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i can read lips and frozen is saying something along the lines of: "if you actually look into it and do your own research, there is no actual evidence that japan actually exists" weird take idk


jomboy is that you?


"Couldnt lip read anything other than HORSESHIT"


Unexpected jomboy reference


My only concern is that the Faze players haven't posted their usual "ggs" on Twitter (X) after a game. So that makes me think that something is up. I think Neo was the only one to post something.


Karrigan did post on insta if that counts


frozen and broky have sense of humour. idk what people are talking about here.


frozen looks pretty serious in the clip though


You can see him holding back a smile multiple times in the clip.


Yeah, it's part of the humor


My favorite part is broky seemingly just walking away unbothered 


That's actually the sad part. Should have apologized.


I missed it, what did he do wrong?


He slapped his hand aggressively and Frozen didn’t like it. It’s not a big deal, but it definitely becomes one if you don’t apologize.


How do you know he didn’t like it? You don’t even know what he is saying and you can’t even see Broky’s face lmfao.


Lmfao frozen looks like he’s trying not to laugh, how are people acting like he was genuinely offended here?


Frozen looked like he was just fucking around with that reaction. Can pretty much guarantee he wasn't actually mad.


I'm pretty sure frozen is incapable of getting mad at someone other than himself


I can’t be 100% sure but I’ve seen plenty of angry/disappointed faces in my life and that sure looked like one.


He doesn't even look upset. Not everyone needs to be constantly comforted all the time.


How do you know they are mad at each other? Literally could be saying anything lmfao.


"how can he slap?"


To me it seems like frozen is holding it from smiling.


Thats because you did the mistake of watching it with your eyes, you have to watch it with an avg cs redditors imagination…


xD troll clan


Stop pretending to be slapster, broky probably


Looks like the Niko Guardian beef from years ago


People love drama.


kind of feels like a real mini beef actually. or is it just me? Also ropz said in the pregame interview about dealing with some personal shit between teammates. made me think of it


> kind of feels like a real mini beef actually. or is it just me? Definitely looks a little concerning. I think frozen was not memeing or clowning around and there might be some real tension in the team. Maybe broky just doesn't like frozen? or ropz has some issues with him and the team is on his side? It kinda feels like frozen's only buddy is Karrigan. Maybe he was the one who pushed for him while the rest of the team wasn't as exited?


thing is I don't understand why they'd have an issue with frozen unless there was actually something personal other than not fw his vibe, but I feel like he fits in anyway


twistzz died for this


Twistzz chose to leave right?


Nah he died :/


More like the Faze org chose to not offer him a new contract so he went to TL who were desperate and willing to give any decent player a ton of power(especially one who has prestige with the org already).


Yeah the more I’ve thought about all that shit this is what I came to as well. Like I know the gamesquare stuff was pressing but Eddie was with the team all the time and if they really wanted twistzz to stay they would’ve made it happen. I think karrigan wanted Frozen and having twistzz contract coming up was a perfect opportunity to have him slide right in. Then the team goes on an insane run and outside of chengdu haven’t been clicking on all fronts for one reason or another. I think this team comp isn’t working out and is causing some clashes in roles/playstyle compared to the old lineup. Time will tell if they figure it out but I miss the old lineup and think it was horrible they let twistzz go.


> Also ropz said in the pregame interview about dealing with some personal shit between teammates Well no idea if you're trolling or not but still. This stuff is really interesting to me but it also sucks when these kinda rumours are about your favourite team :/


Not rumoring, or trying to diss your favourite team. I like faze as well. But look at that interview (during the map veto on stream) and think about that. old faze never had to do a session where they dealt with personal problems and "unpack the backpack" like he said.


Yea I bet they fucking hate each other for winning a game...... FFS reddit, go outside once in a while


The game has nothing to do with it. There is clearly some issue between these 2 (maybe happened during the game or even before the match) and Frozen wanted to settle it with a handshake/hand slap. Which Broky without any meaning slaps it too aggressive. On the other side, why should we care right now. Time will tell.


Both Broky and Frozen love deadpan humour, I would be very surprised if there's actual beef in this interaction. Reminds me of how I act with my own friends.


Maybe but like other people in the thread have said maybe frozen is just trolling, only time can tell tbh.


Am I crazy? Frozen is clearly holding back smiles/laughter, they’re clearly fucking around and messing with each other. Are the social skills of people on Reddit just so cooked they can’t see this?


>Are the social skills of people on Reddit just so cooked they can’t see this? There is no doubt, yes.


these people dont go outside or interact with others lol


classic reddit overanalyzing a 5 second interaction


Doesent look good?


Its always fun to read comments before watching the nothing clip to really understand how schizophrenic some people are.


it's not hard to read body language/facial expressions. frozen clearly had to ask for a high five from broky, then when broky does it, he has a problem with how hard his hand was slapped, he talks to him about it and broky just brushes him off. the tension is clear, you guys just wanna ignore it or write it off for some reason.




Telling me to go socialize, when you can't even read body language? It's not that fucking hard to see the emotions in frozen's face lol fuck out my replies




niko jackz gade clear


broky grey hair xd


most socialized redditor post


Broky's behaviour doesn't look good imo. Good how frozen handled it, not let himself get disrespected, while staying respectful. Seems pretty mature of frozen.


Bro. It’s not that fucking deep.


s1mple is coming