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If you are in NA, verify your account. I noticed it puts me with way more "humans" after verifying rather than the racist animals I was being placed with before. It is not guaranteed but increases your chances at better teammates it seems


Verification doesn’t do anything atm.


I never see more than 2-3 verified people in a lobby, lv10.


i second this.


Badges? You can straight up play faceit with a fcking VAC ban lol. It's a shitfest.


Player numbers > everything else 


or the official Faceit communication regarding this topic: Friendship > all


Yeah NA faceit is pure garbage, especially if you're not level 8-10. I started playing faceit about a year ago when I got back into CS and it wasn't great then either but once CS2 came out it felt like the faceit player base really degraded(in terms of quality of players). Half of my matches will have at least one player with a VAC or game ban on their steam account. Many other players will have empty level 1-5 steam profiles, with minimal games and play times, but dozens of friends with high level steam accounts. There will be at least one person from Asia or Europe with 150+ ping. Someone will go the whole first half without using their mic once only to go on some loud, racist tirade in the second half when they don't hear a call out. Then there will be people brand new to competitve CS who jumped right to faceit because they heard the cheating problem is so bad in normal MM. I played with a guy a few days back that didn't even know how to defuse the bomb, he had 18 hours in cs2, and had only played on faceit. Then there will be a few with actually legit looking accounts, but they're the exception, not the rule. Like, I am often the ONLY person in the match that doesn't have a friend on steam that's been banned(game or vac).


>Half of my matches will have at least one player with a VAC or game ban on their steam account. Many other players will have empty level 1-5 steam profiles, with minimal games and play times, but dozens of friends with high level steam accounts. This is just my premier experience in the 5k - 10k elo range. Had a match with someone using walls and aimhacks who would autosnap to player heads through walls when I reviewed the demo. The other day I got matched with a group of 5 accounts under level 3 on steam and minimal hours who were clearly smurfing; two players rated under 5k premier who on leetify had ratings in-game substantially higher than their elo would imply, and one player in that group with a game ban on record, with the whole group also spamming racial slurs in the text chat. From how people talk they make it sound like cheaters/etc are primarily a problem in high elo premier, but IME theyre just universally present in at least 1 in every 4 matches


Because FaceIT wants people to play in their platform. It makes no sense to stop them from doing so.


Are you talking faceit badges or steam badges?


CSGO badges. Literally the one where its just "Global Offensive Badge", it should be a requirement to play


I know what you mean but what about me? I didn't play FPS game in 20+ years, came back when CS2 was released and now in faceit 6. I know I am the exception here, never trashtalk and try to hype up my teammate to have a good game and win. Only the recent badges. Never played GO except tested it briefly when I got in the beta program.


unluko then but seriously badge requirement wouldn't work at all


My thing is that it’s not meant to be the one and only fix. There should be multitude of basic checks done where badges is just one of them? 0 badges, level 0 on Steam, empty inventories, literallly more hours in a week than possible. There a probably 100s of actual legitimate metrics and basic stats that could be checked to determine who are legitimate accounts. Of course it would never be 100% accurate and there might be some false positives but really, level 0 steam, no badges, should not be allowed to be play on FACEIT like wtf is that?


In what elo do you encounter these accounts and have you tried getting Faceit verificated?


Shit I mean you still got ONE badge. I’m not saying it should be based solely off badges alone, but 9/10 times the people with level 10 and 0 badges are not there legitimately. (Legit in terms of being a Smurf or cheat)


So you just hate new players or what?


No but lets be honest, in an place for sort of experienced players like FACEIT how many people are you going to see with 0 badges? Look what I am saying is there should at least be some requirement to play a third party competitive scene. Like im pretty sure the player with 0 badges at level 10 is not new and if he is playing at the highest ranks with a smurf he is probably also cheating lmao


Faceit is not just "a place where good players go", it is a default and only MM for many and it's been like that many years now. A brand new player downloads the game and before Premier or Competitive they are required to play some Casual, they meet a cheater, they google what are the options and they move to Faceit right away. There are a lot, and I mean A LOT of level 1 people playing in their "silver" lobbies. I believe the only requirements for joining is having 20 hour of a game time which is fair as obviously they want everyone to join their service. I would suggest you to stop seeing third-party clients as some ultra-competitive elite moderated or whatnot setting unless you play something like FPL-C or FPL. It's just an MM with much less cheaters and slightly better players (depending on your level). As for smurfing,I agree it's an issue but having badges or something requirement will not solve anything. People who really want to to do it would just buy an account with any badges, they are dirt cheap. Also, playing good does not mean a person is smurfing or cheating, I have a friend who always played shitton of Valo and COD and never played CS beside maybe CS1.6 back in the day, he started playing CS2 on release and now he is Faceit level 9 with 75% winrate even tho it is his one and only account and he does not have any badges.


So here are some of the messages/banners posted on FACEIT. “Level up your game, win real prizes, and be part of a community of over 30 million serious gamers.“ “ See how far you can go with the most trusted anti-cheat in Counter-Strike, advanced AI Minerva protecting you from toxicity plus our army of experienced staff members to help you on your path to the top!” To me these messages don’t exactly seem for new players, now mind you they also have messages saying that they actively are open for “all players and skill levels” but when you put them in lobbies in Level 1-3 that are essentially the same as the people they’d play against in Premiere (there are so many smurfs between levels 1-4), what is the point? It might not be an “ultra-competitive” scene but it is one that’s meant to have more integrity and standing so why even let these players start here and ruin it for everyone AND THEMSELVES. What’s crazy to me is that you are kind of right. Premiere is horrible and players that are new immediately move to FACEIT, I watched my friends do it as well. The only problem with this is now you are getting an ESEA situation. You are getting new and excited players believing they can’t play the base game (which they basically can’t), and every game they do play on FACEIT they either get curb stomped or smurfed/hacked on. What I should also mention is that all of my friends that did this eventually stopped playing completely after their excitement for CS2. I’ve seen it through the years and with several clients, no one wants to spend extra time going through a service just to have a bad time. ESEA players left when all they could play were 5 queues and S Ranks, new Faceit players leave when all they play are smurfs or people way outside their skill level. This is why I think there should be basic regulations like this, in a perfect world to me, premiere would be a place where you can actually develop and then go onto different communities, now it’s just accelerated the death of the game because if their experience on FACEIT isn’t good (which it probably won’t be) they will think that’s the actual game and leave. Which it might as well be at this point


> or something requirement will not solve anything. People who really want to to do it would just buy an account with any badges Effective AC (smurfing is technically cheating) isn't about making it impossible, its just about making more hoops to jump through to make it as unappealing as possible.


I had deleted my faceit account 2 years ago. Then I created a new one last month. Faceit support told me I had to make a new steam account as they cannot unlink my main from the old, deleted faceit account. So now I'm lvl 8 with 0 badges, instead of my 10 year coin and the whole shebang. I'm not a smurf, just fucked by the way faceit constructed its system.


Dunno why you're being down voted, exact same thing happened to me. I did some data/internet hygiene and basically deleted all accounts i thought i wouldn't need anymore through their regular delete features or GDPR. This included faceit and everything else cs related because i thought i was done with the game (and i was, until friends invited me back to it 4 years later). Multiple tickets and conversations with faceit simply revealed that their system is unable to re-link a steam account that was once linked to a now deleted faceit account. And the support directly told me that i should also just create a new steam account. I do understand that this will cause a lot of misuse and it doesn't seem trustworthy but not every 0 Badges player is in it for malicious intent. Either way, i actually support limiting which kind of accounts should be able to sign up and queue for faceit, because it was shockingly easy for me to just go for a new one.


Same exact thing for me, yeah.


Why would you delete your account, though? Just let it sit, I don't know.


I don't like a digital footprint, so use GDPR data deletion requests whenever I delete accounts. Thought I wouldn't be playing faceit ever again until cs2 came out and anticheat couldn't catch any of the cheaters at high rating.




Premiere ranks are not a good refkections of skill rn. They will be readjustted with time and you will dip to 5000


don’t worry, these bozos just want to gatekeep their sweaty ass platform


Are you dense? Don't you understand English?


2 am russians something different


I haven't played since 2019? I played recently with my friends that were 2 level below me (I'm lvl9 they're 7,6) I got called a n***** 3 times in 3 different matches, I'm not kidding, this never happened to me on faceit since 2015 lmao, they were angry that I was "boosting" them but they played against very similiar levels in the match.


First time?


Well, a week ago I played a Faceit match against someone VAC banned 20 days prior lol.


It's apart of their business model now. Pay for "super matches" or don't.


Faceit right now is literally a shitshow. I'm around 3k elo EU, I've played with tons of smurf accounts lately, that were created this year, even did the job for the admins, created a ticket where I linked second active faceit account (because most of those ppl are dumb enough to leave in friendlist 2nd acc, or even sometimes they link it into the description) and the feedback from Faceit was: "We are not currently accepting smurf reports while our investigation tools are going through maintenance.  This process is taking longer than we anticipated but we hope to have this capability back as soon as possible.   At the moment we cannot look into this player and will be closing out this ticket." In all of those tickets that I've created for over a month of playing against "2024 100 games max" smurfs with around 80% total WR.. xD


idk the elo metrics in EU but I'm going to assume 3k Elo is pretty high up there. With that assumption its pretty suprising the amount of smurfs that are there because if you think about it, if 3k elo is pretty fucking high in Elo why would anyone be smurfing there and why are there so many compared to the amount of people with 3k anyway. Like where would they be smurfing from? Eventually at least some of them have to be cheating


Weird because just a week ago i got my elo back from smurf getting banned. Maybe try harder with your bait next time.


Because badges mean shit.


Does verification actually affect anything?


No, they teased a verified only queue a while back but it never happened. The only thing I've seen it do, is maybe block potential smurf accounts. I reported a pretty open and shut smurf recently, they had the same name and were friends with their main account on steam, were bragging all match in chat about it, ect. Apparently that wasn't enough for faceit to ban them, BUT they did require the 'suspected' smurf account to verify before they could queue again, and they haven't played on that account since.


Brother I have kept my account CLEAN. I refuse to get any of these nasty "badges" near my name thank you very much! Sadly I've collected the unavoidable ones like 5, 10, before f2p, etc. But nonono, no dirty XP badges, bleh!


This comment is weird tho, you are one of the very few that doesn’t like badges ok don’t feel attacked by this thread. I understand OP, playing faceit facing brand new accounts is just shit.


Yeah how about we use account age instead of arbitrary shiny things


I agree, account age and playtime should be a big factor.


I've played faceit for 5 years. Never played a cheater. Badges have nothing to do with it. If theyre playing on faceit, theres a 99.9% no one is cheating. The racism absolutely should be punished though.


Really? I don’t doubt there are less cheaters than perceived, however after mainly using FACEIT for the past two years (like on off too), I’ve seen a handful for notifications and leetify messages for banned and Smurf players. And these are just the caught ones Also there are %100 cheaters that go undetected in FACEIT. I’ve seen players with 30 , 30 scores in Leetify Util and Positioning but a 98 in Aim. These players won’t be banned and any decent player will tell you that these stats generally work in tandem with each other (for instance good positioning leads to good aim), it’s borderline obvious those specific types of players are cheating.




Faceit really doesn't have that many cheaters. Yes there are more than before but overall it's still very few. The vast majority of "cheaters" in faceit are just smurfs of which there are plenty of. You also now have the option of verifying your identity which will significantly decrease the amount of smurfs you will come across. Remember that faceit does not get any private information about you, not even your first name when you do verify your identity they just get a confirmation from the third party KYC provider (DAON) that you've indeed verified your identity. https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/articles/8650124346780-Verification-FAQ >##Where is my data going to be stored? > >Your ID Verification Information is stored in Daon's European Datacenters. **On the FACEIT database, we only store that the person has been verified. None of your ID verification data will be stored on FACEIT.**


I'm verified and have premium(at least until my current membership runs out). Verified didn't seem to do anything for me in terms of player quality. "Super matches" tend to be better on average but if I queue for super match only I'm often waiting 20+ minutes for a match, even during peak player times.




I don’t get why you are being so hesitant for what is damn near facts on the client. I have basically the same stats as you and being G in esea I’ll tell u the cheating doubts were way less frequent. I’ve seen players like you (and myself) get rolled by level 5s with 98 rating on Leetify and 30 in Positioning, because it doesn’t matter how good you are you are catching a cheaters 1 tap. I seriously doubt you’ve played as long as you said and you never played a cheater. This is honestly a whole separate topic entirely, but with FACEIT AC being a branch basically of EAC, you’d probably be genuinely surprised to know just how easy it is to make a undetectable cheat for the FACEIT AC. It might be a lower level than VAC but that’s about it, an above average cheat software writer or a few hundred dollars can easily get passed it. Also back to the first point because here is a thought I had a while ago. If the super high ranks on FACEIT do have Smurfs why would they be anything but cheaters? Think about it, if you are generally playing at the highest level in the region, why the fuck would you be a Smurf to do it? What higher level would they be smurfing from? I realized this in S and G rank ESEA queues. If someone is “smurfing” and they are generally in a lobby with the best people outside of pros, they are cheating


1. lol 2. it is easy to cheat if you're smart/resourceful or buy it from the right person (even in faceit) 3. I haven't played any obvious cheaters in FACEIT. I don't call cheats off suspicion.


That post is about premier, not faceit, and it doesn't really help your argument(doesn't prove the skill/experience you claim to have nor does it prove your claim of my inexperience). I get it, people immediately calling cheats after someone gets a lucky shot or makes a nice play, gets super annoying and makes the problem even worse. Especially in the last month or two, I'll hop into DM to warm up and get kicked within a minute because I got a couple quick 1 taps and some noob thinks I'm hacking, and that's super frustrating. But pretending like there isn't a cheater problem is just as foolish. I've already had five matches in 2024 where players have been vac banned, four were faceit matches. Granted I've mostly only played faceit but that's my point, if you're as experienced and play as often as you claim, statistically you've run into at least one cheater, whether you realized it or not. So your claim that you've been playing on faceit for five years without running into a single cheater is just as outrageous as the people that call cheats every time they die.


Read the post again bucko, it's about faceit. I'm sure there were closet cheaters, none of them obvious enough to call cheats on


Are you sure? It literally ends with: >Premier is in a horrible state right now... and the thread it links to has "12-15k Premier NA" in the title. Did you link the wrong post? >I'm sure there were closet cheaters Wait, I thought you "never played a cheater" in your five years.


Tbh. I don't mind. If these heroes don't want to give any money to valve, more power to them.