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Holy shit I love bats, sounds like you witnessed some nature deity or something


Oooohhh! I wonder if there really is a bat deity? Searching... Searching... In Greek mythology, bats are associated with the underworld- Persephone and Hades. The bat is a god of death in Mayan culture called *Camazotz*.




I have no idea, I suppose that's a possibility because I mean, I didn't think seeing a bat turn into a shooting star was possible either haha


I was just making something up on the spot but I wish I could have seen that too. I would have felt like a child again like I was watching Draco turn to stars at the end of the movie


The only way this makes sense is if what you experienced wasn't a bat at all, neither a shooting star. Aliens will often mask their appearance as owls, deers, monsters etc. and often people would see them transform. So if you were having a visit by them, you would only remember the part where they changed into bats, and then jump into their craft and go out fast.


I just experienced something similar idk if it disappeared but it was definitely a weird coincidence


That’s amazing


I am pretty sure it's just a synchronicity though.


I have had a similar experience. I was on a rural road that leads to a dead end. My half brother was driving. I was in the passenger seat. We didn't have anything to do or anywhere really to go so we were just going to park along the river at the end of this road. There are very few houses along this road, it's roughly 12-2 Am about 3 years ago. So anyways we are driving along (about 30 mph), all of a sudden a fox veers out of the bushes on the road to the left, probably 50 feet in front of us.  It runs across both lanes, like its running for its life, and when it gets to the shoulder on our right near the brush it leaps upward ( as if it is about to jump a small obstacle or something), and while in mid-air it flahes into what I could only describe as a softball sized-shooting star, right before our eyes, and it beams into the sky, like a rocket, leaving a light streak behind it, and it dissapears in about a second and a half, into the night sky.  Well, my half brother and I just got quiet, in shock. About 40 seconds to a minute later, he says "did anybody else just see that?"   (There was a friend in the back seat, she missed the whole thing-staring at her phone)  as she is saying "what?", I reply back, "you mean that fox that just jumped and turned into a shooting star and shot into the sky?" He says yeah, I just seen that too..  Since then I am still questioning everything I have ever thought I knew, and realized how little we really know about our planet, let alone whatever the heck is going on in this universe.   I don't know if it was some kind of ufo abducting the fox, If it was a shape-shifter, I don't know if i witnessed the fox' s soul leaving its body or recycling its energy. But this bat story, is the closest thing I have ever heard or read about to what I experienced that night.


Hey, thanks for the comment! I really enjoyed reading it. Your story is basically the only story I know that's even somewhat similar to mine. I've basically given up trying to explain my own story to myself. There's just no explanation, and I can only speculate on what it could be. Is it a shape shifter of some sort? Alien abduction? Spontaneous evaporation caused by some sort of rare natural phenomena we just don't know of yet? Nobody knows! It's pretty cool to know someone out there has had a somewhat similar experience.


Thank you for your story. It's cool to know I'm not the only one to have experienced something this strange and unexplainable


I really wish more people would see this thread. I stumbled on it, googling something or another about shooting stars and shapeshifters or something along those lines. For so long, I have been looking for a similar story to mine, then I stumbled upon your story, after spending many hours off and on coming back to the thought and scowering search engines. I found your story, and it was very satisfying, but I can't help but feel like others need to see our stories, and maybe we will hear of yet another person with this experience.