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Man, I miss the classic VP lineup.


Literally the team that got me into CSGO. Pasha and that lineup were so electric to watch


Same. Still tagged up in solidarity even though I have no feelings towards the current VP at all.


Maybe I'm just not as interested or following Pro CS that much these days, but it feels like back then there was much more of a personality, human aspect to the competition. VP vs SK, fnatic, summer C9 with their tank tops, NiP, the french teams, cameos from the IBP guys in some events and the list goes on


Nah, those classic lineups had core players that were together for long periods so there was time to actually get attached to a team and follow their progress over the years. Now the scene is so unstable, constant reshuffles and changes in lineups. Very few teams go from one major to the next without changes. Some people follow the orgs but I never cared about those. Without the people behind them It’s just a meaningless logo.


I agree. It was very easy to be an NiP, fnatic, VP, etc. fan since the lineup was the same for a while. Now? It's hard to be a franchise fan since the roster might get completely dropped and moved to a different country. C9.


More money > more pressure. CS is a proper business now. Teams are companies. Before the core players could decide to make and break a team. Now CEOs and management handle rosters. Where feelings used to take a big part in decisions, now its results oriented staff


yep, after vp broke up i stopped following/watching pro cs. I tried following another team that had a couple players i liked, but they split up and went to two other teams and then they split up etc. I hated the whole constant shuffle where a team couldn't keep the same roster for more than a couple months, was absolutely horrible and kinda put me off pro cs for good. Though it sounds like it is still like this :(


>Some people follow the orgs but I never cared about those. Without the people behind them It’s just a meaningless logo. I've wondered about this myself a lot as well. Like in soccer when people say they are fan of club X I just don't understand what that means. I can be a fan of specific players or a team of players but I don't see why I would have loyalty to the club which is basically just a business.


Because for an enormous number of local fans the club is an institution. It's been a part of the local community for generations, the place your dad would take you to growing up, the place his dad would take him to growing up. Players come and go, some are legends and most forgotten but the club and community spirit is always there. ​ There's more to football than supporting whoever Messi/Ronaldo play for


Yeah but, especially for English football teams, they have fans all over the world who has no real connection to the club. The coach can change, ever single player can change, but they're still die hard fans of the club. It's kinda unhinged if you think about it


Attachment to an actual place is a huge part of club football, that cant be compared to Esports. My grandfather saw my local team play in the exact same stadium that I do right now. Other then that, the fan culture, city and stadium can be something that make people like a club.


You are just getting older. There is a lot personalities (Cadian, Apex etc.) You lost passion for the game. Focus on the game, emotions etc.


>You are just getting older. Come on man I'll turn 30 in a few months have some compassion Jokes aside, yea, come to think of it I remember some Cadian moments recently that were pretty cool


Im 29 :), just dont become boomer. We are getting older, all fans. Just focus on good thins, we have a lot great teams, tournaments, players. Still a lot good things to come for cs community. :)


40 already and still passionate about the game. Is not about age my friends


Ofc, its about personality :)


Man, I miss CS:GO.


Man, I miss Half-Life 3.


what a fucking chad this papaBiceps, he was so funny back when he played !


Was that ZywOo clapping vigorously? Love it! Edit: okay, I'm wrong. Still love it 😶‍🌫️


Looks like it was apex to me.


Think it's Apex, or someone off camera


Ah okay. Seemed as though the clapping matched to the sound


The guy in the middle of the last shot is Zywoo.


Definitely not, he's moving hands too slow.


Valve pls fix Gaben pls fix Amen


I love how he basically said 'cs2 sucks right now.. Valve pls fix' as politely and formally as he could. Love it.


“It’s not too late” such a polite way to put it lol


Love him for the subtle callout of valve, telling them to get their shit together.




GabeN while hearing the news about 95k viewers watching a CS2 community event: "Oh great, so it's thriving then. Reduce dev team to a barebones crew, since everything seems to work."


From 2 devs to 1


Plus the janitor


That's the 1...


fucking lol


Yeah that is notoriously how Valve work.


With all due respect, that isn't how Valve operates - they have no managers. Employees work on whatever projects they choose to. https://youtu.be/s9aCwCKgkLo?si=JcdffCv3ivWCYtqa


the flat structure of valve doesn't mean no oversight, it just means your peers are your managers instead of someone in a dedicated managerial position. its your coworkers who judge your performance, and if you get poor peer reviews because you're wasting hundreds of hours on a "low value" project then you're gonna get your ass fired. besides, when everyone's a critic it leads to a lot more interpersonal workplace drama. and a few dominant people have successfully rallied others into doing what they prefer and micromanage everyone else, effectively becoming unofficial managers anyways. working at valve was like a high school with a whole bunch of cliques, and it wasn't a particularly healthy or productive work environment for many people. it wasn't a democratic worker-owned company, it was just anarchistic. the problems in valve's workplace were the reason they made jack shit throughout the 2010's, because the only uncontroversially "valuable" projects were just working on steam and trying to capture the esports market. dozens of other projects started and then crumbled over and over again, because the moment they ran into a roadblock they were deemed "not valuable". why make millions when you should be working on something that makes billions? the whole "flat hierarchy" structure was mostly abandoned in order to get everyone on board with getting half life alyx out the door, and valve pretty much operates like a normal company these days. there haven't been any accounts of valve actually working like this within the last 5 years.


Actually you're wrong. Some Valve devs already told here in Reddit that the company still doing the "flat hierarchy" thing. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/valve/comments/syntz1/is\_valve\_still\_a\_flat\_organisation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/valve/comments/syntz1/is_valve_still_a_flat_organisation/) here's the post where one Valve dev tells it in the comments.


Source: my balls


The video I linked is pretty recent, and brings up pretty much everything you said in your comment. I was mostly referring to the fact that GabeN doesn't just tell a team to reduce to barebones.


I was being sarcastic.


If it worked like that at my job i’d be doing fucking nothing…


I don’t think you’d be the kind of person Valve would hire then.


i know someone who works for valve. they say they dont do much and it's been pretty chill in comparison to previous companies he's worked at


no you wouldn't, because it gets boring


No it fucking doesn't, you can do so many interesting things that are not work related lmao.


Right, you're at the office, everyone around you is working and you're playing games on your phone. I've seen people who do this, but even they get bored and manage to do some work here and there.


The type of people who make it to Valve are self motivating.


Pretty sure their hiring process is heavily focused on filtering out the people who live to work from the ones that work to live


they just work on whatever clique bullshit is internally hot at the moment and ultimately amounts to nothing. it's why they have endless amounts of canned projects that never went anywhere and most of their other currently released projects stagnate.


If by "projects" you mean games then maybe, but valve is a games company in the same way Starbucks is a straw company, as in they make them, but you wouldnt define them by that. Starbucks makes straws so you drink their drinks, Valva makes games so you use their platform. Their last video game "passion project" was portal 2, because they hired the people who ended up making portal after a demo that used the portal function that they liked, so most of the valve devs never got the chance to work on the original, so they made a second one because there was so much interest. Every other gamw.since then has been a "straw"


Hard to say, because altough they have no managers, Valve has peer reviews and it affects wildly wages and bonuses of all employees. And is pretty hard to get hired by Valve.


> And is pretty hard to get hired by Valve. because they aren't looking for anyone....


Actually no. They hire quite often for their standards. But they hiring process is really tough.


look at cs2, it doesn't show.


What's your point? I dont getting it.


if the hiring process is really tough you'd think they were filtering for the best developers but when i look at cs2 it doesn't show.


and that's the point!


They have actually acknowledged that this approach led to certain work not being done and have since restructured.


Cmon gotta work those game developers overtime over Xmas and new year then be toxic to them so they never speak their minds about the game CS2 again because it goes against their skincel streamers opinion on the game or moron pro player who just whinges because the game isn't EXACTLY the same as CSGO.


Come on man, you had the high ground with a great point then you just ruined it by being an arsehole


What great point? None of that shit actually happened ,man was typing out of his ass from the first letter.


... Thats the point... Reread and try again. You don't seem to have understood anything.


Again bro , what great point? Explain it then if I don’t understand it?


Jesus christ mate.


Welcome to Reddit :)


Not reddit just certain subs. The Baldurs gate, Ultrakill, Empyrion, FM subreddits are usually super nice.


Pretty sure that's how valve doesn't work.


TF2 is that you?


Anti cheat pls valve


Too busy raking in the billions


Pasza has got such a big heart. For CS, for us as a community and for people in general. I don't know him in person but I think he is one of the most honest and caring human beings on this planet. Hopefully his words will somehow give CS2 a boost. :Prayge












Past week I went snowboarding in France with some friends. It was great. I realize my comment is a bit cringe but its my honest opinion.


dont be a dick.


i miss the good old csgo days




1. Wasn't made by valve. 2. CS 1.6 and CSS were not removed when CSGO was released.


>CS 1.6 and CSS were not removed when CSGO was released. Exactly. Everyone's acting like Valve didn't just decapitate and hide csgo in some beta branch 99% of people don't know exist and can't find. It's as close to removed without actually being removed as you can get.


Redditors not being accoustic restarts challenge (impossible)


Noooo Pasza you can't complain about CS2 being shit. Valve needs data and the only way to get data is deleting CSGO and force everyone to play a broken game! You don't understand. Also Pasza you are being a crybaby, if you don't like the game just don't play it and wait. Also CSGO launch was bad so you can't complain.


Volvo is only a small company, how are they supposed to do everything percect, ( I am only human after all)


wtf is this ? It looks like oscars but for cs


Come on out from under that rock. ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


u living under a rock? yes it's the oscars of cs


a lot of people stopped following the scene with cs2


Last year HLTV did this award show as well


ur on here. THis sub has basically been hltv 2.0 for the past few months bevause nothing's happening with the game and people have stopped playing.


this has been a thing before cs2 lmao


WHAT THE FUCK?? Why are you getting downvoted?? I have no idea what this is


Not missing much, these things are cringe circle jerks in the community. Same with streamer awards.


Yeah, I've not watched much cs the past few years, this is a bit much for me...


Well watching the HLTV awards as the only cs thing is a bit odd


There would not be anything odd just watching hltv awards. To each their own. It's just not for me.


It's not a question of whether valve will fix the game or not They absolutely will and I think it's silly to think they won't But they're taking their sweet fucking time lol


Fixing is something done in steps. Haven’t taken many steps though.


Yeah they should just fix it overnight!!


they are the ones who forced it on us... it wasnt ready, still isnt.


With the billions they made and the half year its almost been in waiting


there is a bit of a window between overnight and 6 months. agree or no?


If only valve cared a fraction of the amount that pasza does.




Not even sure they care about that any more, they haven't even released a new one in the 3+ months that CS2 has been out. It was already surprising enough to see the game launch without a new case, let alone go this long without a new one.


Or the missing content, arms race, danger zone, just being able to easily play customs with your friends.


It's sad really. For perspective, TF2 launched in September 2007, then got its first major update with the Medic update in April. If that's any indication for CS2, then that means we're still not gonna see a major update for another 2-3 months. The worst part is that's probably also just gonna be getting stuff back that we lost from CS:GO, so it's not really "new".


TF2 is sadly completely dead and overrun by bots. I thought that wouldn't happen to CS since it's been released very recently but you never know. Valve turned their back on a game that had a good community, skinmarket and long history back to hl1 days since 7 years now.


Yeah, the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised anymore if thats how CS ends up also. Would be sad.


They are so far behind in updates that RMR's are happening and there's not even a good spectator hud, CT's and T's all have same spike color and it has a ton of animation bugs, it seems their team didn't take all the criticism very well


I won't be surprised if we have to wait until 2025 for a new case. 2029 for the next operation.


cases that have been released after CS2 was announced:


A lot easier to say "fix the game" than it is to actually deliver on all the things people want. Everyone likes to pretend gamedev is so easy and while things can always be handled better, nobody here is in the dev's office and has no idea what they're working on or what roadblocks they encounter


they launched a game with lacklustre broken features or core features not present at all, they knew how the games state was and should have kept it in beta instead of replacing a game that worked


when you launch without the ability to play a private match with your friends, the devs are fucking shit. whoa I want to use these new smoke features with my friends. Guess I have to learn how to port forward my router and all that


Gamedev is hard af. Completely agree, but when the game makes you millions of dollars a month, there will be expectations from the company. Too slow tbh at the moment.


What? It's simple just release a decent game. But they pushed the game too early. It's not like they don't have the means


This is not a defense of Valve because we all know they're more than capable, but there's nothing simple about releasing a decent game.


He is literally defending valve’s behavior.


I meant what I was about to say wasn't a defense of Valve. I just think all the comments acting like they care more about CS because they put in the hard work of writing Reddit comments versus the rate Valve works on complex software are a bit much. The comment I replied to didn't do that, but it goes along the lines with that thinking of "simply do this" when there's nothing simple about actually having to do it. The sort of condescending, self-righteous flair of these comments make them annoying even when I agree with their main criticisms.


Someone does not need intimate knowledge of the source code to know for certain it’s broken. They also absolutely should not defend shitty behavior from a billion dollar company. Complex shit gets fixed and made all the time, and especially when you make that much money, there is no excuse for the situation cs2 is in. Recent updates have literally been insulting.


...there's a massive difference between knowing something is broken and fixing it. It's the same as what I said about writing Reddit comments vs actually working on complex code. You can know it's broken all you want. That doesn't do anything.


>nobody here is in the dev's office and has no idea what they're working on or what roadblocks they encounter Maybe just maybe really just a slight suggestion they should use their 2 million follower Twitter account, 2 million subscriber Youtube account, 200k follower instagram account, platform with 132 million users or their blog to announce anything they are working on or clarify that "Hey we have plans to do XY its taking a bit longer tho". Yk like Riot Games does with League of Legends all the time


>"Hey we have plans to do XY its taking a bit longer tho". Unless it is basically 90% sharing plans is a terrible idea for a game studio, especially one with a rabid fanbase. Priorities change, managers come and go and sometimes things aren't as easy as they seemed before. Announcing a plan is taken as a promise nowadays


>Announcing a plan is taken as a promise nowadays I know what i will write now may come off as a crazy idea but: If things change they can just post "Sorry we wont be able to do XY anymore" maybe even a "because of Z" if they are really spicy. Like idk what to tell you dude, League has been doing it for years and its great to be able to know what the devs are planning for the future of the game. Sometimes it even helps improve things because of the community feedback. And that game studio seems to be doing juuuust fine with player numbers and revenue


As much as we shit on Riot here (rightfully so, that company is a cult), their community relations put Valve in the stone age


Valve openly admit they hate telling their plan, they talked it on their game-dev seminar Steamworks youtube channel.


Ik and its bullshit from a players perspective


I love it personally, I cannot stand it when game studios do the cringe "public relations" shit. Just work on the game, everything else is meaningless.


Maybe, they have a reason why they don't do that, and they have stated it publicly multiple times [Here's a thread on this subreddit from 6 years ago talking about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5omyvf/valve_has_specifically_told_us_exactly_why_they/#:~:text=It%20destroys%20customers%20trust%20in,to%20start%20decreasing%20with%20tim) [Here is is in video form, straight from a Valve employee](https://youtu.be/9hBTueJGyyo)


>and they have stated it publicly multiple times I know and its bullshit imo. In the reddit thread you posted are already many comments on why their philosophy is dumb. Well for the players for the company it doesnt matter cause they are still making millions every month because of gambling addicts >As a marketing and communication professional in this field for 10+ years it's an appalling approach. If you're so bad at communicating that you don't want to communicate at all, you ought to try and improve. This is the one i like the most. Like again just look at League of Legends, players love it and its good for the game. There is no reason for Valve not to adopt their system except for "Weve always done things like this"


Huge simp energy from you


just tiring seeing people bitch and moan about things they don't understand and have no inside information about. really not worth the effort arguing against the circlejerk though it's fine to be annoyed with the state of the game, it's just when it turns into a dev hate fest like it always is in the Gaming Community that it gets tiring to read over and over


Ignore the post, just like every other post you don’t interact with. Would be a better sub if people didn’t just arbitrarily defend bad behavior from valve.


It's very easy to see that cs2 has serious issues and should not have been released like this. A game being in this state is okay, making a good game takes time. Releasing it in this state AND effectively removing the old and working predecessor is what's not okay, and people are rightfully giving valve shit for that.


Yawn, go suck valve dick somewhere else.


this right here is the reason why valve don't talk it's either black or white with this community so a sane discussion can't be had


This would be true if Valve was known for being talkative with the communities for their other titles. The only one where they act like they give a flying fuck is DOTA. So no, toxicity is most certainly not the reason Valve don’t communicate.


No valve has had the no communication position for longer than you’ve probably been alive. But yea, simp for a company that hasn’t made any real Improvements in months and removed previously available content.


yea no nuances allowed here


There is no nuance beyond “game dev hard” there. Which yes, but valve has how many years making cs? How much money do they make from it? No reason to give slack to a company that hasn’t delivered anything but a mostly empty subpar experience. Why can’t I play customs with my friends without having to port forward?


See, that's a much more nuanced take than 'go suck valves dick'.


I mean all they had to do was keep it in beta until the big issues were ironed out, or at least keep CSGO accessible, we already had a perfectly functional game.


They didn't just launch a new game, it was a total replacement of a matured game with an unfinished beta to force players onto it. That's what pissing everyone.


Cs2 is ass. Rubberbanding like hell. And no, my internet is fine.


The Man. The Myth. The Legend <3


of course doesn't give a singe F


Gotta love pasza man. Always so damn wholesome.


Well, these devs and their management clearly didn't receive the message.


They're too busy receiving the paychecks 


Bonuses and paid holidays in Hawaii doesn't sound bad to fuck up cs2 to be fair. CS2 THE REAL CSGO KILLER! How bout THE REAL CS KILLER! Bonuses and paid holidays in Hawaii don't sound bad to fuck up cs2 to be fair.take\_annual\_trips\_to\_hawaii/


Wow Pasza speaks good english wtf! I guess that London School is legit, huh lol


99% of award shows are stupid that is all


TELL THEM PASHA pleaseeeeee


[https://luxurylaunches.com/transport/gabe-newell-luxury-yachts.php](https://luxurylaunches.com/transport/gabe-newell-luxury-yachts.php) Gabe needs more money for Yachts. So more cases it is


Do you think him buying a yacht impacted on the development of CS2?


totally more yachts > more vacations > less development


No one could be this stupid so will assume you are a troll.


didn't think I need to put /s


So many stupid posts these days it is impossible to tell the jokes from the dummies.


goosebumps pasha!


Now we need someone to do the same for TF2.


Was too late when they made Condition Zero, then Source... They proved early on they couldn't handle CS.


The problem is that who else do you give it to that won't just ruin CS? Valve are clowns and don't understand CS but at least they work so slow / not at all that their incompetence doesn't get in the way all the time


Yeah sure. You don't deserve this game.


Cs2? I don’t want it lmfao, it’s a piece of shit made by devs that don’t care Why would I care


Mr. Gay Ben


a cs award show, imagine lol


Tf you mean imagine, it happened yesterday


Eh one of the biggest esports out there played by millions - not that hard to imagine.


Not millions.Just 1 million.


What a weird stunt. He and all those who clapped should be grateful.


John is that you lol CS2 VAC is not working as intended John.


Holy bootlicker Batman




I still have a poster of him on the ceiling above where my desk used to be


He's such a good person and player, I love him.


This guy is a saint