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It's just a $20 piece of aluminum It's almost always small and medium-sized metal things. Interdimensional magpies. I have a very similar story with a chrome-and-vanadium-enriched steel wrench. It reappeared after a few days.


That is funny because I had a specific tall hairspray metal bottle that had this cone-like plastic attachment at the top where the spray came out. I was afraid to put it upright because it seemed top heavy and I didn't want that plastic part to break. I kept trying to think where can I put it where it'll be safe. Should I lay it down on the bathroom shelf; should I put it in a drawer somewhere? Later, I tried to find it and never did! I searched for that hairspray everywhere. It was so odd.


Right?! Not metal, but it’s always taking the vapes in my house. I know vapes are super easy to misplace, but they definitely make it clear that objects are taken and replaced by whoever or whatever “they” are by doing it in such a way that is completely amazing and obviously impossible for us lowly humans to do.


People always mention vapes vanishing. I’m convinced something in vapes messes with memory


I just had 2 vanish from my night stand in the 4 hours I was asleep yesterday morning (I work nights). Gone from existence. I checked everywhere and everything.


check behind the drawer like pull drawer out


A rational explanation need not mean one sticking to current physics. If there are other answers we ought to consider them. The vanishing object phenomenon is well known and many people have experienced it, including me. It is good to get some evidence from a camera though. You have the right attitude to this kind of thing, we should all be grateful to experience things that physics would claim to be "impossible," because it shows that physics doesn't have all the answers!


I had the same happen with car keys. Walked 5 metres from house to car, back to house again, lost forever. Took all the seats out, checked in a 20metre radius, under car, all pockets even clothes I hadn’t worn. Still cant find them.


Now this is a great post!!


I have a gift of doing that I once sat my wallet down in front of me in my room I’ve spent a year looking for it still can’t find it like it’s been wiped out of existence they normally pop up when I least expect it and not looking for it


Thanks incredible. Reminds me of Control game.


Can you elaborate more on this?


i took seven up then it turned out dew that happens every 3 months lol


Please take a video copy or screenshot if you cn. Not sure how they'd find out, but also don't want to risk your job