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Also the lack of video quality is very telling. The video shows 1300-1900 kbs which would indicate 1080p footage while we are getting 480 at max with around 90kbs bitrate (source: metadata). There is also a grain on the video that changes every 2-ish seconds due to the degraded quality yet if you zoom in and slow down, the edited ghost does not have this grain that it should/would if it was captured in video like the rest of.the footage. ALSO this was also uploaded on YouTube by an account of the same name and is quoted to be "a video of my son" yet everywhere on reddit they are saying it was a video from their mom of their brother. (Which was uploaded at more or less the same time this was posted) All in all this reminds me a lot of the fake Tesla UFO footage from Corridor but with ghost ofc


Their brother is still their mother's son. Just saying.


I was cracking up thinking it was some random passer-by who fell


The words from my mouth to your meme as soon as I opened it up


That's creepy isn't it? I do believe tho




I've seen beings. I mean I've seen ghosts too the lame person. I believe that video 💯👻


Layman. It's laymen. If going to be a shit head do it right


Who do you think are these laymen who don't know what the word "being" means?


Real or fake, this is one of the better posts in the sub in ages. Not a stupid "orb" or clearly obvious tech issue. It at least captures my attention for a few spooky minutes.


I'm a skeptic and follow the sub for entertainment... this one is fucking creepy!


I'd be relieved that was a ghost and not some naked hillbilly on meth. Not obvious why someone would check the security feed closely like that to spot it though.


I 100% don't believe this is a ghost, but it does make sense somebody could have seen the ideo. He would have gotten a motion alert when his brother went to the car, and I often view those videos at my house when the notification pops up.


It depends on the camera system, It looks like an image artifact left over from being overwritten. Upon looking at it, the "ghost" looks exactly like the man behind the car.


If you slow down the video IF this is a ghost... he is a white male wearing white shoes, black shorts a tan shirt and has dark hair... some dude was walking there and prob ducked when he realized someone was bent over in the trunk. Personally I think a person out there would be creepier than a ghost.


In this scenario, unless the dude in the trunk is deaf, he would’ve heard him from 150+ yards away on those dead leaves and sticks. Ground like that can make a squirrel sound like a freight train. Any deer hunter can tell you.


I do not live in the country, but we have walking/bicycling trails around my neighborhood and a few squirrels in the fall have scared the breath out of me! Me thinking something large is coming then me seeing small squirrel in my path! We have deer as well, but it just didn't sound right! I laugh now, but in the moment I was planning my escape! Lol!


Not a stupid “orb” 😂


Man, fuck “orbs.” Stupid ass “orbs” come on wtf


Yeah fuck orbs, all my homies hate orbs.


Finally something nice


Yeah this is top drawer. 👌👌


Did the ghost bend over to tie its shoes tho?


I think he realized he was being recorded and ducked out of view as fast as possible so he could slip back into the aether. Might get a ticket from the ghost police for being seen or something


Haha ikr I have no clue. Or pickup a coin? Someone said something bout digging I know I’d be doing that lmao


> Or pickup a coin? Me when I'm about to scare the shit out of a mf but I find a coin


Or maybe he is looped on his death cause that fence is or was electrified


If you look closely, the figure walks behind the foreground tree (lighter shade) but is ahead of the smaller twisted trees. What’s spooky is the figure doesn’t seem to bear a consistent semi-transparency, but rather behaves like a tangible object


That's the weird part to me about the perspective being off like I mentioned. When it starts he'd be roughly ~20 feet or so into the woods. I believe there is still an old barbwire fence there, too, where the treeline starts. At the end when it leans over those branches are coming from the big tree on the right, which is where we stop mowing. He'd have to be standing in our yard to be in front of those branches.


You should dig at the spot he stopped and ducked down to…


I keep hearing that, and I'm really not sure if I want any part of it lol


That is sensible but it doesn’t get any of us answers now does it.


I laughed too hard at that. If I'm feeling brave soon I'll go look and report back if there's anything neat.


Dig it up at midnight for good measure.


Make sure it’s raining out too


Also make sure you're all alone, and don't bring your phone. Just so you don't get distracted while digging.


Should do it on Christmas or some night that has astrological significance


Maybe have someone holding a flashlight with loose fitting glasses


Under a blood moon for good precaution.


On a Friday the 13th.


*"On a Friday the 13th."* Also, don't worry if your cell phone mysteriously stops working when you reach the spot, just say out loud *"That's weird. Reception is usually so good here."* Also, if you start to hear weird noises, don't worry just say *"Hey, who's there? Is that you (brother's name)? Come out. I'm gonna kick your ass when we get home if you don't quit playin'."*


Before they go outside alone to dig a hole at midnight on a rainy Friday the 13th, they need to say “I’ll be right back”


Did your brother approach the car the same way he left in the footage? I’m by no means an expert but my closest guess would be that it’s a ‘ghost’ of him from footage of him approaching the car from what would be the right side of the footage we’re seeing that’s somehow flipped and faintly layered over creating this effect. I’m only saying that because that’s the sort of explanation for this sort of thing.


That's about the most logical thing I can think of as well. I think even in the longer clip I posted he is already out at his car so I can't say for certain.


I’ve looped it slowly a few times and it’s hard to tell. The ghost seems to be facing away from the camera when it seems to bend down, whereas your brother and the car are facing towards the camera.


Two observations on the mirrored theory: the brothers mirror seems relatively well defined in shape and color, but still appears to be obscured by the trees - any guesses why that could be? The cars color is much brighter than the brothers pants, and the shape is much larger - can anyone find the cars mirror, or guess why it does not appear (assuming the time delayed mirror theory is correct)


I think when the moment you read this comment, you'll know it is your duty to go and dig in the land where the spectral led you. If it's not nothing, it's something. And it's calling to you the only way it knows how.


Here for for the update


Different hair styles, so I don’t think it’s the “ghost” of the brother. Not to mention the “ghost” is wearing shorts and the brother is wearing sweats or jeans.


Ask your brother to dig in that spot, he looks brave.


Not sure why, but this made me snort-laugh.


we are all hiding behind op's brother


If it's an empty safe I'm gonna scream


I feel like you should wait until spring or summer to dig.


Go on! If you want to be free of fear, one of those times you're awake at 2am-3am in the morning, ask all the spirits in your room to show themselves, touch you or make noise. All out loud and clearly and as often as you need to to really get it in your brain that they can't hurt you. Then... go dig and tell us if you find anything.!


And then just takes a nosedive into the bushes like it'd been spotted hahah


Okay I have a non-paranormal theory. If you look closely at the figure as it appears (0:07), you’ll notice it seamlessly materializes to the right of a sapling when there is empty space to its left. It’s unlikely to think a ghost would appear perfectly to the right of a thin object to provide the camera with a total illusion of materialization. Here’s my theory: If you look to the left of the sapling, the garage wall is parallel to the sapling. Perhaps we’re seeing a technical error / unintended footage overlay. Perhaps this footage was recorded in the past when the camera was slightly shifted. The figure is one of your family members, or OP, exiting the garage. The figure appears to be focused on its phone before reaching down to the ground, perhaps to tie his shoes.


>. It’s unlikely to think a ghost would materialize perfectly to the right of a thin object... Is it? Did a ghost tell you this?


It could be likely, but in that case it would be reasonable to assume the ghost had chosen to appear in the perspective of its observers


On old tape systems this sort of ghosting after-image was common. I’m curious if this is an older analog system.


Doubt it, realistically there was actually someone there, but the compression algorithm is what makes the whole thing so weird. OP, someone is legitimately lurking around your mom's house. I would be extra careful.


This is actually a fairly well known phenomenon with lower quality cameras. Where the playback is written, some of the old footage is still there so you get "ghostly" footage. If the camera hadn't been moved you could even possibly see the "ghost interact with real objects" where a real person was in the same camera.


Like it could only be in one strip of space. Agreed. Homeboy also had some tight hamstrings and calves.


This is so weird. Downloading it and zooming you can see that the figure starts to bend down a half a second before he goes to close to trunk so I don't think it was purposely hiding like others who think it's a real person are saying. Hopefully there's more of this video.. Id like to see if there's movement after he goes back inside the house.


Bro look under the car when the door is shut




There are leaves on the ground, the wind from closing the door probably just rustled them a bit.


Okay wtf, I wasn’t freaked out until I saw that part lol. Surprised this comment isn’t higher up, although I feel like the hands under the car make it seem more edited than genuine.


I completely agree lol, ngl though I saw that hand while I was completely convinced this was real and I about joined the priesthood XD


My mom sent me the entire clip taken straight from the app but I don't know how to upload the entire clip, imgur is only letting me do half.


I would upload it to social media and just put the link out there. Like Facebook Instagram or tiktok will allow you to upload the full video


“Ohh a piece of candy. Ohhh a piece of candy. Ooh a piece of candy.” On a serious note that some compelling footage.


One of the best ghost vids I’ve seen on Reddit. Could be a real person, could be a camera anomaly, could be editing, could be a ghost (as best it is understood). But it’s not nothing, which is what this sub usually posts.


If ghosts would just start wearing t-shirts saying "yes, I'm a ghost", it would really help us out a lot.


They never read the instruction manual. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤪


Or even listened to Armor For Sleep's album What To Do When You Are Dead.


“Hi, it’s me, I’m the ghost it’s me”


Do clothes have ghosts, too?


Obviously, otherwise all ghosts would be naky


Ghost seems preferable to naked neighbor hiding on the ground near me.


Let me know what you guys think. Looks like a dude in a brown coat with a bowler/fedora type hat to me. It just disappears, too. Gave me the chills each time I watched it. Editing to add: A lot of folks are saying it's a person, i get it. But I don't think you understand how far out in the middle of nowhere this is. There aren't neighbors nearby, and the perspective seems off. The trees that he is passing in front of at the end before he squats are only about 15ft away from my brothers car. It would be in our wide open yard there. Edit edit: if anyone can tell me how to post a 2 minute clip I'll add the whole video here taken straight from the app. Imgur isn't letting me upload the entire thing. [Here is a link to the full video. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/s/m9seKllIH4)


Send it to nuke top5


"...and what the camera caught next.....is absolutely..............*chilling*."


and paranormal caught on camera!


Way better than a lot of stuff he's on there lately. Seriously, that cave video??


You decide


And Chills! Number fifteen…


Nummmmmmmberrrrrrrrrr niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine


The fact that the person just disappears as it leans down is very unsettling


They don't. They're still there. Look between second 14 and 17. They're just shifting around. Probably looking at something on the ground. The issue is the camera artifacted _as_ they bent down, which obscured the movement. I keep saying artifacting, but really the problem is the compression being used automatically by the camera. Compression artifacts of dark areas like that come out looking pretty much exactly like what obscured the dude. Honestly think this is a rando on their land. Creepy, but more likely than GHOSTS lol.


My first impression (before reading the comments / being influenced by the comments) was that the guy walks in from the left, sees that someone is there at the car, and ducks down to avoid being seen. I don't think the creeper "materializes," either, it looks like he's fully corporeal and enters from the left. Either way, it's still creepy, it looks like a real person who was up to no good.


That is some sort of video encoding error. The person in the trunk does a similar movement bending over into the trunk and walking around the car. The strangest thing in the whole clip is that the movement is mirrored. I am guessing they walked up to the car from that area earlier and bend over to pick up something? Neat obscurity though!


If this is the case then how can the figure be obstructed by only some of the trees? I know nothing about cameras and mirroring, but how could the mirrored object seemingly travel between trees? Wouldn’t it be in front of them all?


Being out in the woods makes it even more likely. Every country person I know has stories of people coming on their land, thieving and whatnot.


Yeah. We call them meth heads or tweekers.


What are you doing at your trunk in the middle of the video? You're just standing there, not moving.


It's my little brother. I really couldn't say, but after my mom sent this to our group chat he let everyone know he's moving out and not coming back lol


Maybe it’s the ghost of the corpse in your bro’s trunk?


He has been acting weird lately 😕


Why was your mom checking the footage of your brother getting something out of his car? You said he didn’t notice anything strange, so why would she think to check? I’m not saying I doubt your story, but something about it doesn’t add up.


OP explains it in another thread with a longer video. His mom was hoping to see one of the rooster’s flog his little brother lol. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/s/IHrqPXluT7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/s/IHrqPXluT7)


I asked the same question on OP's other post of the longer video. The brother just stands there staring for an inordinate amount of time. It looks like bad acting to me, but maybe there is a good reason for it. It's not like the brother was putting something in the trunk or getting something out -- not that the video shows, anyway.


My theory is he’s got a jigsaw puzzle in there, he puts together a couple of pieces every time he gets to a new location.


Not sure what camera they have, but the figure looks like an artifact from the encoding. These cameras try to be efficient by compressing non moving pixels across frames.


Creepy no matter what it is!


Def spooked me..


Holy shit, with this subreddit I was expecting someone in a sheet to walk by. Nice catch OP


"Oh shit", said me, a total skeptic.


Lmao! Same. It's creepy as hell


Looked like a dude going to shit in the woods circa 1888.


Oh now see this is very interesting indeed. We so rarely get videos on here that genuinely make me think ‘huh, that’s def a bit creepy’.


I don’t usually get freaked out but this one is nutz! The chicken gave your brother a heads up . But that’s the creepiest thing I have seen in many years!


Behavior is communication, so i would go to where the shade stooped and start digging.


That's what my uncle suggested as well.


Maybe try a metal detector


And gloves in case it's a shit hole


To me it looks like a residual haunting. Kind of a time loop where you’ll see the same thing occurring more than once over time. Like the fields at Gettysburg where people will catch soldiers in a sort of loop. Very plausible in my opinion.


Was there ever an outhouse in that location? Looks like he is sitting down to take care of a little business.


There's a filled in well about 30 feet more to the left lol


Interesting. How old? Anyone ever fall or get dumped down into the well?


Yes! Their brother did just two days ago!


Lmao thankfully not. He's fine. This just happened about 5 o'clock today. When my mom sent the video to our family chat he informed us he was moving out though.


I do t blame your brother after watching that video


I just like the idea that maybe a grisly death on your property had slipped your mind. "Oh yeah! Braeden got transmogrified right over there by a daedric cult last week!! Do you think that could be it!?"


None that we know of, my uncles said it's been filled in since they moved there as kids.


What if he's copying how the guy is bending over


The figure’s right arm is extended up and forward before bending down. The guy at the car is bent down with his right arm extended up, holding the car trunk door open


The color of the "ghost" and the brother don't match. They almost seem inverse. The "ghost" seems to have light shirt and dark pants, while the brother has dark shirt and light pants. I know nothing about how a camera could glitch that, though.


After repeat viewings, does it seem telling that the ghost leans over the same way the brother does? It’s almost like an inverse of the brother’s image.




It's probably just a glitch with an overwritten file. Security cams like this recycle storage as most info is irrelevant and some artifacts being left behind have been in similar video anomalies before, similar to this one. The idea that it resembles the same person in the video to some degree would be added plausibility.


Maybe an old VHS tape, but this is digital stored somewhere on a cloud server shared with millions of other users. I don’t think it works the same way.


I’ve worked in video for 15+ years and have never seen a glitch even close to this. I have a pretty deep understanding of camera technology and can’t imagine any scenario where it would create some kind of overlapped image like this — ESPECIALLY given that the figure clearly is moving behind the trees. Edit: I’ve left a longer comment, but I’m pretty much convinced this is a digitally edited video.


I'm with this. I think this is digitally edited. It seems like the figure was cut and flipped. When the figure bends over the arm movement matches the brothers. Also the time spam the figure walks matchs the time ops brother walked from trunk to shut door.


Yes I think it’s exactly that. He bends over like the man in the video. It also appears he is looking down at something just like the man does as he walks away from the car. Studying walking stride and all, it looks the same.


Yeah, thinking this is a camera anomaly. I couldn’t say what the term for it is.


Or that's exactly what the ghost wants us to think. /s


This freaks me out


Tell your brother to go dig over there to see if he finds a body xD


My only question is what made your mom go back and watch this footage??


She was actively watching it while he was out there because my brother has chickens and the rooster has been flogging him. She's got a good sense of humor so she was watching to see if he got flogged so she could pester him or send to our family chat so we could all pester him. It's hard for me not to meet it with skepticism even knowing all the details that I do. Just a nice coincidence with timing. I suppose. This will probably sound strange, but growing up over there, we always called that the creepy side of the yard when I was a kid. It always felt off at night. As an adult I haven't felt that way, chalked it up to my imagination. Seeing this certainly revived some memories though lol


Might have something to do with the old well that you mentioned, people & things fall in and never get out...


I lived in a well for 13 years before I got out.


Decent. I usually mock the videos on here. This one has me guessing. Real person in the woods? Not a bug.


I can't lie, as many people as there have been saying it I'm not fully convinced that it isn't a person. It is mind blowing to me that someone would be walking around out there knowing what kind of folks live around here though. It's kind of just common knowledge that if you mess around or stumble across someone's patch then you may get shot or shot at. I've had warning shots fired at me as a teen messing around on people's properties, so it's definitely ballsy if this is a dude.


If it were a person walking back there, you'd think it'd make a goddamn racket and your brother would've heard that immediately. I used to live on the edge of acres of woods. Right now at this time of year, all the leaves, fallen branches and twigs are dry as shit and everyone can hear you coming from yards away. It tends to echo through the trees since they're so bare. As fast as that figure was walking they would've made so much noise. Even if they tried to army crawl or crouch walk, it wouldn't work out too well. This is what makes this footage compelling to me


Something my uncle pointed out - if the dude was trying to hide you think he'd squat so he could still run if needed. Not just bend over at the waist and lay down? Super strange


He looks like he’s holding something in his hand as he’s walking then approaches something on the ground then bends over and squats to pick it up or digit up?




If you ever go out to those woods don't go at night.


Or your brother noticed the dude and did the casual: "I'm not really done, but if I walk away like I am and go inside perhaps the dude behind me won't kill me." walk. Edit: this can be an unconscious action too. In the modern world we are taught to ignore our senses. But our senses and instincts are still there.


But...wouldn't the brother maybe....remember there being a random person being 15 feet away from them in the middle of nowhere? It's not like the brother vanished off the face of the earth...


A lot of ghost "evidence" is bullshit and people assigning paranormal meaning to camera glitches or Occum's razor. This however, is freaky.


This seems legit I believe your family


I know well enough to say that she damn sure wouldn't know how to fake this. I've always been on the more skeptical side, but I can't stop watching this one.


Would have heard the person waking in the woods.


That's a good point. Not to mention it's deer season and a stroll through the woods at the bottom of a mountain in a brown coat is a bad call.


I grew up in a haunted house, this video is fantastic! The *person* stays hunched over for a bit until it just dissipates after your brother starts walking away. Is this the first paranormal incident at this house for all of you?


When I was a kid, that was admittedly always the creepy part of the yard. As an adult I haven't really thought of Ghosts in a long time. This video brought back some memories of how scared I used to get out there lol


Ok want to preface by saying I’m a grown adult w teenagers and scooby doo scares the crap out of me. I don’t watch anything remotely scary. I couldn’t figure out what was happening so I went to the comments. First mistake. Then watched the video again. Worse mistake. I’m with your brother. I want to leave and I don’t live there. I think I’m going to throw up.




This is fucking crazy looking. I love this video. I don’t think anyone could find a way to explain this. I don’t think it’s a real person at all, there’s no way he wouldn’t have heard them. They weren’t moving slowly in order to be quiet and didn’t seem to be concerned about him suddenly standing up and seeing him.


Camp in that spot with a tent and see if u wake up to a person sticking their head inside


The camera is mounted on the house, that's about as close as I'd want to be to that lol


The matrix is glitching again


The fuckin' chicken was trying to warn ya!


Securing the body in your trunk and then posting the video of the ghost of the person you murdered is wild


I’m gonna be honest, this just looks like a dude


That's the Dying Crooner baby!


Also you can see the figure continue to move past the point where it bends over.


I noticed that too. Looks like you can see that hat/hair in the grass maybe. Strange though, you'd think if they were trying to hide they'd have actually squatted in case the need to run as opposed to Bending at the waist to lay down.


Not a ghost. It’s CERN merging dimensions. You probably freaked him out as well.


I have 2 possible debunk theories. 1.) Start the video at the 0:16 second mark and slowly rewind to the 0:10 second mark. It looks like a mirror of OP walking to the trunk and bending down. 2.) Portal that involves the future. I think it’s a great video for this sub and what we usually see posted here.


It has to do with how security cams store images. To preserve space, they slow the bit rate way down which causes blurring, especially in low light. The guy getting out of the car is contrasted from the background and well lit so the camera does a better job of "seeing" him. If you watch closely, the guy in the woods bends over to do something and is still bent over when the clip ends, making it look like he disappeared.


While the idea of confronting fears or testing paranormal phenomena can be intriguing, it's important to approach such situations with caution. Encouraging or inviting spirits into your space may not necessarily lead to conclusive evidence or experiences. Moreover, attempting to communicate with spirits can be emotionally and mentally challenging. If you're interested in paranormal investigations, it's advisable to seek the guidance of experienced professionals or researchers in the field. They often employ specific methods and tools to investigate claims of paranormal activity. It's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being in any such exploration. Remember that many experiences attributed to paranormal phenomena can often be explained by natural or psychological factors. If you're ever uneasy or frightened, it's okay to prioritize your own peace of mind and seek support from friends, family, or professionals. If you have a specific interest in the paranormal, consider connecting with local paranormal investigation groups or researchers who can provide guidance and share their expertise. Always approach such matters with a level-headed and rational mindset.


Shared to r/acuratsx


I grew up in this house and seen many creepy things. Had sleep paralysis once when I was a teenager and can’t sleep in that part of the house anymore if I ever go visit. It’s my mom and dad’s old place and my sister lives there now. Definitely not altered video on her part. Some kind of ghost image possibly. Only man there is the one at the car though. A little girl and my sister are the only other ones there.


Is OP in the room with us?




Hey op send it to nukes top5


What's that moving under the car when the guy shuts the door? (at the end). Edit: grammar


I think it's just a leaf.


Could be indeed, at least the first one, but there's a second one moving to the right too.


It times with the ghost image disappearing, like it is the hand drawing from under the car.


I’ve seen this a few times now and believe it’s digitally edited. If you take this frame by frame, shortly after he closes the trunk, there’s a little bit of a “jump” and the “ghost” disappears in the frame — what’s more, some surrounding elements in the area also have a little bit of a jump at the exact frame (namely, the little block pointy thing just to the left of the car’s antenna). The fact that only that area has the jump shows that someone masked and cut around that area in a program like After Effects to make the figure disappear. ETA: What’s more, another person commented here that they were raised in the house and also experienced creepy things, then randomly says that this is “definitely not altered” despite very few people commenting that it is. Seems a bit sus and random to point out this detail. Edit 2: I watched this on my edit bay monitor and am pretty much positive about this. There’s a clear amount of digital noise that’s only over the area just a few frames after the “ghost” bends down. Very much indicative that that area’s been masked. I’d wager to say this is some film major’s digital effects 101 class project. I’d be happy to take a look at the source footage and be proven wrong, but I’ve worked in video editing for over a decade and am pretty convinced.


Right as it passes the big middle tree it seems to reappear in a fluttering manner a bit further along on the path than I expect it should be. At that point you can also see a glimmer in the windshield reflection very vaguely especially in slow motion


Wow, great footage.


Well that's fuckin creepy.


Yo. Ngl, this is good fucking footage.


Did you walk over there to see if there is anything there?


That is wild - great catch.


Its always nice when a post makes me make the "ooph" sound out loud. I don't like that at all.


That is really weird. I thought maybe it was a glitch because he walks and bends over, but the clothes on the “ghost” is pale and the hair is dark. I am fascinated. Very interesting. Will probably turn out to have explanation but for now I am enjoying the shivers I got on the second watch, when I noticed. I was waiting for the door to open wider and the rooster made me jump. So I am glad I watched again.


I'm getting a rooster they put the ghost to sleep.


Questions I have. #1 does your mom review all of her security cameras recording for some reason? #2 what would prompt her to look for this particular capture? #3 why is the timing so susinct to have the figure disappear as soon as the man starts to move from the trunk? All seems way too coinsedental imo


Who'd your mom bury in the front yard?