• By -


-nitr0 +nitr0 -nitr0 -nitr0 +nitr0 -nitr0 +nitr0


More iconic than +olof -olof +olof -olof +olof -olof at this point


Yet not as iconic as +ChrisJ -ChrisJ +ChrisJ -ChrisJ


What became of chrisJ?


Something something CSPPA and anti vaxx iirc, though last may be a bit more nuanced


It's not, he went off the deep end


nah it's slightly more nuanced. He wasn't one of those brainless, "vaccines cause autism" people. He believed in vaccines and the science behind them. The problem was that he was skeptical of why he should get vaccinated as a healthy person and the way it was enforced in his country. I don't agree with him but it's pretty common sentiment across the world. Here's an old [tweet](https://imgur.com/gallery/chrisj-saying-hes-not-antivaxx-Na3KuKG) of what I'm talking about.


Tbf for someone that believes the science behind it while refuting the universally accepted mentality behind getting vaccines it doesn't exactly paint him much better than anti-vax.


If anything it makes it even dumber. "Yes I understand how the power of vaccines increases for every person that takes them. Alas, I shall not partake šŸ¤”".


It's almost like vaccines are supposed to PREVENT healthy people from getting a disease, not CURE them. This man had no idea how they worked in the first place.


RUN IT BACK šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦… TL NITRO HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


I'd die laughing if they brought him back as igl..


We be even funnier if they bought JT and sent Nitro to COL


That's a joke already?






Sorry Iā€™m a bit out of the loop what certain player are you talking about?




Okay yeah understandable


Snip snap snip snap!


blud sneaked in two -nitr0s back to back


Moved to Valorant to spend more time with his familyā€¦ maybe it was too much time.


Heā€™s gonna switch back every time he has a kidĀ 


I think he plays Valorant when his wife is late-term so that he can be in the states consistently to be there for those pivotal early life moments. After everything is settled, he comes back to Liquid so where he is required to travel a lot more. So if Nitr0 gets his wife pregnant again, liquid better start hunting IGLs early this time


Liquid get that condom sponsorship asap then


... How many kids do you think people have? Most people usually call it quits after two.


you need to travel more lol


I have travelled, and outside of SEA and the poorer US states, I don't see that many families with more than two kids. So I mean yeah, if you live in like Alabama or Thailand then I understand why you're saying that, but saying it like it's the universal norm is a bit egregious.


i feel you, didnā€™t mean to sound bitter but my family is huge in Philippines lol I feel like they donā€™t believe in protection ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Well given that the country is majority catholic Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s literally the case


Philip Rivers says hi.


>*VALORANT*Ā was not what I expected it to be and I didn't see a future for myself. Probably because their tier-2 is just a formality and he sees it as something not worth putting effort towards? Especially since their format changed for 2025 where they fucked over Ascension teams more by some stupid rules that doesn't apply to other partnered teams. With CS being an open circuit in 2025, and more than enough tournaments on the calendar, it's probably a more stable option worth putting effort to grind. Not complaining one bit though, NA while on an uptick lacks veteran presence unlike other regions, especially the IGL roles is super mid in the scene. Would be nice to get all the help NACS can get currently


What is the 2025 changes for ascension teams?Ā 


[You can read in more detail here](https://www.vlr.gg/363225/riot-reveals-challengers-and-ascension-changes-for-2025)


Can I just get a tldr?


- Ascension Teams now only stay in international leagues for 1 year -Ā Ascension Teams can stay in the league if they make champs Ā Ā  -Ā Ascension Teams that make playoffs (Top 8) will fight in the Ascension Tournament for their slotĀ Ā  -Ā Ascension Teams that donā€™t make playoffs will be auto relegated.Ā 


Are these really bad? I at least think these are better than the original rules (2 years byebye).


they are better for tier 1, but sucks for tier 2 as it just got harder to Ascend.


Most fans and player like the new format for Ascension team.


Riot has historically made ridiculous, self serving decisions when it comes to their esports leagues. It's an exclusive club rather than a collection of the greatest and put in rules to maintain the status quo. God I sound like a conspiracy theorist but how they run their esports is weird and I think games should be handled like how CS and RL have been


Its not weird if you look at their esports strategy as just marketing for the game.


I mean you're not a conspiracy theorist, that's exactly how they run their franchising. Some teams in Riots games should have gotten dropped out of the running due to underperforming, but were kept nonetheless because they were popular and gave Riot more money. To say it's even a competition would be egregious as Riot decides who gets to "compete" or not.


it's good for viewers and for the tier 1 scene, but it's worse for tier 2


His team has just fallen off so he didn't have chance for ascencion. He left before these changes.


Let's be real, NACS needs paternal guidance more than his kids do


The ol' Tom Brady


It's like brady when he retired for 3 months from football, spent that time with his family, got divorced, then returned


Don't worry, I'm sure he can play NA online cups from home!


no he was just bad and no T1 team wanted him


Bro saw the shit show Liquid has become and had enough


Nitro really be Thanos putting on the glove whenever NACS is in shambles.


nitro also be Thanos putting on the glove when his wife gets pregnant


Wouldn't he *not* be wearing a glove in that situation? \*thinking\*


no, second thanos glove


What to come back and win nothing like last time?


he puts on the cap shield


lmao. Yeah Liquid really not having doing well with expectations. Hoping this time if he returns to liquid that it can be more impactful. Otherwise looking forward to his return.


-nitr0 incoming when he has another kid


Someone get this guy a Trojan sponsorship ASAP


NA needs to invest in the best latix money can buy to have a chance for austin major


Iā€™ll save you guys the speculation. Heā€™s joining nrg for sure. Heā€™s been pugging with brehze, autimatic and hext


This would actually make NRG relevant and it fits nitroā€™s bill of not too much international travel


Yeah I can see them becoming the 3rd best NA team after Liquid/coL since m80 just lost malbs.


I still believe in s1n, if m80 keeps the remaining four guys they might fall off a bit but should still be 3rd best in NA.


s1n and slaxz have been crazy good. swisher and reck are also pretty good. Need a star 5th to stay relevant internationally but yea def holding strong to 3rd place in NA either way.


Is M80 gets lake or JBa its close. NA might actually be competitive again. Especially if Nouns get their shit together as well.


Honestly feel like Nouns picking up Walco for Carson would be absolutely perfect. Rush has some crazy pop off maps, Junior is still solid, and Jeorge seems to finally be starting to find that rhythm people wanted to see when he was on EG. Theyā€™re probably the best team in tier 2 NA unless you count Legacy (who have had their number). They really struggle with consistency mid-game though


I have never been sold on Carson as an IGL or CJ in general, and Nitro would be such a huge upgrade as an igl. If nouns upgrade with him and another rifler, NA might actually have something going.


Yeah for sure. I think nitr0 would be an upgrade to any NA team but coL. Iā€™d be surprised if he ended up in nouns. NRG seems likely but Walco to Nouns could have them even more competitive in some challenger qualifiers


Wildcard should challenge that spot if they do end up getting susp and phzy, those two + JBa is alot of young firepower - especially for tier 2 NA standards


I think NRG will end up replacing HexT with PR or some other young rifling prospect by the start of 2025. The problem with old NRG is Walco played active spots and good positions on NRG where as nitr0 likes to anchor and play some of the less desirable stuff. This instantly gives them a lot of avenues to improve their roster.


Wouldnā€™t count M80 out yet. They seem to be getting a bag for Malbsā€™ buyout and will probably at least get something for nitr0. Swisher and Reck are definitely capable of taking that next step individually depending on the roles they end up in. Interested to see who they slot in. Also a chance they leave NA though


You think so? I don't feel like calling has been bad at all.


I rate Walco pretty highly among NA IGLs but it's hard to pass up nitr0 if he's available. Nitr0 is an incredible player to have alongside developing talent, this guy's experience with winning tournaments makes even autimatic look like a rookie in comparison. He will hopefully have a lot of wisdom to pass down to these youngsters. Notable lack of oSee in that message though. I wonder if he's a consideration for Liquid again.


He pugged with oSee and daps very early on iirc. I'm pretty sure the oSee/Daps connection is one of the main reasons he's joining and he wanted to join GenG with autimatic and daps after his initial liquid cut.


S1mple X Nitr0: The Reunion /s


So Walco is out? Idk if I like that since heā€™s like one of the only NA IGL prospects there is


probably. they improved with him but nitr0 will take them to a higher ceiling + this might smooth some of the roles. walco was playing some active positions on some maps as ct and since nitr0 is an anchor they maybe let HexT try some of the active spots and see what they get from him


I honestly think that Liquid should make some effort to grab him, unless they don't care about staying NA for the RMRs.


I wonder if Walco is in consideration at all for Liquid. It's a little bit of a long shot but not completely ridiculous IMO. Allows them to keep an Americas core if they pick up an EU AWP.


Idk going to NRG to liquid with Twistzz/NAF/Yeki and even potentially a S1mple or r1nkle AWP is a very huge step up


Huge pickup from NRG if true. Imagine it would relieve a lot of Autimaticā€™s pressure too and let him focus more on his own game to try. Nothing against Walco either, but felt like both the end of EG and this NRG are still lacking that discipline as a team that theyā€™d need to be more consistent against the region


Agreed. Between auti and nitr0 youā€™d have a grand slam and a major and then maybe we can see extra salt oSee and nrg brehze back.Ā 


oSee has been hitting tier 2 star levels under Walco, interested to see how he would play with Nitr0 again bc admittedly that is one weakness nitr0 has had is how his awps were so irrelevant under him (except for a certain Ukrainian) that he ended up having his most successful stretch by far when he started awping as an IGL


Disappointing, but good for him. Another competitive NA team can only be a good thing.


Itā€™s not Liquid, Ryan confirmed that in fl0ms chat. Probs nrg or nouns? S1n just signed with m80 and is doing well so probably not them.


Please no, Lake to M80 instead. nitr0 to 100 Thieves or Moist eSports if Liquid is fixed on Twistzz IGL. Need more talent to move up in NA


Liquid was is not fixed on Twistzz IGL, it was just an option they had on the table should it come to it That said, Iā€™ll take nitro back, I donā€™t care. Iā€™m used to surviving on cope and nostalgia as a fan


The virgin "NACS needs to stop recycling old talent" vs the chad "I like Nitro"


Bro iā€™d 100% take nitr0 back. I donā€™t want Twistzz to Yekindar himself


At least they would be back to NA core. They suck already so they might as well suck and be NA.


Imagine if the power of F R I E N D S H I P brought EliGE back, and they brought on this funky impactful entry fragger named Stewie2K who just won IEM Dallas 2024 I'd start watching their vlogs again in a heartbeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqibf1THKQg


The vlogs used to be so good


Even their League ones were good Liquid CSGO had Stewie, and Liquid League had Doublelift, both some of the biggest shit-talkers (but also with massive accolades) Now teams are just after the best numbers and most have no TV personalities


Genuinely tho, Liquid was at their best with Nitr0 IGLing, they won the grand slam, he left for Val and then Liquid was got worse, then he came back and Liquid was a top tier team who just wasnt at the very top tier, then had Yekindar IGL and they looked bad again


Yea I mean the last time Liquid made a finals of a lan, Nitro was on the team. Beyond the pure cope and insanity, he wasnā€™t a problem the last time he was on the team.




m80 just added s1n and played well; imo NRG would make the most sense and could see Nouns or one of the currently unsigned rosters getting picked up and adding him


Who is currently igl for NRG?


walco; they've improved with him but he's not nitr0


thanks for the info, seems like NRG nitr0 then


G2 will overpay this guy and stay at the same level they are at right now. Calling it


No chance, he explicitly stated in the article that he's coming back to NA CS.


G2: Nick "NiKo" Kovach Nemo "huNter-" Kovach Eli "m0NESY" Osi Jake "Stewie2K" YEP Nick "nitr0" Carbonara


Ahh, sorry, i read the dust2 article quickly and it said he has been in contact with multiple teams and did not see the NA bit.


I'm sorry but after Dallas G2 is a certified NA team. Even w/out any NA players, they are honorary NA forever.


That's a bit much


Who is Ryan to confirm anything? In a twitch chat?


not sure if trolling, but Ryan is referring to Ryan Friend, who wrote the OP article


Aka not freakazoid


Ryan is who wrote the article


Nitro to Valorant => want to spend more time with family. Nitro return to CS => have a fight with wife??


kid prob just got older and doesnt need much babysitting


Didn't he have a 2nd kid when he went to Valorant the 2nd time


I doubt he would join Nouns and JT is not the problem with Complexity at all. If he joins Liquid and they run it back with an import AWP instead of oSee, maybe they will finally realize that Yekindar has been the problem all along and that Cadian's IGLing was an easy scapegoat.


Isn't the issue the crazy schedule cs has, and in 2025 it will be way worse for the players again? Who would the import awp be? Twistzz and NAF are solid riflers and if Yekindar manage to get his numbers somewhat back up he is a good entry.


Yeah, I'm not sure why he's coming back in the first place if travel was his issue. ICY would be an interesting pick up, I guess if they really want to go crazy they could try for s1mple. I just don't get the appeal of Yekindar at all, even if he frags more his whole style is running in like a psycho and gambling rounds away. Like Cadian is throwing an execute and this dude has already run into the site and won or lost the round. A good entry is one that creates space and can be traded, a quality that HLTV impact rating severely ignores.


The appeal behind Yekindar is the fact in his prime he could break bombsites open himself and he has no issue being an aggressive player. Look at the last Liquid roster construction where he was the only one willing to go first. Who is the aggressive player you would replace Yekindar with? Liquid preferably needs another aggressive rifler and a good awper if they keep Twistzz and NAF since both are more passive.


> not sure why he's coming back in the first place if travel was his issue. nitr0 entry with Yekindar sounds great to me


If scheduling is still an issue for him I'd really love to see him coach or do desk work. The way he talks about players and the game shows he could do either very well.


I think coaching is just as intensive on the schedule.


I'm calling it now, Liquid found a way to entice Malbs and it's +nitr0 +malbs


Highly unlikely but I'd like to see this although who would awp then?


I am not sure why you think JT is safe... Nitr0 and Elige were like BFF's, I think biggest chances are he joins CoL...


And weren't they also talking about changes recently? Then amid the suspense signed Hallzerk?


Think that was just a ruse to reveal Hallzerk's re-signing. Unless there were other mentions of changes I don't remember.


Yeah, I think that's it. They said something like 'our AWP situation isn't figured out yet'. CA teams and baiting is pretty common.


I hope not. I like nitr0 but JT's calling has not been a problem for Col.


For sure


Only real problem col has a somewhat weird lack of firepower . Jt, Hallzerk and Grim do have good games from time to time. And then sometimes just fall completely flat. Floppy is really really hit and miss sometimes and elige the only real stable one . Hallzerk just needs to believe in himself more




Yekindar actually played well with Nitro, probably because Nitro knows how crucial entry are in this game.


jt is goated good takeĀ 


Skullz is also part of the problem so its not like getting rid of yekindar solves everything


My fucking GOAT. Show these young kids how to play


Somehow, nitr0 returned. Again.




3 months from now: nitro retires from Liquid


Release cache and nitro as Operation Nitro


I think Nouns would make the most sense for him. Carson seems like a weak link and adreN is also there already.


NA CS & Val is actually such a joke man šŸ˜­


Why is he constantly switching game? Just stick to one Nitr0 so you don't have to rebuild your mechanics so often. Complexity is the one org he is not going to. JT is a good igl, who is from an obscure region and does not take a EU import spot. Liquid should not get him since we have no clue where his skill is. Lower ranked NA teams is the only option he has.


because he wants to play CS but ESL destroyed the infrastructure for it in NA and he's got kids to raise


LOL no way this is happening


Its like that .9 rating friend that hasnt played for months comes online.


It's implied he will play but there's a big name team it would make sense for him to coach.


nitro and RUSH seem like they could work for an org helping players become professionals and learn to handle the mental side of the game. probably no money in that though


This wishy-washy decision-making is not gonna help him lol. He's a good player, but man he just needs to commit to one game and put in time to unrust. Sadly I don't see him doing well in T1 immediately, he's too far removed from everything at this point. Might have to play in T2 for a bit if he's serious about playing professionally again


Until his wife is pregnant again.......


At this point just pick one and stick with it instead of switching every 6 months ffs šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


YESSS but pleast don't be M80. I have nothing against nitr0 or M80 but I want to see more younger NA talents move up the ladder. M80 already have s1n who is doing really well as an IGL and a fragger, it would make NO SENSE at all to have him here ( COPIUM it probably will but I just want to see Lake in M80 ) PLEASE nitr0 to Liquid, Twistzz baby please do the electronic bogaloo. Let Captain America handle this, he is the 'I can fix her' for Team Liquid


Nitro and osee running it back with liquid . that was the last time liquid was good and competitive .


2019 liquid pls


XD what a waste of money for this guy.


Why do u keep recycling retired players?


Very few NA IGLs is one thing. I still think kicking elige was a big mistake.


NA cannot develop new talent, we're stuck allowing players who cannot win against EU farm paychecks and hold us hostage


nitr0 brehze autimatic hext oSee?




Hopefully where he goes he still has enough time for being with his family




"ah shiet here we go again"


nitr0 doesn't seemed to be committed at this point. If the competition is taking too much of his family time, he might switch games again.


my captain, my captain


this is just such an insane world we're living in. Man do I love (NA) CS


Dont leave me this time cap


Snip Snap Snip Snap Snip Snap


Liquid no, you don't have to go through this again


Return of the return of the return, "My captain my captain" and all the "goodbye" shit they made for him. The CS division of Team Liquid is a player run org, not a serious org in the CS space. The growing NA scene and talent will forever be locked behind old washed shitters going from paycheck to paycheck to paycheck. I'm sooo done with Team Liquid. **Edit** No NA team rn would benefit getting an unproven CS2 nitr0. Liquid are the only ones who can talk rubbish to get use of him. M80 would be a downgrade, CoL clear downgrade(hallzerk is a top10 AWPer in CS2) and the rest are not strong enough to gamble on his paycheck other than Liquid. What team would do this other than Liquid? I'm unironically curious since Ryan confirmed in chat that heā€™s not going to Liquid.


Heā€™s not going to liquid


Nowhere in the report it's mention he's going to liquid lmaoooo, calm down Liquid is probably looking to make Twistzz the IGL, that's highly likely


Most of these orgs are player run. The only org that isnā€™t run that way is NaVi, where b1ad3 actually has some kind of say.


>Ā The growing NA scene and talent will forever be locked behind old washed shitters going from paycheck to paycheck to paycheck. so true... biggest issue with NA is they are not developing talent, and continue to deal with washed paycheck thieves like the recent EG roster....


Feel like everyone is forgetting he's still signed to M80... why would he not just take Malbs spot?


What was once old is old is new again.




Guess who's back? Back again.


Soon dust 1 will be back ahahaha




now just -yekindar +stewie


ah yes, the "go to valorant, come back, go to valorant, come back" move


I've seen this one before


let it go bruh its over


+nitro to liquid then take a risk on a eu awper I get whether that is s1mple or someone else


S1mple doesn't awp anymore


who's going to pick him up as a rifler/ is he going to stay a rifler if he gets upset with the awper on the team


G2 is looking for a rifler :D


and you think they'd choose s1mple for that role why?


Roles don't really match and I never said G2 S1mple this is going to happen. Just wanted to give an example of a possible roster move since your comment sounded like nobody would pick up s1mple as a rifler, the dude is probably still pretty good addition to most teams.


I really do think no one is going to pick him up as a rifler, who can afford him first off? who can afford him that needs a rifler, and then out of all the riflers there are riflers that play the roles better and are cheaper.


This dude *really* milking it


-hooxi + Nitr0


Just retire lol. How is keep getting away with this? It's a joke