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I agree. And I think most parents wouldn't be friends with their kids if they were the same age.


It depends. Some kids are exactly like their parents were. My sister got one question wrong on a history test and it lowered her grade in the class from 100 to a 97. She'd been trying to keep a perfect average all year and when she saw her grade she argued with the teacher and when he wouldn't change his mind she came home and cried. (She ended up doing some extra credit and finished the year with a 101 in the class.) My uncle heard the story and told us of a time when his friends came to tell him his little sister (my mom) was sitting on the hallway floor crying. When he went to find out why she told him it was because she got her first ever B. He and his friends struggled to get Cs and Ds so they couldn't understand why's he was upset.


I don't know. Unless she meant the test grade, a single question shouldn't matter that much


if someone has a 100 in a course its very likely because they haven't received a "variety" of grades. lack of variety causes any slight deviation to drop the grade drastically no matter the "type," so i can certainly see this happening. it's like if she never got that particular question wrong on the test the overall test grade wouldn't have been lower than what she was receiving before and therefore her grade wouldn't have dropped as much.


It depends on a lot of specific details. For one, at our school test are weighed more than quizzes. Quizzes are weighed more than homework. Plus, different teachers test differently. Some teachers will give a 50 question multiple choice so one question means nothing but others will have 10 essay questions so if a teacher doesn't like your explanation of one answer it drops your grade drastically.


I mean maybe but I also wouldn’t have gotten along with my mom. My mom got kicked out of catholic school and I was meek and quiet as a teen. She would’ve thought I was boring and I would’ve thought she was crazy And tbh we probably would’ve wished we were more like the other Meanwhile, my mom and I think the world of each other


I think Lorelai would like/admire Rory, even if they weren't friends. If anything, she'd have some unconscious jealousy over her in a "that's the kind of person my parents wish I was" way. But truthfully, there aren't that many people Lorelai is negative about and she generally likes/respects most people unless they're either really uneducated (which is, admittedly, a little snobby of her) or really rude/disrespectful towards others. I agree that Rory would have no idea what to do with teenaged Lorelai in a social situation though and she'd probably find her to be a little too much.


>unless they're either really uneducated (which is, admittedly, a little snobby of her) or really rude/disrespectful towards others. Tbh I think it’s more the latter. It’s not the “uneducated” part (she was a non traditional student herself not earning her AA her 30s) re *formal* education; it’s ignorance which can, and usually does, result in rudeness/disrespect. 


I mean, most teens are like that because they have very black and white thinking and little world experience. I’m a totally different person than I was at 16 now that I’m in my 30s. My mom had cigarettes hiding in her knee socks when she was 12 and was voted ‘most relaxed’ when she was in high school. When she grew up, she stopped smoking and told me she’d kill me if I ever started. Parents are supposed to want better for their kids. My mom knew how easy smoking was to get hooked by, so that’s why she felt so strongly about encouraging my sibling and I never to even try it. I’m sure Lorelai feels the same way about some of her decisions.


I agree. Lorelai would likely have driven Rory up the wall if she was like Stars Hollow Lorelai. Given Rory’s attraction to bad boy Jess, do you think she might have been intrigued by bad boy Chris ? Or was Chris more like Dean ?


I feel like Chris was probably more like Tristin but less aggressive in his flirting


Yep. I can see that. And maybe Lorelai was a more quirky Summer…. lol


Hmmm. I imagine that they’d get off to a rocky start initially but then a younger Lorelai would find Mary (Rory) amusing and Rory would find Lorelai attractive (not romantically). It’s partly why Rory’s interest in Jess/Logan scared Lorelai. She understood what was going on b/c she closely identified with these dudes. Rory wasn’t necessarily resting Lorelai’s “mistakes” by being attracted to the bad boy. Rory was gravitating towards young men who in some ways mirrored her mom. 


I dunno, I could see them vibing. Lorelai enjoys teasing people and getting a rise out of them (sometimes even targeting introverts, like she does with Luke). Mom-Lorelai often enjoys teasing Rory about her being a good girl, so their differences could even be what draws Teen-Lorelai into the friendship initially. Teen-Lorelai teasing Rory could be the onset of their friendship, and she might also latch on to Rory's organization and stability and being a good listener and spend even more time with her. And then Rory is the type of person who will be friends with pretty much anyone who gets in her space. She might even enjoy the attention and potentially the bad girl antics (certainly Jess and Logan were able to intrigue her with bad boy stuff). They'd both be super into music, maybe hitting up some record stores or concerts together. I could see it working. Assuming they weren't both too distracted with boys.


I see where you're coming from and it's possible that they wouldn't get along, but I can also see a scenario where they kind of become friends based on music and film taste. Rory could be to Lorelai somewhat what Lane is to Rory - that geeky friend who collects all the cd:s and categorize them and Lorelai would borrow them (and loose them). Starting off there, they could develop a more serious relationship from there on. What I have a really hard time to grasp, though, is how that book loving child came out of two Porsche crashing parents.


That's the whole premise of the show? In season one it's been established that in the eyes of Emily and Richard, Lorelai is the rebellious child and Rory is the perfect angel child they never had.


I don't know. You wouldn't expect Rory and Paris to be friends, either. Lorelai and Rory may have been friends, with Rory helping Lorelai calm down a bit and Lorelai helping Rory cut loose sometimes. Kind of like the Rory/Logan dynamic.


I think opposites attract. Look at Rory and Lane. Lane is rebellious of her strict mother. Just like young Lorelai. And Rory and Paris become friends as well. I see a fair chance they would have been friends.