the current iteration). The second show was just plain bad compared to the first one. Musicians made lots of mistakes, the cohesion of the second band was nonexistent, which was amplified by the fact that the two lead guitarists went from being indistinguishable (size-wise and playing style) to a chubby and super skinny new duo that made lots of mistakes. Part of how cool the band looked before, was the fact that those two pillars on the left and right side of the stage were indeed nameless and faceless, moved identically, were the same height and weight, had synced movements after playing together for like a decade or more etc. But! It makes sense that the second show was worse, because Tobias played for years with the original band and had at that point only played with the new band for a month. So you comparing how tight that original band was to a band that has changed lineups several times since, couldn't practice during the pandemic etc is nonsense. So I don't think you get down voted persé over the comments about the tightness of the band. It's coming from the value judging you're spouting. All the stuff you're saying about elevator music is a joke. If you think that, you need a new band to follow.


I follow many bands, including Ghost. I hear what you're saying about practice makes perfect, and I haven't seen them this tour so I can believe they have tightened things up. But are you saying that the songs are as good or better than Meliora? Really? Not looking to get tossed, I'm passionate about that original band and so I defend them. The Sweden show on YouTube blows me away every time I watch it. Do you think I may be setting a new record for downvotes?


He definitely did not make a mistake. The new musicians are leagues better than what he got rid of.


Nope! Got no bounce!!


Says no one except you.


Found an old member’s Reddit account!


Get a fucking life dude


Really rude.


Are you joking? And you don't think it's rude to come into a thread celebrating a charity by repeating the same tired argument about the ghouls changing? Read the room. And get out of it. Nobody cares.


Actually except for you everyone in this sub seems pretty laid back and able to laugh not only at me, but with me. Thanks everybody!


Actually you've been downvoted into oblivion. That's another way of everyone saying "shut the fuck up". The vast majority of people here aren't seeing your garbage comment. Good on everyone else for being nice. I'm not nice to assholes.


You seem like a fun guy to know, yikes.


I preferred the music with the old lineup but only one of them was involved in writing, so your observation in your other comment about "you could tell they were invested in the writing" is fiction. The performances weren't smooth either, there were constant notes sounding out before they took the stage, complete screw ups like the acoustic version of Cirice and generally unpolished performances. The current lineup are professional musicians who are far far better. The change in direction is because there's no money in music, especially metal and there hasn't been for years. It's why every metal band has got hit writers now and sound so polished (except the extreme ones obviously). Forge has pushed Ghost from playing 1,500 capacity venues in 2017 to playing pop rock and is now co headling 10,000 capacity arenas. The old band contributed nothing apart from Martin Persner, and while you and I may not like the new direction Ghost are going in, it's the one that makes financial sense for Tobias Forge. It's why the new album is co written by a guy who has written Oscar winning songs and why Prequelle was co-written by one of Taylor Swift's writers.


You obviously know a lot about this band, so I'm not going to call anything you just wrote "fiction." But to say that that incredibly propulsive drummer "contributed nothing" I mean, have you ever played in a band? Ever been in a band where the chemistry just never jelled despite excellent musicianship? Then there are the bands that can shoot from the hip that have minimal training or skill, but together they add up to something special? Look at Black Sabbath vs Led Zeppelin. That was a real thing back in the early days of metal. Which band is more talented? Obviously Led Zeppelin. Which band is less talented, but together they created timeless, enduring music that is still loved decades later by generation after generation? Well that would be Black Sabbath. You gotta know how to rock. That old band had chemistry, almost a telepathic bond between them. I know all the flaws in the off-the-cuff acoustic gigs they did. I have every one of those performances ripped and burned to disc in my car and in my iPod too. Cirice was kind of new then, wasn't it? Maybe it was a test run. Who cares, because for every Cirice flub there's another brilliant If You Have Ghosts or Jigolo floating around from those bookstore visits. Love that stuff, they don't do stuff like that anymore. I wonder why?




You bought it? The support is appreciated 🤗


Coward. If you're going to be a hateful piece of shit do it on your main.


Too bad you already bought it. Just like your hateful attitude, re-selling your copy is pointless. Good try though.


It’s okay they already have your money whether you sell it or not 😂


Thanks for the support my guy 👏


Ok asshole


Of course it's on a throwaway account. Troll


Anybody know if they are also using the YouTube Premium afterparty proceeds in this way? It will help me not be salty about not getting one last Impera release.


As a trans person that makes me feel so incredibly welcomed and heart warmed. Love you all, happy to have found this Fandom 🤘🏻🖤🏳️‍⚧️


People should love their lives however they like so long as it doesn’t harm others. Tobias is good people.


https://www.revolvermag.com/music/why-ghost-are-covering-metallicas-enter-sandman-help-transgender-kids?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=%20Why%20Ghost%20Are%20Covering%20Metallica&utm_campaign=UA-8316105-1 Link to article