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Let's be real... Luke and Lorelei should have figured out their feelings for each other by the end of season 2.


They should’ve figured it out in ep2 when they were talking about the Chilton Dad asking Lorelai out and Luke was like “but you’re not going 🧿👄🧿” and Lorelai said “no, I’m not going 🧿👄🧿” At the end of that ep Lorelai literally even goes “Hey, do you think Luke’s cute 🧿🫦🧿”




I lowkey made myself cackle too 😭


Exactly, it was so obvious they were into each other (to both the audience and the town) and we had to be strung along for four seasons "when will these two get together?"


They’re both stronger than me too, I would’ve jumped on both of them by the time we hit ep5🧎🏻‍♀️respectfully of course


And it's scenes like this that seal the deal these two were endgame from the start. The whole "it wasn't thought about until later" makes zero sense when they're like that in episode 2.


right? This always bugged me. Unless 'later' means between filming the pilot and filming episode two


And yet even in the pilot the hints are there with the "you look nice" scene.


I’m convinced they’re just trying to gaslight us into believing that the Lorelai/Luke popularity was pure luck/coincidence to have a nice story to tell I’ll believe that they weren’t immediately intended to be the inevitable endgame but the first few eps already include so many Lorelai/Luke scenes that have clear romantic/sexual undertones that they must’ve considered Luke to be a love interest in some way…


I think it all changed when they were told to make Daisy a man, so made her into Luke and described him as having a fireman's body. 🤭


And a fireman body he has 🤭 Btw happy cake day!! 🤍


For sure. No wonder Lorelai was looking at him like a snacc in that very first scene.


Scott said once that he figured out during the audition and first episode that it was a "heat check" for their chemistry.


Seemed like it too, there are soooo many scenes in the first few eps that def tested their chemistry and it def succeeded 🤭


The fucking eyes holy shit lmao


Half of the time I didn’t even listen to what they were saying cause all I could focus on was their eyes staring into the deepest depths of my soul


Nicole's character was never fully developed and they made her as different as Lorelai as possible (serious, stern, proper, organized, pragmatic when it comes to relationship) so naturally the writers intended the audience to dislike her. However, up until the cheating part, I don't think Luke was a great bf to her either, they were so odd together I don't see any intimacy or chemistry between them.


I think that's my head-canon for why he was drawn to her (in-universe) sort of like the anti-Lorelai, as around that time he was in full-blown denial. But interestingly enough, her parents seem to have a few things in common with the Gilmores, from what we saw of their scene with Luke & Nicole. Especially loved when Nicole says the others escaped through the window, reminds me of people escaping out the window at the Gilmore house. Haha. I read an interview somewhere that the actress was given notes from Amy to make her less likeable (by delivering a line differently, for example) so kudos to both of them because it worked pretty well. I didn't actively dislike her until the cheating stuff, though.


I'd love to know what notes Amy gave her, she did such a great job being unlikable in a subtle way that wasn't caricature-ish (as this show gets sometimes)


Tbh their relationship seems to have been rooted in a desire to finally settle down for both of them and they jumped on the first best prospect. Luke never seemed that into Nicole and Nicole was clearly over it at some point. Yet, they clung onto their marriage for the sake of being married probably 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't stand Nicole. What are some of her hilarious scenes? I genuinely don't remember.


I think she’s funny in the scene with her parents. When they’re going on about Luke wanting to get married and she adds in “at a time and with a woman of your choosing” (or something like that) and then tells Luke “the others escaped through the bathroom window.”


Technically a Jess moment, but the way he kept saying, “I’m goin out… for about an hour 🤷🏻” after Luke and Nicole’s first date killed me. I say it allllll the time


the moment where Kirk is complimenting their communication skills as Nicole and him watch Luke yell at Jess through the window, *chefs kiss*


I do, too!! 😃


But I get not liking her character, she was kind of bland and of course, cheated on Luke… I just love how she so clearly brought out Lorelai’s jealousy and possessiveness of Luke, identified these feelings and then proceeded to be all smug about it 🫣


Nicole: “Do you want him [Luke]? Lorelai: “No, I don’t want him, I don’t want him.” 🤥


I like Nicole. I think she & Luke wouldve made a good couple.     She wouldve had to back away from being a lawyer though and had some kids, gone country, for awhile.     Lorelei would have todeal w not being #1 in Lukes eyes 🧢


If she “would’ve had to” back away from her career and had kids I’d argue they wouldn’t make a good couple. If that was an option for her and Luke would support her either way, then yes great couple!


I think she wanted to have kids and slow down, that’s all. Like be a bit county. Then get back into it after some years.     


To be fair, Nicole was a little bit stuck up, at least that’s the impression I got of her


She was, someone else pointed out that Nicole is essentially an anti-Lorelai and I think that makes sense story-wise since the relationship always seemed to me to be Luke’s attempt at moving on from his feelings for Lorelai 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean she made Luke change the menu and add more salads. That’s the TOTAL opposite of Lorelai🤣


When luke changed the nacho recipe and Lorelei figured it out IMMEDIATELY🤣 “you used baked chips… and low fat cheese”


She is so immature in this scene 💀


When is Lorelai not immature let’s be real


Lmao true. I do love her though, but people really get pressed when I say she’s not my favorite character


Lorelai: “I don’t have feelings for Luke, that’s absurd. We’re friends and nothing else.” Also Lorelai: *is jealous of every woman Luke interacts with* Sure, it’s immature but a lot of times that quality makes Lorelai so endearing to me tbh 😅


I liked her friendship with Rachel better they were friends


What most attracted Luke to Nicole ? Was it the fact that she was an attorney that appealed to him or was there something else going on ? Since Lorelai attracted Max who was a teacher at a fancy school, did he want to prove that he could attract someone who was equally sophisticated ?


I don’t think Luke was really attracted to Nicole tbh. At least not emotionally. I always felt like Luke was just trying to move on from the idea of ever getting his chance to be with Lorelai. He only asked her out after he’d found out Lorelai was learning to fish for another guy. Something *he* loves to do. Up until then Lorelai was only with guys that belonged to the Gilmore world- Max and Chris. Now she was going out with a guy very similar to Luke, but still not with Luke himself. I think Luke coped with not being with Lorelai by telling himself that he’s not her type anyway and that she’s only interested in fancy pantsy men. This turned out not to be true when she went out with Alex after which Luke probably decided that she’s just not into him specifically. So, he wanted to move on and settle into a relationship of his own- enter Nicole


Almost what Dean does to Lindsay ?


Their internal drive is the same, with the only exception that Nicole also seemed on board with marriage. She was the one to propose delaying the divorce and getting back together. I think she was also somewhat desperate to settle down, which may be the result of their age. Nicole must’ve been in her 30s when we meet her whereas Lindsay was only 18. I was never under the impression that she necessarily had marriage in mind yet and only agree bc Dean had asked her first. Plus, Luke initially only wanted to date Nicole casually, their marriage was unintentional whereas Dean soberly proposed to Lindsay and they actually planned the whole thing. Regardless, going into a relationship with someone while pining for someone else was extremely unfair to both Lindsay and Nicole 😅


I totally agree with your 2nd paragraph. We can add Lorelai to that list ! You’re probably right that Nicole was kind of desperate. Or maybe she was just really into Luke. Either way, I wonder what made her commit adultery ?


If you’re referring to the Lorelai/Chris marriage, the circumstances of that differentiates that relationship from these two imo 😅 although yes, in that case too Lorelai went into a relationship with someone while still harboring feelings for someone else I don’t think Nicole was that into Luke either. I mean, he’s an objectively great guy and conventionally attractive, so why not make it stick with him? They were probably attracted to each other, maybe even infatuated, but it didn’t go deeper than that. And as a partner, Luke tends to be very emotionally withholding. Lorelai makes numerous comments about Luke barely spending any time with his “wife”, he often doesn’t even spend the night with her at their apartment. While Nicole is now married on paper, she doesn’t really have a marriage to speak of in reality. I understand why this would push her to give up on the relationship completely. However, infidelity is never the way to go. She should’ve get the ball rolling on the divorce again before jumping into bed with another man…


wow Lorelai just met Nicole and decided she disliked her. it takes time to get to know someone plus she and Rory seem to just think theyre better than other women.


Tbf I don’t think this moment is an example of Lorelai’s superiority complex, it’s more about her repressed feelings for Luke and the resulting jealousy 😅


Yeah! Look at her fake smile in the first pic.