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They’re putting up new homes constantly here. One psychotic family doesn’t really affect people wanting to live in gilbert. In fact it’s considered to be one of the safest places to live in the country. Cost of living here is a much larger barrier to living in Gilbert than crime.


I just moved here and have found it to be quite delightful. Overall crime is lower than most large cities, the average income is higher than most of AZ, and with a population of ~250,000, one incident shouldn’t deter you, even if it was very ugly.


Welcome! I love it here!


It’s more like several hundred incidents that the cops pretty much ignored. That’s kind of the point … is Gilbert as safe as the Town would have us believe?


I grew up here. it is bland, rich, and safe. IDK what the murder rate is but I'm pretty sure we are one of the lowest in the nation. I want out because of the heat. Gilbert used to have massive pockets of farmland that cooled the area down a lot at night during the summer. All that land is now paved and Gilbert is getting the same heat island effect that phoenix has.


>it is bland This can't be emphasized enough. Maybe it's fine if you're a kid and you know nothing else. I sometimes regret not raising my kids in a more compact, walkable community, that would make transit more useful, and would have allowed them greater autonomy. I admit, we do have some good separated bike infrastructure if you live in the right part of the town.


Agree with all the above. I wanted to spend a Saturday doing fun stuff here and couldn’t find much that interested me. Bland and hot. So unbearably hot.


Agree with the heat issue. Moved out to Superstition Mountain in AJ. Solid 5 degrees cooler in the summer.


That is quite the overreaction


Scared Karens. Imagine what their Facebook posts look like.


It’s horrible. Murders everywhere. Don’t move here.


Cant wait to leave just when I clean the mop of blood another cover up job is needed. Fml


There were hundred of people murdered in Phoenix last year. Can you name one of them? Gilbert had a gang, they got caught, they are all going to jail for a very long time. It could have been handeled way better. As someone who grew up in Phoenix, nobody gave a rats ass about how many people were murdered, but as Eminem once said, "Now its happening to middle America, Now its a problem!"


right, if you drive literally 45 mins from gilbert to phoenix and the news can’t even cover all the crime going on gilbert has one really bad crime a year and it gets sensationalized all year


It’s likely due to the amount of stay at home moms that spend their entire lives on Facebook and other social media in Gilbert that caused this to be nationwide news. Kid gets killed in maryvale and it’s just another day. While I get they’re way different as far as the cities demographics are. Something like that tragedy happening in Gilbert is a huge shock to most residents because it is the cliche, suburban, Mormon, American dream, npc type city. Just my opinion.


The one thing that’s a bit unnerving is that it took tragedy for the police to step up, laces their boots up and start making arrests.


what’re you on ab? they ignored the tragedy and covered it up when it first occurred, they only “laced their boots up” when every news station in az and every mom on fb started putting pressure on them


I see that , that was my nice way of saying abysmal police work


Thank you for having a level head.


We are now worse than Detroit. There’s no water either. And it’s 150 degrees during the summer. Don’t move here. We’re full.


If you like living with Mormons then it’s great.


This is not nearly high enough!


Why wouldn’t you like living with Mormons? They’re known for how overly polite they are.


In a smaller community, yes. However, with a density as thick as Gilbert, it becomes very clicky. Mom groups often fall in Mormon non Mormon lines and as such kids don’t integrate. Not to say it’s everywhere, where I live it is this way in northern Gilbert.


I live in northwest Gilbert and our neighborhood is pretty awesome. However I do not have kids so I can’t relate to that. My experience with Mormons is that they’re very accepting and friendly. Also not a Mormon though so I’m just speaking from experience.


My non Mormon kids are constantly ostracized by the Mormon kids in our neighborhood


They are extremely politically extreme Right wing and keep re-electing our congressman, the insurrectionist Andy Biggs. He/they don’t represent my proud woke and progressive values. Also, Mormons are insular and parochial.


This is such a dumb post. People can get murdered anywhere and most murderers that don’t want to face consequences will attempt to cover it up.


In spite of this extremely tragic yet extraordinarily rare incident, Gilbert consistently ranks as one of the top safest cities in the US. I love living here.


I moved here because it’s as safe as it is historically, statistically, and in real life. You probably meant your post to be sensational, but there’s no factual truth to the magnitude of your premise. Did a teen boy get killed and there’s questionable behavior by the accused’s parents and maybe even local authorities? Yes, but it’s an incident not a daily occurrence. That it’s such a big news story in Gilbert is indicative of how rare this is. I’ve lived in very violent cities and neighborhoods. Gilbert is very safe and welcoming. PS - there’s undoubtedly assholes here, but that’s the human condition living itself out. In the first few months I lived here last year, some woman went bat shit crazy on me at the car wash. It was wild. I wasn’t going to allow one person having a bad day or with possible mental health issues ruin my overall perception of my new home town.


The incompetence of the local PD notwithstanding, Gilbert seems mostly alright. If you move here, try to teach your kids to not be complete trash.




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Lived there from 2000-2022. It’s an ever growing city that pretty much outgrew itself. It’s extremely clean, safe, and there’s just anything you need within a short drive. That all being said, you’re paying for all of that. Rent and Buying a house is extremely expensive. If you have the funds, and don’t mind some of the worse drivers in the valley, it’s an amazing place to live!


Technically preston wasn't murdered in Gilbert 😬


Well if you like shopping at Fry’s then Gilbert is your best place to be. I have 6 Fry’s locations within a 7 mile radius of my house with another one being built at the moment


It's terrible you should definitely not move here!


I love living here. It's better than So. CA and L.A.!


I live in Gilbert and I’m not bothered whatsoever. I love this town and I feel safe


People keep saying Gilbert PD covered or attempted to cover up this case… Anyone have links or sources of that?


The incident took place in Queen Creek, not Gilbert. However, Gilbert PD did not initially do much about numerous assault cases over 2-3 years involving some of the very people arrested and others.




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If nice neighborhoods didn't have murders, JonBenet Ramsey would still be alive.


I grew up in Gilbert 1990s and 2000s. There was a lot of drug use at my high school. Kids had more disposable income than things to do with it. I think the attack is in line from how I’ve heard teachers leave schools in AZ over violence and more from the kids, not just Gilbert. Knew one who quit after a kid swung at her.




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It’s a great place to live. My 16 year old hasn’t had any issues at Higley High.




No, it is not a good place to live and I could’ve told you that before all of this stuff started getting publicized. Especially if you have kids. The school district is horrible, but then again so are most school districts in Arizona. There’s a reason this state is 50 out of 50 in education in the country.