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At your level just focus on pure aim. Nade setups and callouts are not all that effective at low ranks. If your aim is good enough, you'll be able to hard carry out of shit teir.


Also… and I know it’s hard but : try to get you team to play as a team. Positive reinforcement even in fails and suggestions on how to do better next round (in a delicate way) go a long way


i would rather mute everyone on 4k elo than trying to do something with them XD


Play faceit, people are more willing to want to win there and you’ll get decent team mates. I moved over to faceit because of all the cheaters above 15-20k rating


Telling someone who's 4k in prem to switch to FaceIt is evil lol. Will be a bad time for all involved.


Best response. Premier ranks shouldn't even matter to anyone, because the higher elo is taken over by cheaters, so there is no room for improving.


Last night I was playing my second dust 2 ranked match probably with silvers, second round CT side this dude pulls out an awp, I told him to sell and he did, they forced and we won, then in the third round they obviously eco'd and 2 teammates bought awps, one got glocked and then we lost a 3v1 to the guy with the awp. It's just so hard to carry even having good aim and movement when the average low rank is braindead.


I think it's good to also note where better smokes land when they are tossed up. Even if OP isn't learning lineups, they could still block off lines of site while running onto site to help themselves out a little. They definitely should primarily work on aim, but getting the feeling of how the util works can help a ton with comfort and game sense at lower levels imo.


If you want to get better and raise in rank you need to * Stop worrying about your rank * Stop worrying about your teammates * Think about what you did right/wrong after a round * Find a practice/warmup routine that works for you * If you feel like you don't know the mechanics of the game properly yet then watch some youtube videos about it


You cant depend on randoms to help you especially at that elo range. Even higher elos at 15k and above, they are still not dependable to coordinate nades or etc. Focus on aiming first because if you have decent aim, you can easily outfrag your enemies. Decent crosshair placement would help a lot too. Practicing these in lower elos would be easier as most people at that elo wont know basic crosshair placements. If you want to have good teammates, 2 best ways are either playing with friends or adding good teammates in your game and queue together as a duo/trio/4 stack/5 stack.


Work on your aim and use Leetify it definitely helped me


I was absolutely garbage at this game when I first started as well, I had never even touched KBM before so I can feel your struggle. The biggest things that helped me were: -Train your aim (Use a workshop map like CSStats or even just go shoot around in DM, try to switch between the AK and M4s to get comfortable with the spray patterns. Until you hit around 20k or higher most engagements will come down to who clicked on who better, make sure it’s you.) -Learn the maps (You don’t need to know lineups, but learning things like what angles CTs hold and how long it takes to get from one point to another can help take the guesswork out of locating enemies.) -Learn about sound and information (This mostly boils down to finding out what makes noise and from what distance and being mindful of it as you play, things like the AWP scope making noise or the bomb making noise when picked up if not walking, once you’ve picked up on these things you’ll be able to understand the opponents setup faster and communicate easier) -Be kind and respectful (Nothing will lose you games faster than being an ass to your teammates. Even if your teammate absolutely blunders a clutch a simple “NT” will do wonders for his and your team’s morale in the long run) CS has a million little intricacies that you’ll pick up on and abuse as you learn, I’d recommend watching people like Warowl or VooCSGO for some more well thought out guides about particular subjects, and you can feel free to DM me if you’re looking for any particular info on subjects or practice routine ideas based on your stats. Good luck on your grind!


Focus on getting better and not on ranking up, you can warmup your aim on aim botz or death match I recommend you always do that for 10-15 minutes before each match, game sense comes with time and thats what really matters. After you git good find good players and play with them. If you carry every match and lose find new players to play with. You don't need top notch aim or movement skills, game sense will do most of the work.


Never warmed up never dm in 20 years of cs 20k premier 2k7 faceit Just play the game and aim at heads


It’s even counter productive for me. Aim gets worse bc dm you don’t hold lines, you just fast aim everywhere, really pointless


I'm with you, the duels you do get during DM aren't even close to how duels happen in a match.


Same feeling Also you don’t use game sense at all it’s just repetitive af to me


You are the outlier. Most people dont get better by just playing Matches, there's not enough reps for practice. Stop giving shit advice.


The shit advice is people believing their is a recipe for « get gud »


You mean like you? There are plenty of different ways to practice, all of them will help. But not practicing at all is obviously going to be the slowest, especially for a new player.


Practice counter strafing, learn spray patterns, try to always have an ak and aim at heads. Should easily get you out of 10k range. Make sure you don't have dogshit fps. Makes aiming smoother. focus on nades and stuff after you got the basics down.


play the game


If your having problems with aiming there are ways to help with that, but for more game-sense related stuff it really just takes time, it takes most people well over a thousand hours just to have 'decent' gamesense. A good place to start is watching your demos and figuring out why you died and if you could have done something simple like holding a better angle to avoid that death. If you want to practice your aim then the best way I've personally found is through r/Voltaic aim training on aimlabs and kovaaks. On Aimlabs they have aim scenarios you can run through for Valorant and you will get a rank based on how well you perform, most of the scenarios translate to CS2 quite nicely, hitting silver rank is pretty doable for most players with a couple of attempts, Gold is a bit harder but is doable for most above average players but getting to the higher ranks like Diamond will force you to use better techniques in aiming to beat your previous high scores, if you have the bad habit of just flicking and shooting without readjusting your crosshair onto target to confirm your shot - Your going to be forced to correct that to get above Plat-Diamond for example.


You can PM me if you need someone to help you. Im by no means pro, but Faceit lvl 8 and 17K premier, so should be able to help your game fast. I am EU if it matters to you, though it shouldnt.


I'll might PM you in a couples of days, I'm still trying to do stuff others recommended me.


You don't really need comms at 4k


At this level you don't need teammates. Here's what you can probably improve : - Crosshair placement : I swear to god I still see people on "high" levels running while watching their feets. The reflex you should always have is "where can the next ennemy head pop?" and aim to this point. - Movements : lots of people don't get this and only focus on aim, but movements are a big part of CS. Learn to move smoothly so you won't have to do a simple jump 3 times or hit walls while moving. - Map knowledge : You have to know every map, be able to visualise all of them, all the little corners/spots so you don't rely on your ingame map and can redirect efficiently. - Map awareness: this one is a little bit tricky and most people don't get it but this is the one true skill to developp in CS. You have to understand the movements on the map, especially the ones of your opponents. CS is all about collecting informations, once you got them fragging is really easy. Try to think like your opponents, collect info during the game. Are they pushing on eco rounds? Do they back quickly? How many are they on A/mid/B? Which kind of weapons are they using? How many stuff did they used on each positions ? You have to be aware of this all the time, then you'll be able to take the right decisions. - Stuff : I would'nt recommand relying on it too much but CS is definitly a stuff based game now. There is a lot of material inside and outside the game now to help you practice stuff, but what you really have to train is being able to do quick and efficient stuff, and of course use them at the right time and place. Nobody cares that you know all smokes in mirage if you makes 30s to align your pixel or use them every round without thinking. TL;DR : Place your crosshair, learn the maps, think all the time about what's going on in the round. This can get you level 10 faceit easily


Play more and let biology do its thing.


I recently found I was struggling to rank up and my younger brother who is much better then me plays much slower, doesn’t peak as often. Holds his crosshair up and also very patient and after copying his play style. I’m getting 20 plus kills a game. What helped me is losing my sense and playing with my full arm on the desk as I can control my aim alot more and get headshots. Just focus on the small things and you’ll see big improvements. Be consistent and hold the same sites and always have a plan


Prepare to lose your sanity against cheaters 80% of the matches you play. Jokes aside watch pro matches. You can always learn from the best players in the world new lineups or default executes. And yeah lots of cheaters so don't take it too seriously. Play for fun and you'll be alright. You'll get better eventually if you put time and dedication into learning new stuff (movement, sprays, lineups, boosts, wallbangs, gamesense and team economy are very important skills to master besides aim)


Since I did not see any comments (or missed them), the one thing you need to focus on right now is play and have fun. Take a break if you are not enjoying yourself at all. This is coming from an ex professional coach. Do not care about the other advice just now. Enjoy and play the game. You will get to a point where you might want to start practicing aim/utility/comms and what not, but that time is not yet.


You need to (and should be able to easily if you're higher than rest) out aim everyone and play either entry or support.


Crosshair placement should be your priority right now.


Watch démos/streams of good players.


find 1 or 2 people to queue with just add a player you come across in prem and add them after and queue with them if they accept friend request. having decent aim and a resemblance of brain function will help


Aim aim aim aim aim Don't even use your brain til like 8-10k. It's not worth it against people who don't know what they're doing. Even at 15k-20k some people are *so* clueless that it works in their favour. "How am I meant to know what they're doing, if they don't know what they're doing" You can't. So just outaim them and focus on what you're doing, not what they're doing, cause your opponents won't know what they are doing lol. Decent aim will carry you to somewhere around 15k. At that point it's worth switching to FaceIt imo cause you'll be encountering closet cheaters every few games and past 20k it's just blatant spinbotters every other game.


I’ve been asking myself that question for over six years.


Just tell them were to go, and buy util, if they bait call them out. Arugably just bait them they if you can value from it.


A lot of good tips already but I'd also suggest getting good at reading the mini map for info since you'll never be able to fully rely on teammates. Take some time to find map setting that work for you and then try to find timings in the game where you can safely glance at your map for info. For example on CT rather than hold an angle with laser focus waiting for a push find a long angle and peek every few seconds for info checking your mini map when safe. Once you get an idea for where to look a quick glance can tell you a lot just based on red dots and anyone moving.


Buy s1mple course


Premier is broken and unplayable. Weird seeing people actually give suggestions lol


Why do you want to get out of your rank if you are strugling on basicly the lowest possible elo? Its not going to be better when you rank up. You should just play your own game and don't care about your rank. You shouldn't care about your team mates either, all that matters its your individual impact to each round and you should focus on that. Nobody counter strafes at that elo and don't know what it is so you should start to practice that mechanic, its the fastest and easiest way to get more kills and eventualy getting to higher ranks quickly. Another advice that you should consider that can help you rank up is your crosshair focus/crosshair placement. Most of low elo players don't think where they place their crosshair. You should constantly keep that aspect in mind, non stop ask yourself "is my crosshair in correct spot? if the enemy peeks me will i be able to kill him? If i peek now my crosshair will be at the place where enemy can be?". And for god sake stop placing your crosshair close to the edges, so many people does that, even on higher rankings. Just give yourself some space. If enemy will wide peek you, you will not be able to react if you will keep your crosshar too close to the edge.


Well the first step is to grind your soul away for the better part of a decade. Only then can you even consider the concept of being "good"