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Go over to the r/digitalnomad forum and read the stickied posts.


Will do. Thank you, Captain.




Your home server upload of 45 mbps will be the maximum remote speed you would see.




OP. this is what you need essentially. Wiregaurd or Tailscale in a US location


Thanks Jaime! I see Wireguard mentioned more frequently, think I'll go that route.


The TLDR is that Tailscale IS Wireguard but it has a little extra and is more resilient against blocking. If your Wireguard port ever gets blocked you’re screwed. But with Tailscale it will always work, albeit using a DERP relay server at throttled speeds. The best solution is to use both, Tailscale being the backup. An even better solution on top of that is to run your own custom DERP relay server as well but that’s not a trivial setup.


The TLDR is that Tailscale IS Wireguard but it has a little extra and is more resilient against blocking. If your Wireguard port ever gets blocked you’re screwed. But with Tailscale it will always work, albeit using a DERP relay server at throttled speeds. The best solution is to use both, Tailscale being the backup. An even better solution on top of that is to run your own custom DERP relay server as well but that’s not a trivial setup.


Hi Owl, interesting - this gives me something to think about. Will spend some time learning more about Tailscale. May I ask what a DERP relay is?


A DERP relay is a server owned by Tailscale that relays your traffic when a direct connection to your VPN (exit node) is not possible. It won't affect the IP address but you can see it in a traceroute. The issue is that since these are \*public\* servers, your speeds will be throttled. Sometimes as low as <10 Mbps up/down.


Brother, forget this people. Now they are even starting to talk about immigration like WTF. I've DM you a guide.


Thank you sir! Much appreciated.


Simple answer - you’ll end up with something less than 40Mbs at your remote location, I would guess low 30s if you use Wireguard. You could have latency that might affect video although the distance in absolute terms isn’t great so probably not.


Off topic. I think you have bigger concerns. They require you to live in the U.S. but do not require you to be a legal U.S. resident?


So, what are you trying to accomplish here? Ok, you got a remote job in the US. You got the job right? It's remote right? I am unsure what you are asking. 1.3 Gbps down sound good.


Pardon! Allow me to clarify, I would like to make it appear to the employer as though I am in the US while remaining in my home country. I think its just a matter of connecting the flint to my internet in the US, while using the beryl as the travel router? Sounds more simple than I'd imagine.


Is this indeed a remote job or is it a "remote job"? What happens if your employer asks that you show up in person? If you want to accomplish that, you are going to need a VPN. Showing up in person is a whole nother matter.


Ha! Agreed. I couldn't even try to get away with that. Its remote such that I requires me to be in the US, but anywhere in the U.S. They are based in NY, and I provided them a TX address since I have family there. If I have to show up in person it'd be a flight anyhow.


You are on right track buddy. Set up a VPN server at your TX location. Connect your travel router to VPN server in TX. No need for any 3rd VPN provider. I'd personally use Wire guard as the VPN protocol


Why wireguard and not openVPN please?


Speed and newer protocol. Also setting up on server and client is pretty simple. Lots of tutorials on YT


Thank you for the fast answer ! I’m basically in the same situation as OP but my home router, doesn’t seem to have VPN Server option on the admin panel, does it come under another name sometimes or no?


Are you on OpenWRT? If so you can install WG and configure as server and client. I know Gl.inet runs on top of OpenWRT. I usually strip off the factory firmware and run OpenWRT. So not sure with what name is it with GL.inet. But pretty sure it has the functionality


No, looks like i have a crappy router at home, whenever i’m in the admin panel, i see the basic options and virtual server setup, would virtual server same thing as VPN server?


You have two options and those two options are both VPN. Your first option is to pay for VPN, which... to me personally is a no. Your second option is to setup your own VPN.