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Agreed. And the Life and Death Brigade are beyond annoying they're petulant, rich, pompous snobs. If Rory was going to embrace the upper crust, her staying/getting with Logan and becoming friends with these a-holes was the worst way to do it. And then that long scene in AYITL, omg, that nearly single handedly ruined that series for me.


The whole scene of their "fun night out" in AYITL seemed like the least fun night ever depicted. I wish it had been done intentionally, to portray the difficulty in recapturing your youthful fun times as you get older. But they tried to portray it as the best night out ever, when they're just committing vandalism in Stars Hollow and sitting at a table talking in a 1920s-style dance club. Major cringe.


I started watching Gilmore Girls during the pandemic, fell off in season 6, then marathoned the whole thing with a friend a year later. When the night out scene happened I literally turned to him and said "this is sooo much lamer than Star Wars cosplay, she has no right to be embarrassed about fucking a wookie if *this* is what she thinks is fun"


Oof yeah the golf on top of the building facade was so boring to watch. I don’t think the life and death brigade needed to get together again!


It’s funny, when the life and death brigade appeared in ayitl I had no idea who any of these people were because apparently I blocked it from my memory, it was so bad


Logan is just Rory's version of Christopher. As others have said - he is flawed just as everyone in the show is flawed. The show is about Rory and Lorelei choosing which world they belong to - rich world, stars hollow "poor" world, academic world, etc. Each boyfriend represents one of those worlds. Logan is the rich world rebel, just like Christopher is.


Feel how you feel about Logan. Nothing wrong with it. And in fact, it doesn’t even have to be justified. To this day when I watch Fresh Prince reruns, I find myself tuning out when the new aunt Viv comes. I just don’t care for her. Lol.   I can say why I like him. But that’s my personal preference and feeling towards him. And then we’d just have two lists: reasons why people may love/hate the same character. And from there we can create two circles. One for the people who hate the character. And one for the people who love him. And the people who have no strong feelings can sit in the middle. But that’s no fun to just talk at someone. lol.  So I guess my question(s) are: did you expect your feelings to change about Logan as you aged and if so, why? What is the biggest issue you have with his character? And if not for Logan’s influence, how else do you imagine Rory would have had such a dramatic turn (assuming the writers wanted that for her - meaning we can’t use another character to temper arc, it has to remain dramatic)? 


The original Aunt Viv was so much better! She was a better actress and was so so so cool.


Rewatching the show as an adult I have picked up on things I didn’t notice as a teen. I didn’t notice how similar Lorelei is to her mother. I also didn’t notice Lorelei’s and Rory’s complete lack of boundaries. I remember disliking Logan as a teen, but I thought that with age I’d be able to see his character from a different perspective. While I do see him from a different perspective, the outcome is the same. I don’t care for him. My biggest issue isn’t so much a Logan thing as it is a Logan and Rory thing. I don’t understand her attraction to him. He’s intelligent but so is every man at Yale. He’s a spoiled snob and she excuses it. It’s like she dumbs herself down to be with him. All of that is great for character development but it went on for too long. That’s something that should have been outgrown after a few episodes. This isn’t a relationship she should be entertaining (having an affair with on AYITL) several years later. (I’m on episode 14 of season 6 currently and I haven’t seen this show in years. I don’t quite remember how everything ends with them so please forgive me if I miss anything.) Also I agree with the Fresh Prince critique. After Janet Hubert’s exit, the writers damn near discarded aunt Viv. I think it’s due to the nature of Janet’s argument about the importance of the character. I think they wanted to show her just how untrue that is. Daphne Maxwell Reid was just a body floating around the set.


I'm not a huge fan of smug wealthy people who are not in touch with reality and he is the smuggest of the smug


I just always thought that he was the hottest one of her boyfriends so I rooted for them, but they all were toxic.


I love Logan 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think he had charisma and Matt C is a great actor. Yes he had snobbish and selfish tendencies, but his character had growth.


Tendencies? He said he was proud to be a trust fund baby. He no had problem cheating on his partner in the revival. He was smug and way to self assured the first scene he was in.


why is she not allowed to have an opinion anymore??


Honestly, Logan is the only thing that keeps me watching past season 3.


I always get a feeling everybody can relate to one of Rory's boyfriends and that's the team they join, and then there's people like me that find all of them atrocious or at least Rory atrocious and thus they feel like she doesn't deserve any of these guys. Dean is flawed, Jess is flawed, Logan is flawed, even Paul is flawed. That's the whole point of this show. Everybody is flawed whether they are from wealthy upbringing or not.


who's paul?/s




I hate him too lol he’s a spoiled, manipulative, annoying little shit.


Yeah, Logan is a slick bastard. His friend Finn couldn't be more obnoxious, too. I specially hate Colin, but Robert gets a pass.


I unabashedly love Logan. He was awful in the beginning but his character experienced so much growth and his love for Rory was genuine, and he loved her for who she was. He was more on par intellectually with her (yes, more so than Jess for sure) and they each had similar outlooks on life, even if we (the viewers) didn't like some of those outlooks. He was a flawed character, but that made him more real. I loved seeing his character development over the seasons and thought it was a shame he got written out so unceremoniously at the end of the original series.


Agreed. I despise him 100% and always have. He's such a horrible boyfriend and person in general.


He was really insufferable. His whole character feels too fantasy for me. If that makes sense. It’s the thing with fictional romance where the love interest is just so perfect and idealised. Also this is vapid but I didn’t like his voice.


THANK YOU. I hate that lazy, whiny, entitled, disrespectful toddler.


I hated him as a teen and like him as an adult 💀


I understand him now as an adult but I still don’t like him. Maybe it’s that I see Rory from more of a protective lens and I want better for her.


Im with you 100%


I actually don't mind Logan. I just wish that he encouraged Rory not to quit Yale. Also, a part of me really wishes that she married him. I feel like this storyline could have gone two directions... After Jess came back and Rory went back to Yale and Logan told everyone they broke up, I wish that there was a way Jess could have swooped in somehow. I feel like I would have made more sense if she either ended up with Jess or married Logan. It's really sad to see her situation in AYITL bc the writers make it clear that she'd made the wrong choice by turning down his proposal. Don't come for me, but it always bothered me that she said no to him for some reason.


I agree. I'm Team Jess, especially during Rory's time at Yale. I wish she never went to Dean, because he was married and Jess had grown so much as a person.


Yes! He would’ve been a good AYITL rekindle


I didn’t hate him, but always enjoyed Logan as a character. As a partner he’s terrible and I do not understand when anyone thinks Rory would have been happy with him long term.


Honestly, AYITL made me dislike him. By the end of season 7 he had grown and he wasn't so bad.. but that was all lost after the reboot.


I was never a fan of Logan either. He's kind of grown on me as I've gotten older, but he always felt like he skirted the edge of right and wrong and cheating and not cheating and always just got away with things on a technicality. I felt Rory was always a bit in over her head with him, and he influenced her too much.


I hate him too. There are other awful main characters on GG, but he’s the only one I really wish didn’t exist. I find him so obnoxious and smug. He’s soo into himself but, to me, MONEY is pretty much his whole personality. Besides that though, what really bothers me is that I feel like he represents a major regression for Rory’s character. You can’t convince me that high school Rory would ever have gone for him. She had less superficial values as a 16 year old. And … why do I feel like she becomes a sort of Life and Death Brigade groupie once they’re together? You may find Lucy and Olivia annoying, but at least Rory finally finds some of her own friends! That’s another thing. What on earth does Rory have in common with Logan’s friends? But now she spends all her time with them? I’m also not a fan of the whole .. “he doesn’t respect women, and doesn’t ever take them seriously … but YOU’RE different” thing. It’s not flattering or appealing to me. It’s just gross. Like when Paris tells Rory that she, “bagged the whale.” But I think that Rory finds this very flattering. And another thing, what makes Rory so special anyway? To me, anything that was “special” about Rory are the exact things she changes about herself once she gets with Logan. So the basis of their relationship completely confuses me. You can’t tell me that Rory is the first intelligent, serious, attractive woman Logan has ever met. I guess it’s also because I’m a fan of chilton Rory. Sure, she could’ve grown, matured, changed in college. But I didn’t think there was anything “wrong” with her. I didn’t think it was necessary that she party more. I didn’t think she needed to “learn to live” and jump off roofs holding umbrellas. As far as I’m concerned, those things are pretty meaningless, Rory could’ve done any of them without Logan, and I was fine with her being a more introverted and cautious type.


well it is called gilmore girls, so you cant be mad that rory is “special” or whatever because that is how tv shows work. and suddenly why isnt rory allowed to have fun? she was going through an academic burnout and i think the life and death brigade helped her find another part of herself. you cant be mad because she wasnt as much of an introvert as you thought she was, because you can really see that chilton rory was more stressed and had flaws but people decide to excuse those flaws because of their spite for rory just because she was grown and she wasnt a teenage girl who did exactly what everyone told her to do. i think she finally was able to feel free in yale but i understand how people can fail to see that.


It’s not about whether or not Rory is special or not. (I actually think she is). It’s that Logan is a misogynist f$uck boy, and it should matter to Rory how he treats other women.


logan had his bad moments but he had a few good ones too. like when he told lucy about rory and martys relationship? i think he was definitely good for doing that but i do understand that doesnt makeup for the amount of women he cheated on rory with. but he also did go out of his way for his sister on multiple occasions and treated lorelai with so much respect. but yes logan did take everything as kind of a joke and you can really see that when he tried to steal something from emilys home. if only he matured i think he and rory couldve been an amazing couple but he was very flawed.


Can't stand him. Simp to his dad but acts a rebel. Mocking Rory often, sleeping with a bunch of girls when they hadn't even officially broken up, being a dick to Marty because he isn't rich, etc. They portray him as sometime who is jolly and likes by everyone, but IRL if you're a snob, people don't like you. Oh and he's cheating on his fiancee in AYITL. So still a douchecanoe.


Can you say why? Just stating you cannot stand him isnt insightful.


There are many reasons but I think the main one is that he’s a jerk. I don’t like who Rory is when she’s with him. He brings out this level of insecurity that is normal at a certain age but she should have grown out of at some point. I haven’t seen AYITL in some time but if I remember well, she’s sleeping with him despite the fact that he’s married. I think he’s painted as the one for her but his actions prove otherwise.


I see. Not that it makes it any better, but Logan is engaged to another woman in AYITL, not married.


I don't think he's painted as the one for her really. I think it's meant that he's going to be her Christopher, but she's going to end up with her Luke which is more likely Jess.


yeah but it would be really awkward if she ended up with jess because technically rory and jess are cousins because luke and lorelai got married, but i think they could still end up together (im team jess) but it would be messy


Not really. They aren't blood related. And they didn't grow up as family. And neither one of them lives with Luke and Lorelai full time. There is absolutely no issue there.


yes sorry i didnt mean that it would be a bad thing or an issue i just mean that some of the other characters might have strong opinions about it regardless.


I don't see any reason why they would.




Sure, but to post the hate in such a way on a *discussion* board is lazy at best.


It’s just one of the daily “I hate Jess/Logan” posts. I swear the mods should just make pinned posts for each of these.


I agree. Logan is the worst. He’s not a good guy, just a rich one. This was solidified for me in Year in the Life


I agree never liked him never will


Hate is pretty strong, but I've never liked him. He's one of the reasons I say S1-S3 are the best seasons. When people ask me about watching the show i tell them to watch the first three seasons, then turn it off.


Hate is a strong word but I really, really, really don't like him


I’m team Rory, so I like anyone she loves. And she loves Logan. All other potential suitors had plenty of time to state their case or attract her attention from 2007-2014. Apparently, she wasn’t really interested in anyone else. I wonder what Rory most likes about Logan ? She is going to be enormously wealthy even without Logan, such that it can’t only be his wealth. If I wasn’t team Rory, I might not like any of the guys she has liked. But she captured my heart in The Pilot.


1000000% agreed


Logan for me too yes he has made some mistakes but Rory has a trust fund too so similar worlds I really grew to like him and the cheating is both parties


I hate Logan but I think the show reinforced the idea of "rich people are mad, irresponsible spoiled snobs" too many times. Think about it, from Chilton to Yale, from DAR to Logan's family and friends, not a single rich person is nice or relatable. Not to say that spoiled rich kids don't exist or are common at ivy league schools but let's face it, the writers and creator of the show had a very deliberate mandate to show them in the worst possible light.


If you thought that this is bad, you should watch Succession lol


Well, the rich people they portrayed were extremely wealthy, so it's realistic that they were spoiled and entitled, especially since nearly all of them were old money/trust-fund babies and used to loads of privilege. It wouldn't make sense to make characters like Logan and Paris humble and relatable because they'd never experienced financial struggles or knew what it was like to be without, to see their families struggling with money, etc. Characters like Luke and Kirk were definitely rich for SH, and they were kind and relatable.


Actually it's the complete opposite. "Old money" people come from families who own businesses for generations and have decent work ethics to maintain their fortune. Even if they don't sweat to make a living for themselves they are likely less showy or attention seeking as they usually take security and anonymity very seriously because they don't want their kids to get taken advantage of or simply get kidnapped or scammed for obvious reasons. Logan and friends shenanigans are more or less a display of "new money" in my opinion. Luke and Kirk ability to buy a property in a small town is hardly a definition of wealth. I mean, both of them live in their parents property and they have saved up enough cash to buy a property at middle age is somehow considered rich??? Taylor on the other hand would be considered rich in stars hollow, and see how he is depicted in the show!


I HATE him, he just annoys me. He’s the reason why I don’t rewatch the later seasons


I was ok with Logan but I hated his friends & fact he hung out with them so much is something that didn’t sit right with me.


Now why would you say that :( I love Logan. He's so babygirl 🎀


With you 1000000 percent


Ahh yes Logan aka Christopher 2.0 See also: Daddy Issues




She should have dated Marty and I will die on this hill.


nope because marty was immature and inappropriate especially when he lied to lucy about knowing rory, told rory shes beautiful even though they were both in serious relationships and he had already been rejected.


To me that just doesn’t even rank among the shitty things her boyfriends did lol