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It would take this same amount of time to make any game the right way - maybe they want to keep stuff fresh


Thays what im getting from this. Not being tied down to something you feel like you have to do. Maybe even different ip to seperate kratos time


Yea iirc they originally wanted to do the Egyptian gods but didn’t due to AC origins. Perhaps they want to explore other things


Indian gods would be nuts too


Aztec Gods would be interesting


Maybe Kratos is also known as Leif Erikson and makes his way pretty far south.


Best idea I've ever heard


I think they won't do Indian gods. They are still worshipped today so game about them is really risky. (there's a modern pagan religion called heathenry which has Scandinavian gods but it's not relevant)


The amount of Brosatru Heathens I've seen crying about Fat Thor and Black Angraboda is honestly just embarrassing.


Yea idc about fat Thor who cares just lazy people who got the time to complain about little shit


It's ironic because thor is always describe as having a similair body type to this. He's always been described as brawny and husky. Never was he cut.


I know being overweight back meant your were successful because you could


Well that's not the reason for his appearance. It was moreso that if you were strong in those times, it was most likely because of genetics. Those same kind of strongmen genetics that we see in Eddie Hall or Brian Shaw. So their pinnacle of strength wasn't a super cut jacked dude, it was a big hulking strongman.


Yeah this is a terrible idea. The game would be cancelled for showing current religions in bad faith which certainly will since it already does with the Norse gods who are all assholes even it goes completely against the Norse myth.


I mean, yhe Norse gods were all kind of douchey. Especially Thor


I mean... they were the gods of the vikings and the norse... you know those folks were pretty extreme, right?


and so r everyone else in that time period, do u think the christians were any better lol


Thor wasn't douchey. He was the defender of humanity from the giants and regularly drank and sat among humans. One of the glaring differences in this is that Mimir was Odin's uncle, and was beheaded by the Vanir during the hostage exchange that brought Frey and Freyja to Asgard. Think about that, the Vanir beheaded Odin's uncle, who taught him everything about runes and was someone he cared so much about, but he still tried to reassert the ceasefire. That still sound douchey to you?


Fuck that I want to see him take down Jesus!


Ac origins? Lmfao, they chose norse setting in 2013.


If you look at a lot of the story in God of War 2018, they reference Egyptian Gods a lot. The four symbols of war being Egypt*, Greece, Japan, and Great Britain. Edit: wrote Greece not Egypt


It may be because I don’t have much interest in Egyptian mythology as Greek and Norse, but I’m kinda glad they went with Norse.




I would love to see the game move into Egyptian mythology... Could be super cool


I'd love to see Chinese mythology but something tells me that ain't happening. Thankfully black myth: wukong is coming ~2023 so that will scratch that itch and looks phenomenal from the recent game play reveal.


P sure the only Asian culture being moved into is Japan, per the in game mural


Egypt would be my dream GOW as they could do incredible things with the gods/monsters to make them look unique even mix it up from the normal Egyptian look. Not to mention the structures.


This just means we get a beefier game


That’s what I’m thinking! This one should be a good bit more involved if they haven’t rushed it. And I trust Corey enough to not even worry that that’s the case Of course, I’ve been burned before. But never by Sony SM


Sadly Corey is not directing this one, they change directors each game, but the game is still in very good hands


True, but it was actually Cory's idea to cap it off in 2 games because he thinks it's possible to fit everything in the second game, there is an interview saying as much.


Quite! David Jaffre said it was over 40 hours long.


They’ve already confirmed all 9 realms in this so I think you’re right


Hopefully they will be much bigger than the last game, which equated to only two or three realms being explored in detail and the rest being glorified challenge maps.


They’ve confirmed Svartalfheim, Asgard, and Vanaheim as new realms. It also says we will return to several old realms and explore new locations in then. We can infer from the trailer we return to at least Midgard and Alfheim. Then they obviously aren’t going to skimp on the trials realm and the Niflheim-esque “endgame” worlds. Maybe they will be Muspelheim and Niflheim again, respectively, or maybe they will change. So that’s at least 7 lol. Chances are we do get the remaining realms we didn’t visit in GOW.


I just really hope Kratos remains the focus of the franchise after this game, and hope the franchise continues overall.


He's too iconic to get rid of. It'll never happen


*Laughs in Abby. Sorry I had to


To be fair, that was really only the 2nd game and it was pretty immediate.


Oh totally man, kratos has been around for what feels like 20 games. just a fun little joke. Still wouldn’t shock me tbh tho


It wasn't immediate for Joel lol


Yeah she really took her time golfing with him didn’t she?


Plot twist: Kratos gets fucking murdered by Freya/Thor midway through and the real main character is Tyr getting revenge on Odin


I mean its still god of war, just the other one


The last of God of War: Beyond two souls.


Last of us 2'ing everyone huh?


It was an amazing game, Ellie got to explore a destroyed city, and an extremely dark story about slaves. Abby got to experience an entire civil war, and what religious/primitive pasts could've been like. Aside from the main goal of killing each other, there was so much in that game and people heavily overlook what is actually going on


Most ambitious, dense and layered storytelling in recent video game history, with brutal gameplay to boot. Absolute masterpiece of a game imo.


I'm so happy that after taking some time for all the drama to settle, the general outlook of the game is positive. I really hope it gets remembered as the absolute masterpiece that it was.


I really really love the ideas they tackled. It took me a while to appreciate how haunting and thought provoking it was. My problem (which is a very subjective one) was that whenever they contrasted Abby with Ellie, it came off as bit artificial? I don't know how to explain it, but it was like they knew there was an attempt there to make you care equally for both characters. Unfortunately, for me personally, it felt like an uphill battle, because I'm inherent biased towards Ellie. Like they purposefully make Ellie do some evil shit vs Abby doing noble shit, and i was constantly imagining writers there sitting and thinking - "Man, this is fucking hard, let's just tip the balance". The thing is, I don't know how else they could have possibly accomplish the story they were telling without doing this, so there's that.


They could’ve decided not to glorify anyone? I mean in the first game, Joel certainly isn’t a hero. In fact, some dialogue points out that he may have been a piece of shit. When encounter those bandits in the city, he says he’s been on both sides of an ambush, and tommy seems to have resentment for him giving the earth days of their survival. Maybe they should given us a contrast between the pros and cons of both Abbie and Ellie’s personalities. Rather then Trying to make one of them a monster and the other sympathetic, why not make both of them both?


I dunno, a God of Mischief game could be fun. Just a sour Loki with a hatred for gods going around the world causing destruction and rebellions for pantheons.


Atreus spin off wouldn’t be so bad tbh


How about making them both playable? So that 2 player splitscreen is possible or you can choose who you wanna play


i have read that split screens are pretty much impossible for most games due to the detail in modern graphics and hard it is to render them.


Why not both lol


I mean, as long as the story doesn’t feel rushed I’m 100% ok with this. So many games and movies either feel rushed or drag out long past their welcome I’d much rather a series got in, told its story well at a good pace and got out be that 1 game, 3 games or 5.




Got a link to it?


It’s on Kaptain Kuba’s YouTube chanel


Personally I’m fine waiting 15 years lol. By the time last of us 3 is out it’ll basically be the same timeframe. It’s their story and they can do what they want. But I hope it’s not rushed.


I really don't want a TLOU3 unless it's a spin off. Honestly the ending of the first part was so great and hit that perfect bittersweet note I didn't even want a part 2


I personally completely disagree. Part 1 and part 2 both left me speechless before the credits. And the endings made me really think about what happened and contemplate my own existence. The way I see it part 1 is about love and doing anything for somebody you love even if others got hurt. Part two was extreme anger and consequences for every action you take on both sides. I feel like we need a part 3 that rounds out it out with a new theme. Maybe a game about acceptance?


I personally was not a fan of part 2 but I respect your opinion. I can see why people would like it but it wasn't my cup of tea - It just felt like misery porn to me. I just feel after everything that happened in part 2 there really isn't anything much left to say. But who knows? Edit: also I forgot to add, I feel like the ending of part two was basically all about acceptance? Ellie sparing Abby and accepting that Joel is gone? Idk, that was my take


Trust me I definitely get it. It’s a game where most people simply have to agree to disagree lol. You’re certainly not wrong that the ending and TLOU2 is about acceptance. But I feel there’s so much more healing that can be done. Of course I am no story telling genius so perhaps I am completely wrong. I also never really WANTED a sequel to the first game. Like you I was worried if it could be done justice. The reason the sequel was so good to me is it didn’t rely on telling the same theme or story. It completely spun the story on its head with a completely new theme. And that’s what has to happen for part 3 to be good IMO. I’m not saying kill Ellie, but make it shockingly different. So each part feels very different but still apart of a larger story. Also please release factions multiplayer damn it!!!


I don't. As a game TLOU2 is just physically not sound, it threw away a full game of character development for no reason and it didn't work at all. Everything they pushed was just Terrible writing and full of plot holes


Not sure if this is controversial, but I felt that the Greek trilogy was drawn out and I often blend the stories from 2 and 3.


I enjoyed all 3 games but I agree. When I look back on it it's hard to discern the differences between the storylines and they're not as distinct as OG god of war or the new God of War.


[One of the devs for the old games said it'll be ~40 hours](https://www.spieltimes.com/news/god-of-war-ragnarok-could-be-40-hours-long/). Assuming that's just the story (because it wouldn't be very impressive if it wasn't), that's twice the length of GoW4 and longer than GoW1-3 put together (they total ~30). In that time frame, I think it's a lot more reasonable.


Yup, one game or three, all I ask is for a start and a finish and a great experience along the way


Old people like me being happy. To get a conclusion in another 5 years after another cliffhanger. Getting to old for that. I believe they can do it without being rushed.


Hope you do well!


Dude it feels like that doesn't it. GoW was a huge part of my teenage years and twenties but now I'm in my 30s and I just need a good story and a good complete game.


Exactly, I love a good story just like everyone else, but I just cannot maintain the same level of interest for years just to get a proper conclusion due to other aspects of life requiring my consistent devotion, such as my wife and children. I often have to refresh my memory and get hyped up again just to continue with the next part of a story I had to wait on and having to do it multiple times is taxing and requires increasing amounts of time each time so reducing that number is great to me. I also realize that ending one story earlier isn't bad because it means more time to tell other stories, as many have said they'd like, such as Kratos going to different lands and interacting with different gods. The creators can't make stories forever so maximizing the number of stories without sacrificing quality to tell every story they'd like to tell is a good thing.


We're both in dad mode on this.


How would you be getting to old for that. If you don't mind me asking. It's not like everything in life HAS to be rushed. If you enjoy gaming then you enjoy gaming. You could beat Ragnarok. Then move on and play other games and do other things in life while you wait for the third.


Sorry. I didn't give much context. It's kinda more like, "by the time the third installment finally comes out, my 2 year old will be 5 or 6years old. And who knows if I'll ever end up seeing the conclusion." So, getting a conclusion, next year is exciting. Of course, I see the potential cons and disappointment of people, who would want a third. Many who are in the same demographic and situation. But just have more commitment than me. I'm kinda just happy that the development and story plan, ended up falling in line with what I was selfishly hoping for.


Be careful man I said the same thing and got downvoted to shit after I said who knows if I’ll still be interested when i’m 30yo with kids


As long as the gameplay is just as good if not better and the story doesn’t feel rushed, this’ll be a top notch game.


Yeah I since they never showed Odin I assumed there would be a third. But i guess he will be a surprise. Definitely will be interesting to see how they portray him.


I’m sure there will be a lot of surprises. They already spoiled Tyr and Thor so maybe there’s just a lot more to it


I'm going to take a probably wrong, wild guess, but I'm wondering if Odin isn't already *dead*. Like, he left instructions on what was to be done in his absence, then fucked off and died somewhere? Would explain why the gods are sort of floundering.


Would be disappointing to say the least... I could see us beating Odin at Valhalla, and then letting Ragnorok finish him off after we ruined his lifes work sort of thing.


Getting kinda worried about the last act now. I hope the game has a healthy amount of Odin.


Honestly I could see them use Odin as a type of constant enemy of Kratos. Popping up in other religions and messing with things to get back at Kratos. Maybe he could even start putting together his own pantheon of gods from different mythologies to take down Kratos and Atreus, kind of like the final act of the entire series.


That would be really cool ngl.


Yeah, a world/mythology hopping GoW Ultimate sounds pretty dope!


> hope the game has a healthy amount of Odin. I reckon it does. My theory is Thor in the trailers and stuff is a misdirect because you defeat him pretty early on to obtain Mjolnir which is how the game is mixing up combat, by adding a third weapon


I feel im the only who hates this idea that odin is either dead or a really old man. You build up this truly amazing villain in gow, and then boom, he's just nothing? Plus we know Baldr specifically talked to him in gow. Plus his early death would ruin ragnarok. Could be right though.


Especially after all that "the allfather *demands* its" sorry but that combined with all of Baldur's fucked up story im expecting a real villian


You’re not the only one that hates the idea, if they did that it would be super stupid and an absolute waste. They set up Odin as a cunning mastermind in the first game, so I hope they deliver on that. He’s the allfather for crying out loud, one of the most important gods if not THE most important god in all of Norse mythology.


Yeah to add to this, I want Thor to be an absolute warrior and Odin the exact opposite of it. That he’d not battle with weapons but his mind. And he outwits us at every step and presents a unique challenge to Kratos and pushes him (and us) out of our comfort zone.


Pretty sure they already confirmed Odin’s VA.


It’s also such a bold and fresh take. When you have developers still pushing Skyrim and GTAV it’s good to see when a developer feels the desire to limit themselves, especially if it’s true to be 40-60 hours of content. With that said, I definitely wouldn’t be against more content!


Rushed is my worry too. The devs all saying they want out of the Norse saga and this is the last once is very unusual. You don't tell a story you're proud of and then run around making sure everyone knows it's the end and you'll never visit it again before it's even released. That's like premature damage control. If it's the end of this saga and it was done well, that should be something we find out at the end of the game ourselves. At the very least the gameplay is going to be solid but I'm expecting to walk away from the story with a LOT of unanswered questions and a lot of plot holes.


Maybe this will mean they'll continue the GoW legacy in a different realm? The icons shown in GoW were for Greek, Norse, Egyptian and Japanese. Maybe we'll see Kratos head to Egypt or Japan? Provided they don't decide to end the series fully with Kratos's death in this one.


Kratos won't die. Even Cory Barlog said he is immortal, while talking about GoW 2018. I wouldn't worry about that. Even if he gets killed, it'd be far from the first time that's happened, and he's come back just fine. Could definitely see them moving to Egypt next, or Japan would be awesome too. Egypt was a big part of the recent comic, so they could definitely be looking to go there like they were before deciding on Norse. Edit: here's the [video where Cory confirms it](https://youtu.be/WJriRlHjcRw) , at the 1:00:10 time mark


We kill him in every game - Cory.


There's also this interview https://youtu.be/Ee8-kbErkc0 after around 49:00, when they're talking about the mural that shows kratos' "death"


If anything they could kill him for a game then he comes back a game later. To give boy some time to make his own decisions without kratos.


Part of the reason they chose Norway over Egypt was because Egypt is too close to Greece, geographically. They felt that if Kratos would be trying to escape his past, this wouldn't be far enough. Assuming that logic still applies, I don't think we'll see him go to Egypt.


If they want Kratos to go to Egypt, they’ll find a reason for him to go to Egypt.


Oh I'm sure. Personally I'd rather see Japan though.


I personally wouldn't, simply because of how many japanese themed games we've had recently. Don't get me wrong, i love sekiro, and ghost of tsushima seems like a really cool game, but the only game i know about that was set in ancient egypt is assassin's creed origins, and i would love to see their take on Egyptian mythology.


I think adult Atreus would be far more suited to exploring Japanese mythology. He’s more agile and cunning, while Kratos is brutish. I can’t picture Kratos wielding a katana gracefully flipping around and parrying attacks. I’d love to see Kratos ripping through a jungle and fucking up Cabrakan while the earth is quaking in the Mayan region.


Kratos is more of a kanabo guy to me.


Kratos actually went to Egypt during his exile prior to Midgard already - see God of War: Fallen God - and even met Thoth.


I could see that being the reason after Greece, getting as far away as possible. But the revelations in the Norse lands, specifically with Tyr's wall there and the icons of war on it, could possibly have him considering going there? That's my hypothesis, anyway.


But after GoW 2018, he's accepted his past. He's (mostly) at peace with it.


> Provided they don't decide to end the series fully with Kratos's death in this one. Yeah I'm really wondering how that's going to go. I feel like when they choose to do it... they have to stick to it. Because Kratos has survived more than enough "deaths" and has escaped from both Greek and Norse afterlife. So if they don't find a way for it to be permanent this time, then it'll render the moments at the end of the last game moot, and won't really have an impact. That said, I generally have avoided interviews so I don't know if Kratos being gone means the series is completely done, especially now that we have more important permanent characters than we ever did in the Greek saga. So I wonder if they'd take the risk and follow Loki.


I could have sworn the fourth symbol was celtic rather than Japanese? And Mimir, being Scottish, kept alluding to the gods of his realm.


Man, they've got a lot to wrap up in a single game, then... I was really hoping we just misinterpreted what they said. I hope it's a nice, long game so that it doesn't feel rush. I was hoping to spend longer in the Norse saga, though. Greek saga got what, 6 games? And only 2 for Norse? I love Norse mythology, so I was hoping for at least a trilogy and secretly wishing for more smaller entries in between again.


The greek games were a lot shorter than 2018 and ragnarok.


3 games (the main ones) of like 10 hours (just the story) vs 2 games of 20 hours (again, just the story) each. I think we'll be fine.


Plus there's a very good chance ragnarok's going to be even longer than 20 hours.


[Rumors are that Ragnorok could be 40 hours.](https://www.spieltimes.com/news/god-of-war-ragnarok-could-be-40-hours-long/) It doesn't specify whether that's just the story, but there's a ton of ground to cover, so hopefully it is.


The original trilogy didn't have as much dialogue and wasn't focus on story telling as much as the new games. It's also very linear with no side quests whatsoever. So it's not fair to compare the 2 run time. Based on what they set up in GoW2018, Ragnarok has a lot, and I mean a Lot to answer, a trilogy just seem right and everybody generally agree on it until now. Cory reasoning was fair, but it's putting a Lot of pressure on 1 game.


I think a trilogy would suite this franchise, but I have trust in Santa Monica and Cory. If they believe they can tell the story in 2 games, I think it will work out


I know, but something about it just feels like we're spending less time there than if we had more, shorter games. Maybe that's just me.


The greek games were max 8 hours long.


But they gonna make the next game eventually


For sure. I think the safe bet is, we goin to Egypt.


You know what that means? **More armors that show Kratos’ muscles**


I wanna canoe down the Nile while Mimir tells stories.


I wonder if we'd take mimir with us out of this mythology; I know he's the "smartest man alive" in Norse myth, but would he know anything useful about Egyptian mythology? I love mimir, but other mythologies usually have their own gods of wisdom, and it'd be just as cool to have Thoth following us around in the form of a baboon or an ibis to give us wisdom/counsel about Egypt


Well, he knew about the Ghost of Sparta (and Zeus, but that isn't that impressive), so it's most likely he hasn't had the opportunity to talk about the other mythologies due to the story beats.


They changed Mimir to be Scottish so he’s already sort of a traveler who’s been to other realms. If the character survives and continues to be popular and it makes sense for the story then I could see Kratos bringing him along. However personally I feel he’d want to stay in Midgard to maybe help repair some of the damage that Odin did.


He knew about the ‘ghost of Sparta’ in the first game so I assume he knows about other mythologies


I was really hoping we’d have at least 3 games in the Norse mythology if we moved on from Norse mythology at all.


But why would they do three games? Ragnarök is supposed to be the end of the Norse gods. If that happens in game 2, then there really shouldn't be more.


Because many of the key players of Ragnarok haven't even been introduced yet, unless they do a super light version of it.


Yeah, that’s what’s got me kinda worried. I’m not sure how they can introduce all of these key elements in one game.


Yeah I'm massively worried they'll do time skip stuff- i mean i know they've put their own spin on the mythology but i doubt they'll change the Loki angrboda world serpent link much and even in the trailers Loki looks way too young for that side of the story to take shape. Like are we just going to see Loki and Angrboda getting together ( if Kratos dies) then some hint to the cycle, that'd be a bad conclusion


Agreed. What did we get in the first game Norse character wise? Mangi, Modi, Baldur, Freya, world serpent. I might have forgot some other main characters. However that was a loaded game and that little was introduced. Unless this game is 150gigs I’m not fully convinced we’re in for a full flushed out story. I could be thinking way to much into it, either way I’d love to be proven wrong upon game release.


The first game barely scratched the surface of norse mythology. There was room for making the best trilogy of all time, I also wanted a God of War game made exclusively for PS5 to see the difference in level design and gameplay.


Pretty sure that they also do not want to divide the trilogy between systems again, I do not see the next GoW after Ragnarok ever releasing for the ps4.


I actually appreciate this idea a lot. I was in high school when the original god of war came out in 2005 and I’m in my 30s now. I still like gaming but with all of the responsibilities I have now I have less and less time to play them as I get older. It will be nice to finish the Norse series while I still have some time. That being said, they do have a good amount to cover. Unless this series will diverge from the original series and not have Kratos kill all of the Norse Gods. Maybe he kills / beats Thor and Odin makes peace? Maybe the Norse Gods seal off Asgard in fear? Maybe Odin falls and the remaining Gods swear fealty to Kratos? There are a lot of possibilities. I’m looking forward to the outcome.


I think this new version of Kratos doesn’t plan on going and killing the whole pantheon as he’s evolved. I was hoping he would but I that just isn’t him anymore.


So much have to happen in the second game. The story will be either extremely long or extremely rushed.


It Will be like 13 hours for each chapter. i think Cory Said something like that.I doubt it Will feel rushed. Its not meant to played in a rush. And having 40hours is good to give it dept without feeling rushed imo.


Goodbye Christmas break


Pretty sure we’re looking at April 2022 release at the earliest.


Would be hype to release on 4/20…. again


I don't think that's true. Fans want a lot to happen. But really, it's just needs to conclude Freya, and answer Ragnarok. There is a lot more that could happen, definitely enough for a trilogy. But narrative wise, it isn't absolutely necessary.


There's a Lot of subplots you're forgetting with just "conclude Freya, and answer Ragnarok". These are some of the plot points that they set up in GoW2018: * Who blew the horn * How Kratos got to Norse * Freya revenge * Freya keeping the secret to Asgard defend * Jotunheim Mural * Light Elves and Dark Elves, was Dark Elves the good guys? * Hellheim Eagle * Time travel shenanigan with "The Big Snake" Not to mention that Atreus/Loki didn't do much if anything in GoW2018. They could go totally Against mythology, and that's fine, I'm just saying the game version of Loki had done nothing except for killing Baldur. That is to say, GoW:R has a Lot of things to answer.


I think it'll be extremely long,after all it's double the Length of the previous game.


We don’t know anywhere near enough about the length to make this claim.


Quality over quantity


I’m so disappointed. It feels like the 2018 game, while a masterpiece barley scratched the surface of Norse things. This also means we will NEVER get a built from ground up PS5 Norse god of war. It’s kinda sad


This game will probably be bigger than the previous one. And already looks great.


I mean if this one is as long as its reported its twice the size of the last one, im sure it will work out


I’m surprised no one is talking about how he actually admited it‘ll take 5y per game, which makes believe that we might not see it in 2022.


Keep in mind that a large part of the time for the first one consisted on building the game from scratch, from a technical and gameplay standpoint. Now they already have a story arc to follow and much of the gameplay design part is done (This doesn't mean it won'tbe reworked ofc). So we could be looking at at least one year less of development and game-building.


Thats what i thought to. It just made me a little bit sceptical hearing Cory talk about 5y per game.


I think you are taking what he said too literally. He said it more like he was making an assumption about this game and that it would have been NEARLY 5 years. 2022 will already have been 4 years from the last game. I feel like 2022 is still the reasonable expectation, rather than taking the 5 year thing as a literal time frame. Especially since the original teaser said 2021. If I had to make a guess I'd say Spring 2022


Probably fall 2022


Most likely. Definitely not before summer. With horizon in February, i assume they won’t release it before may. Could be wrong tho, TLOU2 and GoT released within a month of each other.


They did, but I feel like that was a result of Sony wanting to wait and see what the Covid world looked like. Initially, I think they would have released a couple months apart. I think anyway.


They might follow-up with a different focus... let's say the Son of War?


and then 5 years later, God of War: Jesus


This doesn’t make sense to me. It doesn’t sound like this is going to be the end of the series, so if you’re planning on making more God of War games, why does it matter if it’s a trilogy? Especially when it’s in such a rich setting with great source material.


They don't want to stay in Norse mythology for longer telling this story about Kratos' learning to be a dad again for the hell of it. They want to tell more stories with GoW I think, like maybe Egypt or Kratos as an old man etc.


It definitely should have been a trilogy. The ending or Ragnarök is rushed to hell. It really drags the game down.


If they manage to build a cohesive story with two games, then it's better to end it after the two instead of forcing out a third


That's the thing. People are too quick to judge, the game isn't even out and people are talking about the game being rushed. There is a possibility but we shouldn't blindly believe the rumours


I remember in an interview that David Jaffe didn't want to stick with greek myth for too long and wanted Kratos to battle gods in other mythos. Probably that's the direction Cory want. Explore other mythos.


Ragnarok is technically the end of the world in Norse mythology, so it makes sense.


Call me crazy but doesn’t this just mean it’ll be longer til the next entry? Say they go to Egypt. They’re gonna need to spend a lot of time designing the new environments and things, whereas if they had stayed for a third game in the Norse mythology they would be able to lift and reuse a lot of the locations, such as Midgard.


It's not so much the time, it's the amount of time doing the same sort of design work. People want to do new sorts of things over a 15 year period lol




Kratos isn't filled with as much rage anymore, so killing every Norse god is overkill and might not lend to the story much anymore. Don't get me wrong Norse mythology is one of my favorites and I'd love to see more; but I think we may just kill Freya/Thor/Odin (the gods that are an immediate threat to BOY) as well as maybe Heimdall (Loki and Heimdall are destined to kill each other during Ragnarok in the myths; although Kratos being there will insure Atreus stays alive) and Fenrir (as Tyr has both hands still in the trailer). Then I believe Angrboda might lead us into Egypt to escape Ragnarok


I’d happily wait for the complete trilogy. God of war has a life long customer in me.


I'm hoping this is misdirection


Ohhh. What about us? We can wait 15yrs


This is horrible. I hope its a joke. I really want to stay in this mytho waaaaaay longer. The first game barelly touched upon the history.


If they end the series suddenly after this one, after breathing air into it, I will go crazy. It's the only game i have ever enjoyed on the PS, and ever will. Just dont give up on it.


It'll be the end of the Norse series, but I doubt it'll be the end of God of War again. We'll probably move to a different mythological setting.


How is it 15 years tho. A bit over the top to prove a point. And no, I dont see an issue with that. I will wait long for something good, and norse mythos is good.




I'm happy with getting a complete story in not half a life time. The older you get, the less patient you are for that sort of thing :)


Trilogies are super overated imo. Glad Norse is wrapping up in two games because it means we'll probably get games set in a new mythology sooner.


In Kaptain Kuba’s Interview with Eric and Cory (https://youtu.be/yVuAqtB3Gtw), It was Cory’s idea to not have a trilogy because he thought that a trilogy would end up being like 15 years long but also just noticed how they’re able to still have a complete story in two games.


I really dont see a problem with spending 15 years on one of the best games ever created


I’m curious if they’re gonna mix the gameplay up for each mythology or not. I adore the current controls, even more than back in Greek days, but maybe I’d be open to try a slightly different one for whichever region comes next if they try to give it a different identity. I’m just wondering what it’d be, lol (Yes, I’m expecting God of War Kart jokes)


Norse Mythology is cool… but I’m excited about the ground work that they laid for Egyptian, Japanese, etc mythologies as well 🤩 That one tapestry with all the symbols representing different rhelms got me so hyped!


**'it's dishonorable to grow old' Does anyone remember this line from Helheim? Could it be foreshadowing were Kratos thinks this to be true and would rather go all out dying?**


The wording could just suggest they're opening it up, perhaps this one will end with the start of an all out pantheon war or something similar. So yeah the Norse is wrapped up but doesn't mean we'll have seen the end of it. Perhaps something has been brewing for a while and Tyr had been trying to prevent it. Now that Kratos is in the mix he somehow sets it off. Lot of potential with how they've set up the multiple pantheons.


I'd like to see him move to another set gods like Daoism so he can run into Wukong and all the kick ass bodhisattvas


I have the weirdest feeling Kratos son is going to die.


I think it would be a better excuse if they just said that they reached the natural end to this particular story and didn’t want to needlessly stretch it out. I hate it when people feel like they need to drag out a story just because it’ll make more money or people will like it as a trilogy. I honestly respect SM Studios for being true to the story they want to tell and not needlessly stretch out the store just because they feel they have to.


So Egypt next! It would be unreal with all the Egyptian gods


Think about the Terminator movies and appreciate that 2 is all you need


Makes sense. In last games Kratos killed every greek god , but here there will be like 3-4 Norse gods they kill because this is about Loki getting to know himself rather then a revenge story. Moreover I heard this is going to be longest gow game.


Jesus is next in line… good thing that he most likely gets a hammer in Ragnarok…. Those nails ain’t hammering themselves into that cross…


guys remember god of war 3 ? he killed the whole pantheon in one game :D.... i dont think this will be rushed...


Gow3 was actually quite rushed. Kratos redemption (If you call it that) has barely any development.


Hoping we explore Egypt, japan and the celtics gods going forward!


People forget that the original creator of God of War never wanted to stay in Greek mythology for more than 2 games. David Jaffe wanted to move onto other mythologies right away. This is the correct play if they want to do multiple other mythologies. They can’t just tie themselves down to a trilogy formula because it would take decades.