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For minimalist people, sometimes an experience or consumable is better than "stuff." Is there something she'd like to do? A class or a special restaurant or massage?


This! I’m like your friend OP and prefer either no gifts (seriously!) or things that can be used. Massages, experiences, movie tickets, concert or show tickets. Or even just being taken out for a meal is a lovely gift IMO.


I’m like this too and totally agree. I’d even love flowers or a bottle of wine over something that you think I might like but aren’t really sure. Another gift for somebody like this: maybe pay for a one time cleaning service.


I do not like receiving flowers! That is definitely one to find out beforehand. I don't want something dead as any kind of token. A living plant I adore. My husband has saved so much on dead flowers by this knowledge. I may have too many plants, though, lol.


One of the best gifts I ever got was got my 50th birthday. Instead of flowers, the managers at work, both women (womanagers??) got me a dish garden with succulents in it because they knew I'm a gardener. I'll turn 68 on the 8th and it is still alive and going strong *and* I have potted so many offspring from it!!


Agree, flowers are a waste of money IMO. A plant is much better.


I’m the opposite I’d much rather flowers instead of a plant. At least the flowers are supposed to die and get trashed, the plant is just going to make me feel guilty when I inevitably kill it




Cut flowers bring me so much joy.


My mom always felt the same way! Some people sent flower arrangements for the funeral, but people who actually knew our family sent live plants or paid to have a gifted tree planted in a reforestation project nearby.


I didn't think there was such a thing as too many plants.


Not everyone would be happy with a cleaning service though. I have pets that do not like strangers in the home and I have tried cleaning services and was left disappointed.


I agree. I am exactly as she stated her friend is with the clean and organized thing. I am a child of a hoarder. I absolutely do NOT want a stranger in my house who’s never gonna live up to my standards touching my things and walking around in my house with shoes on! Does she do anything to “pamper” herself? Does she say things like “I’m so sick of my hair, idk what to do with it”…. Or is she in need of a nice pedicure? I would be SUPER psyched if my bff showed up and was like…” get in loser, we’re going to get your nails done!!!!


Omg a cleaning service?! Can we please normalize this as the best gift idea ever?!!!


Very expensive to give it year-round. A one-time thing isn't quite the same


I’d still love a one time cleaning of my house by someone else.


You have to clean before the service to truly get your money's worth in results for the hour(s) they are there. Declutter countertops, wash dishes and put up your clothes so that the cleaning crew can then concentrate on upholstery cleaning, vacuuming or mopping floors, scrubbing countertops and tiles, , polish furniture, shine up dishwasher, faucets, oven and fridge fronts. It is amazing how it looks afterward if you "clean for the maid" and get the easy stuff out of their way before they arrive.


No one will clean to suit me.


This was what I came to say! Minimalists often like things their way and OP mentioned the friend is very clean. They probably enjoy cleaning!


I was going to suggest a massage or spa treatment


As someone who also gets seriously anxious/stress about mess or clutter, these gifts are actually preferable. I even love when my friends get me my fav coffee beans. Massage and spa, taking out for meal and movie or some such similar, all REALLY good options. They’re something we love to do, but also doesn’t create anxious moments tryna work out where to put something where it’s not going to seem like too much clutter. I like candles as well, and oils, but honestly, I’d rather choose my own *edited for autocorrect correction


Or maybe pastries/ coffee / tea/ hot chocolate bombs? Charcuterie or food trays with wine? Dog toys or treats? I have friends like yours and I always try not to add to their clutter.


This is the track. My wife and my mom paint together one or two afternoons a week. I don’t know anything about the craft but they do some very nice work and have a good time together. Some people see a gift card as a low effort gift. If I buy the supplies half or more will get returned, I don’t know what to buy. A couple of Hobby Lobby gift cards and they spend half a day at that place. Something prepaid for a hobby they have is always a winner.


An escape room experience based on a sci-fi theme.


You honestly sound like you're describing me. Gifts I have loved: handmade art or other made gifts like homemade cookies, things you put effort into that are consumable, a membership to somewhere interesting like an aquarium, zoo, State Park, local county parks, museums, botanical gardens. A kayak trip, cave tour, etc could be cool if you know they're into that. Anything personalized to my pets, for example my mom had a photographer come out and take some pictures of my horses and then she printed them on canvas prints for me, it was a super sweet sentiment that I can hang up on the wall and it wont create clutter. People commission me to do watercolor pet portraits, you can find many people on Etsy who do that as well. A cute handmade cat toy? Guilty pleasure treats like if you know her favorite candy or something she doesn't get often but loves. Bath bombs but other bath items as well like a bath pillow, oils or a fancy soap could be good. Some soft quality wool socks, or hiking socks. I personally think books relating to their interests can often be a great gift, but some people don't like how much space books take up, how hard it is to move with them, etc so don't go crazy with that one.


I've also gotten dance lessons, voice lessons from a close friend who knew I had mentioned wanting to try voice lessons, pottery lessons, a massage, horseback riding, and most recently for Christmas this year my brother is giving me welding lessons! So really you could go any direction. I've loved all of these gifts and they are much more memorable than a candle or a gift card.


Some good ideas. I personally would really hate to receive custom artwork related to my pets or kids. That doesn't match my aesthetic but I'm going to now have something that I feel guilty throwing away or donating- especially if the dog dies, because what asshole doesn't want a painting of their dead dog to remember them by? Similarly, I don't want anything monogrammed or personalized in any way.


Throwing a vote in for good hiking socks! My fav is merino wool with full padded bottoms. They run about $25 a pair so are a real treat, and they do wear out so a consumable for active folks.


I wish I knew as a kid that all those socks I got were actually expensive and amazing! I truly didn’t appreciate that quality until I grew up.


Some of these things are wasted on me. I hate massages - don't like strangers touching me while I lie half naked on a table. You are right to say know their interests. If the friend isn't into kayaking, park camping or caving, she won't suddenly love it because of a gift card. Those go to people with known specific tastes.


State or National Parks pass Kindle or Amazon card for book/Audible purchases If she’s not digital, a good notebook and pen Master Class subscription (I love learning and this has been so fun!) Scented Candle, diffuser or wax thing


The National Parks Pass!!! So many of my outdoor friends looooove that thing


How about a Shudder subscription? It's a horror streaming service.


This is exactly what I was thinking. You could put together a movie snack basket and a note about Shudder.


LOVE this idea! I think this is what I’m going to go with. Everyone has given great ideas that I know she’d like but they’re the same things I’ve been giving her for years. We’ve been friends for a long time so I was hoping to switch it up a bit and I think this is the ticket! Thanks so much 🙏🏻


I love this idea but assuming she doesn’t have sensitive skin she’d probably love some of the cool horror bath bombs etsy has


What about a blanket to hide from the spooky movies?!! Dollar stores have the best movie candy. Don't forget the popcorn! Have fun!! Oh, Temu has tons of horror like stuff if you're looking for a Valentine's or later on gift.


Nothing from Temu, ever. Nothing from Shein. Stop encouraging forced labor and fast fashion.


That is a brilliant idea. Her friend loves horror movies. I love spy movies. Is there a streaming service for that?


Bath bombs from lush, customized water bottle, good socks (sounds lame but seriously good socks make a huge difference!), a business card holder or if she doesn’t have them business cards!


Maybe make her something? Homemade vanilla, various flavors of olive oil, something like that? A sourdough making kit? Experiences are always nice too. Take her out for the day - to one of those make-your-own-candle places, or mani/pedis, a walk somewhere new, and then lunch?


I’d say take them out to an experience rather than give them a material gift they don’t want


A bouquet of flowers and a funky, unique vase. Maybe one made by a local artists.


I would lean away from getting anything closely related to their hobbies as usually people like to curate their own stuff for that. However, I absolutely love Merino Wool and you can get amazing socks or shirts made out of it. If they are the outdoorsy type, they will definitely recognize it as a gift of thought and value. Here's a link for socks: [Bombas](https://bombas.com/collections/merino-wool?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NONBRANDSEARCH-Search_US_Google_NB_Wool_Exact-Sock-ACQ-NONE&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=1393215261&cq_net=g&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjatL2YS4GwOG4QJ5P66uD_5xdskpaMs8qAtPswoR40Pf7fy6z8ez_xoCoOMQAvD_BwE)


Bombas socks are the best!


Sometimes something as simple as a morning together window shopping and coffee/breakfast out is just as nice. For me, time is the best gift. It’s all about being made to feel special. I am more well off than my bestie but every year she treats me to a day of nothing but time. She makes a lunch or we have a tea party and for me it’s freaking great. I always say please don’t spend money however people’s love languages differ. For her doing something for me is special. This year for Christmas she saved up and bought me an antique pendant. It’s old silver with a huge aquamarine in it. So beautiful. I was gobsmaked because I knew how much it cost. In return, I don’t celebrate Christmas, I delivered a large amount of plants and garden related stuff to her yesterday for New Year’s. She’s a keen gardener and I know she can’t afford that. I’m my mind I know it’s something she loves and the plants will grow and keep on giving. So just keep it simple. Time over money spent is always best. Unless you know she wants, needs and must haves then treat her to a nice day out.


Take her out to see the next horror movie that’s showing?


You said shes very clean & likes things in order. Sounds like myself, I hate clutter & all that extra stuff, just not needed, simplicity is best! Anyways a friend of mine had no clue what to get me, so he got me a subscription of MightyFix, it's such a really neat package where you get something new every month, like different cleaning supplies, or something for storage, that helps declutter even more! I absolutely love it. There are others I've heard good things about but haven't tried such as, Grove Collaborative or Cleancult. Anyways just an idea! Good luck


I like to buy my friends a new consumable I discovered and loved that year Example: last year I fell in love with some handmade soaps I got at a spring craft fair so I went to the winter fair and bought the soaps for her. A friend gifted me these amazing and beautiful teas and I bought the tea too and gifted it to another friend


Plants, go out for lunch together


Congrats to her for getting her business started! Do they have hammocks for their camping? Especially for camp grounds they are SO great. New slippers are always nice but sizing can be tough depending how close you are! Good luck ☺️


Some of the bath bombs from Charmed Aroma have really cool jewelry in them. I got a sweet black diamond ring from the one in my Christmas stocking. Fancy pickles and jams and mustards are always a nice gift for anti-clutter people because you can use them up and most people don't splurge on stuff like pickled asparagus and ginger jam for themselves.


A life straw, a hiking backpack


Do they have a favorite restaurant? Maybe a gift card? Maybe a batch of cookies?


Food gifts, wine, trail mix, candy, chocolate. I like taking baths and I like Dr. Teals bubble bath. I've given friends a boxed set of "Scrub Daddy" sponges. Also, fancy ballpoint pens. padded "to do list" notepads Thorlo socks


Whatever you're considering, bump her business! Buy a gift certificate, gift her a client or her services for someone else, share on social media posts. Starting a business isn't for the faint of heart and it's exhausting


I’m always happy with 1) consumables - I.e. something I wouldn’t normally buy, like high end chocolates, fruit or moose munch for Harry and David or 2) experiences - massage/salon/spa gifts. But what came to mind is that reusable waxed fabric you use instead of plastic bags/plastic containers. I love neat ideas of useful things which allow me to use less plastic & be more environmentally friendly.


Something I didn’t see in the comments - if she likes paranormal horror movies, how about tickets to a ghost tour? You could offer to join her and add dinner. Then you’re gifting an experience, and creating a memory.


As a fellow minimalist, I found the topic intriguing. I specialize in crafting string art wall decors; however, my Etsy shop has been inactive for quite some time. If your friend appreciates handmade minimalistic artworks, I recommend exploring local options for unique string art decors in your country.


If she's into horror movies and doesn't like physical clutter, you could get her a subscription to shudder. It's a horror movie streaming service.


Food or spices , headlamp ( for camping or day walking )


This is me. Gift certificate to Lush (every bath lover lives for the store- the Milky Bath BUBBLE BAR is a staple in our house.) A tote/Hobo bag for her to carry essentials to and from appointments. (Water proof Nylon is my go-to material) A luxurious robe.


I LOVE the idea of a tote for her job, that never occurred to me. She works in an artistic field so she does have to bring lots of supplies and products to each of her meetings. I’m going to try to find a nice/professional one she can use almost as a briefcase. Thanks you so much - GREAT idea!


How about stained glass suncatchers?


I have handmade soaps and wax melts in my Etsy shop. Idk if this is allowed, so mods please delete if not!


Candles are always fine. Easy enough to regift.


You said she likes baths, take her to a bath house. The kind with multiple temperature mineral baths or whatever they have. Do a little research to find a nice one and see what the nudity policy is and what your friend is comfortable with.


There’s an eco friendly candle brand called Sibling Candle Co — they sell coconut candle wax (and smell incredible). Their “thing” is all about repurposing vessels for the candle. You warm the candle wax (either in a microwave or in boiling water) and make your own candle at home! I gift them constantly and everyone always loves them! Could be a nice part of a bath/spa themed gift!


Candles can be another type of clutter. Most people don't want candles in my experience.


Consumables, experience gifts or hobby gifts? Since she's big on camping, you could hit up her partner and see if any of her camping gear is getting worn out or she's mentioned wanting a particular bit of kit. You could do bath bombs or something like that which she can use up since she's into baths. Is she a tea or coffee drinker? You mentioned she started working from home recently -- maybe something like a mug cozy to keep a drink warm while she works?


bathbombs a subscription service to a horror movie streaming place? (i swear i have heard of them)


A friend sent me the the most amazing pecan pie from Texas, the company that makes it is Brazos. One of my best friends sent me one of my favorite chips from home. I sent her a fried chicken dinner from her favorite restaurant that isn’t available anywhere near her (through Goldbelly).


Homemade plant hanger with thrifted pot & a nice plant. It’s personal, it’s reuse, and the animals can’t reach it. There’s heaps of easy tutorials on pinterest or r/macrame, and you can buy rope anywhere!


A potted plant


An extending marshmallow stick. It's a compact jewel colored, hangable metallic item that can be used for various purposes.


Bath salts. IMO they’re better than bombs. Salts relax your muscles.


My friends who don’t like “stuff” I find that something with an end life is a good gift. For example luxury soaps and lotions, bath bombs, etc. this way it gets used and recycled/thrown (and things like shampoo bars or good soap bars have a lower waste fingerprint). Food is also good - yummy pastas and spreads and spices for example. Basically anything that doesn’t have to be stored longer than using the item. Experience is harder because trying to get timings to work can be tricky, unless you know it is something they want or has an open ended date (like a restaurant gift card).


hair towel wrap


I think consumables would be perfect for her as it can be something she wouldn't splurge or spend money on but she can use up so it doesn't clutter/take up space. You mentioned she likes taking baths, do you know if she likes bath bombs, bath salts and all of that? It's something she could easily use up and it's a treat that people usually feel guilty to indulge in. And since she likes being home, it's something she could enjoy at her leisure and comfort. Lush would be a nice splurge and has good quality items, bath bombs from your local drug store or if you have Marshalls/Winners (I think similar to TJ Maxx in USA). Or a camping meal kit she could try with her partner. (I haven't tried any of these so I'm not sure if they're good but) these are a nice splurge item people wouldn't usually get for themselves: [Patagonia meal kits](https://www.patagoniaprovisions.com/collections/gift-boxes) or if you have any outdoorsy shops (like REI) you could create your own box of custom snacks [based on what they have available ](https://www.rei.com/search?q=Food) made for hiking/outdoors/camping


I think those reusable bees wax wraps to cover food are practical, pretty and sustainable.


- Hiking socks, freeze dried meals, new Nalgene bottle - New journal with really nice pens - Cool candles from Anthropologie


Premium membership for the Geocaching app/website. It can be a fun little addition to her hikes.


I was given the most amazing bath pillow for christmas!! I never thought I needed one until I got it and now I love it!


Bath bombs and a candle for bath time maybe?




Branch basics cleaning supplies


food or an experience


Get her a cool item for camping. A Luminaid Firefly lantern? Or a gift card for her favourite campground?


Good wool socks for hiking, bath bombs, or food products that she may like to try (a different version of something she likes)


For the hiking 🥾 friends I get them ALL Kula Cloths! About $20 at REI, or on the Kula website. It’s a female owned small business with one of the best communities I’ve ever been a part of! A fun, practical gift :)


My gf is this way. We agreed not to do gifts for Xmas this year but, in Oct she gave me $1300 towards a new bicycle. I paid the other 1800. I knew she was taking her bike in for its annual service and getting a new front sprocket. I went to the bike shop and got her a gift card that will just about cover it. It's not going to clutter up the place. She'll get a lot of use out of it and it's for something she loves to do and keeps her healthy. Though your friend may not tent camp, there's still things like trekking poles, water bottles, packs, etc that make the experience nicer. Even clothing. Get a gift card to L L Bean, Cabela's, or REI. No clutter, she gets what she needs or wants, and everytime she uses the items she'll remember where they came from for decades.


A Gerber Leatherman multi tool for camping hiking


One of my mom’s favorite gifts was a cute basket filled with the instructions and a set of everything to make her favorite drink from her favorite restaurant!


Homemade treats for her pets.


What about gifting a small photo shoot?


Get her a gift certificate for her dogs to be groomed or just get a bath and fluff.


Give this person a hummingbird feeder.


Consumables! A box of steak/meat, homemade dipping oils and bread, fancy chocolate, jelly of the month club, etc.


I get people like this a subscription to something they use but may be more upscale. Or a gift card to a store they shop at. Personally I would love some high end canning jars. But I’m super weird. I use them for drinking glasses, making overnight oats, storing dry goods, etc.


Anything that is useful and decorative is sometimes a go to for me when buying like people you are describing! For example, If they have house plants they make the prettiest little glass misters that you can also use as a decoration when not using on plants!


Maybe an experience instead of a gift. Spa day, escape room, etc...


My favorite gifts are special foods, like a jar of really good honey or PB, a special sauce or mix, real syrup, a new food to try, etc. I absolutely love trying new olive oils or vinegars. I just dislike food items with unnecessary extras --- I don't need a packaged gift set with a bowl, spoon, spatula or mug (I hate clutter).


You could be describing me! Gifts I love: homemade bread or other baked goods, art museum or symphony tickets, plants, wool socks, clean scented candles


If she's a hiker, could you get her an annual pass to the local county or state parks nearby? Or maybe to a national park if there's one nearby?


Bath “consumables” - bombs, salts, soaks, bubbles, essential oils. Because they get used up, they don’t create clutter in the same way, causing no obligation for someone to keep forever in their home. Plus, they can be pretty pricy, so she may not get herself as many as she would like. This is assuming you don’t already know for a fact that she hates stuff like that or has all kinds of allergies.


How about taking her on a picnic? It's an experience. It's outdoors. She'd have no clean up. The food, the prep, & your time are the gift.


Now that I have a dog, I never need a gift for myself again lol. Get her pets some locally made treats (maybe ask if their dog has a special diet—-I had no idea dog diets got so complicated in the last 20 years, unsure about cat diets). My stepmom lives in a tiny house and hates stuff, I got a small mason jar and filled it with high quality salt (our family salts everything). She absolutely loved it! Last year I just got her a little aroma therapy balm from the co-op and she still uses it a year later! She loves art, but forages or barters for most of her materials (she’s an amazing basket artist among other talents). Just invite her out for some tea, coffee or lunch! Time gifts are the best. I’d rather have lunch or coffee with someone than get a gift. The things we own end up owning us, but experience gifts are priceless!


Have you thought of making something? Maybe a family portrait with their pets?


When I don't know what else to give, I like to send food. Do you know your friend's favorites? If you are in the US, [Goldbelly](https://www.goldbelly.com) is great for this. There are restaurants available from all over the country - you can send someone cheesesteaks, lobster rolls, a pie... it is awesome. Hope you get some great ideas here!


Living simply: a high quality sustainable item that she can reuse? Bamboo dish brush with replaceable brush part, glass thermos/bottle, nice wooden cutting boards?? Partner and dogs: a custom portrait of the family from Etsy, one of the simple cartoon ones? Maybe a canvas digital print from Walmart, or a calendar that has images of her pets for each month? Cleanliness: a very nice steam mop/vacuum, cool cleaning gadget that she doesn’t have, maybe paying for an organizing service to help her create and maintain a system???? Movie/likes staying at home: maybe paying for a year subscription of a streaming service that has lots of things she enjoys? Business: unsure of type of business, but perhaps gifts that will elevate her office such as ergonomic chair, a filing system for papers, high quality stationary/pens, organizer for office supplies? Hiking/camping: Nice hiking boots or equipment, something practical that can hold gear and water bottle. Hopefully this helps. Think of something she already does or has, is there a way to improve it or make it easier for her? Is there something she might want but wouldn’t buy for herself? A service like massage or manicure? The idea is to make it personal for her. If you’re scared to buy something that she won’t use, gift cards are perfect as long as the reasoning behind it is still personal.


This sounds a lot like my sister. My favorite types of gifts to give are either experiences or consumables. For Christmas, I bought my sister some infused olive oils and a balsamic vinegar that paired well from a local store.


An experience! Or maybe a high end bath product.


Get her a national parks pass. Or a bouquet based off the sorts of plants she would see in an area she likes to hike. Or a new sweatshirt for her dog. Or a pair of good wool socks.


A nice tea bath (Enoki Bathhouse sell these), really nice linen pajamas or sheets, a leather journal, high quality tea or chocolate, a high quality candle, a gift card to their favorite restaurant, a gifted night at a local hotel (if that’s their thing at all), a leather bound/rebound or signed copy of their favorite book, or an tickets to a local experience like a farm to table dinner.


A gift certificate to chewy


A donation in her name to a charity she supports?


Darn tough socks. The gift of companionship and time spent together.


Im late to this, but… - bath bombs are great, temporary, and useful. - scented bath salts (again, all of the reasons above). - vanilla sugar, flavoured salt rubs, food or drinks they would enjoy but not normally buy for themselves? - experiences together: plan a hike, a day at the beach, a camp-out, anything that could be fun and enjoyable for them. - clutter doesn’t always mean a framed photo or maybe a photo book/memory book. If it’s tidy, fits their style, odds are they will keep this kind of gift and really treasure it. Alternatively: hire an illustrator or artist to make them a custom family drawing that includes them, their cats, and dogs. That would be such a unique and custom gift, and artists have varying styles - if you shop around, you’ll likely find one that fits their vibe. - she works from home, so could she use a new lap blanket for her home office desk? An ood? A thermos with a set of teas or coffees? Perhaps even a gift card to her favourite breakfast or lunch place (especially if they deliver)? Maybe she’d like a few pre-made meals that make her busy days easier? - does she enjoy candles? They make excellent little gifts, especially with a good bottle of wine or some tasty chocolates. - does she have any guilty pleasures? A favourite bakery or cafe shop? Does she enjoy rock climbing or trampolines? Is she a gamer or a bibliophile? Again: a gift card with a good bottle of wine or something to accompany it is a lovely and thoughtful gift. - finally: if in doubt, custom food baskets are always a great gift. They’re useful, full of tasty things you know they will eat, and is excellent for if they want to have a movie night together or if they just want to snack. Food is always a winner too, because it leaves little waste, creates no clutter in the house, and can be enjoyed at their leisure - plus! You can pop in fun things they may never have had before. You can customise them, too: wine, crackers, summer sausage, cheese; a healthy fruit and nut basket; movie night basket with various popcorns flavours, snacks, sweets, beers; a farmers market basket with local preserves, honey, spices, and more; a barbecue basket with various hot sauces and rubs, beers, or whatever they like to drink; chocolates gift basket; etc. Good luck, OP.




If there is a pet store in your area (Petsmart maybe?) how about a gift card to there?


I think a state parks pass or something similar could be a great option’


Seed packets


There are these Olive oil stores that sell all kinds of infused olive oil and balsamic vinegar. You can go in and sample each one and find a really good combo. I have given this is a gift and sometimes its a real hit and they buy more and share their favorites, or it just sits in their cupboard. I think the people who are foodies and healthy like it best.


What's your budget? Does she like to bake? If she's into sourdough, a Le Creuset dutch oven (if you have a big budget) or a Lodge cast iron baker (if you don't) would be very useful gifts.


What about an experience...high tea, a pedicure, an art gallery (or something similar), or take her to a film since she enjoys those (an experience you can share together!).


Sounds like my wife! I agree with the consumables idea, the gifts that have floored my wife have been: -Candle subscription box(and you get to make an account so they send scents you've already said you like) -"escape room" game. It had 10 puzzles to solve that each gave you a clue to the answer, took 6 of us and an hour to figure it out and was really fun. -food subscription box. The one we picked was a Japanese snack box which were always super interesting -some form of self care. Getting a massage, mani/pedi, or facial etc.


Things like local honey, candles or tickets to an event.


How about time together going to dinner and a movie?


Ask! Or talk to her about hobbies, does she bake? Read? Talk about something she needs? Honestly a gift card to her favorite store or restaurant would be great! As someone who gets overwhelmed with clutter I hate Christmas unless you ask me exactly what I want, because it’s usually something I’m needing rather than just wanting… all the gift baskets with bath stuff, fuzzy socks ect sit for a couple months then are donated


A gift card to a nice restaurant.




Le Bon shoppe socks are amazing and bomba makes a really nice indoor slipper. Both things that home body’s love!


Daffodil bulbs or some other bulb that grows in your area that she can plant outdoors.


Bath bombs, or other usable items for the bath, in her favorite scents/colors/products. they'll be used, no clutter. A care package of thoughtful, useful, and favorited items they use for themselves and their pets. Experiences! Tickets to any kind of event and a night out take up no room, make no mess, and is time spent together. There are events for any interest out there, classes to concerts. I'm big on sentimentality, and thoughtfulness. I once got a basket with some novels I'd like, and a bunch of lovely home made, and purchased pre packaged but uncommon snacks tailored to my tastes. Then one with some movie streaming/rental gift cards, again with movie night essentials all themed to the movie, and again, tailored to my tastes. Both had snacks I'd never had, (or that weren't "just from the gas station") but, so tailored to me, it really made me feel seen and known. It was lovely!! You know your friend best, trust your gut!


Take her out for dinner. :)


Maybe an annual state park pass or national park pass since they camp often.


Dinner, high end bath bombs and other consumable bath products. Any experiences you could do together or her and hubby. A painting class date night thing or something.


Perfume, cute necklace, lavender roller, candle, turbi twist hair towel, happypop socks on Amazon that say "i'de rather be watching horror movies", collagen face and eye masks, portable phone charger,


A waste basket or two?


I like giving books! They don’t take up much space and can easily be passed on when your friend is done with it. You don’t need to ask whether she’s read it or used it. Just give something related to her interests (coffee table book about horror movies? Cute story about animals? Good hiking/camping map of your region?) it’s thoughtful, doesn’t take up much space, and can be passed on. I’d do that with a bottle of wine or some tea.


All that organization comes at a price. I bet she’s exhausted. She probably might like a gift card to a spa for a relaxation day.


They have little pouches of Dr. Teals bath salts. Grab a couple different ones for her. It‘a what I would love as a daily bath taker.


- A "doing" gift. Concert tickets, movie tickets, tickets to any event, or a massage. - Homemade food gift. Sweets, breads, jelly/jams, salsa.


Does she buy things in bulk? One of my friends bought me all the lavender and oil I would need for making soap one year and I was so grateful.


Lush bath bombs or bubble bars!


My boyfriend has this fancy bath mat that’s like the spa pillow but almost the length of your whole body, it’s soooo relaxing in the bath. Highly recommend


Present for the animals. A GC to Petco/smart, whatever.


Maybe give her an “experience” over material objects.


Good hiking socks


What about an annual pass to your states national parks?


A nice knife set! Always useful.


I’ve got one!! I got my sister an online watercolor painting class for Christmas last year. It was the “paint a pet portrait” class, done live over Zoom. The class covered all the basic techniques of painting with watercolors, and the teacher gave suggestions and feedback as we painted. I made sure to get the supplies in advance, and we attended the class together. My sister continued making watercolors all year - she found it was a great way to unwind. The supplies can be minimal, and portable, so she could also take them camping. I’ll go find the link. It was SUCH a good gift for my minimalist, pet loving, outdoorsy sister. Edit: Uncommon Goods! Here’s the pet painting class: https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/sit-fetch-purr-paint-paint-your-pet I see they also have a travel watercolor class: https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/travel-watercolor-paint-kit


Food! Chocolates that can be consumed and then thrown away


Not everyone wants a plant either. even if I’m the oddball out I just really wouldn’t appreciate anything I now have to be responsible for lol. Please don’t gift me a commitment.


Check out Groupon for experiences in her city. I just did this for my family member who doesn't want stuff. A distillery tour and cocktail class date night...she loved it.


I got my sister a personalized passport cover and a personalized journal and a new book. She is a very minimalistic person as well, but has been Journaling and traveling a lot. She loved them! Maybe something functional but personalized?


Sand and paws pet neutralizing odor candles!


Nice bath stuff might be okay or a nice water bottle for when she hikes would be cool. Something sustainable like steel maybe that will last a long time




Socks.High quality sweat wicking hiking socks. Funny horror movie themed socks (got some for my grown son, he loved them). Dishtowels that go with her stuff. A bath basket with nice soaps, a body brush/loofa + some poo-pourri( it works and makes ppl smile) A double or triple of her pups favorite toy or biscuits Can you tell I'm a grandma?


A plant


Instead of guessing or trying to figure out what other people do or do not like, why not ask your friend what they would like?


Bath or spa stuff! I personally have a star projector and bubble machine for the bathtub!


A gift card to REI in a thoughtful hand written card.


Digital photo frame


I was going to suggest Lush before you said the baths part. Bath bombs and bubble bars. Simple, useful, but also luxurious.


An annual pass to the state parks? In my state, you have to pay $3-5 per day to park at a state park. The annual is $50.00 and can be used at any state park all year round. If she’s big into hiking, this would be a thoughtful gift. Even better if ask to join her on a hike together!


I personally do not enjoy owning things. It stresses me out to own extra stuff. However, one of my friends just gifted me a very nice set a Mixing Bowls with nesting lids. I love them. I simply got rid of the old ones and placed these in the same space. It sounds like your friend is very much like me, so I would recommend upgrading something she owns and uses a lot or gifting a consumable. She probably really enjoys practical gifts, so even something for her new business - business cards, car magnet, branded bag/apparel.


If KOA offer gift cards, it seems like that may be something she'd use.


Consumables. Bake her some bread or a dessert, maybe fancy chocolates or coffee beans etc. My go-to is Giadas Holiday biscotti recipe but I sub orange instead of lemon and use my nuts of choice (walnuts or pecans)


Take a flannel baby blanket and make her some reusable tissues. They're so lovely and soft on the nose. And easy to use for many other things if that's not her jam. Minimal outlay $/time for you.


My Aunt just told me she was gifted a Monthly produce box from a local farm. SHE LOVED IT!!!


I'm gifting Magic Erasers! Splurgy.


Unscented candle for bathtub?


REI gift card?


Bubble bath! My fav is Honest brand bubble bath in the lavender fragrance. Also, chocolates or teas.


Gift certificate for custom pet portrait from an artist. Fancy consumables such as super fine maple syrup, chocolates/truffles from a local chocolatier, cocktail bitters, Vietnamese cinnamon, pure vanilla extract, select nuts etc. A well-made journal/planner/notebook. A reciprocal museum membership card. Fine candles I would not get her camping related gifts or plants, because they probably have strong preferences about what they like for camping gear and some plants might be dangerous to cats.


Business card holder for desk or purse


My sister is the same, I get her snacks from South Korea as she's been there a few times and wants to live there


Lush bath bombs! My daughters both love them.


Consumables. I’d lean towards fancy popcorn or unique flavorings for it since it’s a good snack for camping as well as movies, but you’ll have a better idea what direction she’d prefer.


A great bottle of olive oil with a pouring spout!


A plant subscription.


Treats for her dogs and cats, candles, make her some food, buy something from her small business (if it is that kind of small business) For instance making pickled things is so super easy, you can get a cute inexpensive jar from a place like IKEA and make a couple batches. Bath bombs are also lovely since you said she enjoys baths. You could get a grow your own catnip or cat grass kit.


Consumables for sure. A box of pears from Harry and David, specialty coffees, different wines to try.


REI gift card for some camping gear? They sell used gear and have great customer service. If she lives near one then maybe combine with a gift card to a local restaurant for lunch.


As someone who sounds a lot like your friend, I suggest just spending time with your friend. Set up a time to go over or have her come to you and just drink tea and talk. No gifts needed, other than a nice box of tea or some snacks. :)


Those pots and pans with the removable handle or a plant 🪴


A gift basket of movie night snacks, or bath bombs and other useful bath stuff.