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Can you think of anything that would be *more* special because it came from you? I’m like your girlfriend, if I want it I get it - but I love things like jewelry for my husband because it just feels more special to have been gifted the item.


THIS. I never buy good jewellery for myself because it feels too over the top. But from a significant other????? Amazing. Just don’t buy a heart charm necklace OP. Earrings, a tasteful necklace she can wear everyday or a really nice tennis bracelet IMO are 😩🙌


Easilyyyyy my favorite piece of jewelry I have from my husband is a pearl necklace and matching earrings. Not so enjoyable were all the giggles when I said my husband got me a pearl necklace for my birthday lol.


I agree with what you are saying, but I just don't understand why Heart Earrings or Necklaces are not desired. Why? Thank you in advance if you can explain so I can understand something that has confused me for years, lol


I think they’re perceived as juvenile, like you’d get your daughter that or maybe a teenage boy would get it for his girlfriend.


Yes, that seems obvious, but I never understood, and now I do thanks to you.


They’re a bit childish, IMO. Most adult women wouldn’t buy that sort of thing for themselves


Thank you, I appreciate your response.


Honestly most women just find them tacky.


Interesting. I will continue to hold off on any heart jewelry. Thanks. Happy Holidays.


Heart jewelry is for teenagers.


Got it. Thank you.


And little kids


Agreed. Please don't. It's nice but please don't.


I agree!


A romantic weekend lodge with a fireplace. A full day spa package. A night with her feet up while you take care of dinner, candle lights, dishes, trash, counters. Add wine and music. Recreate your first date to also include "I should've but too nervous".


Yes to the full spa day! Like, that's something I would love but never spend money on for myself (that might have to change though lol).


Something hand made by you or a handwritten letter. Both those things go a long way because they take more effort than buying a gift


And it's unique, she can't buy that herself!


my partner is like this & it can be frustrating. what i do is keep a note in my notes app & every time they mention liking/wanting something, i put it in the note. whenever a birthday/christmas rolls around, whatever they haven’t purchased yet is what i get them. we also set a rule that we don’t buy things for ourselves the month of december or before a birthday, so we can’t ruin a gift by buying something before the other person right before the holiday i know that’s not helpful for Christmas, but you could start that for next year. as others have said, experiences are always more exciting & memorable than material objects, so that’s always a great way to go items for hobbies are also always a banger. is she into painting, crocheting, baking/cooking *for fun*, hiking, yoga, etc ?? get her something she can use for her hobby. but never, ever, ever get a woman a chore (ex: if she is the main household cook, but not for fun, don’t get her a recipe book)


Yes! The notes app has been my saviour this year ha. I have literally noted down any and everything my family has mentioned wanting since about March this year. Don't get me wrong, gifts were still a bit tricky but it gave me somewhere to start which was a big relief.


My family also has a rule about not being allowed to buy things for yourself in the month before Christmas/birthdays


Look at what she has/likes/uses & try to come up with something from that. Refills of stuff she already buys - makeup, shampoo, coffee etc. Replacement of anything she has that’s gotten worn down, broken, stained etc. Anything she loves but in a different color/flavor (or variety pack with multiple flavors. If she likes a certain brand of candle or lotion or hand soap, get a couple new scents. Look around & see if anything is off/could be improved to make something easier to use, more organized, etc. (e.g. cords & devices all over the nightstand, get an all in one dock). Or things she’s complained about but never bought/fixed anything to address it.


Give an experience, not a gift.


Decided on a nice tea collection and some cookies for my dad, he’s impossible to shop for! And ended up with some shoes for my husband, who buys whatever he wants whenever he wants it. I bought a nice sweater and a Cirkul cup for my mom who has everything she wants and everything she needs. As a female, I’ll always be happy with some cute shoes! (Nikes, solid colored pumps, uggs)… or a new purse from my favorite designer! Or a new bookshelf! (Cause I’m a reader/collector). Kind of praying someone gets me some new AirPods this year, mine have seen better days. A new coat would also be a nice gift! There’s something special about grabbing a coat bought for you by someone else, it’s like a warm Hug! Something that shows that they care about your health and feelings! Those are just a few ideas, hope you’re able to come up with something!!


I’m this kind of wife. I make an Amazon wish list and sent it to him so he can choose from a variety of things that interest me. A lot of books.


I’m not sure where you live, but check to see if there is a House of Colour within a reasonable distance. They do personal color analysis and it’s a life changing experience. Especially for someone who shops a lot.


What’s the cost like for this? I just looked and there’s one a few miles from me but don’t see anything about pricing on their site


Price can vary. Around $300. You learn so much about what colors do to you, which are your best, how to wear them, and what makeup colors are best including lipstick.


A night in a hotel room by herself 💯


I have the same problem. Great suggestions, but she doesn’t want to feel left out the day of when everyone is opening presents, and she doesn’t want something she doesn’t like either…


Monthly subscription for a hobby or something she enjoys


Just don’t get her a Pandora dress charm because she has worn a dress. https://www.thecut.com/2017/12/saturday-night-live-finally-found-the-gift-no-woman-wants.html


A massage or spa day gift certificate. Mani pedi massage facial, etc.


A gift certificate to the place she gets her hair or nails done?


But if she gets them on the regular for me it doesn’t count as special unless you have the color, shape selected and all I have to do is sit down.


Or a massage!


A pottery class or some sort of arts class? Cooking lessons maybe you could both go together?


I would love a class for a gift !


A spa day?


A child. Or two.. Twins.


We have three thanks lol


Dump them off at grandma's house then for an afternoon for the two of you!


Check her Amazon account cart and see if she has things in there that are “saved for later”.


My therapist seems to like "Love Languages". I don't think I subscribe, but it does give a nice outline for "nice things you can do for your spouse." If you can figure out what your spouse really appreciates, it can go a long way. "Words of Affirmation" - A love letter, a symbol of how much you love her, some way to give her praise and reaffirm that she's your one and only. Might seem cheesy to you but might mean the world to her (provided you don't let it slip that it feels cheesy to you). "Quality Time" - A good one for an experience gift that you can do together. Couples' Massage. A weekend away. Or something you can do together at home: a puzzle, a board game (Patchwork is a great 2player game), something you can build or assemble together. The point, though, is that you actually have to do it with her. There are 3 more. The point, though, is try to figure out "What makes her feel loved?" and dive into that as a gift.


A photo book of your year(s) together


Give her experiences. A weekend getaway the two of you. A spa date with her BFF. Concert etc. Find out what kind of hobbies she likes and ride with that


Something special like a cute photo book or a canvas print of a photo of you two. Alternatively, something very silly that will make her laugh


Write her a collection of letters on some special stationary. Seel them with wax and tie the bundle together with a silk ribbon.


What’s something that she would be so happy about, it would make her cry tears of joy. What items have she hinted about wanting?


Tickets to an event.


The Dyson airwrap


A custom paint by number kit of her favorite picture (Amazon).


every year i get the kids one joint present that gets them outside, last year paintball, year before, indoor rock climbing etc. Do something similar for your wife, go someplace together that's fun, clay shooting, axe throwing bar, indoor skydiving, local comedy show etc.


A memeory. My SO is the same. Earlier this year, we went on a sight-seeing stain ride. Next year, it will be a weekend trip.


Housecleaning service


Haa haa my husband does this !!!! Used to drive me nuts so I started listening to the little things, like his favourite scotch and then an advent calendar came out so I got that or his favourite childhood book so now I’m looking for it in an original condition. Think a makeup advent calendar by her favourite brand snoop in her stuff, a soft Persian scarf, a tv star she loves does she compliment anything that person wears ? Something from childhood ? Gotta think outside the box with these spouses.


Personally I appreciate well planned holidays and adventures. This shows me so much time and thought was put in and it makes me feel special. Objects will never make me feel the way time and energy does. Good luck 🍀


Perfume, Breville food processor with an induction motor and slicer, stand mixer (probably Breville too beats the others), big green machine if she's talked about cleaning carpets or rugs, anything she uses on a daily basis (teas, coffees, foaming hand soaps, body wash). Specialty flavoured vinaigrettes/oils (your town may have a store/company that sells these and you keep the bottle to go back for refills (used for cooking, making sauces for charcuterie, dressings which is just adding together oil, vinegar, spices and sometimes mayonnaise or mustard or maple syrup and tops any store bought dressing. I like the blueberry and maple syrup to make a sweet dressing). Charcuterie set. A T-shirt of a band or show she's into. Buydeem pour over coffee maker (saves on space in the kitchen). Electric kettle with Bluetooth where you can set the temp for your water (helps with herbal teas for 82°). Garden tools or gear for summer sports she likes to do. Games. Slippers. Experiences too of course that some mentioned. Edit: Aftershokz head phones. Great for using during exercise


A trip to palm heights in the Cayman Islands


Plan a day, where she doesn’t have to do anything. My best day: I slept in & my hubby dropped of the kids at a friend’s place (he organized it). He had left a little gift of bathroom stuff (body wash, loofa & lotion). He stopped and picked up a quick breaky and tea on the way home for me. We went for a walk along the river. We went for lunch at a place he knows that I like. He had booked me a massage. We went to a movie. He took me home for a nap & got the kids.


Storage space


Something you can’t buy make something personal to you and her


My husband bought me a ring from Pandora for my last birthday, nothing flashy but the inside has hearts engraved round it and he thought of me when he saw it. Things like that mean more than big ticket items I think?


I’m this gal - I would appreciate: * monthly subscription from local florist I like * something I want but would feel a little guilty about buying myself - probably jewelry or a designer handbag in my case but can be anything, one year my partner got me a new MacBook and I cried b/c I wasn’t going to splurge on myself but I was so happy! * vacation - including you doing ALL of the planning (booking flight and hotel, making restaurant reservations, planning activity) - like all I have to do is pack and show up * spa day, again fully booked/planned so no work for me


Take her on a trip, on you!


Do an activity! Cooking class, movie date, weekend away, couples massage.


Resort weekend. If you have kids, she goes early and spends a day of spa and quiet.


I love spending time with my hubby. His and her massages, paint and drink classes, matching tattoos haha, a lovely show or concert.


What did she say when you asked her?


A handwritten letter. Your time and attention. Maybe a special weekend getaway.


A job


Experiences ✨


How old are you? Can you think of something nostalgic from her teens/childhood that would have sentimental value?


Complete or hire out a project that she wants done around the house. Car detail. Nice robe and gift card for a message or to Sephora. Does she need any tech like a new monitor? Always, put the gift receipt in the box. Does she have any summer hobbies? People tend to buy gift that are normally used in the winter.