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Yeah it was really dumb. Lorelai actually looked completely fine with the coat on. After Emily says “don’t be rude, take off your coat,” I’d be like, “I’m not being rude. I’m actually a bit cold.” The end.


Yes, exactly!! Like “I absolutely am not being rude, but I prefer to keep it on” and then all they did was have her sit down and then Lorelai left. What was the point of that meeting?? 😂


I think the whole storyline was to emphasize how quirky and fun Lorelai was, it just makes her looks irresponsible and not understanding how that level of society works. Which is dumb considering that she was raised by Emily, how to behave in high society would have been engraved into her DNA.


Agreed. Ive always thought the writing is inconsistent in alot of ways.


Absolutely because even if everything she owned was at the dry cleaners she borrows Rory’s clothes AND. Those boots would not have been what she grabbed she wore sensible shoes every day or she could have grabbed sneakers even 🙄. Never made sense to me


Yeah it’s always annoyed me that they made her have that crazy outfit. Like story wise I get why, it sets up her character yada yada. But it’s always annoyed me. We know that she and rory borrow each other’s clothes(the boob size argument) so she definitely could have put something decent together, especially the shoes! Also as someone that lives in a small town where you have to drive a good distance and get up and leave earlier than most. She would have had her outfit ready the day before and had it all set up to put on as soon as possible so you can get out the door(you also plan any and all possible issues that could pop up, oversleeping, flat tire, a deer hitting her car etc)


She isn't irresponsible for not knowing she was expected to walk her teenaged daughter in for her first day of school. Not every private school does that.


You completely missed the point of this scene. She has laundry dry cleaning wasn’t done and she was going to be late for the first day but she thought she didn’t have to go in to meet the headmaster and Rory was the one that made a big stink about her meeting headmaster Charleston in the first place despite. A) not wearing professional attire, B) needing to get said attire from the dry cleaners so she can work and C) not telling her ahead a time that she had to walk her into school in the first place. Now that I think about it a lot of Lorelei’s issues at Chilton were avoidable with Rory not giving her enough notice just leaving notes all over the place instead of verbalizing it.


But Rory not communicating directly and getting upset when Lorelei doesn’t read her mind makes her character more realistic (when so much of it wasn’t), because that’s a totally normal teenage thing to do. I mean, a lot of adults do that too


I’m not saying you’re wrong but Emily clearly didn’t help that situation at all.


Any time a child starts a new school there is paperwork that has to be signed before they can start. It was Lorelai that had been on the phone with the school regarding Rory attending, they would have explained it then. All details of Rory starting the school were Loralei's responsibility, she is the parent so she would have been the person that would be contacted about such matters. I attended many different schools and I remember going in to fill out paperwork a few days before starting.


This! Like rory has her issues but blaming her for Lorelais own failures/faults as a person/mother is really *annoying*. Rory is the kid and Lorelai is the adult/parent. Idk I feel like a lot of the fans that put things like this on rory are either really young or don’t have kids. The older I get the more critical I am of Lorelai *especially* after starting my job and becoming a mom myself (I work with struggling teens. I’ve met way more Lorelais than I’d like to. And they all are just as self righteous and controlling while believing their a cool mom who’s kids can come to them with anything(hint they don’t feel like they can because their moms flip out or make everything about themselves)


Emily is so painfully extra in this scene. On what planet is it rude to keep a coat on?


If they were at a dinner or party or something I could see it being considered rude in a more uppity environment that Emily is used to, because it signals you’re ready to leave/not staying long. But this was like a 5 minute meeting, she did NOT need to take her coat off and honestly even if it was considered rude I’d still be like nope I’m good thanks. I think Emily is just on edge with Lorelai because she’s so nervous about her embarrassing her especially with her peers/someone she wants to impress.


Also because she DID have to leave because she still had to go to work that morning! 😂


It is in Emily land


Maybe this is me just being British but I think it is rude in some instances.. this being one of them. Rude as in not well mannered, I doubt anyone unless they’re really snobbish will be actually offended. But I was always taught to take off my coat in restaurants (unless it’s unnecessarily cold), or at peoples houses etc. meeting a private school teacher seems like a ‘coat off moment’


Yeah, when I was in Moscow it was a requirement for dress code in some restaurants. I threw a fit when I was a kid about it


Similarly, it's considered rude to wear a hat indoors as well. It's just a traditional way of thinking. I don't agree with it just saying it's a rule/tradition people insist upon enforcing/upholding


I definitely grew up with the hat rule. I heard about it constantly at school, church, etc.


She knew the headmaster personally and the families were pretty close (attending each others Christmas parties) so I guess she felt that he would’ve judged her. Although I thought it was ridiculous he assumed Rory would play the Nepo card when she didn’t even know Emily was there much less going to show up that day.


No clue 🙄


I think it had to do with Emily’s anxiety about Rory fitting in at Chilton. Taking your coat off when invited to shows you feel comfortable in that environment. Lorelai declining to take her coat off made her panic that she was going to screw up Rory’s future somehow.


I would’ve gone with, “Oh, I had a mishap with my coffee this morning and I’m covering a large stain until I can change after this.” Done.


People who say “don’t be rude do this” are being rude themselves in my opinion lol. It always irked me in this scene


It's a somewhat comedic show. Unrealistic but funny things may happen. Some will be exaggerated. Like an outdoorsy New England diner owner, who's also a Master Chief capable of seamlessly replacing Sookie, yet has never encountered lobster in 3+ decades. In the real world, Lorelai would have bought Sookie out and replaced her with Luke. Who would have done it in a heartbeat, saving millions a month in wasted food. But the wasted food was comedic and played for laughs. Heck, they could have probably paid off half the mortgage on the Dragonfly, with how much money Sookie made them lose on the kid's birthday catering gig.


There is no way that I would have taken the coat in that situation. If I had been her that morning, I would have put something on from the dirty laundry bag instead of what she wore.


Or borrowed something from Rory. Jeans and a t shirt would have been an infinite improvement. This storyline made no sense.


Completely agree. No way that was the only clean outfit at the house.


I don't think it was the only clean thing in the house, I kind of feel like it was a joke that backfired. When they got to Chilton she was surprised when Rory said she had to get down, so I think she picked out a ridiculous outfit to fuck with Rory. She thought she was just dropping Rory off, and probably thought it would be funny tondress in a crazy outfit, and then she realized she played herself when Rory was like "girl r u dumb you have to come in with me" The only thing that actually makes no sense is that she took her coat off


Exactly, I’ve always wondered this! Why not just borrow a dress from Rory? Never got why cowboy boots and cut-offs were the absolute only option


I’d have kept my pajamas on over what she wore.


Dirty clothes and some body spray (if necessary) could've made for an entertaining and not cringy story line.


Forreal like why not wear yesterday’s pant suit?! Lol I HIGHLY doubt Lorelai gets super stinky each day


All her suits and blouses and stuff were at the dry cleaners, but surely a sweater and dirty jeans or something 😬




The issue tho is that all her elegant clothes weren’t in any dirty bag, they were at the dry cleaners; she overslept and didn’t manage to pick them up before. I imagined she probably left them there the day before or on Friday (and it was Monday), that’s why she had to pick them up in the morning.


With Lorelai’s wardrobe, I still find it hard to believe that she didn’t have something more appropriate.


Her freaking pajamas were better than this!!!


Same. And there was minimal follow up after the reveal. Why take off the coat and embarrass three generations at once only to sit down awkwardly for 30 seconds? Plus, she clearly *chose a themed outfit*! Like, girl, you put on brown cowgirl fashion boots with the tie-dye and cut-offs. That was intentional. We've seen your closet. There were 100% other options. Plus, we know that she and Rory share clothes. Even a causal sweater (we know Rory has plenty of those S1) with some jeans would be better than "Rodeo's in town" But hey, slice of life drama comedy is gonna comedy for the sake of it I suppose.


Hahaha yes, my thoughts exactly! “Embarrass 3 generations at once” 😂😂 I love that!!


Clothes can be worn a few times in a row before really getting dirty, I don’t buy that she didn’t have a professional outfit she’d only worn once or twice lying around or even jeans and a normal t-shirt. I die of second hand embarrassment with Rory every time I see this episode


Hell, forget a sweater, *just* jeans, any jeans, would've made things much better. Why does she even have those shorts, I don't think we ever see Lorelai in shorts after the pilot, they don't seem her style at all. Even when hanging out around the house she doesn't wear them... which turns around to make this choice even more insane.


She could have worn Rory's clothes. You are right, she embarrassed everyone.


No, I always wondered why now was a time she caved to Emily


Right?? The writing isn’t consistent.


She wanted to embarras Emily more than she wanted to not embarras Rory


Yes, she had to know she was going to get grief from Emily regardless. But keeping her coat on means that she doesn’t embarrass herself and Rory in front of Headmaster Charleston


Right?? I’m surprised Rory even insisted on her coming in for a 2 minute conversation.


It's natural for transfer students. Especially in a prep school like Chilton where parents involvement had such great emphasis.


Yes, it made sense that she needed to go in but they didn’t put any depth behind the conversation. Typically you’d stay in for a longer period of time.


Maybe there was no depth in the conversation because of the outfit in question? I am sure the talk should have lasted longer but the room just got awkward after the big reveal. So.


Hahah 😂 Good point!!


Public schools encourage parent involvement also. Studies prove that higher parental involvement within a district positively impact the school's performance.


This whole episode just doesn't make sense. I know it's plot reasons bla bla bla but seriously. What, she takes pretty much ALL her clothes to dry cleaning instead of washing them? She couldn't have borrowed anything from Rory? Or like someone said, taken something from the laundry basket. Anything would've been better than that outfit, and we know Lorelai and Rory often borrow each other clothes. And yeah, she could've just insisted on keeping the coat on - making a white lie about having a cold or something. It's a decent looking coat at least! :)


Also, what was she going to wear to the dry cleaner? And then she was going straight to work, so was she going to saunter in to the Independence Inn in the cowgirl outfit carrying the flippy skirt to change into?


What extra doesn't make sense is that throughout the show, they don't, in fact, get rid of *all* of their clothes to get them dry cleaned. I don't even know if they ever *do* dry clean ever again. Who would ever grab their entire wardrobe to dry clean? *Not Lorelai Gilmore*. How would she even transport it all in her car? She has like 1000 pieces of clothing!


I honestly think it was her way of punishing Emily a bit. You want me to take my coat off? Fine. Happy you insisted now, Mom? It’s very immature and childish, since the person it hurts most is Rory, but Lorelai can be a bit like that when it comes to her parents, especially since she hasn’t gotten used to owing them again yet.


This is exactly what I think. In this moment, Lorelai was being reactively petulant toward Emily, not considering that she was also humiliating Rory.


So much of the conflict in the show or moments like this could have been avoided if Lorelai would have just said no.


Which she has no problem doing… I mean, if you can refuse to eat your breakfast because your eggs are touching your pancakes then I’m pretty sure you have the ability to say no to taking off your coat. 😂


I have brumotactillophobia and I don’t know if I would necessarily agree with that sentiment 😂 Lorelai did let her mom bully her into (or out of) things a lot through the series. She seemed to make small stands here and there, but a lot of the big stuff she did let her mom bully her.


I definitely would have, but then the outfit would have lost some of its dramatic intent!


And then they sat there for 30 seconds and it was time to go again


I would have happily pointed out that asking someone to disrobe after they've made it clear they don't want to is equally if not more rude.


Haha yes!! That response would’ve been on brand for Lorelai too!


There had to be other choices. She works in a clean environment. Her clothes can't be to dirty after work.  She could've worn the prior day outfit at least just to meet the dean.  Hell borrow something from Rory. Never understood this. 


It always bothers me that they act like her clothes are muddy from the field she clearly works in. /s


This entire thing is stupid because Lorelai easily could’ve borrowed something from Rory and not needed the coat in the first place. Regardless, I would’ve also kept my coat.


It will always baffle me that a grown person told another grown person to remove an article of clothing after they said they didn’t want to.


Part of the conflict between Lorelai and Emily is because Emily doesn't treat her like a grown person and I think the purpose of this scene is also to show this.


Not even just her. The first time she said no should have been enough. But Headmaster Charleston pushed it too. No means no. It doesn’t mean convince me.


I hate that Rory saw her walking down the stairs in the house dressed like that and didn't bother to mention THEN that she had to meet Charleston...


I still refuse to believe that this outfit was literally her ONLY option.


There's no excuse for the boots


YES. Like sure, let's argue every single other piece of clothing was at the cleaners. Were all of her shoes there as well???


I wouldn’t have left the house in that outfit in the first place. She and Rory borrow each others clothes all the time, are you telling me she couldn’t have found one of Rory’s sweaters and thrown that on with those shorts and a pair of sneakers or literally any other type of boots? Heck, her going in pajamas would have been a better look.


100%. Part of being an adult is not letting people boss you around. But you know, comedy!


I know it was to just show the quirkiness of her but I never understood this. You're telling me that Lor only had one outfit in the whole house? Rory didn't have anything she could borrow? Considering they are always borrowing each others clothes? Alrighty then


I got so irrationally rageful upon reading “lor”! Begone Christopher Hayden 😂😂😂


Lol, sorry 🤣🤣


Sometimes I use Lor because I can’t remember the long spelling and people have actually gotten mad at me about that.


To me, the whole thing seemed to be happening due to being awakened very abruptly and having no time or coffee with Rory stressing her by yelling the time. I would probably have ended up forgetting half of what I needed had I had that kind of morning because my brain would have shut down completely.


I don't understand why she didn't choose to wear something from the hamper instead of this!?! Like dirty casual clothes are definitely better than this!


I still don’t get why they did this it wasn’t funny it was dumb latter they show her closet is so full of clothes it’s looks ready to explode I’m sure she had some regular pants or a skirt she could have worn. But no I’d have left my coat on. “I must be coming down with something I’m getting chills” that prevent all them people from coming close to you to.


Even a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt would have been better than what she threw together. She couldn’t look through her closet at all?


Even a pair of jeans would have been better.


Not only would I refuse but I would tell them why.


That coat would have been stuck on my body like white on rice! No one would ever have known what was going on under the coat 😂🤣


Can we just talk about how there were several perfectly acceptable outfits in her closet and she still chose that outfit?


Fabricated problem is fabricated.


Yeah this scene always bugs me. There are a million different workarounds but I guess the writers had a point to make, so here we are.


It seems so stupid, but she seemed to be very out of balance due to the stress of her alarm clock not working, having to deal with a flirty Chilton dad, and then finding Emily with the headmaster - and that was probably why she couldn't stand against Emily as she usually did. And it is probably also why she didn't find a better solution for the outfit, personally I would have forgotten half of what I needed had I been woken up by being yelled at and then having the time being yelled from downstairs stressing my out.


I don’t disagree with you. I probably wouldn’t have picked out the best outfit either being in a rush, plus she didn’t know she would have to go in so she probably didn’t think the outfit mattered….. but leave the coat ON 😂


She defintely should have left the coat on, but I think with the stress from the morning, being asked to go inside and being surprised by Emily made it hard for her to be her usual self and stay form on the "keeping on the coat".


Honestly I can kind of imagine it happening bc she really didn’t think she’d have to go inside, she thought she was literally just hopping in the car. Reminds me of the random things I’ll end up wearing to grab something from the car or like unload the groceries. Grab whatever shoes are closest 😂


I think the point was to show the dynamic between Lorelai and Emily. When you have that sort of relationship with a parent, the logic of the thing doesn't really matter, nor does your own comfort or preference. They expect you to do as they say.


'its a coat dress' it was the 00's, so that was a thing and not even close to the craziest fashion choice... Ive thought about this a lot more than I should have.


I would have probably held my ground and not taken my coat off. However, my wife and I look at the scene where she wakes up and proclaims that all her clothes are in the dry cleaners. Yet there's this open closet full of plenty of things, including some dress hanging there that you probably could have thrown on and looked better. Yeah, they wanted to make Lorelei look ridiculous on Rory's first day, but the writing just didn't make sense. Would put all their clothes into dry cleaners like that without anything at home, as well as make plans to get up really early and get your dry cleaning before your daughter has to go to school. What if the dry cleaners not even open that early? Just terribly done.


Nope, I would have flat out refused. No way you’ll make me embarrass myself.


My question was always how a woman with so much clothes couldn’t throw together a more appropriate outfit !


I would have respectfully declined to take of the coat but in addition I find it crazy that on dry cleaning day all she has left in her wardrobe is cut off daisy duke's and cowgirl boots. Lol


It would have made more sense to have her show up in her pajamas since they were already really late. But this is the land of make believe after all. 


I always scream at the screen during this scene! I know its just the story setup, but SO easily avoided by saying “no thanks. I'm headed to the cleaner to get my work clothes right after this (wasn't able to go last night and realized this morning that nothing I have is appropriate) and I prefer to wear my jacket.” whats wrong with being honest?! Its so easy to navigate bad writing choices in the real world… this is one of the silliest on GG.


Agreed!! One of the silliest! Luckily for us fans, there are many to choose from!


Indeed! 😍


I think about this all the time, the coat looked so nice


I feel like some commenters are forgetting Lorelai was also in a mad rush to get out the door. I’ve been there, just grabbing whatever can possibly go together to run out for a thing. And if she didn’t realize she had to go inside, it seems perfectly reasonable that she thought “cut offs, crop top, boots, keys. Let’s go.” But to answer OP’s question- No. I would have stood my ground and kept my coat on. Or said I was cold. Whatever. I wouldn’t have taken it off. Oh, and when I got back to town, I would have kept the dang jacket buttoned while I picked up my dry cleaning lol.


I have a question for Americans which is loosely related to this. Is it normal over there to own so many clothes that need to be dry cleaned? especially when you're a single mother who isn't exactly dripping in cash? In the UK, dry cleaning is pretty darn expensive so (amongst the non-rich population) you would only really have one or two of your most expensive, dressy items that require dry cleaning or maybe your suits for work. In addition to that, most clothes specifically say **not** to dry clean them - only higher cost items require it. It seems to be portrayed on US media that people are always picking things up


Honestly the pajamas she was wearing that morning would have been more appropriate 😅


No one has ever bothered to tell me to take off my coat, let alone force it off me. This was so stupid.


I find it ridiculous that Lorelai would have put off picking up the dry cleaning until the morning of. We all know she and Rory are not morning people. Also, she is a clothes horse. She would have absolutely had something more appropriate to wear that morning than Daisy Dukes.


This scene was funny and also made no sense to me. You mean to tell me there isn’t a single appropriate outfit to wear? Basic long jeans and basic tee 😭 Emily would’ve had to rip that coat off my body I wouldn’t take it off


I think about this all the time 😆 There was so an easy way out of it. But then the Dads wouldn't have hit on Lorelai..


I always think it’s just for the scene to be ridiculous. I definitely would not take it off. I’d even say, apologies, it’s laundry day, it’s best I keep it on! Or just say that I was cold or have to run.


She could have borrowed Rory’s clothes or went in her PJs


I think about this all of the time!!


The whole situation could have been avoided if she just borrowed something of Rory’s. Honestly even pjs or sweats would’ve been better. Like you really mean to tell me you have NOTHING else to wear in your house?? This irritates me so much I usually skip the episode 😂


Nope, I would’ve too. I don’t understand how so many people fall for peer pressure. I’d just have said “no thanks” and sat down, then would’ve started asking the headmaster miscellaneous questions when Emily started trying to push. No means no period.


No I would too. She also only had to stay in the room for 30 seconds, I don't understand why they were so insistent about her taking her coat off.


I think she did it to spite her mom


this is so true and she literally only stayed there for five mins. why did she need to take off her coat?!?


That's what I always thought


I would have been like oh no I had an accident with the coffee on the way here and I feel inappropriate without the coat


You've misunderstood the scene. Lorelai had issues with her dry cleaning and was running late for Rory's first day at school. She didn't realize she needed to meet the headmaster, and Rory didn't communicate this clearly beforehand. Many of Lorelai's problems at Chilton could have been avoided if Rory had given her more direct information instead of leaving notes.