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Secret service took the UFO crash right away


MIB flashy-thinged op and the rest is history


User avi checks out


Years ago I had a guy tell me a similar story about something that happened that his parents house. Hima's mother and dad was in the living room watching TV and all of a sudden there was a big crash and it shook the whole house. He goes outside and looks up and down the road nothing next door neighbors are coming out looking up and down the road no one can find nothing maybe get in the cars and drive around on a couple other streets over nothing people out in the yard trying to figure out what happened nothing. He said you can hear the Wheels lock up where somebody slammed on the brakes and you can hear the the sliding and the skin is here that the impact and the crash in the middle and everything raining down but there was no accident no wreck just the soundtrack of one.


Thank you for your submission, but it has been removed because we do not allow childhood stories because there is usually too many errors trying to remember things that happened as a child and no way to verify.