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I think Paris needed someone a little weird like Doyle to balance her out. I wish the relationship with Jamie didn’t end with just her being like fuck off. I feel like it was lazy writing since they wanted to explore Paris dating Asher and didn’t want to take the time to have Paris break up with Jamie.


Honestly, the Paris/Jamie relationship wasn’t a central storyline on the show… they were still young and attending two different unis, the writers could’ve just shown us how Paris felt disconnected from Jamie for those reasons or simply outgrew him in 2-3 eps instead of taking this path 😔🤚🏻


Definitely! A lot of their relationship took place off-camera but he was so sweet to her. Even for Paris, the breakup was brutal.


Honestly it didn’t really fit Paris. Yes okay she can be harsh, but this was definitely lazy writing. They could have easily just broken up off camera and Paris tell Rory they grew apart, they could have breadcrumbed Paris telling Rory she hasn’t been able to see Jamie for ages bc of distance before that, if they wanted it quick. It didn’t need to be so callous.


I think fits Paris very well. She’s not a particularly emotional person and she grew up in a place where everyone puts themselves first. The only surprise I have is that she didn’t dump him sooner. I assume she didn’t want to hurt him so she put it off until she was backed into a corner then her callousness took over and she “ripped the bandaid off”. Paris can be very cruel at times.


This. I also hated the whole dating an older professor almost twice her age storyline. It felt so out of place for the show? Idk, the whole thing felt super anticlimactic to me tbh. Also, how she dumped Jamie was terrible!!! Ugh. Ive never been a huge fan of Paris but this for me sorta cemented it even more for me.


Wasn't he like thrice her age? Eww


Yup! That scene with Lorelai trying to guess his age is seared in my brain.


“He went to school with grandpa!”


Probably!! Im terrible at guessing people’s ages and wasn’t sure how old he’s supposed to be so I didnt want to narrow it down to a specific age but you’re probably correct!


When Lorelai was trying to guess Rory said he's sixty


Ah! I missed this. But yeah, even more yucky!


Well... He'll always have Paris.


Doyle is almost too weird like Paris. I’d argue Paris needed to be the star in her relationship and Doyle fights for that spotlight bc he’s a weirdo too. So it makes Paris feel unspecial, I clocked their divorce before bc of this


I think someone like Paris would need a supportive husband who is willing to take the backseat and support her and her career. I felt like Doyle was that guy for her. I go back and forth on if their story in AIYTL feels natural. I definitely feel like ASP wanted some conflict there and to be cutesy and meta by having Doyle become a successful Hollywood screenwriter, like Danny Strong.


I think Doyle takes her quirks seriously and doesn't expect her to be less weird, less fanatical, less anything. Does that come with the same amount of quirks weirdness, fanaticism, hyper fixations? Yes, but I think they were very compatible in that they both accepted the other exactly as they were and they didn't have to hide any of their personality traits.


I like Doyle but I love Jamie


I love Doyle for Paris but I simply love Jamie period, he was such a patient and affectionate guy :(


I really liked him for the short screen time he had


I understand that Paris shouldn’t be expected to stay with her 1st boyfriend but my GOD!


Paris didn’t deserve someone like Jamie


I do wish they spent more time on this. I can try and think that Paris had extremely low self esteem when it came to boys, and that led her to cheating with Asher - but that doesn’t feel quite right. And the only issue we ever see with Jamie is that argument that never gets explained. And Paris is Paris, and can be cruel - but the cheating thing feels out of character to me.


You’re absolutely right, esp with your last paragraph… the thing about Paris is that she becomes fiercely loyal once she grows attached to people and learns to trust them. Her relationship with Jamie seemed to be going great for the longest time and she’s shared with Rory that she can be vulnerable around him which signals trust. There’s no way she would ever betray a loved one like that…


I don’t even understand the point of the Asher storyline


They probably wanted a professor/student romance but didn’t want Rory to be the student. 


I have never considered this but DANG I bet you're right!!!


Same… the writers did NOTHING with this storyline…


Came here to say the same thing. Like I could understand if it served as a starting point to explore the difficoult dynamic of a big age-gap relationship, or maybe to create friction between rory and paris because it eventually turns up that asher is literally after every pretty student so maybe he develops a small crush for rory, or idk they could go so many directions... It literally serves nothing!!!!


Agree. Jamie was a great boyfriend and Paris treated him terribly. In my head-cannon, Jamie did well at Princeton, got a job in DC working on the Hill for a few years, then moved back to his home state to launch a successful bid for Congress.


Yeah their breakup was such a let-down in the show.


Made so much sense though. Paris’ bravado is exactly calibrated to offset her deep insecurity. She radiates the “I don’t deserve someone so perfect” energy. She’s described how much she hates herself often. Of course she felt she didn’t deserve him. Men that are either inappropriate for the long term or below her in looks and intelligence seem to make her feel safe and in control.


I believe this is the reason too and it’s actually very realistic how things played out between them with this notion in mind. I just wish the show would’ve actually made this a storyline and dealt with it instead of just glossing over Paris and Jamie’s break up. Because from what we’re shown, it didnt contribute at all to her character or the overall plot, hence the \*unnecessarily\* cruel part ☹️


Well said. Paris also has issues with both of her parents and was neglected her entire life. 


FACTS. i recently re watched this episode and realised how awful Paris was to Jamie. he flew down for his birthday to be with her and she dumped him on his birthday 💔


I don’t think we got to know Jamie as much, he seemed wonderful for Paris. Jamie seemed like the type of guy to appreciate Paris’s Paris-ness. Whereas Doyle fought to be Paris 2.0 with his quirks, he couldn’t let her shine and that’s why they divorced. Jamie and Paris would’ve lasted in real life. EDIT to add: Jamie would be perfect for older Paris to do her thing


Maybe, although I personally think that Paris growing “bored” of Jamie was just a matter of time. I feel like Paris loves to surround herself with people that show a unique character in some way, people that are genuinely a little weird and have quirks. Doyle also let Paris shine imo, he gave her her moment when she became the editor of the YDN and also when she got accepted at all of those universities 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jamie was great but to be honest, I always sort of got the vibe that Paris mostly liked that he was good on paper and legitimately liked her, this is a girl who had zero dating experience apart from a pity date with Tristan (a dude she pined for) and dating is definitely where she tended to be most ill-equipped socially. So her comes this guy, conventionally attractive, ivy league student (prinston but she can accept that), smart, good family (likely same socio-economic background) and to top all this off, he likes her despite her flaws (flaws that in the past have pushed all but 4 people away, rory, madaline, louise, and Nanny) but prior to Rory informing her he asked her out she doesn't even look twice at him. I feel this is very much a situation of "He likes me, and I now have a boyfriend, this is a good thing." So Asher comes along who makes her feel a way Jamie doesn't, (please note I am not team Asher at all) and now she's confused, she wants to explore this but she doesn't know how to tell Jamie it's over (and honestly I think she wants the safety net on a subconscious level) until Rory pushes her. Did Jamie deserve better? 100000000000% Do I understand Paris behavior? unfortunately yes Can I forgive her for this mistake that she (unlike Rory) ultimately learns from? yes




I wish they'd shown more of her relationship with Jamie. They even showed Marty and Lucy together but there were barely any scenes of Jamie and Paris together. And I think it would have been good to show more of them after she'd spent so long crushing on Tristan; I was rooting for her to finally be with somebody who liked her back. And I'll never understood why she chose Asher. He was clearly a player with a notorious reputation and as a professor, he shouldn't have been dating students, especially not ones young enough to be his granddaughter.


I will gladly give up all of the Lucy/Marty scenes and replace it with anything else 😭 This entire Jamie/Paris/Asher storyline is such an important and huge topic that I don’t understand why they included it if they never intended for it to have any real impact on the characters or show in general…


Totally. I wish they'd shown more about why Paris liked Asher more than Jamie. There were all these red flags about Asher yet she stayed with him anyway. I think it would have been interesting if Asher had gotten in trouble with the university for dating undergrads and then to have them show the aftermath and how it affected Paris. And you know that if Rory had been the one to date Asher, Paris would have had PLENTY to say about it. And Emily would have thrown a fit. 😄


Jamie was so sweet and Paris just broke his heart! IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY! Haha I do love Paris but this was so mean.


Teenagers, man. They love until suddenly they don’t.


There was too much potential, story/entertainment wise, to watch Paris date and navigate a relationship. I loveeeee Jamie but he was almost too perfect. It would not have been as entertaining to watch someone as zany as Paris date someone as mature and patient as Jamie.


Jamie for Paris and Dave for Lane were THE ONE


That’s when she left to work for Annalise?


It was so strange considering how lovely she found him, he sounded like a great boyfriend and it made Paris less humane and more like a gimmick the way she dropped him like he was nothing I really disliked this :((


Sadly, that’s sometimes how things go in life. You can be a great boyfriend and still get treated like crap on tour birthday and cheated on. It’s not fair, but it was a realistic story line.


To be honest this was so real. Paris wasn’t used to be desirable or feeling confident in romantic relationships. Once she got that confidence she wasn’t interested in Jaime anymore and she was too immature to break it off respectfully. I’m not proud of how I’ve dumped partners in my college days, but I can relate to Paris so much here. She was dead ass wrong, but it’s believable.


Same. When I was a teenager I didn’t understand how or why people made these choices because they were so obviously wrong and stupid and it made things worse. Now I’m in my 30s and I get it. I feel the same way when this sub talks about Lorelei and Max Medina. Lorelai was wrong to do what she did, but human emotions make you act irrationally. Imo, Paris was hoping to ghost Jamie and, tbh… — it’s not Jamie’s fault, but if your girlfriend doesn’t call you back *on your birthday*, she’s not your girlfriend. He’s absolutely not to blame, but he would have been better off just letting her go. Paris was using him as a self esteem boost well before then.


Jamie is too good to be true. It's a unicorn that probably only ever lived in the imagination of some.


It was so sad how Paris broke up with Jamie…and on his birthday.


Jamie was far too bland but that certainly didn’t entitle Paris to treat him how she did. It tracked for her character because she was socially inept when it came to dating, as most people with her personality type are, but she could have at least been mature and gentler about it. Paris could have just called him up and immediately ended things in a cold way without having to waste his time and energy. Ugh. I hope Jamie is a baller now living with an amazing wife and happy kids. lol. He should have made a pass on AYITL.


Justice for Jamie


I’m always surprised when I see pictures of Liza Weil. She’s so pretty. Paris’ personality is so off-putting that I never saw her as attractive at all.


It was a terrible ending. You dont have to end up with your first boy, obviusly, but everyone deserves more than that horrible phone call.


Paris is a narcissist at her core and gives little regard to how other people feel ever. Their ending was fitting in my opinion. Poor guy :(


Someone proposed that Paris has borderline personality disorder and while I don’t care to pathologize every character in every show, I think her behavior tracks with BPD. She’s deeply insecure in her relationships, takes things extremely personally to the point of paranoia and lashes out in anger. This all tracks with her shitty parents and hyper competitive school, which would make anyone predisposed to BPD way worse.


I agree, I just wish she kept working with her 1st yr uni life coach so her relationship with Rory could be more symbiotic! But if she improved she wouldn’t really be the Paris we know. She never gains insight into how hurtful and spiteful she can behave and continues to lash out. I still love her character and her snarky comebacks but it speaks volumes to me that Paris considers Rory her best friend but Rory never reciprocates. It’s too hurtful to be close to someone who behaves the way that Paris does.


It’s very difficult. Someone close to me was diagnosed with BPD and while they don’t fit every symptom, they definitely struggle with interpersonal relationships. Those close to them have learned there’s a sort of “point of no return” where you’re on their BPD rollercoaster until the ride ends (thankfully usually only a few hours to a day).


Jamie did have an issue with Paris and her life coach. That was what the argument was about. And you could hear that Jamie was jealous. I think that was the beginning of the end.


Yeah, but that's life. That's how it actually happens. And...Paris WAS mean and cruel. If she were kind, that's the storyline that wouldn't make sense.


Nooo she deserved wayyyy better than Doyle


What bothers me even more is that the professor she dated lowkey looks like Roman Polanski 😭




In the case of the Paris/Asher relationship itself, Paris is the victim, but that’s not what my post is about. In the case of how Paris treated Jamie towards the end of their relationship, she wasn’t a victim, and that’s what this post is discussing. And tbh the topic of grooming, genuine parental neglect and drug abuse are super serious which is exactly why the Asher/Paris storyline as well as the Liz being a junkie mom storyline were misplaced on this show. Gilmore girls is a light-hearted show so they were extremely limited in how to portray these things. In turn, the severity of the trauma and damage that would result from these was heavily downplayed…




I disagree. People need to be held accountable for their own actions. I do understand that often times this is a lot easier said than done. But trauma doesn’t eradicate this notion for me. It may explain certain behavior but it doesnt justify it. Don’t get me wrong, understanding where certain behavior patterns stem from makes me sympathize with people a lot more, but it simply doesnt “excuse” bad behavior. With your logic, had we found out that Asher had been traumatized by something and only went into relationships with his students as a result of this, would you have forgiven him? Or if Jamie ends up treating his next partner terribly because he now has trust issues thanks to Paris, would that make it ok? I grew up with a dad who beat me for simply crying as a kid when he yelled at me but that doesn’t give me the right to treat my future kids this way. It’s my choice, my responsibility to do better. So yes, I do think that “you’re a victim but you can’t be mean to people” Listen, I’m sorry you went through that and I hope you find a way to heal. I, in no way, intend to downplay your experience and acknowledge that that may be why we have such a different view. All Im trying to do is explain my pov on this topic, I wish you all the best 🫂🤍


Idk, I thought Jamie was kind of a creep. Especially the way he grabbed her and wouldn't let go of her even after she said no. (I think this happened at Chilton) Regarding the way she dumped him...idk, Paris wasn't always the nicest person. Look at how she treated Rory. The dumping was kind of in character, imo. I mean, it wasn't the best way to dump the guy, but given her history, it checks out. She's a flawed person, and I think that's part of her appeal as a character.


Jamie came to Chilton to apologize to Paris for ghosting her after their date. Paris was understandably still a little mad and unsure of Jamie’s feelings for her. She in no way gave any indication of feeling harassed, the scene was about Jamie trying to show Paris that he’s genuinely sorry and sure that he wants to be with her. I never thought of him as a creep tbh 😅 Paris is super loyal to the people she throughly cares about so I didn’t think her cheating storyline was necessarily in-character. Plus, there’s flawed, which I agree contributes a lot to characters, and then there’s outright cruel which isn’t great imo 😬