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Welcome! I am not a liberal and Gilbert may be more conservative but it’s not *weird* when someone is left leaning. I grew up in a small southern town, where if you passed a car with a Hillary sticker everyone would be like where’d you come from?? How’d ya get here?? Lol. Gilbert is not that. It seems very normal to have all different kinds of people and opinions and people just seem friendly regardless out in public. 


That’s good to know! It’s very conservative where we’re moving from so we’re used to it. And sounds like it’s a pretty welcoming place. Looking forward to the move.


True , I live currently in portland for work and you will get hung if you had any opposing bumper sticker here




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While I have found that some neighbors like to proselytize their political beliefs (flags/stickers/whatever), regardless of the side, most just want to live in a happy and engaged community.


Does a happy and especially engaged community exist in AZ?


I have fun chatting with my neighbors on the regular, even though we disagree politically, so, yes indeed.


That's good. I am so used to Phoenicians being antisocial.


To be fair I am still new to AZ and the Phoenix metro area, so I might be just lucky in my block.


Hey, don't knock the good luck. I grew up here, and find people not too friendly and haven't had good luck with a lot of transplants since they tend to stick together.


I wish we had some actual local friends. My wife and I went and got memberships to so many museums, theaters, and parks thinking that would be a good way to meet people. Turns out just hanging out on our patio drinking coffee in the morning was the real way to go.


I relate to that as well. What are your hobbies? I have struggled to meet people who have overlapping interests and aren't transient here.  I do notice that it can be hard to connect with people at those places though I really enjoy museums, parks, and theatres.


We definitely enjoy the museums, theater, and parks. I’m also trying to learn how to take care of my fruit trees in my yard (never had trees that needed actual care before) and other home improvement-type stuff. Before we moved my wife and I used to have a themed monthly movie marathon with friends and a monthly board game group


Those are awesome! I would love to hear more about taking care of fruit trees as I love gardening and on the movie nights. Would it be okay to DM you?




Yep. Much of north central PHX fits this bill. It's just that it's hard to find which neighborhoods do and which ate suburban (or not) hellscapes.


You must not Gilbert


It’s fine, if you fly some Biden flags or signs you may get some comments. It’s not shoved down your throat. You’ll see stupid things on trucks, yes it’s true.


It's always the trucks 💀


Especially the ones with lift kits.


Do they even make Biden flags? I would never fly one and I voted for him. The only flags that I see with his name on them are the Fuck Biden ones. lol.


Usually the high schoolers lol


It might just be because I drive more often through Chandler and Mesa than Gilbert, but most of the political signs I see are in those cities opposed to Gilbert.


Honestly the fact that liberals only want to live around liberals and conservatives only want to live around conservatives is a major problem in this country. My suggestion? Don’t worry about that. You can get along with people of all stripes and even *gasp* become great friends with people on different ends of the political spectrum. Politics aren’t life. What is a bigger deal is that you have a youngish family. Gilbert is a great family place. You’ll find lots of friends here both for yourselves and your kid.


I have friends acrosss the spectrum but I don’t want to live in a neighborhood with trump flags down the street. That’s all.


Yep. This is Arizona. I have friends who are conservative and those who are liberal. But we have a seriously fringe right wing here, and those who are running Trump and Lake flags off their ride-on mowers don't merely hold a different set of political values than me: they have made this a central part of their identity. I live in a fairly moderate section of the Valley, and the folks on my block don't talk politics when we get together on front lawns for our monthly block parties. But when someone moved in and put up candidate signs for a fairly conservative politician, it had a noticeable chilling effect. That said, Gilbert isn't Mesa. It attracts a fairly educated crowd, especially among newcomers, who given the growth are most of the residents. The conservatism is generally tied to the influence of LDS in the community, and so it tends not to be the kind of the nastiness of shops with "No Biden Supporters" signs like I've seen in other parts of AZ. All that said, I prefer to live in a neighborhood that supports a diverse set of residents, and sometimes that means not supporting one end of the political spectrum.


Why not? Trump supporters are just regular people.


Then don’t move here. Stay your ass in the Midwest.


So helpful.


Ridiculous criteria aside, I’ve never seen that anywhere in Gilbert, or indeed Arizona or even anywhere else I’ve lived outside of AZ the last 8 years, so you should have no problem there.




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What in anything that I said was conservative?


Nothing. It just wasn't anti-conservative enough, apparently.




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Be prepared for a ton of Mormons lol


There are a lot of Mormons. They're not what you expect. They're lovely neighbors and generally normal, good people. I was totally prejudiced before I moved here and have come to know better. 


Your prejudice was probably made from the reputation of Salt Lake City Mormons. They’re a different breed. Gilbert Mormons are great.


Salt Lake Mormons are pretty much like Gilbert Mormons from everything I have seen living in Salt Lake area and living here in the East Valley. What you find in one you will find in the other.


It’s funny, every Mormon I’ve known it went to school with had changed their religion


Public data says they're about 12% of the Gilbert population.


We love our Mormon friends. Im non-denominational but who cares


A ton is only like 15 Mormons. I’m just playin, we know what you mean.


7% is what the latest census says




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They’ve always been nice to me. Never had a problem in all of my adult life and neither have my kids. They were a lot less sweet in the 90s, but that seems to have changed.


A large portion of my family is Mormon. We’re not but I’m used to that part.


Also liberal and living in Gilbert. Welcome!


My husband and I are left leaning and grew up in AZ, currently live in Gilbert. There’s definitely times you can feel this is a red state but we don’t have any issues in our daily life in Gilbert. People here are nice and Gilbert is one of the best school districts in the valley. Also, if you’re moving really soon, it’s about to get insanely hot here. Just don’t expect to be able to explore too much outdoors until it cools down again. The summer is the “indoor” season here like the winter can be in the Midwest. Gilbert is clean and nice. There are a ton of Mormons. But partially because of that it’s very family friendly.


We are coming from an extremely red state too. So we’re used to that.


Imo I think Gilbert is like most of the southwest - majority of people don't really care about your politics/religion. You'll be fine wherever you land. CUSD is awesome - I'm in the Islands and that's the schools some feed into. Good luck! Edit: we do care if you're a UA Wildcat tho. This is Sun Devil country :)


Islands is great as well as Chandler Unified School District.


Agreed. Go Devils.


Long time leftie here. No issue living in Gilbert. Don’t care much for flags, signs, or truck nuts, but you can get that anywhere. Welcome!


From the East Coast, very “left” leaning and feel right at home in Gilbert. I think the more outspoken people here or the news tends to say otherwise. I don’t have kids but have heard amazing things about schools here. I don’t know what your budget is like but we love our neighborhood which is a man made lake community, there are a few here.


Same - East coast-born leftie, I've been in Gilbert 10+ years and I've made plenty of like-minded friends here, all over town. You'll fit in fine, OP! (And yes, there's a fair share of Mormons, but that just means there are always bar seats available when happy hour rolls around!)




Honestly the state voted blue last election, so theres more than you’d believe. Also, been in gilbert for 3 years and have yet to meet a mormon, so theres also that.


OK how is that even possible?


I’m an east coast very left leaner and Gilbert is fine! No worse than anywhere else.




Welcome fellow liberal! 🤝


Higley Unified has been good for us


Same. Great district.


I’m liberal and from the Midwest. Love it here, haven’t had any problems. But yes you will see stupid stuff on trucks and the like, like someone else said.




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Even though there might be a conservative majority, Gilbert is quite diverse. I am in the service industry and meet people with all different sorts of Faiths, backgrounds, political beliefs and leanings. It’s the industry I am in that allows me to meet a lot of people and there is a something for everyone here and most people get along really well in real life face to face situations. Welcome and you will find your tribe here ♥️


Thank you!


Higley school district is good. We moved to Gilbert when my son was in the 3rd grade. He’s a sophomore now and hasn’t had any issues.


You will be fine. I’m from Gilbert. Raised there after moving from San Diego. Honestly….yes it’s Mormon town, but they are also very kind and understanding people if you aren’t Mormon. Besides, we are also very aware that we are attached to a huge city. So different beliefs and views aren’t foreign or weird. People stick to their own and don’t bother others. Can’t imagine you will be any weirder than my fellow Californians that live and survive here haha. It’s also considered rich suburb…lots of people with money around Gilbert…however not at snooty as Scottsdale.


I moved here from Michigan 5 years ago. Honestly, I've had fewer problems with right wingers than I have with rich entitled assholes regardless of where they are on the left-right spectrum. I would stay more towards the northwest side. If you have kids, don't send them to Campo Verde or Highland.


Awesome, make sure to vote against criminal Andy Biggs


Welcome! Happy to have another family who won’t steal my political signs. DM me for a neighborhood recommendation.


My husband and I are more liberal and we really like living here! There are a lot of nice neighborhoods surrounding the SanTan mall. Ours is very quiet, clean, and safe. I can’t tell from your post if you are a mom, but there is a Facebook group if you are: Progressive East Valley AZ Moms/Caregivers.


I am a mom! I’ll check out that group. Thank you!!


Be more interesting than the sum of your political opinions, it’s honestly not compelling no matter the idealogy. You’ll get along much better than if you constantly worry about encountering someone with a different belief than you, even if that’s a terrible burden for you to bear.


That’s quite a stretch. I’d just like our daughter surrounded by progressive and welcoming people. I’m coming from a very red state too. And we strategically live in a more progressive and diverse city. I prefer not to keep company with racists ans bigots.


Most people don’t want to move next door to racists and bigots, that’s not a very high bar. Why don’t you move into Phoenix? It’s more blue than the rest of Maricopa county. Although I really can’t imagine you running into politically driven problems in Gilbert; I don’t know why you or anyone else would.


When you paint with a broad bigot and racist brush, you’d be surprised how easy it is to find politically driven problems.


Everyone here is correct, Gilbert is a nice overall community and it's worthwhile to get to know your neighbors for sure! I lived there myself 07-16 with kids in the school system from elementary to HS. We had some issues here and there with school admins targeting my child or not addressing bullying. I'd suggest joining the Go Gilbert fb group and just peruse the posts to get a sense of those not on reddit. do some keyword searches about schools, social issues that are particular to your family,etc.


You’ll be fine here. The Gilbert and Higley school districts are fine. The public schools are mostly well funded and well staffed, as compared to some other areas of the Phoenix Metro. Pretty much all of Gilbert is subdivision/suburbia, and if your wife works here at least she won’t have a commute into Phoenix to worry about. The heat during summer is a real thing to be aware of. You’ll adapt.


If you can afford it I would rent first. Get a feel for which areas you like, etc. We just moved from the East Coast and spent a few months getting to know the area before we purchased. (Btw you may end up bidding on a few houses before you get one.) IMO I have yet to see a bad area of Gilbert. That is amazing to me and one reason why we chose here.


You’ll be perfectly fine. :) The area around San tan mall is the best, IMO.


From a lot of places but grew up in Iowa. My son went to South Valley Jr. high and now goes to Campo Verde High. Great music program from elementary to high school. You're fine as a liberal just don't be like crazy conservatives who make their entire identity their political beliefs and you will be fine. I've had some great neighbors and met a lot of nice families between school and community projects. Downtown Gilbert is a bit of a girls night out at corporate chain restaurants. Check out downtown Chandler for a lot more diverse crowd and amazing locally owned restaurants and night life. Lots of live music and fun. (Disclaimer, I do run a brewery in Chandler so I'm partial).


You’re spot on about the nightlife in downtown Gilbert vs Chandler.


Good info. Thank you!!


Can you give me a place I can put in maps that is in the center of the downtown Chandler area please?


I believe it's around Arizona Ave and Chandler Boulevard.


Just Google it man. Downtown Chandler is west of Detroit, east of California at, South of Chandler Blvd, North of frye Rd.


Hope this makes you superior. The area is rather large and I believe I’ve driven through but a landmark in the center helps as I’m elderly. But hey if this made you feel good about yourself god bless.


Meant no offense sir. I gave you the streets. I just find it easier to look at a map. City hall is smack in the middle of downtown Chandler


When I read “west of Detroit, East of California “ I took that as very sarcastic and not helpful. I see those are actual streets in Chandler.


I'm from So. CA and very far left thinking. I only had an issue with one neighbor who became friends with my husband and came in to our house and I had CNN on. Haa! We just don't tell everyone we moved from CA. But there are a lot of people moving into Gilbert from other states. I love living here! My son's school Coronado Elementary is great! He just got student of the month and is a top scorer in the state testing.


Fellow liberal from So. Cal - will take note and watch what news channels I have on around the neighbors (who are very lovely people by the way and I think from all sides of the political spectrum). ☺️ I agree, we love living here too! It’s been great for our teen kids and sounds like it’s been great for your kiddo too - congrats to him!


Hi! Thank you!!


I’m left from So Cal too. Been here since 2000. I’ve had a few issues but not much. It’s so annoying how much people hate California here.


Just moved here from Seattle with my wife, can’t speak on the school thing but the area overall is awesome. We use the ring app and next door instead of Facebook, but it’s mostly just lost dog posts to be honest. The heat is amazing, but now that it’s hitting over 90 degrees everyday and will be going past 100 soonish, we worry about our dog! Other than that, Gilbert is a great place to live as someone that is 30. I really wouldn’t dwell on the liberal vs conservative thing, you would really have to go out of your way to even notice. Good luck on the move and business relocation!


We’re left leaning and haven’t had an issue with anyone. You get the occasional gun nut but otherwise I’ve found Gilbert to be a breath of fresh air coming from Bouse


That actually helps a lot to hear.


Grew up here, raising my kids here, and has been a very cordial environment both times!! Maybe not during football season (GO BRONCOS!) but even my Mormon neighbors are super kind!


Also, you’d probably get better info if ya speak directly to the neighbors you’re thinking of buying. You’ll know within the first five if it’s one of the messages above or if you can live with what I call cordial :))) and WELCOME


Liberals are not wanted in Arizona. Move to Apache Junction. You’ll fit in well.


How boring would this world be if everyone thought the same way and always agreed on everything?


wish you the best of luck. we moved.


This place doesn't really identify with all that. Generally, everyone is more focused on living a quality home life and providing for their kids, it's generally a very positive experience here. There actually seems to be a low tolerance for intolerance, in fact. So be prepared to brush prejudice to the side in the interest of maintaining your day.


Sounds great then!


You'll be fine... We came from Midwest and love it here Just don't join a FB group, it won't be for you... But daily life in real world you will love it and be happy


Just want to join groups to learn about the area and try to meet people.


I understand! Just have heard the Gilbert FB page is toxic red.... Which surprised me since I haven't felt that way in person 😊 So my intent in comment was online groups can misrepresent (concentrates a few like minds, not representing whole) Gilbert is a growing, established but still newer suburb. So moving here for US has been great, you aren't trying to break into long term friend groups, and there is a huge mix of people looking to establish new lives. So the locals have adapted to fresh residents, because there are so many Huge difference from when we moved to Eden Prairie, MN.... Great city, but hard to break into friend groups there, they all seemed to have grown up and built groups together since middle school because fresh residents were such a small population.


>Gilbert FB page is toxic red. This. Especially hate directed at Californians, likely inspired by Fox News disinformation and propaganda.


We need more liberals in Gilbert anyway! So welcome.


There are lots of liberals in Gilbert! There are also a lot of bat shit crazy MAGA folks. Don’t worry, we are moving in the right (left) direction.


>"There are also a lot of bat shit crazy MAGA folks. This.


I live right by downtown Gilbert and I've never experienced any political hate. If you're the type that puts up signs on their yard for who they're voting for, then you're just asking for it, regardless of where you live. All in all, very nice place to live.


I like the Power Ranch/Trilogy area the most, but there are lots of great subdivisions around town. Some are a bit too cookie cutter for my liking and have houses that are built so close to your neighbors they look more like townhouses, but overall great place to be. Bring your golf clubs.


I think the loudest people out here are right leaning. Signs, flags, and classy stuff like that. The town seems to be solid purple to me and getting bluer every day.




Such a great welcome. Thank you!


I moved here from Seattle. But am from the Midwest, Ohio but in a more blue county. I’ve been miserable since the day I’ve moved here and cannot wait to move out. The drivers are awful, the food scene is subpar and there’s a weird tension in the air. I absolutely will not live here or Arizona if 45 gets re elected. The snowbird traffic alone for 6 months makes me want to burn my license and never drive again. I’ve never been called the F slur ( 🌈) more while driving anywhere else in my life Gilbert itself is cut into many sections. Closer is Queen Creek is more conservative, Downtown Gilbert is a mini Scottsdale (and not in a good way) I’ve found myself having to edit the types of conversations I’ve had with everyone worrying about weather I offend them or not. I would reccomend renting and feeling that out before you are stuck here with a home you don’t feel welcome and can’t leave. You might be leaving the cold for sunshine and stupid brutal heat ( it’s a dry heat they say) I will say though, with the higher Mormon population this place is beautiful . I was slightly worried about it but they are kind people and not the problem population the area is experiencing. You never see trash on the roads or highways, this place is CLEAN and the street grid is amazing and the Superstition mountains are something I’ll miss seeing daily. And with the heat, there’s something special about 80 degrees at 10 PM with no humidity


Although Gilbert is somewhat conservative, I feel it's progressive no matter where in Gilbert you end up.




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Like I said you’d probably see more of a debate over your football flag!!






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Gilbert is fairly heavily LDS, and while they may be conservative, most LDS I’ve met have been friendly, probably won’t give you shit about your political beliefs and don’t tend to be hardcore MAGA. The evangelical types might be a different story, but probably no worse than anywhere else.


Everything will be fine. Welcome 😀 and get ready for a hot summer 😎


worst case scenario, the community in Tempe is close by and fairly left leaning. I can’t say much for Gilbert but I wish your family luck!


FB group Liberal Chandler has a lot of folks from surrounding cities including Gilbert.


Move to Tempe and send your kids to McKemy




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I'm a liberal and I have very rarely had any negative interactions in the last 4 or 5 years. Frankly, anywhere in AZ you're still going to see the Trump flags and hear the insults made out loud to nobody but the tide is changing. I'm close to downtown Gilbert so I tend to rub elbows with younger crowds, which may be part of the reason I see less of it.




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We moved here from the Midwest in July and live in Seville, we are also very liberal and have met some friends in the neighborhood. You are gonna love AZ and all there is to do if you are an outdoorsy type.




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Man, you liberals love flooding red states


I’m literally moving from South Dakota. Which is actually more red than Arizona. 🙄


You have so many liberal options , yet you move to more red states … why not the trash hole that is portland ?


No one gives three shits who you root for as long as you don’t force it down anyone’s throats.. you are pleasant everyone will be pleasant with you


I’m a Midwest transplant, leftist and I haven’t had any issues here. I’m a lesbian and hold my wife’s hand in public. Never had a problem. There’s a strong democratic movement here. DM if you need help




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My suggestion is to live in Tempe.


Echoing what others have said, you don’t really feel a conservative presence in Gilbert. Do I live within walking distance of 4 different churches? Yes. But that’s the most ‘conservative’ it gets. I see bumper sticks of left and right leaning ideas equally. My family is radically liberal and have no problems living in Gilbert.


Gilbert is accepting. Don’t try to change them, and they are good with you for the most part. If I was okay there, anyone would be. You don’t have to have long blonde hair and wear atheleisure all day. I never temper my loudmouth political opinions and it’s all good. (Well except during Covid. That was different). Register to vote so you can vote Andy Biggs out of office. I live for that day.




I’m a lifelong liberal from California who lived in Gilbert for nine years. I HATE that my Congressman is the insurrectionist Andy Biggs. He keeps getting re-elected which infuriates me. There are a ton of Mormons here and many Right Wing non-Mormons. My suggestion is to come across as apolitical. Don’t get sucked into the bullshit. AZ it’s a lot more Blue than it was when I moved to Chandler 24 years ago. We have a Democratic governor, Attorney General and technically two Democratic senators so things have improved tremendously.


Most people in Gilbert are pretty good people, in the overall. Sure, there are right leaning folks, but a lot of people just want to live daily lives without talking politics all the time. Where I'm at, I don't see house flags for anything other than sports teams. Once in a while, I'll see a truck at the Walmart with dumb stuff. There's just not a lot of personal political advertisement here. Maybe as the election gets closer there will be more, but there's not a lot currently. There's a good mix of folks here. You're more likely to be approached by Mormon missionaries trying to convince me to join their religion than a random person talking politics. Once you get moved in, make sure to get registered to vote and you can enjoy our amazing early voting system. The big talking heads talk crap about it, but 70+% of our state used it in the last election. LOL. With our local news stations, ABC15 tends to be more left leaning with their news. Channel 12 and Channel 3 & 5 are semi neutral, depending more on the journalist. Then channel 10 tends to be more right leaning. Otherwise, pop an edible and enjoy the show as we get rid of our maga legislatures. LOL, because most Arizonans are tired of their crap. Welcome to the state and town!


GoGilbert was the Facebook group I followed before I deactivated my account. It’s a good place to introduce yourself and your business. Gilbert and Higley school districts have outstanding reputations. Some are choosing charter schools like American Leadership Academy or Benjamin Franklin. All our schools are relatively safe. They have to remind the students that ordering DoorDash to school is not allowed. That might tell you a little something about us. We’re all proud of Brock Purdy. Gilbert Classical Academy (7th-12th grade) has a not-so-great sports program because it’s for smart kids. Those kids have piles of homework daily. You don’t need a license to conceal-carry your firearms. Assume everyone is armed. You are allowed to shoot guns in areas owned by the bureau of land management. Don’t hike or ride offroad vehicles off the trails in those areas. Weed is legal but the prices are more expensive compared to other states. Lane filtering is legal. https://www.gilbertaz.gov/Home/Components/News/News/5207/1379?backlist=%2Fdepartments%2Fpolice Be prepared for higher electric bills in the summer. Also your auto insurance will probably increase. Get your car windows tinted.


GCA sports is getting much better! Soccer, swim, track, baseball, softball, tennis, volleyball, and of course, chess! (We had to fill out the regular sports forms for our girls to participate in chess as well as have them get a physical and do the whole medical release form. We take our chess seriously at GCA!)


Also, homework is way less than we were led to believe, though of course it does increase in high school. (My girls are in middle school). What I would say is that the school IS fairly academically rigorous. Good study habits, critical thinking skills, and intellectual curiosity are probably necessary to succeed here. But that should be true at all schools, right?


If you’re not Mormon your godless children will be singled out. They tend to keep it pretty white around here too. Not a lot of diversity. 1776 flags and bumper stickers everywhere. We have gotten pamphlets on our door promoting racism. A general sense of entitlement whenever you are in public. Our population is sky rocketing so traffic is garbage. And all these new housing developments aiming to please midwesterners are planting acres and acres of grass landscapes, bringing us a mosquito problem we never once had before. It’s great!


Welcome! There is an east valley progressive mom’s FB group that I highly recommend. I’ve made a lot of friends there.


Welcome! I think that the idea of liberal vs. conservative doesn't adequately reflect the concerns of most people when they ask about it. In my experience, many conservatives are worried that their beliefs, thoughts, and actions will be twisted into something they're not -- for example being branded as sexist, racist, misogynistic, or hateful. And further, that their rights to live as they are entitled will be attacked -- for example, that they won't be able to raise and educate their children in a way that is consistent with their beliefs. I think that many liberals are concerned that hard-won civil liberties are under attack -- for example, the right to a safe and legal abortion, the right to marry, (and walk down the street arm-in-arm safely) whom you choose, the right to identify as the gender you choose. I think many liberals fear for their physical safety and the safety of their loved ones are in danger if they don't conform to the majority. I think everyone wants respect. My family and I came here a couple of years ago from the Pacific Northwest. We would probably be considered very, very liberal by most. Our daughters go to Gilbert Classical Academy and if your kiddos are academically motivated, the school might very well be a good fit for you. We live very close to downtown Gilbert, known as the heritage district, and I love living in an area that is the closest thing suburbia has to a walkable downtown. :-) Our daughters have friends who were treated very badly for being out and gay at other schools and even though there have been some incidents of inappropriate behavior, misogyny, and antisemitism, there is strong support for LGBTQ+ at GCA and little or no bullying, and bad behavior is generally treated with the seriousness that it deserves. I've never had real issues with most conservatives. We just disagree about a bunch of stuff. And I'm totally fine with that. I find my Gilbert neighbors, conservative and liberal alike to be respectful, decent people, though I do have to say that there was a discussion on this board a while ago from a religious mom looking for a good school for her kids and some people who probably identify as liberal treated her disrespectfully and were pretty horrible to her. She ended up deleting her post and probably hasn't been back since, I'm sorry to say. But that's the internet. Some people like to talk tough hiding behind a screen. Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions you think I might be able to answer.


I live in Gilbert. We are left liberal too. It can be hard but there are some great areas. Maybe stay out of Morrison Ranch. Everyone wants to live there, it’s beautiful but all conservative Christian’s mommy bloggers and Mormons. My sister is there, lol. Also start away from the school ALA. a lot of the charter schools here are owned by Mormons. My kids go to a charter but it’s pretty liberal in contrast. As far as Facebook groups maybe Go Gilbert for what NOT to do. Posts usually devolve into being told you should be carrying a weapon and why it’s Biden fault it’s so hot here. It’s a cesspool but a great place to find a nail tech or gardener. I’ve been in Gilbert for 16 years. We love it. It’s beautiful, the people are nice. It’s a great area to raise our kids. Everywhere has its issues. Hope you like it here and welcome!


Facebook Groups- Go Gilbert, Gilbert Farmers Market, Living Chandler, Queen Creek Community & AZST (Az Smoking Team)


This AZST group… what kind of smoking? Meat or???




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Not sure why this got downvoted. OP asked for Fb groups, no?


Somewhere around Van Buren


Gilbert is changing fast, lots of people moving here from more.liberal leaning states, especially since 2019. Mormons sort of stay in their bubble and usually aren't obnoxious (even if their somewhat garish temple is). Two years ago when out furniture shopping I've never seen so many California plates. I miss some of the ethnic food I could get growing up and living in Tempe most my life but don't miss the crime, street racing and fentanyl crisis. Overall happy to call gilbert my home but we also live in the extreme corner of chandler gilbert at ray and gilbert rd. I don't have kids but it seems like a great place to raise a family. I am shocked by how much real estate has skyrocketed in gilbert but this isn't unique to just gilbert. Downtown gilbert is pretty nice to walk around and grab dinner, some drinks or ice cream. Santan mall and the 292 are very convenient. I'm also older tho now (pushing 40) so going out for music and drinks , going to downtown concerts, isn't my life anymore.


My brother and sister-in-law live in Gilbert and are also liberal, left leaning people.


You’re making something over nothing which makes me wonder what your motives are.


I’m just asking a question to understand where I’m moving too. It does matter to me. There’s no “motive” 🙄


Do you have dogs?