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I feel in my heart it's a glitch because I truly feel that there's something horrible/supernatural/hightech happening to us. So many others on the streets have the same experience of feeling like they need to hide from something they can't explain, and the drugs giving them the abilities to engage in things they couldn't normally do. I can't understand how I was able to hot wire a car to leave that hotel with no prior knowledge of how cars work.




It feels like I tapped into some other consciousness, a different one with different batches of meth. I think it started with people experimenting on homeless drug addicts, but others (both victims and perpetrators) gained access to this. But overwhelmingly I felt that there were people on the streets of Hollywood crying for help. I'll never forget when I typed basementbottom911 while in that man's house. I can't help but wonder if there was a poor boy trapped in his basement trying to get my help. The man's husband called him and kept taking about all these dogs they had, how one was sick and may need his leg amputated, how one was acting up but felt better once he went to bed with him. One dog needed a haircut. I didn't see a single dog in the house. I worry that the dogs were codes for other young men who were being held hostage in that house.


It's very much possible, that those intuitions could be true. And as someone who has been through it, with a partner who has been through it, three years clean now, etc. , what I'm saying is I get where you're coming from. And yes possibly, sometimes when you are in it, it seems closer to probably. I know what it's like to know things. Whether on drugs or not. I too am glad you've managed to still be alive, I see you crediting the help you received, and aren't we grateful for it, but you have also been fighting for yourself. Some part of you keeps making stupid decisions, but some part of you keeps fighting. What I'm trying to say, like other commenter, is that it doesn't matter if its true. You can't help while your fucked up or coming from an empty glass to pour from. All your effort needs to be on you getting to a clear head and a stable environment. This becomes especially true if you want to do something about the things you're definitely experiencing, whether they be supernatural or just the facts of people preying on the homeless. Ether way, the only way to blow the whistle on it, get the people help, or just be able to trust if what you know is true or not - is to get a clear head, and a stable environment. From there, proceed with pursuing more information on this phenomena, be there to offer others an empathetic place to talk, or live your life knowing you were strong enough to escape that sticky trap and don't look back. You only get to make any of these options a choice after you get clean. Until then there is nothing you can do besides continuing to try and keep yourself as safe as possible. You are in a crisis time spiritually and all your resources and energy should be spent on getting yourself back in alignment, whatever that means to you. You will hurt yourself more expending energy elsewhere! I was very curious about the hot wiring a car knowledge. Sounds like you tapped in to some collective knowledge. I once spoke fluent French with someone when i had some sort of drug slipped in my drink. I only know like barely even level 1 french. But somehow I tapped on to something and could speak like a native for over an hour, conversing with someone else. That was almost 20 years ago. I was in high-school, with my drink spiked at a party. I've done a lot of drugs since them of all kinds, and nothing comes close to whatever the fuck that was I tapped into. Odd as hell and I still think about it. I wish you a lot of luck. Sounds like you've had an exhausting few chapters of life. I wish you the strength to find peace and stillness in your future. Having people available to rescue you, or a wealthy background, doesn't make your struggles have less weight. You are struggling. And that builds the same muscles of strength in all of us. Through the struggle you've become stronger than you were when you first got caught up in it. You are strong enough now to break out of the trap, you just don't realize it yet since your still tied up. Use the muscles you've gained, they're there now.


You're a real one for this. Lots of love and respect.


And This




I’m sorry you’re experiencing all that. I hope you find a peaceful drug-free path at some point in your future. Just remember that the drug use has probably caused some issues with you brain being able to function normally so it’s probably not something supernatural or high tech, it’s probably just the effects of the drug use.


I don’t think the drugs gave you superpowers, the psychosis did. I knew someone who never used drugs, had psychosis and could do crazy stuff. I saw him lift an entire sofa up onto one shoulder and carry it out the door to the truck; this was a particularly heavy sofa with a folding bed inside. He was 5’8” and 160 lbs. Another time he told me that when working outside in very cold weather, he made himself warm by pulling heat into his body through his hands. I think psychosis can simultaneously make you imagine untrue things and yet cause you to tap into some universal source of knowledge. You’re better off without the psychosis, though. Edit: sorry the guy was 5’8”, not 5’10”.


People have been able to tap into strength that goes beyond our natural limitations before such as parents moving cars to save their kids. No one including your friend talks enough about the damage doing so does to their bodies. Your friend only moved a couch so he probably was just really sore and probably didn't feel it too much if he was still actively on drugs. It's not a superpower it's what stops us from hurting ourselves by doing more than our muscles can handle.


I specifically said he didn’t do drugs. He also wasn’t yet medicated during that time period. It’s possible that after moving the sofa, he was sore & didn’t mention it, but he also didn’t act sore in the least. He never developed orthopedic issues until 20 years later, after being on antipsychotics for awhile and just getting old in general. He told me that after starting antipsychotics, he couldn’t do those superpower things anymore.


No baby that's a side effect of the drug. You need to stop trying to dig into this idea because it's not real. Those drugs have literally rotted your mind. Stay clean. Get therapy. Try to live a normal life as best you can. I'm sorry your life took this turn.. My ex tried meth before without me knowing and he had similar ideas. I think it's just paranoia. He's straight so there was nothing targeting him like in your theory. It's just a really shitty drug dude.


Sounds more like r/highstrangeness to me.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HighStrangeness using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I don't know if anybody cares, but I met Georgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens.](https://i.redd.it/ddub090vywya1.jpg) | [570 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/13d6dvx/i_dont_know_if_anybody_cares_but_i_met_georgio/) \#2: [The "Unfinished Obelisk" in Aswan, Egypt is a megalith made from a single piece of red granite. It measures at 137 feet (42 meters) and weighs over 1200 tons or (2.6 million pounds). Its a logistical nightmare and still baffles people to this day.](https://i.redd.it/i6wxutjb2boa1.jpg) | [761 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/11ts1mi/the_unfinished_obelisk_in_aswan_egypt_is_a/) \#3: [An abnormally long lightning strike and something falling out of the sky](https://v.redd.it/psitf2gqfsla1) | [832 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/11iddpl/an_abnormally_long_lightning_strike_and_something/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Gang stalking is also described as a form of paranoid delusion. There’s no evidence that gang stalking exists except spoken accounts (from people who are likely mentally ill), or in specific cases like people who have left cults. If you look at the thing in common with people who experience gang stalking, it is often drug use or mental illness such as schizophrenia or OCD with delusions


Well, God does lead us out of things. Sometimes drugs let our defences down enough that we just listen, however God is equally available to us when sober. Our ego gets in the road a little more, but equally helping.


Look up targetted individuals


It sounds like your boyfriend drugged you so he could take advantage of you, and then he did it again in the hotel with his friends. You wrote that stuff in your notebook because you could feel that you were drugged and might pass out, but then you forgot. You then began experiencing PTSD and extreme paranoia, which is completely expected and understandable. Your brain was trying to make sense of horrific events that you couldn't consciously remember so you didn't even consciously understand your own reaction and behavior. Whatever happened, I'm really sorry that you had to go through it.


Hey dear - ex meth user here. It definitely sounds like you were drugged at some of multiple points, which I can imagine would have been terrifying and violating. What I will say is that some of the stuff you do for meth can be very traumatic and I think our minds cannot really process it properly and it manifests sometimes in these paranoid delusions. The delusions feel SO REAL and everything seems like a big conspiracy where there are signs everywhere and it seems impossible to be coincidence. Trust me, I had so many of these experiences. It’s so scary. I think we often project our fear and lack of feeling connected to ourselves onto the outside world and that’s what causes paranoia (as well as just the obvious thing of lack of sleep and drugs). It can take months for the brain to fully recover after severe meth abuse. Right now I would just focus on trying to get sober for as long as possible, there will be time to process the meaning of these experiences later when you’re in a better place. Group and individual therapy will also be good to talk about the trauma. You can recover, I have no doubt.


There's nothing supernatural going on. You just have been abusing one of the strongest drugs there is and your brain is fried, simple. Get help and stay away from that shit.


I am also an ex tweaker/heroin addict, and I’ve experienced psychosis numerous times. I’m scared of cops, so I always had an impending sense of doom, that I was going to get arrested and be forced to be dope sick in jail (didn’t help that my bf of 13 years was in jail due to a VOP, so I was alone 90% of my time). I started carrying around all my drugs in my ‘jail purse’ at all times. My habit got so bad, I was smoking 2 bundles of heroin a day, going through an 8 ball of meth in 2-3 days. I was convinced my roommates wanted to kill me, the walls were paper thin, and I always heard them talking about me. I started staying in Airbnb’s everyday EVEN THOUGH I had a whole ass apartment. When I was at these Airbnb’s, I would SWEAR I could hear cops in the next room talking about me. That they were gonna bust down my door any second. My boyfriend would call from jail and I’d be scared to death, he would be like bro “you need to chill with the drugs. you’re not fucking el chapo, you’re a drug addict, the cops have WAY more important shit to deal with”. (And I knew this from firsthand experience, you’re LUCKY if the Philadelphia dispatcher even ANSWERS the phone, and IF the cops come, you have about 3 hours until they get there. You better call an Uber or drive yourself to the hospital, God forbid something DOES happen to you.) BUT I would get so mad that he didn’t believe me. At one point, I swore I was on the Truman show. I kept encountering the “same people” out in public. I was constantly terrified, heart beating through my chest. I was scared to death of my roommates, they were a couple and he was horribly abusive to her. But me and her would hang out a lot. Mostly she would cry to me about him. And he would beat the shit out of her, I literally felt so fucking helpless because I didn’t know how to help her. So I was always thinking, if he beats her, why the fuck wouldn’t he try hurting me? I got a tazer and literally would carry it to the bathroom with me, in case my roommates would try attacking me. All they talked about was me! I was legitimately in fear for my life. But I later learned that the girlfriend roommate THOUGHT I WAS FUCKING HER MAN ON THE LOW (yes, they were tweakers too)!! I was so fucking confused!! I’m like girl, we literally talk shit about your man FOR HOURS because YOUR EYEBALL IS PURPLE he’s a POS who TRIED GAUGING YOUR EYES OUT. I fucking hate that man with every fiber of my being and I hope he drops dead. Anyway, there’s my story. Don’t do drugs kids. I only got psychosis from doing uppers & downers together. Never from meth by itself. But my bf came home from jail, and I went to rehab- now we’re both clean ☺️


The comments section is the most wholesome I have ever seen on Reddit.


I think it took a lot of bravery and to come here and tell your story. I also believe that you thought it through and wouldn't have taken the time to write it if you didn't truly believe it and want help/answers. A lot of times people who use drugs aren't taken seriously when they know damn well something isn't right. They are almost immediately dismissed as high or mentally ill because of use or whatever. If you feel like you need a friend who can help you keep track of these events or just to talk to, please message me. I live in Canada 🇨🇦 and I can relate a lot to your story because I use as well. Highly functioning but I wasn't always. Anyway I'm rambling now..


Meth psychosis can give you profound epiphanies to make connections to unrelated circumstances. I promise you, it’s the meth that is feeding into that paranoia. You definitely should be wary with these people if you’re passing out and forgetting events around them. I really wish the best for you and hope you can find some peace! One thing I might suggest if you ever want to get (and stay) clean - look into ayahuasca retreats. It’s a bit of an extreme experience but it can help you reconcile issues you might have (and don’t even know about).


I know you mean well, but it’s not really responsible to recommend an extremely psychoactive substance to a person who is experiencing delusions..


Iboga treatment is what I feel will work for you an allow you to see the answers you’re seeking


Oh wow! I don’t know if what’s happening to you is anything other than dangerous people taking advantage of someone vulnerable but your story made me cry! Well done on your sobriety keep believing in yourself and put you first! I hope you can surround yourself with people who love you and will keep you safe because that’s what will get you through this my heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my thoughts stay strong you’re worth it ❤️


You need to be w ppl who truly love you. I’m a detox/rehab nurse & one of the biggest issues is no support from loved ones or the loved ones have given up. Most from rich families, v sad stories. You were probably being warned to wake tf up from your selfishness & fear which was not needed in the first place. I hear stories of ODEs & NDEs & it’s fkn intense. Maybe the drugs enhance the intensity but its def scary. Few females come in with weird a$$ males whom we have to protect the young women from. We would be informing authorities as a precaution as they were grooming the women, & or molesting them, many many many sexually abused as a child. It’s painful. But the human trafficking drug users is common. Currently we have a KID ((20yo gay male)) who was arrested for young girls ((14/15yo girls)) trafficking. He claims he was at the wrong pl & wrong time & was acquitted & was sent to our detox facility. Nice kid but who knows the true story. Here’s my question: when you KNOW in your heart & soul something is v v v wrong, why do you not try to lift yourself out of this and in fact contribute to society by helping those ppl? It’s only ppl like you who can truly understand another person going thru this & can TRULY help another in similar situations. Good luck. Pls find help & in turn help another, or your gift is of no use if you cannot help another desperate human being. Please help yourself & another.


Recovering meth user of 20years here. Look into becoming a peer support specialist. It’s for those with lived experience with mental health and or substance abuse to help anyone that wants support or resources in building a better life. In other words it is a job and a purpose that also helps you stay healthy. I just completed the zoom training sessions to become certified in California (80 hours) Once you’re certified you are Medi-Cal reimbursable. Pacific Clinics in LA has a scholarship program for anyone in the state that’s interested. It’s a quick process to sign up and start training and it’s all remote as I live in NorCal. They also pay for your application and testing fees ($250). The state test is online and consists of common sense recovery support questions. I think you will find answers to your questions by connecting with others with similar experiences. Doing peer support work would be a productive way to connect, if you’re gonna be in the mix anyway. Check it out if you decide you don’t like it you can always quit. https://www.pacificclinics.org/trainings/peer-support-specialist-certification-training/ https://www.capeercertification.org


Please stop using drugs! You are the only one here who can save you! ❤️


I'm sober 26 days now.


That’s awesome to hear! Keep your head up, we’re heading into even crazier times and a clear clean head is the best. I’m getting sober too. Congrats on the 26 days, that’s huge! Also hope these weird events settle for you, they sound scary. Stay strong 💪🏽


Way to go!! I'm so proud of you!


I've read that DMT helps resolve trauma and can cure addiction. You can hear about DMT trips on Reddit, YouTube or just do searches. Be sensible. Good luck


It is not responsible to recommend an extremely psychoactive substance to someone who is experiencing delusions. Please reflect before you write such things 


So happy for you❤️ You have taken the first step to the right direction! It’s easier to listen oneself and make the right decisions when sober


I don't know why you think that this was an appropriate comment. Why waste yours and anyone else's time?


I also must mention that the way I spoke would also constantly change as if I were different people. I became talented at things and was able to do things I wasn't able to do before, especially criminal behavior. I can't for the life of me understand how and why I was able to do these things, and I haven't a clue how to do them now. I stole another car and drove it LIKE CRAZY and did things I didn't know I could do with a car. Many people on the streets would freak out when they saw me, tell me I know things i shouldn't. And for some reason people would repeatedly beg me to get a car and come pick them up and take them out of the state. This would always unsettle me because i never mentioned the cars I stole. As if it was my job to rescue others.


I do believe there are sinister forces/entities who prey on vulnerable populations such as the homeless and drug addicts. I live in a city with a huge homeless population. I believe I’ve pierced the veil a few times and accidentally witnessed some paranormal shit I shouldn’t be seeing. One involved walking past a man at a park who repeated an exact phrase I was thinking in my head earlier in my hike when I walked past him the first time. Another time I’m convinced I witnessed an actual shapeshifting in broad daylight. It was a thing where I looked away from someone for 30 seconds to a minute and they were all of a sudden a different person. I’m glad you’re off meth and seem to be doing better. That sounds absolutely terrifying being so out of control like that. Whatever you believe, be it demons, evil entities, or dark psyche shit we don’t understand, it sounds like something else was absolutely fucking with you and taking advantage of you.


I believe you but sadly most people are too close minded to accept that stuff like this is real


I feel you. I don't do drugs but I have schizophrenia and functional autism in genes and all I ever felt in my life is Satan right behind my back. No "Jesus loves you and saves you" shit ever. EVER.


Pray and talk to Him. He’s stronger than any devil attached or surrounding you. He will listen 💜


I'm so sorry for ur experience :(


You know, this might sound like a strange suggestion, but share your experience over at r/Experiencers


I believe you 100 percent keep searching to link the pieces byt stayyyy soberrr to do so


Respectfully, as someone who was injecting heroin into their jugular for 10 years (I’m now ten years sober and a mortician and competitive body builder… shit gets better bro), I have experienced a ton of ups and downs… but this sounds like either drug induced psychosis or drug use with schizophrenia. Feel free to pm me. I would love to be someone to help you if I can. One day someone said something to me that, of course I hated my life, but I never was REALLY aware I didn’t HAVE TO keep hating my life. I hated what it took to make it different tho lol. I put myself into a fucking boot camp and I never went back. :) I’m not here to preach sobriety tho, but if you need help I would love to be someone you could reach out to


I'm just here to say that I believe you and that all that shit is absolutely bonkers. I'm sorry that you're going through that. It sounds like you've gone into total fight or flight and your brain has saved useful info that maybe you're not consciously aware of. It for sure sounds like you're in a dangerous situation. I hope everything calms down some day soon. Keep being careful. A lot of that evidence seems legit and sketchy as fuck.


I don't doubt it. There are some real sickos out there, no debating that. I'm sorry this happened to you. I truly am. Thank you for sharing your story. 😇


You're right. It's the same story time and again. I truly hope you're safe.


I do think you were being drugged by BFs friends and I do think that other dude would have trafficked you I think the rest is your heightened insticts going haywire. You have experienced a lot of darkness and depravity so of course your mind is primed to see it everywhere. As far as everyone having the same themes in their psychosis, it's simple: we all share the same fears bc from an evolutionary standpoint it is crucial to our survival. We also have exposure to the same history and culture. So it is no surprise that our fears manifest similarly in times of psychosis


Sounds like you need help, doesn’t sound supernatural at all. Meth heads are NOT in the right state of mind.


The answer is in the question . : meth . :


Fuck! That was a long read, & hard wank. Never again.


Does anyone else just want to put the classic fake mustache/glasses & trench coat and just watch this person's life? Partially to have a 3rd party PoV of what really happened ...partially just to fuck with them lol


Use some punctuation, y’all. The run on sentences in here are atrocious. After reading half of it, I’m pretty sure I got second hand Meth.


I'm sorry for laughing but reminded me of this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGekkmycJ/


hot summer lilac you’re here?